Hubbert Theory says Peak is Slow Squeeze.
Posted by Stuart Staniford on December 5, 2005 - 8:35pm

Hubbert-style prediction of future global oil production decline rates, together with recent year-on-year change in BP production data (inc NGLs), and a linear fit to the BP data.
The important point WesTexas makes is that these high UK decline rates were predictable from the Hubbert theory. Recall that the UK has this strange dual peak structure in it's production history. But if you believe it has now settled down into a linear regime, the intercept with the y-axis of that regime is about 13% (correcting for the unit choice in this graph: 130/1000 is 13%):

Hubbert linearization of UK oil production due to Nick Rouse, with yellow line added by me.

Hubbert linearization of BP production data (inc NGLs), Deffeyes fit, my fit, and CERA and Rembrandt Koppelaar projections.

Cumulative production logistic model with URR = 2350gb, K = 5%, and peak at 2005.

Hubbert model of global oil production with URR = 2350gb, K = 5%, and peak at 2005 .
Now let's double check and make a linearization plot and just see that logistics really do give a linear P/Q versus Q plot, and that we get back the 5% and 2350gb we put into the scenario:

Hubbert-style linearization: annual/cumulative production versus cumulative production with URR = 2350gb, K = 5% .

Year-on-year percentage changes in Hubbert model of global oil production with URR = 2350gb, K = 5%, and peak at 2005.
To get a better feeling for the meaning of K, lets look at the US, with K = 5.4% (the intercept of this graph, remember:

Credit Seppo Korpela.

Hubbert-peak model of US, UK, and world production. US has peak at 1970, and K=5.4%. UK has peak in 1999 and K = 13%. World has peak in 2005 and K = 5%. All three have been rescaled to have identical area of 1000 units under them.

Hubbert-style prediction of future decline rates as a function of years after peak, for the US with K=5.4%, the UK with K=13%, and the world with K=5%.

Hubbert-style prediction of future decline rates, together with recent year-on-year change in BP production data (inc NGLs), and a linear fit to the BP data. The last point in the data (2005) is provisional, and is constructed from the first eight months of the EIA monthly series for 2005 compared to the first eight months of 2004.
I should say this somewhat matches my subjective sense as I continue to slowly plough through press releases of all the world's oil projects. I do have the sense that in a number of places, we are not seeing the kind of all-out aggressive exploitation of the resource that happened in the North Sea. Whether it's the tiny rig count in Saudi Arabia, or the disappearing independent oil sector in Russia, there are significant economic and political restrictions on near-term production. That's a bad thing from the perspective of the short-term price picture, but it does mean that there's some oil that will still be around to get used another day.
The good news is that we've got several decades of declines that are quite modest (no doubt interrupted by various nasty shocks and alternately periods when things go somewhat better). That makes adaptations much more feasible - be they more efficient vehicles, tar sands, coal-to-liquids, or windmills. You may recall my claim that the decline rate is the main thing that controls whether the economy can adapt or not:

Simple model of economic response to varying decline rates. If decline rate is low, adaptations and continued economic growth are possible. If decline rates are higher, sustained but orderly economic contractions occur. If decline rates were extremely high, adaptation would be infeasible, and society would collapse.
Whether that's a good thing for the long-term future of humanity is a different question.
The filling of existing strategic petroleum reserves (SPRs), and the creation of new ones should also mitigate the decline by postponing some consumption. The US Congress has authorized the US SPR to be enlarged by 300 million barrels. I suppose that China and India will proceed with their own SPR stockpiling. I wonder what the attitude of producers will be when the peak is past? Will we see "custodianship" take precedence over "reliable supplies"?
Regarding the SPRs, I don't think there's any chance of them being filled. If energy supply is contracting while worldwide demand is increasing, prices will shoot up, and it would be political suicide to further reduce supply to put it into a reserve for what? - for an emergency? I think 5+$ gasoline will be considered emergency enough as is challenges our economy. There will be pressure to release the reserve (as we have been doing already), not fill it. Last week's numbers showed further decline in SPR despite the congressional authorization for an increase, and the 16-17 million barrels removed since Katrina were drawn down during a time of much less stress than what's coming.
We had our office Xmas party last weekend, and one of my coworkers came up and asked if I was serious about what I said in my report on Bartlett's conference. She looked so unhappy that I felt like the Grinch.
Though it is hard to see that as a good thing if you are standing in line at a soup kitchen.
