The Price of Solar Power
Posted by Luis de Sousa on February 26, 2013 - 5:05am
All across Europe, feed-in tariffs and subsidies for solar power are being cut or even scrapped. In Portugal and Spain, these actions are justified with the debt crisis, even though they expand these states' trade deficit. This month the Spanish government took a decisive move to scare investors away and expel most renewable energies from the electric grid, particularly solar.
ReutersDiving into the numbers what one finds behind this policy U-turn is something entirely different.
Exclusive: Foreign investors set to sue Spain over energy reform
(Reuters) - Foreign investors in renewable energy projects in Spain have hired lawyers to prepare potential international legal action against the Spanish government over new rules they say break their contracts.
The Spanish Parliament approved a law on Thursday that cuts subsidies for alternative energy technologies, backtracking on its push for green power.
That measure, along with other recent laws including a tax on power generation that hit green energy investments especially hard, will virtually wipe out profits for photovoltaic, solar thermal and wind plants, sector lobbyists say.
More expensive, they say
In places like Luxembourg these feed-in tariffs cuts are defended in a different way, as the economy minister, Etienne Schneider, did last August when presenting a new law for renewable energy:
Investing on Solar Power
The upfront investment on a PV system has three main components:
There is an ecological fair every year in a Luxembourg city by October, better known by the Luxembourgish term: Oekofoire. I was there last year and took my time at the PV companies booths that usually litter the place. Back then the price asked by these companies for a solar system was at 1.6 €/Wp. This price comprised 0.6 €/Wp for the panels, 0.2 €/Wp for the inverter and the remainder 0.8 €/Wp for installation. The fact that the basic hardware is now only half the price of a PV system already indicates that reality may not be exactly matching the political discourse. By December I got the information that in Germany these prices were already down to 1.3 €/Wp, in places with good access and ease of installation. This reflects the relentless price decline of both solar cells and inverters, the former declining by 40% in 2012 alone.

Figure 1 - PV system prices (installation plus hardware) in Germany from January of 2006 to June of 2012, showing a linear decline of 500 €/kWp/year. Source:
In recent years the solar market has undergone the transformation imposed by what is usually termed economies of scale. From small factories in Europe, the production of solar PV cells migrated to huge factories in Asia. And with this transformation came the usual cycles in large markets where product differentiation isn't obvious. By the midst of 2012 some Asian producers were reportedly selling cells about 0.2 €/Wp below cost, in a clear supply destruction cycle. This has created a row in Europe, with local producers calling for taxes on Asian products and investors claiming that this is the way for affordable electricity. Even if this supply destruction cycle is indeed the driver of recent price drops, a return to prices of two, or even one year ago, is not to be expected. In the first place, because the solar market is showing a clear similarity with the computer hardware market, with similar breathtaking price declines. In both cases the final product is pure technology, which can only improve with time, like the number of transistor per unit of area. The efficiency of PV technology keeps increasing, and improvements like auto-cooling are still yet to reach the market. And secondly because production is not going back to Europe, if it's not economical to produce a smartphone or a laptop in Europe, it will be much less so with a simpler technology like a solar cell.
The basic price of PV - Scenario I
So coming to the question: what is the price of solar power in present market conditions? Is it really as high as Mr. Schneider and other politicians claim? Since with this technology the largest share of costs comes upfront, a reasonable approximation can be made. In its simplest form, the price of the electricity generated by a solar system is the ratio between total costs and the total amount of energy produced in its lifetime:
To calculate the total amount of energy produced by the system first must be known the expected energy output per capacity unit at the site of installation. A panel won't produce permanently at maximum capacity, the inclination of solar rays, cloud cover and the amount of diffuse radiance vary throughout the day and the year. Knowing a few climate indicators it is possible to calculate with precision the amount of energy a panel can generate during a year. The Joint Research Centre has created an information system that includes maps and a small web application to provide an accurate estimate of this value (Ec), expressed in Wh/Wp/year (i.e., energy generated per capacity installed per year - here in Luxembourg this figure is around 900 Wh/Wp/a). A second important component to calculate the total amount of energy generated is the decline of cell efficiency with time (d), which is induced by sunlight itself. Back to the formality:
The only figure here not referred to before is the general maintenance. The PV system I installed in Portugal is now almost 3 years old and so far maintenance costs are 0 €; the thing just sits there and produces electricity. I know I'll have to replace the inverter at some point, since the warranty is only valid for 10 years, apart from that, other maintenance interventions are hard to foresee at this stage.
Finally coming to the price the graph below presents solar power prices as function of system lifetime (Lp) for the figures in Table I in three hypothetical locations: southern Germany (1000 Wh/Wp/a), southern France (1250 Wh/Wp/a) and southern Portugal (1500 Wh/Wp/a).

Figure 2 - Prices of solar power as function of system lifetime for three reference locations according to Scenario I.
In southern Germany, for a 20-year project lifetime, the basic cost of solar electricity stands today at 0.10 €/kWh, in stark contrast with grid prices well north of 0.2 €/kWh. It is also interesting to observe the weight of each parcel in total costs:

Figure 3 - Share of each cost component in Scenario I.
Considering Financing - Scenario II
Even with the recent price declines, a PV system is a relevant investment. It is reasonable to assume that some investors may have to resort to financing, hence debt servicing should also be included in the cost equation. Financing costs can be calculated using another time horizon (Fl) and an interest rate (Fr), applied to a fraction of upfront costs (Ff). The cost equation now needs this extra element:

Figure 4 - Prices of solar power as function of system lifetime for three reference locations according to Scenario II.
And the cost components:

Figure 5 - Share of each cost component in Scenario II.
These figures may seem surprisingly low, but they present an accurate picture of the present PV market, at least at the household scale. On an industrial scale, a few months ago a group of investors appeared in Spain offering electricity to the grid at a fixed price of 0.06 €/kWh, dispensing with any subsidies or feed-in tariffs.
If solar power prices are now at these levels, why are governments across Europe apparently thwarting the growth of PV connected to the grid? The answer goes back to the deregulation and privatisation strategies taken about a decade ago. At the same time governments were setting up feed-in tariffs and subsidies to renewable energies in the late 1990s and early 2000s, they were also implementing a new electricity market paradigm, dismantling the monopolistic state owned companies, unbundling energy production from grid management and generally privatising the sector. This created a new market where multiple companies trade electricity in the short (spot market) and long term (futures market), supposedly all in the best interest of consumers. Things went well at first, up to the point renewables reached a critical size and simply killed this venerated electricity market. To understand why one must comprehend two essential concepts of economics about renewable energy.
In first place comes the reality that renewable technologies like wind, solar, tidal or geothermal dispense with any sort of fuel to produce electricity. A gas or diesel fired power plant has a cost every time it produces power, the operator is permanently on the market for the fuel, managing prices that can be rather volatile. Besides this, there are other costs associated with the staff required to run and maintain the plant. In contrast, a solar panel, or a windmill just sit there; they too have maintenance costs, but these are much smaller and can be predicted fairly accurately at project start. The result is that generating an extra kWh of electricity from a solar panel already in place costs close to zero €/kWh. This is what in economics is termed the marginal cost (in this case for electricity generation).
The second important aspect of these renewable technologies is that they generate electricity, and once it is injected into the grid an electron is equal to any other. Moreover, if I have a PV system in my roof and the sun is shining, I can be sure that any other neighbour, or any other investor in the region with a PV system will also be generating electricity. In economics, a market where supply agents are unable to differentiate their products from one another are called Perfect Concurrency Markets; cereals agriculture in Europe is the classical class room example. This sort of market has a very important characteristic: long term the price matches marginal costs and supply agents struggle to make a profit (this is one of the reasons why there are subsidies to agriculture).
A perfect concurrency market with a marginal cost of zero is something totally outside the standard study and practice in economics. It is the reason why spot electricity prices collapse during sunny summer days or why during autumn storms there can even be negative prices. These are all symptoms of a market whose price will get closer and closer to zero the larger the number of renewable energy systems connected.
Particularly in Germany, far from the sunniest or windiest place in Europe, the mismatch between a fully liberalised market and renewable energy growth is creating all sorts of problems. Grid managers are unable or unwilling to upgrade the grid, voltage goes up during sunny days threatening to bring the grid down and even maintenance is an issue. In some lands it is getting so serious that the government, composed by Conservatives and Liberals, is contemplating the outright nationalisation of the grid.
Going off grid - Scenario III
With solar power prices now at about half the price consumers pay to the grid, investors can easily contemplate an investment scenario where storage infrastructure can be added to the system, allowing for the full consumption of the electricity harvested in place. Calculating prices under these conditions is trickier, but an hypothetical scenario can be attempted. Some assumptions are required: first the amount of storage, here taken as half the energy generated during 24 hours at the summer solstice. At this point in the year my system is generating the equivalent to five hours at pull power, meaning 5 Wh/Wp/day, probably on the high side compared to the rest of Europe. The assumption is that half this electricity must be stored to be used later in the day, this equates to 2.5 Wh/Wp, again probably on the high side. A 12 V 245 Ah battery that costs 450 € can store about 3 kWh; again using a safety buffer, for any extra hardware required, I'll settle with an additional cost for the storage system (Is) at 0.6 €/Wp. The battery is assumed to have a lifetime (Ls) of 10 years and have an efficiency (Es) of 90%. Now the tricky part is to estimate the amount of energy that is stored throughout the year (Fs), in winter hardly any and then about half in sunny summer days; I'll use a ballpark figure of 30%. The cost equation must now be expanded to include these storage components:

Figure 6 - Prices of solar power as functions of system lifetime for three reference locations according to Scenario III.

Figure 7 - Share of each cost component in Scenario III.
The impact is inevitable
There are two essential drawbacks with the off-grid option. Firstly the system has to be scaled back to the in situ summer demand, potentially leaving rooftop space unused. And secondly there is the efficiency loss imposed by storage, it will always be more efficient to feed this electricity to the grid and reach a broader range of consumers. But in essence, with 0.10 €/kWh or 0.12 €/kWh below the grid price, there is a good deal of room to go off grid with some storage schemes and still save money. There are already today in the market companies that supply such integrated solutions - a few PV panels, batteries and an inverter/controller - claiming prices below the grid benchmark. For households that own an electric vehicle with its own storage pack things get even more straightforward.
In fact, this market is so paradoxical that investors can even think of simply going by without storage, waste the extra electricity generated during summer days and still get a final price below that asked by grid operators. Some analysts are projecting off grid to grow faster than grid connected systems.
But these PV prices also bring opportunities, especially for the industry. Companies that are able to shift their operations to concentrate energy intensive processes during the sunnier half of the year can access considerably lower electricity prices, and thus acquire a competitive advantage. This can require a relevant change to the way industrial processes are managed, but with oil at 110 $/b this is a changing world.
And here is the drama traditional suppliers will be facing in the foreseeable future. They will either be dealing with declining prices or with declining demand. Either way base load power plants will be running below capacity or even be mothballed during summer and stormy seasons. Reducing or scrapping feed-in tariffs is the proverbial kick in the can; and without them the impact on the electricity market can in time be even worse. Without fundamental changes to the market, the future for fossil fired and nuclear electricity generation is bleak.
Feed-in Tariffs
Governments should be working towards the complete integration of solar systems into the grid, not to their exclusion. In the first place they must reckon that only by using schemes like feed-in tariffs can they guarantee the long term permanence of solar producers in the grid. With marginal generation costs close to 0 €/kWh, these systems will never be able to yield proper cash flows in the liberalised electricity market. If the investment on grid connected solar technologies is to continue to come from private investors somehow stable revenues must be guaranteed in the long term. Looking at laws in member states like Luxembourg some advantageous changes become obvious: first of all extend the feed-in tariff to the whole lifetime of the technology and then lower their values. Using the example in Spain, with an expected cost of 0.06 €/kWp for industrial systems, the state can set a 0.10 €/kWp tariff for the first ten years and 0.04 €/kWp for the last decade of production, thus also preserving the important role of break-even anticipation in time that feed-in tariffs perform.
With proper feed-in tariffs in place governments can then focus on the monolithic base load electricity suppliers; they won't disappear, but their role will fundamentally change. They must shift their focus from production to storage and load-balancing. Governments can perhaps aid with subsidies on the set up of large and small scale storage infrastructure and most importantly, steering towards the most effective technologies, avoiding pipe dreams like hydrogen.
Finally a note on the concept of smart grids. It might be an indispensable step to absorb renewable energies at a large scale, providing real time information on grid voltage, to which prices can be pegged. But care should be taken on its impact, solar and wind technologies will continue having a zero marginal cost on a perfect concurrency market. Smart grids may avoid dreaded episodes of ramping voltage and negative prices, but there's no guarantee they'll create relevant revenues for renewable technologies.
The actions recently taken in Europe against solar power are not a sign of failure but rather a consequence of the highly successful progress of PV technologies. Governments are simply trying to defend large electricity suppliers and the electricity markets they created in the last decade. With marginal generation costs close to zero, technologies like solar power wreck havoc on the open market once they reach a critical volume and threaten to steal away revenues from traditional base load suppliers.
The actual prices of electricity generated with PV have fallen relentlessly in recent years and are now on par with the gas fired generation at about 40º North in Europe. Even in more northern member states like Germany the cost of solar electricity is now about half of what consumers pay to the grid. At these prices the installation of solar panels can only grow, either on or off grid, unless installation is outlawed.
Present strategies by governments to keep these technologies away from the electricity market can at most delay the process. A fundamental shift in the way the grid is managed and prices are set is required, otherwise the electricity generation and distribution complex is left subject to major disruptions, both physical and financial.
In great measure the technology required to perform the Energiewende is already here. In fact, the scalability and low prices of PV may mean that this transition is now inevitable. But the growth of solar power clashes with the traditional market structures and concepts of our society in such a way that make the end result rather uncertain. The remaining obstacles to the Energiewende are now of a social and economic nature, and these may not be exactly the easiest to overcome.
Further reading
Renewables International: The afternoon dip
Crikey: Why power generators are terrified of solar
ICIS: German solar capacity rise pressures electricity prices
Special thanks to my colleagues Oli O'Naggy and Daniel Koster for the many insightful discussions on this subject.
Note: You can find the interactive version of the charts at my blog here.
In places like Luxembourg these feed-in tariffs cuts are defended in a different way, as the economy minister, Etienne Schneider, did last August when presenting a new law for renewable energy:
Le JuediAnd thus the Luxembourger economy minister totally erased feed-in tariffs on photo-voltaics (PV) installations above 30 kWp and sharply reduced those on installation under 30 kWp. Apart from the journalistic creativity with the mili-Watts per hour, is solar power really that expensive? This post provides an answer to this question, showing that the real reason behind this detraction of solar energy is pretty much the opposite of what is claimed by minister Schneider.
Le photovoltaïque n'a plus la cote
Sébastien Meinbach, 09-08-2012
En se basant sur une analyse de ses services, le ministre de l'Economie, Etienne Schneider fait un constat sans appel. Constat qui touche surtout la filière photovoltaïque, "qui coûte très cher pour un bilan en matière de développement des énergies renouvelables très faible".
Supported by the analysis of his services, the Economy minister, Etienne Schneider, had a rotund remark. An observation that touches above all the photo-voltaic sector, "that is too expensive for a weak result in terms of renewable energies development". «Par comparaison, 1 megawatt/heure [sic] (mW/h) [sic] produit grâce à l'éolien coûte 14 fois moins cher qu'1 mW/h [sic] issu du photovoltaïque, précise le ministre.
«In comparison, 1 megawatt/heure [sic] (mW/h) [sic] produced by wind is 14 times cheaper than 1 mW/h [sic] produced by photo-voltaics, details the minister. Donc pour la même quantité d'énergie renouvelable, nous payons 14 fois plus pour le solaire. Toutes les autres formes sont aussi moins chères.» Hence for the same quantity of renewable energy, we pay 14 times over for solar. All the other forms [of energy] are also cheaper."
Investing on Solar Power
The upfront investment on a PV system has three main components:
- panels of solar cells, that harvest the energy;
- an inverter, that tames the raw current coming from the panels into a form digestible by the electrical grid;
- and installation, that includes, labour, paperwork and whatever else needed to get the system up and running.
There is an ecological fair every year in a Luxembourg city by October, better known by the Luxembourgish term: Oekofoire. I was there last year and took my time at the PV companies booths that usually litter the place. Back then the price asked by these companies for a solar system was at 1.6 €/Wp. This price comprised 0.6 €/Wp for the panels, 0.2 €/Wp for the inverter and the remainder 0.8 €/Wp for installation. The fact that the basic hardware is now only half the price of a PV system already indicates that reality may not be exactly matching the political discourse. By December I got the information that in Germany these prices were already down to 1.3 €/Wp, in places with good access and ease of installation. This reflects the relentless price decline of both solar cells and inverters, the former declining by 40% in 2012 alone.

In recent years the solar market has undergone the transformation imposed by what is usually termed economies of scale. From small factories in Europe, the production of solar PV cells migrated to huge factories in Asia. And with this transformation came the usual cycles in large markets where product differentiation isn't obvious. By the midst of 2012 some Asian producers were reportedly selling cells about 0.2 €/Wp below cost, in a clear supply destruction cycle. This has created a row in Europe, with local producers calling for taxes on Asian products and investors claiming that this is the way for affordable electricity. Even if this supply destruction cycle is indeed the driver of recent price drops, a return to prices of two, or even one year ago, is not to be expected. In the first place, because the solar market is showing a clear similarity with the computer hardware market, with similar breathtaking price declines. In both cases the final product is pure technology, which can only improve with time, like the number of transistor per unit of area. The efficiency of PV technology keeps increasing, and improvements like auto-cooling are still yet to reach the market. And secondly because production is not going back to Europe, if it's not economical to produce a smartphone or a laptop in Europe, it will be much less so with a simpler technology like a solar cell.
The basic price of PV - Scenario I
So coming to the question: what is the price of solar power in present market conditions? Is it really as high as Mr. Schneider and other politicians claim? Since with this technology the largest share of costs comes upfront, a reasonable approximation can be made. In its simplest form, the price of the electricity generated by a solar system is the ratio between total costs and the total amount of energy produced in its lifetime:
P = C / E
C = Ip + Il + (Lp/Li) * Ii + Lp * M
To calculate the total amount of energy produced by the system first must be known the expected energy output per capacity unit at the site of installation. A panel won't produce permanently at maximum capacity, the inclination of solar rays, cloud cover and the amount of diffuse radiance vary throughout the day and the year. Knowing a few climate indicators it is possible to calculate with precision the amount of energy a panel can generate during a year. The Joint Research Centre has created an information system that includes maps and a small web application to provide an accurate estimate of this value (Ec), expressed in Wh/Wp/year (i.e., energy generated per capacity installed per year - here in Luxembourg this figure is around 900 Wh/Wp/a). A second important component to calculate the total amount of energy generated is the decline of cell efficiency with time (d), which is induced by sunlight itself. Back to the formality:
E = sum[t=0,Lp-1][Ec * (1 - t * d)]
Table 1 - Parameters and corresponding values used to build Scenario I - basic costs.
Investment cost for panels | Ip | 0.6 | €/Wp |
Investment cost for inverter | Ii | 0.2 | €/Wp |
Investment cost for installation | Il | 0.8 | €/Wp |
Inverter lifetime | Li | 10 | years |
Maintenance costs | M | 20 | €/Wp/year |
System efficiency decay | d | 0.5 | %/year |
The only figure here not referred to before is the general maintenance. The PV system I installed in Portugal is now almost 3 years old and so far maintenance costs are 0 €; the thing just sits there and produces electricity. I know I'll have to replace the inverter at some point, since the warranty is only valid for 10 years, apart from that, other maintenance interventions are hard to foresee at this stage.
Finally coming to the price the graph below presents solar power prices as function of system lifetime (Lp) for the figures in Table I in three hypothetical locations: southern Germany (1000 Wh/Wp/a), southern France (1250 Wh/Wp/a) and southern Portugal (1500 Wh/Wp/a).

