DrumBeat: October 3, 2006
Posted by threadbot on October 3, 2006 - 10:27am
U.S. to delay buying emergency oil through winter
The Energy Department said Monday it will hold off buying replacement oil for the nation's emergency petroleum stockpile through the winter heating season in order to keep more supplies on the market.To help make more oil available for producing gasoline over the summer and help lower then-soaring pump prices, President Bush in April ordered the Energy Department to delay deliveries and purchases of oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve until this autumn, which began Sept. 22.
...However, the department expects to delay buying that replacement oil during the winter, when demand for heating oil is strong, according to department spokesman Craig Stevens.

Price of gas is cheapest since February
WASHINGTON - Drivers continued to find more savings at the pump, as the price for gasoline fell for the eighth week in a row to the lowest level since February, the government said on Monday.
Oil Analysts Raise 2007 Forecasts as Demand May Outpace Supply
U.K.: Gas traders start giving it away
A glut of natural gas supplies in Britain has seen prices collapse and left traders having to pay for it to be taken off their hands.
UK To Be Permanent Net Oil Importer In 2007
The U.K. is set to become a permanent net importer of crude oil and refined products in 2007 - three years earlier than the U.K.'s Department of Trade and Industry expects, according to the U.K.-based Oil Depletion Analysis Centre Monday.Depletion rates of the U.K.'s oil and gas reserves in the North Sea are occurring faster than expected and production coming onstream in the next few years from new fields won't be enough to compensate, said ODAC director Douglas Low.
5 killed, 9 missing in Nigeria attack
PORT HARCOURT, Nigeria - Dozens of militants sank two military patrol boats in Nigeria's oil-rich, southern delta Monday in an attack that killed five soldiers and left nine others missing, an army spokesman said.
Cameroon: Gov't Wants Order in Energy Consumption
Ecuador oil policy upsets private firms
As campaigning for general elections in Ecuador gathers momentum, issues relating to the oil sector, which has for long had a dominant role in the country's politics and economy, are more to the fore than ever before.
Malaysia: Shell positions itself for future demand
New Zealand: Feedback wanted on oil emergency response strategy
The government is seeking feedback on what it proposes to do in the event of an emergency disruption to oil supplies.
China Jockeys For South American Oil
China, Hungry for Fuel, Keeps Daqing's Old Oil Pumps Kowtowing
A strategic thinker who called all the correct diplomatic and military plays preceding Operation Iraqi Freedom now sees diplomatic failure and air strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities.
Political Tectonic Shift: Energy Policy under the North American Union
Montana to Build Coal-To-Liquid Fuel Plant
Texas in $10 billion partnership for more wind power
Silicon vs. CIGS: With solar energy, the issue is material
The population bomb is ticking again: Scenarios are dire, but solutions may be surprisingly easy.
Sometime on Sun/Monday there was a break in and a bike of mine got swiped. After doing the police report, I thought "I'll get over to the local schools and see if my bike is in the rack."
At the high school - 3 bikes, one with disk brakes (better than mine) At the grade schools - not a single bike rack, let alone bikes.
Remind me how this transportation/energy thing will all work out fine?
I'm not registered as a Republican, so I'm safe.
Thnking about getting the dog to put in papers to run for office as a Republican however. She likes pork and has been known to lick boys.
Rather in the last week or two, there have been 3 seperate gunman attacks on schools through out the US, and security has been stepped up in a number districts to be watchful of strange people hanging around schools.
At one time I saw a bloody body in a fed building, men in body armor and guns standing all about, film crews for the local TV channels were there, yet not a peep from the media. So I'm a little more willing to believe the position of attackes not reported, based on my own lying eyes.
Pheeeer of the Eeeeevil gunman and me being a threat implys the use of obeservation of the outside of the school AND people who cared enough to to be doing a job to call in my walking about on land my tax dollars pay for. Rather over the top if one feels one has to call in someone walking around the back of a school or driving about a school.
I just would have wipped out the incident report number, explained why I was there, then bitched aobut the lack of bicycle racks.
Has the hyprocracy of Mr. Foley hit a nerve with you? Did you believe he cared? Did you believe that he had the interest of childern at heart when he was drafting laws to 'protect the childern'?
Pehaps you thought when Mr. Foley said "it's vile" you felt the older man in power - younger woman dynamic was vile, not the male-female dynamic.
"It's vile," said Rep. Mark Foley, R-West Palm Beach. "It's more sad than anything else, to see someone with such potential throw it all down the drain because of a sexual addiction."
For you to even CLAIM "ridiculous R-D frame." shows your filter on the world needs adjusting. If I thought spending any more time on you would adjust your filter, I would bother.
BTW and for the record I have always supported the Democrats and I don't see that changing.
When Susan Smith confessed to drowning her two children in a South Carolina lake, Congressman Newt Gingrich was quick to blame the Democrats. Campaigning Saturday, November 5, 1994 in his home state of Georgia he said:
"I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we have to have change. I think people want to change and the only way you get change is to vote Republican. That's the message for the last three days."
His statement was quickly picked up and repeatedly replayed by the national media. See here and here.
In May, 1955 on Meet the Press host Tim Russert asked Gingrich to defend his statements linking Susan Smiths's actions to the Democrats. Gingrich refused to back down. "Why do we have all these problems we didn't have in 1955?" he asked Russert. Gingrich then went on to blame America's post-1955 social decay on "a long pattern of counterculture belief . . . deep in the Democratic Party" that had "undervalued the family" and "consistently favored alternative life styles."
Full text link is here.
Somehow, the old adage about reaping what you sow keeps coming to mind.
Fox labeling Foley a Democrat
It appears briefly at the start of this YouTube video.
Plus, most school zones extend far beyond the range at which even high schoolers can ride to and from the school. Do you want to ride 10 miles or more one way?
I have 2 elem. schools, and a middle and high school within about a mile of my house. Actually the elem. and high school is within a half mile.
About 4 hours ago.
"I wouldn't let my kids do it if I had any. (Not just for traffic -you know how nuts people are these days.)"
They walk to the elementary school. I plan to bike with them to middle school, since the school's on one of my two routes to work. They'll probably bus to high school, though, unless TSHTF. In that case, the city will put in the planned bike path after all, and they can bike to school on that (4 miles each way).
Kids these days.. so tame. Not like in my day./
NAACP members are livid over a Yale Police
e-mail they claim unfairly pegs all black
youths on bicycles in the city as criminals.
The e-mail was sent to the Yale community
by university Police Chief James A.Perrotti
last week after an alleged incident involving
youths on bicycles.....
I'm sure thievery will proliferate if economic times get extremely rough.