The decline rates in this article are the overall (net) decline rates (after adding in new production). The two numbers can potentially be pretty different (eg with US natural gas where new wells are declining at 31% annually, but annual production is only declining a percent or two). The overall decline rate is the important one for assessing the impact on society. The FIP decline rate sets how hard the industry is going to have to work to maintain production (roughly speaking).
There were elements of both cooperation and conflict in the response to hurricane Katrina. See here for instance:
I would say we are in a state of mixed messages at the moment. People are worried, but so far the economy has held up despite the increasing stresses upon it. Once the positive feedback spiral visibly changes direction (as opposed to hovering near the cusp as it appears to be now), the human response is likely to change dramatically for the worse. The psychology of a bear market is corrosive. It undermines the ability for populations to respond rationally, thereby compounding the effects of the initial problem substantially.
Do you really think the US would refrain from making further pre-emptive resource grabs, trusting the Chinese and the Russians and everyone else to refrain from doing so as well? I'm sorry, but I see a tragedy of the commons situation here. I think the US will be busy blaming China, and anyone else it can think of, for the collapse of the American economy as the credit bubble implodes. Trust will be in very short supply and without that, cooperation is impossible.
It makes sense that the world decline would be slower than the US or UK--more diverse supply, and a lot of newer production coming on-line.
If this is anywhere close to correct, it will require a radical rethinking within the peak oil community. We'd average a mere 0.5% annual decline rate for the 1st post-peak decade, 1.5% for the second, and 2.5% for the third. There will be demand pressures, and local shortages and surpluses, of course. But we should be able to accomodate those sort of declines with simple, non-radical conservation efforts.
But oil-related greenhouse gases would remain high for decades, and the global economy keeps ticking along. Motoring may be easier, but the climate won't be so pleasant.
So we should not worry so much about that aspect of this.
In other words, once we see significant enough changes to the climate to cause the political will to shift toward greenhouse gas reductions, will will still only have scratched the surface of what those effects might become in the decades to follow.
Is not depression and gloom just a great way to spend a day. (sarcasitic remark).
However, I'd like to bring attention to the Exxon Mobil projection that the world will need approximately 120-130 mbd of oil by 2030 to meet global demand assuming economic growth and energy growth rates continue at their average from the last 30 years.
What that means is that based on Stuart's modest net decline rates, if we are peaking in 2005 then we should have around 55-60 mbd available by 2030. The difference between what we think we need (120-130 mbd) and what we may have available (55-60 mbd) is still a profoundly huge number.
I just don't see how it is possible to "grow" the human population, "grow" our (energetic) standard of living, nor "grow" our agricultural output during any degree of net decline, be it 5% or 15%. All that said, I definitely like the direction Stuart is taking with his analysis and I'd recommend that the TOD community take a look at the book by H.T. Odum entitled, "A Prosperous Way Down: Principles and Policies." 23?s=books&v=glance&n=283155
Stuart, I'm not as talented with the statistics as you...but do you have any thoughts about this post?
AVERAGE world growth from 1975 to now projected out 25 years?
Automobile registrations in the United States went from 8,000 in 1900 to 902,000 in 1912. The US population was 76 million at the time.
My guess is that Lee isn't letting the boys at Exxon project that kind of auto growth for China or India.
2 million cars were sold in China in 2003, an 80% increase over the prior year. At the early US rate they'll have 225 million in twelve years.
Maybe I am a putz and I don't know what I am talking about, but I am not sure if it is valid to try and do Hubbert linearization for the entire world. For many years, total world production wasn't contstrained by the physical ability to get oil out of the ground - it was artificially constrained by the Saudis throttling production in order to provide a stable price, and also by the fact that the if all of the oil wells produced at full tilt, the world couldn't have used it all. In 2005, neither of these conditions is true any more, so you might argue calculations now might be valid. Unfortunately we probably haven't been in this state for long enough for us to be able to project into the future.
This thesis is that the oil crisis was a technology crisis that was only avoided by better seismic (bright spot) and offshore oil drilling and production techniques.
This may be true, or may not be true. I am not knowledgeable enough to decide, nor do I or anybody else on this board have access to the real well data for Saudi Arabia.
Anyway, nice post, I'll need to think about all this again and these are just a few of my thoughts on initially viewing your remarks...
best, Dave
I would agree with you that there will be shocks in the future, and some of them may be of equal or greater magnitude to the past (although the Iran stuff was pretty bad). The growth/decline rates I'm sure will continue to be noisy, and perhaps the amplitude of the noise will increase as the system comes under increasing stress.
