Abiotic Snake Oil
Posted by Dave Cohen on November 4, 2005 - 7:25pm
A few days ago, Energy Bulletin reported that CNBC hosts 'Deep Oil vs. Peak Oil' debate. This turned out to be brief dialogue between Matt Simmons and Craig R. Smith, author of Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil. This book promotes the theory of abiogenic petroleum formation as we see from this worldnetdaily.com blurb.
Smith and co-author Jerome Corsi contend in "Black Gold Stranglehold" that oil is not a product of decaying dinosaurs and prehistoric forests, but that oil is constantly being produced by the earth, far below the planet's surface, and that it is brought to attainable depths by the centrifugal forces of the earth's rotation.The book seems to be a follow-up to Thomas Gold's 1998 book The Deep Hot Biosphere in which the maverick astronomer contends that
Gold's theory of oil formation, which he expounded in a book entitled The Deep Hot Biosphere, is that hydrogen and carbon, under high temperatures and pressures found in the mantle during the formation of the Earth, form hydrocarbon molecules which have gradually leaked up to the surface through cracks in rocks.Here, we will examine some specific claims made by Smith during his CNBC debate (mov clip) with Simmons to see if they are true. We will defer a more theoretical discussion of abiotic oil claims to a later date but as a bonus, we'll learn something about petroleum geology as it relates to Vietnam's oil production where the alleged "super deep" oil comes from.
During the CNBC interview, Smith claimed that Vietnam's White Tiger and Black Lion fields proved that abiotic oil was a reality and used this argument to support his general claim that worldwide oil depletion is a fiction. More information is available at EIA's Vietnam Analysis Country Brief. These kinds of claims have been around for the last few years. Back in 2003, Julie Creswell wrote Oil Without End (orignally from Fortune Magazine 02/15/03) and reported
Looking further, I consulted an article from the American Association of Petroleum Geologist's (AAPG) Explorer series entitled Vietnam Finds Oil in the Basement to find out what was really going on here. First, these offshore fields are producing.
What is disturbing is that these abiotic oil arguments are presented in the mainstream media (MSM, here CNBC) without any critical analysis. In the short interview format TV allows, Simmons was unable (or unwilling) rebut Smith's claim. Many fantastic and unbelievable claims are being put forward now as people scramble around to dispute oil depletion--abiotic oil is one of these. It is perhaps the most insidious of these false claims with its implicit promise that, to paraphrase Duffeyes, everything is OK because "God [the deep hot biosphere] will put more oil in the ground".
In the quiet waters off the coast of Vietnam lies an area known as Bach Ho, or White Tiger Field. There, and in the nearby Black Bear and Black Lion fields, exploration companies are drilling more than a mile into solid granite--so-called basement rock--for oil. That's a puzzle: Oil isn't supposed to be found in basement rock, which never rose near the surface of the earth where ancient plants grew and dinosaurs walked. Yet oil is there. Last year the White Tiger Field and nearby areas produced 338,000 barrels per day, and they are estimated to hold about 600 million barrels more.So, the "mystery" here is that oil is being extracted from porous granite basement rock which has presumably always been deeply buried, not sedimentary (source) rock that was formed by the burial, heating, chemical transformation and compaction of organic matter.
Looking further, I consulted an article from the American Association of Petroleum Geologist's (AAPG) Explorer series entitled Vietnam Finds Oil in the Basement to find out what was really going on here. First, these offshore fields are producing.
Bach Ho (White Tiger), Vietnam's largest oilfield, produces almost 280,000 barrels of oil per day from granitoid basement.But most importantly, what it the geological context?
Recently, a basement-reservoir play extension in the nearby Su Tu or "lion" fields generated wide industry interest.
The Su Tu Den (Black Lion) field currently produces about 80,000 barrels per day, but PetroVietnam expects to increase output to 200,000 barrels per day within three years.
Wallace G. Dow, an AAPG member and consultant in The Woodlands, Texas, calls the Cuu Long oil "paraffinic, classic lacustrine crude" expelled into fractured basement from lower source rock.The bottom line is that the fractured basement granite containing the oil has been lifted up due to rifting and is now underlain by sandstone source rock. This is the source of the oil, which has migrated up into the basement granite. These fields are not examples of abiotic oil at all. For a rebuttal of abiotic oil, read Richard Heinberg's The "Abiotic Oil" Controversy.
