Open Thread: On punishing ExxonMobil
Posted by Yankee on April 17, 2006 - 1:52pm
Something to get you started on this Monday open thread. Tim Haab at Environmental Economics recently received a chain-letter email promoting a scheme to lower gas prices by boycotting ExxonMobil. As the reasoning goes, if consumers boycott ExxonMobil, they'll be forced to lower their prices, which will then force everyone else to play along. Haab wants to know—if consumers were actually to carry out the scheme—would it actually make EM lower their prices?* (Don't forget, Haab is an economist, and promises to give his opinion on the issue later this week.)
*I think we all get the naivete of this scheme, but discussing this sort of thing is up many TOD commenters' alley.
No word yet on how bad it is.
Sounds like the infrastructure's getting a bit creaky up there.
the earth warms the tundra thaws and the pipeline footings shift. anyone else?
I don't put much credence in your scenario. Warming trends putting the system beyond its design parameters is all too credible, however.
one way heat pipes? finned heat sinks? some sort of captured ammonia system? we're talking half a million/ footing here many feet of pipeline/footing?technicaly I'm in so far over my head I'll just have to guess at one per 450'? is that close? do you or anyone else have an elevation drawing of these foot prints? my little contactor mind is putting together a picture here and I'm begining to see why anyone would be hesitant to build a gas pipeline from russia to china.
thanks for the reply
Actually, you're talking about a welded steel tube through the concrete pier (could be used as part of the reinforcing steel) which terminates in some sheet-metal fins, which might be steel or might be aluminum. The tube has maybe a pound or two of anhydrous ammmonia in it (costs about 25¢/lb even at today's ridiculous prices), or you could use propane. The "one way" effect is achieved by simple physics: liquid pools at the bottom, while vapor condensing at the top runs down the sides (to make it run both ways you need a wick to get capillary action). The finned heat sink at the top could be more steel (but requires rustproofing) or an aluminum extrusion (much less money in fabrication but pricier material).
You're talking more like a hundred bucks a footing, or a small multiple thereof.
as far as the price I've poured alot of foundations in my time time and there expensive. with a better mental picture I can see 1/2 a mill is way over the top. but I'm gonna charge $1000 a day just to show up. getting concrete to the site. well anyway when they talk about building these things they're tossing the words "billions of dollars" around like it doesn't mean anything. yet another thing I can't wrap my head around.
thanks again
These vertical support pipes are cooled by refrigerant coils which help to keep them from transmitting heat into the ground and consequently melting the frozen ground which supports the pipeline. These refrigerators, usually two and sometimes three in each vertical support, are completely passive; that is, they work automatically, requiring no power, whenever the surrounding air temperature is lower than the ground temperature.
"Specially designed vertical supports were placed in drilled holes or driven into the ground. In warm permafrost and other areas where heat might cause undesirable thawing, the supports contain two each, 2-inch pipes called "heat pipes," containing anhydrous ammonia, which vaporizes below ground, rises and condenses above-ground, removing ground heat whenever the ground temperature exceeds the temperature of the air. Heat is transferred through the walls of the heat pipes to aluminum radiators atop the pipes."
Keep in mind that the pipeline was built with the ultimate in expediency in mind. The Aleyska Pipeline Consortium was more than willing to pay extra and sacrifice long term durability in exchange for immediate profits. It had already been delayed for over 4 years by legal challenges, and the estimated 600 million barrels a day it would carry would more than make up for any shortcuts taken. The fact that it has lasted this long is a testiment to luck and good quality construction on the part of those who braved the elements to assemble it.
My short term financial goal is to have a six months "emergency fund" in my savings account and a six-month "catastrophe fund" in physical gold and silver.
If the shit was to really hit the fan like total grid collapse, there would still be commerce/barter/trading and I suspect gold/silver coins and jewelery are as likely to be accepted as anything else. (Liquor, dope, cigarettes, ammo, and condoms other good items.)
Do you really think it would get that bad?
I got swept up in that feeling for a while, but I think "it" will be a fairly slow deepening depression. I don't think we're heading for a cliff's edge just yet.
I still have a lot of toilet paper though!
Because no one knows, its best to diversify ones assets to have the largest % chance of having the largest impact with lowest risk. I have 5% of my assets in gold and silver coins, bullets and guns, and freeze dried food. Maybe its too much - maybe not enough-but lets me sleep at night. Some of my former wall street clients have over 100 million dollars in a broad array of investment accounts all over the planet - but they have ZERO real assets - many of them own gold, but only in the futures market or through some commodity trust - this is an example of diversification in one system, where owning hard assets and other investments is diversification BETWEEN systems.
Silver one ounce coins or bars will probably be best, as they can buy small things and are easily recognized. The things that give people immediate dopamine will also be in high demand - coffee, sugar, cocoa, alcohol, marijuana, opium, tobacco, etc.
And I must add that my biggest asset is the flexibility and health of my brain - it continually allows me to adjust to new information and plan accordingly - anyone who is wed to one pre-ordained view of how this will pan out is probably being too dogmatic. Other than things will probably be less pleasant and easy as they currently are.
Investment wise, this was a "peak oil" day in the markets - Gold up $18, Silver up .50c, oil and gas to new highs, stocks mkt selloff, us dollar down almost 2 euros, etc. I continue to think that the major impact of peak oil will be a financial one - Im already talking to average people that are changing plans for summer and cutting back because gas is so high. I am short alot of stocks, like RTH - the retail stock ETF. I dont know how the economy will withstand the new credit card rules, softening of real estate mkt and higher gas prices.
Tangentially, wealth is A/D ==> assets over desires. one can increase wealth by increasing assets or decreasing desires or both. Most 'desires' come from evolutionary impulses for novelty and relative fitness. In essence, we like things that are novel and new because our ancestors that found extra food and new things tended to outproduce and have more resources for their offspring. Today, when the energy leverage of the planet is so high, our universe of 'expected rewards' is nearly infinite. If we have 2 houses, we think we need 3. If we have too much missionary style sex, we need doggie style - if we eat too much mac and cheese, we crave sushi. In a world of declining energy resources, the 'novelty availability' grabbag will be much smaller. Those who recognize this, and understand neuroscience a bit should be able to reduce the disparity between expected and unexpected reward and be happier with simpler things, that can be had with or without oil.
In sum, diverisfication exists in traditional markets, in hard assets, as well as in the neural framework of what makes us happy and satisfied as humans.
A box of 2500 pennies costs only $25.00, and I think pennies will hold their value--while not providing undue incentive for others to challenge my proficiency with weapons in an attempt to steal loot in the form of precious metals.