Obviously, there's no way to know if the model will work in the future as it has in the past, just as there's no way to be sure the sun will rise on future mornings. We just observe a certain approximate regularity in the universe, extrapolate into the future that it will be true to the same degree as in the past, and then wait and/or gather more evidence to find out.
While it would be nice to believe that we might have a nice gentle slope on which we can make some sort of transition, I think we would be better served assuming the worst -- just in case that horrible scenario turns out to be accurate.
The best way to prepare an economy for a disconnect is to welcome the change and use the adjustment in infrastructure to help fuel the economy as we transistion. An economy is an economy is an economy no matter if it is oil based or solar based, growth based or steady state. The important thing is we must plan and not let the vagaries of the so-called invisible hand of the market make decisions for us. The invisible hand of the market is merely the eccentric wobblings of a chaotic system. If we are to descend into energy rationalitiy, we need to recognize that chaos is the opposite of civilization. Just letting the chaos engine swing into the frentic, destructive portion of its cycle because the political economists of this era want it to fit their models is not only irrational, it is kinda dumb.
Stuart made an excellent point at the very end of the article; one that is equal to all the analysis done previously.
Maybe the utterly counter-intuitive supply disruptions created by political situations will be what helps prevent people from burning too much of the oil (and then switch to coal). Maybe the only thing worse than switching to CTL on a massive scale is switching to direct coal and wood home heating.
It looks like we've all got a lot of work ahead of ourselves if we are to prevent catastrophic climate change, a return to feudal oppression and massive dieoffs (that a low decline rate would lull people into a false sense of security before really taking a dive for the worst amidst geo-political strife).
Whether or not this provides us some reprieve from the impact of peak oil is still up for debate. Supply is not the only issue here. If demand continues to rise in places like the U.S and China, in a world of shrinking supply, that oil is going to come from somewhere. The where is from the poorest nations and people. The rich counrtries will still get there oil, but what happens to those countries that can no longer afford it? They don't show up on a bell curve.
UN prediction for the world population (middle case):
From the graphic above you can easily estimate what would be the oil production required to maintain 4.5 barrels/capita/year.
energy use per capita is the key.
The demand outcome will depend on the dynamics of the players. I'd bet on the heavy consumers continuing their demand, China and India continue to increase conosumption fast, and for the per capital consumption to decline in Africa, and maybe Central and South America as well.
Standard interpretation of this, with (natural) log data on both axes, is that a 1.3% increase in per-capita GDP requires a 1% increase in per-capita energy. That's overly simple, since causality probably runs in both directions; economies that use more energy produce more, but rich economies can also afford to consume more energy in non-productive ways. There's a considerable range at the high end, not entirely obvious due to the use of log data. Compared to the US, Canada consumes about 10% more energy per US$ of GDP, Japan consumes about 40% less energy per US$ of GDP. Japan has some geographic advantages compared to the US -- it's smaller and more crowded -- so it's unlikely that we would be able to achieve the same degree of efficiency.
I used the UN high case scenario (10.64 bilions of people in 2050). According to Stuart's model, we will reach 3.74 b/c/y in 2015 which corresponds to levels observed prior to 1970. I don't know what are the implications for the world economy.
as others have alluded to above, the real world thought that i wonder about is the accessability of oil...oil IS power, and countries will( or are) start thinking, "why am i giving this stuff away?" or "what will my population use after i sell it all to the americans?"
How can decline rates be 5% or less when we're going to have Burgan, Daqing, Cantarell and probably Ghawar declining with double digits in the next few years. It does not compute!
I more inclined to believe your earlier post that had decline rates about 8% for the world. That would be somewhere between the US and the North Sea.
I tried creating some theoretical production graphs that were different shapes to see how they looked when they were 'linearised', and the graphs with steep accelerating declines caused the linear model to curve down to an ultimate Q that was much less than the earlier linear part of the graph predicted.
You can sort of see that in the UK linearisation graph above. The last bit looks more like a curve than a straight line and that curve may yet bend right down to an ultimate Q of 24 or 25 Gb, instead of the projected 28 Gb.
That's why I'd like to see some real linearisation graphs of fields that have been almost completely depleted using high production techniques and technologies. Matt Simmons had a whole lot of production graphs from individual fields in the North Sea. It would interesting to see the linearisation graphs for some of those fields.
