DrumBeat: September 1, 2006
Posted by threadbot on September 1, 2006 - 9:12am
[Update by Leanan on 09/01/06 at 9:16 AM EDT]
United States faces bigger worries than ‘hot’ fuel
We’ve all heard the term “peak oil” but “net exports” are an even graver oil market fundamental. Current statistics (not projections) indicate global oil exports are falling three to four times faster than oil production, which is down 1.3 percent since the start of the year.
Preparing for a Crash: Nuts and Bolts
This essay is intended to address the serious “peaknik,” that is to say a person who accepts as axiomatic that Peak Oil will occur and that the consequences will be devastating for most of the world’s Homo sapiens sapiens. As one of these people, I am often frustrated by the lack of practical suggestions for what to do to survive the Peak and the Crash.
Nigerian Oil Workers Declare 'Warning Strike'
Nigerian oil unions have declared a three-day 'warning strike' to protest worsening violence and kidnapping of workers in the Niger Delta. The unions are demanding steps to improve the situation or they may withdraw their members from the region, indefinitely.
Eni declares force majeure on Nigeria oil field
Italy's Eni declared a force majeure on 50,000 barrels of crude lost at its Brass River oil field in Nigeria after a sabatoage attack late last month damaged its pipelines, a company official said on Friday.
The Curse of Natural Resources
Many countries with enormous reserves of oil, gas or precious metals, are plagued with disproportionate poverty, corruption and mismanagement. Would the people in Nigeria, Congo or Russia be better off without their natural gifts?
Unlike Germany, the world's largest wind-power generator, Japan lacks the national grid needed to iron out supply fluctuations from wind projects.
Gulf Oil Discovery Lifts Hopes for New Geological Play
A deepwater discovery reported Thursday underscores the growing importance of a geological formation in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico that's only recently become accessible to crude oil and natural gas producers.
'Probably the demand (from solar companies) is twice the current supply,' he said.This imbalance makes prices high, and is part of the reason photovoltaic solar energy, which converts sunlight into electricity by chemical reaction, must be heavily subsidized to compete with the price of electricity from fossil fuels.
The wrong road to fuels of the future
Not sure if it has been discussed (I can barely keep up with what day it is lately), but here is an excerpt:
I know the feeling. There is so much reading from the previous day's drumbeat alone when I come in the office in the morning that my work gets sloppy. Nothing like "pulling up a chair, grabbing a cold one, and watch".
BTW, there was an article on the energybulletin the other day arguing that the Soviet Union dissolved because of PO. That is a totally different argument then what you quote. And I have read many other reasons too.
But when you think of actually building the whole infrastructure, I dont think it's worth it.
But anyway, us (like in very well educated us) know that it's not the solution. For the layman, I think they feel it is. So this Idea will keep up until 2 things happen :
I have to admit that I was surprised at how confused people got over this issue. A small percentage didn't seem to get it, no matter how many different ways we tried to explain it. But Michael Wang did ultimately write back to me and agree with my premise. I am trying to decide whether to post one more essay on our last exchange. It is a matter of me explaining why it is important that we get it right - the consequence of failure will be huge in a Peak Oil world. In his response, he agreed that I am correct about the efficiency argument, but says we have to look at other things. I told him that I agree that this is not the full sum of the debate; I was just addressing 1 false claim that is often repeated.
But, my next essay is going to be a guest essay from a very well-connected (politically) person who is supporting California's Prop 87. It is essentially a rebuttal to some Prop 87 essays that I wrote. I think it should generate some interesting discussion, especially from people who are sick of hearing about ethanol. I have the essay, but I will probably wait until early next week to post it.
If organized opponents of Prop 87 could find someone extremely knowledgable about the problems with ethanol and highly credible, it might help them stop the proposal. If you do get involved, you may find yourself the subject of a smear campaign. At least, they will paint you as the stooge of the oil industry. You no doubt know this. Good luck, and watch your back.
To my understanding, this means that more btus are needed for max. temp and optimum combustion thus efficiency of gasoline as a motor fuel then ethanol.
And if that's the case, could engines not be specifically designed to run on E100 thus overcoming a large portion of the BTU deficiencies you oft mention?
The second issue is obviously the more difficult design change. A modern engine can probably change its fuel/air ratio with a simple parametric tweak to its software.
I think the most important is the compression ratio. Increasing the compression ratio has been shown to improve gas mileage of E85 vehicles. Instead of a 25% drop in fuel efficiency, they only have a 15% or so drop.
I'd think we'd want to know the conversion efficiency from chemcial potential energy to practical kinetic energy.
What's the story with Cilion? San Jose Merc News (Business section) today says they can be profitable with corn based ethanol production even if oil drops to $40/barrel. Have you covered Cilion before?
Everyone looks to France beacuse it has almost 80% of its electricity coming from nukes, as a result of strategic public policies.
I'll bet that the Danish government is behind their wind power development.
The "solution" presented by Steve Chapman is pure government planning, of the same kind he's rejecting. [ironic]How does the government know that fossil fuel are bad? The market are asking for more, how is it that taxes are needed to foster alternative energies? Let the market decide how and when and leave it to its own. [/ironic]
And how is it that USA has become the biggest energy consumer in the world? How come those wasteful SUVs in the first place? Maybe through the "market". People want SUVs let them have them!
So what's the answer? IMHO markets AND governments. Maybe through taxes on fossil fuels, maybe through direct investing (as France did with nuclear energy).
You might lose that bet !
Only indirectly is the Danish Gov't behind their remarkable wind industry.
But, part of the argument still holds. How does the Danish government know that "Wind is better". Why is it "distorting" market signals to provide "fertile ground"? The Danish government HAS diverted resources from some part of their economy to another place, probably a different one the market would have chosen.
How is subsidizing wind energy different from subsidizing corn ethanol?
What the government (the public) should subsidize in our society is a pretty fundamental expression of our values I suppose. We should ask this question honestly in a broader sense.
We seem to value mobility, in fact we have become dependent on being mobile in order to survive - in this way we are like the nomadic people, except that we return to the same bed every night. Is it possible that we will every come back to seeing the value in living in place, without he need for so much mobility? If that happened, I think then the questions over what the public should subsidize would change quite a bit.
Are we dependent on independence? What a conundrum!
('Conundrum' - this could be Canada's Oil Drum!)
As far as valuing mobility. I don't really dispute that, but it makes me think about how much we seem to strive for 'safe isolation' .. gated communities, soundproof cars, personal entertainment systems, .. there is a lot of great comradery in our culture, too, but I think of the millions of people sitting together or apart, and all watching TV. When I was a little kid, I wasn't allowed to watch TV until my folks realized it was all the other kids in the carpool were talking about, and my brother and I were miserable outsiders..
Well for the direct answer, subsidizing Wind, I contend, is one, wise direction to move our energy resources towards. There is a great return, simple proven technology, and the likelihood of a long future for this abundant resource, without serious downsides like soil depletion, increased water dependency and need for signifigant inputs like NG or Oil to produce it.
From another side, many see the benefits of wind without the helping hand of a gov't grant, so it could be it'll move forward fine without it.. that is, unless it needs it just to Compete with other subsidies like Corn, Ethanol, life-supports for GM and Exxon and the Contras.. See how Amtrak's subsidy could hardly be expected to armwrestle with The Auto Industry's favors, sweetheart deals in Saudi, the Highway system and the Airports..
Who's grant buried Grant in Grant's tomb?
Bob Fiske
Apart from point 4 (The national grid was encouraged to take wind power, even when additional lines were required.) this doesn't look like a subsidy, rather, facilitation of the "market rules" (point 1), removing red tape (point 3) and having a general incentive to carbon free energy (point 2) NOT specifically wind.
And this last may even have covered the costs of point 4 at least in part.
While subsidizing corn ethanol means gobs of money, even more so for subsidizing nuclear.
probably a different one the market would have chosen
Does this means you assume that "the market" choose wisely?
The market actually "choose" SUVs!
In my opinion the important choice is not what alt-energy you fund, but: do you fund just research, or also production?
I'd say fund a broad array of research, but stay out of production funding. That messes up the market and prevents us from knowing what is working.
"The Market", as you refer to this construct anthromorphicly, is composed of advertisers (aka persuaders, mind manipulators). They are the ones who "mess" with our minds and thus determine what "works" in the market place (albeit to a limited extent) and what doesn't. Ultimately, the things that "work" are those that pander to the irrational, child like desires of the masses.
Do I have a solution?
Sorry, no.
That is why I revisit TOD so often.
I keep hoping some of the way smarter people here will offer insights.
But ah, you got an alternative other than central planning?
Did the "free market" build our road network? I always found the case of Thomas Paine Bridge Designer, not revolutionist writer, to be very instructive.
Unfortunately I could not find a source for the exact amounts envolved but I could guess they are in the billions.
And another one:
However, market mechanisms and Social Democrats don't mix.
Basic supply and demand. It's the same reason that wee-hours off-peak rates are low and afternoon rates are high.
Whereas the current situation is that utilities are selling off very expensive peak power at a loss, and subsidizing it with far higher-than-cost rates on cheap off-peak power, wind power, etc.
If you want people to invest in the infrastructure required to shift demand to periods of surplus (wee-hours or high winds, either way) you have to make it pay for them to do so.
My understanding is that at absolute zero, there's effectively little loss, and the power could be stored indefinitely until needed. This would seem to answer the problem of the erratic nature of wind power generation.
Flavius Aetius
My guess is that this would be work out to be a very expensive way of storing energy.
This is always the problem with energy, there are no lack of clever ideas for storing energy or converting it from one form to another. However, unlike manufactured goods which gain value by having more work done on them energy loses value the more you do to it. This is what makes oil such a miracle fuel. It is has extremely high energy density, it takes very little effort to get it (most of the time), you can carry it and store it in a bucket and you get the energy out by putting a match to it.
Other ideas for storing energy are pumping water uphill to a higher level reservoir and then running that water downhill through a turbine to retrieve the energy. High tech fly wheels can store energy. Splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen so that they can be recombined later in a fuel cell is another. There is also talk of solar power generators in which a large collection of mirrors focus sunlight on an absorber which becomes very hot. This heat is transferred to a pool of molten salt. This pool of salt is used to heat a fluid to drive a turbine and generate electricity. This way the periodic inputs of solar power are converted to electricity available on demand.
We can take it one step further by lisiting the storage techniques more abstractly as:
Click on picture for article on magnetic superconducting storage
For more on energy storage concepts, try here:

And which "homo" did I attack?
provides with a lot of interesting background about this
I've asked Georg Nehls from the german Bioconsult-SH about this. The company serves for environmental expertise in the coastal environment.
Dr. Nehls told me that the danish wind parks are being installed as scheduled, however he spoke of two, not three.
He supposed the information about cancelling those wind parks was probably "old".
His company did not furnish an opinion about the danish wind parks, btw ..
So- the 'information' on aweo.org seems to be old, at best ..
Good bet. Here's an article about it:
On a tiny island off the Danish coast, life after oil is working out just fine
It seems obvious to me that flexibility is more important than ideology. The Soviet Union was too inflexible.
The U.S., OTOH, incorporated socialist elements when necessary.
In some rare cases, like solar or wind power, I think the answer is clear (more is better), so government should use technology-specific subsidies to promote growth of those sources. But in most other cases, like vehicle efficiency, the government should avoid "picking winners"; instead they should increase CAFE standards and offer tax breaks based purely on a vehicle's MPG, and let the car companies and consumers figure out how best to get those lower numbers.
In short, the people can use public policy to guide and accelerate the market changes we want.
except for this model, units built on Tuesdays, all cars in Alaska, or by those who gave money to "X's" PAC.
This shouldn't be hard to accomplish. It requires only a modest amount of integrity to enact a fair standard, which reflects the broad social direction, and is applied without exception across all sellers and purchasers.
Why can't we do this???
The straightforward answer (though not exactly easy) is to find other ways to help the car companies, like subsidizing their health care costs, or taking over their pensioners. In the long run this would be much cheaper, and much better for the car companies, who are gradually losing their light truck market due to gas prices.
We're afraid because it's the last thing actually "made" in America and even that is really not true anymore (parts from Mexico, China, Japan; assembled in Mexico; etc.)
We lose the US Auto companies and what else does the world want to import from us...perhaps mercenary services and military weaponry...we seem to excel at that.
they have had ample DECADES to come up with something...you can only protect so much..look at all the other manufacturing that has left the US. they have been plying thier protectionist political trade for years.
I feel sorry for the rank and file as they are getting the shorter end of the stick, though thier union wages are killing the price competitive part.
But we aren't Amercia, are we?
For instance, Japanese companies don't have to pay for health insurance in Japan, for current workers or retirees. Whether that's Japanese corporate welfare, or bad US public policy, it's not a level playing field.
I believe that there are some other such differences.
Now the difference is the classic newcomer (with lower pension obligations) advanatage, as well as more favorable labor deals.
I epxect that the "Japanese" will continue to expand their build in America system, but will be forever unable to acquire American companies because they have the union/pension obligations. If Detroit can't negotiate itself down to the same deal Japan has in American plants, I don't see much hope.
Japanese companies most certainly do pay for their employees' health insurance--not for all of it, mind you, but they do make a not insignificant contribution. Is this less than GM pays on average per employee? Surely, yes. But they do pay.
So this 2% contribution is essentially identical to the 1.45% Medicare contribution made by US companies?
So beyond this healthcare insurance premiums have no counterpart in Japan?
I'd say that qualifies as a non-level playing field.
Also, do Japanese companies pay the equivalent of Social Security taxes of 7.45% (not including employee contribution)?
You sound like you're complaining about a somewhat socialist government (Japan) providing unfair support for its businesses... But who said that the world is a level playing field, or that life is fair? The idea that people and companies should start out from a position of equality (that they should receive according to their needs!) is a socialist/Marxist one.
And in any case, are you seriously arguing that American corporations, operating comfortably from their resource-rich base in the most powerful and economically advanced country in the world, propsering in one of the most favorable regulatory environments in all of American history, are suffering from structural disadvantages that undermine their international competitiveness?
Interesting. My impression was the Japanese companies had a more favorable regulatory/tax environment than American companies, but I don't have data either. It will be interesting to be on the lookout for evidence either way.
"You sound like you're complaining about a somewhat socialist government (Japan) providing unfair support for its businesses... But who said that the world is a level playing field, or that life is fair?"
I'm arguing from the point of view of economic efficiency, and good public policy. It's not
efficient for companies to lay people off in one country, and transfer capital to another to hire there, when the only difference is arbitrary regulatory preferences. It's also mighty painful for the people who lose their jobs.
"The idea that people and companies should start out from a position of equality (that they should receive according to their needs!) is a socialist/Marxist one. "
No, it's just a sensible position. As I discussed above, why have people tearing up manufacturing in one country and moving it to another to take advantage of arbitrary tax and regulatory differences?
Further, we started the discussion here on a question of public policy - should we institute a carbon/gas tax? One of the major obstacles to a such a sensible idea is that it would hurt american car companies. As a practical matter, it would be a good idea to appease car companies in order to get the tax passed. So, the question arises, is giving the car companies something in return for a higher CAFE, or a new tax, a bad idea? Well, if the car companies are indeed handicapped by regulatory/tax differences, then it is not unreasonable to give them something and the whole gordian knot is resolved.
Of course, if not then we have to decide how hard we're willing to hold our noses in order to bribe the car companies (and their employees).
If it weren't efficient, I question if the companies would be doing it. It seems the process of shifting production is the very essence of buiding efficiency by lowering costs. It certainly is painful for the people who lose their jobs, but I wonder if the solution doesn't have more to do with building social systems for educating and retraining workers to give them new opportunities than it does with keeping their failing employers afloat with some form of subsidy.
In any case, I agree that the important thing is to get some kind of carbon or gas tax passed, and soon. So if what you suggest would do the trick, I'm definitely for it. At this point addressing our overuse of oil and all the environmental damage that goes along with it has to be the absolute and overriding priority.
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Well, companies respond to whatever incentives are out there, whether they're tax/regulatory, or more basic financial ones. That said, I suppose there's no question that lower wages are the main draw.
"It seems the process of shifting production is the very essence of buiding efficiency by lowering costs. "
I wouldn't describe cutting wages as building efficiency. I would describe building efficiency as raising worker productivity - doing something in fewer hours. Cutting wages, not so much.
When you cut wages by hiring someone cheaper you usually reduce productivity, because the new person is less well trained and experienced, possibly less well educated. The lower wages have to more than compensate for the lower productivity to make the switch worth it. Sometimes it isn't, as some manufacturers have discovered to their regret. Probably usually it is, but efficiency can't be described as going up - all you can say is that costs are lower.
The lower costs come from the middle class, and go to the poor and the rich. Is that an improvement? I don't know. It's certainly hard on the middle class person who is now, literally, on the street: unemployment in Detroit is now over 30%, and laidoff assembly workers are going to have a very hard time getting even minimum wage jobs.
"I wonder if the solution doesn't have more to do with building social systems"
They'll help a bit, but they can never begin to replace the good jobs that are being lost.
" keeping their failing employers afloat with some form of subsidy"
Well, that was my original point. If overseas employers are getting implicit subsidies (by say, being able to pollute, or using child labor, or not paying for healthcare, or getting artificially low cost loans from government controlled lenders) then helping a company here may be appropriate, rather than corporate welfare.
"I agree that the important thing is to get some kind of carbon or gas tax passed, and soon."
Yeah, I agree.
Average household debt
United States: $71,500
(No figure for Japan)
Average household savings
United States: $4,201
Japan: $45,118
Trade balance
United States: -$113,240 million
Japan: +$77,110 million
Current account balance
United States: -$105,900 million
Japan: +$56,783 million
Investment as percentage of GDP:
United States: 17.1%
Japan: 30.6%
Average CEO's pay as multiple of average worker
United States: 17.5
Japan: 11.6
Size of middle class
United States: 53.7%
Japan: 90.0%
Deaths of malnutrition (per million)
United States: 20
Japan: 3
Healthcare expenditures as percentage of GDP
United States: 13.4%
Japan: 6.8%
Average paid maternity leave (1991)
United States: 0
Japan: 14 weeks
Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)
United States: 10.4
Japan: 5.0
Teen pregnancies per 1,000 teenagers
United States: 98.0
Japan: 10.5
Prisoners (per 1,000 people)
United States: 4.2
Japan: 0.4
Murder rate (per 100,000 people)
United States: 8.40
Japan: 1.20
Rape (per 100,000 people)
United States: 37.20
Japan: 1.40
Armed robbery (per 100,000 people)
United States: 221
Japan: 1
Energy units of oil burned annually
United States: 791.5
Japan: 234.3
Carbon dioxide released per person per year
United States: 5.8 tons
Japan: 2.2
Debris inhaled per person per year
United States: 81 pounds
Japan: 2
Percentage of all paper and cardboard recycled
United States: 8.4
Japan: 54.5
Source: http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/8Comparison.htm
They save way too much. That's one of the principal subsidies of Japanese companies, this very cheap source of capital.
The average Japanese is not all that happy. Their birth rate has plummeted because young women are educated and working, and refuse to live with an oppressive mother-in-law and an overworking, never-there salary-man, and live in tiny homes with no privacy.
As a country they can invest more because their military is limited to about 1% of GDP, thus freeing up enormous engineering resources for better things. This was not voluntary, but imposed by military occupation post WWII. It certainly has turned out to be a good idea, and I wish the US would move further in that direction, but it wasn't their idea.
Could we learn some specicic things from the Japanese? Sure. But I'm not sure if there's any larger lessons to be learned from them. I don't think they're tuned into a fundamentally better way of living. I certainly don't think their export driven system is a model we could follow: we would need another country to export to. I certainly think it would be a good idea for the US to greatly reduce it's balance of trade problem, though I think the best way of doing that is dramatically reducing oil imports...which brings us back to where we started.
I'd love it if the US followed Europe on a curve to lower population, even if that meant slower growth (by the GDP metric).
Absolutely. What you just described is one of the best-case scenarios.
The problem is immigration, and demographic momentum: Mexico is still exporting it's poor to us, and there's still a baby boom echo, which has to grow up.
If we want to reduce population growth we need to push Mexico to improve it's educational system, and open up it's economy so young ambitious Mexicans don't have to come to the US to open up their landscaping companies....or wash our dishes.
There's still the baby boom echo that has to finish, and I'm not sure that would be done by 10 years from now. Plus, life expectancy continues to rise (meaning death rates continue to fall), so there will probably be a very small increase for a while.
I suspect that in about 20 years the fertility rate would fall enough below the replacement rate to offset the falling death rates, and you'd have ZPG.
As for learning from the Japanese, I agree with everything you just said. I lived there for eight years, and you're dead on right. What we can do is not so much learn from the Japanese, but examine what other forms a modern industrial or post-industrial society might take. Europe provides (in my view) a more interesting object lesson than Japan, but we were talking about Japan, so I threw that out there.
Yeah, we've been pretty short sighted to ignore our oil imports. Carter started a very good plan, and succeeding presidents undermined it. If automotive CAFE had continued a gradual rise (even if it had been very gradual), and the truck loophole had been very gradually closed, Detroit (and the US) would be in much better shape now.
"As for learning from the Japanese, I agree with everything you just said. I lived there for eight years, and you're dead on right."
Thanks for your gracious reply. It's very nice to have constructive discussions.
