Tuesday open thread
Posted by Yankee on February 14, 2006 - 12:37pm
(Here's a link in case you need any fodder...)
Update [2006-2-14 13:59:43 by Yankee]: And yet more fodder: U.S. Has Royalty Plan to Give Windfall to Oil Companies
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 — The federal government is on the verge of one of the biggest giveaways of oil and gas in American history, worth an estimated $7 billion over five years.New projections, buried in the Interior Department's just-published budget plan, anticipate that the government will let companies pump about $65 billion worth of oil and natural gas from federal territory over the next five years without paying any royalties to the government.
Based on the administration figures, the government will give up more than $7 billion in payments between now and 2011. The companies are expected to get the largess, known as royalty relief, even though the administration assumes that oil prices will remain above $50 a barrel throughout that period.
Andrew Weissman took looked real closely at the implications (financially) of a massive LNG strategy
The potential 2025 contribution of LNG imports to the U.S balance of payments deficit is potentially 1 to 2 X the current total U.S. balance of trade deficit, which is at an all time record level (viz., $ 58.3 billion for January of 2005, the most recent month for which data is available). Even for a country with a $ 13 trillion per year Gross Domestic Product (GDP), these are staggering figures.
Over the 20 to 25 year life of these new supply projects, the required payments by U.S. purchasers are likely to total more than the budget for the entire federal government (with over 2.5 million employees) in any one year.
Or the liklihood that supplies will materialize as anticipated
Despite the overall strength of the U.S. economy, the U.S. could be at a significant disadvantage in competing
for these supplies.
We are running the largest trade deficit in U.S. history - and the largest trade deficit of any country in the
world. In part as a direct result, the value of the dollar is expected to continue to decline sharply over the next
several years.
Further, because of our location, for every current producer other than Trinidad, the amount of time a tanker
must travel in order to complete a delivery to the U.S. and therefore the cost of shipping LNG to the U.S.
market is significantly greater than for any other potential customer except Mexico. With tankers potentially
costing up to $ 250 million each, this is a significant disincentive to sell into the U.S. market.
It also means that, by definition, a U.S. manufacturer using LNG will be at a competitive disadvantage to almost
every other manufacturer worldwide, since (due to the shipping cost differential) the cost of LNG delivered to
the U.S. market inevitably will be higher than in any other market in the world.
Or the susceptibility to interruptions this would place us in.
If we rely heavily on LNG imports from West Africa or the Middle East, therefore, and the government in a
host country is overthrown, a strike temporarily shuts down production or, in the case of a Middle East
producer, shipments through the Strait of Hormuz are temporarily blocked, there may be a very real risk that
we'll not be able to keep homes warm in the middle of the winter or that the lights will go out in the summer.
Even if shortages never occur, however, from a pricing standpoint, the potential consequences of a supply
disruption in the LNG market, even for a short period, could also be severe - even if it involves only a single
major LNG project supplying the U.S. market.
THe article is a good read. LNG really makes no sense as a solution, except to the LNG distributers.
But my idea for a poll is this? What is your view of the net result of Peak Oil. 5 categories ranging from no effect to stone age by 2025. Then what time frame do you envision the net result happening. 5 categories of time frames for that. Then make a nice little matrix of the two.
I just think it would be interesting to see where everyone falls out in the matrix. What's everyone think?
As for timing, by 2025 I expect no more than "the greatest depression" - whereas I hold out hope that by 2100 we will have made it to the new stone age.
He said:
At least thats the catastrophic theorist's viewpoint... all those hidden stresses building up for a break to a new attractor (temporary equilibrium) point.
For Immediate Release
Date of Release: Feb. 14, 2006
From: Willits Economic LocaLization (WELL)
Contact: Spring Senerchia, 707-459-1256; spring@redinet.org
Subject: Regional Localization Networking Conference
Improving and coordinating the efforts of groups working towards sustainable, localized economies is the focus of a conference to be held in Willits, CA from April 7-9, 2006.
The conference aims to share best practices on group organization and activities, develop consistent messages for the public, politicians and business leaders, and foster on-going communication among localization practitioners. A Saturday evening presentation by David A. Schaller, Sustainable Development Coordinator of the US Environmental Protection Agency is included in the weekend activities.
The "relocalization" movement is especially active in Northern California and Oregon (see: http://postcarbon.org/_tmp_maps/NorthAmericaOutpostsImageMap.html), and while anyone is welcome to register, preference is given to attendees from this region. Each local group is encouraged to send one application form with a list of delegates to the conference. These forms are available at: http://www.willitseconomiclocalization.org/RLNC.pdf
Willits Economic LocaLization (WELL) sponsors this event. WELL's mission is to foster the creation of a sustainable economy based on local resources. (See: www.willitseconomiclocalization.org).
I find it interesting that there hasn't been a thread yet on James Lovelock's dire prediction about climate change, as published in the Independent on Jan. 16 (unless I missed it?):
Posted on Energy Bulletin - "The world has already passed the point of no return for climate change, and civilisation as we know it is now unlikely to survive, according to James Lovelock"
His book Revenge of Gaia is not due for publication in N. America for a month or two, so I suppose that has something to do with it. Still, his views have huge implications for a post-peak-oil society - especially since some think we're going to have to rely on coal for a myriad of uses for a time. Imagine the additional environmental havoc! Anyone read the above article yet? Thoughts? It's brought back that acute sinking feeling in my heart and stomach that I carried around after I found out about PO...I guess I got used to it. My brother has 3 little kids and it gives me shivers to think about what their adulthood will be like. What my "golden years" will be like...
Civilisation a century will be very different than now just like civilisation now is very different than 1906. Life for the average person could be much better than now.
Well, except maybe the chickens. Bird flu, y'know. ;-)
Seriously, it seems like a reasonable way to cover your bets, without spending too much money. If the energy crunch doesn't start to bite for 50 years, you haven't given up your job, etc. If the zombie hoards are roaming within five years, well, at least you have neighbors to help you defend your vegetable patch. :-/
Having actually kept chickens for a few years, they seem to react in enclosed spaces much like rats and humans-- they start tearing at each other's feathers and generally exhibit stress due to crowding. Our chickens, (circa 1997-2000), were free range during the day, were absolutely healthy and produced eggs too large to fit in a carton. Our rooster seemed to keep them all safe in a habitat that included dogs, coyotes, feral cats and snakes. (They also all had names and distinct personalities).