Your analysis is very interesting (as always) however apart from BP, which is most inimical to the whole concept of depletion, what do the other oil majors have to say about future production declines? I understand that Exxon Mobil forecasts a 4-6% world decline rate and that "by 2015, we will need to find, develop and produce a volume of new oil and gas that is equal to eight out of every ten barrels being produced today."
Thanks for your reply but I'm still not sure I agree with your conclusion that we will be on some protracted petroleum plateau for what seems like decades because we'll only face 0.5%-1% yearly decline rates while we lesiurely switch from one energy fix to another with barely a hiccup. Given that we have been very effective at applying the latest technology to both ageing onshore fields and newer deepwater ones resulting in faster extraction rates and steeper rates of decline. Like the doomer fast crash scenarios we've all read about these virtuous decline rates simply sound too good to be true!
Robert L. Hirsch recently reported back in the October 2005 vol 226 no 10 issue of that "the data shows that the onset of peaking can occur quite suddenly, peaks can be very sharp, and post-peak production declines can be comparatively steep (3 - 13%). Thus, if historical patterns are appropriate indicators, the task of planning for and managing world conventional oil peaking will indeed be very challenging".
I think a potentially high overall rate of decline in world oil production is far more likely, due not only to the aforementioned use of technology, but our collective greed, poor remaining oil grades, and shortages of skilled oil-workers and equipment. Additionally, the rate of decline will almost certainly be exacerbated by future hurricanes, revolutions, wars, missed deadlines on new projects, and increased demand from China, India etc.
Heading for the hills,in a orderly,careful fashion is still a rational,intelligent,responce to the information avalible.
The TWO HOUR debate will be moderated by Michael Corbin, host of the KHNC Denver radio show "A CLOSER LOOK." Denver area listeners tune to AM 1360 at 11a.m. mountain time. -- West Coast listeners click at 10 a.m. Pacific time.
this information should make it to the front page!
vs the sliming slug:
The 'debate' would be about as informative as O'Reilly debating Limbaugh.
I wonder whether some of the people who have advanced this kind of thinking, or who entertain it privately, are also inclined to dismiss Ruppert's conspiracy theorizing out of hand as pure bunk. If so, the inconsistency in their thinking should be glaringly obvious - all the more so since Ruppert's conspiracy theorizing is much more grounded in an abundance of documented facts than the conspiracy theorizing surrounding Corsi.
[Note, however, that I say this as someone who recognizes that Ruppert can definitely be over the top at times.]
The key word not used above is " IF "!!
The green zone is of us tooling along changing everything we can change and doing our best to make sure as few people die as possible and that the rest of us live decent lives. Decent might not mean a McMansion, but a small place just big enough for us, but not small or tight. As well as bringing the guy who lives in a tent into a home with some better protection from the elements. A general balancing out of things.
The above is a Utopian dream, and as we all know that means "no place" so we might more likely see a mix of all the colors.
I hope that we can be better in the handling of this than we were with say "Katrina" , but I do not have the faith in the general public that some of you might.
We will have winners, and we will have workers and we will likely have a lot of losers as well.
Very good work by the way, THANKS!
The analogy is to capacitance in electrical circuits or dampers in mechanical systems. Put two capacitors in parallel and you sum the individual capacitors. Discharge rates are inversely proporational to capacitance. Therefore the high discharge rates have low capacity and thus contribute little to the overall capacitance of the system.
And I still do not understand the ridiculous fawning over the logistic model and Hubbert linearization. It's misguided, people! The mathematics behind it makes absolutely no sense.
No wonder we go through all these gyrations to make sense of things that become perfectly obvious if you use the correct model in the first place.
No use getting worked up over this.
Hubbert never used any mathematical model; as far as I can tell he did his computations graphically. And why would I name call Hubbert anything? I think I dissed "Hubbert Linearization" because it is based on that ridiculous Logistic curve. It doesn't have any basis in reality.
Testing your theory doesn't require doing any experiments. It requires taking data that is freely available on the net and seeing if your theory is any good at predicting portions of the data that weren't used for estimating the parameters. If you want to claim your model is better than Hubbert's, the proof is that you can predict out of sample data with lower residuals. Until you do that, there is no reason for anyone else to take you seriously. If your model is better at prediction, we'll all be eternally grateful. But no-one else is going to go make the effort to test your model properly if you, it's author, can't be bothered.
they have nothing to bring to the table and yet you keep trying to show them the lighted path.
you're a bigger man than I.
Could you please elaborate on the analogous physical properties between the discharge of an electrical capacitor and the discharge (depletion) of a petroleum resevoir? I think that we could better point out any flaws in your thinking if we could understand more about your model.
