DrumBeat: June 23, 2006
Posted by threadbot on June 23, 2006 - 9:15am
Iran to halt gasoline imports, impose rationing
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran will halt gasoline imports from September 23 and start rationing gasoline supplies to motorists because of budget constraints, Iranian Oil Minister Kazem Vaziri-Hamaneh said on Friday.Parliamentarians in the OPEC producer approved a budget for the year to March 2007 that cut the amount to be spent on gasoline imports to $2.5 billion from $4 billion.
This meant President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's populist government, which draws its support from the poor, was faced with an unappetising choice of hiking petrol prices or rationing, both potential sources of social discontent.
Perhaps a diesel hybrid, fuel cell or industrial-sized popcorn popper

One thing is for certain, though, the next 10 years to 15 years will change what we drive more dramatically than anything we have experienced during the past 50 years of automotive history.Update [2006-6-23 9:36:19 by Leanan]: Ukraine Scrambling To Crisis Over Gas Supplies
MOSCOW — Ukraine is scurrying to form a government coalition and head off a gas crisis that could hit July 1, when its controversial supply deal with Russia expires.On the U.S. political front...Leaders of Orange Revolution factions announced Wednesday they had reached a last-minute coalition deal. But with just two days left to collect signatures before parliament must be dissolved, Turkmenistan announced it could cut off gas supplies.
3 Oil Firms May Alter Gulf Leases
Facing angry lawmakers from both political parties, executives from three major oil companies — Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron and ConocoPhillips — indicated on Wednesday that they might be willing to give up sizable taxpayer subsidies for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.Maybe that Cape Cod windfarm will be built after all: Lawmakers reach compromise on wind farm.But one of the most active players in the gulf, the Kerr-McGee Corporation, showed no signs of compromise and told a House hearing that it was entitled to the subsidies — known as royalty relief — even if oil prices remained above $70 a barrel. And Exxon Mobil said it saw no reason for the subsidies to be changed.
World Cup, Al Gore, go "carbon neutral."
Speaking of carbon... A Torrent of Darkness
“THE AIR WAS SO THICK that I thought I was choking,” she said. “The pollution was just unbelievable. All the locals wore surgical masks, and so did almost everyone in our group. I would get back to the hotel room and I had black lines of soot all over my face. I would cough up black phlegm all evening. I grew up in Pittsburgh in the 1950s and 1960s and I never saw anything like it before.” The speaker was a close acquaintance who visited China about two months ago.
And you can see streaming video of T. Boone Pickens on The Charlie Rose Show here.
Lehman Brothers says Oil and gas firms' spending accelerating. They were expecting it to increase 14.7%; instead, it's 21.3%. Not including Aramco.
The Saudis say they have foiled another attack: Saudi forces shoot dead six al-Qaida men.
Update [2006-6-23 12:58:47 by Leanan]: EPA report concludes 'boutique' fuels not the culprit in high gas prices.
"Boutique" gasoline blends to help states meet clean air rules are not a factor in higher prices as President Bush has suggested, says a draft of a study ordered by the White House.It's not just gasoline: rising electricity rates are becoming an issue. In Maryland, the governor vetoed a utility relief plan. Consumers are facing a 72% rise in rates. In Pennsylvania, they are trying to deregulate without the price spikes Maryland is facing....Facing growing public outrage over soaring gasoline prices, Bush ordered the study on April 25 in a speech in which he attributed high gas prices in part to the growth of special fuels.
The interesting part is that an enbargo of gasoline exports to Iran has often been mentioned as a possible sanction if Iran does not stop enrichment. Instead of a budget issue, a suspension of gasoline imports may be Iran's way to prepare for forced lower domestic consumption and a way to neutralize the threat as a negotiating tactic.
Who knows? Maybe they might see the light in that just you wait for Mohommed to return but he will not. Kind of like Melanesians who set up airports waiting for us Americans to come back not understanding our logistical/economic system. (Melanesians are prone to "cargo cults" due to WW v.2.0)
Here is a reply I sent to a reply I received from Grey Zone on a different thread here...
My point is that we need a plan. The graphs and all are depressing. Here is how depressing PO is as people I don't know decide that threats will help things. I love debates but threatening to PURG me is not a plan. I read back over my posts to look at how I used "purge" and this is what I said...