OTOH...all the avian flu sites I keep up with report today of confirmed cases as far north in the EU as the Baltic Sea. I have no idea if the vaccine that the Asian countries are using is effective or not, at this point, but I would think that sooner or later federal action/local hysteria would demand that you cull. I think it's pretty iffy right now.
Mexican oil output could drop sharply - report
I ask Shaw's question. Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
Bingo! The basic model of how the market works, esp. in terms of the role played by inventories, is changing as we (s)peak, and the commodities traders haven't noticed yet.
With the news that Iran has begun centrifuging uranium, plus all the oil and natural gas stats everyone here can cite ad infinitum, one would expect the market prices of oil and NG to be significantly higher.
It will happen, eventually, but the sooner the prices start to rise before there are supply disruptions, the better.
People are just trading on trends and perception. I am more convinced than ever that only a shock, due to scarcity, will wake people up to how fragile our supply is. People just expect energy to be there, no matter what the cost. And if there is any surplus in storage than the price has to go down due to over supply. No thoughts at all about our need 1,2 or 3 months ahead.
At this point I truly do not think most people can comprehend scarcity. It might get expensive but if I borrow the money in winter "they" will deliver my gas or oil. I will pay for it later. If everybody has this mindset, price is not going to do much in the short run to prevent scarcity when demand finally overtakes supply.
We have been lucky this winter. What about next winter when supply will be even tighter? I worry about the herd mentality. Everything is just fine now but could turn to panic very quickly with a shock.
A handful, at most, in a century.
We are driven to understand the "breaks" but "continuity" remains both the norm, and the statistical answer.
Those coworkers on the "budget plan" aren't thinking about scarcity at all. They figure on "pay them and it will come"! This with "budget plans" or any other creative financing should be outlawed so you pay as you go per month, just like your car and the dreaded gas pump. As we know here, NG is not exempt from peaking and scarcity.
BTW, I have thought of a way to ship natural gas with normal oil tankers. You make it into diesel. You can use the diesel to heat homes, use it in transport systems, etc. Some NG at origin point can be made into gasoline for cars. No need for going around with LNG as cold as liquid air. Time to re-nozzle home heating systems... again! Yes, you waste petroleum energy in converting NG to heavier hydrocarbons, but no need to waste energy again to heat a ridiculously cold liquid. And oil tankers aren't as tempting as LNG tankers.
What a waste. Energy to chill NG to cryoliquid, energy wasted keeping it cold, and energy wasted to reheat it. That's why we would be better off making the NG into room-temp liquid and load it onto existing tankers. If you need room-temp gas fuel, you could convert methane to ethane or propane which can be held liquid at room temp albeit pressurised. For "natural gas" users, ethane would work out best. Pump out the liquid from the bottom of the tanker, and let it reboil in the pipe. Doing that with a cryoliquid would create artificial permafrost!
Both would proably be commercially interested in any specific project you have in mind.
Landfill gas Over 1000 MWe of electricity are being generated today from landfill gas, referred to in the waste landfill trade as "LFG". It can readily fuel piston engines and turbine prime movers. Potential is for 3-5x this via better technology, which is coming into play at Yolo County CA and elsewhere. Thus the US potential for landfill gas is between 150,000 and 250,000 barrels oil equivalent (BOE) per day. Plus you are addressing global warming by more efficiently recovering methane that is tenfold the potency of carbon dioxide on a volume basis. The energy potential is large simply because of the large amount of waste > 150,000,000 tons of largely organic material that the US landfills each year. This much waste can make a lot of methane. Without getting into detail, I will just say that, in essence, there is still a lot of potential for more development and optimization of LFG technlogy. There are problems to be overcome--for example effects of gaseous silicon compounds (of all things) that leave deposits in combustion systems.
Sewage Methane from sewage is about 20% of the energy potential of methane from LFG. and use is very roughly 50'% of the amount collected
Manure The biggest developer of manure digesters in the western hemisphere has been RCM digesters and Mark 'Moser of Berkeley/Oakland, who we (IEM, Inc and Yolo County) talk to regularly. The exploitation of manure to methane is much less advanced than LFG, with the exploited potential of manure methane (or biogas) being under 5% , but the business today is booming, such that there is a large backlog for RCM and others installing digester systems. Manure solids and convertibility make the methane potential roughly 2x that of landfill gas
These biomethane sources are to date best suited to local use and primarily electricity genration, although a little bit of pipeline gas is made. In our big study for California Dairy farmers we document the use of biogas in fueling vehicles in the 'European Union. Google Westen United Regional Dairymen (WURD) and methane.
Steve Andrews of ASPO-USA has called these technlogies "silver bb's" which is a great term for energy resource that is smaller than a silver bullet.
Based on manure, sewage and solid waste solids available to make methane, I would give the net energy potential of these resources together at over 500,000 boe per day for the US. The climate benefit can be enormous because of methane's greenhouse potency. In addition atmospheric methane is also connected in a complex way to the Antarctic polar "ozone hole" (Blake and Rowland) and there are a lot of other angles to this.
This is why we need education about our energy situation and good public policy--to fight the natural tendency of people to focus on their immediate sitution and not extend their planning horizon.
Keynes never said the long run does not matter. He made a one-liner put-down quip.
Keynes thought that the long run mattered most and that in this long run the decisive elements were technological advances and exponential growth.
See his classic essay, widely republished, "Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren."
JMK, where are you now that we need you?
and predict that the Fed, under new chairman Ben Bernanke, will continue to raise rates a quarter point at each of its next two meetings. This is a little more "hawkish" behavior than had previously been expected, when the Fed was thought likely to level off after maybe another raise.
JDH at Econbrowser is among those who fear that the Fed is going too far too fast, and that its inflation-fighting zeal is only going to succeed in sending the economy into recession. Supposedly though Bernanke means to quell worries that he will be too soft on inflation by putting on a show of toughness right off the bat.