"The oils in the basement are virtually identical to the oils in the sandstone sitting around the basement," Dow said.
"This is the key -- they migrate updip through faults into the basement, in horst blocks," he said.
Dow emphasized that the oil's components indicate a lacustrine organic facies with lipid-rich, land-plant debris and fresh-water algal material, refuting theories of abiogenic origin in this area.
What is disturbing is that these abiotic oil arguments are presented in the mainstream media (MSM, here CNBC) without any critical analysis. In the short interview format TV allows, Simmons was unable (or unwilling) rebut Smith's claim. Many fantastic and unbelievable claims are being put forward now as people scramble around to dispute oil depletion--abiotic oil is one of these. It is perhaps the most insidious of these false claims with its implicit promise that, to paraphrase Duffeyes, everything is OK because "God [the deep hot biosphere] will put more oil in the ground".
1.If you have never seen it, I have a lot of porous granite in my back yard.
2.If I'm not mistaken, Isn't the Earth rotation slowing down?
Based on No. 2 above, I think we are still doomed regardless how Nature makes stuff.
Just an observation :o).
Yeesh. If this were true, then we could also argue that magma that flows to the surface is also driven by the rotation of the earth.
The problem is that consumers prefer to believe the infinite oil theory, because then they don't have to worry about their jobs, their Hummers and their $500,000 four bedroom mortgages.
What do we have to offer? Cut spending, narrow the distance between your job and where you live to as close to zero as possible, drastically reduce your energy usage, look into organic gardening, etc.
The CNBC "debate" was very interesting. Smith got the opening and closing statements with the co-host helping out with the ambush. The reason is very simple. These financial guys are deeply threatened by the Peak Oil concept. I have a rhetorical question: what would the value of the 100 largest financial institutions be without the 100 largest oil fields?
In my opinion, the Hubbert "Linearization" model is our best ammunition, where one plots annual production as a percentage of cumulative production versus cumulative to derive estimated total cumulative production (Qt). The Lower 48 peaked at 50% of Qt. The North Sea peaked at 52% of Qt. Texas peaked at 54% of Qt.
Saudi Arabia is currently at 55% of Qt, and they are desperately trying to drill as many wells as possible. The world is at 50% of Qt, and world year over year production is flat.
So far, I have seen no examples of countries/regions showing increasing production beyond 55% of Qt.
Jeffrey Brown
I have read a bit about the abiotic theory, and I have to say that there are some pursuasive arguments for it.
There is a fairly recent paper with the incredibly cumbersome title of: "The Evolution of Multicompent Systems at High Pressures: VI. The Thermodynamic Stability of the Hydrogen-Çarbon System: The Genesis of Hydrocarbons and the Origin of Petroleum" (whew!) It is authored by an American and three Russians. (Unfortunately, I no longer have the website where this paper can be viewed.)
Essentially the paper argues, and claims to prove, that under the temperature and pressures typical in the 'oil window, organic material of a biological nature is prohibited by thermodynamic constraints from being transformed into the far more chemically reduced ('reduced' as in oxidation/reduction reactions) hydrocarbons found in oil.
It also disputes the claim that under conditions of higher temperature and pressure, as encountered when one gets nearer to the mantle, all hydrocarbons get broken down to methane. (I recall the argument being that very high temperatures will drive the reactions toward methane, but that very high pressures will drive it toward more complex hydrocarbons.)
The paper ends with the results of an intriguing experiment. They took water, iron oxide, and calcium carbonate and placed the mixture into a specially designed high-pressure chamber intended to simulate the pressure and temperature some 60 miles deep. I recall the pressure being something like 100 Mbar, which is incredibly high. Well, after they cooked this mixture under those conditions for some length of time, the 'froze' the products of the reaction via a technique I don't recall and then analyzed them for hydrocarbons. While they didn't get oil, they detected about 20 different organic molecules, thus suggesting that if you squeeze inorganic carbon, water, etc hard enough and at a high enough temperature, you can produce organic molecules.
I know it is a big leap to go from this lab-scale experiment to actually proving abiotic oil exists, but I found the results thought-provoking. Though I am not well versed enough in thermodynamics (particularly chemical thermodynamics) to critically review their thermodynamic analysis, what if they are correct in claiming that it is thermodynamically impossible for living organic matter to transform into petroleum hydrocarbons under the conditions existing in the oil window?