No death threats at all. I called being lazy a lifestyle that would be purged. I didn't say or imply how. I simply assumed the lazy behavior would go away. I might be lazy today but tomorrow that feeling is replaced by the desire for a new pair of shoes... Cha ching PURGED
Grey Zone is frustrated. He does not like learning that we are like rats or mice on a wheel. He has become a doomer. There are many doomers these days...
Come on in the sky is falling! Holly shit we are all gonna die... Well yea we are so what is your plan till we do? Will you purge me? Will you purge hope? We happen to be on a journey and we don't know exactly what will happen. As I said several times in that thread, "Tell me your plan or help me with mine!"
PO Graphs are depressing. PO is depressing. Being threatened is depressing. And on and on!
I was wrong and promptly admitted it comes to mind. As per graphs the people here have talents yet the results get more and more depressing. Suppose decline goes over 12% then we are at or off the cliff. Surely most of us will no longer have an internet connection and will not get to see the graphs any more. This is why I want to see plans now since it is all mixed together.
Frankly I have been reading this site for much longer than I have been posting on it. I don't remember my first visit here. PO is peaking frustration since the squeeze is on all of us. If I move too far down the doomer path then the point of attending this site becomes just as meaningless is I go too far down into denial.
My future wife and I sometimes watch the news and the propaganda is thick. Why are gas prices so high? Well it's the war you see. How many doomers does it take to change a light bulb? None, since the light is to blame! I have many doom moments too!
I can't even have a rational conversation with such a position. You are like a child demanding we all live in a fictional place like Middle Earth, sing kumbayah, and roast marshmallows around the campfire for the next billion years.
You do NOT have a plan. You have an irrational wishlist that has no relationship to reality, what homo sapiens is, and how we have behaved to date. If you think that demanding that we behave differently is going to make us change our behavior then you don't understand natural selection at all.
You are the one that used the word "purge" first. Don't get all sanctimonious with me when you started this. You are a Stalin-lite, full of nonsensical ideas and willing to "purge" people who don't cooperate. Well guess what? The rest of us may not roll over and let you "purge" us at all.
Free energy? Free food? Free healthcare? Who is going to provide all this? Oh... it's not really free is it? In other words, you are incapable of even using the English language clearly. You don't even know what you are saying. What you are really proposing is a system of quotas whereby everyone gets the same amount of such things (and the rich don't get to have more than the poor) but have you looked at history and why such utopian BS never works?
I see you waffling on your use of the word purged too. How are you going to make lazy lifestyles go away if someone else doesn't want to cooperate? What are you going to do, wish them into compliance with your new world order? How are you going to make people stop behaving in a way that you don't like? Answer that please.
Homo sapiens is a nasty species, especially compared to other mammals. It's precisely why we are at the top of the heap on this planet right now. It's why we are capable and willing to go to war and kill one another whereas most other mammals won't do such things. This is how we've been naturally selected, and any "plan" for the future that fails to account for what we are is no plan at all.
Issues? You are the one with issues. You are the one living in a total fantasy world. Good luck with your "plan" because I can guarantee that several billion others are not going to cooperate with such nonsense. Deal with that reality.
And my final comment yesterday still stands. TOD is a community focused on reality not fantasy. Bringing utopian fantasies here doesn't help solve anything.
Back to the point show me the comment that says I will purge anyone who does not agree. Show me how I became a dictator while you're at it. I was under the impression there would be elections. Not only free homes fella homes that are efficient and yours till you die unless relocation becomes necessary as in eminent domain!
Show me the money honey!
Pseudo-mystical nonsense doesn't have a place here, thank you very much. The great strength of TOD has been in facts, data, and clear headed thinking, not in pseudo-mystical nonsense.
But I do know that every time I see two grown up guys getting into an argument here, they must be americans.
Never see a Swede beating up a Chinaman, or vice versa. Or a guy from paris doing a block-block-jab on a guy from Brazil.
This is not high school. You can't bully your way around.
Can you guys go back to the way mom told you? Even in the blog world, it's no good all this shouting. If you would rase your voice to your neighbor like this, he would call the police. Or the Sherif, if you are from Texas ;-)
(The last line is a joke. Don't shoot me, I am unarmed and I have no WMD. No oil either ;-)
To tell you the truth, I don't think anybody has ever treatened me in my whole life.
Do you have to sling playground persiflage back and forth here on the valuable real estate of TOD? Can't you take this somewhere else please?
Please be kind and rewind.