If things go bad as JDH fears, a U.S. slowdown would likely impact the rest of the world as American imports are a major economic driver these days. This could lead to a scenario with a softening of oil demand and a drop in prices over the next couple of years.
As for oil prices a dollar appreciation will hurt oil importing countries and this will be another source of reduced demand. So, yes it is quite possible that we see a significant price drop - in the next few years supply capacity will probbaly remain flat, while demand will probably drop much faster. I don't see it as a good thing though.
The Daily Show is anchored by John Stewart, also known as a fake news anchor. The show is meant for comedy...it is shown on the Comedy Channel. But, the show has much "real" news at the same time.
There are so many peak oil books these days I can't keep up. I never even heard of this one before.
(And are we really using a thousand barrels a second?)
I just can't get over how this guy reinforces ideas that I've picked up by osmosis. So, of course I like it. One example of that was my suspicion that the major independent oil companies were not heavily reinvesting because all the good investments were covered. He notes ... well I won't do a long excerpt, but I'll do some fragments from Chapter 4, which I'm now reading:
He goes on to say 9 of the top 10 oil companies by reserves are now state owned (NOCs - National Oil Companies). The places independents (IOCs) can invest are limited.
He goes on to say that when NOCs invest, they may use a calculation that has less to do with short term profit, but more to do with securing a strategic supply. This further limits the ability of IOCs to play.
IMO, buy the book.
The chapter focuses on supply and demand of crude, discusses peak oil, politics, American vehicle miles and efficiency, Russia - very well done.
I also saw him on John Stewart tonight. I'm not sure that this topic does well in the comedy spotlight. It took backseat to Dick Cheney jokes. But the exposure is much needed and appreciated. Thanks John.
Here is the link to the show, which has an audio link.
He was very concerned about the lack of any mention of conservation.
He's saying (as I type now) that people should not be conditioned to think "don't worry, go on about your lives, the scientists are going to fix it."
Unfortunately people also use the terms confusingly to indicate actual amounts bought and sold during some period. People will say that oil demand last year grew by x percent, a decrease from growth the previous year. But that's not correct. You can't speak of demand that way. A better term would be "consumption". You can say that oil consumed last year grew by x%, but you can't look at the data and say what demand was. Demand by its nature involves a range of possible outcomes.
It is better to think of supply and demand as forces that tug on prices, than as amounts. When demand is high, that pushes prices upward. When supply is high, that pushes prices downward. And vice versa, low demand draws prices down and low supply draws prices upward. Think of the price as a weight suspended with springs above and below it, where the springs are supply and demand. Stronger demand raises the price while greater supply lowers it.
If we think of supply and demand in this way, then it makes sense to say things like that demand next year will grow over this year, while supply will grow but not as much. And this allows us to understand some paradoxical conditions. Demand could grow from one year to the next, but consumption could fall, if supply were tight. The common usage of saying "demand" as a synomym for "consumption" makes it impossible even to describe this situation!
I hope people will bear this in mind when they read economic analyses and reports. Supply and demand are forces that affect price. But when we are looking at actual amounts in the past, that's not supply and demand, that's production and consumption. Keeping this distinction in mind makes it easier to think clearly about what is happening.
Words are tricky symbols to use to get across ideas of supply and demand. Word's plus graphs are much better, but the problem here is than many people are as afraid of graphs as they are of calculus.
Alas, I know of no substitute for rigorous study. Is there a book titled "Economics for Dummies?" Probably there is, and if so it would be a good place to start.
For economists these ideas are simple and clear; we know that there is a world of differnce between "demand" (a whole schedule of prices and quantitities, other things staying the same) and "quantity demanded," which is the amount purchased at a particular price--what you call "consumption."
To conclude, there is no substitute for solid education. You can learn economics on your own, but for many people it is about as hard to learn as Japanese.
The concept of demand includes both the willingness ("want") and the ability to pay. You can want something with all your heart and soul, but if you have no funds and no credit, your demand is zilch.
Not for nothing is economics called, "the dismal science."
3: Increasingly creative financing raises the price of the item financed. (examples: housing market and wierd loans, NG "budget plans")
And you'll love this one...
4: As a region becomes a net importer of an item, the region expierences a price rise to match the prevailing price. (example: The Lower 48 as a net oil importer)
I used to debate economics on Usenet in the 1990s a lot, as well as discuss the oil peak.
If you ask me, they stole a perfectly good word out of the dictionary and bent it to their own purposes. Coincidently, it is happening again right now as economists go into "happiness studies" and re-create "happiness" as a sort of quantitative well-being. Cato Institute and others are into this, because if you make "happiness" quantitative, then by near-definition it goes up with GDP.
Of course they might loose, and the brain scanners might be able to hold onto "happiness" as an authentic mental state.
A Volume is a Scaler Quantity of something that (usually) remains constant throughout the relative time of interest. It has representative units of BBL, CF, MCF, M^3, US Gallon.
A Volumetric Flowrate is a certain volume of something relative to a given time interval. It will have representative units of BOPD, CFS, CFM, GPM, MCFD.
When the time interval of Volumetric Flowrate is becomes infinitesimally small in relation to a much larger time frame of interest, it is referred to as an instantaneous Volumetric Flowrate, and is equal to the derivative of a volumetric quantity with respect to time, as the time interval approaches zero.
The integral of instantaneous Volumetric Flowrates over a given time interval will yield a Volume.
It doesn't matter if it is something somebody produced, something somebody buys, sell, or just wants it.
Economic Definition:
A supply is a given quantity of something of value to a potential seller.
A demand is a given quantity of something of value to a potential buyer.
Where the something is produced, or by whom, or where the something is consumed, or by whom, makes little difference.
When a given buyer and a given seller agree on the value of a given quantity of a given something, sometimes the ownership of the something is transferred from one entity to another entity at a probability of 50%.
It has long been noted that the probability of a quantity of something changing ownership between the owner of the quantity of something and a prospective owner of that same quantity of that same something can increase or decrease when each do not share the exact equal idea of the value of the given quantity of the given something.
The probability of changing ownership of a quantity of something has also long been noted to increase as a function of the algebraic difference between a prospective owner's idea of the value of the quantity of something and the present owner's idea of the value of the same quantity of something.
Collarary 1) There is no further interdependency or any other relationship that has been found to exist between the two definitions.