Anybody out there familiar with this paper of work along these lines to comment one way or the other?
Mind you, I am high skeptical of abiotic oil, and even if it did exist, I doubt it will do us any good in the time frame that we would need it. But I'd like to be enlightened about what is and isn't known about the chemistry of oil formation.
src: peakoil.com
Even if it was true do the proponents imagine that oil bubbles out of the mantle at 83 million barrels per day to satisfy our present consumption? If abiotic oil was correct then it would still be a very slow process over billions of years not a panacea for our addiction.
They still have to explain biomarkers and the very simple fact that most current oil is found where the current theory predicts it to be. We could not be that wrong for so long and found as much oil as we have.
If you assume the generation rate is 83e6 barrels/day, 7 barrels of oil weighs 1 metric ton, then in 1.4 billion years 0.1% of the Earth's mass has been converted to oil, and it only took 300 yrs or so to create all of the oil-like hydrocarbons we have thus far observed on the planet. So if one would want to argue that abiotic oil can replenish our current rate of consumption, you would have to also explain either what happened to those vast oceans of oil generated over the history of the planet or why the process has suddenly speeded up now that humans have decided to burn it for fuel. I don't have to know much about geology to know that the argument is improbable at best.
We have USED oil all so willy nilly that we are at or very near the peak.
Anyone that tries to tie the Abiotic oil "myth" into the debate over "HOW THE WORLD GOT HERE" is maybe slightly tongue in cheek.
Don't mix Apples and Oranges.
testable hypotheses are the key to science. the rest is conjecture until you can replicate the process...
That is absolutely NOT the issue.
The Peak Oil issue is that our extraction arteries (or veins) are getting more and more clogged with old age plaque. It's getting tougher and tougher to pump the oil out through those clogged blood vessels. That is why many experts say we won't get much past 85mb/day globally, no matter how much in "reserves" is claimed to be down there.
Anyway, I think the provocative thing about the experiment cited (assuming they did the chemical analyses correctly and really made the stuff they claim to have made) is that it appears possible to produce hydrocarbons from water and inorganic carbon under the conditions of pressure and temperature near the earth's mantle. If correct (and a big IF), then that would support the abiotic theory.
The other thing I find troubling is that petroleum hydrocarbons are in a much more chemically reduced state than the organic matter starting material. How id they get so much more reduced in the largely oxidizing environment of the earth?
Can anybody out there point me to some sources that postulate a step-by-step chemical pathway by which 'dinosaur juice' gets transformed into more reduced light hydrocarbons?
However, what I don't understand is how biological organic matter, primarily consisting of proteins and cellulose-based materials get transformed under natural conditions into lower mocelular weight hydrocarbons that have a HIGHER energy potential than the starting material.
Are you (or anyone else out there) aware of a step-by-step mechanism whereby the proteins from say dinosaur flesh or the cellulose from ancient ferns, get converted into things like hexane or octane, both of which have a considerable higher energy potential than either the dead dinosaurs or ferms?
Nor do I think you can explain this by anaerobic biological fermentation, because unless there is a significant infusion of external energy, the products of fermentation have a lower energy potential than the starting material.
It strikes me from my layman's exposure to the subject that most of the explanations of oil formation deal mainly with the geology of oil deposits and don't give much attention to the actual chemistry of how one substance gets transformed into another. For me, it is not enough to say that the dead biological material got 'cooked' for several millions of years; one needs to explain what is actually happening during that cooking and whether the thermodynamics point in a direction toward rather than away from the relatively low-molecular weight hydrocarbons that characterize crude oil.
Dead dinosaur and fern, on the other hand, would burn like coal if the water content is removed.
Maybe soon we will see an abiotic pseudo-scientific hypothesis about the coal too...
I am sure that the wackos that developed the abiogenic oil "hypothesis" are the same wackos that developed IDCreationism. They are wackos...
First, I'm very glad that there are people with the expertise, energy, and inclination to so thoroughly debunk abiotic oil.
Second, I'm depressed by how often we have to slap down this idea, only to have it pop up again, like some energy geek's nightmare version of whack-a-mole. Via my web site I get about one e-mail a week from someone telling me all about abiotic oil or asking me about it. Sigh...
I completely agree with you. A couple of years ago I was listenting to an NPR show on the radio, and they had some pompous physicist on who waxed on and on about abiotic oil. His delivery was very articulate and confident, and he was very disdainful of anyone who dared to disagree with him.