Good work as usual. Some comments and suggestions.
First, I would use the Lower 48 production as a model, not the entire U.S., for two reasons: (1) the Lower 48 peaked before Prudhoe Bay started producing and (2) Alaska is very far removed geographically from the Lower 48. If you just use the Lower 48 production, it peaked at 48% of Qt (total estimated cumulative production). The swing producer within the Lower 48, Texas, peaked at 54% of Qt.
In my opinion, Saudi Arabia, now at 55% of Qt, is to the world, now at 50% of Qt, as Texas is to the Lower 48.
In regard to the UK, I think that it makes more sense to use total North Sea production as a model. As we both noted, the Y (P/Q) intercept for the North Sea is much greater than the Lower 48 and Texas, but it is very interesting to compare Texas and the North Sea.
The Qt for the two regions are very close, 66 Gb for Texas, 60 Gb for the North Sea. Texas peaked at 54% of Qt; the North Sea at 52%. The huge difference was peak production. Texas peaked at 3.5 mbpd, while the North Sea peaked just shy of 6 mbpd. Given very similar ultimate recoverable reserves, this implies a much greater decline rate for the North Sea--which is implied by the P/Q intercept, which is precisely what we have seen.
So, regardless of the P/Q intercept countries and regions are peaking (in the absence of political problems, e.g.,.Iran) at around 50% of Qt. The P/Q intercept does give one a good idea of the future decline rate.
If memory serves, the P/Q intercepts for the Lower 48 and Texas are almost identical. The net decline for Texas 10 years after we peaked, after an intensive drilling program, was about 28% (from 3.5 mbpd to 2.5 mbpd). Using the crude + condensate number, and ignoring the non-conventional stuff, and if we peak this year, this suggests that conventional oil production around 2015 would be about 50 mbpd, down from 73 mbpd currently. Of course, what we would like to consume is growing at annual rate of around 2% per annum.
Now the Chinese can finish all those freeways they're busy building and add the 600 million vehicles envisioned ... as they follow our exact path into the abyss.
An analysis by Hirsch (found on EB, Nov. 19) stated that on a national basis, decline rates are typically greater than 2% directly following peak (2% is the benchmark of the US decline rate, lower 48 states). He suggested that individual nations experience not broad and widely plateaued Hubbert curves, but actually follow a sharp, triangular curve type. this is based on data from North America, Norway, UK, Argentina, Colombia, and Egypt. the world peak may (and most likely will) be broader, but in the end, it may not matter much. in this case, the devil really is in the details.
I'd like to suggest you to update your linearization model, which as far as I remember was calibrated by measuring Deffeyes` graph with a ruler. You can use ASPO's numbers to do that, they match the BP data perfectly. The result is a world URR of 2165 Gb; details are at WolfAtTheDoor (click "Hubbert's Peak" and then "Mathematics").
I have a comment about your claim that "the decline rate is the main thing that controls whether the economy can adapt or not."
This is a question for economic science rather than natural science. I wonder if there are any economists out there who could comment?
We have a global economy that is based on perpetual growth. Banks create money in the form of loans and to be able to pay back these loans (with interest), the borrower's business must grow. This debt-based economy counts on tomorrows expansion to repay todays loans. But Peak Oil means that tomorrow does not bring expansion. My fear is that the perpetual growth economy will not be able to cope with a gradual decline or even a plateau in energy supplies. Without growth, an economy that is based on growth is likely to simply collapse.
As panarchist points out above, the global economy is predicted to need vastly more oil than available.
Your figures for slow decline reinforce my belief that the most pressing problem is not actually a problem of significant shortfalls in energy supplies. Conservation, relatively minor sacrifices, and alternative energy sources could probably make up for the shortfalls in the first post peak years.
However, if our growth economy collapses, efforts to cope with the root problem of energy depletion will become drastically more challenging and the human suffering will be much greater.
In this light, the most pressing problem seems to be an economic one.
In fact I consider that our curent economic markets are ALWAYS in a bubble state, usually more air than substance. This is only possible because growth appears to be a matter of time and thus the air gap will eventualy be filled, but it never is because as the substance grows so does the air gap. The change from the belief that the gap will always be filled to the realisation that it will not must cause the bubble to implode...
Just for fun, an example of a province which doesn´t fit the logistic curve.
Surely Austria is a tiny oil province, although we were self sufficient until 1958. Our peak was in 1955, in 1945 Nazi germany -of which Austria was part of- collapsed, but otherwise no political or economical impediments to production.