Gold is a magnet for thieves, thugs, bandits, and marauders of all varieties. Look what happened to those who hid gold in their homes thirty years ago in Lebanon . . . not pretty.
Good point about the pennies. You can always cash them in if there in rolls. (I did that when I was a kid.)
Regarding physical health: addressing that is perhaps the only guaranteed investment.
Though I may be first to visualise pennies and wealth like barrels of the black fuel, I wasn't first to visualise huge volumes of them. Try Google and type in "megapenny project" to see pennies in cubic feet instead of our familiar barrels and gallons.
If you have the equipment to make ethanol (or methanol from destructive distillation of wood wood? I looked but I couldn't find anything about yield) you can manufacture fuel. If it's too heavy to steal, you've got few worries there.
A solar liquor still should end up being easy, look at solar water distillers for ideas! Destructive distilling of wood takes solar concentration and a glass container to hold the wood and not give it access to air.
Of course, if you don't tell after they kill your wife and kids, then they know you must have a Huge Humongous Lot of Gold (HHLG), and then they start in on physically persuading you.
You could look at this as wealth distribution after TSHTF.
Similar horror stories came out of Russia during the infamous "gold purge." See A. Solzhenitsyn for more on Soviet horrors re gold.
Oh yes, I've always liked pennies. And I still have some silver dimes that I won from Las Vegas slot machines back on Labor Day weekend 1964. I like dimes better than dollar coins because they are smaller. Cutting up a disc or bar is inconvenient.
Surely you are saying this only to keep all the pennies and this delicious scam to yourself.
(For the low, low price of ~$4250, you can buy 425,000 pennies which, when melted, will yield 1000kg of pretty decent copper which you can then sell back to the mint for over $6300).
First you Yanks came for the cheap pharma. Now it'll be the pre-'97 pennies. What's next? Oil? Water?
the meek will inherate the earth but not the mineral rites
Modern pennies will only be worthwhile if the EngineerPoet's "lets have a zinc energy cycle" idea gains traction.
Older pennies are slowly becomming scare. (you know, an actual copper penny)
My my, what would Pat Robertson say?
Subkommander Dred
Eventually, yeah it probably will get that bad. Hopefully not in the next 5 years as I'm totally unprepared for the Mad Max phase of the collapse of America. The 1970s oil shock phase I'd likely beneift from, I could get creative and get though a 1930s depression phase, but beyond that at this point my ass is toast given my current skill set and geographic location.
But having both an emergency fund and a catastrophe fund assuages my anxiety a bit. And the catastrophe fund has appreciated quite a bit which if I wanted to I could liquidate and use however I see fit.
Do you have a mortgage? I've got a small one, but I started buying gold a couple of years ago on the theory I'd hold it in reserve to appreciate and pay off the rest of my mortgage if things get "difficult." Luckily I also have a paid-for small farm of 120 acres.
Harpers Magazine, which just came in the mail today, has an amazing article about the housing bubble that's about to crash. "It's called, "THE NEW ROAD TO SERFDOM, an illustrated guide to the coming real estate crash."
The cover has some poor guy lugging trudging into the future with a giant McMansion strapped to his back.
I'm picking wild asparagus and dandelion salad greens now, and the apricots and cherry blossoms are out. Very beautiful way to live, if you don't care about shopping malls, etc.
Yeah, I knew about the Harpers but they don't have it up on their site yet. Sounds like a cool looking cover.
You should seriously look into how they hold assets. It's not as if they are simply buying and stockpiling physical crude.
I think real assets are on an ever upward slope. What will be interesting is when the market insiders decide to optimize their gains at the expense of the small individual investor.
Once the insiders realize the infinite growth paradigm is kaput, the temptation for electronic piracy will be tremendous. The insiders will be busy executing orders for themselves and the software can be easily programmed to delay or ignore small sell orders. Eventually, it reaches the point where they will just empty the individual accounts of millions of investors to take what money they can, hit the erase button to delete the corporate records, then head to their bunkers, survival farms, and yachts.
Just imagine millions of Americans suddenly finding their accounts at Vanguard, Fidelity, Janus, etc being inoperable--What are they going to do? They won't be able to scrape up the cash to go to NYC to burn down Wall Street, and besides, the insiders will be long gone anyway. Even your local bank branch will be looted by the employees.
Isn't economics great!
Bob Shaw in Phx,AZ Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
To boycott any particular brand of gasoline seems pointless.
On the other hand, to cut one's consumption of gasoline by, say 25% to 50% is a worthy goal.
BTW, I'm using about 60% less gasoline than I did four years ago, biking much more and feeling physically and mentally better than I have for decades.
Given that the typical car takes 2 gallons, at even $2.50 a gallon, or $5 ... and ham does not cost $15/lb, I think not.
(But of course, most people who go to eat Easter Dinner drive, or fly, so they consume both kinds of energy.)
Let's takes about 70 calories of fossil fuels to make 1 calorie of pork. A gallon of gasoline contains 31,000 calories.
Two gallons of gas has 62,000 calories, and would make 885 calories of pork. A pretty hefty portion, but theoretically possible to eat in one meal.
Even I am not that much of a piggie ;-)
I know I wouldn't have. (I didn't ride my bike all weekend and consumed about 62,000 calories in chocolate marshmallow bunnies)
I didn't ride my bike all weekend either, but I did expend a lot of calories spring cleaning. (Bathroom is being renovated, so I had to move everything out, and everything out of the way.)
And then I sucked down pizza and potato chips while watching the Yankees game...
On a more serious note, canned food is nearly always loaded with added sugar, which is a waste of resources. It causes obesity, wasting energy by causing more use of healthcare, and it wastes sugar that could be made into ethanol for the cars.
Now, a national "no drive week" boycott would be noticed. But could everyone participate? A "no drive day" occurs yearly - Christmas Day. If you notice, on Christmas, streets and freeways are nearly empty, a gas boycott day by default. Does it matter? Not really. To save gasoline, maybe it's time to go to a 4-day work week by mandate. That'll cut out 20 percent of all commuting missions undertaken. A law like that WILL be noticed. It'll add some badly needed slack in petroleum markets. (until China ranps up demand anyways!)
But a "gas boycott" of any one company won't work. Others merely take up the slack, and the oil gets used anyways.
However, I have changed my mind. ExxonMobil is one of the ringleaders claiming that we have trillions and trillions of barrels of remaining reserves--thus contributing mightily to American's ignorance about the finite nature of our fossil fuel supply.
So, I think that we all should boycott ExxonMobil.