So I wouldn't want to say that I weight the following too strongly. It ain't my social movement, but the fact that it exists with its own self-binding gravity, is not really enough to disprove it either:
The End of the World As They Know It
(I think that's similar to past article, but this one seems to be dated September 2nd)
I may be going to hell in a bucket, babe,
But at least I'm enjoying the ride. ..
Ship of fools
on a cruel sea
Ship of fools
sail away from me...
It's three AM in the combat zone.
Gentlemen start your engines!..
Help on the way
I know only this
I've got you today
Don't fly away
'cause I love what I love
and I want it that way...
Sugar magnolia
Ringin' that blue bell
Caught up in sunlight
Come on out singing
I'll walk you in the sunshine
Come on honey, come along with me
...Sunshine daydream
Walk you the tall trees
Going where the wind goes
Blooming like a red rose
Breathing more freely
Light out singing
I'll walk you in the morning sunshine
Sunshine daydream
Walk you in the sunshine
What a long strange trip it's been.
Or else

I wonder about the fashionableness aspect that this Anderson fella is trying to push though. Wasn't there a similar undercurrent in the 50's (from Toynbee's History and nuclear obsessions)? And Oswald Spengler was pushing the Rome similarities back in the 20s with his "Decline of the West."
It comes to mind that possibly, just possibly, the widespread willingness to entertain such notions might be suggesting an underlying discontent with the direction we're headed in?
The idea that these various (unfriendly) groups could share a lot of unconscious social messaging is interesting, and IMO not out of the question.
While I know its considered fashionable to bash the Christians on these forums, could we at least try to play fair. People at the ToD don't like to be compared to Greenpeace, or militant eco movements, so don't try to broadbrush all Christians with the same stroke.
Firstly, nowhere in the bible does it specify a time when the return of Christ (and thus "end of times") will occur.
Secondly not all Christians are waiting with baited breath for the end to come so He can return. While in one sense we look forward toward that moment because of what it will mean for us and God's kingdom, there are quite a few of us who also know what it means for everyone else, and despite your depictions, quite a few of us are not in a hurry to see that fate come to pass for Earth. I have a lot of non-Christian friends and family which I have no desire to see them in suffering.
And lastly, who is to say that humanity is going to end in one apocalypse? I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Earth fries itself up crispy via nuclear war and we go on for another couple of thousand years before the "end of times".
I agree the 2K mark has a lot of people in a tizzy, add to that the dating surrounding this death cult Ahmadinejad belongs to and the 2012 mark from some Indian cultures, and we've got quite the ruckus. But end of the world thinking nothing new, nor even specific to a given culture, nor specific to post Christ times.
The only difference with this time, and the other current 20th century episodes of "fashionable" doomsdayness is that perhaps for the first time in mankind's history we truly do have the ability to self-fulfill the prophecies that are running around rampant.
But if you think, that somehow Christians in general are pushing for this because they think it means Christ is returning, I'd strongly recommend you get that stereotype out of your head. For one it does a disservice to those Christians like myself who are in no rush for a return, and secondly does a disservice to you for thinking that the politicos are driven by this, when they are probably driven by a much more fundamental stimuli known as greed.
And if you do find a Christian who is salivating at the coming of the end times, send him to me. I'll remind him that if he is that anxious for the end, what that will mean in regards to his friends, family, and himself, as the Bible doesn't have kind words for the church during the end of times.
Agreed, there are some evangelical movements that put an emphasis on "end of times" messages, but as someone who has been studying the rising numbers of "seeker" churches and strongly dislikes the way they try to reach people for Christ, I can assure you this end of times message is more of a side note to their "feel good" message. (that's not to say Evangelical churches are seeker churches, but certainly a side effect of the Evangelical movement have been seeker churches).
The church (and I mean this amongst all denominations) is at a bit of a crossroads right now. Gaining in popularity are a number of seeker churches, some of which have grown extremely large and extremely decadent, by using a message that is only a half truth of what the Bible teaches. (Primarily the half that says you are forgiven, and that your consequences will be washed away).
A lot of Christians including myself from more traditional beliefs, believe this is a dangerous and really an untruthful way to present the word of God. Yes we believe Christ died for our sins, and that before the judgement of God, the consequences of those sins will be wiped away(namely eternal death/damnation). But the Bible doesn't say the consequences of our actons on Earth will be wiped away, nor does it say that we should continue in our old ways of sin after being saved. Yet the "seeker" churches are conveniently ignoring these more Earthly lessons, and in my opinion setting their followers up for a great fall.
One Christian theologian I heard summed it up by pointing out that in the early church there was a debate about whether we should continue to sin in order to increase the greatness of Christ's deed, or that we should instead live more holy lives as a tribute to the sacrifice Christ made. The debate ended with the latter side winning, but lately a resurgence of the former seems to have crept back up from the dredges of past theologian debate.
When you throw a feel good message into the path of the down trodden(the poor have made up a large number of "new" church goers), you will find listeners. (If anything the lack of political will to address PO re-enforces this notion)
In some cases add to that a message of hellfire on the "world" that ran them over then yes there is some merit to certain factions trumping up an end of times message.
But most moderate and traditional Christians stick the belief that the end times will happen on God's time and that man will not know the hour, and that we need to live our lives on Earth, and not abandon our Earthly duties for a thought of his emminent return. In fact one of the early churches was rebuked for not tending to their duties because thought Christ would return any day.
But then "traditional" moderate Christians don't make good/interesting news pieces, so its unlikely you will hear about their views of the end times, and instead hear about the guy yelling "the end is nigh, the end if nigh" because of the sheer spectacle of it all.
Just as it is true that not all Christians identify themselves as evangelical, it is also true that not all evangelicals are premillenialists. According to Timothy Weber, "They make up about one-third of America's 40 or 50 million evangelical Christians." It should also be added that not all of the premillenialists are whacko, but that's a subjective judgement.
For anyone wanting to gain a deeper understanding of the Dispensational Premillenialists, I highly recommend Weber's "Living in the Shadow of the Second Coming: American Premillenialism 1875-1982" (unfortunately out of print). More recently, he's written "On the Road to Armageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel's Best Friend," excerpted here.
I think Kevin Phillips in American Theocracy did a good job of showing where "end times" plays in the various current branches of American Christianity.
FWIW, it wasn't much of a topic in the Lutheran Church of my youth.
What Tainter referred to as "scanning behavior." A sign of a society facing diminishing returns. People become increasingly disatisfied with the way things are, and start casting about for alternatives. Wacky religions or foreign ideologies may become trendy. Partisan strife increases.