At the same time, I was driving back from observing a project in western Colorado where rock containing high concentrations of organic kerogen (aka oil shale) was being heated by electric heaters lowered into the ground, and oil was being created by pyrolyzing this kerogen. This oil migrated (as a vapor phase) away from the heaters and was captured and produced in separate production wells.
As I drove I kept thinking about what this pompous ass was droning on about, and I was also thinking about Occam's Razor. What was the simplest explanation for oil in the vast majority of oil reservoirs in the earth? Was it the generation of oil by simple heating under pressure of organic-rich sediments from relatively shallow depths of the earth's crust? Or did it involve generation of hydrocarbons though complex chemical reactions deep within the earth then migrating these fluids and gases long distances through non-porous, impermeable rock to much shallower depths where they could be trapped.
I had first hand visual evidence that the first explanation was possible. The second explanation, though theoretically possible, seemed unbelievably unlikely to me.
IMHO abiotic oil is a complete fanatasy. Everyone who is truly engaged in the science of geology and the practice of finding and producing hydrocarbons knows this. Anyone who believes different, send me a note, because I would like to take you on a field trip to northwestern Colorado where there is 1.3 trillion barrels of this potential oil sitting at or just below the surface of the earth.
(p.s. - Don't read this to mean that I believe in oil shale as a solution to our energy problems. I don't! However, the oil shale does exist and you CAN make oil from it - however, it is not something that I would recommend)
Take a deep breath of fresh air.
Calm down.
The "pompous" "scientist" had a minor victory over you because he got you emotional, he got you angry. This was his real goal. He is a "manipulator".
Manipulators do not win the debate on the basis of logic and fact. They win by pushing other people's emotional buttons, often in very devious ways.
Would it not be enough to simply say that "real oil" comes from "real rocks and other geological realities" within the Earth?
Would it not be enough to simply say that, by contrast, "snake oil" comes from the "snake's mouth"? I know the John Kennedy's of geology and you sir, are no John Kennedy?
Don't get intoxicated by the fumes of boiling oil that emerge from this guy having pushed your emotional buttons.
All humans are emotional. Nothing to be ashamed of. Just step back after the event and think about how the guy "manipulated" the one way "debate". In this case, he was on the radio with some false claim of "authority" of being an expert while you were not on the radio. You could not talk back then.
It is probably his false claim of being an "expert" that got you most upset because you knew better while ordinary people listening to the same radio station do not.
Some more reading material on the topic of "false authority:"
1) Does MSM use false authority? http://uncommonsense.typepad.com/root/2004/11/the_real_human_.html
2)False authority in IT matters:
Look at the website of this guy:
Any credentials?
from: http://www.csulb.edu/~crsmith/nixford.html
I have not found Craig's college transcripts, but they probably read like this:
Snake Oil 101 ......... A+
Art of Deception 2005 ... A++
Physics ............. F-
Chemistry .......... Dropped
Thermodynamics ... Expelled
In the New Testament Christ warns us about those that would come after him trying to draw people away from the TRUTH.
I get the Feeling that this Smith charactor is so much more than a run of the mill snake oil salesman, he hoods his book in the culture of "God Will Save You". God saved us. BUT NOT to drive an SUV!! Jesus would have still walked, you can not touch people from inside a car.
Anyone Preaching a "GOOD LIFE" here on earth, with the whole scheme of "everlasting" OIL, is IMHO just one of those false teachers I have been warned about.
Smith is a Danger to those that would listen to him, and walk down his paths, because they won't be Prepared to face the coming events. PEAK OIL is here folks, get used to the idea.
A: [Correct Answer] No not really !!!
This is a trick question because much depends on what your definition is is of "oil" or of "run out" or of "we".
Let's assume that by "oil", you mean light sweet crude of the kind that comes out of the ground (from biotic origins or whatever) and by "we" you mean, we Americans (clearly the only "human" creatures on the planet) and by "run out" you mean there won't be any under ground for us to try to suck out.
Well in that case, there will always be some trapped pockets that our straws have not managed to reach. It's kind of that mocha latte creamy stuff that hangs along the walls of your mocha-frappo coffee cup and you can't quite get to with your straw.

Although it may be impossible to disprove the presence of abiotic oil, the occurrence of oil in the world's commercial oil fields certainly fits the conventional biotic explanation.