I think that we are seeing an "Iron Triangle" of sorts defending the status quo: (1) most housing/auto/financing companies and related companies; (2) Most MSM companies that are selling advertising to Group #1 and (3) some major oil companies, major oil exporters and energy analysts that are working for the major oil companies and exporters (Yergin comes to mind).
IMO, Group #3 is afraid of punitive taxation (major oil companies) and military takeovers (exporters). Group #1 wants to keep selling and financing large homes and SUV's. Group #2 wants to keep selling advertising to Group #1. Group #3 provides the arguments for Groups #1 and #2, i.e., we have trillions and trillions of barrels of remaining reserves.
One important exception to Group #1: Mike Jackson, the CEO of AutoNation, is calling for a sharply higher gasoline tax.
Never before seen online.
Govt likely to benchmark fuel prices
Gas retailer says regulation will drive prices up
. And people may blame them for the price, since they're setting it, rather than blame the market or OPEC.
Or maybe they will regulate it heavily. Then they will simply induce 1970s style artificial shortages. After all, there are probably a billion other people who will take the product if they don't want to pay full price. So I surmise they would blame the shortages on all those wicked folks in China.
The wonders of populism never cease.
"No one in this world so far as I know--and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me -- has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people." -H.L. Mencken, Chicago Tribune, Sept. 19, 1926
In these dying throes of the "free-market" capitalist system, oil will continue to trend up sharply in price until it is no longer used on a large scale. There may be much to be said for finding ways to waste as much oil as quickly as possible to prevent additional population growth that worsens the consequences of the inevitable.
One more thing that is commonly misinterpreted (or shall I say twisted) within the PO community.
First of all it is not necessary to save money if you consume less - if price has risen in the meantime you may end up paying more and then Jevon's paradox works in the opposite direction.
Second, even if you conserve when price is remaining constant, the marginal oil saved is much more than the one consumed because you saved money. If you saved say 40 gallons of gas, worth 100$ and instead bought yourself new shoes you spared 39 gallons of gasoine going out of the ground - assuming the shoes needed 1 galllon to be produced/transported.
And, I'd say more importantly, it means you've started learning HOW to live with less. You will be able to show family and neighbors how you are living with less, you will probably be encouraged to find MORE ways to reduce your energy and material demands, leaving you and those you affect less of a real burden on the planet's resources. People who've installed a couple solar panels frequently remark that once they see how precious those watts are, they really kick into the conservation projects, even though you are supposed to tackle it the other way around.. save the waste first, then produce power to cut down the remainder. Whatever works..
Jevon's paradox works somewhat for economists, unless you will accept that the economy hangs entirely on the environment. (I don't remember who made that claim..) In that case, it doesn't matter if your neighbor or China buys the extra that you saved, which I think is really a great way for cynics to say 'why bother, nothing will help.' It matters that there are people who know how to live with FAR less than we've grown up thinking we need. They will have their hands full teaching other people how to manage, as this all gets worse.
You are right to think that some will consume more because of the lower price. You are wrong to think that the net efect will be zero. If producers cut prices because people conserve, some of the producers will chose to reduce/shut-down production because it will not be profitable. With PO nearing oil gets harder to find and extract - often overlooked but very important point. If we choose the path of conservation the prices will remain moderate and a lot of oil will be left in the ground thus lasting longer (what are the tar sands production effects over the environment for example?).
Overall the effect of conservation will be to "smooth" the peak and prolong the tail with lower decline rates. In the end, after oil start running out, it will be much easier to tansition to a non-oil economy. You can't miss a thing you don't need much anyway, right?
From my very early days reading the internet, I always recall:
Lazlo's Chinese Relativity Axiom: No matter how great your triumphs or how tragic your defeats---approximately one billion Chinese couldn't care less.
I fully recognize that America consumes more per-capita than anyone, but let's say that changes tomorrow and we are all magically careful in our use of non-renewable resources.
How do we know that Africa, Asia, South America, etc won't just take off running with it? Especially if prices moderate.
On a different tangent,
Opec is selling all the oil it can pump at $60+ bbl, I don't see any reason why they should let the price fall below that just because some folks suddenly see the light. Where else are we going to get oil?
Absolutely correct! ASPO's Energy Depletion Protocols directly address this dilemma, but the world's leaders don't seem interested in discussing this Powerdown proposal.
Bob Shaw in Phx,AZ Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
Eventually everyone will start "getting it"... and like with everything else the first to get on the wagon will be the winners, the rest may be left running after the train.
I have read (but don't have any links at the moment to back it up) certain energy-intensive operations say that part of their reason for moving to another country was to get cheaper gas/coal/oil/whatever. And , if you employ a lot of manual labor but your workforce does not drive cars but rather walks or rides a bus to the factory, they do not have much of the same economic incentive to conserve.
'Why should I stop using it if THEY are just going to get it?'
, regardless of who 'they' are.. tho' "Chinese" seems to be a really effective 'they' for Americans. Who cares? I think it's clear that all the oil pumped out of the ground will be gobbled up by someone. The point is really,
'Can we figure out how to live with a lower energy-requirement, so we can get by once it's headed down?'
Boycott? like they have said above.. only if it's permanent, and it's not to punish EOM, far as I'm concerned. It's to dry-up, sober-up from our Binge and try to let the atmosphere have a shot at recovering, too, while we learn how to live without it. (No, not without the atmosphere)
Unless we manage to wean ourselves of our cheap crap from abroad (shoes, cars, TV's, happy meal toys, clothes) since they will continue to crank out the crap because their overhead isn't really that much, relatively speaking. And the folks directing all of this production are here in America, enjoying their tax cuts.
$71.46 on the June oil futures contract as I write this.
$70.40 on the May futures contract.
Pretty soon, we'll be talking about $60 per barrel oil as "the good old days". :)
It was a really convincing argument, that had us riding $40/b oil into the forseeable future because of demand destruction. When we hit $60/b, I began to think we had hit this magical plateau. Now I am thinking the sky is the limit.
"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they aren't"
Either way, there is a great chance the price at the pump will be the last thing to worry about.
You're point that "First of all it is not necessary to save money if you consume less - if price has risen in the meantime you may end up paying more and then Jevon's paradox works in the opposite direction" . . . is part of my argument. The only TRUE way to conserve is for a deression or recession to occur, for less economic activity to take place. I save energy by not owning a car, that money goes into silver which had doubled in two years. I now have more buying power which means more consumptive power then I did had I not conserved.
I think the opposition to Jevon's Paradox is rooted in a desire to use this meme as an avenue to increase one's inclusive fitness. JP basically means the current system is totally screwed and little we can do to save it. So if you want to be a bigshot activist, naturally there is an incentive not to understand or accept it. Once you do what do you have to tell others besides "well get ready for hell on earth, with luck your corner of hell will be greener than others."