This IMHO is a serious obstacle to any meaningful change as Toynbee describes. Why would anyone with this attitude be inclined to deal with the difficult choices rooted in harsh reality (i.e. peak oil) when they have the outlook that they are the $10 million dollar leading role and all the rest of us are just extras. Now consider the fact that the TeeVee has sold a large percentage of the population on this way of looking at life - starting at a younger and younger age - and you see big problems coming as the credits roll at the end...
Becoming dissatisfied with business as usual and casting about for alternatives is not a bad thing if we can steer people away from wacky religions and toward a spirituality that values diversity and sustainability.
As David Korten writes:
Dimishing returns, it's all about the diminishing returns....
On Sunday I headed out way too early in the morning for a swap meet in Livermore, and my drive was accompanied by an evilicious "what if", What If, there was a huge-ass earthquake while I was out in Livermore, stuff all knocked down in the bay area, water, nat. gas lines, roads, bridges, etc all screwed up, like as not fires, so I'd be perfectly justified in getting into my car and driving not home but East. No more 14-hour days, no more crushing debt, Hey, I was cleaned out by the great quake of '06! Declare bankruptcy and get a nice normal job washing dishes or something, going back to a 40-hour week would be like a vacation.
Lots of people are in similar situations, too much house, too much student loan debt or debt of any kind, working their asses off to pay for all this STUFF that doesn't even make 'em very happy.
That's certainly a convenient answer. But speaking of things we should ask ourselves ... do we start with good evidence that people like the "end times" folks are starting from the same data?
Or might they, from their presumably majority behavior, think that Tainter is doing some "scanning behavior" (looking for God's message) and not quite getting it?
It might me interesting to note that the numbers of believers in all other forms of end times, are totally swamped by the number of evanglical end times believers.
"36% of Americans believe that the Bible is the word of God and is to be taken literally"
"A TIME/CNN poll finds that more than one-third of Americans say they are paying more attention now to how the news might relate to the end of the world, and have talked about what the Bible has to say on the subject. Fully 59% say they believe the events in Revelation are going to come true, and nearly one-quarter think the Bible predicted the Sept. 11 attack."
That seems to me more rooted in a Biblical than in the sort of things Tainter scans for.
Doesn't matter. Tainter does not argue that scanning behavior is based on logic, or on any particular data. It's more a general reaction to societal stress. It may be expressed in positive or negative ways, as religious or political movements, etc. The scientist trying to develop a new solar cell, the Dittohead doting on Rush Limbaugh, the people converting to LDS, etc.
FWIW, I think all of us here are engaging in classic scanning behavior.
If we don't base our view "on logic, or on any particular data" what actually stops us from stopping at either convenient explanation?
Does it simply come down to one's path? If you come to The End by way of fundimentalist interpretations of the Bible, then Tainter is lost, and seeking. If you come to The End by way of Tainter, then the fundimentalists are lost, and seeking.
I don't find that very satisfying.
Just for the record...Tainter does not judge scanning behavior that way. He would not say fundementalists are "lost." Scanning behavior is not a bad thing.
As for the rest...Tainter's work is based on what happened in other societies as they faced diminishing returns and collapse. Obviously, the End Times preacher's is not, since if if the world had actually ended before like he's predicting, we wouldn't be here to argue about it.
Scanning behavior is, as Leanan has observed, what we're doing here - the corporate treadmill isn't working, the American Way Of Life isn't working, our Dads were able to support a family on one paycheck at the widget factory, and buy a house, and now it's all we can do working 2 jobs to pay the rent on a little shitbox studio. Dating isn't working. Child-raising isn't working. Finding friends isn't working - no more dropping by a friend's house to hang out, or going fishing together, now friends are anyone who doesn't actually give you the Stare Of Death in the halls at work and you actually eat lunch with, sometimes.
We're working harder and harder for less and less. In this situation, people start looking around...... "Hmm, I feel like I'm ramming my head into a wall here, maybe I should drop everything and join the Navy" Or join the Moonies. Or move back in with Mom. Scanning behavior - scanning through what other channels may offer, this channel appears to be the one where I'm a 2-dimensional cardboard cutout of a person, running harder and harder to stay in place, so let's start looking around, because almost anything is looking better. Control theorists call it "hunting", when a system is no longer at a state of equilibrium and starts oscillating, wavering around, in effect trying to hunt for, and find, a new state of equilibrium.
This is why damned few 1950s suburbanites dropped out of life and went off to live in the woods in a yurt. Things were good for them, their income allowed buying a house, supporting a wife and kids, and even a pension and savings. Yes, things were really like that then. These days, I think most of us are ready to go live in the woods in a yurt - there is nothing stable about modern downsized, H1B'd, outsourced, Patriot Acted, surveilled, American life.
Scanning behavior does not mean changing what one does toward another set goal, it means scanning, hunting, searching. It means a much larger range of what we see possible for ourselves, since what we're doing now isn't working. The Germans were heavy into scanning mode when their economy crashed in the 1930s, Hitler looked pretty damned good to starving and insecure people who'd normally never have done anything but laugh at a humorless little corporal from Austria.
We need to understand scanning behavior, because TPTB sure do. If the US economy does a real crash, some of us will indeed become Storm Troopers for the Empire, because it beats starving. Others of us will be yurts in the woods, or any number of other ways to get by. We will indeed see TheOilDrummers helping round up, or running from, other TheOilDrummers.
Mucho grassy arse
While I certainly don't think of peak oil as a movement, I sometimes step back and wonder why I find it so interesting. Guilty is probably too strong of a word but one should admit that it's a rather morbid fascination.
No wait ... geology, engineering, economics, politics, the future.
I'm ok.
Of course, there are plenty of other plausible reasons to be pessimistic. But the urge to self-dramatization is real enough. We must always resist it.
After a few years, we all had to go get jobs because the end of the world hadn't come yet. Now, being vastly older and wiser (-: .... I'm not nearly as eager to climb on to any TEOTWAWKI wagon. I'm growing a garden 'cause I like to do it, foraging for mushrooms, raising chickens, avoiding crowded cities and enjoying life. Hope the apocalypse never comes.
The govt needs to know your classification in order to provide you with special benefits!
Do you mean to tell that they let him out the house?
Professor of Catholic & Jewish Studies
Now, he's moved on to civilizations of The New World. Does this man ever sleep (it off)?
The real Mel Gibson, suave, sophisticated, persuasive
It certainly does! One has to be quite naive to think that the Bush regime and their chums in the oil industry aren't doing everything in their power to keep gasoline prices from rising until after the November elections. Not filling the SPR is clearly one thing that helps keep gasoline prices down.