Suppose you're online and Greyzone traces your IP and manages to find out information about you (location, time zone, sex, age, name, street address, work address). At some point this person threatens you in such a way that you are not completely sure if you or your family are SAFE any longer. You don't know what Greyzone knows regarding networks, weapons, etc.
What would you do?
And ask yourself if you are really contributing anything to this "thing that you like" by continuing this.
Leanan how is this:
You give me a block/iggy button and that is no issue!
I wish I could. Believe you me, I would be making use of such a function myself, if it existed.
You can try PeakOil.com. They have an Ignore function there.
Are you serious? Seriously, you should just move off topic... post about something else... and get on with your day.
I'm going to lunch, Hey Greyzone, see if you can back trace my IP, I'm spoofing trough 4 IPs right now see if you can geo-target me :)
(scale of 1-10; 1 not at all and 10 totally)
Insane Paranoid
Me - 2 1
Current Day:
Insane Paranoid
Me - 8 3
Oops...better add a point to my paranoid stat.
My impression is that the Y2K computer failure wasn't computers but the minds of too many Americans and the people in the Middle East. It's like people abandoned logic and reason en masse and embraced delusion in the form of religion. BTW, a Gulfstream 5 is a business jet like a Lear Jet, only about 60mph faster. (stock version) Google the license plate "N379P" for details! That's the infamous Gitmo Express license number in an earlier incarnation.
This is confirmed by Hans Seleye's General Adaptation Syndrome [GAS] and numerous other scientifically peer-reviewed studies among all over-stressed and confined species. Here is a good link by Reg Morrision, reknown author of "The Spirit in the Gene" and "Plague Species":
See the PDF article called "Hydrogen: Humanity's Maker and Breaker".
A GAS attack
I have previously inferred that an auto-collapse mechanism is built into the genomes of most plague animals.32 Evolutionary safeguards are triggered in social species when
populations grow exponentially and stress levels rise. This results in a predictable spectrum of physiological and behavioural responses that invariably reduce the population's fertility below replacement level. The Canadian endocrinologist Hans Selye in 1936 named these responses the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS),33 and many
other studies have corroborated Selye's findings. A GAS decline typically appears well before famine and disease begin to cull the population, and its hormonal `fingerprint'
often persists in wild mouse populations long after the population has shrunk to plague levels and the habitat has recovered. GAS has led to the local extinction of a species
in some instances.34
Why should this concern us? There are four reasons:
1. There is no evidence that we are fundamentally distinct from other species. We too are shaped, driven and manipulated, both directly and indirectly, by our DNA, and
no basic distinction has ever been detected in the biological fabric of our bodies--or in our behavioural drives.
4. It follows that evolution's auto-collapse mechanism must therefore reside in the evolutionary process itself and persist via genetic replication. I would argue that
this safeguard is essentially expressed via Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome. I would further argue that our species now displays most of the GAS symptoms and has already begun its GAS decline. And most significantly, many of our fertility inhibitors are associated with either a surfeit or dearth of hydrogen.
Our genes are not our friends. The question is can we collectively outsmart them? Most Geneticists and Historians think we cannot, but a small part of me remains optomistic [but that could just be delusion from GAS].
Bob Shaw in Phx,AZ Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
The Selfish Gene is a very popular and somewhat controversial book on evolutionary theory by Richard Dawkins, published in 1976. The phrase "selfish gene" in the title of the book was coined by Dawkins as a provocative way of expressing the gene-centric view of evolution, which holds that evolution is best viewed as acting on genes, and that selection at the level of organisms or populations almost never overrides selection on genes. More precisely, an organism is expected to evolve to maximise its inclusive fitness - the number of copies of its genes passed on globally (rather than by a particular individual). As a result, populations will tend towards an evolutionarily stable strategy. The book also coins the term meme, for a unit of human cultural evolution analogous to the gene, suggesting that such "selfish" replication may also model human culture, in a different sense. Memetics has become the subject of many studies since the publication of the book.
Not yet, but I have read a lot of book reviews, excerpts, and brilliant discussion by Jay Hanson, Ron Patterson, Reg, Nate [theLastSasquatch], Matt Savinar, AngryChimp, and others at Dieoff_Q&A over time. IMHO, Jay was a true, very patient intellectual supernova--very rare--I miss his webprescense greatly, even though I have never met him, but I am glad his writings are plastered all over the WWWeb. I remain in awe of these gents, but I think I have fairly good grasp of the basic Thermo-Gene Collision principles as explained in the hundreds of pages at Dieoff.com. I still consider myself to be a newbie having first discovered PO in summer 2003. I have got a lot to learn with very little time. Thxs for responding.