That's not a message that will make you as popular as "we can have all the things we have now and maybe even more if we're just more efficient!"
All other things being equal, which one of those messages is more likely to make you popular?
Santa Rosa, Ca.
The real message of Jevons paradox is that you can not solve a problem which is inherent to the way the "market" works by relying solely on tha "market" to save its own problem (quotes intended).
Some class of problems require coordination and cooperation as opposed to relying on the individual decisions of people, which may be lost in the noise, or even counterproductive. In this regard our system is no more screwed than anyone in human history - rather, it is immature and needs to evolve - with or without crashing completely. I find that people too much fear changes, probably it is our way of life that has made us too fearful - maybe it is that we simply don't know anything else... while the fact is that the whole life is a change, and in fact change is the only invariable thing around :)
Since many of us who have articulated JP (such as myself) believe the world is going to hell on the express train, people looking to be bigshot activists simply dismiss JP as the "maniacal rantings of those evil doomers who are little better than Dick Cheney!!!"
The world is not going to hell. This version of the world may well be headed this way, but I'm pretty sure that there will be another one. We are our own programmers so it's up to us to fix the bugs in the next release :)
This why when the MSM mentions energy, they almost always talk about the need for more efficient Urban Assault Vehicles and $500,000 mortgages--rather than the need for much higher energy taxes.
And the MSM all stopped inserting the aforesaid "blah, lah, blah" at the same time. They all stopped AT THE SAME TIME.
You got that right, friend. I get the distinct impression that the folks at MSNBCFOXCNN are ignoring this oil shock. There is lots of talk about the rise in gasoline prices, but otherwise I have heard no mention of the structural problems inherent in our current way of life vis-a-vis the aquisition and consumption of more energy, in particular, oil. Indeed, I heard just a short while ago that there are now roving blackouts in Texas, as the temperature has hit the 90 to 100 degree range, and the grid is having a hard time supplying the system. Does it usually get this hot in Texas at this time of year? And will there be a need to bring online gas fired power plants that are normally used later in the year for surge capacity (I am making a guess that this is the case)? Will this in turn cause a spike in the cost of natural gas?
I believe we are in for truly strange times, comrades. As the late Dr. Hunter S. Thompson once said, "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." Oy!
Subkommander Dred
The media is also no longer saying much about Iraq, but if you do a little digging, the place has turned into a bloody nightmare and the U.S. is taking major casualties.
Will free riders on that efficiency race win? No. That depends on the rate of depletion. And I think the rate will be fast enough (and increasing demands will grow fast enoufh) that he will not.
Think of the Prius and Hummer driver in today's America. Does Mr. Hummer see lower prices, and a reason to drive his SUV more? No. He's squeezed by prices that conservation and efficiency have not offset.
I think Jevon's paradox only becomes a driving force at relatively mild rates of resource use (and probably not in true conditions of "depletion.")
To talk of 'punishing' one particular oilco over another is naive. XOM is just a successful company along with a bunch of others such as BP, Shell et al. Boycotting one of these (actually a minnow compared with SAco, Gazprom, or others) is pointless. Within a few years, these successful knights of capitalism will start to bleed to death anyway. Unless they start finding 'elephants' they will slowly die. Boycotting them would be a mere gesture, it misses the whole point of what exactly we are facing: inexorable decline where depletion is not offset by new discovery.
This tactic is also no more than a diversion. It is pretty much like OffGas , the UK Gas price regulator having a go at BG and others during the price hikes this last winter.
OffGas completely misses the point about gas prices, security etc. Basically they have no clue.
You want to hurt XOM?: - POINTLESS. Just learn to use less energy as fast as you can (you can clip your energy requirements very quickly). Just sit down with your nearest and dearest over dinner and talk about ways you can clip it. Audit your life and then work out how to cut out excess energy expenditure. We did it about two years ago. It is funny, but when you get your nearest and dearest together over a meal and discuss something important, then you will get reactions that are completely compatible. This is especially true of your own kids: They are smarter and more worldly wise than we give credit. They come up with all sorts of stuff like:
Halve our family's engine capacity (Done)
Holiday in Britain (Done)
Jumpers rather than thermostats (Done)
Combined road trips/ cut excess miles - takes a bit of planning (Done).
Steaming vegetables rather than multiple pans (Done, and you can taste them)
All sorts of other minor ways that take the edge off demand etc.
Baisically, every little helps, and it is the right thing to do
I have always believed in energy conservation first and foremost. Conservation gets forgotten about, especially nowadays. Not because we / the next generation are 'bad', but quite simply because we have not had to think about it.
Energy costs in Europe UK / USA fell during the 80's and 90's. Its different now. It is getting back on the radar.
Its getting where it should be.
Now you will say: ' Well thats good, but what if the other guy / family / nation doesnt cut back and just uses the stuff we save?'
Fair enough. We are not our brothers keepers. All we can do is the right thing and hope others follow our example wherever possible in whatever small human-scale way.
We can hope this helps: ( you can cut energy use by 25% as an individual / family unit). We did.
Greed should no longer be your creed. Envy of other peoples wealth should be recognised for the disease that it is. Owning a HUMMER or a 40ksqft McMansion doesnt mean that you have 'arrived'. Listening to Rachmaninov, reading Dickens, A family meal: these are true indicators that you have 'arrived'.
I think it was Brit Ekland who said ' downsising is possible so long as you do not loose your dignity along the way'
Energy conservation: It may help. It is simple. At the end of the day it is simply the right thing to do.
that took me a second to figure out
I've been on internet groups with "English speaking peoples" long enough to get that one, but I've got to admit the first time I saw it, it caused a double-take.
In California I turned off my heater (pilot light) a month or so ago. Actually I should have figured out that I wasn't using it earlier.
Speaking of words that may not travel well, "hoodies" seem to the stay warm gear this year. Ha, went lookiing for an image and found this:²2ì e-hoodie.htm
Funny image, too 'spensive.
Maybe you could drive down to Walmart and get one cheaper.
Generally, when energy prices look to be falling, taxes were increased, either directly or indirectly through VAT, which has gone up a nice 4% or so, or both - a raise in the cost in fuel automatically means the VAT amount increases, painlessly from the government's view. And of course, the energy companies looked at larger profits when fuel prices went down, and they did not and were not forced to pass along these differences.
One possible exception to this was heating oil - which is being phased out anyways, mainly for environmental reasons. It is possible that there, a certain measure of making the cost of the mandated replacement of furnaces more palatable was a carrot in front of the major stick of breaking the law.