Collarary 2) Any attempt by anyone to further quantify or relate the difference in value of some quantity of something to a price related to some form of legal tender currency, or a similar or dissimilar transaction involving similar or dissimilar quantities of something, having been taken before, or is scheduled to take place at a future date, or at any other moment in time, other than at the exact moment the given transaction for the given quantity of the given something, is consumated by the given buyer and the given seller, identifies that person as a soothsayer and a fool.
I did Google it though;
products online ready for same day shipment, real-time pricing, ...
Alternatively, if you want a really fine book, get any edition of Stigler's "Theory of Price" or any edition of Marshall's "Principle's of Economics."
Often older editions are better than newer editions, because the publisher's make you dumb them down. Been there.
Some of the best graphs are to be found in old editions of the classic text by Samuelson, 1st edition, 1948, still in print with a co-author. He had a really good chapter on energy back in the early seventies edition, then dropped it as energy prices fell in later years.
My favorite text for principles of economics is the one by Colander. Any edition is fine, and in fact 1st edition has good stuff that the publishers forced him to delete in later editions.
There are a ton of decent paperback books for the one-term Intro to Econ course--old ones maybe sold for 25 cents on tables put on sidewalk outside.
Most novelty is error. Glance through some books, and you will be able to tell which one is right for you.
Sounds like Bill Bonner ("Secrets of the Near Dead") or Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Fooled By Randomness).
Just a layman's view of economics that believes 90+% of New Era/Paradigm "stuff" (in lieu of my normal language) ranks lower than pond scum.
You would not expect to learn and understand and realize the awesome power of the three laws of thermodynamics in two hundred words, now would you? To understand what is meant by the powerful concepts of supply and demand requires about as much effort and struggle and concentration and study of pages as to understand the laws of thermodynamics. Just as the uneducated frequently (usually?) misuse the concepts of thermodynamics, so also do the uneducated misunderstand and misuse the concepts of supply and demand.
With the benefit of hindsight, it was a huge mistake for economists to appropriate common words in the English language and then give them special and extremely precise and unique meanings within the discipline of economics.
There are at least four good ways to communicate ideas about supply and demand. First is words. Few economists can write their way out of a brown paper bag, and their words often are not helpful at all. Graphs are good if you label them properly and understand that "graph" is shorthand for "graphical equation." Anything expressed as a graph can also be expressed in mathematics, and if you are good at math this is an easy way to go. A fourth approach to understanding supply and demand is through tables of numbers. Any graph can be looked at as plotting a table of numbers. Any equation can be thought of as describing a table of numbers. Personally, I like this approach, because in the real world the data we actually work with comes in the form of tables of numbers: Real economists love to wallow in the data, and the raw data comes in these huge computer printouts of tables of numbers. For example, Alan Greenspan does not think in terms of graphs, he looks at the numbers and in his head makes sense of them all. (Note: this ability is extremely rare. Greenspan seldom even has to scribble numbers down on the back of an envelope; he apparently can remember accurately and integrate in complex ways at least 5,000 pieces of data in his head--and do it quickly and almost effortlessly. The only other economist I know of who could do that was the late great Sumner Schlicter, who died perhaps half a century ago.)
What to do? Learn economics. It is as important as physics and about as hard as physics to learn to do right.
But where economists go wrong is to make excessive claims for the power of their discipline. With physics or chemistry you have great power to make correct predictions and to make and do things. Economics has roughly the power of meteorology and climatology to make successful predictions. In conclusion, it is worthwhile to learn to use words correctly. (And deep in my heart I wish that people would not use words without knowing their correct meanings. As a writer I worship at the altar of language and correct usage. I am a crazy old idealist, and I am not about to quit fighting.)
Essentially, you have made up your own definition and decided that it is as good as the one economists have come up with. That may well be the case.
But for precision in thought we must use precisely defined terms. Pretty please with sugar on top, go to Barnes & Nobles or your favorite nearby bookstore, get a stack of econ books and spend an hour looking at them.
I do believe there actually is an "Economics for Dummies" book. I've looked at a lot of the "Dummies" books, such as the ones on gardening and sailing and digital photography and they are all good. (Better than the "Idiots" series, in my opinion.) Start there.
There is no substitute for education when it comes to rigorous critical thinking.
Oh, and just for fun, compare any ten of the econ books. The words may vary slightly, but the concepts are EXACTLY the same in all the books. One of the few nice things I can say about the discipline of economics is that it has well-defined terms. By way of contrast, sociology is a horrible ugly mess, with three terms that mean the same thing and a single important concept used four different ways by four different major sociologists.
What's with all this logical precision, math, graphs, tables and so on when econ routinely discounts the future and ignores the full real costs of almost everything?
How the hell can anybody get a right answer with precise logic from false initial premises?
Or is econ just another math game like, for example, game theory, a mere tautology, having no pretense of application to where I live?
I have asked this question of the local econ profs and they tell me to shut up and go fool around with my machines.
Economical theories are tools that can work both for good and dumb questions. The tools themselves can be perfectly ok even if their use end up ruining people, you must allways ask the right questions. So yes it is math, like game theory, usefull math.
Math I myself unfortunately know too little about. I use to fall back to its ok if money in > money out within a reasonable time period and work myself up from that with a economy textbook. Wich values do I include in the money figures? I guess you basically want much more to be included.
However, I'm sure that you know that many of the sources I read or quote (outside TOD) do exactly the same thing. Thanks for the heads up.
best, Dave
My advice is always to go to original sources. You are so much better off struggling with Adam Smith or John Maynard Keynes or Milton Friedman than going through the textbooks.
There are a few outstanding exceptions to this rule. Philip Frank's Intermediate Micro is one example of a recent outstanding texbook, but it is too hard for most beginners.
And, if truth be told, most profs who teach Principles of Economics hate the course and don't do much with it because they want to be dealing with graduate students, the galley slaves who ply the oars on the prof's way to publications.
IMHO our university system is broken and cannot be fixed. (At least insofar as undergraduate education is concerned, students can get anything they want--except an education.)
"We have 4 billion barrels in strategic stocks," Claude Mandil told Dow Jones Newswires. Even taking account lower estimates, he said, the IEA could keep oil supplies flowing for a year and a half.