Bob Shaw in Phx,AZ Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
One of the reasons I am the doomer that I am is precisely because of this stuff. I've been into sustainable living for over 30 years and know what's involved. And, what's involved is adopting a different reality. That's not going to happen.
I'm currently working on a tongue-in-cheek (but serious)post entitled An Interview with a Doomer.
I anxiously await it's arrival. Please submit to EnergyBulletin if you think it will be newsworthy.
Bob Shaw in Phx,AZ Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
--Cheers, Mort
When I said a few threads ago that folks don't scare me as individuals, but only as collectives I think I spoke too soon...
You are exaggerating a point. If I attack you in a post or message or call or at dinner or at work or at a gas station you would not turn the other cheek for long. One of the issues here is that this is simply blog software. No private messages, no way to ignore someone offensive and no moderator to cool discussions down before they get to hot.
John if I gave you a rash of shit there is no reason for you to tolerate it. So look at what you fellas are doing you can see there is an issue? I know you can see there is an issue, so now you jump in and take the piss out of it.
The 2 offending parties from your point of view don't seem to be talking so let me just show them what sort of asses they are by taking the piss out. He would PURGE me then blame you for it if you were on the gas line. Think about this if you met me you would have no idea who I was and who knows same goes for the other guy.
If you bothered to read the very first post I made spoke to exactly what you commented about. I happened to be more interested in hearing wobble head. I admit that went no place.
So what's the point?
You know it's getting bad when people start thinking in terms of fifths when talking about gasoline instead of drinkable ethanol! Just wait. It'll get to a buck a fifth all too bloody soon here in America. My car gets about 5 miles a fifth with A/C used. %.5 miles/fifth without. (closed cabin)
Queue the "war on terror" and "global warming" scare. It's time to change the paradigm...
Ya ya I know, it's "satire".
POLITICAL: Like the inspection-scheme surrogates, proposals for plenipoteniary international police are inherently incompatible with the ending of the war system. The "unarmed forces" variant, amended to include unlimited powers of economic sanction, might conceivably be expanded to constitute a credible ex- ternal menace. Development of an acceptable threat from "outer space," presuma- bly in conjunction with a space-research surrogate for economic control, appears unpromising in terms of credibility. The environmental-pollution model does not seem sufficiently responsive to immediate social control, except through arbitrary acceleration of current polution trends; this in turn raises questions of political acceptability. New, less regressive, approaches to the creation of fictitious global "enemies" invite further investigation.
Nevertheless, an effective political substitute for war would require "alternate enemies," some of which might seem equally farfetched in the context of the current war system. It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species. Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power. But from present indications it will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution, however severe, will be sufficiently menacing, on a global scale, to offer a possible basis for a solution.
It is true that the rate of pollution could be increased selectively for this purpose; in fact, the mere modifying of existing programs for the deterrence of pollution could speed up the process enough to make the threat credible much sooner. But the pollution problem has been so widely publicized in recent years that it seems highly improbably that a program of deliberate environ- mental poisoning could be implemented in a politically acceptable manner.
However unlikely some of the possible alternate enemies we have mentioned may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found, of credible quality and magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration. It is more probably, in our judgement, that such a threat will have to be invented, rather than developed from unknown conditions. For this reason, we believe further speculation about its putative nature ill- advised in this context. Since there is considerable doubt, in our minds, that any viable political surrogate can be devised, we are reluctant to compromise, by premature discussion, any possible option that may eventually lie open to our government.
The following substitute institutions, among others, have been proposed for consideration as replacements for the nonmilitary functions of war. That they may not have been originally set forth for that purpose does not preclude or invalidate their possible application here.
`Universal National Service Act of 2006'
Center page:
Terror suspects sought ties with al-Qaida
Far Right side:
Al Gore's Global Warming Warning
Aghh!! Please save us from all this horror!!!
Take away our borders and unite the United Sates with Canada and Mexico!!
Then we can all be safe and snug in our global feudal federation of super states. Slavery IS freedom after all...
