Checking in on SSTs
Posted by Stuart Staniford on April 30, 2006 - 12:45am

Sea Surface Temperatures, and anomaly from climatic averages. Source: NOAA.
Here's an animation of the last 12 weeks:

12 week animation of Sea Surface Temperatures, and anomaly from climatic averages. Source: NOAA.
Is it just me, or does it rather look like the Gulf Stream is less warm as it heads into the Atlantic than usual?
Also, if you missed it, RealClimate butchered William Gray recently. The small pieces of him that they left scattered across the floor almost turned my stomach.
Update [2006-4-28 11:16:36 by Stuart Staniford]: Here's paired images of Gulf of Mexico SSTs yesterday (bottom), and at the same time last year (above). That doesn't look so good, does it? (Hat tip to Ben for the link). Note that the color scales are not identical, so the effect is not as large as it looks, but it's still pretty significant.

Sea Surface Temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico, this year and last. Source: Rutgers University..
I'm not really sure what I'm looking at.
Correct me if wrong.
The top graphic is the actual sea temps right now and the bottom is the difference from normal. So the temp in the GOM is 2-3 degrees above normal and -2 to -3 degrees below normal off of Peru, which would mean La nina is still running strong.
If this is the correct way to read it, it would also appear that the area off of SoCal is a degree warmer, which might explain why so many "spinning things" (not sure what they are mini-tropical storms?) are forming there, which I have never witnessed before.
Poor William Gray may have been dismembered, but he has forecast an above average hurricane season.
From here.
Excellent job! I have been periodically checking these charts myself. I am no meteorologist, but if the Gulf Stream is not flowing as strongly as usual up the East Coast, then the GoM should be heating up more than normal-- which might explain the big red bullseye anomaly. Any idea on how this affects the spinning off of those monster eddies from the Loop Current?
What worries me is if the GoM can actually get hot enough to spin up the birth of its own hurricanes--this would make it very difficult to shut down the oil ops in time to prevent an environmental castastrophe and/or safely evacuate the oil-workers, fishermen, shippers, and prepare land-based evacuations. A hurricane started near the Yucatan Strait could hit the hotspot of the Loop Current, then quickly grow to major status [Cat3-5] before hitting land a day or two later. If it comes ashore before starting its eyewall replacement cycle-- it is at full force with a very tight eyewall.
Bob Shaw in Phx,AZ Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
Thxs for responding. Yes, if it gets really bad in the GoM, we can send the oilworkers to look for oil in the offshore Artic-- see this shocking chart of how ice-free it is becoming:
I often wonder if the effects from Global Warming will accelerate faster and create more problems for us than Peakoil. Consider this next link where scientists have now discovered huge rivers running underneath Antarctic glacial icecaps.
British scientists have discovered rivers the size of the Thames in London flowing hundreds of miles under the Antarctica ice shelf by examining small changes in elevation, observed by ESA's ERS-2 satellite, in the surface of the oldest, thickest ice in the region, according to an article published in Nature this week.
The finding, which came as a great surprise to the scientists, challenges the widely held assumption that subglacial lakes evolved in isolated conditions for several millions of years and raises the possibility that large floods of water from deep within the ice's interior may have generated huge floods that reached the ocean in the past and may do so again.
Bob Shaw in Phx,Az Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
At this point, all I think you can do is watch in horror ... I don't think TPTB are thinking earth marines and everybody up here is still driving Dodge RAM diesels and swearing at the oil companies ...
love your writings. I've been thinking about this lately. When you say "what will create more problems for 'us ', PO or GCC? Well, ask someone from NO, or a pacific islander. I think the effects will be uneven. If you live in cyclone/hurricane country and aren't really part of the oil economy, then its climate change. Or a nomadic ice-hunter - they're experiencing TEOTWA They KI - RIGHT NOW. If you live in suburban USA and drive an SUV, climate change is minor, for now, but not PO. And if you're a rich bastard with a big secure compound, you won't feel either in your lifetime.