The IEA, the Paris-based energy watchdog, has reported falling demand because of high costs of crude.
*** Does anyone has any comment it?
...And maybe throw in the Venezuelan crude at the same time.
I am a little bit puzzled by the 4 bln.barrels figure. USA has the largest oil reserve in the world (700 mln.barrels). Is he talking about the total reserves worlwide? Because I don't see all of them readily available to compensate Iranian shut-off.
If any of us needed "proof" that even the Bushies aren't stupid enough to attack Iran, this should be it. The US has over 100,000 troops in Iraq, all of whom would be sitting ducks for missile attacks.
Capactiy Current Volume
United States, SPR, 780 MM BBLS, ? MM BBLS
Saudi Arabia, N/A, 0, 0 MM BBLS
Saudi Arabia has so many "non-strategic" tanks, that I never had time to add them all up (maybe I'll try to quantify that if someone thinks its interesting), but I do know they do not store any crude oil in their dedicated national strategic reserves, as does the US SPR. Their domestic refinery capacity is extremely limited and would be unable to refine products to meet any significant strategic demand over their normal base production capacity. Their strategic storage is limited to 3 basic refined fuels gasoline, diesel and jet base, stored in underground tanks, and minor quantities of pallet stored lubrication oils. This is why I listed them as 0 MMBBLs. As such, and since their production and the bulk of their in-country storage is located in the east and their cross-country pipeline capacity is extremely limited, both local and international crude supply is considerably vulnurable during times of crisis. Hopefully they have significant quantities stored in other locations, but utilizing that as "strategic reserves" would be risky and a very costly service to provide their customers. It would also be of little use to them locally, so I suspect they try to limit that to the absolute minimum and would be surprized if any should be considered as "strategic" reserves.
We spend our time pouring over trends, prices, reserves, gold prices et al, employing MathLab, Fibonacci numbers and other sophisticated tools, and expousing wisdom to each other about the future. We kind of think we are getting a handle on it.
On this Valentine's day however - let's spare a thought for those poor hapless souls living in a basement somewhere, whose job it is to manipulate this economy from day to day. Think about having to wake up, and decide (a) how much SPR oil to dump on the market today (or not), (b) which soundbyte to let CNN have to explain the overnight fall in the gold price(which you engineered yesterday afternoon), (c) talk to Mr Snow's speachwriter about a "strong dollar statement" somewhere, release REPO money to the preferred banks with which to buy assets today, and so on and so on. And to do this day after day, week after week. Talk about a burden.
So to those of you think it is hard to understand this mess we found ourselves in, imagine how hard it is having to invent it! To those that toil to guide the invisible hand of the market, I say thank you.
Has there been any discussion on the Olduvai Update? I have been away...
While I'm here, were are the women? I get the distinct impression that TOD is almost exclusively male dominated at present. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Is this healthy? Aren't women half the world? Don't women really need to hear about all this? After all they traditionally nuture our children, organize our families, and generally, historically, destroy far less than men.
Also, what happens to culture and the arts post peak? All those wonderful, evocative songs by Brian Wilson and Bruce Spingsteen and others. Songs about cars and girls. Do they all go the same way as old folk songs about fishing for herring and threshing? Will anyone even want to hear or sing them? Will Bruce and Brian's song be frowned opon and forebidden? Maybe the old songs from our pre-industrial past will return in our post-industrial future?
I think one can get "lost" at times in the forest of numbers, charts, modelling, and all the rest of it. It can at first appear almost overwhelming to most people I'm sure. Peak Oil is almost like going back to school - a school that only teaches math! Not that I don't have respect for scientific discipline and methodolgy. My respect is actually growing especially after TOD. I just think scientist need to become far more social active. I mean they have the knowledge and people have to be told. We should all emulate Hubbert in this respect. There's no point have a career if we don't have a society.
My idea for this thread was inspired by the recent post dealing with the problem of how one contacts and attempts to start a dialogue with "ordinary people" about Peak Oil and it's consequences. I have an idea that may be of some help/relevance, give us clues, or remind us of things we've foregotten as we've all become emmersed in this this amazing and let's face it, frightening subject. If we think about how we first become aware and got involved, maybe there are useful lessons to be learned about how to approach others and spread the word? Perhaps I'm barking up the wrong oil rig, but who knows? I should add that once I start writing I don't know when to stop. It's a drawback from writing way too much, sorry. Anyway, my idea is as follows; How did each one of us, as indviduals come get involved in Peak Oil in the first place? How did we react to the news? I'll briefly summerise my entry into this area, if I may, to start the ball rolling?
About a year and a half ago I was doing some research for a politial thriller I was plannning to write dealing with the massive corruption and murky politics surrounding the sale of arms to Saudia Arabia. I thought it would be a challenge for me and interesting for readers to learn something about Saudi Arabia at the same time as ripping yarn unfolded. There was so much incredible material. The book was righting itself. My writing desk was covered with books and notes. Suddenly I heard a Suadi Prince on the radio, he was complaining about Americans criticizing his country for the not producing enough oil to satisfy American demand. He said it wasn't their fault. The problem was not in Saudi, but in the United States. Refinery capacity was simply too low. There was a bottle-neck and the true source of the problem. Saudi could produce all the oil the Americans wanted, for as long as the American could pay for it. I thought this was interesting. It almost seemed like a paradox. I was confused. Was it true? Why hadn't the Amrican built more refinery capacity? I started to think a lot about this and put my pen down. A few days later, whilst making dinner I was listening to a BBC radio broadcast about the problems facing small, specialized companies in globalised economy, there was a short interview with a company based in Canterbury in Southern England. This small company dealt exclusively with the oil industry, finding and providing oil companies with whatever they needed, be it men or materials and as quickly as possible, anywhere in the world. For some reason the interviewee started talking about American refinery capacity! Basically he said that the American oil companies hadn't built any new refineries because they knew there wasn't the extra oil available to make it worth their while, especially from Saudi Arabia. One doesn't build a refinary to refine air, I think he said. The journalist doing the interview didn't seem very interested in this startling statement, but it really interested me! This small British company was apparantly agreeing and contradicting the Suadi prince at the same time. Couldn't this mean that Saudi reserves were smaller than the prince had said? Was it really true that the oil companies knew there was far less oil out there than they said in public? If they knew this why did't the American politicians know too? If they did, infact, know, why hadn't they told the American people? I had so many questions and so few answers. Sorry for the cliche. It was frustrating for me. By now I began to think that the arms story was less interesting than the oil story? Surely the core of my thriller should really be the secret information about the true state of Saudi oil production and reserve levels. This information was priceless and of enormous strategic importance and clearly not only for Saudi Arabia. This information was worth killing for. Suddenly the American invasion of Iraq seemed less like madness and more like piracy. This could be on hell of good story. But needed to learn a lot more about oil!