"The splitting up of the world into three great super-states was an event which could be and indeed was foreseen before the middle of the twentieth century. With the absorption of Europe by Russia and of the British Empire by the United States, two of the three existing powers, Eurasia and Oceania, were already effectively in being. The third, Eastasia, only emerged as a distinct unit after another decade of confused fighting. The frontiers between the three super-states are in some places arbitrary, and in others they fluctuate according to the fortunes of war, but in general they follow geographical lines."
The war, therefore, if we judge it by the standards of previous wars, is merely an imposture. It is like the battles between certain ruminant animals whose horns are set at such an angle that they are incapable of hurting one another. But though it is unreal it is not meaningless. It eats up the surplus of consumable goods, and it helps to preserve the special mental atmosphere that a hierarchical society needs. War, it will be seen, is now a purely internal affair. In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognize their common interest and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against one another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished. In our own day they are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact. The very word 'war', therefore, has become misleading. It would probably be accurate to say that by becoming continuous war has ceased to exist. The peculiar pressure that it exerted on human beings between the Neolithic Age and the early twentieth century has disappeared and been replaced by something quite different. The effect would be much the same if the three super-states, instead of fighting one another, should agree to live in perpetual peace, each inviolate within its own boundaries. For in that case each would still be a self-contained universe, freed for ever from the sobering influence of external danger. A peace that was truly permanent would be the same as a permanent war. This -- although the vast majority of Party members understand it only in a shallower sense -- is the inner meaning of the Party slogan: War is Peace.
~George Orwell
You got to love the Georges
"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace."
-- George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States
Abstract: Take the text of 1984 and make the following changes:
I think I love you...
You never fail to astound me with the very compelling stuff you find on the web, MSM, and in books, then your ability to link it to present events. Kudos!
Bob Shaw in Phx,AZ Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
-- Mort.
Americans living lonely, isolated lives
The reason?
This will have a bad effect on our coping when it all gets difficult. People who are not used to dealing with each other will have a hard time building community with their neighbors after TV and internet are turned off.
But maybe not. We will adjust. Sad however. It is part of the extremes of a decaying society in overshoot. Energy is being wasted for purposes detrimental to social cohesion and survival(entertainment, travel to and from work in offices to work on a computer).
that the proliferation of cable television and electronic communication will allow society to fragment. Actually, he believes that shortly before his book was written, society became less fragmented bc/ of the nature of the dominant medium, broadcat television. There were only a few choices- ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS. So everyone- white or black, male or female, white collar or blue collar, young or old- tuned in to the same shows, i.e. Cheers or The Cosby Show, and so we all had a common experience. Prior to the broadcast television era the dominant medium was the printed word. Wealthy white housewives read different books and magazines than middle class white housewives, men and women definitely read different books and magazines, Democrats and Republicans read different newspapers, etc. There was less of a connection at that time than there was in the 60's to 80's. Now, according to Merowitz, we are entering a phase more similar to the time period prior to the broadcast television era. We choose which cable news service jives best with our beliefs, we visit only the web sites and blogs that re-inforce our narrow point of view. Thus we are becoming more fragmented and are losing our ability to get along with people from a different point of view.
Out at the lake we have "personal watercraft". They can go wherever they want without compromising with someone else on the boat. Skimobiles, same thing. Out in the traffic, the commuters are all alone in their cars, zoned out listening to Rush Limbaugh or classic rock or talk radio or their favorite music, no need to consider what anyone else wants. 100 years ago music was a shared experience, because the singers and musicians were right there in the room with you.
Look at the average number of people per household, going down. More condos, more apartments, smaller families. I don't have to mention the relationship of all this to energy. You can see where it goes. What happens when the energy per capita starts going down a lot faster?
- Dick Lawrence
<end rant> . . . catching breath . . .
The good news, from a PO standpoint, is, at least as far as I can tell, that a huge percentage of this economic activity that we do is completely unneccessary (honestly, don't you think we could live without insurance underwriters, for example?), so when TSHTF, there should be quite a bit of fat to trim, without causing too much pain.
We need to use an additive for co2. The coal gases and particulates from coal is an obvious wake up call to the citizens of Peking. The poison is everywhere and the people are dying from it. Unfortunately, co2 is odorless and colorless, so those who are not in an obvious high pollution zone, are blissfully unaware that co2 is even more dangerous than the particulates and oxides that come with the burning of coal and other fossil fuels.