Even with the recent price declines, a PV system is a relevant investment. It is reasonable to assume that some investors may have to resort to financing, hence debt servicing should also be included in the cost equation. Financing costs can be calculated using another time horizon (Fl) and an interest rate (Fr), applied to a fraction of upfront costs (Ff). The cost equation now needs this extra element:
C = (Ip + Il + Ii) * (1 + Ff * Fr * Fl) + (Lp/Li - 1) * Ii + Lp * M
Table 2 - Parameters and values for Financing, comprising Scenario II.
Financing horizon | Fl | 8 | years |
Interest rate | Fi | 2 | %/year |
Fraction of upfront investment to finance | Ff | 80 | % |

Finanzas.comAlready this month, details of the acquisition of a large solar project in New Mexico, where the solar potential is considerably higher than in Spain, point to even lower figures:
Varios inversores interesados en instalar una central fotovoltaica en C.Real
El alcalde de Brazatortas, Pablo Toledano, ha valorado el interés que están mostrando varios grupos inversores extranjeros en instalar en ese término municipal una central eléctrica fotovoltaica de 200 o 400 megavatios. [...]
The mayor of Brazatortas, Pablo Toledano, has valued the interest that several foreign investment groups are showing in installing in his municipality a photo-voltaics plant of 200 to 400 mega-Watts. [...] Pablo Toledano ha indicado que han sido hasta cuatro grupos inversores, que incluso han llegado a contactar con propietarios de terrenos, los que han proyectado una o varias centrales fotovoltaicas, en las que podrían invertir entre 200 y 300 millones de euros. [...]
Pablo Toledano has pointed that there are four investment groups, that have even contacted property owners, that have projected one or more photo-voltaics plants, into which they could invest between 200 and 300 million euros. [...] Los grupos inversores son asiáticos y centroeuropeos, y estarían dispuestos a instalar las centrales fotovoltaicas con unos precios energéticos de pull o subasta de mercado de 6 céntimos de euro el kilovatio, sin prima alguna por la energía renovable instalada.
These investment groups are Asian and central-European, and could be ready to install these photo-voltaics plants with energy supply prices of 6 euro cents to the market, without any aid to the installation of renewable energy.
Renewable Energy WorldThe exceptional nature of renewable energy
New Mexico Solar Deal Details Point to Parity -- and Pain
James Montgomery, 01-02-2013
First Solar has acquired a 50-megawatt (MW) solar power project in New Mexico from the solar division of Element Power. The deal is billed as the state's largest solar project; it also, according to some unusually public information revealed in a regulatory filling, raises interesting questions about the purchasing power of solar energy. [...]
In fact, a regulatory filling from the New Mexico Public Regulatory Commission (PRC) is already loose in the wild, revealing exactly what El Paso Electric is paying: 5.79 cents per killowatt-hour (kWh) [0.043 €/kWh]. That's almost a third of the price that thin-film solar PV projects typically sell for (16.3 cents/kWh [0.12 €/kWh]), says Bloomberg New Energy Finance, and less than half the 12.8 cents/kWh [0.096 €/kWh] average price for new coal plants. [...]
If solar power prices are now at these levels, why are governments across Europe apparently thwarting the growth of PV connected to the grid? The answer goes back to the deregulation and privatisation strategies taken about a decade ago. At the same time governments were setting up feed-in tariffs and subsidies to renewable energies in the late 1990s and early 2000s, they were also implementing a new electricity market paradigm, dismantling the monopolistic state owned companies, unbundling energy production from grid management and generally privatising the sector. This created a new market where multiple companies trade electricity in the short (spot market) and long term (futures market), supposedly all in the best interest of consumers. Things went well at first, up to the point renewables reached a critical size and simply killed this venerated electricity market. To understand why one must comprehend two essential concepts of economics about renewable energy.
In first place comes the reality that renewable technologies like wind, solar, tidal or geothermal dispense with any sort of fuel to produce electricity. A gas or diesel fired power plant has a cost every time it produces power, the operator is permanently on the market for the fuel, managing prices that can be rather volatile. Besides this, there are other costs associated with the staff required to run and maintain the plant. In contrast, a solar panel, or a windmill just sit there; they too have maintenance costs, but these are much smaller and can be predicted fairly accurately at project start. The result is that generating an extra kWh of electricity from a solar panel already in place costs close to zero €/kWh. This is what in economics is termed the marginal cost (in this case for electricity generation).
The second important aspect of these renewable technologies is that they generate electricity, and once it is injected into the grid an electron is equal to any other. Moreover, if I have a PV system in my roof and the sun is shining, I can be sure that any other neighbour, or any other investor in the region with a PV system will also be generating electricity. In economics, a market where supply agents are unable to differentiate their products from one another are called Perfect Concurrency Markets; cereals agriculture in Europe is the classical class room example. This sort of market has a very important characteristic: long term the price matches marginal costs and supply agents struggle to make a profit (this is one of the reasons why there are subsidies to agriculture).
A perfect concurrency market with a marginal cost of zero is something totally outside the standard study and practice in economics. It is the reason why spot electricity prices collapse during sunny summer days or why during autumn storms there can even be negative prices. These are all symptoms of a market whose price will get closer and closer to zero the larger the number of renewable energy systems connected.
Clean TechnicaPV can now lead electricity prices in the spot market down to negative territory on its own, and as early as April. Again showing that reducing electricity prices to the consumer is not exactly what motivates governments:
German Solar Bringing Down Price of Afternoon Electricity, Big Time!
Zachary Shahan, 23-03-2012
While electricity prices rise in the early morning (4am to 8am) as demand rises, from about 8am to 9pm, the price is pretty level.
Now, fast forward to March 2012:
We again see prices rise from the early morning to about 8 or 9am, but then look at what happens when the sun (and its 25 GW of power capacity from solar panels) kick in — the price drops off a cliff, diving even deeper than the price of electricity in the dead of night!
Clean TechnicaAnd this is killing the traditional electricity suppliers with business models around fossil fuel energies. They simply cannot make it in such a market, that on reflection seems clearly ill conceived. Governments have nothing innate against renewable energies, they are simply trying to protect these important companies, and also the philosophical reverence for the market.
Renewables Driving Electricity Prices below $0 Some Afternoons
Nicolas Brown, 15-04-2012
Renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind have been outstripping the electricity supply of traditional baseload (coal, nuclear, and some natural gas) power plants during daytime, especially afternoons, in some renewable-leading countries of late. One reason for this is: electricity demand tends to increase during the sunniest (the hottest) hours, and solar power plants generate more electricity when it is sunnier, which is right on cue.
Not perfectly, but solar power production tends to follow electricity demand. This is especially true in the warmer temperatures, since air conditioners (which consume a lot of electricity) are turned up to compensate for the hot afternoon weather.
Particularly in Germany, far from the sunniest or windiest place in Europe, the mismatch between a fully liberalised market and renewable energy growth is creating all sorts of problems. Grid managers are unable or unwilling to upgrade the grid, voltage goes up during sunny days threatening to bring the grid down and even maintenance is an issue. In some lands it is getting so serious that the government, composed by Conservatives and Liberals, is contemplating the outright nationalisation of the grid.
Der SpiegelWith these PV prices and in such a market setting, governments can only do so much to hamper the growth of solar power. Without feed-in tariffs investors will simply go off grid.
Power Play: Politician Calls for Nationalization of Electricity Grid
Frank Dohmen and Gerald Traufetter, 16-01-2013
A member of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet is calling for a radical solution to the desperately needed expansion of high-voltage power lines across the country, a critical infrastructure project that has stalled in recent months. Ilse Aigner would like to see the partial nationalization of the country's electricity grid in order to ensure that massive power lines required to transport green energy from offshore windfarms and other sources to the industry-heavy regions of southern Germany are finally built.
The consumer protection minister, a member of the Christian Social Union (CSU), the Bavarian sister party to Merkel's conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), seems to have struck a chord with the call too. Many experts in business and politics believe that Germany would be better off with a national power grid that is partially or even fully owned by the government -- especially at a time when the German electricity market will have to be completely revamped because of the Energiewende, Berlin's policy of phasing out all nuclear power plants by 2022 and ensuring that 80 percent of the country's electricity supply comes from clean energy by 2050.
Going off grid - Scenario III
With solar power prices now at about half the price consumers pay to the grid, investors can easily contemplate an investment scenario where storage infrastructure can be added to the system, allowing for the full consumption of the electricity harvested in place. Calculating prices under these conditions is trickier, but an hypothetical scenario can be attempted. Some assumptions are required: first the amount of storage, here taken as half the energy generated during 24 hours at the summer solstice. At this point in the year my system is generating the equivalent to five hours at pull power, meaning 5 Wh/Wp/day, probably on the high side compared to the rest of Europe. The assumption is that half this electricity must be stored to be used later in the day, this equates to 2.5 Wh/Wp, again probably on the high side. A 12 V 245 Ah battery that costs 450 € can store about 3 kWh; again using a safety buffer, for any extra hardware required, I'll settle with an additional cost for the storage system (Is) at 0.6 €/Wp. The battery is assumed to have a lifetime (Ls) of 10 years and have an efficiency (Es) of 90%. Now the tricky part is to estimate the amount of energy that is stored throughout the year (Fs), in winter hardly any and then about half in sunny summer days; I'll use a ballpark figure of 30%. The cost equation must now be expanded to include these storage components:
C = (Ip + Il + Ii + Is) * (1 + Ff * Fr * Fl) + (Lp/Li - 1) * Ii + Lp * M + (Lp/Ls - 1) * Is
E = sum[t=0,Lp-1][[Ec * (1 - t * d)] * [(1 - Fs) + (Fs * Es)]]
Table 3 - Parameters and values for Storage, comprising Scenario III.
Storage system cost | Is | 0.6 | €/Wp |
Storage system lifetime | Ls | 10 | years |
Storage system efficiency | Es | 90 | % |
Fraction of energy stored | Fs | 30 | % |

There are two essential drawbacks with the off-grid option. Firstly the system has to be scaled back to the in situ summer demand, potentially leaving rooftop space unused. And secondly there is the efficiency loss imposed by storage, it will always be more efficient to feed this electricity to the grid and reach a broader range of consumers. But in essence, with 0.10 €/kWh or 0.12 €/kWh below the grid price, there is a good deal of room to go off grid with some storage schemes and still save money. There are already today in the market companies that supply such integrated solutions - a few PV panels, batteries and an inverter/controller - claiming prices below the grid benchmark. For households that own an electric vehicle with its own storage pack things get even more straightforward.
In fact, this market is so paradoxical that investors can even think of simply going by without storage, waste the extra electricity generated during summer days and still get a final price below that asked by grid operators. Some analysts are projecting off grid to grow faster than grid connected systems.
German Power Tumbles to Record Low as Solar Damps Demand
Julia Mengewein, 16-01-2013
Power for 2014 delivery in Germany and France dropped to records as rising solar output is expected to cut demand for other electricity sources. [...]
Electricity for Germany next year lost 65 cents to 43.30 euros ($57.93) a megawatt-hour, it’s biggest decline since March 6, according to broker data compiled by Bloomberg. The French equivalent lost 15 cents to 46.20 euros.
As much as 18 percent of electricity demand may be replaced by solar panels not connected to Germany’s grid, reducing demand for other sources by 6 to 10 percent by 2020, Per Lekander, a Paris-based analyst at UBS AG (UBSN), said in a research note.
“The unsubsidized solar growth should drive wholesale power prices further down,” he said.
But these PV prices also bring opportunities, especially for the industry. Companies that are able to shift their operations to concentrate energy intensive processes during the sunnier half of the year can access considerably lower electricity prices, and thus acquire a competitive advantage. This can require a relevant change to the way industrial processes are managed, but with oil at 110 $/b this is a changing world.
And here is the drama traditional suppliers will be facing in the foreseeable future. They will either be dealing with declining prices or with declining demand. Either way base load power plants will be running below capacity or even be mothballed during summer and stormy seasons. Reducing or scrapping feed-in tariffs is the proverbial kick in the can; and without them the impact on the electricity market can in time be even worse. Without fundamental changes to the market, the future for fossil fired and nuclear electricity generation is bleak.
Feed-in Tariffs
Governments should be working towards the complete integration of solar systems into the grid, not to their exclusion. In the first place they must reckon that only by using schemes like feed-in tariffs can they guarantee the long term permanence of solar producers in the grid. With marginal generation costs close to 0 €/kWh, these systems will never be able to yield proper cash flows in the liberalised electricity market. If the investment on grid connected solar technologies is to continue to come from private investors somehow stable revenues must be guaranteed in the long term. Looking at laws in member states like Luxembourg some advantageous changes become obvious: first of all extend the feed-in tariff to the whole lifetime of the technology and then lower their values. Using the example in Spain, with an expected cost of 0.06 €/kWp for industrial systems, the state can set a 0.10 €/kWp tariff for the first ten years and 0.04 €/kWp for the last decade of production, thus also preserving the important role of break-even anticipation in time that feed-in tariffs perform.
With proper feed-in tariffs in place governments can then focus on the monolithic base load electricity suppliers; they won't disappear, but their role will fundamentally change. They must shift their focus from production to storage and load-balancing. Governments can perhaps aid with subsidies on the set up of large and small scale storage infrastructure and most importantly, steering towards the most effective technologies, avoiding pipe dreams like hydrogen.
Finally a note on the concept of smart grids. It might be an indispensable step to absorb renewable energies at a large scale, providing real time information on grid voltage, to which prices can be pegged. But care should be taken on its impact, solar and wind technologies will continue having a zero marginal cost on a perfect concurrency market. Smart grids may avoid dreaded episodes of ramping voltage and negative prices, but there's no guarantee they'll create relevant revenues for renewable technologies.
The actions recently taken in Europe against solar power are not a sign of failure but rather a consequence of the highly successful progress of PV technologies. Governments are simply trying to defend large electricity suppliers and the electricity markets they created in the last decade. With marginal generation costs close to zero, technologies like solar power wreck havoc on the open market once they reach a critical volume and threaten to steal away revenues from traditional base load suppliers.
The actual prices of electricity generated with PV have fallen relentlessly in recent years and are now on par with the gas fired generation at about 40º North in Europe. Even in more northern member states like Germany the cost of solar electricity is now about half of what consumers pay to the grid. At these prices the installation of solar panels can only grow, either on or off grid, unless installation is outlawed.
Present strategies by governments to keep these technologies away from the electricity market can at most delay the process. A fundamental shift in the way the grid is managed and prices are set is required, otherwise the electricity generation and distribution complex is left subject to major disruptions, both physical and financial.
In great measure the technology required to perform the Energiewende is already here. In fact, the scalability and low prices of PV may mean that this transition is now inevitable. But the growth of solar power clashes with the traditional market structures and concepts of our society in such a way that make the end result rather uncertain. The remaining obstacles to the Energiewende are now of a social and economic nature, and these may not be exactly the easiest to overcome.
Further reading
Renewables International: The afternoon dip
Crikey: Why power generators are terrified of solar
ICIS: German solar capacity rise pressures electricity prices
Special thanks to my colleagues Oli O'Naggy and Daniel Koster for the many insightful discussions on this subject.
Note: You can find the interactive version of the charts at my blog here.
"First they laugh at you, then they fight you and then you win"
As for wrecking havoc on the open market, isn't that how the open market is supposed to work?! The best and most economically viable paradigm will come out on top barring protectionism for the old paradigm. Centralized large energy suppliers are dinosaurs and peak fossil fuels and resource limits are the asteroids that drastically change the global economic ecosystem. The rules of Darwinian evolution apply. Those governments and corporation that don't find ways to adapt will without a doubt be left in the dust. Unfortunately their thrashing about as they collapse will trample a lot of the furry little mammals that have just come on to the scene but ultimately some of little mammals will probably prevail.
Coming to understand "markets" is tricky. I quote from a recent article about FITs by Paul Gipe:
Especially in North America an interesting option is to view the situation altogether differently ...
If the debate degenerates to only economics and "markets," thermodynamics will send the economists into a tailspin, wondering what hit them!
Yep! Not to mention that those who own their own roofs, panels, wind turbines, small hydro and batteries outright or form small co-operatives with their neighbors to generate electricity for their communities won't even be in the "market" for centrally produced electricity from the grid. And if that's a bit 'shocking' to the economists, well, less 'power' to them >;-)
Actually, I believe it's "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win." But, a very apt quote.
Though teabaggers would never concede this, the reality is we do NOT live in anything close to an ideal "free market" economy or "meritocracy" when it comes to competition. All the big players --Big Oil & Gas, Big Banks, Big Agriculture, Big Military, Big Insurance, etc. absolutely HATE competition and will do anything in their power to crush it. The 'baggers endlessly fantasize about how if government just "got out of the way", everything would just naturally evolve into an Ayn Rand paradise where only the John Galts would run everything as efficiently as possible, leading to a paradise of perpetual abundance on earth. Never mind that actual states with weak central governments and/or complete regulatory capture (where Somalia is now and where the U.S. is heading) are Mafia states where everything is a monopoly, no competition is allowed, and anyone who tries to mess with the power structure gets 'disappeared' in a hurry.
That will last for a week or two, then Tony Suprano will kick Johns butt (or provide him with "cement overshoes, and a one-way trip to the bottom of the river).
It should be noted that we live under a certain economic system called capitalism, which operates according to, as the name suggests, capital accumulation. While in the past it has had the upside of being very good for value-maximization, it has a specific downside as the world has become very much exploited; it needs capital accumulation in order to survive. While a transition from fossils to renewables is obviously a good thing, it's not The Next Big Thing for capitalism because, obviously, solar and wind capital accumulates at the expense of fossil fuel capital.
Just a reminder so no one forgets about the curious creature we have to deal with.
It's the intermittency (unreliability). When the solar/wind is available, in the case of wind this is largely random, you HAVE to take the power, and cycle down your fossil fuel plants, ruining efficiency, increasing maintenance and wrecking the economics of the baseload plants.
Central fossil fuel plants ARE dinosaurs, they will be replaced by nuclear plants.
Actually, renewables produce very predictably and the fossil power plants can produce power at a more constant level than they used to, because PV covers part of the extra demand during daytime.

(This is actually unfortunate, because if it was more variable less coal and more gas power would be needed.)
Nuclear power is more expensive than fossil power and too unflexible to be paired up with wind/PV. No chance that nuclar power in the current form will substitute much of the coal.
Check the economic problems of nuclear power, nice mini series on Germany, France and the USA in the "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists".
Thanks for putting al this toghether, very interesting!
2 questions
1) do you think that PV will become so cheap that a negative feed in will be charged in the future (i.e. You pay a fine if you try to dump your free power on the net)
2) with current PV-technology i would be able to generate around 1/3 my own usage. Because you install PV only once in your life, I am waiting (i don't want to use subsidies) for the next generation of PV expected to deliver 3x as much (3D or triple layer), this would allow me to generate 100% of what i use. Is it wise to wait? I know i'm happy I didn't invest in 7€/Wp panels 5 years ago, but will prices continue to drop like they did?
3D will maybe never come to mass production scale. you can compare it to the moor's law at CPUs, do not believe everything they try to tell you. you cann't fight the limitation of physics. maybe sometimes there will be a 40% efficency panel, but when it comes to solar it is only the space you need to produce the amount of power! So for small scale usage space is not so important. So go ahead and buy a system for about 1 EUR per Watt and install it today. Panels are currently sold under their production costs. And oil will rise and maybe peak tomorrow and you will need pv to make a smoth energy fall-back.
One of the things I find interesting is that I can't really find any studies on the reliability of solar panels. While I did find a couple of studies, there are obviously many different makes and efficiencies of solar panels out there. I know one person who has
solar panels and they work reasonably well but they don't produce a lot of power. I also know I left a calculator outside on a not too hot, sunny day in Canada and the thing died due to heat exposure. I never was too convinced that solar panels containing miniaturized circuitry could stand up to hot weather day after day. Now I know reflectors in CSP definitely can..
It's strange, after all the witness shown below that you come in with this. Maybe you haven't gotten to those posts yet, but people have regularly shown their old panels operating at full capacity for 30 or 40 years, and even surpassing the factory ratings for them. ( a lot of comments on this now, here are a few of them )
The ones that seem to die, do so because air and water get into their contacts and corrode them, or the laminate yellows and deteriorates.. but as far as I've heard the PV cells themselves are not degraded by a few decades of use.
