Operation Rescue Bike Complete
Posted by Glenn on September 11, 2005 - 4:10am in The Oil Drum: Local
6:00pm: The Staten Island ferry has a bike rack on board the boat. I feel very included and very proud of my home borough!
6:30pm: Offload into Manhattan. I couldn't decide what the best bike path was so I took the West Side bike path through Battery Park City and up to 14th Street, where I crossed over to the East side over to First Avenue. I passed the High Line which I recently saw an exhibition for at MOMA. No bike lane, meant that for the first time I was riding in the middle of traffic, dodging cars, taxis, trucks, buses and oblivious pedestrians. Traffic was heavy and therefore slow, which meant that moving across town I made even better time than most cars since I occasionally slipped by when everyone stopped. Still, it was uncomfortable not having my own space separate from the cars.
7:00pm: Made it to First Avenue. Made the left turn where I thought there would be a bike lane, since there is one in my neighborhood on the same avenue. I would have to wait until 72nd Street until I would have a separate path from the extremely fast moving traffic up First Avenue. Thus began the final and most dangerous part of my ride. Allow me to rant a little here:
Taxi Drivers: There is no need to race in front of me, blocking my path to get to your next fare, I'm not going to steal them from you. Instead, could you please ease in behind me and then pick up your customers (I am going nearly the city speed limit already)
People hailing Taxis: Instead of sticking your hand out into the street, even when you clearly see me riding in that lane, perhaps you could raise your hand directly up in the air. It accomplishes the same thing. Next time, I might be tempted to slap you five.
Delivery Trucks: I get it, you are big and need to double park. It's hard to get around you. But I will give you this much - when there is a bike lane, you actually respect it (most of the time), but when there isn't one, you double park right next to parked cars blocking my path.
Cars making left turns: Before you race to an intersection and cut me off, please check if there are people in the crosswalk. The only thing worse than cutting me off, is stopping short right after cutting me off.
Delivery Guys on Bikes: I love that you are on a bike, but please observe the basic traffic rules - like don't go the wrong way on a one way street. Especially if it is in the bike lane! You give the rest of us a bad name when you do that. Otherwise, pedal on!
Totally in shape 50-year-old-guy who wizzed past me near 42nd Street: You Rock. Ride on!
7:30: Arrive home safely. Call Mom to confirm safe arrival, thus averting a call beginning with "Thank god you're alive".
I think each of the mayoral candidates should experience riding a bike on a regular New York street, with a bike path and without one. I bet they would get the picture very quickly!