Some of the other things that might be going on are far more murky, such as this Goldman Sachs business regarding certain requirements of those who trade oil futures, an action which I don't fully understand. While no single entity can have total control over gasoline prices, several entities acting in concert (according to mutual interests rather than actively conspiring) could arguable exert some temporary and limited downward pressure.
That is not to say that the laws of supply and demand have beenrevoked. Rather, it may be more the case that there is a thumb gentle resting on the scale, to sort of help the currently softening demand for gasoline. While this may only translate into a less than 10% price drop at the pump, every bit helps if the intention is to deny the Democrats a campaign issue. It's the old motive, means, and opportunity thing.
Marcus Antonio Ratticus
Is the world about to run out of oil?
(amusing x-box advert plays on the same page)
All the eastern fields are in decline. The rise in Chinese production in the last few years has been from the increase in the far west (Xinjiang) and offshore production. Based on an URR of 70 GB (Laherrere's high estimate), China in 2006 is right at 49.7% extraction with this year's expected output of 185 million tonnes.
For Daqing, the specific gravity of the crude (which is almost a twin to Minas) gives you 7.3 bbl per metric ton. That makes for easy conversion by dividing by 50 (365/7.3): 57 million tonnes is 1.14 mmb/d and 40 million tonnes is 800,000 b/d. Lighter or heavier crudes are a different conversion.
There is little chance they can maintain this beyond 2010, even with the new discoveries they announced. My forecast for 2020 production in China is 2.4 mmb/d, down from the current 3.7 mmb/d.
Life is good. I'm gonna vote Chirac again.
Never heard that before...
If you wanted to take an action to help keep prices down through the November elections, then ordering a pause in emergency stockpiling would do the trick.
Hmmm... if there is an unusually bad winter and there are shortages in the Northern States, I wonder if Bush will accept the blame.
He has provide a lot of detail about sugar cane and ethanol/sugar production.
The other thing I would point out is that if they are burning the bagasse, it seems to me that this would deplete and erode the topsoil over time. But that is admittedly speculation on my part.
If they are getting 9/1, and can mitigate the topsoil issues, then they have a real winner. That EROEI would be better than for gasoline, with fewer negative externalities.
hey...my next door neighbor is a thermal plant engineer at an ethanol plant here (campinas, br) and he has claimed similar numbers to me. I asked him about the topsoil depletion and he says they flood the fields with water/manure twice a year for fertilizer. Really smart guy but I can never get a long conversation with him, if you want his email I'll give it to you. He offered to take me to the plant but it is a two hour bus ride and I am not that interested in the subject.
If he can share some actual energy balance numbers, I would like to hook up with him. I have wanted to take a close look at these high EROEI claims to see if they hold up.
Proponents prefer the "system" approach, but I think we should start with the "product" approach. I belive it was Joule here who claimed that the "Liquids-Only" EROI on sugarcane ethanol was 2.7. That seems much more reasonable to me.
The methodology for such calculations is not standardized. One element that Patzek, Pimentel, et al argue is that biomass residues from crop harvests should be returned to the soil to maintain carbon, tilth, and nutrients, and not be credited to the process itself (CO2 people prefer to credit it since it is more carbon-friendly, but that's yet another methodology). I agree. And if it isn't returned, then your EROI calculation simply externalizes the further deterioration of soil and declining sustainability of any agricultural practice.
FWIW, Milton's expertise is in the area of organic sugar cane production. I don't have time to search all his posts but I really suggest that you review his postings on Energy Resources. He presents a very sound case for sustainable, organic production.
The EnergyBulletin article compares this fantastic energy return to commonly quoted (but also suspect)return for corn at 1.31:1 This is almost an order of magnitude improvement. That is suspect.
Look at Pimentel and Patzek chart 4 in their "Ethanol Production Using Corn, Switchgrass, and Wood; Biodiesel Production Using Soybean and Sunflower" The vast bulk of energy input into the alchohol production is in steam and electricity for fermentation/distillation Cane sugar alcohol production omits the energy cost of hydrolization but this is not going to debit the energy account much at all, certainly not by the amount suggested.
without stealing organic matter from the soil (to fire the boilers)there is not way the process would save any of this energy. The practice of stealing the bagasse from future crop is limited and not used in most plantations because it depletes the soil in less than 10 years.
While I am at it, sugar cane production remains very labor intensive (requires 8 sugar-cane workers/hectare on the ground cutting cane with machete) and the cost of their food, transportation, room and board is probably ignored. But then how would we know when there are no published reports showing inflated energy return of 9:1 or even 8:1.
the energybulletin article is a shameless promotion by a former Secretary of Ag. in Brazil. This stuff needs to be questioned at every opportunity.
"The system approach by Dr. Isais Macedo, the source of the 9:1 and the later 8.3:1 EROEI for Brazilian sugar cane alcohol is far more rigorous than Pimentel or Wang in accounting for all manfacturing energy for every component of the alcohol plant. The same source also demonstrates that a starch source, cassava, is only a little less efficient than sugar cane.
No soil degradation is occuring in Brazilian sugar cane plantation. I say that as an ecologist, personally visiting and seeing the countour plowed, swaled, permaculturally laid out, 10,000 hectare, sugar cane fields for myself and speaking personally with agronomists and plant managers in Brazil. When the bagasse is burned only the solar based carbohydrate is consumed, turned into process energy and difficult to recover gas. All the ash, which contains all the soil minerals in the bagasse, is collected in wet spray cyclones and returned to the soil as a fertilizer cake. All the liquid spent mash is returned to the fields as liquid fertilizer. Soil fertility in the perennial sugar cane fields is going up each year. Cane is now only replanted once every 10 years. Brazil is now the largest producer of Organic sugar cane in the world and gets the highest yields using the least fertilizer precisely because alcohol production is part of the system. Their yields could be increased further by ducting fermentation (or even boiler flue) carbon dioxide back into the adjacent cane fields.
To the best of my recollection Macedo does NOT credit off sale electricity (77% of the total produced) in his EROEI for alcohol. Of course 8.3:1 does not begin to tell the story since the whole purpose of EROEI is to examine how much petroleum, or in other instances, fossil fuel, is used to produce alternatives to non-renewable fossil fuels. Those who to claim that the EROEI is a valid metric and not an academic exercise in the sterile case of how much energy, regardless of source, is used to convert one form of energy to another, should confine their opinions to the chemical engineer's Ivory Tower. That definition of energy efficiency don't matter a whit in the real world facing peak oil. If you can get people asking the wrong question, it doesn't matter what the answer is. The right question is how much climate destroying petroleum, tarsand, an perhaps future oil shale, DME, or methane clathrates, are we displacing with intelligent renewable ethanol production.