Maybe these several unrelated individuals 'studying' their own equipment for decades doesn't count as a study to you.. but if that's the case, I hope that a plastic-encased calculator with heat-sensitive components made for desk use DOESN'T then get counted as compelling evidence to this concern.
PV panels don't as a general rule contain miniaturized circuitry. Each cell is an Oversized, individual Diode essentially, and they can add a bypass diode onto them for shade-tolerance, I believe. If there is a microinverter attached behind the panel, it IS built for hot outdoor conditions, and apart from that it is not a part of the PV itself, and can be replaced or simply bypassed if necessary.
If there's any phrase that sets off a warning note in my ear, it is, 'Maybe I should just wait til it gets a little better..'
It's tricky, because there are very good reasons to be careful and deliberate in your actions.. but we are now seeing many consequences start to play out.. and we have PV at simply ludicrously low prices compared to any time in the past.
At the very least, see if you can't hedge your bets and take advantage of just the current Panel prices to the tune of a couple/few hundred watts perhaps. In lean times even that much power can be enormously useful.. (and the Future Labor prices in harder times might be much more appealing, too, while we might be trading in eggs or carrots by then..)
yeah, there is a limit to how low PV prices can drop. Are they near that low? I have no idea. That really depends on whether someone can figure out how to improve the efficiency. I don't think the manufacturing costs can get much lower.
The prices of PV panels may begin to start rising when fossil fuel energy inputs go up in price. (Oil is used at the minimum for mining raw materials and transporting source materials and complete PV panels around.)
we now see panels without transport direct from the production site as low as 50 Cents/Wp but with no revenue for the producer. but the handling and transport of these modules is expensive. for more details in production costs take a look at photon consulting publications. i have one detailed cost study at home. as i see less capital coming into the pv market no price rising in the near future. there will be a more deflation scenario(Kunstler, Foss etc.) so the productions will maybe be threaten in some cases and then the global supply chain of pv will break down. so invest in modules now, because peak oil can be tomorrow.
Yes, they are near that low, in Europe. US installers are still figuring out how to reduce the 'soft costs' of installations to be less than the hardware costs, so US prices still have some room to sink. Hardware costs don't really have any room left.
In any case, 6 Eurocents per kWh should be low enough. In the US, Luis' 1500 Wh/Wp should be more like the middle of the range rather than the high end, so long term potential for the US is somewhat cheaper.
EDIT: One thing that could make hardware costs go lower in the future is recyling/refurbishing. But this will be a very slow development. And it would only be the PV panel costs, not inverters or BOS.
I agree that if the efficiency of the panels remains where it is, they probably can't drop much lower on manufacturing costs. Maybe a little bit more but probably not enough to make a noticeable difference. However, if someone figures out a way of improving the efficiency of the panels, the panels could cost the same amount to manufacturing but be a much lower cost per watt due to the efficiency improvement. But who knows if anyone will be able to do it. At least some small gains in efficiency should be possible.
But I fully agree that the American installers need to get prices down. I'm hope the DoE does something to help such as providing a standardized and simplified set of code requirements for installations. As is, you have all sorts of building departments having all sorts of different requirements such that it can be a big headache and waste of time. They should be able to submit standardized plans to building departments and have them approved quickly instead of quibbling about where the disconnect switch goes, what the warning sign needs to say, and whether there needs to be a cut-off switch on the roof. (That last one was told to me by some building department person . . . seemed silly to me, what fireman wants a disconnect on the roof?!?!)
Efficiency has little to do with it. Higher efficiency panels still command enough of a premium to offset the decreased racking costs such that the difference is very marginal. Other factors, such as the type of roof, are far more consequential on a given job.
I suppose it's possible that someday we will have different technology that delivers much higher efficiency at the same price per watt, but I don't see that happening in our lifetime. Expect efficiencies to creep up very slowly with silicon and level off. Other techs will remain niche for a long time.
As an installer I of course totally agree...Of course, that's also what the NEC codemakers are already supposed to be doing.
Of all the onerous requirements, this one actually makes the most sense. De-energizing PV conductors that are away from the array does provide an measure of safety, ensuring that conductors that are potentially damaged by fire don't shock someone or restart the fire. But some systems don't need it (microinverters, DC converters), and AHJs are slow to catch onto the differences. Another reason for broader standardization.
As for the cut-off switch on the roof, it is also unnecessary if the system DC voltage is less than 50 V because there is no shock hazard.
Ummm, you mean: "triple junction"?
Each additional junction in a multi-junction photovoltaic cell contributes a declining increase in power.
For example: the Shockley-Queisser limit (max theoretical) for a 1-sun, 1-junction cell is 33.7% efficient,
a 1-sun, 2 junction cell is 42% efficiency, an additional 25%.
A 1-sun, 3 junction cell S-Q limit is 49% efficiency, an additional 12% over 2 junctions.
(for purists, yes - there are various other calcs, just using the set on the wiki page to illustrate the point that each additional junction doesn't double the 1st's power).
The best 1-sun triple junction on the NREL chart is a 37.7% efficient device (77% of the above relevant limit), only 43% better than the best 1-sun single junction.
The best 1-sun single junction is a 26.4% GaAs (63% of the limit)
or a 25.0% crystalline silicon (74% of the limit).
The multi-junction devices are inordinately more expensive (made of more expensive materials, with more expensive processes, have more yield loss), and so are only worthwhile if one is sending them into space (e.g. mars rovers) or doing concentrating PV (and the later is not clearly economic).
In short, you are most likely waiting in vain for (consumer) "3D" solar.
Are you in a non-sunny area, having shading/orientation problems, small roof, and/or use a lot of electricity?
and to Luis,
thanks for this article.
Excellent piece, Luis. Congratulations!
The situation is similar in Italy - subsidies to PV have generated a stiff opposition from traditional companies, with a parallel PR campaign depicting PV as evil and useless.
But the situation is changing very rapidly also here. It is already possible to make PV plants that can justify themselved without incentives - especially small, home plants. Companies specializing in this kind of plants are having a lot of success.
The problem with larger plants is not that they are not competitive in the market even without incentives. They are. But financing has become very expensive: on behalf of a company I had inquired with a friendly bank about financing a 1 MW plant on degraded land owned by a company that could have directly benefitted from the energy produced. The plant would not have been off-grid, but it would have produced mainly for the company and would have generated a profit without subsidies.
The bank said something like, "very nice, we can give you one million euros at 7% interest!"
"7% interest!??? With that, the whole idea collapses. So, right now we have a big financial problem, rather than a technological one.
(Ah.... just to make things clear, when I say "give to you one million euros" it doesn't mean to me personally!!!!)
I calculated the equation differently, looking at my return on investment. Here in the USA I can get about 9% ROI on a small home system using current grid energy costs. If my finance expense is 8% including repayment of principal over the first ten years, then I still have a better return than investing in the US treasury. And I will own the system after ten years.
I think you are perfectly right, Dude. Home PV is an excellent investment, right now.
7% interest? That's horrible. Not just from a moral standpoint, but from a financial point of view as well. There are much riskier projects that get lower interest rates. Mortgages come to mind.
There is almost guaranteed cash flow that is very easy to forecast. This makes a loan for a PV system a secured investment, not by the physical installation, but by the cash flow it generates. If someone defaults on a loan, the cash flow is still there.
Of course, banks would need to work with municipalities and electricity providers to create the necessary regulation. Make the PV system a lease in the event of a default, for example. This can't be that difficult.
This is more or less what I told to the bank. But they answered that with a PV plant they are taking a long term committment and that their money is stuck with the plant for 15 years, so that that's the best they can do. Note that this is an "enlightened" bank which has financed several PV projects. But I am not an expert in this kind of things - so there may be ways to get better rates.
I'm not certain what interest rates are in the US for projects like these. There are lots of incentives and federal tax breaks, but the only loan guarantees I can find are offered by the department of energy on select projects. If there is a liquidity problem, I'd like to see a secondary market for purchasing renewable energy debt (solar securities?), preferably regulated and guaranteed by the feds. Analogous to what Fannie Mae is for mortgages.
This might sound like a bad idea, given what's happened in recent years. But right now I'm for whatever is needed to accelerate adoption. If banks are hesitant to take risks, then let the federal government mitigate that perceived risk.
Worst case scenario is we get a renewables "bubble" similar to what is happening in Europe. I can think of worse things, especially since that will be a necessary evolutionary step, regardless of which course of action is taken.
in Austria the Situation is even worse!
there are only several small large scale PV projects under construction and small scale is only possible if you get subvention, because the consumer gets only about 8Cent/kwh for the surplus of power if he cann't use immediately.(austrian's can not think longer than 5 years into the future)
also there is no priority law for green power like in italy or germany, so you have to beg your grid operator to build your pv!
And when you have a larger PV project for a company you do not get a loan, because banks strongly believes the PR of the state owned grid operators.
In austria it is also more profitable for banks to lend money to italy and not to give loans to PV projects.
we saw this big positive leverage with pv loans in germany, they have had the kfw bank and then the private banks had to do the same.
It is very important to give people also loans to build PV! Or to realise, that the EROIE for other technologies are getting worse every day and they have to realise that these techs are big investment sinkholes and that fossile energy will kill us sooner or later.
in case of PV you are right, the FIT system is a shame and waste of money. My guess is, that some German Solateure will provide a little bit competition for the Austrian counterparts. :-)
But on the other hand you Austrians do a very good job with wind power and with already 60% of your electricity from hydro power you can see the PV issue a little bit more relaxed.
Grüsse aus Graz von einem Exilpiefke :-)
Thanks, Luis, for this brilliant summary.
I have often wondered about synthetic fuel plants (synthesizing liquid hydrocarbons from CO2 and water), as a way to store, as liquid fuels, excess solar and wind power.
Alternatively, methane could be synthesized and put into gas storage, to be used in gas fired power plants:
More: Progress for Germany’s Power-to-Gas Drive
The article provides a simple diagram of the process.
Seams to me that steps making CH4 ar somewhat premature. Just skip the CH4 process and make H2 directly, store it in a large cavern, pump it to some Combined Cycle Power plants as needed.
H2 gas burns hotter and more efficiently, thus increasing overall output of CCPP, while reducing GHG emissions.
Adding a second pipeline network to carry H2 gas directly to major power plant locations will be wayy cheaper than wasting the extra energy to capture CO2 and convert it back into CH4.
CH4 is a fungible commodity, and until a surplus of H2 gas is produced, (more than can be consumed by CCPP's) it makes little sense to make more CH4, just to burn it.
When the day comes(sometime in the future), when we have a vast surplus of renewable energy(and the FF plants have been shut down). Then it makes sense to make CH4, so we can put it back into the ground and help nature sequester all the carbon mankind dumped into the atmosphere. (Natural CO2 sequestration processes are way to slow and require toxic conditions(anoxic/dead oceans) to speed up.)
If we need to tap some of those man-made reservoirs of CH4 to overcome an occasional shortage of RE energy, it becomes a non-issue.
Well, we already have a massive infrastructure for storing and distributing CH4. We don't have that for H2. And the H2 molecules are so tiny that they leak out of just about anything.
But if you sent up an infrastructure for H2 and especially if you have some fuel cells for using it, then H2 would probably be better. But for now, CH4 is much easier to deal with since the infrastructure already exists.
I had a physicist friend tell me that molecular size is pretty much irrelevant for storage purposes. Which implies that existing infrastructure could be pretty easily adapted to H2.
The hard part is probably the consumer end, in this case the power plants, which may not be able to run on hydrogen, just like a normal gas stove would probably not work exactly right with hydrogen.
Adamx - I was kind of excited about hydrogen a while back. Still kind of am, really. The Search for New Materials for Hydrogen Storage does a pretty good job of summing up some of the storage issues, and covers the consumer angle too.
The H2 option is still alive and pursuited, most installtions like power plants can handle 5-10% of H2 without changes.
I had a physicist friend tell me that molecular size is pretty much irrelevant for storage purposes.
And yet Hydrogen embrittlement and a lack of ability to store under pressure says that the claim just ain't so.
What happens to the Ozone layer when Mass H2 use is deployed due to leakage? What happens when more water vapor shows up where the Ozone layer is?
Embrittlement and small-molecule leakage problems don't happen with underground storage (salt caverns, etc). That's working quite nicely at a large scale right now.
Hey, Wes! It seems to me that one of the products of either turning water into H2 or adding CO2 to get methane is always going to be excess Oxygen. Or am I wrong about that?
If not, isn't free Oxygen a very volitile and corrosive thing? IIRCC, the large quantity of oxygen in the atmosphere long ago allowed insects to become rather large. And, at the same time, that oxygen would be trying to combine with carbon based organisms - read "burn all the plants."
Just asking about what I sense may be a problem. I could be wrong, I suppose. Educate me!
Yep. The problem with the hydrogen economy is that LH2 is so volatile and hard to store and transport. We should consider stabilizing it by locking the hydrogen down onto a chain of carbons. If you use a "backbone" of, say, 5-10 carbon atoms, you get a substance which is liquid at room temperature, storable, and pumpable, and can easily be burned in existing automobile engines.
Somebody should come up with a name for this stuff.
I recently posted a link where one supplier is offering 280W Grade A crystalline modules for as low as 32 cents per watt (by the container load). I recently took delivery of quality name brand crystalline modules (15.4% efficiency) for 64 cents/watt. Ballance of system costs (controller, mounting, wiring, etc.) were about $900 to install and connect the first 2000 watts to our existing battery set. I did the labor, so adding this 2KW to our system was $1.09/watt. An installer friend would have charged around $1000 to do the install, bringing the cost to around $1.56/watt. While this doesn't include the existing system (battery, inverters, etc.) these costs are far below what I would have expected even 5 years ago.
I often get the question; "How long, if ever, will it take your system to pay for itself?" My usual reply is to ask: "How long before your grid system pays itself back? Never. You'll be paying a power bill as long as you use electricity. Further, your electricity is subsidized by using my air as its dumping ground. I really wish you'd stop doing that. At some point, I expect our system to break even, financially, but never think in those terms. That said, with falling solar system costs, rising electricity rates, and the future costs of cleaner conventional energy (carbon, nuclear waste cleanup and storage, etc.), we feel we're already ahead of the curve. The feeling is almost priceless. I pity those who are slaves purely to financial costs.
Portugal and Spain remind me of the obese poor in the US. They can only afford to consider the short term costs of their (food) energy, not the long term effects. The lobbyists for the energy companies and the politicians that serve them are like the fast food restaurants and their advertisers, touting their latest dollar menu items. That dollar double cheeseburger tastes ok, does a pretty good job of eliminating hunger, short-term, but makes you sick over time, costing you and society much more in the long run. And you have no idea where the ingredients came from.
Thanks, Luis!
Solar power, "too cheap to meter."
WP = Watts peak
I had to look it up.
The business models of incumbent power utilities will soon be broken by distributed PV and intermittent wind. They have only a few cards to play to delay this, but they CANNOT stop their current business models from completely collapsing. For those who do not know, power utilities make almost all of their profit selling electricity during "peak" demand periods. Constant baseload production gives them a very thin profit. This must be supplemented by "peaking power plants" which can charge 5-30 times more for spot-market electricity than what they can for baseload electricity production. Distributed PV can effectively cover almost all of the mid-day peak demand, and voila, no more profits in their current business model.
Therefore, the power utility industries who chose to stay out of the PV must
1. Obstruct distributed PV by lobbying for unreasonable, honerous connection rules, excessive permitting costs or miserly compensation for distributed PV feeding back into the grid.
2. Lobby governments to reduce or eliminate subsidy or support programs for distributed PV.
But the smart players will see the opportunity. When the grid is saturated with PV and wind, and spot prices go to zero OR NEGATIVE (this is already happening periodically, it will happen more often as PV and wind grow), somebody will turn on their large, "dispatchable" energy storage system, receiving free electricity, and send the energy back to the grid when spot prices go back to higher levels. And why would anybody worry about "round trip efficiency" if they get their feedstock for free (or even get paid to accept it!)??!!
Don't get cocky. Most PV systems are grid-tied and will not work without a functioning grid. You can't expect the grid to keep functioning unless the power companies have a profitable business model. If the power companies go bankrupt and walk away then all the little PV systems no longer function either.
So careful what you wish for . . .
I think you'll find its solar power that is failing to have a profitable business model. WHich is the whole point of this article. Gas power is probably the most flexible, but coal, hydro and nuclear all have a far more stable business model then solar. How is solar able to adjust production to meat demand? It can't it just floods the market so that the power it produces is next to worthless.
" How is solar able to adjust production to meat demand? It can't it just floods the market so that the power it produces is next to worthless."
Gosh,, can you actually qualify that opinion?
Clean Technica
German Solar Bringing Down Price of Afternoon Electricity, Big Time!
Zachary Shahan, 23-03-2012
While electricity prices rise in the early morning (4am to 8am) as demand rises, from about 8am to 9pm, the price is pretty level.
Now, fast forward to March 2012:
We again see prices rise from the early morning to about 8 or 9am, but then look at what happens when the sun (and its 25 GW of power capacity from solar panels) kick in — the price drops off a cliff, diving even deeper than the price of electricity in the dead of night!
I'm sure you'll get there eventually.
"... but then look at what happens when the sun (and its 25 GW of power capacity from solar panels) kick in — the price drops off a cliff..."
So it's a bad thing that customers are paying lower peak rates? BTW: It's a good thing if you provide your own citations, lest others assume they aren't worth quoting or linking to.
You miss the point totally. Though some people think that consumers are the all important variable for some reason. If you are a producer of power, and the only times you can produce power is when the price is at rock bottom, you have a fail business plan. Now I understand PV works all year, and prices arent always zero, but the assumption being made (other then something about my citations which I'm unconcerned about either way) is that solar power has the same price and utility as any other power source. The fact is that solar power is far cheaper then other power sources, and at times worthless. QED conventional power has a good business model, and PV power is it's own worst enemy, it has dis-economies of scale. You may go on about storage or other techno solutions with unknown consequences, but thats not the reality we live in. Subsidising PV only makes it worse.
Sad to say, but thats the brutal reality.
Please, check the hard physical data first (demand vs. installed PV-power), then check the developements in the field of storage systems. A Failed business model sounds different.
I'll leave that to you. There was little mention of it uptop, in an article advocating more solar, and moar subsidies. So I'll conclude that the price represents the supply/demand equilibrium pretty well, and assume storage is hard, and makes solar uneconomic. I know there are pleanty of options out there for storage, but generally they seem to be uneconomic, except when prices are a lot higher then they are today, and they don't scale very well, or have geographic constraints.
Prices don't have to be high for storage to be economic, they just have to be volatile.
If intermittent renewable energy sends wholesale power prices into negative territory, as happens occasionally in Germany, pumped storage operators are paid (often quite large sums) to fill their upper ponds. They can release this power when wholesale prices are still relatively low (eg cheaper than marginal power prices from gas peaking plant...) and still be profitable.
The more volatility there is in prices, the more incentive there is to invest in storage options. The more storage there is, however, the volatility in price movements drops off.
I agree with your premise. However it's not just volatility that is required but consistant volatility, in that storage needs to be used to be profitable, it's not easy to even quantify a breakeven price without an estimate of production. Some existing pumped storage plants in Austria are taking advantage of Germany's negative rates to make a buck, but I'm not sure if there is an economic case for dedicated storage, though it sounds possible.
On days when there is a lot of wind, the sun is shining and consumption is low, market prices on the power exchange can sometimes drop to zero. There is even such a thing as negative costs, when, for example, Austrian pumped-storage hydroelectric plants are paid to take the excess electricity from Germany….
….Germany unfortunately doesn't have enough storage capacity to offset the fluctuation. And, ironically, the energy turnaround has made it very difficult to operate storage plants at a profit -- a predicament similar to that faced by conventional power plants. In the past, storage plant operators used electricity purchased at low nighttime rates to pump water into their reservoirs. At noon, when the price of electricity was high, they released the water to run their turbine. It was a profitable business.
