The Destructive Alternate Side Dance
Posted by Glenn on March 7, 2006 - 9:09am in The Oil Drum: Local

The lure of free parking encourages excessive driving. Most side streets in Manhattan have free parking 24/7, except for a couple of hours a week when they clean the streets. This results in a little dance that happens everyday on NYC's streets that most people shrug off as inconsequential, but in reality serves to destroy quality of life and public health. I call it "The Alternate Side Dance".
On the day when the street cleaning happens on one side of the street, people simply do a quick sidestep and double park across the street. This gift to drivers is in not only a theft of valuable public space from pedestrians, but causes increased ground level pollution and noise.
The other day I decided to document the dance that occurs on my block every alternative side day.
8am: An hour before Alternate Side, the street is still full and you can see a heating oil delivery truck (it's cold out there baby!) double parked, trying to make it's delivery. Which is a better use of scarce public space, a fuel delivery truck or the passenger automobile in it's way?
8:15am: The spots on the left are all still full despite alternate side starting in 45 minutes
8:30am: Still full - when will they move?
8:50am: Like magic, everyone's gone.
Except this one which got a ticket at 9:10am - The traffic cops know how to meet quota.
9:15am: The Double Parking begins. This SUV will idle for over an hour waiting for the end of Alternate Side.
9:30am: Now the whole street is filled with double parked cars! Most are idling causing the street to smell of exhaust
10am: The Street cleaner has just gone by and despite the fact that there is 30 min left in alternate side, they cross over and continue idle until 10:30am.
At least enforcing NYC 3 minute idling and double parking laws would be a good start, but this is a clear giveaway to car owning New Yorkers. We should charge market rates for all parking in Manhattan and make room for necessary delivery trucks.
Based on review of 16 mostly American and European studies of cruising conducted between 1927 and 2001, Shoup concludes that cars searching for free parking contribute to over 8% of total traffic. The relevant New York City study was conducted in 1995 by John Falcocchio, Joe Darsin and Elena Prassas. They concluded the average time drivers took to find a curb space between 8 and 10 a.m. was 7.3 minutes, increasing to 10.6 minutes between 11a.m. and 2 p.m. According to their research, cruising for curb parking created about 8 percent of the total vehicle miles traveled in west Midtown.
Read more at the Tri-State Transportation Campaign
Selling off parking spaces to private companies would raise huge funds for the city, would reduce or eliminate free parking, and would (with the "deregulation" frame) delight the free-market fundamentalist right currently in power.
Perhaps drivers could be told that companies, with incentive to compete, would likely offer services to parking consumers which the city cannot -- like shoveling out snowed-in cars, or reparking services when street cleaning happens. (Such lies are used to sell deregulatory policies in general.)
Meanwhile, parking is much more difficult and car use in the city goes down.
As a DSNY sweeper approached, 3 idling cars pulled away from the curb and parked in the middle of the street at an angle, blocking all other traffic - they waited for the sweeper to pull in to the curb and pass, and then did a Blue Angels type maneuver to'ing and fro'ing until the three in a synchronized ballet movement backed into the orignal spaces, allowing traffic to flow again - but continuing to idle for the remainder of their time. Did I mention the horns?
In its own way it had a certain beauty, but it made me want to reach for a gun (not that I have one). I own a car and I pay a small ransom to have it garaged, and I'm paying another small ransom in taxes so these drivers can waste and pollute and raise the hackles of other drivers (the horns and the tension were both apparent). There oughta be a law.
I should also note that this was on Fifth Avenue, and the drivers were not local residents - at least the cars didn't look like it, and those spaces are usually empty late at night - but rather those who have commuted to the area for work, one to a car. This is a different situation from the block you wrote about, and underscores the need for a rational restriction on one-person-to-a-car traffic into the City.
good luck
But you have to organize your neighborhood into 'one voice', although that is usually not so difficult if there is a real parking problem.
When the city center introduces paid parking, the next ring will end up with a lot of free-loaders so to speak. So they are the first to request this. Then the next ring does the same. It sakes several years to stabilize it.
But this is in Europe, in the US, things are different.