"Europe provides (in my view) a more interesting object lesson than Japan"
Yeah, they're doing a pretty good job of planning for a transition to renewables. I have to like to say that I like their humane approach to an industrial transition, though it's certainly far from perfect, with it's very high unemployment.
A carbon and/or polution taxes fit exactly in this approach. On the encouraging side the revenues from it could go for subsidies/credits for startup (R&D,initial investments) on the alternative technologies. Now how exactly they are going to be separated is the tricky question, but if there is a will we could come up with some market based schema.
Bingo. Make the fossil fuels less competitive with alternatives by increasing their cost, while at the same time encouraging conservation. Then, you don't favor one of the alternatives over another. They are allowed to compete against one another on an equal footing.
Just look at butanol. It appears to be superior to ethanol, can be grown from corn, gets better gas mileage, but doesn't have the benefit of the ethanol subsidies. Because legislators have picked ethanol as the winner, this is the situation we have.
Tax fuel.
Add a federal "energy independance tax" on imported fossil fuels at $1/gallon of gas plus $0.25/gallon additional every year.
Add a federal "depletion tax" on fuel that looks like it may be depleted this century - uranium, fossil fuels, etc.
Add a federal "carbon tax" on co2-emitting fuels at the equivelent of 50 cents per the amount of co2 emitted from a gallon of gas.
Do all this at the producer level, where it's quite difficult to hide things.
Bam - we have a system which directs capitalism to solve the problems of a peak oil-aware world. Conservation begins to happen. Public transport gets built. We have a floor for corporate worst-case estimates of oil price, in comparison to alternatives. Right now all biofuels investors have to go up against the possibility that we'll plunge back to $15/gallon oil at anytime in the next 20 years and they'll go bankrupt.
Let all that money be pushed into top-down projects, with an eye for catching anything with the least bit of potential (does it really matter if we spend an extra 10 million on living expenses for 100 cold fusion / zero point energy people, if 990 million gets in the pockets of things that could work?). But shore it up with a much greater amount of corporate, state, and local expenditure, on projects pulled into being by demand created by artificially high fuel prices.
It creates some major problems - a significant recession, a much more regressive tax structure, and globalization putting our production in the hands of other nations. But the alternative, with the intelligence of the current government, appears to be to plow a few billion into ethanol for the sake of a few farming town's ballot boxes, dig a few thousand more coal mines, and bomb brown people in the hope that they'll give us oil, while oil companies get exponentially greater profits as the nation whithers.
These can be prevented by recycling the revenues in progressive ways, say by increasing the income tax exemptions.
Lou, this is correct--IF, and only if, governance processes are working as they should. When industry lobbyists have a huge role in drafting legislation, they work hard to game the system.
Examples: SUV's were re-classified as "light trucks," which exempts them from key safety, economy, and emissions standards. Synfuels have been a bad joke, and the recent energy bill falls a tad short.
Public policy will shape market solutions only if companies find it easier to work on creating solutions, rather than subverting public policy.
He said "This makes no sense. Congress is using the tax code to generate artificial demand for inefficient vehicles in the automobile marketplace," said Markey, who introduced the bill aimed at eliminating both tax breaks for SUVs.
I sure hope this passes. Perhaps since our US automakers are going bankrupt they are losing their lobbying power as well, so it can pass. This law has done a great deal of damage to our average mileage, and vehicle sizes in this country for too many years.
And, Markey can be another politician to add to our energy "good" list.
Incidentally, the guest essay I will be posting early next week on Prop 87 was written by someone who used to work for Markey.
Below is my energy-aware political dream team (representatives from both parties):
1 - Roscoe Bartlett (R - Maryland)
2 - Richard Lugar (R - Indiana)
3 - Tom Udall (D-New Mexico)
4 - Edward Markey (D - Massachusetts)
5 - Al Gore (Ex-presidential candidate & inventor of the Internet)
Let's keep them coming...we need more members.
BTW...if any of these senators are reading this, I highly recommend you dump your respective parties to form a new Independent party.
May I suggest the title POP (Peak Oil Party). You could even make it GO-POP (Grand Old Peak Oil Party) if would make the ex-Republicans more comfortable.
If I were to see such rebellion and forward thinking, I would then stop holding my vote hostage and give it up for the worthy cause.
Who's with me???? AHHHHHARRHHGGG!! (Oh my God...I'm being possessed by Howard Dean).
By the way...where the hell has Nader been lately.
I'd probably add John McCain for opposing ethanol long ago.
Include the Senator from Arizona? Ya or Nay?
Yes. I'm surprised how many readers here think government is interested in "doing right" by what they consider sensible standards, like health, safety, general welfare, the environment, even "justice". Google
and ponder that. The political system is merely another part of the game, essential if the corpo wants to maximize profits and dump costs. Best done on poor blacks overseas - they don't even count - but poor blacks here will do; they hardly count. The whole neoliberal mindset that the free market will solve everything is a large source of the corruption. What's the first thing a good neoliberal does? Game the system with lobbyists. Free market of many sellers and many buyers, free and willing with good information? Smoke that until you are stupid. Government regulates the system, enforces the rules. So the corpos buy the system and define how the "free market" gets "regulated".Iraq is no joke, NOLA is no joke, US prison complex, hell, there might not even be any missiles in the silos in the ABM system - it doesn't matter - the profit is there because the system is rigged. It doesn't have to work, better if it does not! Is it reassuring that empty silos are better than silos with missles? Hurts the head. Failure is more profitable than success because the corpos get to sell the same crap over again. And charge to clean up. Responsibility? Spare me.
Citizens and communities need to reassert control over the corpos. If Verizon or Exxon breaks the law, the states should revoke their right to operate, break up and sell their assets to community trusts. Chavez is right; that is the people of VZ's oil. That article in today's list that says "oh, how terrible that poor blacks get oil - they don't know what to do with it", what bullshit. They know and I bet Nigeria (after the revolution) stops selling oil shortly. Smart move to recognize it is their oil and their right - their necessity, it strikes me. They better buy a bomb or two from Iran if they want to stay independent.
Public policy will not shape the market until citizens take responsiblity for their economies and reassert citizen control over the market, resources and production.
Do my grandchildren have "standing" against Exxon for Valdez? I would suggest that they do. And that the waters and wildlife does too. Exxon has exceeded its share of the oxygen and should have been broken up years ago. Instead, they continue to destroy our planet. That's how our system works.cfm in Gray, ME
Think ISP, north but still in Maine. Rock On.
Obviously the US govt has lost the mandate of heaven.
First you say the government should avoid picking winners and then you say the government should declare CAFE as the winner to our energy needs.
and let the car companies and consumers figure out how best to get those lower numbers
Why is driving a 40 MPG car 20,000 miles per year more desireable than driving a 20 MPG car only 5000 miles per year?
Because you get to go to more places and take more stuff from there to there?
the government should avoid "picking winners"; instead they should increase CAFE standards and offer tax breaks based purely on a vehicle's MPG
First you say the government should avoid picking winners and then you say the government should declare CAFE as the winner to our energy needs.
I think that we ought to abandon CAFE and instead have a transfer fee & rebate, taxing low efficiency vehicles and paying buyers of high efficiency vehicles. Trucks and cars are not distinguished.
The reason to support this rather than a fuel tax is that poorer people can't buy a new car and higher fuel taxes will make things much worse for them without any increase in income. People who buy new cars are a small fraction of the population, i.e. the wealthy, and they can afford to drive low efficiency vehicles for a few years and then sell them. As a smaller fraction of society accures more and more of the income, this problem will get worse.
The rest of society has to get used cars, the previous new-cars buyers cars. If the pool of efficient vehicles available is high then that's good.
There is no substitute for a physically superior and more efficient vehicle fleet which isn't involuntary pain.
Reducing driving also helps---but it would help with high efficiency vehicles too.
Also, by working with a vendor-average the CAFE plan is less direct than a straight "freebate." With the freebate system Honda gets a benefit from having a higher fleet average MPG than Ford. If they are just both working to satisfy CAFE (and make it under the bar somehow), it is revenue neutral. Ford is not penalized for having a higher fleet MPG than Honda as long as it is CAFE legal.
The more efficient the better for whatever use.
Corn has a vastly higher energy return when burned for space heating than when processed into a liquid fuel prior to combustion.
Miscanthus, a perennial grass, has a high energy content, close to that of hard woods. It also requires few inputs for growth. It does not appear to be as well adapted to North America as switchgrass. Switchgrass is native to much of this continent and if memory serves, miscanthus is African. Miscanthus may be suitable to areas not conducive to switchgrass. Research is ongoing.
Using grasses as 'energy crops' (bizarrely excluding food from the meaning of this term), other than sugar cane, to produce liquid fuel will under all known conditions be uneconomic as long as there is demand for food and demand for solid fuel for space/water heating and even electricity generation. The tiny, if not negative, energy return from the grass based liquid fuel (excepting sugarcane based ethanol) falls too far short of the significant return from the grass based solid fuel. Transportation is indeed desirable. But not nearly so important as avoiding death by starvation or hypothermia.
But why even grow corn for a solid fuel when switchgrass is available and this latter requires fewer inputs, is drought resistant and can be grown on marginal agriculture land over much of North America. The answer to this question is that corn is more suitable for pellet stoves designed to accomodate wood, because of a lower ash content. A new generation of pellet stoves changes this equasion, though the current higher price of these advanced stoves remains a factor in the continued use of corn as a solid fuel.
No, it's from Asia. Miscanthus is "Chinese Reed".
There is a (very short - 'stub'-) article on the english wikipedia, a very exhaustive one on the german wikipedia which says, Miscanthus is very problematic from the ecological view. And it has a low bulk density, so it's not good for long distant transporting.
Peak oil is a liquid fuels crisis not a space heating/electrical one, thus the idea of converting biomass->electricity as opposed to LTFs seems rather shortsighted while biomass->space heating (essentially fireplaces) is also a step backwards IMHO.
North Americans literally float adrift in a sea of abundant energy for heating and lighting purposes, conservation and acceptance of societal adjustments on how and when we work/play could no doubt rectify many of our capacity problems.
I'll give you but one example:
In Japan, the lights in city offices (even at city hall) are often dimmed or turned out on every floor during the lunch hour.
You cannot possibly imagine how refreshing and smart an experience this is and yet for some reason we in North America would never dream of doing such a thing.
Pride, I think. It might sound almost Kremlin Face-saving of us, but I think we in the US have a sense that anything like dimming lights, especially in City Hall, would be some sort of concession, would be allowing our puffed-out chests to come back down to normal, human size again. Cheney's line about our lifestyle not being negotiable goes very deep, and I think on both sides of the aisle..
Like Vonnegut said.. 'Life is High School'..
I don't get the sense that you would be as tormented in a German High School (Gymnasium) for being one of the smart kids, but it was a definite taboo here. I was a Prep-school kid, and I felt this distinctly in a very smart and positive institution. Our history leaves us with a huge set of issues about 'doing the smart thing', or doing a compassionate thing.. which leaves us in exactly this kind of dilemma. It's very hard to let go of that brass ring, once you've grabbed onto it.
I think our pride is, in some respects, so fragile, that we would just die to think that we were being laughed at because we 'backed down'..
-present company partially excepted, of course..
It sure would be nice if the folks who think that way would hurry up and die, then. Wouldn't solve the overshoot but it would help.
And then there are future CEO types who work through lunch even when they don't have to...
Whereas American capitalism has created obscene inequalities (e.g. 46 million US residents without health cover) relative poverty for low level workers with a static minimum wage well below everywhere in Western Europe. Salaries for corporate boards and Wall Street have lost all contact with reality while ordinary workers are loaded with debt. Additionnaly the US consumes 25% of the world gasoline output with only 3% of world reserves. Your society is destroying the planet via Global Warming and your President refuses to sign up for even Kyoto because it would reduce the competitiveness of the US economy.
I think for every US resident your survival plans should include immigration.
OK. Can you pull some strings and get me into your country?
Now, not all of us can marry a Dane ha ha. It takes a LOT of money to leave the US and settle in Europe. I think you have to have something like a year's or is it 5 year's income, a job waiting for you, etc. This would be easy for the top 20% in the US to come up with, the rest of us just don't have the money to leave.
Oh, that's great to hear. I'm glad I'm Paris Hilton. I can add one more to the mix. All the guys love me. And the Girls. Hope your wife isn't one of them. Cuz I party on the South of France. And I have more money than God.
Unfortunately, it will take more than a few pols getting on board to make it into reality.
According to an article in yesterday's Missoula Independent, the coal has unusually high levels of sodium, and building the Tongue River railroad might need to overcome serious levels of political opposition.
Knowledgeable readers might comment on the sodium problem, but it might cause mineral contaminants to slag instead of forming more manageable residues, and perhaps it has implications for materials of construction.
Quote from the article:
"But as we are finding out, not all of Davison's investment schemes worked out so well. For one thing, Tongue River ranchers weren't very excited about having a railroad running through their ranches, and have fought the line tooth and nail. Plus, the Otter Creek Coal Tracts are located on the eastern edge of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation and the tribe has already sued the state once to preserve its cultural, historic and religious assets should the coal be developed. And finally, the coal there contains so much sodium that burning it in conventional power plants is highly problematic, hence, the market is limited or nonexistent until some new technology develops to deal with the sodium content."
In my travels yesterday, I noticed that The Falkland Islands supposedly has up to 60 Billion barrels of Oil... There didn't seem to be a lot of information on it.
Is this being developed? Does anyone have a better idea of reserve estimates? Potential production rates?
If there really that much oil there, why didn't this story appear 2 years ago? You don't have to believe me -- from here, which is referenced at the Falkland Islands Department of Mineral Resources
Talk to me after somebody drills some more test wells...Not the next KSA by all accounts. Dont hold your breath
A public school teacher was arrested today at John F. Kennedy
International Airport as he attempted to board a flight while in
possession of a ruler, a protractor, a set square, a slide rule and a
At a morning press conference, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said he
believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-gebra movement. He did
not identify the man, who has been charged with carrying weapons of math
"Al-gebra is a problem for us," Gonzales said. "They desire solutions by
means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in a search of
absolute value. They use secret code names like 'x ' and 'y' and refer to
themselves as 'unknowns', but it has been determined that they belong to
a common denominator of the axis of medieval with co-ordinates in every
country. As the Greek philanderer Isosceles used to say: 'There are three
sides to every triangle'."
When asked to comment on the arrest, President Bush said, "If God had
wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would have given
us more fingers and toes."
"Not very long," answered the Mexican.
"But then, why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?" asked the American.
The Mexican explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his Needs and those of his family.
The American asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?"
"I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, and take a siesta with my wife. In the evenings, I go into the village to see my friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs . . I have a full life."
The American interrupted, "I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you! You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat."
And after that?" asked the Mexican.
With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middle man, you can then negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant.
You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City, Los Angeles, or even New York City! From there you can direct your huge new enterprise."
"How long would that take?" asked the Mexican.
"Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years," replied the American.
"And after that?"
"Afterwards? Well my Friend, That's when it gets really interesting," answered the American, laughing. "When your business gets really big, you can start selling stocks and make millions!"
"Millions? Really? And after that?" said the Mexican.
"After that you'll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends."
And the moral is: Know where you're going in life... you may already be there.
I agree. It brought a smile to my face. It reminded me of my own situation. Opportunities keep knocking, but I am at a very satisfying place at the moment. My wife and kids are happy, and I am enjoying life.
Now to start a controversy: Who invented Algebra, the Arabs or the Indians? (or perhaps Al Gore? ;-)
Islamic Republic News Agency (Iran)
==UK June gas output down 24% on the year: RBS index
The drops in production are ALARMING.
Oil production down 13% on the month. Annual production down 18%.
Gas production down 24%. Yikes!
Time to get the electric heat pump installed!
This project was delyaed for a year; drilling through the dunes on the Dutch side failed last summer and they had to wait until this summer to try again, and succeeded.
The problem is that it is probably not sufficient to offset UK domestic depletion.
The bafflement of the economic community would be amusing if it were not so serious.
The only thing missing is a "sluggish growth in supply response".
The UK is now a net importer.
I wonder if their predictions will still be so widely quoted if ng is actually around 20 in 2010.
We will form an orderly que and drink tea.
What fraction of exported oil is now traded this way?
Any trends?
What countries besides China are doing this?
On the "Prepare for a Crash" article. There are a number of flaws in that article, but I like to point out the following:
OK. Huge flaw number 1: Stone-Age culture is not the equivalent of hunter-gatherer. There were thousands of years that mankind in de Near East and Europe lived from agriculture.
Huge flaw number 2: There is enough iron and iron oar left to suggest that we won't go back top the stone age.
And the last enormous flaw is the suggestion that hordes of hungry people will turn into a vast army of marauders. The sad thing is that famine produces apathy, as the history of the Ukranian, Chinese and Ethiopian famines shows.
The article is bollocks.
I like how the Bushmen did it - they were pre-stone age, they didn't even have stone tools, everything was bone, hardened wood, etc. Come to think of it, in the book The Netselik Eskimo, I seem to remember that their only traditional stone items were bowls made of soapstone which is quite soft. Hunting tools like spears didn't use any stone.
The present population of Earth can not be sustained by paleo-lithic hunting/gathering.
The jury is out on what population a neolithic agriculture could sustain -- especially since it would undoubtedly retain some elements of the modern age. However, the limit to population is much more likely to be availability of water, and possibly breathable air than hydrocarbon reserves.
As any archeologist will tell you: The jury will be out forever. The reason for that is simple: We have not excavated but a tiny fraction from all stone-age stuff. The absolute majority of sites are destroyed forever for a large number of reasons. Washed away, dug out even during the stone-age for gold and/or fertile soil, ploughed under and torn in wars. And whatever other reasons there are.
Think about the simple fact that we excavated almost only settlements that were abandoned. Why? Because the settlements that weren't are our presentday cities and villages. You can't tear down you hometown for the sake of excavation. Recently knowledge about that has greatly improved though because the second worldwar brought the unique ability to excavate some stuff in current cities (You apparently can tear down a hometown for the sake of war.) and even those tiny bits greatly changed our view on history.
I keep remembering how in France they excavated a small Frankish settlement and found merely small huts made of mud. Conclusions were drawn from this that the Frankish settlers were poor farmers who'se culture was far inferiour to the Romans. Only recently the rest of the settlement has been excavated an lo and behold: The mud "houses" turned out to be nothing more than pigpens belonging to a huge wooden farm which was far superiour than anything in the neighbourhood.
Be very carefull with interpreting historical "evidence" I'd say.
I read the thread on agriculture, horticulture, and soil science and want to extend a hearty thanks to you and the other TOD participants for such an informative and fascinating discussion. In particular, I found your analysis of the topic highly compelling and intuitively logical. Great work! Thanks again.
Just leave it at that - Catton says it best, IMO.
This isn't the 1800s anymore. A lot more than just our knowledge has changed. The consequences of agriculture have caught up to us. In our climb up this long ladder of complexity, we've knocked out all the intermediate steps behind us, so when we fall, we're going to fall long and hard.
SOME farmeres have followed for 10 millemnia.
Others added ground up rocks and seaweed (Ireland) and made soil.
Soil from natural weathering 1 inch per 1,000 years. 7 inches of soil per year when one uses eathworms.
Most of what we consider "organic agriculture," like you'd find with an organic label on it, is simply how we did farming pre-Green Revolution, and that is extremely destructive--just on a slightly longer timeline.
And these methods you speak of... why don't you explain them to us rather than hand-wave?
Because I want you to explain how the works of
Are the way things were done 10,000 years ago?
I'll be waiting.
Which substantially increases your cost and is tangential at best to the immediate goal of increasing yield--the kind of things that sometimes pop up in isolation, but can never take hold on a large scale because they have far too strong a ring of "ought" to them.
Eschew pesticides and petrochemical fertilizers, use plows rather than tractors, all the things you need to get a USDA Organic label.
As for your links, and for that matter, your Irish example as well, these are not agricultural techniques. They haven't a thing to do with agriculture. You could do these things without ever growing a single plant. These things are being used specifically to counter-balance the effects of agriculture. So, you're not really saying anything about the toll of agriculture, you're just offering a list of suggestions of things we can do to help heal the damage that agriculture causes. That's a pretty big difference. If I'm cut with a knife, and I put a band-aid on it, the band-aid doesn't prove that knives don't cut, does it?
While it does involve more work (which I did not do....curse me), there IS an effect on planting with and without compost/organics in the soil.
I have a small plot of land I've got corn on. This land has been in soy/corn/alphala rotation for years (20+, and using seed drills so the soil is compacted) Last year, I added organics (spent brewers grain) under the plants. Nice, green tomatoes and other plants. Had piles of pulled weeds/grain in the field also. This year the corn is either the correct height and green (over the spots where the grain/weeds were on top of the soil, or is yellow and not more than 2 feet high.
Tomato plants - either 3 feet high and has tomatoes on them or 1 foot high, with nothing. so you must have a different definition of tangental than I do.
They haven't a thing to do with agriculture.
Main Entry: ag·ri·cul·ture
Pronunciation: 'a-gri-"k&l-ch&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin agricultura, from ager field + cultura cultivation -- more at ACRE, CULTURE
: the science, art, or practice of cultivating the soil,
cultivate (DEVELOP)
[Show phonetics]
verb [T]
to create (a new condition) by directed effort
Therefore: cultivate soil is argriculture. Your claim that chainging the soil by direct action is not agraculture is not correct.
Its a vine. It has root hairs on the stem, In the wild, where it did once grow, it laid down and rooted wherever it touched the grown.
