Hope Springs Eternal...(or the growth of "peak oil" discourse)
Posted by Prof. Goose on August 23, 2005 - 6:11pm
(For those of you who don't know blogpulse, it basically goes over the 'net and finds the percentage of blogs with a certain phrase or word. Cool tool.)
In a prior post last month, I was beating my head against a wall (figuratively, of course) because peak oil coverage was not growing...actually flatlining, especially in comparison to "climate change" and "global warming."
Here's a link to the six month analysis for "peak oil." It shows the recent spike (because of the Maass piece I wonder?), as well as the flatline I mentioned above.
An even more interesting graph that replicates my earlier analysis that I mentioned above. "Peak oil" is now surpassing "climate change" but is not really close to "global warming."
Update [2005-8-23 18:21:24 by Prof. Goose]:Khebab just pointed out in the comments that the plot of "gas prices" vs. "peak oil" is almost perfect in its covariance. (I did that last time, but not this time...thanks Khebab!) It's not surprising that the two hang together well, but it does reinforce the notion that as gas prices go up, so will the pressure to find an explanation! Enter peak oil.
This is all heartening. It's nice to see the growth in awareness. However, the magnitude of this problem merits at least 5% of blogs, not .03%.
We have a long way to go.
Humans just don't want to focus on bad news.
I will start to track the results for Peak Oil awareness and report back weekly with the results.
As poor as Levitt's argument was against Peak Oil, it generated a lot of discussion.
I am currently running a series of posts on the common misperceptions about Peak Oil at my blog (Belly of the Beast). The first one is titled "Oil Shale Will Save Us". Please come check it out.
Thanks for that, Bubba. I also made some remarks on shale oil EROEI here.
I surely don't expect a continuous increase over time...that wouldn't make much sense (unless there's an exogenous event that accelerates things...which is why I think the supply situation is such a problem...)
Who knows. All I know is that this is important. How important will vary from day to day, of course.
But I'm not sure anyone knows what "normal" is anymore.
note: I'm getting HTML errors when I try and post with HTML or autoformat. Seems they want me to open and close all my <p> tags. Grr.