A few days later I stumbled into The Oil Drum and my troubles really started. What I learned on TOD and other sites shocked me, and fascinated me in equal measure. Hubbert's Peak, Die-off, The Long Emergency, and all the rest of it, on and on and on. It's all pretty mind-boggling. The potential consequences for our civilization kind of knocked me of track for weeks. I could think of nothing else, and I was reading everything availble about the subject, in book form and on the net. I used to think that I had an almost infinite capacity to absorb and understand massive ammounts information when I was interested in a subject. I didn't know what being tired was. As a child I was able to reading two books at the same time, while looking up at the television and listening to the radio. After all, I reasoned, life is short and there is so much to learn and understand. Who needs to sleep? I could sleep when I was dead. But, even I started to reach overload after a few weeks reading about Peak Oil for fourteen hours a day. It was all too much.
I felt like I had fallen through a hole in the fabric of reality and entered a parallel universe. There was just so much to think about. I mean this story was absolutely enormous, almost nothing compares to it in my opinion. Only two other stories seemed of greater or equal significance. The second coming of Jesus Christ or an alien spaceship landing on the Whitehouse lawn! (I've since added a third story. That we may have damaged the Earth's climate beyond repair with resulting catastrophic consequences, but that story will have wait.) But how could such a massive story remain so relatively unknown? Were all the journalists asleep? It was baffling. Why wasn't the mainsteam media full of this stuff? Unfortunately, it appears the mainstream media isn't there to "inform". It's there to "entertain" and ultimately to "control" us. It's the circus in the centre of Rome and we're about to run out of bread.
That's more or less how I came to learn about Peak Oil. I realize it's not the route most of the rest of you took, but it's perhaps illuminating all the same. Do we really need a rockstar to start talking about Peak Oil? Do we need Bono to get involved? I don't see it happening anytime soon, because there not enough charity involved.
Finally, I'd like to say how grateful I am to the getlemen who provide and maintain the core of this site. You are doing a first-class job of informing the rest of us about this fascinating and terrible subject. Also there are so many other really intelligent, smart, and creative people who contribute to TOD, at times one feels almost honoured to read their stuff. It's inspiring and also a little sad that our spicies is capable of so much intelligence and so much stupidity at the same time. It would be such a tragic waste to see our civilization fall apart when it really doesn't have to. Sometimes TOD is almost like being part of a "group-mind" or "braintrust", where concepts, ideas and information are knocked around and examined from many perspectives and new connections are made all the time. There is always somebody who knows something about a subject and adds something useful to the debate and standards are very high. I really feel at home on TOD. Though after this who knows? Maybe I'll go back into the shadows again pulling my tail behind me.
To finish I'll touch on a subject that relates to everything else and especially the question of "What is to be done?" as Lenin once said. Recently we've been moving more and more in the direction of politics, or is that just my impression? This is an inevitable development, because the political consequences of PO are staggering. I know many people are turned-off by politics, but what's the alternative? We can't ingnore politics, like we can't ignore the social and economic consequences of PO, right? My problem is, that of the time scale involved in political change in a country like the U.S. I don't live in the United States, but I love American culture and Americans and have followed the American political scene since I was a child. The kind of change we're talking about doesn't happen overnight. It seems to take a frustratingly long time. But given the size of the problem of Peak Oil and the speed with which it appears to be coming at us, do we have time for plodding "Reform". Don't we need something more dynamic and quicker. I think I may be talking about the need for a kind of "Revolution". I think we need a kind of "revolution" in the organization of our political system. Personally, I would like to see society radically transformed, with a far, far, more democracy in all levels of society. With "power", also economic power, far more equally distributed than at present. I don't want to call it "socialism", but rather "citizens democracy" based on a huge redistribution of wealth. But what are the realistic chances of such radical change happening on a relevant timescale in relation to Peak Oil? Unfortunately, I think we're actually moving in the wrong direction and at some speed. The signs are not good. Iraq is just the beginning. Is Iran next on the list? And what about China? Will the United States really accept the rise of China to rival superpower status without war? Britain, after all spent a century fighting first France and then Germany. I really don't want to sound unduly pessimistic, because I'm not a pessimistic person. Temprementally, I'm an optimist, otherwise I wouldn't bother to be here boring you all like this. I just have lots of pessimistic thoughts. I really wish I thought we were going to get through the transistion period in reasonable shape, but I have my doubts. If we look to history as some sort of guide. After all, we have a lot more information about the past than about the future, the lessons are bleak, and I'm sorry to say this. Intelligent, creative, brave, and highly educated people, some of them actually even had a lot of power, far more than the average TOD member, knew what reforms were required in France, Russia, and imperial Rome and Spain. Unfortunately, they did not succeed in successfully reforming society before it was too late and meltdown/decline/revolution happened. So knowing the truth and being right, often is just not enough to avert disaster. I only mention this in order to indicate the scale of the political challanges we face. We need to substantially re-organize our political culture and then take on the task of changing society and our economic system. Unfortunately, History is often a bitch.
As you may have noticed in my numerous posts, I am on your wavelength.
BTW, if you are happy with your agent, please give me her name. Currently am trying to market a series of hard science fiction for young adults, and . . . . both categories are dead.
Have some nonfiction, potentially big bucks but not as interesting to me right now as writing fiction.
You can get more truth across in good fiction than any other way. At least, that is my belief.
Anyway, you are no longer a virgin. Keep posting.
Just curious. It didn't take me long to blow my identity but I figure it doesn't matter to me or anyone else.