Using this.
Grow a 6 inch plant, pinch all but the very top leaves off of it. then bury the plant right up to the "chin" of this last tip, in a larger half gallon milk or other tube. Let this plant grow 6 to 9 inches tall. Then nip all the leaves but the very tip off, and gently lay this stem and bigger root ball in a furrow (trench) and cover the whole stem up to the "chin" of the tip, put a small paper collar to prevent stem damage and bugs from eating it. Water the whole length of the trench, and mulch with anything that will keep it moist and not moldy.
This method has never failed me, and I saw it on the Victory Garden on PBS about 20 years ago. The plants have a ton of root system and fruit soon as they get a few leaves going and grow till frost kills them. I have had mine 10 feet high and going strong.
Every plant has its gifts and its best growing condition. Hunters and Gatherers knew this. They know the land around which they live. Not taking more than they need, and keeping some for next time.
Learn how the world works around you before you try to second guess it. We won't all starve to death.
In the "prepare for the crash" 2,000 calories is the USADA's male 101 min. Calories. Really it is 800 for most adults, less than that and you loss muscle mass and strave. 1,500 or 1,100 or even 900 for a few weeks is okay for most healthy adults. The more you work the more you need to eat. WATER is what you really need to have in good supply, 7 days without it and you are dead.
7 Days without water and you are dead. Think about that and plan accordingly.
Charles Owens, I have eaten out of my wild front lawn enough to stay healthy and have my water too.
Have you?
Mine are usually a bit more leggy so I get 10-14 inches below ground.
Try putting things like rabbit dropping or other organic matter under the tomato plants.
Charles Owens, I have eaten out of my wild front lawn enough to stay healthy and have my water too.
Have you?
Hard to do on a 60X40 foot lot. Not alot of 'front lawn'
You state:
First of all, I don't know how anyone could make such a statement given that soils vary so widely. Some have formed in highly weathered materials that are dominated by silica, iron, and aluminum oxides and these tend to be somewhat- to extremely-infertile even in a "virgin" state.
Secondly, minerals are not merely removed from the soil profile by agriculture, but also by natural weathering and leaching processes and this has been the case since long before man arrived on the planet. I've done a lot of work in soils in the Southeastern US, where soil parent materials tend to be highly weathered and I can tell you, with certainty, that most of the plant-available nutrients occur in the upper couple of feet of the soil profile -- in the biotic zone. When you sample undisturbed regolith from below this zone -- in portions of the soil where no corn or alfalfa root ever penetrated -- you often find that it is quite acid and infertile. How could this be?
IMHO, the time-bomb in modern US-style agriculture isn't that we've irreversibly depleted our soils of their nutrients -- I don't believe that for a minute -- it's that we've forced our farmers into a situation where they can't afford to be generalists any more. When that happened, we traded good agricultural practices like crop rotation, manuring, etc. for a lot of expensive external inputs whose expense could only be justified by extremely high and unsustainable yields.
There is a lot of good literature out there on soil husbandry. If you haven't already done so, I would encourage you to do some reading on the work of E.B Balfour. I think you will come away feeling that it is possible to farm effectively, ecologically and sustainably.
As I said, I'm still trying to track down the ultimate source, but it was expressed as an average, so I'm guessing they had a given sample size and calculated the mean. I fully expect there to be fertile pockets, but if the average is 85% and it takes 50 years to regenerate an inch of topsoil, I don't think that bodes well for the prospects of post-peak agriculture.
That is true, but those processes lag behind the soil regeneration process. Agriculture doesn't just remove minerals directly, it also opens up fields to erosion, salination, and other second-hand effects that accelerate these natural processes. We didn't invent these things, but we did speed them up and shatter any semblance of balance that once existed.
Again, by analogy to the human body, we generate new skin cells, and old skin cells die, all the time. If I speed up the rate at which your skin cells die 100 times, and we do nothing to improve the creation of new skin cells, you're going to be in some pretty big trouble, pretty quickly.
That hasn't helped, but even before that, agriculture was killing off soil. Not permanently, no; soil always regenerates. But we can't just take a break from agriculture to let the soil regenerate, "OK everyone, no eating this decade; gotta let the soil regenerate." Fallowing is as close as we have to that, but even then the pressure to increase yields is too strong to leave it as long as it really should be left--this was the case even in the Middle Ages, leading to degrading soils. Soil is a renewable resource, but only on a fairly long timeline--no, not as long as petroleum, but long, nonetheless.
My concern is not that we can't learn to farm the land sustainably -- that has to be possible -- but it is rather that we have so far exceeded the numbers of people that can be fed via anything resembling a sustainable agricultural system, that eventual widespread famine may be inevitable.
To me, the word "farming" is synonymous with a thoughtful, sustainable way of life that is concerned with providing one of the most basic of human needs -- food. Personally, I feel that there are far worse things that a person could spend his or her time doing.
I'm interested in permaculture in large part because of its potential to help heal some of the damage we've caused: as a means of rebuilding soil and rewilding domesticates, for example.
Does it help or hurt to call a forest garden a "farm"? I admit your definition of agriculture tugs at the heart strings, but is that a good thing? Do we want to associate the idea of a "thoughtful, sustainable way of life" with what Monsanto's doing? I don't think there's anyone saying that they're not farming—but I don't think you could call it sustainable or thoughtful, either. So obviously, there's a lot of farming that's the opposite of thoughtful and sustainable ... so how can farming be synonymous with that?
I agree, you sound like someone I'd agree with more than not, and I'd love to have a long disucssion with you about soil some time just to beef up my own knowledge of the subject, but I also put great value on precision in the use of words. I've often found that a failure to do so creates confusion that can take a very long time to get around, that could have been entirely avoided if only we'd been more precise in the words we use.
I know a lot of cultivation techniques that help build the soil and create a real, thriving ecosystem that humans can be part of—but there's not a one of them that I'd call "agricultural."
I teach a college course with the innocuous title "Sustainable Gardening", but it really should be called "Sustainability".
One of the first things I do is go over definitions (garden, farm, agriculture, horticulture, whatever), and make it clear that "humans tweaking an ecosystem to favor the stuff that they like" runs the gamut from hideous ADM/Monsanto-style agritorture-with-attendant-industrial-feedlots, through more traditional mixed farming (read Wendel Berry), through organic, through no-till methods, through Fukuoka-style "Natural Gardening", through Permaculture/Forest Gardening, all the way over to swidden horticulture stuff.
There are modes of growing things that do indeed build soil. That's not the issue, really. There are also modes of growing, sustainably, that produce rather nice yields per acre. But not on that many acres at a time.
Based on a lifetime of studying soil science, ecology, botany, forestry, anthropology and agriculture, here's my take:
What sustainable ANYTHING boils down to is population. There are way too many people, by at least a factor of 3 (probably greater than 3), to live decently based on the energy and nutrient fluxes available on this planet. This 6-billion-people thing has been based on x-million years of stored sunlight. This particular party is over. There's nothing remotely on the horizon that can make up for that subsidy. It was an inheritance, we squandered it foolishly in 100 years, and no amount of wishing on a star will make it better.
The only question to me is how hard the landing is going to be. I don't think there is much chance of a soft landing at this point. Too much denial still. A rather nasty side effect of our (US) national innumeracy and religious anti-science trends.
Wow, I guess that makes me a doomer! Cool!
There's a saying going around here: Guess I'll pull up a chair, grab a cold one, and watch :-)
- Steve
PS - I'm doing a lot more than just watching...
Could you recommend any basic layman's text that covers the basics of nutrient cycles and flows, analyzing and comparing some of these different approaches?
I have no doubt that in say 500 years we will see a dramatically smaller human population on the planet, and the road to get there is going to have some nasty bumps. I want to do what I can to help winnow the best of what we've learned along the way as we partied through our fossil fuel inheritance, and to pass along as many nuggets of wisdom as possible, so the 7th generation and the 14th have more to go on than our monstrous garbage land fills.
In response to my assertion that natural weathering and leaching processes continually strip nutrients from the soil you said...
It is absolutely the case that soils are a dynamic system. At any given time, under absolutely "natural" conditions, any soil parameter -- be it top soil thickness, organic matter content, the level of plant available nutrients, the level of microbial activity -- may be increasing or it may be falling. So, it is not always the case that what you might consider "regenerative" processes are taking place. Like anything else, soils morph over time, and at times the slate may even be completely wiped clean by geologic events -- a land slide, a flood, by glaciation, etc. So, don't convince yourself that without human interference, soils would always be "progressing" toward some ideal, highly-fertile state. It isn't the case.
That said, in most temperate parts of the world, native soils tend to accumulate organic matter over time, and become more fertile. I wouldn't use the word "progress" or "ideal", just accumulation.
Yes, there are fires, glaciers, etc. In fact, I recall a conference at Hubbard Brook where a speaker suggested that sooner or later the northeastern forests needed another good glaciation to refresh the raw mineral content of the soil :-)
In the end, all species are successional, because the environment will change.
To make an analogy with petroleum, we had, in the topsoils of the eastern forests and prairies of the US, millennia of stored fertility, which we handled rather sloppily. Most of it is gone, and petro-chemicals take up the slack for the time being.
- Steve
You mentioned you are in the SE and you seem to have quite an understanding of soil.
I'm in the SE, and as I look at future scenarios I wonder if the SE will have problems because of historical and current land management practices (excessive logging resulting in topsoil erosion, etc).
What is your opinion of soil quality here and the potential future for creating locally sustainable communities relative to other places in the US?
To feed just the population of the USA would not take very much land , using todays methods.The rest could be used for energy purposes perhaps if we just concerned with our own livelhood and quit 'running in place' constantly for naught.
Its the rest of the world we are selling our crops to that lead to soil depletion, intensive cropping, highly erodeable land, drops in aquifers , high use of commercial fertilizers and so on.
It may be just an urban legend but I read somewhere that just the hog production of the state of Indiana could satisfy all the domestic demands for pork in this country.
However that being said, I submit that anyone on this site visiting a 'confinement feeding' operation would be very suprised at the inhumane treatment we apply to our meat animals.
I have worked some in broiler houses and its not something I share with folks who eat chicken. Pork confinement is far far worse.
We are all dining at the table with our eyes shut and don't wish to be reminded nor told of such.
I asked a farmer who was curing his own hogs why he didn't use his own that he raised on concrete. His reply was that they could not be home cured for they wouldn't 'take the salt'. He grew hogs but didn't want to eat those himself. He said that he preferred those raised on dirt. Now getting har d to find those so a few years back he just gave up on home curing and smoking pork. He used to do at least 8 or more at a time. His home made sausage was enough to make me give up on store brought. I had forgotten just how good real sausage was and just how disagreeable the store variety was. Garbage in a plastic wrapper. Turns rancid in just a few days. Smells awful and high priced as well.
And so it goes in the country who 'has the best food in the world'...sure. I am certain we are shipping 'the best' to other countries. For myself I can't touch a piece of 'prime steak' unless I slaughter it myself.
Out here where we grow the food the farmers nearby grocery store sells the worst in food products. We get the 'leavings'. The almost stale bread, near spoiled fruit, cheap low brand canned goods,and most expensive milk(4.95/gal). By law we can't sell our own milk to neighbors. My own cousin has a dairy operation and he can't even give me a gallon or gets in trouble.
The world is upside down.
I would completely agree that conventional farming (ie. the dominant form of farming today) kills land. However, it need not be that way. Probably the best reference on a sustainable farming system is the classic Farmers of Forty Centuries by F.H. King. You can read the book on The Soil and Health Library site if you'd like.
As an agricultural landowner and a farmer (versus the more conventional miner), I have a vested interest in sustainable agriculture. The problems you cite are real, but all can, and have, been addressed.
In my opinion, the greatest barrier to sustainable agriculture, after cheap energy, is the conventional toilet.
Not only that, but it wouldn't work out. Maybe in the short term, but not for the long haul. You would quickly run into the prinicple of 'Thoreau's Axe'.
No person is an island. To think you can be completely self-sufficient is ridiculous -unless you want to be a solo hunterer gatherer, hunting with a spear and sling, and not have much else to your life. A fairly unsatisfying existence from my vantage point. Everyone needs a community to truly have a good life.
It could work for most a couple of years. If you want any kind of a life, you can't life on your own. We're a social creature to begin with, and Thoreau's Axe will bite you in the butt real quick.
OK rant is over...
Of course, it doesn't help that the number of trolls has picked uplately.
...hardly seems like I'm being returned that favor. I'd normally shrug it off and think nothing of it in order to help maintain a courteous exchange, but you have been quite insulting to me in this discussion overall, so I do very much hope that you're not counting me in your "troll" count.
I don't see the necessity for this post at all. Just because I live by myself, doesn't necessarily mean I'm a Troll
What's this problem with Trolls?
My daughter called me a Cave-Troll tonight. I was flattered...
Is a troll something bad in the blogosphere?
Reply if you want. I probably wont be able to work out which thread it is on tomorrow.
It all smacks of Trollophobia to me.
I believe that those of us who are actually doing it recognize far, far more than sidewalk superintendents how extrodinairely difficult self-sufficiency is. I have no illusions that the physical systems I've installed will last forever. Or, that I will physically be able to do what I do now (I'm 67 and among other things, I fell the trees for our firewood, buck them up and split them; prune the orchard and grapes and put in the garden.). What I hope we can do is hang in there until society re-groups into some new, sustainable form.
As far as individual versus group survival goes, there are pros and cons to each. However, it is better to take a shot at it as a family than to do nothing at all.
Lastly, those of us who are doing it are better prepared psychologically for tough times. In other words, we want to survive.
First of, there's a about 1.5 kg (3 lbs) splitting axe for most firewood.
Secondly, there's the 3-4 kg (6-8lbs) sledgehammer axe for the really tough pieces of firewood, and also for using wedges to split really, really, really thick wood.
Thirdly, you need the good ole hand axe, around 1 lbs, as a utility or something you can carry in the woods, for hunting, making a fire etc.
Four, you need a cleaning or culling axe, to clean or cull the forest of inferior trees and saplings, so that the goods ones have better conditions to grow.
Five, you need the felling axe, unless you want to rely on a much more brittle saw to take down your trees.
And then there are the de-barking axes, axes for making logs for loghouses.
The list goes on and on. As for durability, buy a few extra axes, heads and handles. If nothing else you can sell them or barter. It will get you through the rough years until society stabilizes.
But the problem with these rough years is that before that we will have a downslide maybe lasting 10-20 years, before society collapses. You have to have the strength and resilience to last those non-chaos years without exhausting your resources and your willpower.
Holding our during 1-2 chaotic years is one thing, managing a slow descent before that is much worse. But the chaos won't last long, people won't have the strength. Once someone runs out of food, it's a matter of days before they're too weak to do much, and weeks until they die.
And I grew up homeless for the most part -so trust me, I know how to survive and more about self-sufficiency than most people will ever care to. And I am most certainly preparing to survive PO. Trust me on that one.
Tate: who made that axe? Out of what? Who brought it to the store you bought it from? Who made the car you drove there to get it in? What about the gas? Where'd it come from?
Now, you can take that axe and go completely off grid. But someday its going to break beyond repair. Then what? Can you make an axe? If not, you'll need to find a store (if one exists then) or a blacksmith.
That's the principle of Thoreau's Axe. He went into the woods to try and be sulf-sufficient, and discovered he could never entirely divorce himself from others without eventually reverting to a stone age caveman existence.
Todd, I think you have the right idea. Thanks for replying and for being courteous.
Thanks. I think what is going to get more people will be lack of practiced skills. These could be hunting-gathering skills or blacksmithing skills. BTW, I do have a small forge but only 200# of blacksmithing coal..plus I'm barely an amature but I could make an axe or saw.
The advantage that people like I have is that we have had to learn skills and practice them. Further, we have had to accept a life that most people would find unacceptable. For example, it isn't unusual to get snowed in for a week or two with the power off (This is when we rely on the PV system and back-up generator - and, yes, if there is no gas in the future I'll run it on wood gas.). We know people in the area who got snowed in for 6 weeks last year. These sorts of things build self-reliance because that is the only way to survive in the mountains where I am, even with all of today's technology.
At the same time, we have accumulated the "stuff" necessary for survival such as food preservation equipment and hand tools.
The movie, Testament was mentioned on another forum this morning and I happened to be watching it last night (we don't get TV but rely on our old tapes and DVD's). I think it provides an excellent vehicle for asking what the people in the town did right - very little- and what they should have done. This can be applied to how one might have to cope in the future.
A blacksmith can and once did make them.
I used to own 3 coal forges, 8 anvils and 4 leg vises and made
many items. Most farms had forges and the rest and 'made' some tools , depending on their skill.
I have seen a farrier hot forge an outstanding horseshoe in a very short time and it was far better than the 'cold' shoes one had to buy.
There is plenty of scrap iron(mild and carbon steel) laying around the country side ready to be forged.
Future survival will require metalsmiths. How many can do that? How many will be around after the supposed dieoff?
Sadly all my forges and anvils went the way of the auction a few years back...I didn't see this coming.
Now I intend to replace them , if I have the time or energy.
Blacksmiths still exist and can perform wonders with hot steel.
Can you recommend any books that would be helpful to someone with 0 knowledge of blacksmithing? A resource to start learning the basics.
I figure there will be a tremendous amount of scrap metal available as the economy slows and someone with the proper tools and knowledge of blacksmithing help themselves. Plus it sounds enjoyable.
A couple of others I have are Farm Blacksmithing by J.M. Drew. The book was first published in 1901. The other is Forging by John Jernberg first published in 1918. These are reprints by Algrove Publishing.
Another useful book is A Museum of Early American Tools by Eric Sloane, 1964.
They have a website and plenty of information as well as
pointers to much more.
I have accumulated many good books on the subject but they are currently archived in my barn/shed/workshop and not easily available.
Good coal is probably harder to find now but I used to get mine in Greensboro,NC as well as in Louisville, Ky.
Again web resources as well as forums have plenty of answers.
The point is that you need to start finding the physical resources as soon as you can. A good handcranked blower on a good wide forge along with a couple of good anvils.
The best anvils I had were Hay Budden and (forgot the other). There are some very cheap worthless anvils about and you need to shun those. My 300 pounder anvil could ring so loud and clear as to make your ears hurt. That was just with a slight tap on the anvil and of course you NEVER NEVER stike an anvil with force without something between the anvil and your hammer.
The blacksmith is one who has the ability to 'make his own tools' and bootstrap upwards by such means. No smell that I loved more than that of good coal forming coke and watching the metal go thru its heat changes.
There is a store in Wisconsin that sells firepots , and other tools as well as anvils. They likely do mail order as well.
Then if you are serious about this skill/craft the best thing to do is find someone local who can teach you or you can watch and learn the skills in the best way..rather than books.
I learned far more watching and working with my peers at the forge than I could ever have gotten from books.
You will find a large population of blacksmiths and farriers hidden in the niches and crack in this country. Men who can do wonders with hot metal and pride themselves on their skills. A craft that almost disappeared.
Good luck.
I won't unless you take the test and report your score.
The Cannibal
You scored 56 Strength, 71 Guile, 40 Morality, and 85 Survival Rate!
Well here you are. Alive and kickin'. Wait.. was that you kickin' or did that come from your stomache? Nevermind. What's important is that you made it... right? All those other survivors are just cattle. Congratulations and welcome to the REAL top of the food chain.
The "Doctor"
You scored 38 Strength, 57 Guile, 57 Morality, and 58 Survival Rate!
You're intelligent and you care about the well-being of your fellow man. Maybe to a fault. You're just bearly keeping yourself together. Regardless, everyone is glad to have you around. Just make sure you look out for number one once in a while.
"Cult Leader"
Strength: 54
Guile: 80
Morality: 57
Survival Rate: 81
And how about you, Kevembuangga?
It was Cannibal, survival rate 75.
Haha. Oh, please, somebody bring me a cookie. Please,I can't breath. OH! That was a good one, my friend.
Absolute chaos/marauding/starvation would linger 1-2 years, nothing to sustain it much longer than that. Switching from heads up!, marauders, danger, to community building could take much longer. Survive past the first few years, then chance plays a huge role who might remain, who we meet.
Less time than that. I go back to my earlier post. Where are you getting your water. If the fall happens into a Chaos. Lack of Water will kill all but the most hardy of the Land Pirates. Then food spoilage and animal bites and poor health care. The Land Pirates will be begging for hand outs sooner than you think. Our Tin cans do spoil and they spoil faster without power on in a house than they do in a fairly stable warehouse.
If it gets that bad, the Land Pirate will Have to organize and do it fast or die off like the rest just for differant reasons.
Don't forget Just In Time Food Transit Systems Have loaded the store shelf against getting food for your group of Land Pirates.
That all depends on your difination of a "Good Life"
As for the Neolithic, we turned to industrial agriculture because our soil could no longer support agriculture. Agriculture kills soil; for 10,000 years, agriculture has been in a race to outpace its own consequences. See Richard Manning's Against the Grain for a full history. Today, 85% of the minerals that were in North America's soil in 1900 are gone. We don't grow our crops in soil so much as we grow our crops in fertilizer. Take away the fertilizer, and the Great Plains are already a desert. So it's not going to be the Neolithic; we don't have the soil for the Neolithic anymore. Sure, in the long term, soil heals, but now we're talking about the same time scale in whcih global climate change ends our artificially-extended Holocene interglacial, and the climatological window that allows for agriculture slams shut.