Make CO2 noxious to the visual and olfactory senses. Make it ugly and make it smell. Then, perhaps, we would start doing something about it.
(Now, now, for you who find yourselves outraged by this little jest, please keep in mind that it was intended to be so outrageous as to be totally obviously not serious. After all, I myself, as well as my lovely, kind, clever and most effective wife, and my three kids and my 4 grandkids, are very good people, and I think it fortunate that none of us are ugly, and none smell, except as is usual and proper, of course).
But then------there's some sort of idea around in there somewhere, if I could only put my finger on it-----.
Unfortunately your nose quickly becomes inured to the odor, so you'd be stinking up the planet for nothing.
The report from the Royal Society of Edinburgh, on which the Scotsman article is based is here.
I was just asking myself the exact same question: If the need to import a large fraction of their gasoline is the only area in which Iran is energy-vulnerable, then why wasn't the construction of additional refining capacity given top priority, not an an economic venture but rather as a natural security necessity?
Perhaps poor planning or perhaps internal political wrangling over budget allocations? Who knows.
But at any rate, if the prospect of a gasoline embargo looks likely, then from the standpoint of the Iranian government it would be better to get the people prepared sooner than later. Plus, it's got good psychological value in further rallying the people against the US.
I find this move rather ominous, in that it suggests the Iranians expect things to get worse and appear to be a bit fatalistic about it. They have recently claimed that the US is bent on aggressive action against Iran and that not matter what concessions they make, the US will always find an excuse.
Then we have to consider the US congressional elections in November and the possible desire by Bush to reinforce the notion that he is a 'war-time president'. I don't like the way this all looks.
Most of this comes from western Europe, with trading house Vitol the leading supplier, market sources said. India has also featured as a key exporter, at times supplying up to 25,000 bpd
What a strange energy world we live in. Oil poor west europe imports oil from OPEC refines it then exports it back to OPEC countries. How bizarre. Reminds me of a phenomenon in the coal industry around here. I can watch two coal barges full of coal going in opposite directions on the Ohio River. West Virginia coal (high sulfur) being shipped down river to Iowa and Iowa Coal (low sulfur) being shipped up river to West virginia. Each plant has to stay under the sulfur requirements, so Iowa buys cheap high-sulfur coal from WV to mix in with its expensive low sulfur coal. WV buys low sulfur coal from Iowa and mixes it with its own high sulfur coal. I suppose the cost of shipping coal back and forth is cheaper than for WV to use sulfur scrubbers.
I've not been able to find a clear answer to this but is Iran planning/building into rail at all? Light rail, heavy rail? Moving into rail would be another signal that they are trying to discourage oil dependence so that they can export more of it. However, they also have not taken the simplest step to discourage oil dependence - removing their own subsidies on internal oil consumption. Of course, that may be a political hot potato that they don't want to touch yet.
Apparently Anadarko wants to get into deepwater drilling.
Also in CNNMoney: Oil consumption seen soaring: Much of world's growth will take place in Asia, although U.S. will still use the most; OPEC needed to meet bulk of demand, EIA says
No surprise here for TODers, but I do want to note that this is part of a bigger CNNMoney special on the Gas Crunch 2006 (not sure if this has already been mentioned).
Is there some form of downloadable archive of the site content available which could be obtained via SFTP or some such?
If so does include a copy of the graphics contained in the msg's.?
As Oil CEO has pointed out, the messages reference images that are hosted elsewhere.
I removed an image that I posted and it disappeared from the blog. So the blog is not "caching" the images either.
You'll probably have to crawl the site to pull down the content and hope that the images are still wherever they were when referenced.
s'chast-leev-vwe pyat-net-tsa (Happy Friday) in phonetic Russian :)
U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman says he'll tap the SPR if needed.
I would have thought it was there to deal with strategic problems.
The Worst Case Scenario Is Not About Us
Fair enough, maybe. But with the U.S. savings rate already negative, plus the boomer retirement era coming up, and that huge need for savings to invest in correcting the energy imbalance, is stagflation really an appropriate incentive to do what needs to be done? Stagflation will discourage and destroy investment as it did in the 70s - except, as in the 70s and most unfortunately, for overinvestment in massively energy-guzzling houses (embodied energy, infrastructure embodied energy, heating/cooling, interminable commutes, new schools on cornfields, etc.)