(BTW, this slip of mine shows the dangers of using shorthand or abbreviations--better I should have said TEOTWAWKI;-)
There are two cases: people that know you locally, and random strangers who would look you up on the internet. But in the worst case scenario (I don't know from Defcon 1 or 5) probably there won't be much looking up on the internet.
As for people who know you, well, it strikes me that word will get out about the food whether it's mentioned as a footnote on some old web site or not. Just the fact that you and your family are walking around all chippper while everyone else is kind of lying there passively with their eyes glazing over will be a tip-off. Or one of your kids will tell their friend as a "secret" and then the whole town will know.
Anyway... you're joking, right?????
Plus which, I assume you also stockpiled glocks. (Or Mausers, or whatever.)
Of course I am paranoid. That is not the issue. The question is, am I paranoid enough?
This site is rather tech-oriented, but there are many other peak oil sites, where the discussion of things like how to save culture (and whether it should be saved) occurs regularly.
And don't assume everyone here is male. How can you tell from screen names? I am female, and I would guess half the posters at PeakOil.com are female. Dunno about here, but I bet we are not the only women.
But I'm not sure this site is a male environment (though it may be). I'm often surprised at how many women there are in various online fora, lurking behind male or gender-neutral screen names. I think a lot of them intentionally disguise their gender. (To get more respect? To avoid being hit on?) A computer-oriented site I hang out at had a "silly pickup lines" contest today, and I was surprised to find that a lot of people I thought were male were actually female.
Male Doomer ISO Female Doomer
for discreet relationship after TSHTF.
Must have own food, water & ammo.
Edible pets OK.
No skinnies.
I was just reading an article about how people are giving up on online dating...except for baby-boomers. Older folk are starting to take over online dating, partly because older people care less about looks. Did you know there's an online dating site just for science nerds? SciConnect.com. So why not a peak oil dating site? Nobody wants to be alone when TSHTF. ;-)
I have fast car, will travel.
I'm in the pipeline business 31 years now (Saudi 10 years), so I had some idea that the peak oil problem existed for quite some time now. I found this site through happenstance, through a link offering further comment on the Iranian Oil Bourse that is supposed to be opening Monday next week. I have some interest in the foreign exchange market and was wondering if there was any opinions about the effect on the USD that oil trading in Euros might have. While looking through the numerous posts, I found the discussions and various subthreads intriguing and it started me thinking about how PO would most likely affect my personal life which for some reason never really concerned be before. I saw it as a longer downstream problem. The price events of the last year and these discussions here have convinced me that there is at least a 50-50 chance that my life could be directly and significantly affected within the next 5 years in some manner, so I wanted to find out exactly how I might be affected and what I should be doing about it now, if anything. As a result I am considering entering a new area of engineering and use my last few years of personal research into alternate energy technologies to see if I can make this new project socially, culturally and environmentally sustaining in as many ways as I can possibly manage.
I also think there are a number of things you may be well suited to do. There seem to be pleanty of peak oil books floating around. You know, those ones with the graphs, tables, projections ... all the things the lemmings don't like. Hence, they're never gonna' get the idea reading those and us engineer types are never going to muster the votes ourselves. I'd say, if you can find a way to produce a best-seller on this topic during the coming year, you'll never have a better chance to sell it. Personally, I'd tend to continue with what you have already.. linked to the Pipsqueek, Tony, the Tornado deal, Halliburton and then you simply must work in
In regard to the gender issue, Plato proved (rigorously) about 2,400 years ago that it does not matter. He was right. Specific example: Before you were born (or 1971, if you demand precision) I was tennis coach at a small community college that had never had much of a tennis team. However, I noticed something: The best player we had was a woman named Karen, and because there was nothing in the rules against it, I put her on the men's team. Oh, how the other coaches hated me and refused to speak to me! Karen, who is about 5'2" tall and maybe 115 pounds could beat almost any guy in the whole state. Never before (or since) did our college do so well. (BTW, she married another tennis player, and their daughter is became a tennis champ.)
Some things matter.
Some things don't.
Unless it is a matter of nursing babies (at which I confess my helplessness) gender matters squat.
P.S. Because of what I did, the men coaches got together and made a new rule: Women are no longer allowed to play on men's teams. Oy.
First, not all of the editors of TOD are male.
Second, it's not the songs from the pre-industrial past that will come back, it'll be the songs from the 60s, 70s and 80s that presaged the end of oil. This was discussed way back when on TOD in this thread (there actually are comments there even though it says "no oil here either"). Check out the peak oil soundtrack!
Is anyone out there?
Does anybody listen or care anymore?
We are living on a dying planet,
We're killing everything that's alive,
And anyone who tries to deny it
Wears a tie
And gets paid to lie
So I wrote these songs for a dying planet,
I'm sorry but I'm telling the truth,
And for everybody trying to save it
These songs are for you, too.
Is anyone out there?
Then of course, there is The Last Resort
Some rich men came and raped the land,
Nobody caught 'em
Put up a bunch of ugly boxes, and Jesus,
people bought 'em
And they called it paradise
The place to be
They watched the hazy sun, sinking in the sea
Not cited in that thread, but wonderful, is "We Can Run But We Can't Hide" (Grateful Dead, Barlow/Mydland):
And from the chorus:
One of the features that has kept New Orleans unique is that we have never been car-centric. Radio play is usually on a radio at home while doing a chore, or just turn off the TV and listen, or with a meal. WWOZ is often the choice, a local nonprofit that features local music.
Much of popular music is orientated towards the theatre of the automobile/SUV but that doesn't play well here.
But live music is also VERY common. The Mardi Gras Indians often practice in local bars, I live close to a combo bar, grill, laundromat with live music (a MAJOR advance in civilization !). Monday nights at Donna's is one of my habits (last Monday, 11 guest musicans got on stage).
So I think that music will move beyond the theatre of the SUV (where it has to overcome background noise and drivers distraction), and become more organic, less amplified, more rythmic and probably more diverse. Perhaps the mass culture fixation on "What is Hot" will fade and an appreciation of what is good will grow.
Welcome to TOD.
4) Don't worry. Worry is a completely useless human emotive - especially as it relates to Peak Oil. Why? Because for North America, Peak Oil is a liquid-fuels crisis that can be mitigated by conservation and alternatives.