Industrial agriculture destroys soil. But properly done, which granted has been the exception rather than the rule, agriculute builds rather than destroys the soil.
I say that as an organic gardener who very much loves the soil and knows that its the basis of all life.
Take a look at Manning's book, or even just "The Oil We Eat." Industrial agriculture destroys soil faster, but agriculture was laying waste to whole bioregions millennia before the Industrial Revolution.
Since you obviously think farming = bad and humans should return to a hunter gatherer lifestyle, there's no way I can convince you, but I will say it once more: farming when done right, does NOT destroy the land, the soil, the ecosystems, or anything else.
If you're engaging in cultivation and not tearing up fields in this manner, planting rows and fields of a single crop, then what you're doing is probably properly called horticulture. The intuitive distinction between "farming" and "gardening" generally holds here. Permaculture DOES help heal the soil, and creates a very verdant ecosystem. Mann makes a good case in 1491 that most of pre-Columbian North America was essentially a permacultural garden, and the accounts of "wilderness" we have from centuries later are essentially nothing more than a continent-wide, untended garden that had become overgrown.
But that's a different thing from organic agriculture—essentially, the same way we did agriculture before the Green Revolution. It was organic agriculture that turned the Fertile Crescent into a cruel joke and the Great Plains into the dust bowl. Ruddiman's "Early Anthropocene" hypothesis suggests that it's organic agriculture that may have led to global warming and an artifical extension of the current interglacial. It's an undeniable historical fact that organic agriculture has, over the past 10,000 years, created a global ecological catastrophe, long before the Industrial Revolution. This has nothing to do with my opinions or beliefs; this is plain fact.
There are many different ways in which agriculture destroys the soil. Monocropping leads to depletion of minerals. Irrigation leads to salination. There's erosion to consider, and so forth.
But at its base, agriculture is about wounding an ecology, and then regularly picking the scab to make sure it never heals. This is not a sustainable way to live, any way you cut it.
There might be sustainable cultivation techniques, but those do not fall under the heading of "farming" nearly so much as "gardening." There's a great deal of diversity in that, mind you. I've been fascinated recently by David Jacke's edible forest gardens (thanks to Hemenway for that tip). But if we want to come up with a sustainable form of cultivation, we need to give up on the idea of "farming" right off the bat. Anything that can be legitimately called "farming" is an incredibly destructive, unsustainable form of subsistence. When we're looking at sustainable systems, we're immediately entering the realm of permaculture, horticulture, and the gardener. There's simply no sustainable way to claim vast tracts of land for solely human use.
I come from an anthropology background, and in that field, the difference between horticulture and agriculture is not semantic at all: agricultural and horticultural socieites look utterly nothing like each other, but often share many things in common amongst themselves. The difference between horticulture and agriculture is ALL the difference.
I am constantly amazed by the range of ways that people understand language and the world. I am even more amazed that someone with an "anthropology background" could make these kinds of statements.
I have no problem with someone working to develop a distinction between farming=agriculture and gardening=horticulture. But it sounds to me that you, Jason, are claiming that these words inhererently and intuitively have the meanings that you want to assign to them. Would this even be true for non-native speakers of English? Does every language in the world have a corresponding pair of words with precisely the difference in meaning that you are claiming? When you start talking about the meanings of the words and then claim it has nothing to do with semantics, I just have to discount everything you say, because it sounds like you don't know the meanings of the words you use!
I think it is really important that we develop deeper understandings of the ways we relate to the soil and air and water, the ways in which these are sustainable, etc. I would like to suggest that claims that "We all recognize, intuitively," any kind of difference at all - such claims are not helpful in developing new understandings. Such claims tend merely to amplify divisiveness, to attempt to concretize differences that could, if left fluid, enhance deeper understandings all around - not just of the soil and air and water, but of each other and our own living dynamics.
I'm not talking about the meanings of words, I'm talking about two sets of techniques, one called "agriculture" or coloquially, "farming," and another called "horticulture," or coloquially, "gardening." I'm not talking about the words or what they mean, I'm talking about the practices they describe. You could call them "Tweedledee" and "Tweedledum," and they would still be very different things. They look different, they act different, they have very different consequences and principles and foundations. They are very different practices. We all intuitively recognize that, because they ARE so different, so we come up with different words to describe them, because they're very, very different things. This is not a merely semantic argument about defining words, this is about two very different approaches to cultivation.
Agriculture is horticulture on steroids. Agriculture uses irrigation, draft animals, tractors. Agriculture is usually associated with grains or other crops that can be stored for a long time - allowing wealth accumulation, by individuals or governments.
Jared Diamond calls agriculture The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race, but praises the horicultural practices of the sustainable societies described in Collapse.
The science, art, and business of cultivating soil, producing crops, and raising livestock; farming.
It doesn't appear to me that either of you are using that definition, so you are redefining the word. I don't see anything in the definition that requires agriculture to use irrigation, draft animals, or tractors, or that the crops produced have to be capable of long-term storage. And Diamond is talking about foraging, not horticulture. You won't find the word "horticulture" in "The Worst Mistake...". The only instance of "garden" is in reference to agriculture.
Contrast with horticulture
1. The science or art of cultivating fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants.
2. The cultivation of a garden.
The second meaning is funny, because a garden is defined the same way as a farm is, an area of land in which one grows things, except that one doesn't grow animals in a garden (except for the bugs and bunnies in mine), and one often does grow animals on a farm.
I read these as 1) horticulture doesn't necessarily involve altering the soil, though the definition doesn't preclude that; 2) agriculture does involve altering the soil, though there's nothing in the definition that requires unsustainability or even breaking the soil surface; and 3) agriculture includes raising livestock but horticulture does not.
That's the definitive definition? I've rarely found useful definitions in dictionaries. For instance, when I use the University of Alabama's anthropological glossary, I get the following definitions:
I think the existence of words is sufficient to denote that there is some general understanding of terms referring to different things, but the popular understanding of what those differences are, is rarely precise. For definitions, dictionaries are rarely useful as anything but a starting point. I'd recommend researching this a little more deeply: you'll find that I'm not redefining the term at all, but using a long-standing, but precise, definition.
Leanan said that Diamond refers to horticulturalists in Collapse—which he does. I'm not sure if he uses that term, but the societies he talks about are classified as horticulturalists by anthropologists.
Yet expected; dictionaries simply do not provide precise definitions. They try to capture the popular understanding of the term, which is usually at least a little bit confused and contradictory. This does not mean the phenomenon does not exist, only that most people have not pondered it at such length as to really come up with a precise delineation of its defining characteristics. In other words: it's a dictionary, not a peer-reviewed scholarly paper—you get what you pay for, so to speak. We're talking about much more precise definitions here; to accuse me of "redefining" the word, this argument has essentially become a case of scholarly journals vs. encyclopedias. A dictionary definition is a starting point for a deeper inquiry, just like an encyclopedia article.
There are no less than six partially contradictory definitions for agriculture there. I'll stick with the dictionary, thanks.
By comparison, scholars have raging feuds in the pages of peer-reviewed journals constantly. Breaking into a conference and dismissing them because you don't want to wade through it, saying, "I'll stick with my encyclopedia article, thanks," is a sure sign that you're in an argument over your head.
Are you sure you're not in over your head on this one?
If dictionaries provide "common" definitions which are imprecise, then how can you expect the usage of your words from a more refined and precise refence point to be intuitive to people who are not also at that same reference point i.e. are not anthropologists?
Sorry but semantics is at the very heart of this exchange, and the shortcoming I think came from your side by assuming your audience was as knowledgable in anthropology and its precision as you.
Ultimately, don't all of our definitions come down to that?
We all know there's two different things here. We know a backyard garden is not a farm, and we know Monsanto doesn't do gardening. But beyond that "I know it when I see it," where is the line? The difference is intuitive; the distinction is not.
I don't assume an anthropological background; that's why I began by specifically iterating the precise distinctions between agriculture and horticulture used by anthropologists, because while the difference is intuitive, the distinction is not. That's when I was accused of "redefining" agriculture, at which point I was under pressure to prove that anthropologists had indeed spent a good deal of time on this definition. At which point I was told it was too confusing, and we should stick with the dictionary.
The problem is, the conversation becomes very unwieldy when everything is "agriculture." Anthropologists defined these terms because it makes it much easier to discuss these kinds of distinctions, the social ramifications, and so forth. It's useful here for all the same reasons it's useful to anthropologists, because the problems we're discussing here are the same problems they've been discussing for quite some time. As with all language, the goal should be communication: to communicate an idea as clearly, precisely, and concisely as possible. Obviously, I have failed in that here, but I hope something more solid than "sustainable agriculture" can be developed, as "sustainable" is, itself, a much abused word.
The common problem when doing this is that the definition that some types of data are created with in the other product is not always an accurate fit in our product.
Very similar in some respects to language "mapping", data mapping can be a royal pain in the backside. Because of this I try to be very sensitive when working with our customers when gathering definitions from them, and explaining our definitions back. It causes for some longer exchanges initially, but the precision of the conversion of the data ends up much higher.
I have to admit I got caught up on the thread debating the sustainability and ecological effects of agriculture versus horticulture, but I must confess that the earlier portion of the debate made little sense(or more accurately distinction) until I finally saw your later more precise definitions. Perhaps prefacing future arguments by explaining your reference point would avoid this problem in the future? I know thats generally what I have to do when I'm explaining the definition mapping of data with customers, and in the long run it usually avoids a lot of confusion, frustration, and ultimately wasted time.
Anyhow, I hope to hear more about both sides of this debate, preferrably with both sides taking a bit of effort to both more fully explain their definitions, and be more willing to accept or adapt to a meaning not traditionally used.
I am really interested in this kind of work. Have you ever looked at William Kent's Data and Reality or Brian Cantwell Smith's On the Origin of Objects? If you have any other good resources on this puzzle, I would love to expand my horizons!
I am really fascinated by the limitations of logic and language. How can we improve our ability to juggle multiple systems of terminology, &c.? Just like a sustainable way of working with ecosystems seems to require a less aggressive approach that is open to variety and change and interdependence, similarly I think that a sustainable way of working with ideas requires something other than the equivalent of monoculture. The challenges of reconciling multiple databases, that is work that I think brings these issues into crisp focus.
A very interesting reference, though I didn't read it (yet) I would like to, but consider the KIND OF ARGUMENTS which goes on here at TOD!
Pretty hopeless to bring this into the dispute.
Did you ever looked at the sillyness which surrounds the Semantic Web in spite of the supposedly high-tech savvyness of these folks.
To the morons of all breeds and creeds in ANY field an enforced monoculture solves it all.
This is just Orwellian but alas it "works" by choking alternative views until reality hits back.
The dictionary definitions you posted are the ones my dad, an agronomist, uses. He doesn't have much respect for those pansy-@$$ horticulture types. ;-)
Diamond was talking about foraging in that article, but in his book, Collapse, the sustainable societies he holds up as examples are mostly horticultural.
If that's our reference then horticulture can't use clippers or anything else more advanced than a digging stick, and agriculture can't use hand tools like a shovel and must use non-human power. That still doesn't mean that horticulture has to be sustainable or that agriculture can't be sustainable by those definitions.
I would say that the societies Diamond points out in Collapse practiced sustainable agriculture or foraging. The Japanese practiced sustainable agriculture. If I remember right, New Guinea was an example of mixed sustainable agriculture and foraging. It seems like Tikopia was the foraging and population control example, and I don't recall if they cultivated anything.
The others, I would say practiced horticulture. I believe Diamond actually used the word "sylvaculture" for one society. Because, among other things, they cultivated trees for firewood.
Growing large amounts of grain is a pretty good "test" of agriculture vs. horticulture, IMO. (From an anthropology POV, I mean. My dad would disagree.) Growing a crop that can be stored is really what sets a society onto the treadmill. If you're growing "horticulture" crops, like sweet potatoes, it really doesn't do you any good to work twice as long and grow twice as many. You can't store them; they rot. This is the basic difference between horticultural and agricultural societies.
The status of women is much higher in horticultural than in agricultural societies, and indeed, many horticultural societies are matrilineal and matrilocal (though not matriarchal).
Horticultural societies show us that separate can still be equal, so long as it's not simply a euphemism for racists.
The missionaries were horrified at how "lazy" Hawaiian women were.
However, there were many foods that only men were allowed to eat, so that might be why they had to do all the work. The women were reportedly very happy to break the food taboos, as long as they weren't caught.
In short it was a very brutal society! Now, Hawaiian society at the time of Cook was a feudal society, hence the similarities to feudal disregard for non-Noble life in our own past. But, scientists think there may have been 3 migrations to Hawaii, the original people, small, dark, and how the stuff of legends at the "Menehune" which are in legends the helpers of the common man, builders of the most beautiful stone walls, magical hard workers. etc. Legend has it they'd only come out at night, and help people who were oppressed, were capable of prodigious amounts of work, and were kind and wise. The next migration were the "run of the mill" Hawaiians, they think from the Marquesas islands. The last migration was from Tahiti, and is where the taller, lighter-skinned, Alii (nobles) came from.
The original ancient people "Menehune" and possibly the Marquesas people probably had a much more egalitarian, sustainable society. The folks from Tahiti were like all feudal overlords utter bastards of course. Imagine the Parker Family with shark-tooth lined clubs lol.
I'm familiar with the island of Oahu and there are large land areas even there, by far the most populated island, where there are just no people. This was not the case in the past, I was never told growing up that the main highway cutting through the center of the island and going through pineapple and sugar cane fields, that whole area, was at one time lived in from edge to edge by Hawaiians, farming and living their lives. Out in the middle-of-nowhere forest, one often comes across "old Hawaiian walls" made of black volcanic rock.
There were really 4 migrations to Hawaii, the last and most damaging was by Modern Industrial Man and they came from England, Portugal, US, Japan, Philippines, Tonga, Samoa, Mexico, Middle-East, etc you name it. None of 'em know how to do anything related to permaculture, most don't even have any foraging skills. But they know how to open a can with a can opener and they have the modern hierarchal social/oppression system down pat.
I grow a lot of them and they store extremely well and in fact
store longer and better than regular(what we call Irish Potatoes). Better than Pontiac Red, Kennebeck White and far better than Yukon Gold.
In fact just today I harvested (took a sample) of some sweet potatoes out of my fairly large bed.
I also have some white potatoes in the basement rotting already.
One must store the sweet potatoes preferably in the attic to cure and develop more sugar.
No you but most debating these issues seem IMO to know very little about farming.
To do sustainable farming you had damn well be a very very good gardener or you just aint gonna make it. Crops? Some hay for animal forage in the winter. Corn , just enough for feed when working the draft animals.
My kin were grade A farmers and did it just as above. They didn't give a hoot about all the rest. They had to LIVE off that farm and trade eggs,fryers ,butter and cream for the flour , sugar and other essentials. Barter is was called. No money involved.
Argue all you wish but that was not the way it was.
Today a person who does big AG? He is termed an 'operator' but not in town..just by the FSA operatives and the USDA and Ag Extension Agents.
He rents or shares land. He runs big equipment. He could care less about sustainablitity and not much about Peak Oil.
He wants what the big ass Corpo Execs got. Lots of money. He is 'running in place' just like the rest of us who were in the rat race. He isn't making it though. He will cut down trees, rape the land, do whatever he needs to.
He will only do conservation if PAID to do it.
Get real here folks.
Keep in mind that many horticultural societies are in tropical areas. No cold cellars.
And even in areas that aren't as hot and humid, there's a limit to how long you can store tubers. Remember the Bible story, about the seven fat cows and seven lean cows? It was a warning to store food grown during seven years of plenty for use during seven years of famine. Would be pretty tough to store sweet potatoes for seven years.
I have never seen any rot like regular potatoes do but I suppose it might happen if conditions were humid like in a cellar.
Its normal also for regular potatoes to shrink (if they don't rot) and put forth shoots. Again can be planted early for next years crop. The ones that I see rotting usually have defects associated with them. On the farm way back we used to spread lime over them and that seemed to preserve them quite well as well as keeping the varmits at bay.
I don't live in a tropical area. I live in Kentucky.
We eat a lot of sweet potatoes. You definitely need to 'cure' them. A very warm area, like an attic, is best.
"When more Europeans followed up the pilots' discoveries overland, they found that the inhabitants were farmers who grew taro, bananas, yams, sugarcane, sweet potatoes, pigs, and chickens. We now know that the first four of those major crops (plus other minor ones) were domesticated in New Guinea itself, that the New Guinea highlands were one of only nine independent centers of plant domestication in the world, and that agriculture has been going on there for about 7,000 years - one of the world's longest-running experiments in sustainable food production."
Beginning of the last paragraph on page 281:
"Sustainable agriculture in the New Guinea highlands poses difficult problems not only of soil fertility but also of wood supplies..."
Note that the New Guineans use only hand tools. As Leanan points out, on page 282 he discusses the growing of casuarina as silviculture. I plant enough trees that that doesn't surprise me a bit. Silviculture is the usual term for tree farming. I haven't seen any reference to horticulture in this section yet.
I don't think anyone can accuse Diamond of not knowing that some anthropologists use the terms agriculture and horticulture differently than he is here. I doubt that it's because he's "in over his head", as Jason asked if I was. Diamond wrote this book for a non-anthropologist audience, and that audience uses the standard definitions. If he were writing for an audience of anthropologists, I would expect that he would first define his terms and then use them, just as the glossaries Leanan and Jason cited did.
The problem is that if you are trying to convince the public that industrial agriculture can't continue when oil supplies decrease, then a natural response is to call for sustainable agriculture. If you then say, as Jason did, that this is an oxymoron and agriculture cannot be made sustainable, then your audience will decide that you are simply a doomer and either agree to be a doomer with you or go look for someone who thinks it can be made sustainable. They will most likely find one of the 20,000+ hits on sustainable agriculture on Google, figure out how to make agriculture sustainable, and ignore you from then on. This is unnecessary, if you are willing to use the commonly accepted definitions.
Sustainable agriculture cannot sustain 6.5 billions+ people, even less so with climate change.
Solve climate 'whatever it costs'
Html version:
Project Gutenberg version:
As for the scab analogy, of course you can keep picking it forever, as long as the underlying body has enough vitality to form a new one. And with the old Chinese system, which included recycling all human and animal waste, regularly dumping dredged canal mud onto the fields, and a hundred other bits of ingenuity, this appears to have been the case.
But it was not easy.
Two sites that deal with sustainable agriculture are:
This is the site of the Sustainable Research and Education Project. They used to offer a free download of their book, The New American Farmer - Profiles of Agricultural Innovation. I don't know it this is still available but it is an excellent introduction into what some farmers are doing. I bought a printed version in 2001.
The other site is:
This is the University of California at Davis' site on sustainable ag.
There are also many state organizations with web sites.
I think it's important to recognize that life isn't perfect. Unfortunately, this is the way it is.
Dude, if you seriously believe we should all be hunter gatherers again, I challenge you to be the first to go for it. Watching should be fun.
No, that's my conclusion, not my premise. I've provided an argument for it, so it's not a premise.
Well, I do believe that, and I am already underway, but here all I'm saying is that we'll have to be. We're not really getting a choice in this matter. Hunting and gathering is what humans did ofr most of our existence, and it's what we're going back to. This brief experiment with complexity is a passing blip.
If this is the core of your argument:
then really it is a simple matter of definition. It sounds as though you have defined agriculture to be those ways of working with the earth that wound the ecology, whereas horticulture is the set of ways that heal the ecology, or at least don't harm it.
It's a reasonable way to want to use words, but so far hasn't helped me decide whether or where to plant my tomatoes!
Defining the precise difference between horticulture and agriculture is difficult. Some draw the line between the hoe and the plow; others between whether or not a fallowing period is used; others on whether or not the land is cleared and then planted, or simply planted as it is. The best line I've yet found is EROEI. I'm not even sure if the threshold is the point of diminishing returns, or when EROEI becomes negative (I believe all agriculture has negative EROEI--I know ours is about 1:10, and that agriculture prior to the Green Revolution was something more like 1:4--but there might be a positive EROEI agriculture out there I don't know about), but so far that's my working hypothesis.
What we DO know is that agriculture and horticulture don't look anything like each other, and that while all agricultural societies are compelled to create ever more complex, stratified societies, most of the world's simple, sustainable, egalitarian societies are horticultural to one degree or another.
The "Patterns of Subsistence" website those two quotes come from is extremely useful.
Now, if we consider what agriculture then implies—the use of the plow to reduce a given region to the lowest level of succession, in effect creating a catastrophe in order to favor the growth of catastrophe-adapted cereal grains that we can harvest—then my characterization is certainly legitimate. Agriculture is wounding the ecology, and then picking the scab to make sure it never heals (because the part we're interested in—the cereal grains—are essentially the "platelets" of an ecology's response to such "wounding").
In most famines of the past, people have hunted the songbirds out of the trees. But because past famines have been confined to a given area, the wildlife was replenished, from outside the area, after only a few years. But a worldwide famine would strip the world of virtually every edible animal. And that dear friends will be the real tragedy of civilization. When civilization eventually leaves this world, it will take virtually everything else with it. The world will be stripped of virtually all its wildlife. We will leave this planet largely barren and sterile.
Ron Patterson
If previous collapses are any guide, civilizations have a tendency to kind of "implode" upon collapse. Populations move out of the countryside and into the cities; then the cities break down in the most horrific manner imaginable. That gives me at least the small hope that though civilization may end, at least the rest of life on this planet--and humanity, too, I think--will get to survive.
