Aesthetics of Wind Power
Posted by Glenn on November 13, 2005 - 11:39am in The Oil Drum: Local
Baloghblog points us to a local farmer who is facing local opposition to his idea of building a solitary windmill on his property which would power 50-60% of his power needs. I have written about how this NIMBYism toward wind power may be very short-sighted and my idea on how to reframe the wind power debate by powering the Statue of Liberty with wind power.
The link of this debate to peak oil is that the most logical next step after we hit $5-6/gallon gas is to simply use as many plug-in hybrids as possible. This could result in a doubling of electrical demand during off-peak hours, when wind is best.
My question back to the people who are against wind power is what their alternative is: More Dirty Coal? Increasing Dependence on Expensive Natural Gas?
What if every community (County, zip code, congressional district, whatever) needed to deal with its own (let's say at least 50%) energy production (or at least electrical power generation), waste disposal, food production, etc.
In one swift move this would eliminate all those stupid NIMBY fights and political deals which exports pollution and the true environmental costs our modern lifestyle to the poorest communities of this and other countries.
Don't like the aesthetics of windmills, ok how do you like a big coal plant in your backyard?
Windmills not entirely green
William Kibler
Altoonans would see windmill turbines if they drive south on I-99 towards Bedford PA.