But now prices are sometimes high at night and low at noon, which makes running the plants is no longer profitable. The Swedish utility giant Vattenfall has announced plans to shut down its pumped-storage hydroelectric power station in Niederwartha, in the eastern state of Saxony, in three years. A much-needed renovation would be too expensive. But what is the alternative?
- See more at:
Where you are right is that PV flips the standard Utility rating model on its head, because it operates ENTIRELY off of a free FUEL, while the equipment was basically all UP-Front then distant replacement costs..
But to call that then 'worthless', just because Solar undermines the old Peak Power pricing models for Burned fuels is to simply not be putting your own mind towards where the value of PV power now is.
The market model will be different, but it won't be valueless. When we're heading towards energy lean times, and this accesses energy for us with essentially no running costs, it is definitively valuable.. but the vendor and the consumer have to find out how to take advantage of that, and maybe it's not on the 'subscription for KWH's' model that we've thought was the only way to sell electricity.
Part of the challenge today is that places like Germany are right at the start of a flip-flop, as this new dynamic starts to play out. But I don't believe at all that this means some kind of end to selling power.
I guess we'll see.
All power is priced by supply and demand, in some places where hydro is the main supplier power gets cheaper after a wet season. Though hydro power companies can limit supply to a certain extent, and it's to their advantage to do so. Solar cannot limit supply in the same way because it's only producing when prices are low, so by limiting supply it limits it's amount of production. I'm not a fan of economics, but in this case solar doesn't turn the old peak power pricing model on it's head, it keeps on working same as always. It's not the fossil fuel power companies that are hurting, it's the solar power co.s and the governemnts that pay them to produce worthless power.
Of course the FF co's aren't hurting. They have the legacy infrastructure and the vast majority of the market share.. but everyone's seen what's happened in Germany, and know that the model is being challenged in ways that will turn it right over.
"Governments that pay them to produce worthless power.."
That fits perfectly into Yogi Berra logic of 'Nobody goes there any more. Too crowded!'
This is an expensive transition, and like any long-term investment, it hurts the worst just after the hit, and it'll be a long and slow climb to get through that.. but that doesn't make it worthless. Don't confuse the price with the value.
I'm not confusing price with value, however what is the title of the article? The susbsidy transaction goes along these lines, govt buys kwh for x and sells on the spot market for 0.
'.. and Sells for Zero..'
This seems to be your line in the sand, and somehow your proof of failure.. and the very definition of 'He knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing..'
The PV installations produce power that people will buy and are buying. The gyrations of a market in adjustment don't undermine this fact. The PV and Wind generators will still be able to function with minimal to no inputs after the FF burners have had to accept radically new terms for their role in grid supply.
Everybody's Business plan is going to be changing as these balances resort themselves. But your characterization of PV as producing SO much power that it has become completely worthless (a value of zero) is simply hyperbolic. You're looking at an adjustment. Capsizes are expected, even for the PV owners, probably especially so.
You misunderstand me. I take issue with the assumption that somehow PV is threatning conventional power, and thats why govts are taking the subsidies away. It's just a riduclous assumption to make by people who 'always' take the intelectual high ground riducling J6P for intelectual inferiority. All of a sudden there is a conspiracy afoot that actually solar power is a profitable business model and yet it still needs the subsidies. Somehow this crushes coal power plants who can make power/money all day and night long.
MY (apparently I didn't get it from reading the article) characterization of PV and the power it produces is actually a real world fact, pointed out in the article uptop. In fact rates have gone negative, so you would be paying to produce power.
I am actually in support of solar power, and was suprised to discover that it can do this to power prices, though it seems obvious in hindsight. IF solar power gets built out more, expect it to become a greater problem. Deal with it or not, the PV business model has a serious flaw once it hits a critical mass.
Might I chime in here? I am having a serious problem with that statement. My version of that sentence reads, "Deal with it or not, the FF business model has a serious flaw once it hits a peak resource." Living as I do, on an island that is almost totally devoid of fossil fuel resources and has to import close to 100% of it's fuel needs, one becomes acutely aware of the cost and value of energy. Every now and then you see an example of this recognition like for example, the first post on the February 27 DB by TemplarMyst where he describes how a gasoline powered snow blower makes short work of the hard manual labour of shovelling snow off a driveway.
When man discovered how to harness fire, the first seed of our eventual predicament was planted. In burning things we were able to benefit from solar energy that plants had captured and turned into biomass over periods years or decades or even centuries. First we burned dead trees then we started killing trees for firewood and when our numbers were really small there was no problem. We could just move on from where we had cut down all the trees to where we hadn't yet. On Easter Island, they ran out of places that they hadn't cut yet.
Along the way, peat and coal were discovered and could substitute for trees so, we no longer had to cut down trees for the energy embedded in their biomass. In using peat and coal, we moved from using energy which had been captured over decades, to energy that had been captured over periods of time which are difficult for the average human mind to comprehend, thousands and millions of years. When we discovered how to process crude oil we hit the fossil energy mother lode.
The problem as I see it is that in general we have lost sight of what fossil fuel energy really represents, millions of years of stored up solar energy. Less than 5 million people have watched Prof Bartlett's lecture, Arithmetic, Population and Energy on youtube versus the 1.3 billion plus that have watched "Gangnam Style so, most people do not appreciate how fast stuff can get used up with exponential growth. The assumption, implicit in the musings of Smeagle and others who express similar thoughts, is that fossil fuels will last forever.
Over the past couple of centuries we have become thoroughly spoiled. We expect energy to be available at the flick of a switch. We expect to be able to go down to the local store and buy a bag of charcoal for the barbecue or to drive the gas station and buy a tank full of fuel for our cars. We expect to be able to make hay any dang time we please! We expect to be able to ski in Dubai, go ice skating in Dallas in the middle of summer or grow cash crops in the middle of the Canadian winter! Well, one day, sometime in the next hundred years or so, we are going to start running seriously low on fossil fuels. There won't be enough for all the projected 9 billion of us by 2050. We are going to have to get used to the idea of making hay while the sun shines like it was in the days before widespread use of fossil fuels.
In this respect, solar PV represents absolutely incredible value. We can pool a whole bunch of individual low power devices to harvest the power of the sun over huge areas. By concentrating the power of the sun, this makes it possible to do things which we could only do previously through the use of fossil fuels.
By the logic of Smeagle the value of electricity from solar PV is zero because it produces electricity at a time when we can already get adequate amounts from the burning of heretofore cheap and abundant fossil fuels. One day these fossil fuels will not be so abundant or cheap. Do we wait until that day to start developing an alternative energy infrastructure? If we do and we have to use alternative energy to create this alternative energy infrastructure, how much will be available to run our fossil fuel dependent civilisation?
Alan from the islands
Well done Alan. FF have a serious flaw, that doesn't preclude solar from also having a serious flaw. The fact that it has massive advantages also does not make the flaw go away.
I am stunned by the cognitive dissonance that rejects any data pointing to flaw in the economics of solar power. Literally to the point of turning the data into reverse and saying that FF have a bad economic business model.
Yes there will be a point in which the coal companies will shut down, and they will try to prevent that. However I have seen no data that suggest they can't make a profit as long as any other business, including solar power. Not that solar power can make a profit without subsidies, according to the article uptop, and many other articles.
Your last paragraph again misses the point and doesn't follow logic. The value of solar is zero, not because of FF energy (which has greatly subsidised the production of said PV panels), but because solar is producing flat out, and it is inefficient to cycle down the baseload production. No doubt we need to develop our own renewable energy sources, and their is no point waiting. Your projecting assumptions and opions onto me that I never gave, because I dared point out a flaw with solar power. Not that you are alone, the group think is suprising.
Just repeating "cognitive dissonance" doesn't make your argument any better. No one is denying that there are limits to what solar can do. You seem to think using that phrase improves your argument but it only looks like you don't know what it means.
For the 10th or so time, THE VALUE OF SOLAR IS NOT ZERO. Just because the EXCESS solar at certain times of certain days IN ONE PLACE has zero market value, that does not make the value of solar in general zero. You know that. You admit that. Why do you keep repeating it then? You are making a fool of yourself.
You could even argue that it isn't excess solar that causes the price on the spot market to become zero sometimes but the inability of old inflexible ff plants to adapt to the changing market. It's the energy from these ff plants that has zero value at those times, in fact, through pollution, disease and other external costs, the value of power from these plants may be negative for large parts of the day.
I think you missed the whole economic model part of the dialouge. Which is essentially this
"FF are getting killed by PV because PV power is so cheap"
"Um not i'ts the other way round, PV mostly produces cheap power FF can also produce expensive power"
Clearly you chose to ignore this, call it what you will, or ignore it as you do.
I'm afraid I'm completely lost. I have no idea what you are trying to say. I live on a tropical island that has to import virtually all it's fuel (at increasing cost) yet, almost every day I witness thousand of kilowatts falling from the sun and doing nothing but providing light and making a hot place hotter.
If I want a cool drink, I have to use a refrigerator which runs on electricity. The more intense the sunshine the hotter my residence gets and a electrically powered air conditioner would possibly cool it down a great deal. It is already cheaper to run an air conditioner with electricity from PV than electricity from the grid where I live. People just haven't realised how cost effective PV has become, If I could make ice using electricity from PV, it could probably be competitive with current local market prices for ice.
When I go to visit my dad in the morning, I'm going to need at least three gallons (15l) of diesel in my tank. I suspect it wont be long before the life cycle costs of an EV charged using PV will look quite good in my neck of the woods.
There is no way on earth "The value of solar PV is zero" to me. Since I am not doing anything with the raw sunlight that is shining on my roof in the days, the value of that sunlight to me is zero. Once I cover my roof with PV, there are any number of things that I can do with the electricity that are extremely valuable.
If I use it to charge an EV and I want to use the EV during the peak hours of sunlight then, I will have to decide whether I want a full charge or immediate mobility. I probably wont be able to have both and that's just too bad. If I want to use electricity at night, that may eventually not be possible and again that's just too bad. I am suggesting that our civilization is going to have to go back to using solar energy in real time and that being able to convert that solar energy into electricity will be of significant value. It wont be as convenient as the 24/7 availability of fossil energy while it lasts but, it wont be the end of the world.
By the way, it is my considered opinion that the woes of my island nation started with the first oil shocks in the 70s. I was about to enter adolescence at the time and I don't think we ever recovered. We have been caught in a trap of buying machines made largely in the OECD countries and then having to buy fuel at ever increasing costs to run the machines. The catch is that buying the machines was the only way to aspire to become a developed nation. Now we are saddled with the debt from buying the machines plus the increasingly expensive fuel which we have to continue buying to continue using the machines. I see renewables as a way out of this trap. We still have to buy the machines but, having bought them, we can do valuable work without the additional, rent like cost of buying fuel. That's not group think!
Alan from the islands
Hey Alan,
?? There´s lots of ways to do that now. Are you just saying that you don´t yet have a PV solar powered freezer?
Not to mention that there are other ways to skin that cat!
It is a testament to the efficiency and power of our economic systems that extractive but, non sustainable industries seem to have come to dominate all forms of human endeavour. In my mind, an awful lot of economic activity can be traced right back to digging stuff out of the ground to be make other stuff!
Electrically powered refrigeration equipment has all but completely displaced other forms because electricity provided by burning cheap, abundant fossil fuels made it cheaper, more reliable and convenient.Since affordable alternative means of refrigeration for domestic use are not readily available, I've decide to buy the most energy efficient fridge I can find and run it with electricity from PV.
AFAIK all the ice factories in Jamaica use electrically powered refrigeration. They really should be looking at solar powered chillers. Or maybe I should try and sell them some PV. >;-)
Alan from the islands
"Or maybe I should try and sell them some PV."
If selling ice is actually a venture you could make some dough at I see no reason for you not to "eat their lunch" by getting a chest freezer and a timer...have the timer click on during your hours of sunlight so it matches up as best as possible with your PV production. You'd really need some sort of variable controller to take full advantage, but that could be tricky. Could multi-stage smaller units on timers.
If you have the temperature of the water that you intend to freeze and the power of the freezer you should be able to estimate how much water you can freeze given the hours of sunlight available.
1 gallon approximately 3.79kg. Heat of fusion 334 kJ/kg. Specific heat 4.186 kJ/kg deg C.
3.79kg*334kJ/kg = 1,266kJ
If water is 80 degrees F...
(27C-0)*3.79kg*4.186 = 428kJ
1,266+428 = 1,694kJ or 1,694/3.6 = 471 watt-hours per gallon at 100% efficiency
What's the COP of a chest freezer? 2 - 3?
Say 2.5...should give you 471/2.5 = 189 Watt-hours per gallon at the wall
Of course your Frankenstein-monster 110v50Hz grid will monkey with that some amount I'm not sure how to calculate.
Alan FWIW I'd be getting off those Islands if you are anticipating a severe shortage of FF's, sounds like a death trap. I'm not bagging solar power per se' just poiniting out that you install it en mass and have a profitable business without subsidies. I'm not saying its bad, just uneconomic. The common rejoinder is that "solar isn't uneconomic because it's better then FF's." Yet being better the FF's isn't going to make something economic, even though it may have other benefits. Or else we would all have solar today and not this discussion.
We do not all have solar today because it takes time to develop technology, convert the power supply to new types and the entrenched fossil fuel industry is resisting the conversion. We are having this discussion because you and others are well indoctrinated with disinformation.
'resisting the conversion,' and muddling the conversation, I'd say.
Oh well. What a tiresome exercise this set of volleys has become.. I could write it off as a bit of claw-sharpening, I guess, which is a real art when one is hanging by the fingernails.. but I guess it's better that GWB's habit of putting his foot in his mouth, and then shooting himself in the foot.
"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts.." Lawrence of Arabia
Smeagle, the cognitive dissonance issue is the following. Fossil fuels have been dumping significant wastes into the atmosphere and have NOT been paying for it. This includes particulates, SOx, NOx, mercury, ash heaps that collect on the ground, mining operations that remove mountain tops and bury streams and valleys, toxic gases from refinery units and last but not least, CO2 which is now the main driver in additional climate chaos. To add insult to injury, coal miners have been permanently injured or contracted debilitating diseases on the job by the hundreds of thousands and most of the bills for their treatment have been paid by public health care (YOUR TAX DOLLARS) or simply absorbed by the victims as shortened lifespan and forced abject poverty. Solar PV does NONE OF THIS.
And have seen what it costs to clean up an old petrochemical refinery site? Check it out for yourself if you are interested.
Or can I interest you in a picture of the largest sulfur mound in the world, growing daily next to the tar sands upgrader plants in Alberta and in Venezuela, where the 5% sulfur content of the crude bitumen is removed?
Now when you can acknowledge and do a proper accounting to compare PV with fossil fuel plants, you will see the VALUE of solar PV, and the true COST of fossil fuels. Maybe this congitive dissonance problem will then be solved.
Right, who is denying/ignoring that point? ie where the cog. diss? Do those facts make solar PV profitable?
They must because look how bad FF's are. /s
Yeah, I must be missing something too - isn't RE the ultimate dispatchable power source? I'm talking about large farms, btw, not rooftop. If spot prices go negative you just start pulling panels offline or feathering blades until supply and demand match. You just let the worthless sun fall on the ground and the worthless wind blow on by. If they aren't building them with this capability, it's gross negligence. I've got microinverters and my storage system (which I'm still building) has exactly this capability, if the grid goes down while the battery is already charged, and I'm not running big loads, I start shedding inverters. The granularity is just not that good at the rooftop level right now, but clearly, it's not an unknown problem, smells like standard eqpt in a few years to me...
All those things require energy to execute, install and maintian. Hence increasing costs, I doubt the gains would be worth it. I could be wrong on that though, just seems like money that could be better spent on storage. Which also increases costs, so I don't see solar becomming economic at large scale when competing with FF's. Unless taxes on carbon go way up, or some such.
we have lost sight of what fossil fuel energy really represents, millions of years of stored up solar energy
Well, no. Fossil fuels may have accumulated over millions of years, but only an incredibly tiny fraction actually got stored.
Humanity uses 10-20TW of energy, while the sun drops 100,000TW of energy on the earth, day in and day out. That means that 100 years of Fossil Fuels equals perhaps one week of sunshine.
As you say, we need to kick our FF habit, and there's plenty of renewable power to do it.
Ahh yes! I guess a better way to have put it would have been, "solar energy captured through photosynthesis and stored over the course of millions of years." It's sort of incredible how a 2% efficient energy capture process has provided us with such a bonanza of energy. It took a really long time to store it all up and we're burning it in a flash!
Alan from the islands
Well, fossil fuel was convenient and valuable for a long time, but we really don't need it any more.
As you noted elsewhere, an EV like the Nissan Leaf would be much cheaper for you. Islands have good wind and solar, which are much cheaper now than imported FF.
I wonder when people will catch on that PV is cheaper than grid power?
I don't know that I said "an EV like the Nissan Leaf would be much cheaper". What I did say was that, using PV (or wind) to charge an EV would be one extremely high value use of the technology.
As to whether PV is cheaper than grid power, it is is certainly well on the way. I am in the process of acquiring and importing some PV omdules and grid tied micro-inverters for evaluation. I will be recording the costs and production of these installs with a view to establihing what exactly the payback period will be.
As I've pointed out before, the hare brained arrangements that have been set up here mean that not all electricity produced will be valuedd at 36 cents per kWh. Any electricity that offsets consumption in real time will save the consumer 36 c/kWh but, any production in excess of cosumption that is fed back to the grid, will only receive a rate of about half that. This means that the cost of the system will be recovered much quicker if no production is fed back to the grid, ever. The more electricity that is fed to the grid, the slower the cost will be recovered.
If netmeetering were to be implemented here, maximum value could be achieved by simply by matching monthly PV production with minimum monthly consumption but then, the more affluent customers would be the first to remove themselves from the utility's revenue stream. We can't have your most affluent customers just using the utility like a battery, for free now, can we?
There are some very specific circumstances in my neck of the woods, where PV will be very cost effective.
Alan from the islands
I don't know that I said "an EV like the Nissan Leaf would be much cheaper".
Ah. would be. The average US car uses $20k in fuel - the Leaf would save most of that. What's the average cost of gasoline in Jamaica?
I wonder why more people on islands aren't installing PV??
$1.15-$1.25 per litre or $4.36-$4.74 per gallon depending on the grade and where you buy. Fuel is delivered by truck so the further away the gas station is from the refinery, the more expensive the fuel.
IMO the main reason is that installing PV means paying for many years of electricity in advance. How many people can afford to do that? The irony is that people are willing to borrow money to buy a house, in effect paying many years of rent in advance or, to buy a car, in effect paying many years in taxi/bus fares in advance. Whereas a nice house and a nice car are obvious symbols of upward mobility, independence from the electricity grid is not as obvious.
We are constantly bombarded by high powered marketing, pushing the importance of owning a home and a car. There doesn't seem to be any marketing being done to encourage people to buy something that will produce something of value (electricity), reducing the consumers need to buy that thing of value from somebody else in perpetuity. That doesn't fit into the popular business model of selling a product that then requires the consumer to pay some sort of service fee for the life of the product. Think TVs -> subscriptions, Phones -> minutes, Anti-virus software -> virus definition updates and I'm sure if one thinks hard enough you can come up with more examples.
The cost or price of solar PV is clear and obvious. the value not so much, as demonstrated by many comments in this very thread.
Alan from the islands
I hear that PV is taking off on Hawaii, where power is about 38 cents per kWh. Jamaican power is about 36 cents. $3/Wp PV would produce power for about 15 cents per kWh.
Seems like a business opportunity is waiting there...
Shhhh! Don't tell anyone! ;-)
Alan from the islands
The FF companies have a lot of sunk infrastructure, and debt to service. So if the most lucrative chunk of the market (daytime peak prices), implodes, their operating profits may not be enough to pay the interest. Of course the economics of PV is adversely affected if time of use rates get too ow, just when the power is available to sell. There is an equilibrium amount of PV such that adding one more panel breaks even -rather than saves. But of course other factors can affect this equilibrium point. Grid storage for example, load shifting, changes in when high energy processes are scheduled, the ability to export the power to markets with different temporal characteristics.