As an aside, Austria uses less than half the amount of oil to produce 1000 US $ worth of gross national product than the US, and yet we are one of the ten richest nations on earth. (Oil consumption per capita per year is approximately 8,5 Barrels). Page 13 to 15
That is the Homogeneity of the consumption throughout the population. The percentage of population addicted to fossil fuel use is increasing at an exponential rate though out the world. Due to government programs in N.A. and Europe, they provide some assistance to the aged and the low income. This in turn provides them with the ability to consume fossil fuels both directly and indirectly. Conversely, in the not too distant past, 30 years maybe, a majority of the world population had no access to fossils fuels either directly or indirectly. It seems this should have a considerable effect both on exploration and demand. Demand is perhaps the Kicker that will drive the price and the world economy, and also perhaps the slope of the curves. Fossil fuel is like crack, one hit of it and you are addicted. This post is more a question than a criticism. Thanks again for your efforts to inform.
That's not quite right though. Even if we have a decades long slow plateau/decline at the global level, individual countries can still undergo punishing decline rates of 10% or more. For example, here's some Type III decline rates calculated for 2004:
Australia: -12%
Papua New Guinea: -10%
UK: -10%
Trinidad & Tobago: -9%
Peru: -8%
Yemen: -7%
Congo Brazzaville: -7%
Indonesia: 4%
The UK is a classic case. Regardless of whether the global decline is slow, the rapid decline of UK oil and gas is a big problem for the UK. Similarly, declines in Mexico and Indonesia could have severe fiscal consequences for those countries themselves.
The global figures aren't fine-grained enough to capture the nuances of the problem. I think all the worry about the US, Canada, UK and Australia is overblown. Those countries have tremendous resources -- economic, human and physical (i.e. coal and nuclear) -- and they will stick together. The hard part will be helping weaker countries through the transition, so they don't degenerate into poverty/mayhem and destabilize the global system. For example, the U.S. needs to take a much closer look at Mexico.
What happens to our own economy when we have people living in suburbs and exurbs with 50+ mile commutes? Will the economic system build electric cars (or light rail or whatever) in time to save those investments? Or if we have to wash our hands of such investments, who eats the cost? And if the banks eat the cost, will they have any remaining capital to invest in alternatives and new infrastructure?
Meanwhile, countries like Mexico aren't going to be getting any richer, life will get harder, and no matter how bad we have it, it is likely to look better than what they have. Will Mexico go quietly into the dark ahead of us? I don't think so and your closing comment is dead on the money. Peak oil is going to be more of an economic and political problem than a technical problem. We possess the technical capacity to create a functioning society on a mix of wind, solar, nuclear, coal, and biomass energy sources (and slowly, over decades, phase out the coal since it has similar constraints as oil being a finite fossil fuel). The gigantic question is whether we will possess the economic and political capacity to actually do it without doing something irrational instead.
In 1939, as Japan & Germany were slowly being choked off from fuel supplies, they did the "irrational" thing, they went to war.
In post Sept. 11, 2001, as the USA finds itself slowly being choked off from the succor of life (choked off for other reasons, like mounting debt and Hubbert's unforgiving curve), we are doing the "rational" thing by also going to war against the whole world. Springtime didn't turn out too well for Hitler and Germany. But this time it will be different because, Mein Leiber Herr, the Higher Father/Fuerer is on our side. Anyone who speaks up against Big Oil or our brown shirt boys is a "cut and run" Traitor.
The best thing I'd say you can do to prepare from peak oil is getting politically interested, maybe even active and try to solve as many local issues as you can.
I understand your models and and agree with approach but have two questions about global supply vs individual fields.
Maybe I missed it but I don't see how these are factored into the shape of the global curve. The curve by default is the best case scenario for depletion. I think I have pointed out two but what factors (if any) could impact the curve so it does not hold to the sigmoid shape post peak?
Now you're talking technical in my old field of practice. Actually, even if the line was superconducting (no resistance), it would have parasitic inductance which would block instantaneous discharge through the series LC circuit.
I think it is valid to model underground crude flow with electrical RC networks since porosity of underground channels and viscosity of oil would be represented by variable resistance. The total amount of charge, Q in the system will have a finite value just as Hubbert's total reserves value Q is a finite number that bleeds off as we attach more and more discharge paths (thus decreasing total resistance) and over time to suck out more and more of the less and less available fluid. ks_with_dc.htm
Step Back is right, although the physics of the two processes naturally differs, the matthematics is exactly the same.