The entire theory of abiotic oil seems far-fetched to me. The ingenuity called forth by psychological denial is wonderous indeed!
It made me wonder who would choose such a writer to work with so I looked up Craig R Smith... a Gold Bug of the first order who puts out slick marketing pamphlets to hustle the rubes. http://www.craigrsmith.com/
Or, how about this?
"[Craig R.Smith] In 2000, in a partnership with Strategic Christian Services and Open Church Ministries, Swiss America published The Big Picture: The Shape of Things to Come on Planet Earth a one-hour program discussing social, economic and spiritual trends in the 21st century."
The wonder is this book is taken seriously at all. Uff!
whirkland, thanks for the link
More amazing is that Craig the-phony-geologist Smithmiester has the audacity to put up the transcript of his Mad Mad Money exchange with an out-gunned Matt Simmons:
I already posted re "False Authority" in MSM here What kind of maroon gets away with saying Malthus was dead wrong?
Duh ... OK so Easter Island never happened? Rome did not "Collapse"? Caeser is still Emperor of world? (he owns a salad company, doesn't he?)
You find and fill in some more Craig-abioitc-BS in the below boxes. This game is called, spot the manipulation:
The more important point I was trying to make was about that other piece of "sound logic" ---about us (the Craig-optimists of the world) not having been wrong before, --about "Chicken Little having been "always" wrong so far.
That is what we lemmings say as we approach the edge, "Gee we've never fallen over before!"
Very sound logic.
Tell that to the folk in 1918 who laughed about that new strain of flu coming around. Flu shmoo. No flu has been a disaster before. You Chicken Littles are always wrong, always predicting the sky will fall.
Quick. Where is your Cayman Islands website so I can give you my credit card and PIN numbers?
what about pressure?
I'm am under quite a bit these days.
Stress is a result of pressure...yes?
Lets be clear.
To many times the symptoms are treated;
Examined, overstated-exaggerated,
and exploited, while the root cause
the disease itself ignored.
COMPLICATIONS... For example - such as a symptom,
FEAR - which is in a cascading manner the sire
of the condition of PARALYSIS which begats
an entire system to mal-function ultimately
preceeding DEATH.
Yet the diseae (not the symptoms)
are unthinkable to treat do to the matter
of a vested interest which concludes
as a deviant, anti-biotic?
That is life threatening to some.
A minority of the population actually.
I believe a good deal of people can do
and prosper with the bare neccesities.
In a nut shell one mans loss is anothers gain .
Just that simple.
My observation learned is that a few control the
many... and just as the pryamid is constructed
the top is at an altitude of unsustainable capacity.
The few control the many?
In the course of human events where the many desire
to be controlled. The truth of the current political,
economical environment is that the many are stauntly
in control but, unwittingly unaware of the fact.
The stress of everyday living (actual symptoms)
overcome and obscure the source/pressure/cause.
What we have here is the idea that the life support
machine an oil(hydrocarbon)based economy/society is
>>>> killing us !!!
The only solution is to pull the plug on the so
called life suport gadget.
Can't do it.
The top of the pyramid (social elitist would plunge)
and DIE, surrounded by the humble bread and butter
If this control is lost you are free to think for
yourself. And while I do not understand it a good
many of the bread and butter crowd are cowards,
drug induced, brain washed, hypnotizzzed into seeing
themselves as margarine and crackers. BUNK!!!
Sure i cringe at the reality of sudden change,
but nothing is as sudden as looking one self in the
mirror and comtemplating an honest assestment,
personal responsibility over an individuals assests
and liabilities.
P = peak (productions LIMIT to meet human behavior)
O = oil (energy)
R = reserves (oil available for production)
K = factor of effect (human behavior)
as a formula expressed as : (O + K) / (P - R) = 1
what do I know ?
I enjoy time here at the Drum.
Think small,think fast,peace
I said on an earlier thread that one of my pet peeves is how the abiotic creationists continually invoke Eugene Island as an instance of an oilfield "regenerating" itself. I found this refutation by Laherrere:
The experiment I referred to entailed taking a mixture of iron oxide, calcium carbonate, and water and then subjecting it to a pressure of (as best I can recall) something like 50 Kbar (which is roughly 740,000 psi and a temperature of something like 1,000 degrees C. (Hardly the conditions in my oven!)
They claim to have produced a number of low-molecular weight hdyrocarbons by doing this.