In other words, punishing non-house saving/investment while giving an even better free ride to mortgage holders will only skew the already perverse incentives even more. Energy demand will explode even more, while both real and effective energy supply will be further depressed. How in the world is that a useful, functional outcome?
We can see that most of the major industrial nations have raised their interest rates in response to the US rates, this includes (EU, China, Korea, Austrilia, and soon Japan).
Raising interest rates is the only tool the US has to curb global energy demand. For instance raising taxes on energy (ie gasoline tax), it does not affect consumption overseas. Lower consumption in the US would likely lead to higher consumption in China, India, or other growing nations. Another words a reduction in US consumption doesn't mean the cost of energy will fall. Higher energy taxes also can fuel inflation as business and consumers demand higher prices and wages, while also providing the gov't additional income that would likely be spent on wasteful programs (new highways, higher entitlement spending, etc).
If you believe a global conservation effort is part of the solution then you wan't higher interest rates.
# 1 - a possible near-term solution to our energy and climate crisis
# 2 - over-hyped; it's not clear how biofuels will contribute to sustainable development
# 3 - a disaster that would drive up food prices and destroy remaining tropical forests
# 4 - not sure
These offer the potential of imensly fast charge times. They would not need a very long range, you can imagine stoping every 50 miles to charge the capacitors because that would only take a couple of seconds.
The capacitors aren't available in high energy densities yet, but there are companies claiming energy densities comparable with batteries.
Readers of TOD will recognize some of the arguments about ethanol, E85, and Brazil, but I also took a long hard look at Pacific Ethanol in the last section of the essay.
Ahh.....love the bit on Pacific Ethanol.
Incidentally, what ever happened toKeithster100 and his pump-and-dump push for PEIX?
The full letter - Energy Returns on Ethanol Production - is behind a pay wall, although I have been sent a copy. Hopefully, when he gets finished traveling, he can make it available here for discussion. The letter is a rebuttal to the recent pro-ethanol articles published in Science. The truth is spreading.
Great post! LOL!
Please keep me laughing periodically so I don't go nuts. =)
[theLastSasquatch & AlphaMaleProphetOfDoom go way back to Jay's Dieoff_Q&A in case TODers did not know this.]
Bob Shaw in Phx,AZ Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
What do ya know the problem is solved just like that...DING
When I think of all the "decorative" fireplaces whose chimneys I've plugged and capped over the years....most of them in multi-unit buildings too. Well, personally, I'm carbon-negative for the rest of my existence.
But you've gotta lead the horse to water AND you gotta make him drink. After discovering & capping, say 4 chimneys on an 8-unit condo when it's below zero & the boiler wasn't keeping up and everyone has got the auxiliary heat going -- suddenly it's cosy and the boiler shuts off and everyone breathes a sigh of relief. I tell the condo assoc. "I just did that on straight hourly, so I can be comfortable while I work here. You saved my hourly fee in gas bills the first day. Now I have some ideas how you can save even more..." And no one, no one, will ever spend a penny. Efficiency is not just un-American, people actively hate it. Twenty people get a demonstration on the coldest day of the year and not one will go beyond a quick Thank You and do something to help themselves.
Efficiency works and somebody please tell me how it can be sold.
A relative of mine, I won't say who ;) who was doing a night class in furnature repair, stuffed a large sofa using "free" cotton balls...
Good thing they did not have a "wood stove" ;>
Lets see. 30Gigabbls per annum x $70/bbl. Cheap stuff.
Wish I knew what IEA was thinking of to change behavior.
Maybe we get to use the words "tipping point" in a year or two?
this is the key section of whole article.
this seems to tie together a lot of individual strands in my different ways of looking at the U.S., which in the last years have generally been leading to growing incomprehension.
Now, I think I know why some of what is happening in the U.S. seems so difficult for outsiders (even ones who come from there) to encompass -
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Americans are more socially isolated than they were 20 years ago, separated by work, commuting and the single life, researchers reported on Friday.
Nearly a quarter of people surveyed said they had "zero" close friends with whom to discuss personal matters. More than 50 percent named two or fewer confidants, most often immediate family members, the researchers said.
"This is a big social change, and it indicates something that's not good for our society," said Duke University Professor Lynn Smith-Lovin, lead author on the study to be published in the American Sociological Review.
Smith-Lovin's group used data from a national survey of 1,500 American adults that has been ongoing since 1972.