When we got very hungry when I was a kid, it was time to experiment with new foods! We learned some of the "lexicon" of the foods of the poor, like buying a small tub of cool-whip because it's 1/2 the price of ice cream and thus eating processed.... dunno what it is. I discovered sweet potato leaves after I'd dug the sweet potatos up, and discovered the sweet inner part of the tips of grass. Leavings and stuff others won't eat because they don't consider it food are a boon to the near-starving. We boiled green fruit and I learned how to fish, in overfished waters yielding nothing much over 8 inches long.
Now, if we can get by like this and simply not have so many kids, we can have something like a soft landing. But, the poorer and more desperate people are, the more kids they have!
Yeah, kick back, pop open a cold one, and watch....
The Donner party resorted to cannibalism—in the middle of a pine grove. Paiute Indians had even given them meals made of smashed pine nuts months before, but it still never dawned on them that you can eat pine nuts and pine bark, or make tea from the needles. No, they never touched the pine.
Diamond raises the example of the Greenland Vikings, living in full view of the Inuit making a happy living from the sea. Their own Scandinavian families were expert fishermen, and yet we can't find a single fish bone. We find even the calves of their all-important cow herds, eaten down to the hoofs. We find they ate their dogs. But they never ate the fish.
I understand the theoretical fear, but this isn't the first time a civilization has collapsed, and what history tells us is that civilizations basically implode.
"Si' Senior. Your dish was smaller today. But you see, sometimes in the bull ring, it is the bull who wins the bout. At this fine restaurant we serve nothing but best of the losers."

Is it an organic dog or was it fed road kill, Mad Cow and chemicals?
Yes, but given the scarcity of edible wild animals with respect to the HUGE crowds of the starving there will enough of them which "culturally constructed subset of edible matter" will encompass anything that moves.
This is already happening in Africa and the culturally constructed subset extends easily.
So Darwinian is right :
The world will be stripped of virtually all its wildlife. We will leave this planet largely barren and sterile.
P.S. Preaching your "hard core" primitivist gospel at TOD is not likely to be very successful, given how much more moderate powerdown suggestions are received.
"The world will be stripped of virtually all its wildlife. We will leave this planet largely barren and sterile."
No there are vast track of the Planet we have just begun to look at and they are filled with life. Most of that life we can't eat, and most of that life lives in manners we likely can't currupt to much.
Creatures live off the Volcanic vents in water so acidic that it'd kill us, but they don't need sunlight to live, in fact have nothing we would term eyes to see light, but heat, and acid content of the water.
But in all I doubt we will get to far into totally distroying the earth as a whole, and all other life on it. We need water to drink and most humans have not clue how to get it.
It would be nice if you could retrieve and publish a link to this.
For the record and to dampen a bit the techno-freaks here.
I should also modify my previous comment because of faulty memory. The method used to increase yields is not traditional culture but the one mentioned in the link above. Here's another that leads to a series of articles on the subject, http://www.i-sis.org.uk/RiceWars.php
This is where I remember the yield differential from: "Advocates of SRI routinely report yields up to twice or more those achieved by conventional agriculture."
Here's a quote I like, "Of course, what is best practice for corporate agriculture is not necessarily best practice for the farmer."
An interesting report from Norman Uphoff, Director of Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development(CIIFAD) and of the International Program Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: http://ciifad.cornell.edu/sri/countries/bangladesh/bangtr902.html
An excerpt from above text: "5. The two actors played a young farmer (pro-SRI) and his elderly grandfather (skeptical about SRI and critical of "new ways"). The latter had a snow-white beard and a cane, and acted very cantankerously. He sometimes chased the young man around the stage, waving his cane and chastizing the grandson for his insolence. The only part of the dialogue that was translated for me (it was very fast-moving) was when the young man noted, to justify SRI, that since he was young and could run fast, and the grandfather was old and could not move very fast, it stood to reason the "young seedlings" could grow much faster and produce much better than "old seedlings." This elicited an angry outburst from the grandfather to the merriment of all."
In any google for ag info having anything to do with GMOs, it serves to go deep into the hits as it seems the first several pages are inundated by anything pro-GMO.
Because otherwise you end up with blatantly ridiculous things like calling my mother's backyard tomato garden a farm.
But I don't quite understand why you exclude forest gardens as a way of living, and instead move right back to hunting. Guess I'm also wondering what there'll be left to hunt for.
Which takes us back to jellyfish for dinner. And breakfast. That comes from an earlier thread, in case you missed it.
I'm pretty excited. I already know a good number of wild edibles, and the basics of tracking. I'm learning to hunt this fall, and we've started a forest garden.
Yes, there were historic mistakes which damaged some part of the fertile crescent, but it is well known among agronomists that most of the soil degradation in the crescent (which covers an area from the mediterranean to iran) has occurred in recent decades, due to modern agricultural practices, usually, but not only monoculture. The area still produces a goodly amount of food. Changes in agricultural practices could raise this productivity, as well as improving the soil in almost all parts of the crescent.
Other factors which historically and at present degrade the productive potential of farmland, including that in the Fertile Crescent, are inappropriate crop or animal selection, deforestation, the loss of local and regional biodiversity (often as a result of deforestation, but also due to the use of petrochemicals) and changes in the hydrology of an area (again frequently related to deforestation, but also affected by monocropping, a practice made worse by the selection of inappropriate plants). Poorly informed grazing practices, including selection of species, timing and length of the grazing period, intensity of animals per unit of area, also degrade soils.
But be sure of this, most of the land that has or is being degraded by poor practice, including neighbouring deforestation and all the other mistakes, among which monoculture is the reigning champion, can be restored to its natural potential in three years. Most of the rest can be restored over a longer time frame.
Geological processes constantly generate soil, if at an insufficient rate to overcome poor practice (the rate varies according to climate, water, source rock, topography,etc. It is however incomparably quicker than the formation of hydrocarbons).
It is mostly flora, fauna and skill which do the necessary work to achieve the restoration/net improvement of the soil.
Althought I don't doubt that agriculture will have access to hydrocarbons for decades after the automobile has been largely relegated to museums, I anticipate with vicarious pleasure the improvement in the quality of food and the quality of rural life that will emerge as hydrocarbons are slowly withdrawn from agriculture.
If there is starvation post-peak, it will be for the same reasons that it is occuring pre-peak. Reaons rooted in our systems of social relations.
You and others might enjoy the story of James Hutton as told in "James Hutton and the discovery of deep time". Hutton, the father of modern geology, was widely know in his day (especially in France) for his publications on the restoration of farmland. He cultivated (sorry) his knowledge on some theretofore exhausted land in Scotland. The biography provides a pleasant account of this effort.
It would seem that you describe agriculture itself here, to a t, as it is/has been practised. Trying to say that it need not be so, would be doing what Jason is accused of: redefining agriculture. You make his point, so why tell him he doesn't know anything about it?
Yes, soil regeneration looks like our best, perhaps only, shot at survival on some scale, the optimum way to capture solar energy Terra Preta is an intriguing concept.
You're quite right that industrial agriculture has greatly deepened the problems in the Fertile Crescent, but that refutes a claim I never made. When agriculture first arose, the Fertile Crescent was, indeed, fertile. The earliest farmers turned it into a desert. We know this. Now, modern practices have used the Green Revolution to try to farm the desert, and the harm has been deeply compounded, but Iraq was already a desert in 1900. To refute the claim I made, you'd need to show either that Iraq was not a desert in 1900, or that the Fertile Crescent was never particularly fertile. In fact, the decimation of the Fertile Crescent is well known and accepted among archaeologists. Richard Manning discusses this at length in Against the Grain.
I am aware of this; in fact, I also know that on average, the rate of soil regeneration is about an inch every 50 years. This belies your claim that this "can be restored to its natural potential in three years." Erosion is another major problem caused by agriculture, which has washed away a great deal of soil.
Organic farming can never produce the absolute yields that industrial farming can. There will be less food, pure and simple. This is not a mere problem of allocation; we did not begin the Green Revolution on a lark. We began it, like all our other "revolutions," because we were left with no alternative.
That statement right there shows up just how ignorant you are. Good organic farming practices, once fully implemented, produce as much or more as 'conventional' techniques.
Results from the first 8 years of the project show that the organic and low-input systems had yields comparable to the conventional systems in all crops which were tested - tomato, safflower, corn and bean, and in some instances yielding higher than conventional systems (Clark, 1999a). Tomato yields in the organic system were lower in the first three years, but reached the levels of the conventional tomatoes in the subsequent years and had a higher yield during the last year of the experiment (80 t/ha in the organic compared to 68 t/ha in the conventional in 1996). Corn production in the organic system had a higher variability than conventional systems, with lower yields in some years and higher in others.
Both organic and low-input systems resulted in increases in the organic carbon content of the soil and larger pools of stored nutrients, each of which are critical for long-term fertility maintenance (Clark, 1998).
http://www.clarkecenter.org/Readings-Resources/organic%20bioscience%202005.pdf#search=%22organic%20v ersus%20commercial%20crop%20yields%22
- In Madhya Pradesh, India, average cotton yields on farms participating in the Maikaal Bio-Cotton Project are 20 per cent higher than on neighboring conventional farms.
- In Madagascar, SRI (System of Rice Intensification) has increased yields from the usual 2-3 tons per hectare to yields of 6, 8 or 10 tons per hectare.
- In Tigray, Ethiopia, a move away from intensive agrochemical usage in favor of composting has seen an increase in yields and in the range of crops it is possible to grow.
- In the highlands of Bolivia, the use of bonemeal and phosphate rock and intercropping with nitrogen-fixing Lupin species have significantly contributed to increases in potato yields.
A 22-year farm trial study by Cornell University published in 2005 concluded that organic farming produces the same corn and soybean yields as conventional methods, but consumes less energy and contains no pesticide residues. However, a prominent 21-year Swiss study found an average of 20% lower organic yields over conventional, along with 50% lower expenditure on fertilizer and energy, and 97% less pesticides[1]. A major US survey published in 2001, analyzed results from 150 growing seasons for various crops and concluded that organic yields were 95-100% of conventional yields[2]. Comparative yield studies are still scarce, and overall results remain "inconclusive".
Appreciated once again
Soils vary. Some places are very good, others places not so much. Moreover, organic processes rely heavily on adapting to a specific ground: soil, sunlight, and so forth. That means yield will vary greatly from acre to acre. This acre has good soil, that acre's on a hill, etc. So you can't just measure your best acre, and multiply that by how many acres you have. It's not that simple. I have no doubt that some pockets might be able to give you even bigger yields using organic farming and ripping the soil up with your own plow, versus ripping it up with a tractor and laying down a bunch of fertilizer and pesticides. But that's going to be an exceptional acre. That's why we came up with the Green Revolution: because it improved yields compared to what organic agriculture was coming up with (though much of that was simply keeping pace with what organic agriculture had once produced, once the consequences of so many decades of organic agriculture began to bleed the soil dry and leave it impossible for further organic agriculture to take place).
Exactly. That's one of the reasons we have monocultures. It maximizes yields. If, say, Castro Valley is ideal for growing artichokes, that's what all the farmers grow. Why grow another crop, which isn't suited to the area?
While there may be more than one crop ideally suited to a particular area, farmers are under a lot of pressure to grow the most valuable crop they can, because the value of their land, and hence their mortgages and taxes, are based on that.
Supporting the current American population via horticulture implies a massive shift in our culture and economy. It might be possible, for awhile at least, but it would mean most of us would have to become full-time farmers again.
At any rate I just had to add this. The Fertile Crescent is much more sterile than it once was. And Asia Minor, now mostly Turkey, was once a lush wooded area. It is now mostly desert. The trees were cut for fuel and building, the land was farmed then used as grazing land. It eventually just washed away, filling up all the ports in the area.
Do a Google search on the ancient biblical city of Ephesus and you will see what I mean. Ephesus was a port city but after a few centuries it was nothing but an inland ruin many miles from the sea. The reason, clearing the land, then farming, then overgrazing. Jared Diamond had this to say about the area:
Ron Patterson
I see you make the all too common error of confusing Messopotamia, if I might borrow from Jon Stewart, with the Fertile Crescent.
Iraq is only one of many countries, from Iran through Turkey to Lebanon that fall within the boundaries of the Fertile Crescent. So your challenge regarding Iraq is rather meaningless. Nonetheless, let's deal with the lands of present day Iraq and in particular the lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.
A desert describes dry and barren land. This indeed describes much of the land between the rivers for the first several thousands of years of the agricultural revolution, when agriculture was confined to rainfed areas. Even today, about one half of the agriculture land in Iraq, about one quarter of the country's land area, is rain fed.
Other parts of the land between the rivers was (and some still is, swamp).
By and by, as millenia pass and knowledge and wealth slowly accumulate, irrigation via canals is developed and introduced to the dry and barren lands between the rivers. Canals are also used to drain swamps and more land becomes available for agriculture.
Time passes and some of the lands made fertile by the introduction of water, or re-ordering of the water supply in the case of swampland, deteriorates because of salinization. Where annual flooding could still occur, salinazation never became a problem.
We can note that salinization has only recently become a problem in Egypt in spite of thousands of years of irrigated farming. And this due to the construction of massive dams on the Nile.
Still, periodic flooding continued to cleanse much of the land between the rivers, and the civilization flourished.
Now comes the part that self-proclaimed Darwinian will like.
Invasion and war, took a slow and steady toll on the canal system in the land between the rivers. The worst came when the ignorant Mongols, with Dick Cheney's spiritual ancestors pulling the strings, laid waste to almost the entire system of canals. And even worse, murdered the people with the knowledge of how the system worked. Their demise spelled tragedy. Agricultural production crashed and the knowledge needed to restore it was lost. Pastoralism became the norm.
Now this is a rough and ready accounting, but it is broadly describes the situation in Iraq until more modern times.
By 1900, despite the Ottomans, agriculture, date production in particular, but also grain production, was again practiced in the lands of modern day Iraq.
All this to say, that it is not agriculture which explains the barren and arid condition of some parts of the Fertile Crescent and especially those parts which indeed were desert during approximately the first half of the age of agriculture, only becoming productive with the introduction of canals.
Now you may want me to provide references and the like. But it is quite obvious to me at least that a little disciplined research on your part will go a long way.
As for the time frame to restore dirt to a rich and vibrant soil, I never suggested that geology alone could do the job in three years. If you might calm your heart beat somewhat and actually read my comments, I said flora, fauna and skill are the main ingredients for a three year plan.
Regarding the Green Revolution. It was not the only alternative to meet the nutritional requirements of the population. It was not the beginning of plant breeding, nor the end, but it did develop strains that served special interests.
The Green Revolution did serve the interests of those profiting from an expansion of the pool of cheap urbanized labour. It did serve the interests of those in the petro-chemical industry, and it is no fluke that it occured during a period of expanding hydrocarbon production (and low and declining prices). New markets needed to be developed and made dependent.
I don't like to use the word organic, since it has now become another hat that is worn on so many heads as to fit none. I prefer polyculture, since it more accurately captures the sense of the sustainable practices that can provide food to the masses. I also don't object to the use of chemicals to control pests. Nature does it in our absence. Polyculture, as is pointed out in the very readable "Omnivore's Dilemma", minimises the need for synthetic intervention in natural processes. But there is likely to always be some need. Moderation in all things.
The question we face is not whether polyculture can produce the same amount of wheat or soybeans or rice or corn as monoculture. The question is what do we need to do to maintain the productive capacity of land, lake and sea, to adequately feed the current population and the anticipated increase in population, until peak population around 2075 (Longman, Philip) and afterwards.
For this task, polyculture, an ancient practice now enhanced by decades of research and experimentation, is most ably suited. Nonetheless, monoculture will continue for some time past peak oil, as institutional inertia and a continued, albeit declining, supply of hydrocarbons will encourage its persistence.
Neither do you seemingly.
it is well known among agronomists that most of the soil degradation in the crescent (which covers an area from the mediterranean to iran) has occurred in recent decades
The first recorded civilisation of the Sumerians was thriving in the southern Tigris-Euphrates Valley by the 4th millennium B.C. Over the course of years, Sumerian irrigation practices destroyed the pedosphere in such a way that this civilisation collapsed.
In the fertile crescent Tigris-Euphrates rivers salted up 5-2 millennia ago and ... creating serious problems of soil salinization in Syria and Iraq.
Look at the whole text.
For three thousand years after the end of the Sumerian period, the land between the rivers, produced food in abundance, and many civilizations rose and fell.
Thinking logically and learning to do research will serve you well. Locating a single citation by persons out of their field and possibbly out of their depth does not amount to research.
I read something like that in Discover last year:
Can common nutrients curb violent tendencies and dispel clinical depression?
Apparently, farmers treat aggressive, antisocial behavior in pigs with high doses of vitamins and minerals. One decided to try it on his psychotic kids. It worked, and he managed to get some scientists on his side. I believe there's a large-scale study going on now.
At the time the above article was written, the Canadian government had declared the vitamin therapy quackery, but since then, they lost a court case. The judge ruled that there was plenty of evidence it worked.
Is that information from "Against the Grain"? I would like to see the source for that. My understanding, which could certainly be wrong, is that soil is composed of minerals, organic matter, and microorganisms in horizons. Minerals, in a geologic sense, are the rocky material that makes up the strata underneath the topsoil and part of the material in the topsoil. If you strip away the topsoil, you're left with minerals, in the form of whatever the underlying soil horizons are made of in your area. I've certainly heard that we've lost a lot of organic soil and topsoil, but I'm a little less clear on how you lose minerals.
I actually found it just yesterday, and I'm still trying to find the ultimate source for it. I found this table reproduced several times, and it seems to have originally come from a report done for the U.S. Senate, though I haven't been able to track it down yet (like I said, I found this yesterday):
Soil depletion by continent
North America - 85%
South America - 76%
Asia - 76%
Africa - 74%
Europe - 72%
Australia - 55%
Apparently, at least the 85% figure is cited by Randall Fitzgerald in The Hundred-Year Lie.
They're probably referring to minerals useful to plants, which is just a small subset of the total. I've been trying to track down more on this, so help is appreciated.
Second, I notice that the primary definition of "mineral" is based on geology/chemistry, but the fourth meaning is minerals that are essential to the nutrition of plants and animals. So, while silica is a mineral, it is not a mineral that is essential to the nutrition of plants and animals.
Also, if you do a websearch on mineral depletion, you get far fewer hits (and many of those are about oil depletion!) than if you search for soil depletion.
I normally wouldn't consider any one of these sources terribly reliable on its own, but the same numbers indicate a common source that may be credible. The second one seems to indicate the source is a Senate report of some kind. This is why I mentioned my trouble tracking down the source; I would very much like to find it. I can't definitively say what those numbers refer to, only my assumptions, until I find that source.
I've heard modern American agriculture described as more like hydroponics than farming. Since the farmer has to provide all the nutrients.
I've seen this in the apartment complex here - they have a bunch of guys of low intelligence but cheap to hire, ordered to "keep the grounds neat" so they go around and remove any organic matter (leaves etc) every other day and it's been a process of removing the nutrients from the soil and turning it into a dead mass. Ivy barely grows now, weeds are unknown, and the mass that was once soil is cracked and barren, with stringy ivy just barely hanging on.
If they were smart they'd have let the ivy grow, and only trim the edges back. Removed large fallen twigs etc but let the small organic stuff get trapped in the ivy "mat". The "mat" would gradually get taller, greener, and more beautiful. It would become a treasurehouse underneath of trapped material, that feeds it. Just add water and trim as needed. Which would make this a beautiful complex. But no, that takes some intelligence......
If I have it correctly, hydroponics became popular because it's the logical extension of how corporate farming is done in the US. Hydroponics was seen as a way to completely control the process, no more messy ol' soil. It was seen as a way for space station inhabitants to grow something to get a break from those Space Food Sticks, and lastly it was seen as a way to grow pot inside your house.
Stone age, iron age, middle ages, 1900s, whatever...it isn't going to be the Jetson's that is for sure.
Mauraders - gangs, thugs, whatever you like to call them - there will be bad people who will take what you have - violently. (see eg Katrina - N.O., La, the Sudan, Ethopia, Argentina, Russia, Brazil...)
In his essay, it would appear that he assumes die off, not 6 billion people sustaining on gathering or agriculture, but I could be wrong. If you factor this into his essay, then the planning he suggests is just about surviving through the mess until things level off.
I think it would be very difficult to encompass all the possibilities in a short essay.
I think he has the right idea in general. Like in life (BAU), you have to plan for yourself, then for the community, then the nation. And clearly, there is little action at the national level, and in most communities, so you have to do something for yourself ifi you want to survive.
My 2 cents is if you think staying in the big city is a great idea, your smoking something great...send me a bag.
=It's all about population!
While this last sentence is obviously true, it does not tell the whole story. As Steven LeBlanc explains in his great book "Constant Battles":
A perfect example of this can be seen in the Somalian famine of the early 90s. The starving were very apathetic but that was because those not starving had already taken all their food and resources from them. Theese were marauding gangs led by a warlord.
People will fight for food as long as they have the strength. They will plan, scheme, organize, and do whatever is necessary to keep themselves alive. That is, as long as there is no strong central government controlling their every move. But when the situation gets obviously hopeless and they begin to starve, they become very apathetic, lay down and die, just like the Somalians did.
I might add that the warlords are still there, and getting fat. Somalia is currently the only nation in the world with no central government. Each warlord rules his little patch of turf. Perhaps this is a picture of most of the world in fifty years.....or less.