I will try to relocate the website and post the link.
I am in no position to judge the validity of the experiment, but if they actually did what they claim to have done, then it perhaps raises some questions as to what is really going on 'down there'.
Here's the skinny about why I'm very skeptical. There's this thing called smelting, where you put iron oxide (or any other metal oxides) in contact with carbon containing material (usually pure carbon) and subject it to high temperatures. The carbon subsequently "sucks" the oxygen off the metal oxide, producing carbon dioxide and reducing the metal oxide. I have a hard time imagining why a system like what they're describing wouldn't head in that direction over long periods of time. Do the base thermodynamics even support the abiotic theory? This stuff should be pretty easy to pretty since all you have to do is look at the gibbs free energy, right?
However, in the case of the subject experiment, the carbon is already in the oxidized form, as a carbonate. So, I'm not sure what is really going on, but it's not obvious that it is a smelting of the iron oxide.
The big question is how stable the hydrocarbons would be under those temperatures and pressures. If they couldn't come up to shallower depths without being cracked to gas and/or reducing ferric iron back to ferrous, the possibility of instant formation of hydrocarbons doesn't mean that the phenomenon is part of a credible model of oil formation.
You do make a very good point: even if hydrocarbons can be produced abiotically under the extreme conditions of pressure near the interface of the earth's mantle and crust, how do those hydrocarbons survive the lower pressure (and thus less thermodynamically favorable) conditions as they migrate to the surface without being converted to methane, the most thermodynamically stable hydrocarbon (if I recall correctly).
While it's been very interesting dabbling into the question of abiotic oil, I am beginning to come to the conclusion that no one really quite knows what is going on 'way down there'.
Okay someone out there, repeat the process.
Someone is bound to get it PROVEN true.
Hubbert's peak is not based on geologic nor economic theory. Hubbert studied production, discovery, and reserve data for various fields and regions and eventually to the data for the entire continental U.S. He was able to fit an empirical curve to these data and use the equation of the curve to predict the peak of U.S. production in 1970.
The decline in the rate of production after about one-half the oil has been produced observed in individual fields, the continental U.S., the North Slope, the North Sea, and elsewhere demonstrates that the rate of replacement is very slow relative to the rate of production. For practical purposes we can regard the total amount of oil to be finite. It makes no difference if the oil were created by biotic or abiotic means. (Conventional oil generation theory recoginizes that it takes several million years to create an oil field.)
Peak oil predictions are about a coming decline in the possible rate of production, not about the absolute end of oil. The differences between declining production and the end of oil are subtile, but important and are not widely understood by the general public. The theory of abiotic oil is a convenient place to hang false hopes for those who do not understand the concepts of peak oil and for those who choose not to believe it.
Which is why calling it "Peak Oil" is a bad idea.
Something more graphic might be: End of Our Petro MainLine
On the other hand if deep drilling technology improves it would make geothermal more practical
I guess the abiotic oil types dont believe that oil and coal come from similar sources since fossils are common in coal.
But to call it a THEORY gives it far to much credit.
The General Public has very little clue about these things, They almost always assume that a "Theory" is forever proven never to be wrong, even though we know that is only for a "LAW".
Just my 3.123 cents worth, adjusted for inflation.
I found that technical paper on a chemical thermodynamic analysis of oil formation and also including the results of the experiment I cited involving iron oxide, calcium carbonate, and water under extremely high pressure.
The paper is co-authored by J.F. Kenney, Vladimir Kutcherov, et al.
The website link is almost as long as the title and is as follows:
The analysis is beyond my meager and very rust thermodynamic capabilities, so I'm not in a position to judge it as an expert. But I'd be interested to see what some of you out there think about it.
Got to go for now.... will try to fish it out again later.
It's posted on the National Acadamy of Sciences web-page, I think.
Still, I have no clue if this paper is high quality work or not. sigh
I'd like to see similar experiments done by other people produce similar results. Then, I'd feel more comfortable with it.
When you're dealing with extreme conditions and small quanities of materials, it is easy to mess up and get misleading results. I'm also a bit concerned about how they went about 'quenching' the reaction to 'freeze' the reaction products in a certain thermodynamic state. That would also appear just a bit tricky for something like this.
Mind you, if the results are for real, they don't disprove peak oil, but only show that it might be possible to produce hydrocarbons abiotically under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure.