If, as in the cases of Brazil and India, the process energy input is non-fossil fuel, then the actual Energy Return On FOSSIL ENERGY INVESTED (EROFEI) is potentially hundreds to one. There is literally no reason why the very same system cannot be implemented in the US with some minor tweaks to make it even better than Brazil. The only reason it is not done now is that the PRICE of extremely subsidized coal and natural gas APPEARS lower so most alcohol plants get their process energy from these sources. Within 10 years no US alcohol plant will be using fossil fuels since we are now at the tipping point where thin stillage carbohydrate produced methane, or even DDGS fed cattle manure methane, is as cheap as purchased natural gas. All it will take is for natural gas to go up less than 10% higher than it is now (about one more dollar per million BTU's) for plants to execute the classic make-or-buy analysis and conclude its time to switch to self produced methane.
So let's stop wasting pointless bandwidth on the irrelevant, academic, EROEI and keep focused on the practical EROFEI."
David Blume
Author-Alcohol Can Be A Gas
I do know that Pimentel's methods are transparent and peer-reviewed and show that every study plant returned a negative EROEI. It is readily apparent from his work on corn, soy, and switchgrass that fermentation and distillation of any sugar takes up the bulk of the production energy. This fact alone sheds doubt on the claim sugar cane alcohol is more effective because it does not require hydrolysis.
Bagasse-process fuel does not contribute to a positive energy return because it removes vital soil nutrients that must be returned as fossil fuel fertilizer. Cellulose and nitrogen are lost when bagasse if removed (even if P and K are returned (at a cost) ). Thus tilth is destroyed and petroleum-based nitrogen (100 kg/hectare) must be added.
This from Scientia Agricola (http://www.scielo.br/img/en/fbpelogp.gif)
"Sampaio et al. (1995) evaluated the soil supply capacity and the fertilizer response of sugar cane, and concluded that the main N source for the crop is the native soil organic matter and the maintenance of crop residues on the field."
This from the FAO (http://www.fao.org/docrep/007/y5376e/y5376e02.htm)
"In general, the fertilizer nutrient balance in the Brazilian agriculture is unsatisfactory. The quantities of nutrients removed are higher than the quantities supplied. Thus soils are being progressively depleted of nutrients."
The next point made is ridiculous and does not demand response. "Those who to claim that the EROEI is a valid metric and not an academic exercise . . . " This suggests the recurring confusion over energy return and process efficiency. I will not ever respond to that.
I disagree with your issue with "negative eroei." I believe it is a very useful term.
Eroei is a life-cycle analysis and not an energy efficiency calculation. This measure looks at inputs to a final energy product (in this case liquid fuel) that can reach back in time and out in width and depth.
For instance Pimentel measures the amortized energy inherent in the stainless steel fermenter. If we were to make only one gallon of alcohol with the fermenter then the eroei would certainly be negative. And we wouldn't expect to build any more fermenters with that one gallon.
That the energy came from abundant relatively inexpensive coal or petroleum, and will be used to make expensive alcohol in the future suggests the long-term impracticality of the process. To describe that limit as 'negative eroei' is useful, reasonable, and true in its context
Start of copied post:
Jason, I'll try to answer some of your questions and, at the same time, I'll make some comments on the subject of EROEI for ethanol from sugar cane in Brazil. It will be the last time I'll do that as I think it is useless to insist on this anymore. You ask:
1) "So why is it the orthodox peakers insist on ignoring the amazing progress down there? Why do you think?"
Well, I think it is based on the bad records for USA's ethanol from corn.Moved by sound arguments, they have developed a personal rejection to the idea of ethanol AS A WHOLE. Then they have extended this to ethanol from sugar cane. Perhaps someone has some seen bad records about ethanol from USA grown sugarcane, too. However, when we consider sugar cane and ethanol production under Brazilian conditions - well, everything becomes VERY different. I have consumed a lot of space in this List writing about this subject last year and I don't need to repeat myself. Then the honorable Tad Patzek published, in 2005, an undervalued EROEI for Brazilian ethanol from sugar cane and his paper seems to have been converted into a kind of Bible for some people. That is not good, because we can't be in a position of `believing' or `not believing' in ethanol. So, Tom Robertson is right when he claims for better and more uniform methodology to calculate EROEIs. I'm very sure about the method we use in Brazil but I wait with great hope that Nate Hagens can bring us some new lights.
Now consider my position: I live in Brazil, I'm familiar with sugar cane and ethanol production since the very beginning of the pioneering effort in the seventies, I have accompanied all the evolution of this industry along 30 years. I have being farming sugar cane myself for decades, evolving to organic cultivation in 1986 - twenty years from now. So I feel really very uncomfortable when I see any comparison that considers Brazilian ethanol in the same level of US corn ethanol. Corn is an annual culture that demands a lot of oil for fertilizers andpesticides, a lot of oil for agricultural machines and, in USA, demands a high toll in subsidies to survive. Sugar cane is a semi-perennial culture, with MUCH less agrochemicals consumption than corn's, for conventional cane.
The process of getting sugar (saccharose) from cane stalks uses simply mechanical pressure and water, a cold process. There's no need to convert starch into simpler sugar by fermentation and high temperature, as for corn. All the mechanical, thermal and electrical energy needed to process sugar cane and convert it into alcohol and/or sugar comes entirely from bagasse combustion, in a process that produces surplus electrical energy sold to the grid and an excess of unused bagasse. It does not consume any fossil fuel for that.
Furthermore, no part of the whole agriculture and industrial processes receives ANY kind of subsidies. How can someone imagine that these so different conditions are alike? [comparing Brazilean sugar cane ethanol with U.S. corn ethanol] You can find here a lot of mills/distilleries that are 50 or more years old,still farming their same plots of sugar cane with conventional technique and having not depleted their soils yet. The organic sugar cane industry is newer, about 20 years old, and it recycles its soils and builds up fertility every year.
With no subsidies the industry thrives - 340 mills and distilleries, withadditional 60 under construction.
2)"Do you know how many acres of sugar are now landed to handle Brazil's ethanol needs?"