She said it indicated people had a surprising drop in the number of close friends since 1985. At that time, Americans most commonly said they had three close friends whom they had known for a long time, saw often, and with whom they shared a number of interests.
They were almost as likely to name four or five friends, and the relationships often sprang from their neighborhoods or communities.
I won't even bother to wander among my various beliefs and obsessions, but it seems as if America has become a fairly unique social construction - and one of such stunning human poverty that is difficult for me to imagine.
And I came from there. Imagine someone growing up in a normal place, something like the America of pre-1985.
And that is the stunning tie-in to me about peak oil and America. By any reasonable measure, America's drive for conservation/alternatives had been run into the ground at roughly the same time a new framework of growing social isolation was taking hold.
This almost belongs in the social capital thread, since at this point, America clearly lacks the normal framework of most other human cultures. Talking about social capital in the face of such stunning results is just more whistling past the looming graveyard.
I still remain fairly unconvinced about die-off in the sense of mass starvation, but my fear of a war led by a resource starved America has gone up another few very quantifiable notches - in a society where 25% seem to have no interests larger than themselves in terms of other people, the appeal of smash and grab for personal benefit likely seems not only logical, but required, since if you don't, another person as alone as you will.
I think Jevon's paradox is possible to avoid in a society with enough self-awareness and interconnections - after all, if you use it, your children can't is certainly one perspective which avoids the paradox among people who care about the future. But in such an isolated social framework, Jevon's paradox is likely to cause all sorts of problems. A tiny glimpse - as the rest of the world conserves, America continues to burn fossil fuels to its maximum capacity - I can imagine an ultimatum from the world's conserving societies (1/3 of humanity? 1/2? with most of the rest in collapsed societies) focused squarely on the dangerous one with an attention deficit. And if the climate was clearly turning into a run away catastrophe, an ultimatum backed by the potentially lesser evil of nuclear war becomes at least imaginable - and now I am too seeing die off, not as a cynical game among the rich/rulers/owners, but as a desperate attempt to preserve some future among those who see no other choice. A nuclear powered powerdown, a truly appalling pun.
Simply from reading about something seemingly normal for most Americans to experience in their daily lives, which was not imaginable to me last night.
No wonder that much of what I write seems so skewed in American eyes. Sometimes, societies turn sociopathic - I live in a place where that happened too recently. And this little piece of information is the sort of fact which likely will be scrutinized by future historians looking at cause and effect.
And notice that this list is utterly apolitical - if I was to include various other factors, the list would become very unwieldy, and a number of different people would view it through politics.
To me, one of the most fundamental reasons for this is a lack of free time - that such a decline would lead to these results seems so logical, but it never occurred to me.
You can see this in a sense in how people in countries considered poorer may spend a higher proportion of their time on 'work,' but then you notice that the work includes a lot of time spent with other people - generally, a Westerner sees this as being inefficient or lazy.
An hour long commute alone is something new, as is the sitting in front of a screen, eating meals in a car (I still can't believe the figure I believe was posted here).
A list from the past will not really give you the correct flavor of how life was - it may have taken hours of backbreaking labor to load a wagon, then more time to have the horse or mule haul it somewhere - but when you where there, you would also spend time with people - after all, there wasn't really other entertainment than each other. In the modern version, you most likely sit in front of a screen, drive alone, work in whatever sense of the word, drive back, and sit in front of a screen, then sleep. You have much more free time by one measure, but in another, your time is spent on little of value in terms of other people.
How many times do you go to a mall or chain store for pleasant conversation with someone? Certainly, even in America there is still an oasis or two to be found - a good motorcycle shop comes to mind - but in general, the entire texture of life has changed. Other societies have resisted these changes, with lesser or greater success, and in some, their lives would be likely 'better' if they spent more time working. Then of course, the question becomes 'working for who?' - and we are back into politics in a sense. This is a mystery to me in America - why does almost everybody seem so determined to follow a path which seems so clearly against their own interests in living life as part of a larger whole?
For Iran, with its millennia of history as a civilization behind it, eight weeks mean nothing as a period of reflection. For the United States, with its compressed, intense history, one-sixth of a year is an awful long time.
This "clash of civilizations" over time and space colored the Iran-US discord this week. Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, while addressing a small town audience in the western province of Hamedan on Wednesday, made a reference to the European Union package of "carrots" regarding Iran's nuclear program (specifically to get it to stop uranium-enrichment activities) awaiting consideration in Tehran.