Jevon's Paradox makes sense when resource availability is elastic or assumed infinite. It a situation where it is depleting, I think it is much less clear. In this case increasing efficiency cannot over time lead to increased usage, simply because the resource is not there (or is becoming increasingly costly). In this case "conserving" is, in many senses, a controlled powerdown.
Good summary.
But if you take each of the dollars you save in oil and put it into say PV panels, storage-food, canning supplies, land, gold, books, knowledge, etc you are improving your lot and staving the beast.
Either the boycott would hold and nobody would be able to benefit from the low prices or it would not hold and as soon as buyers returned so would high prices.
Actually, the boycott, along with a burned out Shell station or two, did lead to Brent Spar being broken up at immense cost for no good reason - this after it became a very emotional issue - for example, littering from a ship is very punishable in Germany, and most people saw sinking the platform as littering on a giant scale. Experience with creating habitats was completely ignored, and in fairness to some of the sinking opponents, Shell didn't plan to do any clean up before simply pulling the plug.
As a side note - boycotts are illegal in Germany, mainly because the last time effective boycotts were used, they were directed against Jews. History tends to be complicated here in terms of things like free speech or using purchasing power to cause change.
Interest in carpooling, buses rises
Not anywhere near enough as it's being greeted with $70 crude oil on NYMEX today.
You can still get the rotary push mowers if you look around a little bit. That's what I have for my little yard.
A big thanks for promoting my site. However, let's talk about the what, "if anything happens" to Paperhead bit of your post. Most likely, somebody on that list is gonna want to deliver a mild-to-moderate ass kicking in the vicinity of your face you having pointed them in a more reality-based direction. That's why the saying goes, "tell the truth, run like hell." Well I hope you got your Nikes on son. =)
Note that I'm the proprietor of LATOC and I do not mention/bring up what I do in one-on-one conversation with "non-believers" unless I am specifically asked as I like my handsome face the way it is.
Note: I hate the term "non-believers" but I don't have a better term to use.
I'm honored to have you notice my link to your site. I like your first couple of pages especially, it is full of facts that initially sound not too dangerous, even logical and reassuring, until suddenly the picture hits you in the face, by which time it is too late to go back. I want somebody to get sucked in like I was. By "anything happens" I meant I want something to happen, good or bad. The silence in my company is deafening, and even anger would be better. I knew this when I replied to the asinine chain letter email coming from this person WITHIN the company. I am prepared for any, shall we say, negative feedback. Thanks for your concern, but with all the news happening now, I think over caution is no longer very helpful. Let them shoot the messenger, at least they will have heard the message. The intelligent "non believers" may get curious and get there eventually. That is what happened to me. I think such a reply is the only way to jolt people who pass on such emails.
I gotta hand it to you, you're both wise and honest, not to mention realistic. I, like so many others found out about PO from your website, and for the next few days I kept thinking , "If I ever meet that guy I'm gonna smack him right across the head!" I'm usually a pretty calm guy too, so go figure.
Now if I met you I'd buy you a beer or two, which may happen one of these days since I happen to live only an hour south. ^.^;
San Francisco
Higher temps lead to rolling blackouts in North Texas
Residents urged to limit electricity use
04:51 PM CDT on Monday, April 17, 2006
From Staff Reports:
Texas experienced rolling blackouts on Monday as folks turned on their air conditioners when temperatures rose.
The problem is that many power generators shut down in April for maintenance. So the supply of electricity can't meet the unexpected demand that the heat caused.
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas Inc. is also calling on Texans to cut electricity use to only essential needs.
The council, which operates the state's electricity grid, also called on transmission companies, like TXU Electric Delivery, to temporarily cut off electricity to neighborhoods on a rolling basis.
The transmission companies won't cut off critical customers, like hospitals or nursing homes, said ERCOT spokesman Paul Wattles.
He said it's been a few years since Texas initiated rolling blackouts.
I guess it's time to pay for that mild winter we had...
With hotter summers, people will have to get creative about not having to waste energy on A/C. A wading pool full of saltwater would make a perfect waterbed when unheated in a hot climate. It'll end up around bathtub temp, perfect for floating on your back like an otter. Drawback: In the morning you waste water showering the salt off! (and energy heating it) There is more realistically my favourite global warming adaptation: Lose a bunch of weight until the "dieter's dilemma" kicks in. Your metabolism slows and you create less heat to have to dissipate in the first place. You save energy on agriculture and you save energy on A/C as you don't get so hot so quick. Drawback: You get hungry a lot. Despite the drawback, the dieting trick is ingenius. By losing 60 pounds, my temperature comfort range shifted upward quite a bit, something like 10 degrees warmer!
In winter you can put clothing on to compensate for the dieter's dilemma slowdown of your body's heating, but that's easy compared to taking your skin off in summer.
To take off your skin
And dance around in your bones."
The waterbed idea is good, but needs a bit of work. Why not make it more sophisticated with roof radiators to dump heat to the night sky, and storing cool saltwater in an insulated bag below the waterbed (or a separate tank)? A small circulating pump brings cool liquid up as necessary to keep the bed at your desired temperature.
If it's still too hot for that, you can go with a daily-cycling absorption chiller system. Bake ammonia out of CaCl2 and into a water-cooled tank during the day, then let the ammonia flow back at night and take chilled water from around the tank to cool whatever you want to cool. Doesn't have to be sophisticated, but that means big and clunky. Do you care, if it's keeping solar heat off your roof?
The sound like a good idea to me, and I expect electric companies to sort of push big users into them. For those that don't know, they allow the power company to signal the grid in a critical situation, turning down everybody's air conditioning (or other high energy but non-critical service), to prevent the blackout.
Surfing the web I see a lot of wingnut blogs all upset about "them" controlling your power, but I think it will be offered as a choice - pay this much per kWh for "dumb" power, or a little bit less for "smart" power. Your choice.
I've gotten several free days off that way. :)
It would be impossible to force everyone to buy specially equipped air conditioners. My aircon is probably 40 years old, and I still use it sometimes. I am not planning to buy a new one.
So, as I understand it, there is no need to force anyone in a direct sense. At $15-20/mo there is no reason for me to do anything ... but folks spending $250/mo might feel driven to change.
I can't find a link on the home plan (other than some future stuff about smart meters and electric cars). FWIW, the commercial system is described here:
It ends with a little hint about expanding the system.
You can get up to 200 bucks back if you sign up with the unlimited interruption plan. It's not a bad deal if you get ocean breezes/moderation. It's not a good idea if you live in the Imperial Valley.