The total area dedicated to sugar cane in Brazil is now 6 million hectares(14.8 million acres). Of these, 5.4 million ha are devoted to sugar and ethanol. The rest, to liquors and animal forage. Half of the 5.4 million hectares goes to ethanol, half to sugar. With 2.7 million hectares (0.85% of its agricultural land) Brazil covers its present ethanol needs and exports 2.5 billion liters. 14.5 billion liters are used to replace gasoline - 42% of all the neededgasoline has already been replaced by alcohol. Since its beginning, in the seventies, until 2005, this represented a saving of 105 billion dollars(corrected for 2005) in oil (gasoline equivalent) imports. In volume, it helped to keep 20% of the known Brazilian oil reserves untouched. Brazil's self-sufficiency in oil, announced officially last Friday, has been made possible exactly because of the production and use of ethanol as gasoline replacement. 95% gasoline replacement is easy to achieve in 'four more years' (Oh, that phrase!), but it is planned to happen in accordance with Petrobras possibility of exporting the resulting large amounts of surplus gasoline. The idea is to mix ethanol and gasoline and to export E10 and E85 ready gasoline mixes, using a web of alcohol pipelines leading fuel from producing centers at Central and Southeast regions to specialized terminals in Atlantic harbors.
3) "How many acres do they plan on planting in order to handle demand from a USA trying to wean itself from $12 gallon gasoline in 2010?"
There's NO plan to handle ethanol demand from USA. At the present state of art, it would demand 15 % off all agricultural land of Brazil. Nonsense, too much monoculture. Plans under implementation now include reaching only a 90% increase in cane production, with 80% land expansion by 2010. With the more productive (+ 30%) varieties that will be harvested after 2009 and the usual 3% a year improvement in industry yields, this expansion will be enough to cover all the internal needs and to have a 6 billion liters exporting capacity. Japan possibly will be the major client, seconded by USA.
The American nation will have to solve its problem of oil and fuels dependence by itself and I do hope it can do that very soon, by reducing its consumption by at least 50% - or else the problem will be unmanageable. Other Central and South America countries could also contribute in part to help mitigate US fuels trouble. But, of course, it all depends of WHEN Peak Oil turns effective. Is there enough time left? Are there concrete initiatives contemplating mitigation and the all needed reduction of military expenses? Present scenarios are not encouraging.
Furthermore, population still increases and the globe heats up...
4) "How long and expensive is it to build a sugar ethanol processing plant?"
It depends on the scale. In general, a mill/distillery is built to both produce sugar and alcohol. A medium size mill/distillery, producing 80 million liters of ethanol from 1 million tons of sugar cane stalks (yearly) would cost 50 million dollars and would take 2 to 3 years to be built. And would demand 12 thousand hectares of medium technology conventional cane. The major part of the mills/distilleries that will start operation in 2006 and 2007 are larger, projected to process from 4 to 7 million tons of cane stalks yearly, an investment of 150 to 200 million dollars.
I hope this could be of some help help. Milton Maciel in Brazil
~~~~~~~ EnergyResources Moderator Comment ~~~~~~~~(...)"Take ethanol production in Brazil, for example. Sure they are getting a lot of energy from sugar cane--particularly as they learn to use every part of the plant.However, you hear little about how the nutrients that go into growing all that sugar cane will be replaced--particularly when they essentially "mine" their soils by using just about every part of the plant but its shadow.
[Milton responds to Tom Robertson re: 'mining the soil':
"My dear Tom,I have shown at least twice, here in our List, the issue of nutrients for sugar cane in Brazil. There is not such a thing as `mining our soils by using every part of the plant but its shadow' (clever phrase!)This is not happening for the moment: only stalks are taken from the culture field. All straw and tops stay there with the shadow.
There isn't still any ethanol distillery working in large scale with cellullosic ethanol. Their idea is, effectively, to bring straw from the field and burn it at the boilers, so they can produce more ethanol from the preserved bagasse. This could increase ethanol yield by 80%.
Here I agree with you: that would be stupid, depriving soil from consistent protection and nutrition that is now fed back to soil by the straw and tops(what they call `trash'). It would increase erosion rates and increase [demand for]mineral nutrient consumption for replenishment, while depriving soil from the all important organic matter that is now returned.
In the large and small areas where we farm sugar cane organically, we already have a much higher yield in stalks and saccharose contents (more than 60% as compared to conventional), exactly because we keep all possible `trash' and never burn the fields before harvesting. Furthermore, instead of having a semi-perennial culture with 6-7 years cycle, we are getting perennial areas, with more than 18 years without any plant renewing. This result is far better than that we could get if cellullosic ethanol could be already feasible - which it is not.
From one ton of stalks, we get at the field and at the mill:.150 ton of sugar;.140 ton of bagasse;.140 ton of `trash'. All the rest is water.
The sugar in solution in cane juice is processed into crystal sugar and/or ethanol. The bagasse fraction is used as the sole energy source for the industrial process. And `trash' is kept in the field, sometimes burned, sometimes not.
Sugar (saccharose) and alcohol (ethanol) are only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, taken by the plant from water and air. Nutrients in solution of processed juice or molasses return to soil as vinasse. So, Tom, there isn't that `mining' of soils here.
Even the bad guys (who are majority), that farm chemically, make the needed reposition of the main nutrients, using their chemical fertilizers and, when available, also vinasse and bagasse ashes. They also take good care of their soils relative to erosion, so they can farm sugar cane for decades and decades always in the same plots, with just a 15% yearly rotation with leguminous [plants] in the areas they are forced to renew.
The only mining that happens is the normal mining of nutrients that is always required for ANY agricultural activity - the mining of phosphate rock, lime and some other macro and micronutrients ores, taken elsewhere, transported, processed into fertilizer and transported once again to the farms. Never mind if you're cultivating corn, soybean, oranges, pasture or sugar cane. Sugar cane, indeed, is the least nutrient consuming of all large crops in Brazil. But agriculture is this way: you mine from A and farm at B. The less we are dependent of this, the more we recycle nutrients, then the more we approach the Organic way of agriculture.
And this makes any biofuel viable, even poor corn ethanol could gain some momentum. Only SOME, as miracles are much more difficult to happen!
...Milton Maciel in Brazil
The author does not understand the process when he says, "There's no need to convert starch into simpler sugar by fermentation and high temperature"
He is confusing hydrolosis with an energy-intensive fermentation and distillation process that is required regardless of the sugar type. The rest of the letter is agroeconomics and nothing to do with the thermodynanic idiocy of using precious energy to make less energy. It does not address life-cycle energy calculations among other things.
Brazil's self-sufficiency in oil, announced officially last Friday, has been made possible exactly because of the production and use of ethanol as gasoline replacement.
That is the kind of stuff Khosla tries to pull all the time. First, note the date of the post, April 26, 2006. Now, note the date of this story:
Brazil Nears Oil Independence
They announced energy independence after the new Petrobras platform opened. If you want to give credit where credit is due, 90% of their energy independence is due to petroleum.