Ron Patterson
Jasper Becker's book, Hungry Ghosts: Mao's Secret Famine, describes a practice known as "swap children, then eat." Parents couldn't bear to kill and eat their own children, so they would trade with a neighbor. You eat theirs, they eat yours.
I reponded to the anti-wind letters in my local paper, and although they spelled my name wrong, they did finally publish it:
As a little black humour, here are the lyrics from the song "Going Hunting" by the Canadian group "The Arrogant Worms":
We're goin' huntin'
We're gonna kill somethin'
I don't care what it is
Maybe a raccoon, maybe a gopher,
Maybe the neighbour's kids!
THIS is why some people call us an echo chamber for the insane!
God, how disgusting.
It is useful, though, to understand that human beings in extremis are capable of just about anything. That knowledge makes it clear why keeping nightmare scenarios from becoming a reality is so crucial.
My uncle, a cop can crack some pretty off color jokes, but after riding around with him one day on a "slow" day, it didn't take me long to realize that if he didn't have his sense of humor, he probably wouldn't have his sanity.
I'm sure there are surgeons, military personnel, EMS, aid workers, and hosts of other professions that fall back to the same defense that our minds have in humor.
If PeakOil is as bad as doomers predict, I'll take some off color gallows humor from my fellow survivors, over them going insane and doing something stupid.
The Arrogant Worms are a grass roots comedy band.
They also sing about the screams of vegetables being boiled and peeled not to mention an all-time personal drinking favorite - the Saskatchewan River Pirates.
Gebus man.
The Last Saskatchewan Pirate has been found!
Please enjoy some true Canadian heritage.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm out for the long weekend and off to the pub. Be needing to find me some rum and crew fer me ship.
Any reasonably in-depth study of PO or peak water, peak minerals etc drags you, ineluctably, towards the nightmare of the chasm. Once knowledgeable of PO and all its awful ramifications, then you realise that staying out of the chasm will be exceedingly difficult. PO is the stuff of nightmares for any sane person.
PO and our innability to face it head on and deal with it is insane.
But on the other hand, if you want a real echo chamber of the insane, try Hannity and Colmes, The Oh really factor, or that scary-skinny blonde nazi bitch (Coulter?). Or even that squeaky voiced, bug-eyed, bat-eared twelve year old uber-capitalist they wheel on, whose name (If he has one) escapes me.
First time I saw Fox, I thought it was some kind of advanced satirical piss-take... Like Brass Eye, or the Time Trumpet.
Or just read anything by Yergin.
Charles Krauthammer
talk about ''mad, bad and dangerous to know''.
pure Adams Family
Hello Ron,
I see that you continue, like most doomsters, to bend reality to fit your conclusion. Popularly supported Islamic militias, guided by a clear concept of governance through law, have largely routed the warlords from Somalia's capital city and other parts of the country. It is only support from the USA that gives these warlords any hope of recovery. Their hopes do not rest with hunger among the population, nor with any other scarcity of resources.
The success of this popular movement in Somalia undermines rather convincingly your take on history and its direction.
I note your use yesterday of the example of the Police Strike in Montreal in 1969, and subsequent riot, to fuel your downward spiral through the circles of your personal inferno. Please note: 99.99 of the people of Montreal remained calm, respectful and law-abiding throughout this incident. The tiny group of hooligans were quickly corraled by other agencies. This incident in no way should be used to try to add credence to your religious conviction in the inevitability of social disaster as tradeable energy declines in availability (and quality).
As far back as we can see in time, we have had one form or another of governance. We have always found ways to deal with anti-social behavior. Call it dependence on the strong arm of the law if you like. But the law rests on a stronger foundation of love, logic and learning, qualities intrinsic to our humanity and never more than temporarily upset by events.
War is the worst form of anti-social behaviour. In my father's lifetime (1903-2000) there was plenty of this. It was also the age of oil. But the age is ending, changes are coming. At this point in time, there is as much, if not more, reason to believe that the future holds a decline in war and other forms of anti-social behaviour. For example, the declining influence of hydrocarbons will weaken the US and the imperial ambitions of its elites. It will weaken the State of Israel (and hopefully save the nation of Israel from retribution)and contain its reckless pursuit of evermore territory. Said territorial ambitions having nothing to do with shortages of food, though demand for water for swimming pools and hi-tech industry certainly plays a role. When the US (and Israel)is reeled into the tent of international law and the warmongering face punitive repercussions for their behaviour, then you can expect peace to break out in many corners of the globe. You can also expect that the use of brute force in places such as Chechyna will not be so easily executed without repercussions and perpetuators everywhere will be more cautious.
I don't expect violence to end with the end of the era of cheap energy, nor with the full internationalization of the rule of law. But there is every reason to hope that the 21st and subsequent centuries will see less of it than did the horrible age of oil.
Pure and absolute poppycock! Read the truth here.
At least I can post URLs to support my position Toil For Oil, you, like a poster above, post a statement with no proof or reference whatsoever and expect that position to be taken as truth. It is not, it is pure fiction.
And yes, the US may indeed be supporting the warlords in Somalia. That is because al-Qaeda is trying to form a government there. I will not defend either the US position or that of al-Qaeda, but my point is you are simply dead wrong in saying that Islamic militias have routed the warlords. If that were the case there would be no need for them to have their headquarters in Kenya.
Toilforoil wrote:
Where did you get that 99.99 (percent?) of the people remained calm and law abiding? Got a URL for that? No, you just pulled that figure right out of your posterior, the same place you got your information on Somalia. At any rate that means only one in 10,000 took place in the riots. Montreal, at that time, had a population of approximately 1.3 million. That means only about 130 people did all that damage. Yeah Right! It took the Army and the Mounties to restore order. But all this misses the point. The point is, when the rule of law disappears, all hell breaks loose. Thomas Hobbes pointed this out five hundred years ago. Without the rule of law people will simply behave like the animals they are.
The rest of your post is nothing but pure rant about the "US and the imperial ambitions of its elites." I am not here to defend the actions of the US nor those of your beloved Islamic Terrorists. I will only say that your idea that the end of oil will bring about the end of war is nothing but ideological dreaming. A far higher percentage of the population died as a result of conflict in the days of tribal societies than today, and it will be so in the future. You should brush up on your history as well as current events Toil, instead of praising the ideological and violent actions of your beloved Islamic Terrorists, or, as you call them:
Good Lord, how ridiculous can one possibly get!
Ron Patterson
Riots and warlordism are another wonderful byproduct of the corpgov way of life!
I hear that Miss Manners writing a new edition from the politeness capital of the planet, Baghdad.
and the one thing that keeps rioters out of the 'burbs whether in the US or in Canada is Mr Ex-Boy Scout who got his marksmanship badge, standing on his roof with his deer rifle.
What happens when the rioters are mr Ex-Boy scout and mr ex-marine sharpshooter and have M-16s, and they want your food?
I can't speak to suburban or urban areas. Here is a 300 page plus story about a suburban area with lots of good, usable information and a good read. I highly recommend it.
But, I live on the top of a mountain in the boondocks and what we'll do is kill them all. A well positioned person with a 22LR with a noise/flash suppressor and a scope can take out all the guys with M-16's before they know what's happening. But almost everyone has a 30-30 or 30-06 or a 308 that can problably take them out from beyond an accurate range for an M-16.
I can't speak for other areas but the "bad guys" are going to hang close to the roads. They are not going to climb up 60 degree slopes in the woods in the hope of finding something to raid.
Further, there is an ERoEI investment cost in the boondocks since homes are far apart and it assumes that roads will provide access to vehicles (wrong).
There's lots more but that's enough.
Until they read this....
Bad Guys tend to be quite smart.
Yes the 22LR say a Ruger 10-22 with a bull barrel can be quite accurate and deadly out to about 125 yds. I can place three shots in about a 3 inch group , with a very well setup 3x9 scope....BUT
I will take a Sako .243 winchester bolt action anyday with which I can reach out to 300 yds with some good knockdown power.
I have reloading equipment for the .243 but I am buying more ammo for the 10-22 since its an excellent small game rifle and light to carry. You can stock up many cases of .22LR ammo at a reasonable cost. AND you can replace the 10 round factory clip with a bannana clip of 30,40 or 50 round capacity.
For close in I prefer a Ruger P345 or a semi auto 12 guage.
Everyone to his own taste and what works best for them.
In my state we passed a Concealed Carry law. It makes it tougher on the criminals when they are unsure as to whether or not you are armed.
Also a fine carry weapon I am discovering is the Keltec in .380....the men who work at my favorite gun shop carry this piece everywhere they go , legal or not.
Disclaimer:I am not a card carrying member of the NRA, I just believe in the right to survive and not be harmed by others. I don't sense that much altruism abroad in the land. I sense quite the opposite. Like a recent trip to DC where we came very close to being carjacked.
To me finding such crime right next(5 blocks away) to the nations Capitol speaks volumes to me about preparedness and the role of government.
past, present and future.
Yet again the gung-ho Rambo-like duke-it-out-at-my-homestead
Holloywoodesque naive american gun-lobby mentality rears it's ugly head in
the forum.
I fully understand that ownin' guns and prayin' in school is what the US
is all about, and that ownin' guns is your constitutional right and what
defines you as a good christian americans.
Before I go further into this rant, I must stress that I do not embrace
the scenarios below, neither as likely or desireable. And they will
probably not come true in old-World Europe, and us Europeans will probably
not have to worry about this at all, just the quiet degradation of
However, let's assume as a theoretical scenario that TS really HTF and
it gets really, really, really bad. Starvation and misery in the cities in
the future, refugees roaming the countryside, and eventually armed bands
of mauraders or raiders. To draw some pop-culture references, think
Lucifer's Hammer, think The Postman, think Mad Max.
First, yes, ownin' a gun might let you as a good christian scare off any
visitors, without having to talk to them or needing to offer them food and
a days shelter in exchange for a days labour. Or you can as a good
christian just kill them right away for trespassing on your property. At
least if they are a hungry, confused, desperate and impoverished family,
maybe having a knife, stick or a club or a simple handgun or something.
Good luck with that, I hope you will sleep well at night after butchering
a starving family.
But sooner or later, in the above scenario, there will be ex-military
people taking up raiding. I'll say good luck to you for dukin' it out at
your homestead, Rambo-like, but without any ficitional special forces
I will now briefly describe how the attack on your homestead will proceed,
given a party of about 10 raiders, who (unlike you) makes a living on
plundering homesteads with gung-ho farmers.
The raiders will have done this before. Every time they raid a farm they
will be able to scavenge weapons, and while they cannot carry everything,
this will let them select the best weapons. Sooner or later they will have
scavenged a homestead and get their hands on a machine-gun or something.
But let's assume that they just have a couple of .30-06 scoped hunting
rifles and a few semi-automatic 5.56 assault rifles.
It is fall. You and your family are working in the fields, harvesting
crops. As you are gung-ho you will have your guns with you. Your oldest
son stands guard.
The raiders will take their time, recon two or three firing positions
200-400 meters away, and then sneak up to one of those positions and
proceed with a coordinated simultaneous fire-assault.
You're wife's chest explodes as a .30-06 oryx-bonded hunting bullet
pierces her torso (a bullet capable of downing a 600 kg (1300 lbs) moose
or a 250 kg (600lbs) boar at 150 meters in a single shot), splattering you
with her blood and lung tissue. Then you will hear smattering shounds of
the shots, and you will look up as a reflex. As you look up you see how
the head of your oldest son explodes from a 5.56 full metal jacket, while
a second bullet tears off his arm making it drop to the ground before his
body does. You still don't know where the shots came from. As adrenalin,
fear and emotion overwhelms you and you dive for cover in a ditch, you see
how your daughter fall over back at the barnyard, cluthing her stomach as
her instestines wallow out on the ground, her screaming pierces the clear
air. She will continue to scream endlessly for 30 minutes as she bleeds
Now, in spite of being in a total panic from seeing half of your family
torn to bits, and in spite of bullets hitting the rim of the ditch, you
gather strength and manage to think and behave rationally. You ready your
weapon, unchecks the safety, check that no mud has entered the barrel as
you dove into the ditch (wrong order, but hey, you're under a lot of
pressure here), and you carefully peek over the edge of the ditch, braving
the bullets, just to try to identify where the attackers are. A sharp
flash of pain hits you as a 5.56 passes close to your head, tearing of
your ear in the process and causing your ear to pop. However, you still
ignore this and manages to identify where the attackers where, from some
residual gunsmoke. You bring up your own .30-06 and aim through the scope
at the small hill where the fire assualt took place. And see nothing.
The raiders are already on their way re-locating to an alternate firing
position. You strenghten yourself, and run out of the ditch, ignoring the
body of your wife and oldest son, ignoring the incessant screams of your
mortally wounded daughter and run back towards the farmhouse. As you do,
you see your two remaining sons exiting the barn, brandishing their
weapons, not behaving as rationally as you do (as they never saw combat in
Iraq, as you did in the National Guard).
The sniper's bullet hits your youngest son straight in the chest, and he
just drops to his knees and fall over. Your remaining son starts firing
his assualt-rifle at something, but by now the raiding party has reached
their alternate firing position and open fire once again. Your second son
explodes as a dozen bullets hit him.
Still you're unharmed, except for the missing ear. But finally your
emotions and fear overwhelm you. When you were in combat in the Gulf, you
fought alongside your squad of semi-professionals, and even though you
became as close, or closer than, as a family, you still had a professional
relationship and could take the loss of a brother-in-arms rationally. But
now, you've seen your entire family torn to bits, much like you saw many
Iraqi families torn to bits by car-bombs or collateral damage. You just
collapse into a foetal position and start sobbing. (No, not you, gentle
reader, as you will be able to stand the pressure and act cooly and
rationally under the above circumstances. Ah irony)
The raiders quitely collects your family's abandaned weapons. One raider,
in a moment of compassion, puts a bullet through the head of your
screaming daughter. You recognize him. Isn't that the lieutentant from
that special forces unit you supported once in Iraq? He seems to be the
leader of the raiding party.
He walks over to where you are held tied up to a fence. As he brings out
his knife, he smiles and ask, "Now, we can do this the hard way or the
easy way. I don't care which. Where are your supplies?"
No way are you going to be able to duke it out at your homestead
I've preached this before. Run away. Attackers will have the element of
surprise. Attackers will have the initiative. Running away let's you get
reinforcements, and might make you live slightly longer. If your two
youngest sons above hadn't been overcome by emotions and instead
rationally run off, they might have survived. I expect naive rebuttals
like "I will hit them before they hit me". Well, good luck with that. You
only need to fail once. And also, what kind of person are you, who will
just open fire on anyone approaching your homestead? Yeah, that will make
necessary trade of goods, services and information easy...
Also, if you think of fighting back, first realize you do not have to
sit on something to defend it. Scout several firing positions in advance,
positions which cover the approaches to and from your homestead, from
where you can deny access (or take them out as they leave) without having
to sit on the objective. Set up one or two rallying points a bit into the
woods, where you store a few days of food and water as well as guns,
ammunition, medical supplies and communication devices. If you never
brandish arms, and just run into the woods empty-handed, chances are that
no bullets (in short supply) will be wasted into your backs as you
obviously are of no danger to the raiders. Then you can muster and
counter-attack at a time and place of your choice. You can very well deny
raiders your homestead by sniping at them from afar, once they have taken
it over. The scenario above will be reversed, you will have the
intitative, and the only things a 10-man raiding party can do is to hide
or run away.
They won't find your sniping positions as you have superior local
knowledge, and any outflanking attempts will be stopped by ambushes by the
non-snipers in your household.
As you can keep the raiders contained at your homestead indefinetly by
switching firing positions and denying outflanking, you can spare a person
to get reinforcements from neighbouring homesteads, the law-enforcement,
milita, Home Guard, National Guard or whatever setup you have. And as you
get a superior force by firearms and numbers, as well as with superior
local knowledge and regular joint training, they will send the raiders
a-packin, or even better - bring them to justice, whatever that will mean.
But the best way to defend your homestead is not to have to defend it. If
you can setup a joint defense of your community/county/valley/whatnot,
with listening posts at all approaches as well as mobile recon teams on a
rotating basis, you can give a heads up to the community beforehand, so
that raiders can be stopped before they reach a single homestead. But this
requires hundreds of farms so that you can spare the manpower for
listening posts, mobile recon and communications headquarters and command
and control.
A second alternative is to not fight back at all. Have the white flag up
at all times. Convincing a raiding party that by you paying tribute (yup,
hurts doesn't it) to them, make it possible for them to return for tribute
next year. The odds of succeeding at that are probably higher than armed
resistance. Odds are also that the raiders will be killed by someone else,
one at a time, before next year, so perhaps no tribute necessary come next
Sooner or later someone will muster a force big enough to become a feudal
war-lord who will extract tribute, Postman-like, from all farms in an
area, in exchange for "protection". Unless you manage to set up a defense
force by yourselves.
I do not find the above likely, I do not find it desireable. More likely
will be misinformed riots and plunder inside the cities, as obviously the
rich still have food, so let's all go steal it back...
But please, get the "I can defend my homestead" out of your head, unless
you're trained in military small-unit tactics and have an absolutely
optimal setup where no-one can approach your homestead (even by crawling
at night) without being discovered 24/7 before they get inside gun-range.
A machine-gun has a effective reach of well over 1000 meters, so you need
to be in the open. But how do you solve the crawling at night issue....
(How?) It is very difficult to spot/measure distance to a firing position
set up in the middle of a field, with no discernible land-marks. Are you
going to have a person dedicated to standing guard 24/7 on a rotating
basis? That will take away much needed manpower from other stuff.
He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.
Do not fear. Accept, embrace, understand, respect and prepare.
But like I said, the above is neither likely nor desireable.
How much armed raiders did you have in the Great Depression of the 1930:s?
The world does not end with a bang, but with a whimper.
Now let's take a real-world, historical example.
The Thirty Years War, 1618-1648
As she said, Canadians (even River Pirates) don't get too excited about anything.
It leads to a story of May 17, 2006 headed "US Secretly Backing Warlords in Somalia", a story which illustrates my point about the nefarious effects of the imperialist policies of the Empire in Decline.
While I hate to arrest your dark descent into the hell of your imagination, here is a round-up of news from Reuters of August 25, 2006: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/IRIN/1f19eb00766bdcb4937bb059ab0251bf.htm
SOMALIA: Mogadishu port re-opens after 11 years
As another sign of improved security in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, the country's main port was officially re-opened on Thursday after more than 11 years.
"The chairman of the courts [Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed] officially opened the port today [Thursday]," said Sheikh Umar Ahmed Weheliye, the port manager. Full story at:
SOMALIA: Islamic courts ban trade in charcoal and wildlife
The Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), which controls the capital, Mogadishu, and much of south and central Somalia, issued a directive on Tuesday banning exports of charcoal and rare birds and animals, an official told IRIN.
The Executive Committee of the UIC issued the directive after a full committee meeting agreed to the ban, Sheikh Abdulkadir Ali Omar, the UIC Vice-Chairman, said. Full story at:
SOMALIA: Premier appoints new cabinet
Somalia's interim Prime Minister, Ali Muhammad Gedi, on Monday appointed a 31-member cabinet, two weeks after the dissolution of the previous one amid disagreements over the premier's handling of peace talks between the transitional government and the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC).
President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, who heads Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG), dissolved the cabinet on 7 August, a week after a vote of no-confidence in Gedi was defeated in parliament. Full story at:
Sorry to present you with so much good news. I should say it accords with reports from the many Somalians who live in my neighbourhood.
As for the Montreal riot of 1969, which you try to use to somehow demonstrate the inevitability of crisis and chaos after peak oil, the toll was: 108 arrested, 20 injured, $11 million (Canadian adjusted to 2006 value) in property damage. After some overnight violence, by hooligans, some military were posted at public buildings, the fear being that separatists might try to take advantage of the situation. Nothing happened. The 1969 riot barely compares to the 1955 riot following the suspension of famed hockey player, Maurice, the Rocket, Richard.
Hardly a descent into chaos.
The Intrigue of On-site Power
September 1, 2006
With folks still sweating over the summer heat wave, attention remains focused on increasing electricity reliability at a reasonable price. As such, distributed generation is in the spotlight.
Ken Silverstein
EnergyBiz Insider
To the extent that businesses derive their power from such on-site generators, the wear and tear on the electric grid is diminished and reliability for customers is enhanced. Costs, technology and fuel supply are still hurdles, which is why customers with overriding power quality concerns will pave the way for others to benefit. Indeed, it appears that the emphasis on reliability will gain traction in certain circles, namely customers and regulators looking for unwavering reliability as well as environmentalists who see such projects as a way to cut harmful emissions.
Implementing distributed generation can be as simple as installing a small electric generator to provide backup power at an electricity consumer's site. Alternatively, it can be a more complex system, consisting of electricity generation, energy storage and demand management systems as well as rate designs to influence customer behavior. Distributed resources that run on fuel cells can be installed by utilities or customers.
According to energy educator Enerdynamics, about 550,000 small distributed generation units now exist in the United States. Of those, roughly 25,000 are operational all the time. By 2020, the American Gas Association has forecast that such facilities will account for 20 percent of all new capacity in this country, or 5 percent of all electricity generated. Some say that will not make enough of a difference on overall grid reliability, and emphasize that building new central generation and transmission is still essential.