Now all this stuff takes time to work out a develop. I can understand why a place like Germany would want to limit the rate of growth of PV. Give the grid time to catch up with the challenges.
Questioning the validity of, and pointing out a failure to support, an argument isn't missing the point. But as you said, you are unconcerned about it. And the "the reality we live in" is undergoing significant change. Reality doesn't care if some are locked into a 20th century market and distribution model.
One's perspective changes when one has divorced one's self from a time/resource/environmentally limited paradigm and discovered that his chosen alternative works quite well indeed. Economies of scale are failing all around us.
The evidence for solar being uneconomic, is abundant in the article, it's only cognitive dissonance prevents you from seeing it. I posted a direct quote from the article uptop.
Reality is undergoing a significant change, and unintended consequences are comming out of the woodwork everywhere.
I'm not sure I follow that economies of scale are failing. No doubt you have divorced yourself from a paradigm of limitations. For the rest of us we live with limitations everyday, and if we try to live without them reality will give us a kick in the face and say 'no workie, no eatie.'
" No doubt you have divorced yourself from a paradigm of limitations."
Quite the oposite. I've recognized them and adapted to them. It's my mantra. I suggest the rest of you do the same while you still have choices. It frees one to assist those who have too few.
...and if you can't see that economies of scale are failing, globally, perhaps you need to get the blinders removed. Unintended consequences are the logical, forced result of ignored warnings, failure to adopt sustainable long-term strategies, and a rush to mitigate decades of damage; too many worshipers at the temple of quarterly reports.
So Ghung are you completely off grid then? If so, what sort of expectations do you have for local manufacture of, say, solar panels WTSHTF?
I avoid expectations whenever possible. That said, I don't expect we'll see local production of high tech as being supportable, though things like batteries and small wind turbines can be made by hand. If industrial civilization collapses on a large scale I expect the value of existing PV panels will increase exponentially. As long as there's sunlight, it's like having a battery that lasts 30 years or more.
Greer says that older tech like radios based on vacuum tubes will be of great value since vacuum tubes can be made without a complex manufacturing and supply chain. Not likely with PV, though there may come a time when there's a PV Guild, repairing and maintaining solar panels for the collective. Things like generators, electric motors, lightbulbs, refrigeration, etc. are far to valuable, so we'll never go back to a fully pre-industrial culture unless the worst occurs. Things will be recycled indefinitly.
I think you miss the point. A lot of people put up PV to create power that they use, not as some business. The only only people that set it up as a business have done so either because there is a guaranteed feed-in tariff program or because a utility is required to purchase a certain percentage of renewable power. Yes, those people will invest less. Fine . . . that is only happening because a huge amount of power is being generated with PV and thus solar has already won. But individuals that want to generate their own power will still buy systems.
Uh . . . you do realize that the non solar power is also 'worthless' at those times too, right? The price is for electricity in general.
Yes I realise that all power is worthless when solar floods the market, the point is that the worthless power is the only type solar has. If people put up PV for power they use, then why is there so much for sale that rates a negative?
Because it also generates extra at peak times. Duh.
You are acting as if this negative power thing happens all the time. No, this is only happening in one country where they massively built out solar and it only happens at certain times on certain sunny days. That is a failure? You are like the people that point to Solyndra and declare solar power a failure. No, Solyndra failed because other solar PV makers succeeded at making cheap PV panels with different technology. Here we are talking about the fact that solar is generating so much power that at certain times on certain days there is actually excess power. "Too cheap to meter" one might say . . . and that was a supposed bragging point for nuclear power. And here you are trying to bash solar power over the head with it. LOL.
So they are putting it up both to use and to sell then?
I clearly stated above that I am aware that rates are not always negative. What I am pointing out is that solar power is worth less then other power because of the way it's generated.
Solar power too cheap to meter, but expensive to install.
All the group think, and cognitive dissonance evoked my ire and I thought I'd just point out that it's not the traditional power co's that are threatend by solar, but actually soalr is a victim of it's own success. Solar doesn't work when you try and do a traditional business plan, because it's peak production drives the price of it's product so low that it becomes unprofitable.
If you want to promote solar for it's renewable merits, or enviromental benefits, I'll agree with that. But to support solar by saying that there is some conspiracy by conventional power co's to stop subsidies, and there profitability is threatend, is looking at things backwards. Conventional power co's have a good business model, solar has a terrible business model, if it were to ever be buil out to a scale that mattered. It's something to be aware of. Solyndra going bust is exactly the same, you don't say it was ruined by big oil, but it had a failed business plan, and it failed. If it had a good business plan, it would be like all the other solar manufacturers that didn't go bust.
. . . but AGAIN . . . only in one country on certain days and at certain times. In most places around the world, solar power is very valuable because it creates a lot of power right at the time the demand is highest. Stop trying to make the loophole swallow the rule.
Again . . . only in one country that massively built-out solar such that on certain days and certain times there is excess.
Words matter. If you come out saying "Solar power sux because it was worthless on this day in Germany" then you are giving a very inaccurate portrayal of the situation based on a small corner condition.
The country that has done the most to promote solar has been the first to experience this problem. Sure if no other country invests in solar then Germany is the exception. Yet the point being pushed is that more investment in solar needs done. Leading to a glut in power, and a crash in the price. Show me how you can increase solar production without hitting these limits and you'll start to talk sense. Saying the limits don't matter because we havn't hit them yet is unproductive to put it politley.
It's not innacurate to point to real world example of a significant drawback to the buildup of a solar powered grid. Where is the error? How do you build up solar power and escape this trap?
I'm saying to ACCURATELY describe the situation.
You need to accurately state when it is problem. Drinking water is good for you right? But if you drink too much of it you can flush out your salts and die. Does that mean drinking water is bad for you?
Germany had an extremely generous PV program. I've often called it too generous. And as a result they now have a lot of PV. So they end up with excess power at certain times.
Does that mean that no one should ever bother installing PV again? Of course not. What should Germany do? Exactly what they are doing . . . cut back on the incentives and work on other complementary systems such as wind. And work on ways to productively use that power such as storage & distribution systems.
The problem is that outlets like Fox News are going to grab this and say . . . see look . . . Solar sucks and even Germany is cutting back! They'll completely miss the point and end up misinforming people.
Yes I agree, though denying there is a flaw makes no sense at all to me. Fox news is never going to give a truthful picture, and thats hardly unique to them. If Lance Armstrong taught us anything, it's that everyone is full of sh#t. Everyone. If I was interested in what Fox thought, I'd maybe focus on why PV is a good idea, not push the proverbial up a hill by claiming how profitable it is.
What Germany has done is recognise the problem, and is developing a solution. Despite the fact that the biggest cause of problems is solutions.
Hows the subsidy situation in the US? Not too generous I hope.
How much water, and how quickly would you need to drink it before you die? It does in a way, mean that you should be aware of how much water you drink, and not fixate on drinking water to the exclusion of any negative data relating to drinking water.
'If Lance Armstrong taught us anything, it's that everyone is full of sh#t. Everyone. '
But see, this is the danger of taking the wrong lesson from an experience.. and that's why your next paragraph is also prone to a similar kind of overreaction.
Germany pushed hard, and they're pulling back hard for a spell. It's a correction, and they can keep tweaking that and must, just as any of us does standing on the deck of a boat and keeping our balance.
There will always be some kinds of problems around.. but exaggerated generalizations like, 'Solutions cause Problems' and 'Everyone is just full of it.' does nothing to offer thoughtful way of approaching complex balances.
An old aphorism..
All generalisations are false, including this one. Or not.
Clearly the cat is smart, it has instinctive risk assesment, and cost benefit analysis, as well as the ability to learn from the past.
The cat formed an irrational fear of the stove failing to distinguish between a hot and cold one. If I acted like that, I would not be able to operate my wood stove because I must touch it sometimes.
The cat formed a rational awareness of the stove as a potential source of burning. It is able to asses the risk of getting burnt (possible) verse the reward of stepping on the stove (none) and come to a rational descision to avoid the stove. No doubt if you were to alter the reward, perhaps by placing food on the stove then the cat would further investigate if the stove were indeed still hot, or if it was cold.
If you acted like that you wouldn't get burnt either.
They'll completely miss the point and end up misinforming people.
Actually its not misinformation (which is spreading an untruth out of ignorance), its disinformation, deliberately spreading something wrong to serve some other agenda. In this case, to ingratiate themselves with the Fossil fuel billionaires club.
You can increase production by spreading to new markets that haven't saturated the potential -i.e. the other 98% of the world. Even in Germany, the market hasn't died, its roughly plateaued. They are still adding a couple of GW per quarter. So what happens is the exponential growth has moved to linear growth (in total installed capacity).
Also if PV means sunny day power gets really cheap, applications that can make hay when the sun shines will be invented to take advantage of it. One is likely to be power plus water plus CO2 generates hydrocarbon fuel. Another is charging energy storage systems. These other things take time to build out, which means that the long tail of solar expansion goes on for years. Perhaps Germany is getting close to that phase.
Germany cuts the FIT for PV, so around 2015 you only buy PV if you have a high consumtion during daytime (supermarkets, farmer, small industry...) or you have a completely different business model.
Germany will pay for the successful PV experiment around 150 billion within 30 years, what is your problem.
BTW: PV will only provide 15-25% of the German demand, the backbone is wind power (50%-75%).
As PV in very useful in most countries without sufficient transmission capacity or a high percentage of electricity from oil, the global annual selling numbers for PV will increase, 2015 we will see +50 GWp, 2020 around +100 GWp p.a.
"Leading to a glut in power, and a crash in the price."
Which is the same with any over-investment situation. However, I don't believe we have proven we have over-investment when there is a glut (1) only in certain places, (2) only at certain times of year, and (3) only at certain times of day.
For the solar utilities to pay off their loans, the *average* price of power would have to be below the installation and loan servicing costs. When you can show me that the *average* price of power in Germany falls below E0.06 (or whatever's quoted above as the breakeven price in euros per kW delivered for current PV buildout), then I'll start to worry. Note that if the average price hits that level, the FF's are already long gone, because they cost even more and therefore have *less* value on average.
If the marginal cost of power provided by PV was negative or zero on average, no one would be building them at all, I think reality is a pretty good counter-argument right there. I actually hope we get there one day - that will mean our power grid has reached a steady-state economy. When something breaks, demand outstrips supply temporarily, and we connect a few new panels or a windmill to the grid somewhere. Not that I think we can really thread the needle and get there, but while we're fantasizing about this stuff, might as well go there. Asymptotically approaching zero-cost for power is exactly what an already-built PV system is good for. That's why I bought mine. I'd happily sell my excess power for 0.0001/kWh - I got no use for it, if someone wants to pay me for it, great, if not, I'll put a tarp over a couple panels, or load-dump into some cool water.
We're gonna be subsidizing FF plants to back up RE one of these days, not the other way around. I just don't see the controversy.
Not the average price of power, but the average price of power - when the sun is shining and solar is producing, and given that solar produces a lot of power when it's sunny and prices get driven low or negative it's a very safe bet to say that the average sale price for solar power is a lot less then the 'average price'. Which is why the FIT, and why solar without subsidies is unprofitable, and why investors are suing spanish govt, and why this article is asking for the FIT to be kept. Though for some reason all most people understand is 'solar = good. Q.E.D. solar = profitable.' Not true.
I have every intention of proving that solar PV is good and can be profitable in my market. If I do, my new business venture here will be a huge success. If not you have the last laugh. This thread has helped me to think about the types of electricity users I should focus on.
Alan from the islands
Sorry you make some very shallow staements:
1) If I use the PV energy in my house, it is profitable, the same is true for small industry etc. (Hint: The utilities do not give me a lower price when there is much PV :-)) FIT 13 cent, production with PV 15 cent, price by charged by utility 20 cent. Here it is quite simple to calculate the amount of PV that is useful for me.
2) You have absolutely no idea how much of the German electricity is sold on the spot market and much much with fixed contracts.
3) You have no idea how much of the reneables are now in fixed contracts.
4) You underestimate the dynamic of wind power, PV is not the real battle, actually it is a distraction, the utilities are killed by onshore wind.
The basics are, that onshore wind is cheaper than nuclear and NG in most countries in Europe, only lignite can compete.
Way to prove me wrong with straw man aruguments.
when the sun is shining and solar is producing, and given that solar produces a lot of power when it's sunny and prices get driven low or negative it's a very safe bet to say that the average sale price for solar power is a lot less then the 'average price'.
Actually, your statement is false.

Solar power production occurs when electricity prices are higher:
If the prices weren't higher during day time:
1. Fossil fuel power plants wouldn't increase power during day time even though PV is already covering some of the extra demand.
2. Utilities wouldn't offer 40% lower electricity rates at night.
Are you sure about that? For starters the graph is from 2011, and has no price on it. Put a price on it and we shall see where demand sits. It's freaking obvious to a moron that soalr will produce it's power during the day. Whats not obvious is how much power is used during the day, do they really use that much air conditioning in Germany, in May?
Again I'll advise a know all to read the article uptop.
Clean Technica
Renewables Driving Electricity Prices below $0 Some Afternoons
Nicolas Brown, 15-04-2012
Renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind have been outstripping the electricity supply of traditional baseload (coal, nuclear, and some natural gas) power plants during daytime, especially afternoons, in some renewable-leading countries of late. One reason for this is: electricity demand tends to increase during the sunniest (the hottest) hours, and solar power plants generate more electricity when it is sunnier, which is right on cue.
Not perfectly, but solar power production tends to follow electricity demand. This is especially true in the warmer temperatures, since air conditioners (which consume a lot of electricity) are turned up to compensate for the hot afternoon weather. - See more at:
Are you sure about that?
From 21. to 27. May 2012, the PV power plants in Germany produced more power than in any other week.
During day time, the fossil fuel power plants still increased in that record PV week!
If the power were NOT needed or the wholesale price would have been zero, the fossil fuel power plants would OBVIOUSLY not have increased their power during day time.
Or do you simply seriously believe the fossil fuel power plant operators in Germany are complete numb-skulls?
See also page 82:
Also, electricity demand during day time is higher even though the electricity rates at night are 40% lower!
(Day demand is higher, because humans are not a nocturnal species (even in Germany).)
Besides, Wind is not PV and French nuclear power plants have occasionally provoked wholesale electricity below zero for decades. But nobody cared, because it is simply irrelevant, if it doesn't occur on a daily basis.
Smeagle, when the price of electricity decreases to zero there is only a fraction of the power, the extra power, from PV that is free in the market. Most of the PV power has been sold at a non-zero price. For example, 90% of the PV power was sold profitably but the extra 10% is free. If one suddenly shut of 33 GW of PV power, the price of electricity in the market would shoot up. If a cloud blocks 25% of the PV power, then the price would rise in my above example. IF some of the coal fired generators shut down to relieve the glut of electricity, then the price would also rise.
Well according to the article uptop the removal of subsidies makes solar uneconomic. Then reading further we find that solar produces power that cant be sold at a rate that meets the cost of installation, because solar power doesn't get paid normal market rates because of the way it floods the market. Now it may well be that the 10% of production that we assume is free is actually the 10% ROI that stakeholders were counting on getting paid for. In a logical world, the more solar you build out, the more 'free' power you generate, undermining any hope of profitability.
Baseload power generation takes a long time (look it up if you care, I'm not that interested) to cycle up to peak efficiency, and I'm willing to bet that the cycle times (coal/nuclear specifically, gas is more efficient at cycling up and down faster) are long enough to not warrent cycling down during 'peak sunlight.' Especially considering the risk that a cloud may drop out 25% of solar power quite quickly.
To be blunt coal powered plants can't just shut down because it is sunny, and instantly power up when it's cloudy. Imagine the chaos if the almighty consumer couldn't get his tripple quaterpounder with tripple cheese because the power was down and the eftpos machine wasn't working. Or someone was updating facebook and the power went down, all because of a thunder storm in summer. A rare event I know.
Game theory actually does a good job of explaining how power pricing works, and most of those who trade power are well educated in this feild. For a power company defection is not an option.
Let go of the ring, Smeagol, let go!
'For a power company, defection is not an option'
.. please, with all the power in their hands, they are (and they know) under the Sword of Damocles every minute of the day.
(Post Of The Day!)
Smeagol cannot stop talking about his Preciousssssss.
All that Power has bent his mind, just like the story we all know.
Smeagle wrote: "Baseload power generation takes a long time (look it up if you care, I'm not that interested) to cycle up to peak efficiency, and I'm willing to bet that the cycle times (coal/nuclear specifically, gas is more efficient at cycling up and down faster) are long enough to not warrent cycling down during 'peak sunlight.' Especially considering the risk that a cloud may drop out 25% of solar power quite quickly."
Ah, you are not interested to look up because it would prove you are wrong. Looser :-)
Nuclear is not able to follow fast power changes, NG and coal plants are. BTW you do not get a 25% reduction of PV power in a large aerea, that is again nonsense. PV and wind are predictable enough to combine them with NG/ coal power plants. There are even data on this issue in English for Germany, your fact free opinion is not a substitute for hard data.
Smeagle wrote: "To be blunt coal powered plants can't just shut down because it is sunny, and instantly power up when it's cloudy. Imagine the chaos if the almighty consumer couldn't get his tripple quaterpounder with tripple cheese because the power was down and the eftpos machine wasn't working. Or someone was updating facebook and the power went down, all because of a thunder storm in summer. A rare event I know.
- See more at:"
Again you talk nonsense, get data on change GW/min of German power plants and compare them with acually measured GW/min of PV and wind, then come back.
Not to spoil the pleasure for Smeagle having to use Google and slowly learn intersting real facts, but...
Btw, this is the single(!) plant that many anti-renewables news outlets en-masse reported as proof of Germany abandoning the shift to renewables, somehow forgetting to mention that this plant replaces 16 old, inflexible and inefficient coal plants with a combined capacity of 2400 MW.
Then clearly there is a giant conspiracy by the evil 'big energy' companies to destroy solar power. Because they get paid market rates while solar gets paid FIT rates. Sure govts and 'big energy' are colluding to destroy solar. They are so terrified of the new business model that without FIT would crash the price of its own product.
Seriously it's toatally illogical to suggest the impact of lower prices is different for a coal power plant then for a solar power plant. They both suffer, yet the one that gets the FIT is oddly called the succesful one, that will leave the rest in the dust. Winning the future with that kind of logic.
Here FYI something about baseload generation.
Abstract - Developments in the electricity sector such as the integration of increasing levels of renewable power, mainly wind, and the deregulation of electricity markets have resulted in some unconventional operation of base-load units. These units, which were originally designed for continuous operation, are now being forced into more flexible or cycling operation. This cycling operation results in serious physical degeneration of the unit’s components and hence incurs substantial costs to the plant operator. Using a planning tool of the Irish electricity system, the impact of increasing wind penetration on the operation of the base-load units is modelled. The results show that as wind penetration on the system increased, the base-load units were required to start up and shut down more often. However the units found to be cycled the most were not those with the cheapest start-up cost, but in fact those units with the shortest synchronisation time1. On the basis that the resulting cycling costs would increase the start-up costs of the base-load unit to some degree, the effect of increasing start-up costs on the operation of the base-load units was also examined. The results show that by increasing the start-up costs of base-load units, those units will be scheduled to operate in a more conventional base-loaded manner, the extent of which depends on the amount of wind power present.
So cycling increases wear and tear and costs. I'm a loser allright, and you are the winner. Horray for you.
Yah, blame solar for poor load following capability of old coal plants. In any other marktet everyone would simply say: let that dinosaur tech die out, if it cannot compete in this changing marktet. However not in the power market apparently. It proves to show that the level playing field in the power marktet is still far far away.
I'm not sure you understand what is actually happening. You seem to think that letting the old tech die out will solve the problem? Coal can compete in this market, it is solar power that cannot compete, the whole article uptop is a plea for more subsidies. So apparently in the 'any other market' we should let the uncompetitive tech die out. In this case solar, the fact that coal doesn't cycle well hurts its profitability, yet it hurts solar more. Just because something is new and techie doesn't make it better, or mean that it will blow away all competition.