Excellent point! I fear the Phx leaders are ignorantly synchronizing both dire effects to hit the Valley of the Sun at the same time. The recent addition of 500,000 new commuters adds to the Asphalt Wonderland of Sprawl and the heat island effects, and the continuing drought will eventually make it a dead-even price race between a gallon of water and a gallon of gasoline. Kunstler and Jay Hanson have warned for years that the Southwest US is doomed postPeak. Oh, joy! =(
Bob Shaw in Phx,AZ Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
Thxs for the addition of more good news! =(
Bob Shaw in Phx,Az Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
Just a quick unscientific question on your latest update charts: Does it now look like the Loop Current has expanded into a giant swirl that encompasses the entire southwest section of the GoM? The piling up of all that hot water would explain why the east coast Gulf Stream is currently running so cold. Recall that the Mars Platform had to delay some repairs because some Loop Current eddies made underwater work too dangerous.
Bob Shaw in Phx,AZ Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
Then again the weather has been pleasant and not having a working AC this has been great so far.
I move to a cooler Climate soon, so I won't care so much about the Hurricanes, Just more tornados.
According to the Global Dimming theory, particulate pollution is actually keeping GW at bay and when the particulates are pulled out of the air, we will really fry under the CO2. Not exactly happy news. I wish there was happy news again.
Hey, no problemo!
Just disconnect the electrostatic precipitators on all the coal-fired power plants for a couple of months out of the year, or as required.
And if that isn't enough, we can outfit our aging fleet of B-52 bombers to spray thousands of tons of finely divided carbon black into the stratosphere.
Of course, if we overshoot the mark and cause another ice age, we can always burn some extra fossil fuel to get that CO2 back up to where it can do some good.
And who said all pollution is bad!
Thanks for the additional insight.
For those that did not see the show: Bottom line is that particulate matter from pollution has an amplifying effect when it interacts with clouds. Tiny microdroplets of water collect or nucleate around each particle of pollution, i.e. fly ash from coal fired plants. Cloud reflectivity is a function of the size and number of such drops. Many small microdrops appears to increase reflectivity and thus increase global dimming. As Prosena notes: the mechanisms are complex and not yet well understood.
The same happend last year?
You can find same-period-last-year data at two places; first (and easiest) is:
Once there, click on the SST Anomalies button, which gives you a choice of various 5-day intervals for each of several years. I suggest the night-time data, which is less likely to exhibit transient daytime heating effects.
Second place, if you want longer term averages less prone to transient noise, is at:
This is a sort of roll-your-own data shop for satellite data.
I suggest using monthly aggregations of SST Anomaly data from Reynolds/NCEP. You can run off a couple years' worth "while you wait", unless TOD crowd bogs it down too much.
As for the area to look at, the default box shown there is not bad, but I like to look a bit further east as well.
If you do that, you'll see that:
(1) GoM SST anomalies have been greater, (2006>2005) year-over-year, consistently since at least Jan 2006.
(2) Temps to the east of the Antilles are a bit cooler YOY now than 2005.
I think this may be because the trade winds are either driving less warm surface water toward eastern Atlantic, or maybe even beginning to drive warm surface waters into GoM.
Les Lambert
Basically, it seems the state of play is that left off from the end of last year. Insurers refusing to insure coastal homes, even including New York City and Long Island. Could this be the beginning of the end of coastal communities along the Gulf and Eastern Seaboards? How will Florida cope if it gets hit by a couple of big hurricanes this year (more than likely I would think)? I don't know how rich Florida is but it could become a very poor state in a decade's time if Cat 4 and 5 hurricanes keep on pummelling it each season and the state has to pay out on house insurance policies.
It is no wonder the Ins. Cos. are bailing on their customers:
Max Mayfield, director of the National Hurricane Center in Miami, said that officials must plan for the worst.
"We could say, the 2006 hurricane season can't be worse than last year, but I'm here to convince you it can," Mayfield said. "All it takes is for one major storm to hit one community."
He stressed that the most vulnerable people during the next hurricane season will be the 100,000 victims of previous hurricanes still living in temporary housing.
Mayfield was speaking to federal, state and emergency officials in Orlando, Fla. attending the National Hurricane Conference.