The larger industrial users that also recycle the byproduct steam to create heat can justify the investments. Others, such as those businesses that need a continuous supply of energy, must buy distributed generation because of its reliability. On-site power can be clean and efficient when compared to modern combined cycle power plants. Indeed, projects are in the works that are said to be 80 percent efficient compared to 40 percent and 50 percent for coal and modern combined cycle plants, respectively.
The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, for example, is working on a fuel cell that yields an 80 percent efficiency rate -- yet no burning of carbon takes place. "The conversion system must use a low-cost domestic resource, have comparable or lower capital and operating costs, achieve higher efficiency, and capture fuel oxidation products internally to achieve zero emissions of toxic and greenhouse gases," adds Lawrence Dubois, with SRI International, a research firm in Menlo Park, Calif.
Innovations Emerging
Residential fuel cells supply between 2-5 kilowatts of power and are mostly in the experimental stage. Meanwhile, those used for commercial enterprises can generate 200 kilowatts and are implemented if businesses need uninterruptible power or where access to the transmission grid is limited.
Practical applications are taking place. Dow Chemical and General Motors Corp. will integrate earlier fuel cell research and apply it to Dow's Texas operations in Freeport at its chemical and plastics production facility. The fuel cells will produce as much as one megawatt of electricity. If it works, Dow would pursue large-scale commercialization and use as many as 400 fuel cells to generate 35 megawatts of power. That would be enough to power 2 percent of Dow's Texas operations.
The obstacles to wider implementation, however, are high. For starters, many distributed generation technologies rely on natural gas, which is not only expensive but also limited in supply. Others also note that modern combined cycle natural gas plants that are centralized can burn electricity more efficiently than distributed resources.
Meanwhile, many large energy consumers find it less troublesome to buy bulk power from wholesale providers than to generate their own as well as interconnect to the incumbent's grid system. The interconnection issue is particularly problematic because utilities still have to charge customers that link with them, even though they may not be using their power.
At the same time, there is no accepted standard for how to interconnect with the grid -- a dilemma that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is trying to address. That quandary, however, has meant that equipment makers have no customary prototype from which to allow industrials to switch back and forth between power taken from the grid and power generated by on-site facilities. That has diminished the economies of scale that manufacturers might otherwise achieve.
"What is really needed before fuel cells can become economic and begin to have a significant impact is basic innovation in fuel cell materials and chemistry," says David Redstone, editor and publisher of a fuel cell newsletter. "In my view there is nothing 'inevitable' about the prospects for success for the fuel cell industry."
But, lots of research and development is underway. Vancouver, Canada-based Ballard Power Systems is now demonstrating a pre-commercial 1 kilowatt combined heat and power fuel cell generator to be used in the residential market in Japan. At 100 percent capacity, it has a 34 percent electricity efficiency rate, although that can be as high as 92 percent assuming the steam can be captured and re-used.
Along those lines, a recent report from Jackson Associates out of Durham, N.C. says that the Long Island Power Authority needs to increase generation by 100 megawatts per year through 2011. The study says that natural gas-fueled distributed generation could supply as much as 63 percent of that need.
The utility already uses 17 fuel cells at several commercial and municipal customer locations. The 5 kilowatt fuel cells are interconnected to the utility's grid and provide electricity and heat to those customers.
While the distributed generation market has promise, it will be limited for now to those businesses that need uninterruptible energy supplies and those that can re-use the steam to create additional energy. That's a small segment. But, costs are falling and new innovations are emerging. And, over time the use of such technology will play a bigger part in the global energy picture.
Huh? How is an oil- or natural gas-fired generator different than an oil- or natural gas-fired grid?
Increase in the oil stockpiles in East Siberia and Yakutiya lags behind the plan for 93%.
01.09.2006, Moscow 16:06:16 increase in the extracted oil stockpiles in the territory of East Siberia and republic of Saha (Yakutiya) lag behind the planned indices to the beginning of 200'g. to 93%, reported the director of the department of gospolitiki in the region of geology and nedropol'zovaniya of the ministry of natural resources of Russia Sergey Fedorov at the session of advisory board with the ministry. According to him, increase in the oil stockpiles was only 5,8 million t against 90,7 million t, planned by the program of geo-study and assignment into the use of the layers of the hydrocarbon raw material of East Siberia and Yakutiya. The state of geological survey works (GRR) on the license obligations in the territory of region it named unsatisfactory, reported press- service MPR. In the region of 66 license sections, in which is provided conducting reconnaissance boring, to 49 are executed less than 25% works from the planned volume. Of 17 sections, in which is provided the fulfillment of seismic survey works ed, less than fourth volume are executed in 14 sections. In this case the significant number of license agreements does not contain conditions on the conducting GRR. The exception the licenses, given out in last three years, compose. Soon commission for the study of the problems about the early curtailment of the right of the use of depths will examine the materials of checkings of the performance of 12 licenses on the largest sections of depths. Among them - The yurubcheno-Takhomskoye and Kuyumbinskoye layers in the territory evenk AO with the volume of reserves on the categories SY-S2 are more than 580 million t. As noted the minister of natural resources Yuri trutnev, MPR will use all provided by law administrative measures for the introduction of changes in the so-called "empty licenses" for the purpose of concrete definition it is timetable and the volumes of performing geological work. In the cases of essential violations of license obligations will be initsiirovana the procedure of the curtailment of the rights of the use of the sections of depths. The sections transmitted into the undistributed fund will be repeatedly advanced at the auctions.
AS I SEE IT: United States faces bigger worries than `hot' fuel
That's a pretty decent article from a local KC boy...good job.
Just to put this in context, the KC Star ran an article last weekend (I think) saying that gas stations were ripping people off because the tanks were hotter than they should be and therefore somehow ripping people off at the pump.
United States faces bigger worries than `hot' fuel
A 5% cut in net exports is at the very least significant, if a guesstimate 50 mbd is exported, we lost 2.5 mbd on the market. I think westexas has been trying to make us aware of this in the past few days, and hope there will be more, and more specifics. Because the problem with this article is that the author does not provide the source of his statistics.
A 5% trend is bad enough, but can be expected to grow as well. It's not just increased domestic consumption, more important may be countries finding out they're in decline, and keeping reserves for themselves. There are voices in Kuwait to make this official policy, and many others will at least be considering it.
That's how we arrive at peak oil as an exponential function: for every percentage point in lost productiion, 3 or 4 more are made unavailable.
As best that I can tell, the author is probably quoting me. I took the 2004 list of top 10 net oil exporters and compared their May, 2006 production to their December production (EIA, crude + condensate).
Production by the top 10 net oil exporters was down by 3.0% from December to May. Note that domestic consumption generally has to be satisfied first. For example, a country producing two mbpd, consuming one mbpd and exporting one mbpd that had a 25% drop in production would see a 50% drop in exports.
Production by the top exporters, in the first five months of 2006, was dropping more than twice as fast as world production. If you plug in rising domestic consumption in the exporting countries, you get my estimate that net exports by the top exporters are dropping three to four times faster than world production is dropping.
"Net Oil Exports Revisited"
As of the May, 2006 EIA numbers, the world is down 1.3% since December, an annual decline rate of 3.1% per year, but the top 10 oil exporters are down 3.0%, an annual decline rate of 7.2%.
I estimate that net oil exports from the top exporters are probably down by 4% to 5% (over a five month period), an annual decline rate of as much as 12% per year, which suggests that exports from the top exporters are falling about three to four times faster than world oil production is falling
Canada's in such a bad situation with rspect to exports. Near as I can tell we produce 3 Mbpd, export better than half of it to the US, and then re-import half of that amount from elsewhere. Canada's situation is much more precarious than a naive look at production and export numbers would indicate. If we ever decide to abrogate NAFTA, exports to the USA from their largest foriegn supplier would dry up in short order. That wouldn't make anyone inside the Beltway very happy...
I figured that too. Not crediting his source does not enhance Anderson's point.
Thanks for the data, much appreciated. Do you have any thoughts on the future of this development? As I said, I am not sure it's actual consumption that accounts for the entire drop in exports, and I would expect hoarding, or whatever name we might give it, to play a role, likely increasingly so.
PS I'm sorry if the guesstimate of 50 mbd total world exports is off a few barrels. My opposable digits are not always reliable, but I allowed myself the laziness, since the argument addresses a trend, not a number.
The main point is, overall, he is getting the correct arguement out there in a major newspaper.
My original point many months ago (in my original post in January), was that based on Khebab's HL work, the top exporters (I just looked at the top three) were more depleted than the world was overall--thus my conclusion that production by the top exporters would fall faster than overall production.
If you then plug in the positive feedback loop of rising domestic consumption as we send vast amounts of money to the exporters, you get the "Export Land" model, where exports are squeezed between falling production and rising consumption.
Heh. I thought so. The way he phrased it was very "Westexas." ;-)
I love this guy Janszen.
Janszen has addressed peak oil, but he seems to discount it a bit and I believe he may have faith in tech, but I can't seem to find anything on it in the forums. I'll try again, but in the back of my mind, there won't be a saving grace for the financial meltdown we will witness.
How Middle-Class Families Go Bankrupt
Ninety percent of the families who file for bankruptcy do so following a job loss, a medical problem or a family torn apart by death or divorce
Medical tourism is on the rise:
Here in Australia you can have insurance if you want, about 40% do. However you can also go to the public hospitals for free if you don't have insurance. Thats what I do and you always get good treatment.
You can go to any doctor. Some charge full fees . Others bulk bill that means you do not pay. These are the ones I go to. So the only thing I pay for is glasses (1 set every 3 or 4 years) and the dentist (usually about $150 every 6 months.
I am in the top tax bracket but without insurance so I pay an extra 1 0r 2 % tax.
There are more comprehensive systems in Europe but this is better than nothing.
"Only the devil could have invented such a system"--Uwe Reinhardt
Those in this country (US) without good insurance are screwed.
The problem is that insurance is tied to your job here in the U.S. If you're so sick you can't work, you eventually lose your insurance. And of course, the company has incentive to cut you loose as quickly as possible, since you're raising the rates for the rest of their employees.
Even if you don't lose your insurance, there are all kinds of caps, co-pays, etc., even with "good" insurance. One person with a serious illness can wipe out the coverage for the while family. When you sign on the dotted line, a three million dollar cap sounds like plenty, but one child with a serious illness can wipe that out quickly.
This means that it's all equal. If I work for company X and my company drove a good insurance rate in general, my COBRA rates will look low. If company Y could not drive as good a deal, or had a risky pool of employees, etc., etc., then whoever leaves that company will have COBRA rates that look high.
But it's not the COBRA. It's the system of mandated continued coverage:
Short abstract below:
"What if you could use wind power to harvest the hydrogen from water, then use that hydrogen as a vehicle fuel, or combine it with nitrogen stripped from the air to make ammonia fertilizer for farmers strapped by rising input costs?"
"The world's first wind-to-hydrogen-to-fertilizer plant will soon be right here in our backyard, specifically at the University of Minnesota West Central Research and Outreach Center, Morris. This is where Mike Reese, Renewable Energy coordinator, will soon be scaling up and testing just such a system powered by a 1.65 megawatt wind turbine already in place, which provides much of the electricity demands of the U of M campus at Morris."
"Reese said design and preliminary testing for the actual production of anhydrous ammonia is already under way with some early results available within the year. It is anticipated the pilot plant will be producing anhydrous ammonia in the fall of 2007. This pilot project is part of the University of Minnesota Renewable Energy Research and Demonstration Center, financed by a $2.5 million package in the 2006 Minnesota bonding bill."
Meanwhile, guess who this is:
Superhuman Intelligence
Viewing the image is not allowed!
I maintain that we are rapidly approaching a technological singularity, alright, just not that one Kurzweil dreams of.
Zero points on the picture. Cheney in drag?
But, I recommend the book. It will just blow you away to see the vision that some people have of the future. And Kurzweil is no dummy; I just think he has blinders on.
D. Sornette holds patents for stress testing and predicting failure points of the fuel tanks of the european ariane rocket. He has three scenarios for the future.
a) collapse
b) transition to sustainability
c) resuming accelerating growth by overpassing fundamental barriers - (computers may "awake" with superhumanly intelligence, biotechnology may improve human nature, computer human interfaces may become so intimate that users may reasonably be considered superhuman..) Based on the analysis of various data sets, not the least beeing population increase and carrying capacity, He predicts the occurrence of this "singularity" around 2050 +/- 10 yrs.
If I may ask, what was your internal reaction to your boss when he did this? My guess is something out of Dilbert!
forget this BS:
You were right about the Shrinking Willys:
''Polar Bear Penises Shrink--Are Humans Next?
Bristly, 1000-pound brutes willing to claw it out for females and whisk them off for a week of spirited shagging, male polar bears might hook up with several mates in a season. They are not the stripe of male to suffer from any image problems when it comes to, well, having the right equipment--not, at least, until today, when the Nunatsiaq News of the Nunavik region of Arctic Quebec--surely an authority on polar bears--reported that their penises are shrinking.
A photograph accompanying the article shows a woman holding 20-odd polar bear penis bones, which were found by a recent study to be significantly shorter in bears exposed to high levels of toxic chemicals. The findings, published last month in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, adds fuel to concerns that a massive buildup of pesticides in the bodies of Arctic animals and hunters is causing environmental and health problems (see the story in Mother Jones). The issue may compound troubles caused by the bears' loss of Arctic habitat. "Added to the stress of climate change," the Nunatsiaq News points out, "this could be bad news for their survival."
The same toxic buildup taking place in polar bears is happening to a lesser but increasing degree in the fatty tissues of humans--even in some places outside the Arctic. For the sake of our own mating rituals, let's hope the global masculinity index isn't going bearish.
Posted by Josh Harkinson
From Mother Jones (he says in a squeaky voice).
As far as what to do about it, I've already started supplementing my diet with Reseveratol which supposedly will offset some of the xeno-estrogens in the environment. It's also an antioxidant and has lots of other generalized health benefits, or at least that's what the advertising says. Am looking into some other supplements also. Figure may as well use em while I can.
Don't know if it actually works but I ain't going down without a fight. Well without popping a few pills at least.
Exactly what is the flaw in Kurzweil's vision, that is a nice puzzle. It relates back to discussion here from a couple weeks ago on the sustainability of electronic integrated circuit manufacturing, or of the internet. Whether or not we can gracefully pull back to Intel 4040 technology, to push ahead to 35 nm or 20 nm technology is no joke at all. Look at the superconducting supercollider or the international space station. Sometimes people just thow in the towel & decide the exponentially increasing cost is just not worth the bother. I.e. exceeds the discretionary budget. Again, the question isn't whether your thousand dollar laptop is worth the money and the electricity it burns. The question is whether the billion dollar chip fab and the thousands of people involved in keeping the whole mess running, will there be enough of a market to keep that alive & pushing the technology envelope.
Do we have supersonic passenger planes running anymore? Sometimes it just doesn't pay to keep pushing in some fixed direction.
The deeper fallacy behind Kurzweil's thinking is that he gets to play loose with metrics so he can paint the picture he wants. I heard Stephen Jay Gould give a talk once & he constrasted the bushy view of evolution versus the idea that evolution somehow strives to optimize something or other. As if by any objective measure humans were somehow the most "advanced" product of evolution. This is the trap that Kurzweil falls into, as far as I can tell. That and just being far too smart for his own good. Wolfram is in that same category. Like a rocket without a working guidance system. Take cover!
Too late, it already hit some unexpected places.
This idiotic religion didn't die away completely with the dot-bomb.
Ha ha!!
That reads like a snippet from that "superhuman intelligence" known as "M-x yow" {keys for Zippy the Pinhead on emacs}
More specifically on Kurzweil.
The reason why Moore's law has worked is because of the laws of physics. Specifically "There's a lot of room down there". The physical length scales that we could engineer things at in 1960 were many orders of magnitude bigger than atoms. There was many orders of magnitude of headroom possible in electronics.
In energy there isn't. There aren't many orders of magnitude available under the laws of thermodynamics for massive improvements.
A super-human intelligence still can't break the laws of physics any more than the captain of the high school math team can beat the jocks at football.
A superhuman intelligence would quickly come to the conclusion that reduction of human population to match sustainable production is essential. Why don't we call it BlueSkyNet?
I saw him speak a long, long time ago ('78 or so). He was talking about possible energy futures back then. Very high on solar/wind. Very down on nuclear. He had two lines that have stuck with me ever since:
"Using nuclear energy to make electricity is like using a chainsaw to cut butter".
"Nuclear Energy: A future technology whose time has passed".
If it's not AL, then I have no idea who it is.
- Steve
Winning the Oil Endgame
The challenge for all of us now is to count how many lies there are in this text.I'll quit while I'm ahead, and not attempt to parse out that quote for lies. Ol' AL is a great talker, really knows how to turn a phrase, but has become pollyannish in the extreme in these past few years. Or maybe he always was, I don't know.
- Steve
Sounds like too much trouble. He makes no sense in any sense. I conservatively assign zero value that everything he's saying.
No, the challenge for us is to get access to the same drugs he's having. That's some potent stuff.
I am amazed that most people here would not instantly recognize the picture, and I am also somewhat surprised to hear the instant rejection of what seems to me to be his worthwhile arguments on how to get out of our self-created mess.
Just as a bit of anecdotal support for his thesis on waste as a source of energy- My rotary power saw quit on me; I found its bearing had committed suicide and scattered its guts all around the insides of the saw. I sent off for 4 small, light, simple replacement parts. I got the four little parts in 4 SEPARATE UPS SHIPMENTS ON A DIESEL TRUCK DRIVING ABOUT 17 MILES.
So, all you numbers freaks count that one up. What is the ratio of energy that could have been sufficient to get me those diddly little parts to the energy that was used to do it?? Hint- that ratio is way less than 1/4.
Amory is right. IMO.
- Steve
Reality-Challenged Environmentalists -> The Great Turning
Reality-Challenged Technocrats -> The Singularity
The mental template in each case is basically the same, a quasi utopic belief about a future in which one's own ideas about how things should be are the reality and one's own in-group are running the show.
Before somebody says:
"Reality-Challenged Doomers -> Dieoff"
. . . you'e comparing apples and oranges there. No doomer I know wants this to happen or is excited about it. Why not? Because most/many of us are niche professionals whose skill set (law, writing, software programing,) renders us useless in a dystopic Mad Max style future. We know we're likely dead meat post-collapse sans a major career shift into something like warlordism. But my guess is that social niche will be quickly filled by the likes of these guys:
What makes you so sure A PRIORI that biblical prophecy might not be of genuinely divine origin, and have much to say about events yet future? That is, in fact, an A PRIORI belief that seems to be very common on this site, if not nearly universal; but I daresay that very few who post here who hold that presupposition have ever conducted a serious investigation into its merits.
I have been giving this matter careful study for three and a half years now. In my considered opinion, the case for an eventual, supernaturally inaugurated "millenium of peace" scenario is at least as intellectually defensible as anything else that exists in the way of prognostications about the future on the part of that small minority of people who make a serious effort to see the world as it really is.
And those who debunk biblical prophecy on the basis of reasonable knowledge of the Bible and ancient history invariably do so on the basis of reasoning that is manifestly circular, and highly selective in its use of evidence. Seeing the grave intellectual weaknesses in the opposing position only serves to bolster my own confidence in a Biblically anchored view of things.
You are welcome to believe that God is going to initiate a factory recall (aka the rapture) followed by 1,000 years of peace if you wish.
As far as the Bible goes: I suspect the author(s) were very intelligent and, on some level, understood what happens when a society becomes to complex for it's own good even though they had not read Tainter.
The predictions in Revelation, for instance, are essentially a rehash of the Tower of Babel story just projected into the future. IE, the story of what happens to a society based on constantly increasing levels of consumption: alliances with less than dubious nations in order to secure the necessary resources coupled with internal decay particular in regards to previous accepted moral/ethical codes followed by economic collapse followed by societal balkinization and warfare.
I will say that the original Greek translation of REvelation 9:11 makes me uncomfortable being that I live in Kali-Fourhn-Yah. It references a tyrant from Mount Olympus whose name is "Abadon" which means destroyer. Arnold Schwarzenegger is of course best known for being "the terminator" and Mr. Olympia. A little too close for comfort there if you ask me!
You will also learn why the great libraries of antiquity were burnt by representatives of the Church after it was captured by politicians and bureaucrats of the day. Fortunately, the discovery of the Rosetta Stone provided the key to writings in stone that survived the great tragedy of the 3rd century, when the notion of the christos in all people, was twisted into the idea that 'God' had only invested 'His' hope into one man, and the texts that revealed this perversion were burnt.
The real conspiracy had nothing to do with the bullshit found in Mr. Brown's fairy tale.
For a spiritual person there is a message of hope in this book for better times ahead, once we regain the understanding that truth is only found in myth (narrative).
Harpur is a Rhodes Scholar, an ordained Anglican priest, a theologian, and formerly the religious writer for the Toronto Star.
If you have an open mind, this book will open doors for you.
If you have a closed mind you will still enjoy the book, especially the link to solar power.
I heard a Catholic Priest relate this in a Sermon once..
'If you want to hear the sound of Divine Laughter, tell God your plans'
No offense, but I read religious words less literally. I heard an idea once that suggests that getting caught up in the 'actuality of miracles' is really materialism, and is not within the domain of spiritual work.
When the question arises, however.. 'Where was God at Aushwitz?'.. 'Why are these things allowed to happen?' I have to think that 'God' (if you will) is right there, watching.. and still smiling, but only because this is the complete knowledge of who we are, complete knowledge of us, not in some mirth over the tragedy. But the actions are ours and ours fully. What we do to or for each other, to or for the Earth in the next decades is up to us.