Solar is unable to be profitable without subsidies, read the article uptop. Thats got nothing to do with coal.
You constantly having to tell others that they don't know what's happening should really start make you think whether perhaps it's actually the other way around.
Solar does not destroy the planet's life support system like ff plants do!
Solar is extremely profitable: PV-power costs me roughly half the cost of grid power without subsidies (I live in Europe).
Solar is democratic. No need for large foreign monopolistic utilities with the necessary deep pockets to build very large power plants I don't have a say in.
Solar does not threaten permanently having to abandon scarce good land and costly infrastructure like nuclear plants do.
Solar does not threaten my health like nuclear & ff plants in a way I don't choose myself.
Solar does not suffer from peak resources like nuclear & ff plants do. Renewable.
Solar does not play havoc with world energy resource politics like nuclear & especially ff plants do (at least not as much).
Solar will become cheaper because it's technology based, it will always get better over time whereas resource based energy will become more expensive over time as resources deplete.
Solar provides a level of energy autonomy that is otherwise not obtainable. How many Saudi-Arabia's are there?
Yes I know solar does not provide power all the time. The answer to this is simply a challenge not a reason to forget all the advantages. The previous also applies to wind and other renewables.
So let me make my standpoint extremely clear: The old resource based tech HAS to die out! I view the article above as simply a description of the current situation on this transition path. This path may not go smooth all the way, the established powers and their government suck-puppets will fight for as long as possible, solar may need subsidies for a while before it's clear of the hurdles the non-level power market playing field poses, etc. But we have no choice then to take this path if we want a reasonable future for us on this planet.
Nobody is discounting the advantages of solar. What I have been saying is that solar is uneconomic as shown in the article. What you view the article as has no bearing on economics as it is in the world today.
SOlar = good - I agree
FF = bad - I agree
Those two facts do not make solar economic.
FWIW solar does suffer from peak resources, where do you think the materials come from, not just the PV panles but all the hardware they require, all the software, and the stretched distrubution chains, and production.
I don't understand about solar being technology based, it's still made out of physical stuff, and as such will suffer limits according to things like leibigs law of the minimum, (not an actual law, more of a principal.)
As to having a choice, tell me this, how much of what you do IS NOT the cause of CO2 emmisions? We have no choice, we will destroy the biosphere as much as we are able because thats the kind of animal we are. Just like yeast, we can't stop doing what we do.
There is a fundamental difference between renewable energy and energy produced by burning fossil fuels. Fuel burning is a once through process. You burn the fuel once and it's gone, forever (as far as I'm concerned).
To demonstrate, look at the cost of the most expensive solar panel and it's associated electronics, then take whatever that figure is, buy the cheapest Chinese made generator you can buy and spend the rest of the money to buy fuel. How many kWh will the fuel generate and how much of the emissions can I turn back into useful fuel in a realistic time frame. That single solar panel will continue to generate electricity for a long time. I suggest that the results would be similar for wind turbines, especially the MW class machines.
Solar PV, the gift that keeps on giving!
Alan from the islands
Wait, are we reading the same article? The one I read says that PV's getting so cheap that it's going to be preferentially installed with or without subsidies. Someone help me out here...
From article uptop
(Reuters) - Foreign investors in renewable energy projects in Spain have hired lawyers to prepare potential international legal action against the Spanish government over new rules they say break their contracts.
The Spanish Parliament approved a law on Thursday that cuts subsidies for alternative energy technologies, backtracking on its push for green power.
That measure, along with other recent laws including a tax on power generation that hit green energy investments especially hard, will virtually wipe out profits for photovoltaic, solar thermal and wind plants, sector lobbyists say.
Supported by the analysis of his services, the Economy minister, Etienne Schneider, had a rotund remark. An observation that touches above all the photo-voltaic sector, "that is too expensive for a weak result in terms of renewable energies development".
It can be profitable for home use if you are paying retail rates, but if you are trying to sell solar on the spot market, it becomes unprofitable.
Smeagle, consider that some of these centralized renewable plants were installed years ago when the prices for the equipment were higher than today. They were promised a certain rate for their power and installed those systems using those economic calculations. Now Spain refuses to pay what they promised and slaps a new tax on them while refusing to raise the regulated electric rates to the customers. Also the revenue has been declining because demand for electricity has been declining since the recession in 2008.
For example, if one of the PV plants was funded by a loan from a bank to buy the equipment, then the company must pay regular payments on the loan. Because Spain unilaterally changed the contract terms, the company may not collect enough revenue to pay the loan payments causing bankruptcy. This is not some variable rate for the electricity obtainable by selling in the market. Spain reduced a promised fixed rate.
A constructive line of thought would be to consider why Spain is acting this way. Who benefits from driving domestic renewable production of electricity into bankruptcy? Who benefits from chasing investors in renewable energy out of Spain? If the renewable energy producers go bankrupt, who gets to own the power plants? Maybe bankers? The IMF? After obtaining ownership, if they have the power to force Spain to increase rates, both retail and the feed-in tariff, then they would be sitting pretty raiding the country of its assets. The Energy Export Databrowser shows that Spain imports coal, crude oil and natural gas meaning Spain gains advantage by generating as much of its power domestically as possible. Why is the Spanish government acting against the interests of Spain?
Spanish FIT Update: "Temporary" Halt to New Renewable Energy Projects, Wind Works, March 21, 2012:
The Spanish government is making renewable energy producers pay to eliminate the deficit accumulated by not allowing the fossil fuel producers to charge a profitable rate to the consumers as the cost of the fossil fuels increased over the last 10 years. In the process they will drive some of them, especially the older ones, into bankruptcy.
Here is another one for you, Smeagle, about feed-in tariffs and why they are superior to trading electricity in a market:
Why a Smart FIT is Not Very Smart Policy at All, Paul Gipe, February 19, 2013
'You are acting as if this negative power thing happens all the time. No, this is only happening in one country where they massively built out solar and it only happens at certain times on certain sunny days. That is a failure?"
Yes, definitely, it is a failure, simply because "the plan" is for every country in Europe to install lots of PV and/or wind, which will make the German situation look like a child's game.
See what happens in Italy, for instance, on a sunny day...PV production mainly in the south and Sicily, and consumption in the north. It's mayhem for the transmission lines.
Same in Spain (with wind), and Denmark alike. Exporting to Norway's and Sweden's pumped hydro to then get it back (with surcharges and lots of losses) a couple of days later.
PV is not a viable 'global' option because its production changes too much during the year, especially for countries like Germany. Anyway, looks like they (the Germans) will continue to install rather large quantities of panels in the near future, so time will tell, we just need to wait a couple of years to see who was right and who was wrong...
... but for the time being, in spite of 1.1 extra GW of wind and 8.2 extra GWp of PV, the emissions from the electricity power sector have gone up in 2012 with respect to 2011...considering the whole thing has started to "decarbonize" the production of electricity, I would not call it a big success either, would you? PV has displaced gas power stations and increased the use of coal/lignite power stations, which are the worst possible in terms of pollution and health.
"See what happens in Italy, for instance, on a sunny day...PV production mainly in the south and Sicily, and consumption in the north. It's mayhem for the transmission lines."
So the grid has to adapt from being centralized to decentralized. Is that an insurmountable problem? No. Symptoms like this are just growing pains during the transition, not a failure. The Italian grid has become much more reliable over the last 10 years. Despite the rapid increase in renewables or because the increase of renewables? Spain's grid became more reliable the past 10 years as well, despite all that horrible wind and solar power.
"PV is not a viable 'global' option because its production changes too much during the year, especially for countries like Germany."
Don't start putting up strawmen. No one is arguing to use ONLY solar. Electricity production has always been a mix of sources and will remain so, only different sources than previously and with different ratio's.
"we just need to wait a couple of years to see who was right and who was wrong..."
The Germans are at it for over 20 years already and their grid is still the most stable in Europe while simultaneously getting up to 50% of their electricity from renewables. How much longer must we wait to accept that the energy transition might work quite well?
"but for the time being, in spite of 1.1 extra GW of wind and 8.2 extra GWp of PV, the emissions from the electricity power sector have gone up in 2012 with respect to 2011"
Now you're well into silly territory. Emissions in 2012 are way lower then expected after the phaseout of 8 nuclear reactors in 2011 and while coal-produced electricity exports have increased BECAUSE of the rapid increase in renewables.
"PV has displaced gas power stations..."
Which is great and expected because of merit order and the currently low carbon price which favors coal burning for export.
"... and increased the use of coal/lignite power stations, which are the worst possible in terms of pollution and health."
Wrong on the cause. See above. Ofcourse everyone would like to see coal use go down faster and it looks like the decline that is going on for over 10 years is going to continue. Coal use in Germany has been reduced by 10% over the last 10 years, a little uptick for one year does not undo that.
"So the grid has to adapt from being centralized to decentralized. Is that an insurmountableproblem? No."
I beg to differ: for Italy, in its present state, IT IS INSURMOUNTABLE, YES,definitely.
I suggest you look a bit at the differences in economy and geography of Italy vs Germany,for instance. Impossible to compare.
No money, no improvement of the distribution network = end of the game.
PV in Italt will be remembered as a social game played on the backs of the italian families to the tune of 6,7 billion Euro/year during 20 years.
"Don't start putting up strawmen. No one is arguing to use ONLY solar. Electricity production has always been a mix of sources and will remain so, only different sources than previously and with different ratio's."
Doesn't matter!... if it's a mix of solar AND wind it is even worse, at times, because you can have both at peak production at the same time. Anyway, talking of strawmen... on the Fraunhofer web page you can find documents, "studies", where people seriously consider the possibility of installing 250 GWp in Germany... tell me, do you think it would be a viable solution? Practical?
"we just need to wait a couple of years to see who was right and who was wrong..."
The Germans are at it for over 20 years already and their grid is still the most stable in Europe while simultaneously getting up to 50% of their electricity from renewables."
How much? 50% Are you sure? Who'sputting up strawmen here? C'mon!
" How much longer must we wait to accept that the energy transition might work quite well?"
I am personally waiting for DATA which prove that...and the data are AGAINST all strawmen put up by those who think that it's just a matter of multiplying the installation of panels and wind turbines, and everything's going to be fine...looks like a script for a B-movie in Hollywood to me...
"but for the time being, in spite of 1.1 extra GW of wind and 8.2 extra GWp of PV, the emissions from the electricity power sector have gone up in 2012 with respect to 2011"
Now you're well into silly territory. Emissions in 2012 are way lower then expected after the phaseout of 8 nuclear reactors in 2011 and while coal-produced electricity exports have increased BECAUSE of the rapid increase in renewables.
Not at all, I'm not the silly one here, I'm just reporting the latest news from the German Federal agency, two days ago. Emissions from the electric sector up by more than 2%, in spite of a general decrease of emissions.
"PV has displaced gas power stations..."
Which is great and expected because of merit order and the currently low carbon price which favors coal burning for export.
Well... "is great" for those who make money out of it, it's a lot less great for the people downwind of the power stations: "Electricity generation and health",The Lancet, 2007. Lignite/coal has a mortality of between 15 and 30 deaths per TWh electric generated... justmultiply by the number of TWh and you'll have the number of deaths during normal operation... for 2012 lignite has generated 143 TWh, and hard coal 106 TWh. Any comments on that?
"... and increased the use of coal/lignite power stations, which are the worst possible in terms of pollution and health."
Wrong on the cause. See above. Ofcourse everyone would like to see coal use go down faster and it looks like the decline that is going on for over 10 years is going to continue. Coal use in Germany has been reduced by 10% over the last 10 years, a little uptick for one year does not undo that."
Again: you say that because you are not the one breathing the "little uptick", anyway, upticks aside, the almost 63 GW of combined PV and wind in Germany have certainly NOT taken down by an equivalent amount the consumption of coal/lignite, showing once more that decarbonizing via wind/PV is one of the least efficients way to do it... especially using a technology that during 4 full months gets an "efficiency" of way less than 5% (the CF, I mean).
Just look at the 265 page document from the Fraunhofer Institute, it is a real eye opener... for those who do not choose to be blind, of course.
Re Italy, well, I admit not knowing too much about Italy, so I can accept your claim that Italy isn't doing much to their grid. The question is: 1) does this lead to problems and 2) will this situation remain. For 1) the stability figures show that at least until now, the grid is improving. For 2 I can only say that even while continuing to rely on coal will one day switch the lights off too. PV in Italy remains a great choice with the temperatures and solar insolation they have.
Re wind AND solar being worse, well, in a lot of regions wind AND solar are nearly a perfect match because they fill in for each other. It's possible that this is not the case in some other places. So be it. Coal ain't perfect everywhere either.
Re the supposed strawman about Germany sometimes hitting 50% power from solar. You clearly aren't up to date.
Re you waiting for data and B-movies, well, perhaps the link above put's that in perspective.
Re emissions, yes you're silly. You're mixing cause, effect and bad reading capabilities in a twisted mess.
Re gas being offset by PV and coal vs health: What, you're telling us that now it's PV's fault that gas plants are shutdown first instead of coal? You rather have both producing power? Everyone would like to have coal shutdown first unfortunately this is governed by merit order and CO2 certificates are currently too cheap to switch the merit order of coal and gas. Luckily replacing gas also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. But apparently this ain't good enough? How do you suppose PV should fix that?
Re 63 GW PV/wind not taking down the equivalent amount of coal/lignite. Uhm, you're unable to see the logical fallacy there? This is because Germany is using/exporting more electricity over the past 10 years while simultaneously using less hard coal, gas and nuclear. Were it not for PV and wind coal use would be much higher today.
I've clearly wasted too much time looking up all those links for you.
I'll respond later to the rest, but let me outline this one...
"Re the supposed strawman about Germany sometimes hitting 50% power from solar. You clearly aren't up to date."
... you are wrong, I am very up to date on all of these "wonderful news"!!... there has been several ones similar to that about Spanish wind recently, and also about Italian PV, and how about the mother of all good "green" news, Danish wind?... that has been going on for almost two decades now... in fact Denmark has the most expensive electricity ON THE PLANET!...
Anyway, celebrating such a news would be as if I, on payday, would claim to be a millionaire just extrapolating my paycheck to any other day of the year... unfortunately I am NOT paid 365 times per year, only once in a while.
The kind of things you have linked are EXACTLY the same. Who cares if during 2-4 hours of a couple of weeks max/year PV panels generate 50%, or even 150% for that matters, of the demand?... FACT is that 6 hours later the same tens of GWp where generating ZERO watts.
A useless technology, for the time being, as I said, at least as long as large scale applications are concerned, clearly for one-off cases like a guy living in a ranch in New Mexico far from the grid that's a great technology... but how many humans do that?
Are we discussing the merits of a technology "for the masses", or a technology for the few?
Italy is not sustainable importing oil, gas and coal either as shown by the Energy Export Databrowser. Solar, wind and hydro are domestic sources of energy for them.
Here is that 22.4 GW mentioned in the Reuters article in graphical form from "Electricity production from solar and wind in Germany in 2012" FRAUNHOFER INSTITUTE FOR SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS ISE, page 78. On May 26, 2012, wind and PV were close to producing 50%.
If Germany installs another 20 GW of PV, then hard coal power plants will be doing little load following on sunny days.
You don't want to get it, do you?
"If Germany installs another 20 GW of PV, then hard coal power plants will be doing little load following on sunny days."
How many "sunny" days in a year in Germany?
The sum of solar + wind for the whole "sunny" month of May (the sunniest month of the year, in Germany) is SEVEN TWh... tell me one thing, is 7 TWh 50% of the monthly consumption of Germany?
Yes or no?
BlueTwilight writes: "On May 26, 2012, wind and PV were close to producing 50%."
Moflow writes: "tell me one thing, is 7 TWh 50% of the monthly consumption of Germany?"
C'mon Moflow, stop continuously trying to push your arguments using strawmen!
Oh!... gimme a break with this strawman thing!... I am just trying, desperately, but I'm gonna give up... to explain that saying "it is a wonderful technology, 'cause between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm it can generate 50% of the needed electricity" means absolutely NOTHING... no nation on earth can or will EVER survive on a technology which does that.
If, on the other hand, saying/writing this kind of nonsensical catch phrases makes you feel better, I'll be happy to add a "Ooooooh... that's SO wonderful!"...
Happy now?
No, you're doing it again. Please tell me, which country is currently planning to get all of it's electricity at all times from solar alone?
Again, the world isn't black&white, it's grey made up of different shades at different times. Solar is just one shade of grey, although a really pretty one I think.
"No, you're doing it again. Please tell me, which country is currently planning to get all of it's electricity at all times from solar alone?"
Are you kidding me? It is not solar alone, of course, but if it is 40% solar, 40% wind, and the remainder other forms of renewables it is exactly the same. There are seriously thought plans to install 250 GWp of PV in Germany alone, a country which in the past 3 full months has had a total of 96 hours of sunny days... 250 GWp would generate, during few hours of few days of the year, about 80% of their peak power, i.e. 200 GWe... amid cries of hooray among the greens... tell me, would you consider this a viable solution, to be copied by other countries?.
Who has written this?
"In fact, the scalability and low prices of PV may mean that this transition is now inevitable."
Actually, Germany gets most power from Wind and PV in December and January: (page 27)
You can remove "and PV" from your statement, and it won't change a bit! :-)
PV production in Germany between November and February, 4 full months, has been ridiculously low... just look at the Fraunhofer document with the details of the whole 2012, on a daily basis:
The same document will show you that even wind has had its tantrums, during the exceptionally wind month of January 2012 (if that is what you are referring to), page 52 and 78... for instance between 27 and 29 January there has been practically NO PV production and very low wind production, 3 full days.
February? From 2nd to 6th practically NO wind production, some PV doesn't help at all, 'cause the days in Germany in February are painfully short, 1 TWh total PV production during the ENTIRE month, i.e. less than one day of consumption. Same thing few days later, between 10th and 12th of February.
In fact, same document page 39, the scatter plot showing the production of wind AND PV... if they were well anti-correlated (i.e. one produces a lot when the other produces a little, and viceversa) as legend goes, the plot should look different!... should be a cloud of points clustered around a 45 degree line, like those dashed lines on the plot... as you can see most of the points fall somewhere else, everywhere in fact, showing that the correlation is, on a shorter than week or month basis, rather poor. This goes contrary to what the author of the document reports on the inset of the plot... "Solar and wind complement one another quite good", that's wishful thinking at best and deception at worst, at least this is my interpretation... and if anyone here can explain to me why my interpretation is not correct I'll be very grateful, thanks!
Again, one of your cheap strawmen. :-)
Every serious study on renewable energy assume that we have at least 15 days in winter (November - February) without wind and sun in Germany and, therefore, need some kind of long-term storage for 25-40 TWh worth of electricity.
Maybe you should start reading a little bit. :-)
The correlation is interesting on a month scale, there we have indeed a quite constant production of PV+wind. For hours or days it is accepted that short term storage will flatten the production curve.
BTW you still have not provided any good alternative that works without huge storage (France: 60 GW nuclear, 23 GW pump storage).
If I remember correctly Germany plans to install 60 GW (rated) of PV and about 120 GW (rated) of wind. They plan to expand other renewable sources to a lessor degree. Fossil fuels are intended to provide backup. That is a viable plan.
Germany's peak electrical power is about 75 GW and they plan to reduce it to about 45 GW by improving efficiency. Overbuilding their PV system to 250 GW (rated) would be 3 to 4 times their current peak electrical power consumption and about 5.5 times their projected power consumption. That amount of overbuild would provide a sizable fraction of their power on cloudy days from nearly sunrise to sunset. They would need to do significant demand side management, storage and production shedding to manage the overproduction on sunny days. If they point some of their PV panels to favor morning and evening, then the power would be spread out through the day minimizing the peak around noon.