Bob Shaw in Phx,AZ Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
I live in a flood prone area along the Ohio river. A couple people I know had their home ruined by floods in 2004. The US Army corps of Engineers predicted a 35' flood which got broadcast over the news the night that the remnants of Ivan tore through here but 12 hours later the water crested at 44.97 feet. The undercalled it by 10'. People went to bed thinking they were ok and went downstairs in the morning to discover the first floor was 3' under water. OOPS! but the US Corp's underfuning by Washington is a different story. ANyway, FEMa put a lot of people into nice trailers at a value of $40k each. 4 months later we had another flood. People in these trailers called FEMA and said will you please send a tow truck to move our trailers up the hill to avoid this flood (the US corps learned a lesson and predicted this one very well in advance). FEMA would not spend $100 for a tow truck to move these trailers 100' and out of the flood, so they got ruined too and a bunch of people went homeless.
My feeling from the UK is that this winter has been colder than the recent average and almost returning to the norms to the 1980's.I have had a suspicion that the Gulf Stream is beginning to fail noticeably since February when it was going to get colder than normal. The Gulf Stream is something like 40% down on water flows since the 1960's. Nobody knows at what flow rate it will stop (41%, 60%, 90%??) and Western Europe will cool down. Perhaps we have reached the critical point last year, and any further decreases in Gulf Stream flows will now show up in cooler winters, such as the one we have just had.
How long it will take to show up in colder winters, I don't know (a decade, 3 decades?), but I feel we are witnessing the start of a cooling period in Europe. I think it will take a decade to show temperature patterns changing, and one colder winter than the recent high averages is certainly no cause for alarm. Of course, next winter will be warmer than this one.
Furthermore, the unprecedented area of open sea around Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya (unprecedented for this time of year I mean) hradly suggests a weakening Gulf stream.
According to this link, we can expect much more open sea around Antarctica as the GW temperature anomalies ramp up:
Bob Shaw in Phx,AZ Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?
it seems to me that you have described a phenomenon, rather than explained it. Hotter air temperatures over N America and colder over W Europe is the result, what's the cause? A weakening of the thermohaline transfer seems a likely candidate, this is supported by the ocean temperatures.
Those lucky people in the Gulf of Mexico get hurricanes, and in exchange we W Europeans get high heating bills.
Hey, to capture all that storm energy, they need to put wave generators and high-spec windmills in the G of M, instead of oil rigs...
In southern Sweden we had unusal long and cold winter, I have never seen its like - and so has nobody else. I think statistics were close sometime around WWII.
Being a surgeon I meet quite a few elderly people so I made it a habit of asking the 90+ if they remembered anything like it. They were all positive this was an unusual winter, they could remember colder spikes but never a manifest snowpack for months like this winter.
Please do not pick on the obvious non scientific of the above, its just an observation.
Title: Met office warns of a bitter winter
You can't blame the N Europe winter on Global Warming this time..
"Mr McCallum said the Met office prediction of a cold winter was 66% likely to be proved correct.
He said the calculations were based on the "North Atlantic oscillation" - a measure of *sea temperatures* which normally correlate with weather patterns. "
It's interesting that he calls it a measure of sea temperatures because it's actually a measure of the pressure differences in the north atlantic, generally between somewhere around the Azores and Iceland. But the point I was going to make is that the Earth is roughly 70% water and that water contains a lot of energy. Atmospheric circulations are driven more by the ocean than the ocean is driven by atmospheric circulations.
As a sea-angler I'm always waiting for the summer which brings to our Dutch waters tasty garfish, seabass and mackrel. The season traditionally starts on April 30 (which is also Queensday)when seawater temperatures should be 11 to 12 degrees Celcius.
Sometimes the mackrel is a little ahead, with catches on record on April 20 in 2001.
Two years ago, however, I caught my first summerfish on May 9.
Last year it all started in June only, but it all went on to the end of October, which is exceptionally long. It seems a little like the seasons are shifting a bit; this years' winter streched out long and we still have to turn on the heating with daytime temperatures expected to be 9 degrees this weekend.
At present water temperature is 9 degrees only. Even when temp. kicks up it will take at least 3 weeks before sufficient water temp. It all points to the slowing off the Gulfstream. The Big Freeze underway?