But that makes EROEI =1.3 (claimed for corn ethanol) much more attractive than I had understood it to be. It means that each 100,000 BTU invested produces 230,000 BTU. (That is, (230,000-100,000)/100,000 = 1.3)
Is the standard terminology to include "Energy invested" in both the numerator and the denominator?
Been There, yadda, yadda....
I really got sick of the ad homs after a while. He disappeared after that, until today.
Here are five studies that all cite figures of positive 8-10 EROEI for ethanol from sugar cane. I have given page references for three of them.
1) FO Licht presentation to METI,
EROEI Calcs: Page 20
2) IEA Automotive Fuels for the Future
3) IEA: Biofuels for Transport
EROEI calcs: page 60
4) Worldwatch Institute & Government of Germany: Biofuels for Transport (Link to register - study is free)
EROEI Calcs (for 12 fuel types): Page 17
5) Potential for Biofuels for Transport in Developing Countries
http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/IW3P/IB/2006/01/05/000090341_20060105 161036/Rendered/PDF/ESM3120PAPER0Biofuels.pdf
I love this quote:
This is sustainable? You've got to be kidding me!
.. What have the [Americans] ever done for us?
~ Life of Brian
"During a meeting in the Oval Office, according to Woodward, Bush personally thanked Bandar because the Saudis had flooded the world oil market and kept prices down in the run-up to the 2004 general election."
If this is actually in Woodward's new book, then the entire book has the credibility of a Leprechaun. Cushing spot slowly advanced through the year from the middle 30's to the middle 50's just before the election on Nov 2 2004 and then declined somewhat. Also OPEC spot advanced through the year from the upper 20's to 44.72 on the Friday before the election. Never allow facts to get in the way of your agenda.
See the EIA xl data Here.
It's quite reasonable to me that the Saudis made that promise to Bush. And then who knows, did the elites in both countries then tell themsleves "mission accomplished?"
While we're going in that direction:
FWIW, my vague sense is that Woodward is a follower of power, and that his late break with the Bush administration is a demonstration that power has moved. Lame ducks under attack.
(Lame is too mild a word, but I'm having trouble sorting out the best alternate.)
Remember, Saudi only had control over their production, not the price of oil. And they damn well did their part in increasing production trying to keep prices from going even higher.
Bush should have kissed Bandar's ass for helping him so much.
Ron Patterson
Sorry that should have been the seven months leading up to the 2004 election, not five. And Bush had a lot to thank Bandar for.
Ron Patterson
How do you know he didn't? Didn't we see photos of ol' Jock-sniffer (as he was known at Yale) hisself, walking down the path holding hands with the guy?
Just so long as he didn't get a BJ from an intern, I suppose it's OK...
- sgage
World up 3 MMBrl's/d, OPEC up 2.2 MMBrl's/d, Persion Gulf up1.5 MMBrl's/d, KSA up .75 MMBrl's/d, Price up $20.
I suppose demand had nothing to do with price and production, everyone wanted Bush elected. It had nothing to do with greed. I think Odo's on to the reality of it.
That adds to the credibility of the Woodward's book, it does not subtract from it.
Ron Patterson
Believe me, the very last thing the Royal Family wants is the USA out of the Middle East. Why the hell would they want their protector, their patron saint, to disappear? But if you are talking about the majority of Saudis, sure they want us along with the Royal Family to go far, far away. Of course if they got what they wanted, no doubt they would soon regret it. Saudi would likely then fall into near anarchy. The Shiites have a large majority in the Eastern Province where all the oil is but the Sunnis have a large majority in the rest of the country as well as a large majority of the total population.
The Royal Family is Sunni of course. But the Shiites are all pissed. They sit on the oil and they are getting the shaft. The country is ripe for rebellion. However everywhere you look there is US military hardware under the control of the Royal Family. Of course Saudis are driving the tanks and flying the planes, but it is all part of the protective cover for the princes, provided by the USA.
And the idea that Iraq could replace Saudi Arabia as the leading oil producer in the Middle East is just silly. That might happen in a couple of decades, but if it does it will be because of geology and not because of politics.
But if that is not what you mean as "leading nation" then I have no idea what you are talking about. I really don't think there is any other kind of "leading nation" in the Middle East unless you are talking power. In that case it would be Pakistan or India.
One more historical point. Bush had nothing to do with setting up this cozy relationship between the power in Saudi Arabia and the power in Washington, that relationship was set up by Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Ron Patterson
He added the Buzzard oil field should offset any losses from declining North Sea oil output from older fields between 2007 and 2010.
According to DTI data, U.K. North Sea oil production declined 218,000 b/d in 2003. Since 2004, the depletion rate has remained mostly steady at 230,000 b/d."
So the UK North Sea is declining at >200,000 bpd and Buzzard will produce at around 200,000 bpd - enough to arrest declined for 1 year. The UK DTI - obviously taking a leaf out of the DOE, USGS book of fairytales.
Read the truth here: Oil import - export model for the UK
Found at http://wired.com/wired/archive/14.10/ethanol.html
Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Khosla
What's funny is that he repeated the claim that it is more energy efficient to produce ethanol than gasoline, just days after he said it was a "silly question." Hence, "Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Khosla" - two completely different personalities.
And has anyone ever worked out how much "geo energy" goes into making a gallon of gas? Really really really low EROEI for gasoline - which it must have - may focus some minds? Cos you'd normally exploit your high EROEI resources first - right?
Regarding the distillation question, a fair chunk of the energy input is there. Most of it is in that step, drying the co-products, and in the natural gas for the fertilizer. The USDA reports list some actual numbers from plant surveys, and I also have some actual plant data from an ethanol plant in Illinois. The distillation is so energy intensive because the crude ethanol is > 80% water.
There, I've covered my bases so no matter what happens I can say I was right. Looks like I've got a promising career as a financial expert...
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
The big four--Ghawar; Cantarell; Burgan and Daqing--are all headed toward where East Texas is now, a 99% water cut.
Morton suggests that Ghawar's water cut may be up to 55%, which would support Heinberg's report that oil production is down.
It would be very interesting to know exactly what the actual combined water cut for these four fields is.
Both Ghawar and Cantarell have gas caps and water legs. The remaining oil is between a rising water leg and an expanding gas cap. It is a simple physics problem. The harder that they suck the oil out, the more likely it is that the water and gas will bypass the oil, leaving pockets of mostly stranded oil.
I thought that it was ironic that Pemex said that they only had two production problems: wells with high water cuts and wells with high Gas/Oil Ratios (GOR's).
We've got the habitability of the planet to save and a lot of lifestyles to change.
This is a Tree
This is a Forest
Like I give a shit about tomorrow's inventories.