Another analogy. Say you go biking on a hilly terrain. You are going to have a much slower average speed (a type of rate) than if you are on the flats, because as you go slower on the inclines, you tend to stay on them longer. On the downhills you gain speed, but since you don't stay on them as long they don't make up for the overall average speed loss.
Just trying to point out how rates can be counterintuitive.
I suspect the reason for this is the one Matthew Simmons mentions: that since 1970, the gap between the haves and the have-nots has gotten wider and wider. When the Club of Rome made their prediction in Limits to Growth, they assumed that the rest of the world would be catching up to the U.S. But instead of a car in every garage, all over the world, we got two cars, an SUV, an ATV, and a boat in American garages, while in Africa a bike is still beyond a lot of people.
This continues today. Americans gripe about high prices, but really haven't cut back. Meanwhile, there have been riots over fuel prices in Indonesia, Yemen, Panama, etc.
It could go on for quite awhile after peak oil - demand destruction mostly in poor countries - but only if other countries continue to let us buy on credit. It's in their interest to keep lending to us, because if we go down, we'll take the world economy with us. But it can't go on forever, and if it unravels, it could be quite messy. Even economists who are not worried about peak oil are worried about our staggering debt, and what will happen if the dollar collapses.
A previous poster commented that the way an oil field behaves when oil is withdrawn is analogous to an electric circuit with capacitors, resistors, etc. I would agree with that.
I myself would liken the current economic situation to a sharpened pencil balanced on its point. Theoretically, the pencil is in a state of static equilibrium, but that equilibrium is high unstable, and the proverbial butterfly flapping its wings will bring it down.
Peak oil could well be the thing the triggers the economic perfect storm, just at a time when we will need a strong economy to form the vast amounts of capital required for a major energy infrastructure change. So, we have the potential here for a very unpleasant negative feedback loop: the worse the oil problem gets, the worse the economy gets; but the worse the economy gets, the less we are able to get ourselve out of the oil problem, etc, in a downward spiral of ever-decreasing radius.
(For some reason, I seem to find myself in a metaphor mood today.)
What do you think, Stuart?
Thank you very much for all your time and effort on this subject. You are opening our minds and helping to educate us!
My concerns are:
1. I'm not sure this is what the picture looks like - my impression is that we get most of our oil from a relatively small number of very big fields. The North Sea is one of them - but I'm not sure I understand what the "BP" data represents - is this representative of generalized world production? What do the other big ones look like, and will they distort the picture?
2. How valid is the data used? My understanding is that the data for at least the biggest producer is suspect. If we don't know how hard SA is pushing their fields, then how can we be sure they will not change the shape of the depletion curve?
3. Also, the premise is that the new technologies used to extend maximum output are used everywhere - but is this so, and even if it is, will it have the same results everywhere it is used (i.e. less effective in some places, more damaging in others)?
Essentially, what is the relationship between the BP data, UK North Sea, and what does it imply about the world data in general?
I never quite found the answer (or did not understand it) to the question:
Isn't all based on the valididty of the world data - and how accurate do we think this dta is?
I personally think it is important to try to understand or project how oil supplies will (if?) decline (the decline rate) the next decade. It could be that an evaluation of the R/P (Reserves divided with Production) ratios as these stood at end 2004 could give a supplementary helpful hint.
I used the oil (all liquids) reserves and production data as these are presented in BP Statistical Review 2005. Further the World has been split into three categories;
· FSU (Former Soviet Union)
· ROW (Rest Of World (World minus (OPEC+FSU)))
Category R/P Share of world prod.
(Years) (%) 2004
OPEC 74,0 41,0
FSU 29,0 14,2
ROW 13,5 44,8
ROW as tabulated above has the biggest share of world oil production, but the smallest R/P ratio.
Even though the R/P ratio for ROW has only seen a slight decline through the last years, the ratio suggests that production could enter into a steep decline in the near future for this group of countries.
Question then is how steep will the decline for ROW become, and how fast would OPEC (and FSU) have to add production increases to maintain the world depletion rates as suggested by the Hubbert's analysis (which so excellent has been presented in this thread)?
It should also be given due considerations to expected declines from Burgan, Cantarell, Ghawar and other giants that will start to decline in the near future.
The above could suggest that as declines sets in, it could initially become more dramatic (higher decline rates) as suggested by the presented Hubbert analysis, and the decline rates could of course slow later on.
Fact is as of now no one knows how global oil supplies will decline when it starts (we are presently flying blind here), that is why I found Hirsch's article on this subject very important.