Furthermore, it should be obvious that just because the earth was able to (perhaps) produce hydrocarbons in this manner, doesn't mean that we've found a new way of making oil from water and chalk. Creating pressures of over 100,000 psi and temperatures of over 1,000 degrees C to produce gram-quantities of hydrocarbons does not appear to be a very promising avenue for 'making' oil. Can you just imagine trying to scale something like that up to a commercial size! I bet the ratio of required energy input to energy produced would be well over 1,000.
I don't know enough about Stat Thermo to really comment. I recognized that what the were talking about was a partition function, but don't know anything about that particular one. From what I've learned so far, statistical thermo if very useful in describing systems not normally handled by classical therm. I'm not sure why you need statistical thermo to describe what seems like a classical situation.
My understanding is that they used a carbonate so as to quell concerns that the hydrocarbon signals they were getting were from bona fide synthesis, rather than contaminants. Essentially, they could've used carbon but chose not to.
I really don't think the paper is written well enough to be definitive. One thing in particular that I don't like is that while they describe the ratio of different fractions of organics created, they don't actually describe the amount of organics created. To me, that just seems odd and sort of implys that the amount of material supposedly generated was low enough that it would be easy to propose the counter argument that they were detecting comtaminants in their sample.
In any event, bit late to get in the discovery game now, no? Maybe Koizumi and his clown troupe have also read the abiotic oil book and plan to buy up a slew of depleted wells and wait for them to recharge...
Did a quick search on the GeoRef Database from the American Geological Institute, which covers the field from 1785 to date, indexing 3500 publications in 40 languages. It has 786 articles using the word "abiotic," which drops to only 21 articles contining both "abiotic" and "oil." 20 of these seem to be off-topic. There is one conference paper, McCollom and Seewold 1999, "Rapid equilibration of CO2 and formate under hydrothermal conditions (with a comment on the abiotic synthesis of hydrocarbons during serpentinization)". A quote from the abstract:
"Berndt et al. (Geology, 1996) previously reported the reduction of CO2 to methane (plus higher hydrocarbons) in similar experiments. Contrary to the conclusions of Berndt et al., we find no evidence for synthesis of hydrocarbons. That is, although we did observe hydrocarbon generation similar to that of Berndt et al., isotopic labeling and blank experiments indicate that the most likely source of the observed hydrocarbons is decomposition of trace contaminants rather than abiotic synthesis." This is the only direct reference I found, and it isn't very direct.
We can conclude from this that if there is any good scientific evidence for abiotic oil, the scientists have apparently decided to keep it to themselves.
I understand that a reporter normally does not hold himself out to be an expert, even if he or she is one, by virtue of having worked a particular beat for a long time and learned a great deal about it. The reporter must quote others, find other points of view, never impose his or her bias on the reader or viewer.
The literal minded way in which journalistic guidelines are too often applied, allows the press to be used and the public to be bombarded with nonsense all too often. A good reporter, knows bilge for what it is and either fails to report it, or gives it the shortest possible shrift. One can say, for example, this argument exists, and this is why 95% of geologists don't buy it. That would be exposing viewers to all arguments while applying discrimination that serves the news consumer.
I understand that a reporter normally does not hold himself out to be an expert, even if he or she is one, by virtue of having worked a particular beat for a long time and learned a great deal about it. The reporter must quote others, find other points of view, never impose his or her bias on the reader or viewer.
The literal minded way in which journalistic guidelines are too often applied, allows the press to be used and the public to be bombarded with nonsense all too often. A good reporter, knows bilge for what it is and either fails to report it, or gives it the shortest possible shrift. One can say, for example, this argument exists, and this is why 95% of geologists don't buy it. That would be exposing viewers to all arguments while applying discrimination that serves the news consumer.
Laziness, greed and the rush for a scoop intice the so-called journalists of our "new-age" to accept any and all stories without doing a background check. In their eyes, a baloney-artist (sp?) like Craig Smith stands on equal footing with highly credentialed geoligists like Hubbert, Deffeys, etc.
(Granted Matt Simmons is not a credentialed geologist, but he is someone who challenges the lack of auditable reserve numbers, rather than a person who "fabricates" numbers and happy talk out of thin air)
If we have any hope of pumping millions of barrels from these deep deposits, then places like Yellowstone or Hawaii should be spewing hydrocarbons in greater quantities. As it is, the carbon seems more likely to show up as diamonds.