I would have signed up with the plan, except I didnt have an AC unit.
On a side note, if you live in a hot and dry climate, look into an evaporative cooler. They have these two stage units that indirectly cool the air, then send it in for direct cooling. It can make the heat tolerable at a fraction of the the electricty of an AC unit. Easy to repair too.
What it Means to Be a Power Partner
Managing peak demand helps delay the need to build new expensive power plants. This helps keep electric rates lower.
As a Power Partner, we provide you with a free programmable thermostat plus free installation and warranty (valued at $200-$280). You agree to allow us to cycle off your air conditioner briefly during peak demand -- when demand for electricity is at its highest.
Cycling Off Keeps Electricity Demand Level
Cycling off only occurs the few days each summer when both the demand for electricity and our load are the highest.
The cycling is similar to an air conditioner's normal cycle and is not noticeable. The purpose of cycling is to synchronize air conditioners so they take turns cycling on - keeping the electric demand level.
Cycling Off Timeline
(only occurs when demand and load are highest)
June - September
4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Excludes Holidays and Weekends
Happens for No More than 10 Minutes Every Half Hour
Basically, it would be trivial for the company to have your smart meter detect and report a rogue A/C and just shut off your house if your terms of service didn't allow it.
I'm sure the number of people willing to build their own A/C to avoid meter restrictions (and what about total wattage limits?) are few enough not to threaten grid management.
They said 80% of Texas is affected.
Seems to be a day for doom...
Sounds like Jim Kunstler. Speaking of JHK, there is an article in the May issue of Outside Magazine about his trip to Texas, that has yours truly (Jeffrey Brown) in a supporting role. (Apparently no web link yet. It's on the newsstands.)
I was quoted as saying remaining oil reserves were about two trillion. I assume that I must have been talking about conventional + all liquids & non-conventional of all types.
Sign of the times? Record high oil prices and rolling blackouts. Methinks we are going to see for sale signs popping up like weeds in the outlying 'burbs.
Congratulations on the press.
06:48 PM CDT on Monday, April 17, 2006
By ELIZABETH SOUDER / The Dallas Morning News
Going to be an interesting summer.
I submit a repost of an earlier article that predicted this:
Hello TODers, especially the terrific data freaks!
As I am not an professional engineer or statistician: I am asking for help from those more familiar with the science and required analysis to work up the facts and graphs. Consider:
Warmer winter than normal because of Global Warming [GW] effects. Reduced national requirement of detritus to heat buildings. Key assumption: warmer winters will continue due to GW.
Also due to GW, we will be experiencing ever hotter spring, summer, and fall temperatures. This will make detritovores turn on the A/C units to cool their cars, houses, and workplaces much more frequently. Key Assumption: longer national timeframe of burning energy for A/C than just the winter heating season. Potentially a national cool/heat hour ratio of 3:1?
Due to our low national birthrate, this will cause a rapid shift to a larger, but older populace that requires A/C to prolong health: excess heat is a rapid killer of the elderly and sick. Thus, as we go postPeak, more and more elderly will be willing to pay heavily for A/C.
Heating an enclosed space is more energy efficient than trying to cool it per degree. Burning natgas or heating oil can heat air more efficiently than using electricity [adding another entropic process] to remove heat. Any kind of equipment adds heat to an enclosed space, but this creates an opposing force when trying to A/C cool this space.
Continued migration and pop. growth to the American Sunbelt adds that much more pressure on detritus energy to provide electricity for A/C desires.
So, if 1-5 are considered for total aggregate effects on detritus demands: it seems to me that as we go postPeak is when we will also be seeking the maximum energy burn rate trying to stay cool.
Bob Shaw in Phx,Az Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
There is absolutely no way they would drop prices to the level requested in the letter.
I posted this morning to the Sunday open thread a link to Qatar pledging $50 million to the Palestinians. Clearly, between Qatar and Iran, only one is a huge ally. Will this cause US action? Is it just hot air (a pledge but no intention to actually deliver the money)? Will others join in solidarity?
I have always liked this idea. I think it is very fair.
I notice that you hold COP. Ditto for me. It has performed very well over the past few years, nearly tripling over the past 3 years. Last year, COP outperformed all of the other majors by a long shot, and is outperforming them so far this year. Yet the PE is still about 65% that of XOM.
Disclaimer: COP is also a nice place to work, although my opinions should never be confused with the official company positions. ;^)
My understanding is that 30 years ago CEO salary was around 40 times worker for fortune 500 companies. Today I believe it is around 280 times average worker for fortune 500 companies. If average salary is around $40,000, CEO is around $11.2 million. We are living in an age of robber barrons just like 100 years ago.
But, since it's relevant enough I'll point you to Paul Krugman's op-ed in the NY Times today about another reason to consider not handing cash monies to Exxon: Times Select version (behind the NYT pay wall); also available: somewhat shortened version at Economist's View blog, which usually seems to provide Krugman's op-ed pieces in near-entirety.
But what does this do to address global warming which is already costing us plenty and is going to cost plenty more? And what about the day when we really do run out of petroleum, or at least that petroleum which takes less energy to extract than it yields? According to many, the day of collapse is coming faster than those giant corporations want us to believe, and by continuing to fixate on keeping prices low, we put off getting serious about developing long-term solutions.
In his book, "Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble", Lester Brown says that if the price of gasoline truly reflected what it costs to deliver it to your car, it would be over $11 per gallon. One has to include the cost of supporting corrupt regimes in places like Saudi Arabia, making war on Iraq, and committing other mischief around the world to secure the oil to support our highly wasteful lifestyle. If that squares with our values, then God help us.
Shifting ourselves to serious conservation initiatives while working to build a sustainable way of living is the best way to thumb our noses at the giant oil producers. If the 300 million people that the author of this message hopes to reach took conservation to heart, Exxon and Mobil would be in the solar and wind energy business tomorrow.
Having just got that e-mail sent to me, I have now sent your wife's response in reply, noting that it was from a reputedly "very nice gentle person," and that I did not know the original author (smile)...
The MSM headline can read, "After touching a Record High of $729,600 per Barrel, oil has Plummeted to $728,000." haha.
You should have have saved it!
Yesterday I had asked an engineer "Is it possible to calorify bitumen or tar sands with underground nuclear/thermonuclear explosions". The answer was "NO!" I'd asked "Why no?" The answer was "..........." (silence).
An explosion creates an enormous quantity of heat. That heat dissipates gradually. The after-explosion underground caverns retain warmth for years. So, why can not one use a nuclear bomb to warm a layer of bitumen?
