Reuters: Chalabi takes over Iraq oil ministry amid "crisis"
Posted by Prof. Goose on December 30, 2005 - 3:59pm
BAGHDAD, Dec 30 (Reuters) - Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Chalabi has assumed direct control of the powerful oil ministry as crude exports ground to a halt due to sabotage attacks and logistics problems, officials said on Friday.(link)Chalabi, who has been improving his relations with Washington after falling out with the U.S. administration, was appointed acting oil minister after the incumbent Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloum was given leave, the officials said.
Uloum told Reuters he was "intent on resigning". Aides to Chalabi confirmed that he had been appointed acting oil minister.
A ministry spokesman allied to Uloum said the country was facing what he called an impending oil supply crisis. "Production in the north, centre and south is about to suffocate," he said.
Also, go check out John Robb's pieces on resource disruption in Iraq here.
He is a liar and a cheat. In the race he was in the last election, he got about 1% of the vote.
Anything he has touched has turned to crap. At least the Iraqi oil situation can't get any worse....or can it?
As for the issue of how he manages to keep popping up--I suspect it's a case of his having "low friends in high places".
Happy New Year to all my fellow TODdlers!
Just another money / power grab by Chalabi, he will be kicked out soon enough I hope. Liked Roger's conspiracy theory.
Iraq is doomed to unzip, it never was nor ever became a real country. The only question is how soon and how bloodily. The US would want to be out before it happens so shall we take a date of mid 2007 for unzipping? Circumstnces might force it sooner, much sooner, and Iran and Turkey could get messily involved. I'll weep again for the poor sods before too long, I think.
No wonder he got so many votes.
My guess is that Chalabi knows many secrets that important people in Washington would rather not have disclosed. Thus, his unbelievable ability to keep rising from the dead.
Stuart -- checking in from random wireless network in a NO restaurant. Man - the food down here is amazing, hurricanes or no.
Iraq Petroleum Production "Suffocating": Bahr al-Ulum
The Thief of Baghdad
Fellow Traveler Paul Wolfowitz
Our Commander In Chief
So far ...
Reminds me of an old saying from my navy days: same shit, different day. Anyway, in 1960 the Iraqi government convened a meeting of oil-producing nations leading to the creation of OPEC, and started a troubled process of nationalization which only completed in 1973. Here's a series of articles on Iraqi oil development.