Whether such a large overbuild is feasible mainly depends on the price of PV panels. At $2.19 / (rated watt) I mounted a Kyocera KD-135 with an azimuth of 50 degrees east of south and manually tiltable in altitude to favor morning conditions allowing me to run my refrigerator/freezer longer before the typical summertime clouds form in the afternoon. It outputs about 80% of the energy than if I mounted it more optimally. It will cost me 10.4 cents/kWh (actual produced) if it lasts 20 years and 5.2 cents/kWh if it lasts 40 years. It's cheaper than grid power here which is at least 17 cents/kWh plus thousands of dollars for installation plus the price probably increasing in the future. I think better refrigeration performance is worth it. I also get more power on cloudy days and for running kitchen appliances and power tools in the morning. My batteries should last longer. Would I buy another one to overbuild my PV system further? At the current price of around $2 /(rated watt), I will not. If the price decreases to around $1/(rated watt), then I probably will.
As for using Germany's plan in other countries, keep in mind that Germany is a rather cloudy place with a northerly latitude of about 51 degrees giving it a PV capacity factor around 11%. Mine is around 20%. There are many places on Earth where it would work even better than in Germany. So Germany's plan is definitely viable and copyable.
The 250 GW PV scenario was only proposed with a huge numebr of small battery storage systems in housholds, without storage the alternatives with only 100 GW PV (with reduced output of the inverter) is the goal. With 3-6 GW added PV per year there is no problem in the next decades.
The backbone of the German transition is wind, here the potentail for onshore alone is 90 GW when 1% of the land is used, >180 GW, when 2% of the land is used. 90GW are expected to provide 45-50% of the german demand. Source: Windenergiereport 2011 (Fraunhofer).
"... here the potentail for onshore alone is 90 GW... 90GW are expected to provide 45-50% of the german demand"
Sorry, but I can't believe this!... it doesn' make sense!
You have specified, on-shore wind, right?
90 GW of on-shore wind in Germany, scaling with the present CF (which for 2012 was LESS than 18% if I remember correctly,... yes, Fraunhofer data, page 5-6 of the 2012 report, 45867 GWh out of an average of 29.4 GW -> CF=0.178) generates 142 TWh (at 18% CF), in order to get 50% of the present consumption of 560 TWh/year, i.e. 280 TWh, one would need either 178 GW of on-shore wind or an average capacity factor of 35.5%... which is unrealistic.
Third possibility is that by the time the 90 GW of on-shore wind are installed the yearly consumption of electricity in Germany falls by almost 50%... which is the most unrealistic possibility out of the three... just think about the plans of the big carmakers to "electrify" the car business...
Sorry, but either the resources are not there, or the plan is not updated following the real world out there, what you germans collectively want as a lifestyle... that's what I mean when I hint at a detachment between the "green" intellighentsia and the actual people.
Talking about surface areas... 1% of Germany's surface is 3571 km2, knowing that the power density of wind farms is of the order of between 0.5 and 1.5 W/m2 (V. Smil's analysis, or D. McKay's, 2 W/m2, for windier UK)... 3.571E+9 x 8760 = 31.3 TWh (at 1 W/m2)... your, or whoever told you, numbers are detached from the reality of things, sorry to say that, I know you mean well.
Wind farms' power density IS NOT the mere calculation of the ground "imprint" of the turbines, many other factors come into play... the numbers you report are those obtained by bottom-up analyses... while the correct methodology is a top-down one... see De Castro et al (and references therein) in Energy Policy of 2011 (2012?)... it was discussed here on TOD back then... or the very recent reappraisal of the global, planetary, potential of wind
"Wind resource estimates that ignore the effect of wind turbines in slowing large-scale winds may therefore substantially overestimate the wind power resource"
... excerpted from...
"Are global wind power resource estimates overstated?", Environmental Research Letters 2013 8 015021
Ulenspiegel, thanks for the clarification.
"As for using Germany's plan in other countries, keep in mind that Germany is a rather cloudy place with a northerly latitude of about 51 degrees giving it a PV capacity factor around 11%. Mine is around 20%. There are many places on Earth where it would work even better than in Germany. So Germany's plan is definitely viable and copyable."
Interesting data about your personal case and installation, thanks a lot... but I don't agree at all with your final statement, sorry.
They can overbuild as much as they like... up to physical/ecological/social limits which in some cases have already been reached (I'm referring to on-shore wind installations, that's practically saturated in Germany as a whole... nobody wants new 150 m tall turbines around).
Powering a detached house (as I assume is your case) and covering most if not all of the electricity demand is one thing, powering a country where most of the population lives in big cities and one of the largest industrial complexes MUST run 24h/24 is quite another thing. That's all I'm saying... I am not "against" by default, after all when I built my house in 2000 I wanted to install PV panels (at the time there was no feed in tariff, in France) but couldn't do it due to the impossibility to get the proper orientation of the roof.
I seem to remember that Germany's feed-in tariff ends when 60 GW (rated) of PV is installed, so I do not expect them to install more.
Considering the hypothetical case of overbuilding the PV capacity by four times, it would help on partly cloudy days and during winter. Power would have to be exported, stored or discarded on sunny days. Feasibility depends on the cost of PV panels being low and possibly pointing them with azimuths away from south. My off-grid PV system is overbuilt by about 2 times, I discard some power, and I doubt that I would overbuild it by 4 times. If I could buy a Kyocera KD-135 for $1 / (rated watt) today, then I would certainly buy another one for more power on cloudy days and when running high powered equipment to reduce the discharge of my batteries. It would be worth it to increase their longevity. Decades from now when Germany's supply of lignite is low, they might discover value in overbuilding their PV systems to be energy independent. Dependance on foreign suppliers can be problematic.
"Feasibility depends on the cost of PV panels being low and possibly pointing them with azimuths away from south."
What???? The vast majority (number, not installed power) of the PV systems installed in Germany is of the "architectonically integrated on roof" type (laid on top of, or in place of, roof tiles)... how do you propose to make the buildings under them change their azimuths???? Rotatable houses? What is this, a joke?
Dude, please read comprehensively before responding and stop building strawman arguments. Bluetwilight clearly talked about a hypothetical future where they massively overbuild...etc, you're countering that they can't change current configurations. Don't you see the difference?
Well, my friend, "current configuration", as you call it, will be part of the future configuration.
The plan of installing 250 GWp is by 2050, a mere 37 years from now... when everybody here who has a PV system claims that the lifetime of the panels is waaaaaay more than the "canonical" 20 years means that the currently installed panels will have to be counted in, and for those there will be no way to change azimuth... over here in Europe building permits are way more difficult to get than over there in the USA, you can't generally place the panels at the angle you like, it has to be flush with the roof pane's orientation. Try to do otherwise and the neighbours will file a complain... especially in Germany. That's one of the reasons why the capacity factor of PV is low, apart from technology limitations.
Molflow, if Germany's residential PV systems are mostly PV shingles, they already are mounting them with a variety of pointing directions because most of their roofs probably do not point southward. That would partially explain their low capacity factor. There might not be enough roof area to overbuild PV to 250 GW (rated) in which case they would have to do centralized PV systems which could include tracking systems or pointing them in a selected fixed direction. Over time when buildings need to be replaced, they may be constructed considering the orientation of the roof best suited for PV panels.
"... to overbuild PV to 250 GW (rated) in which case they would have to do centralized PV systems which could include tracking systems or pointing them in a selected fixed direction. "
Problem is, at Germany's high latitudes, trackers take about 3x as much ground space per unitary energy output... and in that case the limit is given not by technology but by ecology... competition between open space for parks, laisure, cities, agricultural activities, etc... all stuff which is well documented in the literature.
"Over time when buildings need to be replaced, they may be constructed considering the orientation of the roof best suited for PV panels."
I'm sorry, I don't know which country you live in... the US?... over here in Europe houses are built to stay in place FOR A CENTURY, at least, "next time" for the existing houses is in the 22nd century!... we do not build wood-frames in 5 months like in the US, it's mainly solid bricks, expensive stuff taking easily more than a year to complete, which nobody in his/her mind would think to demolish just to get a better roof orientation... zoning over here is taken seriously. Where I live now I could not put any PV panel on the roof, with any orientation, "c'est interdit!"... :-(
Look at the street orientation of US cities vs any European city: when I lived in Dallas, and back then there were no GPSs, I could go around no problem without a map, N-S or E-W, that's the orientation of 90% of Dallas' streets and neighboring areas... try that downtown Milan or Frankfurt? on a covered day with no help from the sun's position?... :-)
You talk nonsense, there is only one proponent for a 250 GW PV and he clearly defines the framework in which this works, get facts, then come back.
There are no problems with building permits in Germany for PV on houses or industrial roofs, you make this up.
Capacity factor is not relevant when I produce with lower costs than the utiility charges me, is this really so difficult to understand?
"Capacity factor is not relevant when I produce with lower costs than the utiility charges me, is this really so difficult to understand?"
Sun doesn't shine in Germany, independently of the price of the PV modules and/or their quantum efficiency, between November and February... days are too SHORT!... is this really so difficult to understand? Just go by your window and look outside (today you have an exceptionally sunny day, I know, spare me the joke... it won't last long, though).
C'mon!... it's not a matter of costs, "grid parity", or whatever you want, it is the production profile of PV in Germany, it is the amount of electricity to generate, who cares about costs?... you are a rich country, that's not a problem... problem is Mother Nature has decided otherwise. Get real.
Actually, Wind and PV produced most energy in December and January: (page 27)
Also, PV and Wind can essentially be cut at 50% of their combined nameplate capacity and still deliver the same amount of energy per year. (Figure 20 on page 27)
Their relevant capacity factor is essentially double of what ignorant people believe it to be.
"Their relevant capacity factor is essentially double of what ignorant people believe it to be."
Yeah!... Sure!... you cut in half their installed power and they still produce the same energy... and the CF doubles thanks to what?... the magic wand of the little fairy?
C'mon, man!... tell me/us... what is in your opinion the capacity factor of german PV, and that of wind... I really want to see this.
Thanks in advance, of course.
Please comment without personal attacks per commenting guidelines.
Thanks, all.
According to Electricity production from solar and wind in Germany in 2012, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE:
Installed PV capacity in 2011: 25.039 GW
Installed PV capacity in 2012: 32.381 GW
Electricity production from PV in 2012: 27.944 TWh
Average PV capacity factor: 27.944 TWh / ((25.039 + 32.381)GW/2) / 366 d/y / 24 h/d = 11%
Installed wind capacity in 2011: 29.071 GW
Installed wind capacity in 2011: 29.440 GW
Electricity production from wind in 2012: 45.867 TWh
Average wind capacity factor: 45.867 TWh / (29.071 + 29.440)GW/2 / 366 d/y / 24 h/d = 18%
With windier conditions it was 19% in 2011.
As for anyone's comment, a look at figure 20 shows he is exaggerating a bit. It looks like clipping PV and wind production at 50% of their rated power would reduce total energy production to 80%. This occurs because the actual average power output by PV and wind across the entire country is always below their rated capacity. Because all of the PV is not pointed in the same direction, they do not all produce their maximum power simultaneously, and not all of the wind turbines are spinning at their maximum rate simultaneously. This also means that if PV and wind capacity are overbuilt by a factor of two, then only 20% of their combined energy would be in surplus, the event that would cause zero market price.
"This negative power price thing" is likely to be a growing challenge as PV uptake AND wind farm development continue. In the UK power plant owners are lobbying for price guarantees to protect themselves from price volatilty driven primarily by winds, but on rare sunny days, also, by PV. No, these isolated spot price collapses in Germany will grow and spread, and there really is no turning back.
Continuing to call this power worthless is in itself worthless, especially considering the fact that it provides huge net benefits to the economy and society. The conventional energy industry has enjoyed a special, privileged place in western economies for far too long, and now we hear whining that this privileged status is being challenged? Cry me a river.
That my former energy company colleagues are clearly threatened by my off-grid status is both understandable and their problem. They fought change and now see their monopolistic stations in the economy slipping away. Their poor planning and short-term profit-driven models are more to blame than those who are making different choices. The options they offered me were unacceptable; rejected. Seems society at large is reaching the same conclusions, albeit, begrudgingly. More to come, as most of our old models are failing.
Who is whining? The only whining is comming from the solar fraternity about having their subsidies cut? It's an uneconomic model, face it. That it also makes baseload generators, without which you lose most of the utility of and in fact the ability to produce solar panels, uneconomic for a short period of time, is trival compared to the losses from solar power which produces the bulk of it's power for a fraction of the true cost of production. Stop trying to pretend it is economical, and threatning standard power co's, it's not. At least not in the way you suggest. The cheap power hurts solar more then it does anyone else.
When Big Oil & Gas have *their* massive subsidies cut, we'll talk. Until then, it's simply a matter of crushing your competition when that competition has finally become large enough to be a threat. It's all about $$ and power.
I understand your logic and economic point. However, it is the same argument made about stranded wind in the U.S. Midwest. Sometimes wind (or solar) is not making enough power to meet demand and sometimes production is much greater than demand over a wide area, it is swamping the grid with power and needs to either be turned off or sold at super low prices. The energy gets stranded from the market. Economically neither production approach seems viable.
IMHO your viewpoint on energy distribution and markets is an artifact of the 20th century. Prior to that, energy production and manufacturing were; locally resource dependeant (wood, coal, water wheel, wind, etc), seasonal even within local environment, and disconnected from each other. Lime kilnes using charcoal were completely independent (with respect to energy) from grist mills powered by water. Processes did not run at uniform rates, 24/7/365. Raw material and finished goods storage and management was integral for the businesses to be optimally efficient with respect to production.
IMO the fossil fuel age has made just about everyone think that power and operations can and should always be run at desired (name plate) rate with flick of a switch. There is no coupling of processes to peak availability of energy sources. Even when oil or NG prices spike 2x over a few years (as has happened in early 2000's) people persisted in demanding more supply at cheap price instead of changing the basic business model and producing less when energy availability is low. No one did that because the world needed goods at all costs (apparantly even when bubbles build) and to not be producing is to lose your customers to competitors in a "just in time" world.
Stranded wind and excess solar energy are fantastic opportunities to manufacture energy intensive goods, at rediculously low prices at almost no energy cost to society, that can be stored for later use. All kinds of things come to mind; liquid fuels, fertilizer, smelting of ores, glass manufacture, cement manufacture, stone quarrying, etc. Really anything that needs a stockpiled raw material converted into a higher value finished product and can be automated. No reason these processes need to run 24/7/365. They can run whenever the power is available. The rest of the time people and lower energy machines can be moving the materials around, packaging them, distributing them, using them, etc.
I submit that cost of goods will come down in real dollars and standard of living in same dollars will go up if this model was pursued. I believe this because that kind of efficiency seems to be what humans did for something like 40,000 years with food, tools and trade goods. It is not about the flow of money, it is about the flow of energy. But I am not an economist or banker so what do I know.
My viewpoint on energy markets etc. is just the way it is. As stated in the above article. You may have some other viewpoint, based on what once was, or what may be. Stranded power are fantastic opportunities, howere as you already stated
"people persisted in demanding more supply at cheap price instead of changing the basic business model and producing less when energy availability is low. No one did that because the world needed goods at all costs (apparantly even when bubbles build) and to not be producing is to lose your customers to competitors in a "just in time" world."
So I don't see this changing, though it would be great if it did. No doubt prosperity would go up if we could tap into a renewable energy source with zero marginal cost of production.
For 40,000 years prosperity was realatively static, and in a resource constrained world it must be.
Yair . . .
Excellent Smeagle! It is starting to sink in! You actualy are beginning to understand!
Congratulations and Cheers!
It seems you entirely missed the point of the article.
"Value" in evolving energy markets is an energy resource that has zero marginal cost (only equipment costs, and uses up no non-renewable fuel resources). Solar has high value in such a market (and is paid accordingly through a stable and guaranteed FIT rate or alternative payment scheme). Energy resources that have low value are those that have high equipment costs, high variable costs, and high marginal costs (and utilize non-renewable fuel resources in an unsustainable way).
I have no idea where you get the faulty idea that solar is "worthless" as priced into current markets?
Given the context of what I said, in the broader context of this article. The price you get when you sell solar power is sometimes zero, othertimes negative, and othertimes lower then it would be without solar.
Your counter, seems to be that because solar is good, it must be profitable?
You have surcharges (fixed rate FIT or Market Premium in Germany) for capital return on equipment, and then you sell electricity at the going market rate (zero, negative, whatever). Of course it's profitable, or people wouldn't be building them in one of the fastest growing solar markets in the world.
Why do you think this is not profitable?
If something is 'far cheaper' than something else, then, by definition, it's *less* worthless than that something else, from an economic standpoint. No? That doesn't exactly stand as a supporting argument for what I think smeagle's trying to get at, which most of us consider irrelevant. The problem is having a larger supply of power than demand. (1) it's a transient condition, and (2) one could just as easily argue that Germany now has too much baseload, and it's the worthless FF's that are screwing up the economics of their very handy PV, *not* the other way around. As we say, once it's in the wire, all electrons are subsituitble for any others.
Someone tell me here - does Germany already have so much RE connected that supply can outstrip demand in winter even with zero FF's connected? If so, I'd sure like to have that kind of worthless PV deployed in my hometown. Sooner or later they'll get tired of throttling it down when it's sunny in the winter, and start doing storage, or power will just get so cheap in the winter that we'll all start using electric instead of FF's in our furnaces - that would take a nice chunk out of the excess...
The problem here is the archaic way grid electricity prices are computed. Currently, electricity prices are computed by the marginal cost of production. As the marginal cost of production for renewable energy is virtually zero, lots of renewable energy going onto the grid reduces the grid price of electricity making the grid itself unprofitable. That's why feed in tarifs are so important for renewable electricity projects. Without the feed in tarifs, everyone goes broke. Jerome a Paris has written about this problem for TOD.
"lots of renewable energy going onto the grid reduces the grid price of electricity making the grid itself unprofitable."
Perhaps this is just a slip of the pen, but the price of power on the grid does not determine whether the grid itself is profitable or not. The cost for the grid is compensated by transmission costs which are added to the production costs independent from market prices. I agree that other generation sources are made unprofitable, however this is rather a design goal in Germany than an unwanted side-effect (according to Hermann Scheer who co-founded the EEG laws in Germany:
Solar is certainly not great at the wholesale level. But at the retail level for solar PV that I install? It is a great business model. I get my all my daytime retail power needs from my PV array. I trade extra daytime PV power to the local utility in exchange for power at night when I can't generate it. They like it because then they don't need to build expensive and rarely used peaker plants to cover Sunny days when demand is very high.
Sure, the situation is different in Germany . . . but I don't live in Germany. I live in California. But I'm sure those clever Germans will figure something out. They'll trade daytime solar to the French who will provide the Germans with nuclear power at night (but the Germans will go into denial that they are using nuclear power).
The big issue with the grid solar supplies is that once it hits a critical mass it has a wholesale price of zero, which is the same as the marginal cost of production. Also per the issues of a functioning grid. So clearly subsidies go a long way toward reaching that point, and will have to be removed if not before then at least once that point is hit. Unless everyone wants to use all their power on sunny days, in that case, better beef up those power lines. Got storage? I'd go for a battery power home system, but in that scenario the economics go out the window, and you'd better have another reason then pure economics.
Luis has pointed out a major shortcomming of solar power, which is not I think, his intention.
I'll admit to being a dissapointed idealist, but I'll settle for being a cynic.
If you live in California you have the peak demand in summer IIRC, so PV is one perfect part of the solution.
Please check the electricity trade between Germany and France, it is not as you assume.
What is unclear?
Telling the thousand of TOD readers to look up the electricity trade between Germany and France is hardly being clear.
You seemed to think you were in a pissing match with Speculawyer and I was trying to remind you that he/she is less than 1% of the people who will read your comment.
If you want people to refer to data, then at very least provide a link.
Germany imports quite a bit of electricity from France, plus a little from Denmark, Czechoslovakia and Sweden. It exports to Switzerland, Poland, Austria and the Netherlands. It is a net exporter of electricity, approx 22 TWh in 2012
-- Electricity production from solar and wind in Germany in 2012, p. 39 ff.
I think the southern part of the German grid is also extensively used to transport surplus French nuke power overnight to Swiss and Austrian hydro storage sites and, when France gets a cols snap, transport German, Austrian and Swiss power to France to keep the lights on (the French electricity demand responds extremely heavy to temperature changes due to their massive use of resistive heating).