Perhaps a thermonuclear one is too big to be cheaply installed deep underground, but a simple plutonium device is small enough to fit a well.
And I am sure the government will not object since that technique could be used to test the new or old nuclear devices.
Just a fantasy.
The idea of using a nuclear device to heat subsurface tar sands or oil shale had occured to me also. But upon thinking about it, it doesn't strike me as very workable.
The fatal flaw in this concept is that you really can not control what is going on. The sudden and massive release of energy from a nuclear explosion would instantly vaporize large quanties of bitumen, and the tremendous pressure spike would spew that vaporized bitumen through whatever fissures and pores existed in the subsurface, possibly blasting some of it right out of the ground. So you'd instantly lose a lot of the stuff you were trying to capture.
Then you have the problem of heat transfer. Part of the deposit will be too hot and the other part wouldn't be heated enough. Stone and soil is not that great of an insulator, so I wouldn't automatically assume that all that heat is going to be retained for a sufficiently long period of time to do all that much good.
And last but not least, what about the radioactivity? You will be irradiating large amounts of mineral material that will have to be eventually handled when the bitumen mixed with mineral residues are removed. This one is hardly a trivial problem. Liquified bitumen mixed with radioactive isotopes would not be the easiest thing to handle safely.
Having said that, I wouldn't totally give up on the nuclear concept, but it can't be in the form of a nuclear explosive device. A far more practical concept would be to build a small, semi-portable above-ground nuclear reactor that would generate steam that could be pumped into the subsurface deposits in a controlled manner. When one area has been worked, the reactor (perhaps modularized) would be dismantled and then moved to a new area to be worked.
I have absolutely no feel for the economics of such a scheme or whether it would turn out to be all that practical, but if you want to use nuclear energy for tar sands or oil shale, that, in my opinion, would be the only way to go.
Such technique could be used to gasify coal in situ, for example in under sea coal reserves. You have to inject catalysts in a seam of coal, ignite a nuclear device a few dozens feet beneath and you will get a chemical plant in situ.
Perhaps that is not so bad way to get rid of old nuclear stockpiles.
I am not an engineer (have a degree in economics), but many technological innovations were fool's fantasies before they became a common knowledge.
In 1956 Nikita Khrushchev had asked engineers "Is it possible to install an intercontinental ballistic missile into a silo?"
The answer was "NO!"
A few years later the first silo was dug.
Well, you know, some things that were thought to be unfeasible eventually turned out to be feasible. And likewise, some things that were thought to be feasible turned out to be unfeasible. So what does this all prove? Well, not much, when you get right down to it.
If one were to believe some of the rosey projections made by such mass media publications like Popular Mechanics or Mechanix Illustrated in the early 1950s, by now we'd all be commuting to work in our atomic-powered personal airplanes and when we'd get home we'd be served dinner by our own personal robots. But we're not; and you have to ask yourself the question: how did all these 'experts' get it SO wrong?
The whole trick in evaluating technology is to develop a sort of 'third eye' for
what works and what doesn't. It's more of an art than a science, and far from infallible. One cannot explore every single technological possibility. There just aren't enough resources for that. Therefore, one has to hedge his bets and try to put his money on what shows the most promise. Sometimes you win; and sometimes you lose. But you still have to put your money on what you think has the best chance of winning.
My own crystal ball (albeit a rather cloudy one) tells me that this whole concept of carbon sequestration is a hopeless, energy-wasteful deadend. It's not going to go anywhere, government-sponsored demo projects notwithstanding.
Another prediction: We are going to have global warming because we cannot reverse it in any significant way. We are just going to have to work around it and make the best of it, although there will be very painfull and wrenching adjustments (such as abandoning places like Bangladesh and New Orleans, and shifting the places which we depend upon for food).
Via Metafilter: opt=Abstract
(yea... officals say Iraq is a good idea, there are no effects from DU, and peak oil is a scare mongering idea)
Nuking Mississippi. In 1964, the Atomic Energy Commission drilled a shaft into a salt dome near Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and began the only test nuclear detonations in the eastern United States. Despite stories of radioactive frogs in the area, and locals remembering that the earth kicked up waves, the ground cracked, chimneys tumbled and the creeks turned black, officials insist that there are no lasting effects from the underground tests.
I am not an engineer (have a degree in economics),
Having blown off the whole question of adding toxins to the ground, or the idea of taking the already refined fissionable material and fueling nuclear power plants, hopefully the above set of links will be enough to have you give up on the idea.
Otherwise, I'm all for having you move to 5 miles of your idea and get all of your food grown on the land where this plan is executed. As an economist, I'm sure you see the value of cheap land. People who don't LIKE toxic land will sell cheap!
Well? You willing to move to such land and eat food from such land?
That is because it is a bad plan.
An explosion creates an enormous quantity of heat. That heat dissipates gradually.
As a small point. That heat won't move across rock 'fast'.
So thermodynamics works against you.
As some of the material is vaporized it will expand, and move the other rock bits upward in an explosion.
So physics works against you
And poison in the form of radionulidies will be made, so your 'solution' creates toxins just so you can get oil.
So social responsibility works against you.
You'd be father ahead to ask for nuclear weapons to be dismantled and make power plants form the already refined material.
Oil was up >$1/barrel
Gasoline up> $.06/gallon
And thats just the front months. Prices out through August are much higher.
I noticed, while driving to Wilkes-Barre this morning (a work-related drive for which the company reimburses me a measely 33 cents a mile) many motorists driving along at 60 mph, vice 75+. A sudden guilt trip? I doubt it. I think the per-gallon price will have to hit $4+ before my neighbors even begin to give up their lazy ways (like driving four blocks to the post office, or 3 blocks to the Catholic Church).
Any more talk like this and I am going to believe that we do not need hybrids or hydrogen, that we have the technology already available 30 years ago.
Just kidding ;-)
But I don't tell my friends who forked out for a Prius ; )
Living in Houston, which now has rolling blackouts due to much hotter than avg. temps for the year, my concern is both fuel economy and what we can do to help mitigate our effects on global warming.
But, again, I imagine the civic is pretty good with that other side of the coin too...
Is there a way global warming can hit us directly in the pocket book pushing us to change our ways as seems to be the case with higher gas prices and becoming more fuel efficient (which does seem to be working, at least a bit)?
I average around 39-40 MPG, and that's with an engine that's far bigger than it needs to be for cruise power (and geared to turn way faster than optimum too, losing lots of energy to friction). If this car was re-engineered as a hybrid with something like a Lupo TDI engine it would probably hit 50 MPG easily, maybe 60 if driven just right.