It worries me quite a bit I must say. Not just because I'm all ready and geared up for the ultimate kick of drilling a 8+ pound seabass on a light rod, after which it will be served with home grown potatoes and salad ;-) (Aaargh! Can't wait for it!)
And our world class restaurants will cook any fish that you catch to order. (Best food in world, Paris #2, Rome #3).
Redfish, Red Snapper, Lemonfish, Speckled seatrout, drum, ...
I have been enjoying raw oysters here for quite some time. As always, from the West Bank.
A question: Should the Gulf Stream take a well publicized weakening, what would that do to the immigration levels to New Zealand and Australia from such places as, well, Scotland? Do you think there is the possibility of mass evacuations from the Isles, and maybe the whole EU?
I'm guessing that America would see quite a few of the rich, well-rested and top-shelf folks (to paraphrase a saying).
No Room! No Room!
Though if it were only TOD readers that would be OK...
A plane ticket to the destination of your choice or serious jailtime...Aussie is a popular stopover due to its highly combustible gum trees and our firebugs can hone their skills in preparation for Europe.
On a less serious note, what the hell is all that smoke doing to the atmosphere?
If you go back a few years it looks like it.
Would it be true that the temperatures in the gulf help strengthen a storm, while the temperatures in the Atlantic are what is important for the formation of the storm?
So based on that, the anomolies in the Atlantic don't look as bad, (so maybe not as many storms?), but if they do form, watch out, because they will be much stronger.
NOAA's composite sea temps - gulf of Mexico
You can dial up a different year if you want for comparison.
April 28, 05
April 27, 06
Poor old Dr. Gray is looking more and more out of it. That CNN special on global warming gave him short shrift, practically painting him as the batty old uncle, respected for his previous work but considered whacky now.
Violent storms will appear not only in the tropics but along the boundardy of hot and cold air masses.
Unfortunately, I could not find a link for data from last year to make any comparisons.
present temperatures and monthly averages recent years. Looks like May is already over for some data points.
Two weeks from now I doubt there will be any tropical activity. Might get some rain, but there's always a good chance of that. But I doubt you'd have to cancel. Wish I were going...
Last time I took out 3 people without cars, but fewer car-less people today.
2004 and 2005 both record numbers of tornadoes (1819 in 2004, for instance), and this year seems set to beat them both (591 so far, only 4 months in).
What's the link for that data?
Also, archived data of U.S. tornadoes, hail, and severe winds going back to the 1950s is available here:
There is a plotting application available here:
As we've been discussing here since March, 2006 is off to a very fast start.
Notice the fatalities have decreased dramatically at the same time the number of storms appears to increase.
Given the amount of study given to tornadoes, thunderstorms, etc. I'm not so sure the graph is skewed simply by having better radar. This has been the subject of intense study for decades.
Just for grins, lets stick with the last twenty years, the rest, as they say, is history...
If the number of large tornadoes is indeed not increasing ... well, I'd take that as the bottom line.
(This reminds me of the old global warming / tornado book "heavy weather" ... hmmm, I think of it as beeing old, but apparently it was first published in '94 link)
It sure looks like the GOM will be warm enough, now we just have to see if the hurricane factory can pitch a few more over the plate.
Meanwhile, the NY Times warns:
I suspect global warming is going to complicate peak oil considerably.
To get a better idea of storm activity, counting the named tropical storms/hurricanes provides an objective measure. Here are the number of named tropical storms/hurricanes from the NOAA archives for recent years:
2000 14
2001 15
2002 12
2003 16
2004 15
2005 27
It is clear that 2005 is the outlier here. All the other years were in the range 12-16. 2004 was not particularly bad.
It will be interesting to see what happens in 2006, but I don't think it is possible to say with much certainty whether it will be more like 2000-2004 or like 2005. For reference, the Foresight Exchange online prediction game is currently guessing 19 named storms in 2006.
There will always be a number of people that say "it's just an anomoly." Like the Red Sox winning the Series...
Hey, that is an anomaly! ;-)
Let's go, Yan-kees....
He guessed 13 last year...