"After two years we felt that we could approach your sixteen verses of the fourth chapter of Genesis. My old gentlemen felt that these words were very important too--`Thou shalt' and `Do thou.' And this was the gold from our mining: `Thou mayest.' `Thou mayest rule over sin.' The old gentlemen smiled and nodded and felt the years were well spent. It brought them out of their Chinese shells too, and right now they are studying Greek."
Samuel said, "It's a fantastic story. And I've tried to follow and maybe I've missed somewhere. Why is this word so important?"
Lee's hand shook as he filled the delicate cups. He drank his down in one gulp. "Don't you see?" he cried. "The American Standard translation orders men to triumph over sin, and you can call sin ignorance. The King James translation makes a promise in `Thou shalt,' meaning that men will surely triumph over sin. But the Hebrew word, the word timshel--`Thou mayest'-- that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if `Thou mayest'--it is also true that `Thou mayest not.' Don't you see?"
-John Steinbeck, East of Eden
Why should I accord such a standpoint any more intellectual respect than the degree of intellectual respect customarily accorded to religious standpoints on this site? An attitude of summary dismissal towards an opposing viewpoint should at least be rooted in serious understanding thereof.
Do you at least understand that this makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE to non-believers?
Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable.
H. L. Mencken
We must respect the other fellow's religion,but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart.
H. L. Mencken
I define "of divine origin" as origination from the human brain.
The Bible is full of insightful stories that give us a reflection of ourselves and human nature: jealousy, greed, envy; all that good stuff.
God exists
--in the brain of those who believe in Him , Her or It: The Spaghetti Monster
Yesterday, BTW, the glorious it belessed be its name brought me a delicious bowl of spaghetti with chopped meat. It was a gastronomical miracle. Praised be its name.
Of course, though I never read the whole Bible I have about the same opinion :
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5 NRSV)
Though I am a strict atheist I think that such pronouncements do not come out of thin air but from some wisdom of the collective inconscious, which of course has been hijacked/recycled for other questionable purposes.
However I don't agree with your stance that it "makes perfect sense" :
I define "of divine origin" as origination from the human brain.
This is NOT the meaning of "divine" for true believers, so, either they will reject it OR (much worse...) use your admission to back any other of their silly claims.
Please don't do that, even as a joke or sarcasm.
Well, when "they" pray (silently), who or what exactly is it that hears their prayers? Deep down in their subconscious, they know. They will never admit it out loud --not even to themselves. You have to be a total whacko to admit that you talk to yourself as if you were God. So you say instead that you are communing with "the divine". You have to be an even greater whacko to talk to yourself online. But then again ... there are all these monologue blogs ...and TOD comments. What does that say about the human condition? ;-)
John McCarthy , a cornucopian BTW.
P.S. About my OTHER beliefs, I believe that the hidden face of the moon is inhabited by the HOLY SMOKED HERRINGS and that you should never pee on Mondays because that offends them and then they make your life miserable.
That of course explains a LOT of the problems we have since so many people are ignorant or dismissive of this holy prescription.
Q. When will we run out of oil?
A. Twenty years ago, I had been convinced that by the end of the 20th century we would be out of oil directly pumpable from the ground. Obviously, we aren't, and I am cautious about how much oil there is left. Maybe 20 years, maybe 50 years, maybe 100 years, but I can't see it lasting longer than 100 years.
However, oil can be extracted from oil shale, from tar sands (as it is in Alberta, Canada) and synthesized from coal. These processes (except for tar sands) are too expensive to compete with just letting it just flow out of the ground in Saudi Arabia, but the technologies were developed when it was thought oil would run out soon. The costs would be affordable. Taking these sources into account we probably have several hundred years supply of oil, provided "greenhouse" warming and soot pollution permit its continued use.[2002 March 20: New studies claim that submicron particles from power plants are more harmful to health than previously thought.]
Q. What will happen when all these sources run out or if global warming requires severe restrictions?
A. Oil is readily replaced by nuclear energy for electricity generation. However, it is not so readily replaced for transportation. If we can develop good enough batteries, electric cars are a solution. If not, liquid hydrogen will work for cars and trucks. Other solutions are being promoted these days, e.g. compressed gaseous hydrogen, but I don't see anything but liquid hydrogen that will both avoid the emission of CO2 and give the range of gasoline powered cars. In the end, I don't think we will give up the range. 2003 note: It doesn't look like batteries will make it for cars in spite of enormous expenditures.
He is a Peak Oiler but also a cornucopian didn't I say he was?
2 points :
The idea is, "what if" artificial intelligence actually works, and they create a computer that as smart as a human? Leaving aside what "smart" means in that context, the follow-on is based on the fact that we do know how to make computers faster, and faster. We do know how to give computers more memory, and more memory.
So the idea is that if you can make it past that "what if" you are sort of set for an explosion past human intelligence. It's human intelligence, only faster, only with better memory, etc.
I've never read Kurzweil directly, but I gather that he is more commited to that "what if" happening than other people. I think Vinge and Calvin just play with the idea, without commiting to the "what if" happening soon, or ever.
Here's a copy of his singularity talk.
I used to believe that the singularity was likely. Once I educated myself on PO, technological singularity no longer seems likely to me. Though I don't rule it out completely.
If I understaind the singularity-rapture folks correctly, they hope that (a) the singularity will occur, and (b) it will benefit us old "version 1.0" homo sapiens.
Is one I like, and makes me think we are playing with the idea, and not 'locked in' on the outcome.
A very healthy attitude, if I may.
Yes, indeed.
Incidentally, I've talked with Vinge in person about the singularity, and he certainly does seem to be less of a fatalist about it in than some others.
Of course, he also recognized that a major catastrophe, such as the oft-touted asteroid impact, could put the kibosh on singularity. Perhaps it is Peak Oil that'll do the trick. :o)
"Incompleteness, Mechanism, and Optimism" by Stewart Shapiro. He discusses Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem and the various ways people try to use it to prove that mind transcends mechanism. Lots of fun!
Superintelligence or not it is not likely to beat the second law of thermodynamics, though it seems stupidity can, from what is read here a TOD from time to time.
P.S. I am no more an AI basher a than a doomer, still having some hope but just a bit pessimistic in boths cases.
(Probably the popular press versions of "singularity" miss the technical detail, and must treat it as a general technological nirvana. That is not my (perhaps dated) understanding. It actualy all hinges on AI.)
What the heck would you do with that?
It actualy all hinges on AI.
Yes but actual AI if found may not "look and feel" like expected.
This is where the singularitarians skid toward religious fantasy and, indeed, a "general technological nirvana".
Look at a severely hooked one.
Fire all your programmers. (I actually remember a co-worker in the early 80's saying that our days were numbered, and that we'd be replaced by AI's in ... what did he say, 20 years?)
On the link, I guess transhumanists choose their path to immortality. Either through AI uploads (of brain contents) or through perfected medicine. (Medicine would have to be pretty perfect to get us to 1000 years.)
My training instructor at IBM said that in 1968!
I guess transhumanists choose their path to immortality.
Pure bollocks, some life extension may be.
$8.2 billion deal to bring 600 new metro jobs.
"Lockheed Martin Corp. landed a high-profile NASA contract to design and build a spacecraft to return humans to the moon for the first time since the Apollo program in 1972.
Lockheed - led by its Jefferson Country operations - bested a Northrop Grumman-Boeing team to lay claim to the new Orion spacecracft program. NASA ultimately wants to use Orion to transport astronauts to Mars."
my comment: this is another gross misallocation of govt funds and more evidence that that the MSM is trying to keep up the business as usual facade.
I must confess that as a child in the 60's I was mesmerized by the whole Apollo program. It inspired me to become an engineer, and I would love to work on the next lunar shot. The most positive aspect of Apollo was the wonder, awe, and shared vision that held the country for a few days. Returning to the moon makes no sense, other than it is technically cool and a challenge. I would hope PO could inspire a similar shared vision and purpose, but I suspect it will instead get delayed until it hits us hard and people panic.
We will need a good band as the Titanic called America does a slow nosedive into cold post peak-oil waters. Pull up a chair, grab your favorite instrument, and play along...
Talk about a dsytopia.
And now of course we can all pick who else can or should join them.
Actually, the scary part about all of this is that's not that far off from the truth. I was escorting a group of school kids around at one of the president's second inaguration events on the Elipse, wondering if the festivities in that erie palladium of Free Masonry we call DC was what Rome could have felt like before there were cars and GoreTex, when I happened upon a NASA promotional tent. There were some movie-set worthy displays and some experts to talk to. I asked a guy how long it'd be before we were mining Mars. He said, "Well, Mars might be a while, but we'll be mining the moon in about 15 years."
"Do you think that's a good idea?" I quizzed.
He replied, "Well, we'll be running out of resources here on earth pretty soon, and we need to get 'em from somewhere."
These elites know there's an energy crisis - for god's sake Cheney of all bastards knows that. Their solution is pure conquistador.
Naturally, I'm all for sending Hawking, Kurzweil and a few hundred other people I can't think of just off the top of my head. The spaceship is misnamed.
The Pipe Dream
And there's always Ray! He should go too.
then 400 years from tonight,
we go out to Alpha Centauri
Guaranteed immortality. Again I ask: Thorazine?
Bradbury writes science FICTION, i.e., stories that are made up out of whole cloth. He happens to be very good at it, and has made a nice living doing so. But what does he possibly have to contribute to any debate about the future of energy and the human race in general?
Does this look like a guy who has ever actually BUILT anything? Does this look like a guy who has ever skinned his knuckles trying to bring an old car back to life, or spent whole nights trying to make a new invention work? Does the term 'entropy' mean anything to him?
Hardly! He is but a wanker of words. Which is fine, as the Bard himself might also have been called a wanker of words. But I would take the Bard to task if he ever had tried to pretend that he knew anything about science, or if he ever presented some grand schema for the future of the human race. Doing so is the height of pretentiousness.
The engineer wanting to be a poet and the poet wanting to be an engineer, if successful, would result in both mediocre engineers and mediocre poets.
Shoemaker, stick to thy last!
Give me Pirx the Pilot anytime!
My guess is inside of 18 months. But you might not find out till later. Or admit to it till later.
On Craigs List there are offers of rooms to rent in "intentional households" of 3-4-sometimes more people, generally it sounds like it works best in the 3-5 single individuals range, not for the purpose of fucking around but for the purpose of sharing, saving on rent, a bit of cooperation for survival - read Audie Murphy's WWII memoirs on this, even though most ghost-written, they were ghost-written by one of his WWII buddies who fought alongside him. Soldiers who don't always naturally get along, doing so because "one has the legs and one has the brains" kind of thing.
Then there's the whole culture of renting rooms and rooming houses. You end up thrown in with an odd assortment of people, and you get along because you have to, and it pretty much works fine. If someone's a proglem, they get told to leave lol.
Still, if I were entering into this kind of thing, I'd make sure I had some alternative if things turned sour. The option of selling out my half of the farm or something.
Can science and religion save the earth?
Just wait until the subject of evolution comes up, then he will see how fast the group splinters. When a religious person happens to be a Creationist, they tend to regard the opposing view as Satan himself.
That may be, but in this context, why bring up the creationist/evolution thing at all? They are trying to "save the earth". Now, he may have trouble with the ones that take to heart the part about "be fruitful and multiply".
Why does the phrase, "famous last words" come to mind?
I'm willing to bet money (albeit not much) that if:
A) this guy gains any prominence
B) the central government collapses leaving the radical militant christians the most organized faction of the American political landscape
C) this guy will be the first person they string up to prove to God they are serious about implementing his(God's) agenda.
I can already hear the voice of the inquistor:
" . . . the Bible says decievers will come in the last days does it not? And who are the biggest deciever(s) of them all but secular humanists? The fact that this guy would try to co-opt the Christian community to promote his secular agenda is evidence he is on a mission from the Devil!"
'This guy' is E.O. Wilson. Where have you been?
Even worse still, he's figuring you and everybody else tuning in are just stupid enough(on average) to buy this shit.
Judging from the likes of AngryChimp, he just might turn a buck. Over and Out.
Are you trying to hurt my feelings?? ;-( I still love you CEO!!
"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine"
~William Blum, "Rogue State"
Saw him on Charlie Rose the other night with James D Watson, I think it was recorded last year some time. It seems they have both edited books on Darwin.
Anyhow, Wilson has an amazing intellect.
have you read this book
blew my mind, I think you might like it.
if you want to swap a book email me
E.O. Wilson is no nutcase or slouch.
Sociobiology: The New Synthesis
Sociobiology, as Wilson originally called his new synthesis work in 1975, is "the systematic study of the biological basis of all social behavior." By applying evolutionary principles to the understanding of human social behavior and human culture, Wilson established sociobiology as an entirely new field of science. He argued that humans, like other social animals, are not entirely of a free will. Rather, they are still on a genetic leash and continued to be governed by certain biologically based rules (i.e. epigenetic rules) worked out by the laws of evolution. This theory and research proved to be seminal, controversial, and influential.[2]
Sociobiology set forth a scientfic argument for rejecting the common doctrine of tabula rasa (i.e. "blank slate"), which held that human beings were born without any innate mental content and that culture functioned to increase human knowledge and aid in survival and success. Wilson's argued that the human mind was shaped as much by genetic inheritance as it was by culture (if not more). There were limits on just how much influence social and environmental factors could have in altering human behavior. These ideas managed to offend both liberals and conservatives. Sociobiology re-ignited the "nature versus nurture" debate and Wilson's scientific perspective on human nature touched off a firestorm of public debate. He was accused of racism, misogyny, and eugenics.[3] In one famous incident, members of the International Committee Against Racism poured a pitcher of water on Wilson's head and chanted "Wilson, you're all wet" at a conference in 1978.
Consilience: The Unity Of Knowledge
In his 1998 book Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, Wilson discusses methods that have been used to unite the sciences and might in the future unite the sciences with the humanities. Wilson prefers and uses the term consilience to describe the synthesis of knowledge from different specialized fields of human endeavor.
He defines human nature as a collection of epigenetic rules: the genetic patterns of mental development. Cultural phenomena, rituals, etc. are products, not parts, of human nature. Artworks, for example, are not part of human nature, but our appreciation of art is. And this art appreciation, or our fear for snakes, or incest taboo (Westermarck effect) can be studied by the methods of reductionism. Until then these phenomena were only part of psychological, sociological or anthropological studies. Wilson proposes that they can be part of interdisciplinary research.
Wilson coined the phrase scientific humanism (when referring to Humanism) as "the only worldview compatible with science's growing knowledge of the real world and the laws of nature".
The increase came entirely from OPEC which increased crude production from 30,448,000 barrels per day in May to 39,797,000 in June. That's a gain of 349,000 bp/d for OPEC.
Non OPEC crude production was down from 42,886,000 bp/d in May to 42,585,000 in June. That's a drop of 301,000 bp/d for non-OPEC nations. Considering Russia was up 100,000 barrels per day in June, to 9,450,000, that means there were some pretty big drops in the rest of the non-OPEC nations. The IPM does not have a category for non-OPEC production so I just subtracted OPEC from World to arrive at the correct fiugre.
Note: Russia is still down 50,000 barrels per day from her output in December 05.
According to most estimates OPEC production is down in July verses June by about 240,000 bp/d. So look for the world data next month to show a huge drop from December to July, greater than the drop from December to May.
All the above figures are for crude + condensate. You can get so-called "all liquids" from the IPM also but I do not track that. I am concerned only with peak oil, not peak alcohol, biodiesel or bottled gas.
Ron Patterson
Just a small type, should be 30,797,000 for June (OPEC).
What about Peak Fish (fish oil?)
Ron P.
Other biggies, Norway down 170,000 bp/d, UK down 97,000 bp/d, Brazil down 118,000 bp/d, and US up 119,000 bp/d.
Brazil was probably down for maintenance of something and should recover next month. The US should be slightly lower next month.
Yesterday's topic about sandals got me thinking.
What happens when we want something in our Post Peak world and can't find in on a store shelf?
I have the basic knowledge to hand craft wood for houses, and a few other projects and have a lot of hand tools here abouts. But what about sandals and shoes and pants and coats and a ton of other things we have been taking for granted.
Many have said we can just raid the stores or homes till they all run out. But some things decay, and clothing just happens to be one of the fastest things to decay if you have ever had a ton of cloth to handle in wet and damp conditions.
So what will we run out of the fastest and need the most?
Shoot the next person that says they have a semi-truck in their back yard with toilet tissue in it.
I'm wearing a fleece sweater I've had for a dozen years or so.. it just won't die. Probably giving me cancer, which leads to.. I understand that hemp is a great fiber for clothing.. very strong, but you can only wear it for certain medical purposes. (Maybe we just make all the 'scrubs' out of it)
I'm wild about tools and building stuff.. my favorite 'new' tool is the sewing machine. Didn't make any clothes yet (I even have a Treadle-type, for post-peak, tho' I'm gunning to use it interchangably for a range of other shoptools.), but I've made Bags, Pouches, Kites, Cushions, Straps, Hats, Puppets, Sculptures, etc etc..
I'm betting the stuff that'll get thin will be stupid little things like button batteries, super-glue, lightbulbs, toilet-paper. (Hi Volume movers, 'disposables', plastic garbage bags ) There'll be lots of old appliances and TV's lying around, but we'll be waiting for a shipment (cartload?) of soap to get in. Maybe getting replacement parts for newly treasured but still poorly-built appliances?
"The whole drift of our law is toward the absolute prohibition of all ideas that diverge in the slightest form from the accepted platitudes, and behind that drift of law there is a far more potent force of growing custom, and under that custom there is a natural philosophy which erects conformity into the noblest of virtues and the free functioning of personality into a capital crime against society."
~ H. L. Mencken (1880-1956) American Journalist, Editor, Essayist, Linguist, Lexicographer, and Critic Source: quoted in New York Times Magazine, 9 August 1964
EIA just came out with new numbers, and we are still below December. In fact, the first 6 mos of 2006 are about 100,000 bpd average less that the first 6 mos of 2005.
However,the claims by Jason that all agriculture is depleting soils is not defensible, based not only on studies cited by the above readers but Jason ignores one of the biggest sources of organic agriculture research, that ofthe Rodale Institute in Pennsylvania. No, I don't have a URL, I'm too tired, and frankly the pomposity in the tone of the above discussions left me a bit jaded about responding at all. Look it up yourself. The Rodale people have decades of research concerning the best ways to maintain soil fertility and growing healthy food. Sustainable ag takes the general approach that the farmer MUST replenish the soil, so that means cover cropping, green manures(e.g. clovers,vetches, winter rye) used specifically to regenerate nutrients in the topsoil. I agree 100% that thesoil is everything when it comes to keeping food production at a level that can support large numbers of people with a variety of food items. Crop rotation is another major factor that must occur in order to avoid depleting soils and keeping pests at low levels. I would at least hypothesize that it wasn't the inability of pre-1950 basically organic agricutlure to feed the masses that caused the switch to "modern" fossil fuel based agriculture but instead , fossil fuels enabled bigger to become even bigger which of course meant better. It's a hell of a lot easier to plow several hundred acres in a couple of days with a large, several hundred horsepower tractor versus a team of Belgian draft horses. I beleive it was due to the factor of ease of working the land that encouraged the near wholesale switchover to FF based ag. A fatal mistake in my opinion. If the sustained ag I've described above is nothing more than horticulture then so be it. We've had a significant group of people, the Amish , using these same methods since before the American Revolution and they haven't depleted their soils yet.
It comes down to this: You must replace what you remove with a bit more added in. Protect your soil from wind and rain erosion by maintaining maximum cover. Minimize plowing, which only destroys soil tilth and speeds up oxidation of critical organic matter. Rotate crops. Create diversity around the fields. The native insects do a bang up job dealing with agricultural pests so provide for them. Birds and other vertebrates,if encouraged to live as part of the ecosystem (not ecology-that's a science) make a phenomenal difference in pest control. Mass spraying of pesticides is sheer madness. Feed the living organisms in the soil. As someone stated above, in fossilfuel based agriculture the soil is treated as merely a substrate for plant growth. In reality,it is that significant living component of microrganisms that makes a soil truly productive. Fossilfuel based agriculture will fail, no doubt. Don't count out ag using sustainable methods. And yes,Jason, there is a huge difference in soils between regions, so it doesn't always make sense to farm or graze everything that's flat or grows vegetation. Has man fouled his own nest through poor management? HELL yes. Do possiblities exist to grow food in harmony with ecosystems? There is enough proof out there IMO to respond Yes,as well
To illustrate a little picture for everyone about the current ecosystems here in the midwest...
We have few areas of native grassland and virgin prairies left around where I live. These prairies provided the rich soils we've come to farm.
Since I'm very interested in plant species, last summer I visited small rural cemetaries near where I grew up, since they are known to be some of the few locations left with virgin prairie and wildflowers.
What I found was truly depressing. It seems, local youth groups such as 4-H are adopting these cemetaries and "cleaning them up". They go in and remove all trees and brush and "weeds", and start a weekly mowing program. They poison the fencelines, which are also known to be one of the best areas of all in which to find these native plant species. One of the larger plots had just been "cleaned up" and after they were finished poisoning the fencelines etc, they hung a butterfly box on one of the posts for "charm".
Incidentally there is a small grassroots movement that recognizes the value of these small plots as native unploughed prairie.
Oh man, missed it! Now I'll never get rich!