Geo Metro (or Suzuki Swift, if you prefer).
Simple, cheap, lightweight, effective, and 50 mpg more than a decade ago.
I think it was designed for little old ladies in Japan with a grandchild in the back seat.
Appearing on Fox News this weekend, Steve Forbes said the way to lower gas prices is to "have the confrontation with Iran." Forbes warned Fox viewers that "the longer we let it fester, the higher the price of oil will stay."
I'd like to stick a gun in his (Forbes) hand, strap a parachute to his back and drop his sorry, rich ass right in the middle of it.
Not incl in the web version but of note to TOD'ers this month:
a) The monthly global production record for OIL was tied in December @ 84.7-mbd.
b) The modern day record for monthly global prod'n for OPEC was set in December @ 29.9-mbd.
c) The quarterly global prod'n record for OIL was tied in 2006Q1 @ 84.4-mbd.
Doesn't sound like Peak Oil or Plateau to me!
Why not?
According to all I have seen OPEC production in Dec was no higher than a year ago.
(Overheard at the health club today. I'm very curious what 'the masses' think about PO, if at all...)
'Did you hear Bush has a new fitness plan?' 'It's called WALK - gas is $3 a gallon..."
which lead to...
'They're all a bunch of crooks - Bush, Cheney...' (At least they got that right)
which lead to...
'There's plenty of oil, (agreement all around) it's just a conspiracy! They own the oil companies and they're getting rich.'
and finally (the solution):
'We should annex Mexico, they've got lots of oil and they all want to be Americans (sic) anyways; and we should exploit those tar sands in Canada!'
That's where the public is at.
Well the good people from Harrisburg Pa had the solution: vegetable oil.. Thats right, one person actually believe we could use all the vegetable oil in Harrisburg to run our cars and avoid high gas prices.. Until I informed him that there's not really that much vegetable oil in Harrisburg and then I informed him on how the US imports 21 million bpd. He got the message.
The second person stated that technoolgy just hadn't "caught UP" with the crisis.. I simply stated that techology won't put more oil in the ground..
The third person stated "they will think something" at which I stated who is this "they" they are thinking about.. I ask them to think for a second on the invisible hand that provide everything and ask why would "they" actually have to do anything at all.. At this point I think I scared him because he stated in a very different tone of voice, They will think of something" and the conversation came to an abrupt end..
I love to talk to people about peak oil..
On a slightly differnet note, I'm wondering if the proportion of heavy / sour crude could be tracked indirectly by looking at historic and current pricing for asphaltic cement, tar and bitumen. Ive worked on a lot of road / airport projects and while asphalt pricing is always changing according to supply and demand as well as normal fluctuations in construction activity, I would think that if there was a sudden increase in the amount of heavy / sour crude comming into refineries, then there should be a corresponding increase in the heavier components of oil - and possibly a decrease in cost compared to previous years. This would be very indirect and may not really help much, but it might shed a bit of light on the heavy /sour crude question. Anyway, I'll let you all decide if its a worthwhile exercise and as always keep up the good work.
Just my thoughts..
Outsourcing critics says U.S. is giving away too many jobs
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
By Anya Sostek, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Changed U.S. economy more tolerant of oil prices
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
By Len Boselovic, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
This AP headline caught my eye today: Gas Prices Push Up Wholesale Inflation
Perhaps the prediction that over $35/bbl oil would slow the economy is still correct, just the timeline has been adjusted by extremely aggessive deficit spending by the US Govt (among other things)
...over at Morgan Stanley's Global Economic Forum ( ), Stephen Roach's latest posting (April 18) is titled "Oil and Bonds." A few quotes:
- "Driving this latest price surge are three supply shocks: First, US refineries scheduled heavy spring downtime for maintenance that was deferred following the hurricanes, so distributors have drawn down gasoline inventories by 5% in the past nine weeks. Second, the final phase-in of US environmental regulations (the Tier 2 Vehicle and Gasoline Sulfur Program, begun in January 2004), and the decision by many refiners to phase out the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) as an emissions-reducing additive in 2006 has increased the demand for scarce ethanol as a substitute and boosted prices. The ethanol-laced fuel is also more difficult to handle, adding to costs. Third, notwithstanding apparently ample crude supplies, a flaring in geopolitical risks, especially regarding Iran, has elevated the level of crude prices by about $7/bbl in the past several weeks."
Berner's posting immediately follows Roach's.
All the boycott talk does is muddy the waters with disinformation, as snopes has shown.
One. Billion. Cars. 2020.
If we really want to reduce energy prices in this country, we should actually develop a nationwide comprehensive energy plan. A plan would actually promote diversification in our energy sources making us less dependent on any one source.
Arriving home you quickly scan the newspaper to see what excuse the oil companies have trotted out this time, as they attempt to justify this latest increase to a very skeptical public.
Damn it you say as you read the front-page story concerning the compensation paid to the chairman and chief executive officer of the world's largest oil company-Exxon Mobile. There it is in black and white for all to see, not only is this increase needed by this oil company but all previous increases can be easily explained as we read what this man has received in compensation over the past thirteen years.
This man, Lee Raymond received $144,573 for each and every day that he has been in his present position as head-honcho of this oil company for a total of $686 million for the period 1993-2005. The details of his retirement package are also part of this story but even those of us with cast iron stomachs are beginning to feel rumbles from down under as we try to comprehend how any man regardless of his title, position, etc can justify this obscene compensation package to that $6-7 per hour gas attendant.
I remember trying to explain to my late father a number of years ago what "free enterprise" meant and how it supposedly worked when we were discussing the demise of the cod fishery in Newfoundland. Obviously I was not overly successful in my attempt to do this, having patiently listened to what I had to say, he was silent for a few seconds and then said, "sounds to me like your talking about good old-fashioned greed".
Enough said.
Nova Scotia, Canada
The EPA is offering a research grant opportunity that I believe is a perfect fit for this idea. I have sent an e-mail to a hand picked list of university professors who have experience with government research projects. I'm looking to form a research team to apply for the EPA grant, conduct a social-economic experiment and surveys to determine to what extent the American public will support it, project the economic potential of WPH, and identify logistical, social and political obstacles as well as opportunities.
All government grants are awarded based on merit of the proposed research. I believe WPH has merit but your help is needed to verify it. You can help by posting your feedback. Let the professors and the EPA know what you think about WPH. Do you think this idea is worth pursuing? We need to know if Americans will support a plan like this.
Do you have any ideas to improve the plan?
Share any and all of your thoughts.
Tell your friends and family about this Blog post and ask them to post their thoughts on WPH
Thank you