With one caveat. The government has to be willing to lead the people, create the initiative and provide the challenge. The citizenry in turn, will have to take up that challenge through hard work, determination and sacrifice.
5) Take the first step. Reduce your energy dependence or energy 'foot print' if you prefer as much as possible.
An "arts" based approach can be a very good way of reaching people with less of a technical orientation.
Writerman, there's so much in this comment to grab onto. First off, thank you for your thoughts. I hope you will step out of the shadows more often and use that voice have found.
You're right, this is a braintrust. The refined insight that passes through here on a daily basis humbles me. If you need an answer, someone here will have it, or they'll find it. That was one of the goals when we started, and I will do everything I can to make sure it stays that way.
I am not sure about the gender base of our community...I would love to have that data though. I would like to think we are being inclusive...back in the early days there seemed to be more women around that there are now. Yankee, didn't you talk about this at some point?
I think the point I would like to grab onto the most in your comment is the last. The politics of the peak fascinate me. I have thought about the many ways it could go down, and I keep coming back to a thread that's run through a few places here at TOD: the completion of the continuing destruction of the middle class in the US.
The US does not have a social democracy, we have a liberal democracy with institutions (two party/presidential system) that are set up to not be at all reactive but slow to change and deliberative.
If we lived in a parliamentary democracy, if the rules of the game were different, a new election could have been called countless numbers of times over the past few years and a change of leadership would have resulted.
In better words, those same institutions that have maintained the stability of the United States over the times of plenty are exactly the institutions that will keep us from reacting, as a country, in time to avoid catastrophe. At least that's my feel for it.
You're exactly right. We need to reorganize our political culture...but in order to do that, we would need a new Constitution...and that would require a public outcry or political instability heretofore unseen in the US.
As I said somewhere else today, I didn't see anyone outside with a sandwich board today clamoring for change...so obviously, our job is not done. (I know many of you do not "like" politics...but this is an inherently political topic that is so far above the issue space our politics actually takes place in that it continues to amaze.)
"# Uncommon, unconventional ideas and ideologies remain non-influential, so policies and governments do not change rapidly. (Others dispute whether such innate conservatism provides advantages. While smaller parties find this exceptionally frustrating, proponents of the two-party system suggest that it enhances stability while eventually allowing for ideas that gain favor to become politically influential.)"
here's a wiki on a parliamentary system...
In my courses, I often describe the parliamentary system as an ideological speedboat, it can react, zigging and zagging back and forth quickly, but it can also flip over and kill you.
I describe the two party/first past the post system as a very very large cruise ship. It is stable.
However, I think we also all have heard of the event/seen the movie where the crewman saw the iceberg, threw the wheel hard over, and the ship didn't turn in time.
Could my stereotype possilby have an element of exaggeration or error in it?
No, no, does not bear thinking about.
Query: Is there one single Ph.D. psychologist on TOD?
Is there one single Ph.D. historian on TOD?
Is there one single Ph.D. philosopher on TOD?
Perhaps we should try hard to reach out and get more ideas from more disciplines.
Highly recommended. Oh, BTW, also read everything else de Camp published, especially THE ANCIENT ENGINEERS. Fascinating.
"Well, think about it."
So home I go up the steep Berkeley hill on my old three-speed Raleigh and it is obvious: I can go to 'Nam and get my posterior shot off, or I can stay in school until the war is over or I get beyond draft age. The only trick is that I must never get a terminal degree, because then it is all over, and they will put me on a plane to get my very well-educated head shot off by some guy in a tree. So every time I get close to getting a degree I change majors. The administration never did catch on, and I lost count of my post-Master's credits once they reached 300. Finally I became too old to be drafted, and went out with a blaze of glory by telling my Econ profs exactly what I thought (instead of what they wanted to hear), so of course they had to flunk me on my orals. Oh what fun it was to tell them that their applications of math were all wrong, that the Phillips Curve was a bogus concept, that their models were fundamentally wrong and worse than useless in some cases, etc. They all thought I'd had a nervous breakdown;-)
I spent ten years in university getting four degrees (interdisciplinary, but nominally two in science and two in law) out of sheer fascination with learning and making connections between different fields of study. After all that I reckon I can teach myself a thing or two, and so the learning process continues. I really should be concentrating on practical skills, but TOD and my expanding reading pile are still very tempting.
BTW, to save you a lot of time, I have the highest genetic fitness of anyone in this group.
Welcome to "Paradise Lost" writerman.
I started to use the net a lot about 5 years ago, checked up on the current state of research on climate change, saw mention of peak oil and followed it up. Been keeping a close eye on it ever since, more so in the last 18 months since it's looking pretty close now.
I think you're right with most of your post. Peak oil and its consequences will be the biggest event in our lifetimes. Our current political and economic systems look ill suited to effective action to mitigate what will probably happen and are likely to be equally poor at solving the problems once they occur. The scale of political, societal and economic change you correctly see as necessary will not happen except as the consequence of massive disruption. If you get your revolution (and the odds favour it) the transition is likely to be very unpleasant.
But truly, I saw the social/political/economic effects of PO before I understood the issue of PO in full - and I'm still learning how they interrelate. I think the US has been damaged to a much greater extent than people realize (or are willing to let themselves see), and I think that things are capable of degrading very quickly indeed given a bit more pressure. So politics is part and parcel to the PO issue. HOWEVER - I think this is one issue where the political lines seem to be drawn slightly differently. I think PO is one of the few areas where I find any common cause whatsoever with conservatives. I find this an interesting phenomenon, and I'm still mulling it over.
The stakes have gotten very high already in the geopolitical maneuvering, and the odds of a major screw up are also high. As alarming as PO is, and as difficult a problem as that is to deal with, I believe other symptoms will force us to focus short term and prevent much in the way of enlightened response.
I'm shocked - shocked I tell you! And here I thought the big oil companies were models of capitalist free market prowess. Captains of industry navigating the troubles waters of the market, taking risks, winning and losing as the chips fall. Now I find there are mere crony capitalists - more pigs feeding at the public trough. Sigh. Another bubble burst.
Shall we talk about those profits they "earned" again?