Camry Hybrid: Save gas, get pat on back: By providing constant feedback on your driving, hybrid sedan maximizes fuel efficiency.
You could even upload your driving stats to a competitve driving site to see who can squeeze the most efficiency.
When I first got my Prius I was used to riding a bicycle around town so I was really easygoing and was getting around 52MPG. Then I drifted into the habit of being aggro like the other drivers around here and my mileage dropped, into the mid 40s. I decided to see if it was the car or me, and started working on being a smooth, flow-oriented driver again and my mileage is back up around 50 MPG give or take 1 MPG.
They should have schools for this, with fleets of cars that are stick-shift with lousy brakes lol.
I have been getting instant feedback on milage and energy used for 3+ years with my Prius.
This is not new. ALL the Toyota hybrids have had it for YEARS.
Micro-hydroelectric Power from Fog Fences
9.25.06 Harry Valentine, Commentator/Energy Researcher
Fog fences have been used for decades to collect the water droplets from dew and fog after which the moisture is sent to storage systems via piping systems. These fences are typically located at higher elevations near coastal regions where moisture is carried in by winds that blow over a cold ocean current during the early morning hours. The circulation of air from sea to land results from a landmass warming at a faster rate after sunrise than seawater in an adjacent ocean. The result is that moisture laden cool air will slowly blow across the cooler sea to the land after sunrise each day.
There are locations where high mountains are located right next to an ocean coast. Some of these locations include the West Coasts of Chile and Peru, the South Island of New Zealand and the southern tip of Africa. Dr Theodore Schumann who was South Africa's chief meteorologist after World War 2 proposed that an electrified fog fence built to a height of 150-feet be installed on top of Table Mountain that is located next to the City of Cape Town. He suggested that fence carry up to 50-KVA of power at low amperage. His research indicated that some 30,000,000-gallons of fresh water per day (2890-lb/sec) could have been obtained from moisture laden winds that blew over the cold South Atlantic Ocean and over Table Mountain (elev: 2500-ft to 3400-ft).
So what do we think, the DOW loses 30% in the next year, just like the housing market? While oil goes to $100 a barrel? Or can the balloon inflate itself for one more year? After all, it's only air. Then again, even air is under pressure.
Lots of fun to be had.
2002-2005 - Housing Bubble
2006-? - Let's start a new bubble - Stock Market again anyone?
Fool me once shame on you .................
The vast majority of Americans are under a big squeeze!
Over at urbansurvival, there's a bit about which fields of business are doing well, and which are not - stuff that's discretionary seems to be taking a hit. I don't know who's been convincing all these fucking idiots out there that they need a big-screen TV, but they've been doing a good job- only problem being, the idiots simply can't buy the shiny baubles when they're not sure if they can put food on the table. Essential goods and services are going OK in the urbansurvival survey, shiney baubles doing less well. Remember the puzzling drop in auto sales in the late 1920s just before the Great Depression. New cars were probably the shiny baubles, the bigscreen TVs, of that time - there were plenty of used cars out there, and infrastructure that made driving more optional than now.
I would say the one thing that's increased my own doom and gloom is interest rates have been going way up. Much harder to dig yourself out when you're paying 20% or higher interest! This is not the early '00's with 6% and lower interest, some of those same cards are reaching for 26%.
In fact inflation is HIGHER! MUCH HIGHER! It's not reported. Check www.shadowstats.com and this guy http://www.nowandfutures.com/key_stats.html has a reconstitued M3 money graph!
The fact is we're being lied to and people are noticing.
There is defintely steady price inflation on certain things and strong commidity price rises in many areas, and certainly over the last few years the Fed hasn't raised interest rates 500% for no reason. I'm not sure you could really hide inflation. In the first part of the year with the rise in gold and bond rates, it seemed money was concerned about inflation too, but now? There's a lot of liquidity out there that's been swashing across the planet from market to market and until there's a plug pulled it will continue.
As a TOD reader I feel like a bewildered passenger on the Titanic. All around me the masses are celebrating with fireworks and "Happy Days are Here Again". (Or is it "Waltzing Matilda"?)

In the meantime I look over the rail, watching the PO berg approaching ever closer in the dark of the night.
The noise from the fireworks and from the celebration hides the eerie noise made by Mother Nature's powerful hand as she cuts through mankind's glibbly-floated fantasies and she starts our slide going down to Davie Jones graveyard. They don't see it. They won't hear of it. Happy Days Are Here Again.
To help gain some understanding of why the masses continue to celebrate on the Titanic: may I suggest you find the time to watch the BBC video series posted by Angry Chimp. I think it does an excellent job of explaining why self-actualized 'wants' is so much greater than just meeting our basic 'needs'. IMO, "The Century of Self" basically presents the consumer freedom to seek the highest attainable 'individualized detritus MPP' as also the best way to generate profits and wealth consolidation. Watch and weep.
Bob Shaw in Phx,Az Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
It seems I will have to reserve a couple of hours to watch the whole thing. In the mean time, let's just replay the Happy Days Are Here Again Song
No, they should be happy and grateful for every time 4 tons of land is dug up to generate 25 cents for the provincial coffers. Who could resist such a deal?
We all know boreal forests are worthless. Basic economics.
Well, the boys are back.
These are tribes of a few thousand people, if that, who have no chance against the wheels of money and progress. Still, they have taken care of the land for thousands of years, and much better than we ever could. These are tales of pride and sadness.
"Eventually, he wants to install a generator that creates electricity from the wheels when they turn, which should also increase the car's range"
The link is on the above page. Direct link doesnt work.
CFR expert weighs in on possible North Korean nuclear test: Levi: North Korea Nuclear Test Could Lead to Military Response from U.S.
Now, I am no foreign policy expert, but I think it would be wiser to destroy this bomb with bunker-busters BEFORE NK actually explodes it underground, thus denying them gathering valid test data. If NK is actually nuts enough to try and have an above-ground explosion--we would be really stupid to not blow it up beforehand with conventional explosives. China and SK should have the balls to simultaneously attack and overthrow Kim Jong II. It would make no sense for them to wait until he can fire back with nuke ICBMs.
If we let NK successfully test it's weapon, then that will signal for any other country that they can build their own arsenals. Japan will absolutely freak, then start screwing together a big arsenal, setting off an arms race.
Bob Shaw in Phx,Az Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
TRUE SIGN OF THE DECLINE-- 4% of Hops inventory burns!! Get your grog before prices spike.
Bob Shaw in Phx,Az Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
The wages in India and Brazil of workers in sugarcane farms or factories that make ethanol are about $2 a day. Can American labor work and live on that wage?