Lower 48, 6.2%; Texas, 6.0%; Iran, 13.0%; North Sea, 13.5%; Saudi Arabia, 7.0% and the World, 5.0%.
For Texas, the actual net decline rate (net after all new production) is about two-thirds of the P/Q intercept. For the North Sea, the net decline rate is about half of the P/Q intercept.
This suggests that the world will experience a net decline rate, from conventional production, of about 2.5% to 3.3% per year, post-peak. 3% would be a good guess. In round numbers, it suggests that net conventional oil production will initially drop at the rate of about 2 mbpd per year. Note that in four years, the drop would be roughly equal to all of Saudi Arabia's current oil exports.
Of course, with demand growing at 2% per year, this is a 5% year over year shortfall between what the supply is and what we would like to consume.
What we would "like to consume" is not consumption or demand. So it is incorrect to add it to the 3% to get 5%. It may place pressure on the demand, but it is not what we(you) are measuring in this case, which is a straight production/supply/demand decline - the Q axis on a graph.
I'm old enough to have played with vacuum tube radios in my old days and yet I'm young enough to deal with all digital or mixed signal IC circuitry now. We've come a long way baby on the electronics frontiers. Unfortunately, human nature is as savage and ugly as it always was. Nero fiddled back then. Our crony corrupted leaders of today FUBAR everything around them today, from Katrina, to Iraq, to US energy policy.
If you want to model them electronically, they are the parasitic components who will send our system into unstable oscillation and possible system crash.
Doesn't this Hubbert linearization analysis to figure out the decline rate assume that the peak production coincides with production of 50% of total oil. While true for the US, is it possible that the world could reach production peak after half the oil has been pumped (due to demand/new technologies/more wells per field/etc)? If possible, how does this affect the calculated decline rate?
(1) Qt = Estimated total cumulative production
(2) Contries/regions of sufficient size and with sufficient production history invariably show linearization.
(3) In the absence of political problems, e.g. Iran & the FSU, oil production peaks--regardless of the subsequent decline rate--at about 50% of Qt. The Lower 48 peaked at 48%, and the North Sea peaked at 52%.
(4) The Y (P/Q) intercept appears to at least qualitatively predict the subsequent decline.
(5) Texas, the swing producer before Saudi Arabia, showed the latest peak, at 54%. Right now, Saudi Arabia (at 55% of Qt) is basically at exactly the same point at which Texas peaked. The world, now at 50% of Qt, falls right between the Lower 48 and the North Sea.
(6) Thus, my assertion that Texas is to the Lower 48 as Saudi Arabia is to the world.
I was interested in Saudi Oil Minister Naimi's comments, "We do not intend to be the swing producer in the future."
In any case, a crucial point regarding a 2% to 3% world decline rate is that almost all of this decline--my guess is 90% plus--will come from the export side, and not domestic consumption in exporting countries.
I believe that net world oil exports are on the order of 33 mbpd. Using the crude + condensate number, if oil production drops by 10 mbpd over a five year period, my bet is that at least 9 mbpd of this will come from the export side. So, a 14% drop in overall conventional oil production would, in my opinion, equate to at least a 27% drop in net oil exports. As Kenneth Deffeyes pointed out, this will result in a war for the remaining oil exports. He just hopes that it is fought with dollars and not with nuclear weapons.
This is not inconsistent with the overshoot and collapse predicted in Limits to Growth. Indeed, the authors said in Limits to Growth: the 30 Year Update (2004)
I understood from ASPO statistics that cumulative production up to day is about 950GB.
If you suppose PeakOil in 2005 and URR as 2350GB , then should PO occur at about 40% of cumulative production ? It seems to be to soon for 2350GB , with 50% only in 2012.
For URR 2350 we may see an increase in oil production for a few years and a steeper decline afterwards. Otherwise, with URR 1850 ( Campbell ) or URR 2000 ( Deffeyes ) PO is already here with probably a steeper decline than your prediction.
A switch to renewable energy is an American patriotic duty and makes good economic sense. Each megawatt of installed wind capacity subtracts $1,000,000 each year from the US trade deficit.
Am I right to think that this prediction is in fact completely constructed around the interpretation of this graph?
Because I'd say that the Hubbertlinearization of the US production has "bumps" on it, which could indicate that Deffeyes still could be right. It has one at 100 Gb, the few years among the peak. The point I'm trying to get across is that the difference between your an Deffeyes lines may be lost in the noise.