Germany exported around 4% (23 TWH netexport) of its electricity production, France is a country that more electricity from Germany than it delivers to German customers, sorry.
The situation often is a little bit unclear as electricity that only passes Germany on its way to the real customers in other coutries is sometimes counted as German consumption. The balance of contracts shows a German net export to France.
The market is providing a price signal to use more power at that time (demand side management) and to store the cheap power for later use when the price is higher.
Yes it also sends a signal to producers, supply destruction. I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic, so I'll assume you are. Consumers don't generally pay spot rates for power, as far as I know though I stand to be corrected. How are consumers meant to store this power, even if they could get it cheap? If they could afford storage then surely they could afford the solar panels no?
I am not being sarcastic. The producers of solar and wind could install storage instead of giving their extra power away. The storage does not have to be in the form of a battery. For example, they could make ammonia with the surplus power, store it and sell it when the tank is full. In the case of a residential grid-tied PV system the occupant of the home is both the producer and consumer of the power. He is capable of shifting some of his demand from night to day, but a fixed feed-in tariff nixes the price incentive. The fossil fuel producers see the price signal telling them to make their power generation dispatchable or else be prepared to sell power for free or negative amounts. Investors watching the electricity market observe an opportunity for profitable investment based on cheap electricity in the middle of sunny days and during windy periods. However, the price signal must be present for a while before investors would be willing to accept the risk of exploiting it.
It is a growing pain, not a fatal flaw.
Fair call. A far more productive conversation to have then the majority of 'blame it on the FF crowd' that seems to pervade the discussion. I'd never assume it was fatal. It's the opposite of the 'Red Queen' effect, in that each increment of production drops the price further and keeps it low for longer. Sure it's an opportunity for someone to exploit.
I will be going off grid in the future because I don't see energy prices going down. Solar will play a key role in that. As things stand at the moment, it makes sense to go off grid solar and storage, if you would otherwise be paying the retail rate for power and have no chance of access to spot rates, or live in a place where spot rates don't go lower. At least it does in countries that pay around the European rates for power. I think they are a lot lower in the US?
Investors in some form of storage for energy arbitrage (which has always been the economic case for storage as far back as I know) will be looking for a cheap purchase price, and a high sale price. Which if I understand peak power usage also being peak solar output, makes the equation a lot more risky.
I'm sort of in agreement with JMG in that any plans for a future that don't involve a dramatic reduction in energy use, simply aren't serious. Also the 'do the math' posts on a nation sized battery, and got storage point out some of the physical limitations of storage, which is not very exciting. Another interesting post there is the energy trap, which points out that all these new techs need their energy investments up front, with a long payback period.
The "nation-size battery" is a total strawman red-herring.
Pumped hydro storage is the economically and technically mature storage that is already used in Gigawatt quantities today. And there are "oceans" of opportunity to expand pumping water uphill and running a generator when it falls back down.
From those wild and crazy bankers at Deutsche Bank (nothing says wild and crazy like a German banker), renewable electricity plus storage will be cheaper than the cheapest fossil fuel power in about a decade.
The EU alone already has 38 GW of pumped storage, and the world has 127 GW, with many,many more systems under construction. If solar is really "zero-cost" as you claim, we should all be investing in pumped storage facilities, because the business opportunity is immense. Smart people see opportunity where foolish people see problems.
So that works out to be what? over $1 per watt? So up around the same price as installing PV panels? If it has the same lifespan and low operational costs. Sure it sounds great. I'm all for storage, I was just pointing out that it's hard. Which is correct, no strawman here.
I don't understand all the focus on storage. Let's remember that the old grid also had a problem, even without any renewables: low night demand which forced inflexible plants to cycle. This is partly solved by demand side management: e.g. two different tariffs for households to promote more night-time use or industrial cold storage that cools an extra few degrees by night requiring less power during the day, etc.
Why not reinvent demand side managenemt to take advantage of the noon solar glut?
Indeed, and how would we do that?
One idea is to incorporate thermal mass into refrigerators and freezers allowing them to run only in the daytime and never at night. I do this with my refrigerator/freezer essentially storing the power from my PV panels in the form of ice, frozen brine and cold water which keep it cold at night. Operating it this way greatly reduces the power that it draws from by batteries allowing them to have a long service life. A timer and thermal mass (water bottles) are the minimum requirement to do it. There is no technical barrier here. It is a matter of doing it.
Power to gas is an option. Reinvent the demand side tariffs or smart grids and smart appliances with multiple price slots. I can program my dish washer and washing machine to run midday, but it would be even better if they coordinated this through the grid. Internet is a factor that can be important for this. Storage of heat or cold in buildings (e.g. water tanks or phase change materials).
Here in Holland we could use this cheap power to lower the level in the canals by a few extra cm during the day, that reduces the drainage power needed through the rest of the day. Idem for sewage and irrigation systems all over the world. There are plenty opportunities for those with the required fantasy and business mentality.
Power to gas is an option. Reinvent the demand side tariffs or smart grids and smart appliances with multiple price slots. I can program my dish washer and washing machine to run midday, but it would be even better if they coordinated this through the grid. Internet is a factor that can be important for this. Storage of heat or cold in buildings (e.g. water tanks or phase change materials).
Here in Holland we could use this cheap power to lower the level in the canals by a few extra cm during the day, that reduces the drainage power needed through the rest of the day. Idem for sewage and irrigation systems all over the world. There are plenty opportunities for those with the required fantasy and business mentality.
Who is going to pay for the storage "for later use"? Someone else, I expect.
The cheapest practical electricity storage system available today is pumped hydro, requiring appropriate geology for colocated high and low reservoirs plus lots of "extra" water to pump uphill. Those two factors are not very common in many places like, say, the American Southwest or the Middle East -- places with high solar influxes are often deserts with few water resources. They also waste about 30% of their input energy in losses -- it typically takes 13GWh to "fill" a 10GWh reservoir.
Pumped storage is mostly concrete and civil engineering on a large scale and it costs more than a billion dollars US to build 10GWh of storage. That's the output from a modern nuclear reactor for 6 hours, to give you some idea of scale. A single pumped storage plant like that can store enough electricity to power the US for about thirty seconds maximum.
Any other power storage system like batteries, flywheels etc. costs ten times and more than pumped hydro for the same capacity. They tend to be used for local power storage and load balancing in offshore islands, remote communities and the like. There's lots of talk about new storage technologies which will be with us Real Soon Now but if solar and wind are to be viable right now they need to be being implemented right now and paid for right now, not ten or twenty years in the future. That assumes we can filter out the snake-oil products and promising ideas that go up in smoke (literally in some cases, the sodium-sulphur batteries made by NGK have a track record of bursting into flames).
For PV you only want a local storage system, i.e. you shift your midday peak production into nighttime. The idea is to have around 1 or 2 KWh per kW pV.
Is that supposed to be a problem? If you don't build a pumped storage system, you'll have to build something else -- say, 1 GW worth of coal or gas power plants. That will also cost in the neighborhood of $1 billion.
And your "a single pumped hydro plant can power the US for 30 seconds" is misleading too: nobody's talking about building just one.
Today's power industry has hundreds of generation stations across the country, with probably close to a $trillion in capital investment, managed by dozens of major corporations with tens of thousands of employees. If we're seriously considering replacing it with a renewable system, we should not let a mere $billion worry us.
Actually using seawater pumped storage, described in the wiki link I posted above, the Middle East has effectively infinite pumped storage capacity. If instead of building artificial islands for pump-and-dump real estate scams, Dubai used the same shallow water scoop and dump to build seawater storage lagoons, Dubai alone could store much of the power that the Arab nations. Dubai has already built the world's largest artificial islands so they clearly have the technology.
Just to drive home the point, here are links for pumped storage in both Israel and Lebanon. 2 Seconds with google will yield another thousand links for Middle East pumped storage.
Agreed that the US inland Southwest has limited pumped storage capabilities, but there is another fairly mature technology available, electrical transmission lines. And HVDC means that very remote generation and storage locations will incur very low transmission costs.
As usual renewables plus storage gets compared to nuclear, but market has already made the decision.
From this link, pumped storage alone has annual equivalent capacity addition to nuclear (based on GW, not GWh)
Renewable and storage construction worldwide dwarfs worldwide nuclear construction, despite the un-measurable financial subsidy that nuclear gets by dumping waste on future generations and risk on the unsuspecting innocent public (What did Fukishima cost Japan and will nuclear investors ever repay those millions of people who suffered the damages, and do those public risks ever show up on nuclear investors balance sheets, except for the explicit trillion dollar shields provided by the US Price-Anderson act and other pro-nuclear market distortions??).
Generally cost for pumped hydro scales relative to GW not GWh, because pumped storage is not intended for baseload continuous generation, but for matching the load and demand curves over much shorter time scales. So comparing the cost for energy between a continuous baseload generator like nuclear and a system explicitly designed to fill in short term supply/demand mismatches is worse that comparing apples and oranges, more like comparing oranges and cellphones. And actually in the EU currently, pumped storage is used very heavily to match the French nuclear generation flat generation profile to the anything but flat EU energy consumption profile, which is why big waves run down rivers below hydro generators on summer afternoon, easier to open a sluice than to modulate a nuclear plant. Power not energy is the primary yardstick for storage, although energy capacity matters too, depening on the time scale of other fluctuations on the grid.
Watching and identifying failed business models collapse is not cocky, it is the history of innovation. This is their "Kodak Moment". The "smart players" I refer to may very well be some of the incumbent power utilities. But then again, they may not, if more agile, aggressive and cunning new entrants learn the new renewables game, finance their projects and put the necessary facilities in place. NRG Energy, SummitPower, Austin Energy come to mind in N. America.
Following on to what speculawyer said, what it is the basic concept for grid replacement in the new paradigm? If the old players are dinosaurs and about to get hit by an asteroid, can the grid be done away with completely? What will the new business model be if the grid turns out to actually still be useful? I don't understand how the wind power from the north is to reach the industrial heartland of the south (talking Germany here) without those massive power lines.
Is the idea that all power will ultimately be generated locally? How many panels does it take to run a datacenter? A hospital? Traffic and street lights? Water and sewage systems? A metal forge?
Also, how is all of this affecting the average consumer in Germany as rate payer? Have all these price cuts during peak flowed out to them? Are they now paying substantially less than they were before the energy transformation began?
I'm not asking these questions because I'm hostile to solar or wind, nor am I in any way defending current producers. I'm just curious what the idea is here.
As the link I posted upthread shows, in Germany the explicit plan is to use the grid to distribute renewable power both to consumers and to/from large scale storage systems. And very sober German bankers think that eventually they can operate this system more cheaply than any competing fossil fuel generation system. I am pretty convinced that they are correct, although I would not put much confidence in their time frame estimates. The German plan has wind as the grid backbone, while solar helps load match (sunny days are often not windy).
But as fossil fuels get more expensive and depleted, along with facing more regulatory pressure due to climate change, it seems inevitable that the cost lines between renewables and FF will cross over, as has already happened in many locations.
The PV panels on my roof offer me a better return on investment than any bond I could purchase, although my return currently includes government subsidy, other circumstances no longer require subsidy to compete.
Often a lot of government pension money is invested in utilities, so the government has a vested interest in keeping them solvent.
Is it really that hard to accept the fact, that even though the grid price of electricity is 0.20, flooding the market with solar power during the middle of the day will make solar power uneconomic? It's not a conspiracy by the coal industry or some other bogeyman du jour.
Pointing some of the photovoltaic panels eastward and westward (or southeastward and southwestward) would allow the producer to take advantage of the higher prices in early morning and late afternoon. Adapt or go bankrupt.
That's not going to be a win except in extreme scenarios. When you tilt a panel into the morning sun, you tilt it away from the afternoon sun; that's almost always a poor trade. By my calculations, two panels facing due south will give you better morning+evening power than one tilted east, one west, unless you're trying to generate power within an hour or two of sunrise/sunset. (Specifically, when the solar hour angle is > 60°.) But at such an extreme angle, they're totally useless for the rest of the day, and both shadows from nearby structures and atmospheric absorption will eat your profits.
Consider the situation of a house whose A-framed roof points east and west in azimuth and 45 degrees in altitude. If the latitude of the house is somewhere between about -50 degrees and 50 degrees and there are an equal number of panels on both faces of the roof, then there is great power output during Spring and Summer but bad output during Autumn and Winter. If the house has a latitude between about 30 degrees and 50 degrees (or -30 and -50 deg.) and PV panels are mounted on the south edge of the roof that can be manually tilted in altitude, then they can be pointed toward the horizon during Fall and Winter and straight up during Spring and Summer to compensate. The roof area can be utilized more completely. Close to half of all houses probably have their roofs orientated close to this.
If the sale price of power between 10 am and 2 pm is zero and the price of PV panels is cheap (50 cents per rated watt should be low enough), then this could be a winning strategy.
Please don't move the goalposts. I was considering *fixed* panels, which is the usual case. In your example, the advantage comes mainly from the variable north/south tilt, not so much from the east/west tilt which was the matter under consideration when I replied.
Sorry, I was not suggesting that the panels be pointed at the horizon when I suggested east and west. I was not clear be cause I indicated the azimuth but omitted the altitude.
You could see fairly precisely what these would produce with a free-to-use
handy online tool.
PVWatts from the (U.S.) National Renewable Energy Lab
I don't get your argument. Consumers certainly do not pay spot prices for electricity - the utilities do, and then sell it to the consumers (who do not have solar power) for a standard, non-zero rate. Let me run a sunny day in Germany by you and you can point out my errors:
1. People start waking up and using electricity before the sun is really shining, causing spot prices to go up. People are paying the standard rate for this electricity.
2. The sun starts really shining and solar production goes up, causing spot prices to drop very low. The people who have solar panels do not use any electricity from the utility at this point, but the people who do not have panels continue paying the standard rate. The utility can buy electricity for a very low cost, and sell it to consumers at the usual, higher-than-spot price.
3a. If the price gets too low, utilities will turn off the peaker plants and rely on base plants.
3b. If the price doesn't get too low, they continue to run the peaker plants, and selling their own generated electricity as well as purchased spot electricity.
4. The sun starts going down, spot prices return to normal, and everything runs as usual.
In my opinion, yes, it is very hard to accept the fact that flooding the market with solar power will make it uneconomic for the consumer. I think your argument may work a little better for utilities, but definitely not for consumers.
I work for one of the biggest oil companies in the world, so it's not hard for me to see the point of arguments against clean, renewable energy (although I do not usually agree with those arguments). Your argument, however, is a bit tougher to interpret, and has a conspiracy feel to it.
Point 2 is mistaken. In Germany production and consumption is metered separately, so even when you produce more than you consume your consumption meter will continue to count your usage.
It's the sellers of the spot energy aka solar power generators that are unable to get an economic return. Which is the whole entire point of everything here, yet something everyone is taking great pains to ignore. Cognitive dissonance in action.
Talk about cognitive dissonance.
Huge difference between spot energy prices and solar generation price simply makes a market opportunity for energy storage and for demand side management that time shifts the supply and demand profiles to match.
And many Gigawatts of storage capacity and many billions invested in demand side management are addressing this "problem" as we speak. But the investors making billions of dollars from arbitraging these time profile differences do not likely consider them a "problem".
Side note, I work writing software that models energy consumption in buildings, and time-shifting loads to take advantage of time-of-day rates is one of many features of our model. And the California utilities offer plenty of incentives to customers to time their demand in ways that minimize the daily demand peaks, thereby reducing the requirements for utilities to add peak generating capacity.
So demand reduction not some theoretical possibility, but my job, which I will return to, as soon as I stop goofing off on TOD. Which is why your worries seem a little funny to me.
Where prices don't reflect the temporal variability of the resource/demand changes will be made.
Also note, that more than half of the consumed power isn't residential, but commercial/industrial. As long as many businesses are open in daytime hours and not 24/7, they will be producing their own PV for their own immediate use. I'd be willing to bet the buildout of commercial/industrial capacity will be a lot larger/faster than residential roofs. And some apps today, are dome at night, to take advantage of cheap power rates at night -they will simply flip their schedule around at some point.
During point 2, any power from fossil fueled generators that is sold on the spot market is also sold at a cheap rate. Because the PV power has priority, fossil fueled generators must be shut down. When the PV power grows large enough, the base load generators which were not designed to be dispatchable must be shut down. The owners of those base load generators are probably whining.
Luis, great piece?
I'm curious: what did the German, Italian, and Spanish feed-in laws cost?
What would the total be from, say, 2000 to 2012?
Just solar, not wind.
I'm thinking, reading this: what a gift these 3 countries gave to the world!
Historians will look back and say, "Around the year 2000, the Germans, living in one of the cloudiest
countries in Europe, got serious about solar power. While the Americans were spending $3 trillion fighting
two wars, the Germans invested (I'm guessing) $100 billion to cut the cost of solar by two-thirds.
As solar power achieved grid parity in more and more countries, it went from being a niche, a mouse, to being an elephant
by 2030."
Herman Scheer, the German solar advocate and parlimentarian, now deceased, deserves much of the credit. He was famous for saying, "Nobody gives a
damn about a 1% solution. If that's all solar can do, forget it. We need to be bold, aim high!"
Scheer also said he considered the bankruptcy of traditional (resource based) energy companies a logical result of the technology revolution, a necessary result to allow the energy market to become democratic at last. The man was a true visionary. This great article from Luis resonates a lot with Scheer's book Energy Autonomy.
Styno, thanks for this reminder of the vision of Scheer. No matter how many tangible reminders of the disruptive but creative power of innovation we have in our hands, like how i type this on an ipad, not å laptop, not a PC, not a work station, and certainly not on a mainframe computer, it is just so difficult to anticipate the next business model extinction. Kodak invented digital photography in 1977, and still they hung on to analogue film until 2005. You know the rest of that story. Rinse and repeat, now on big power utilities that hang on to legacy coal plants and stay out of distributed PV, energy storage and smart grids.
I'd be willing to bet, that Kodak knew it couldn't adapt id business culture and model to digital photography. In a case like that, management milks the product/company until it dies. Investment stops, but products are produced/sold as long as the market exists. Maybe shareholders lose out -because the former shareprice didn't anticipate the disruptive change about to happen.
Well PV/wind is a disruptive technology for energy. Its going to force new ways of doing things. A lot of old winners will become losers in the process. Not, surprising they are trying to slow/inhibit the change.
PV has cost until 2012 around 80 billion EUR in Germany and will cost around 200-250 billion until 2035. These mainly come from old contracts, after 2013 additional PV is dirt cheap, so it is quite irrational to use "sunk" costs to limit the amount of PV now. :-)
I don't speak French or Spanish, so I can't read the nuances of the articles linked in the introduction, but I think Luis may have completely missed the point. His article is about the cost of installing and operating a solar system. But I don't think the government officials are complaining that the cost of solar hardware itself is too high: it's that the cost of solar *tariffs* were too high. These governments were paying incredibly huge feed-in tariffs for solar power. While the cost of solar power itself is low, the governments were paying way too much for it.
Luxembourg paid a feed-in tariff of 420 euros per MWh for small photovoltaic. That's several times more than the tariff for onshore wind, and *many* times the retail or wholesale price of electricity. M. Schneider may be comparing the solar tariff against the cost of tariff-free wholesale offshore wind imports.
In Spain, as I'm sure Luis well knows, feed-in tariffs were so high (also about 440 euro/MWh) that many cases of fraud were reported -- people were running diesel generators or just running an extension cord from the neighbor's house. The Spanish government paid millions of euros for "solar power" generated at night.
A little sugar in the water will attract butterflies. Too much sugar will bring you horseflies and maggots.
Consider the social implications of this. Warning: you won't like them.
People who can afford the up-front cost of PV, or can get credit at cheap rates to install it, and who have property, can get cheap electricity.
People who cannot, and who cannot get credit to install such a system, or are living in rented housing and are prevented from installing PV, must buy their energy from the grid.
The situation for traditional grid suppliers is simple. They have to spread their capital costs over a smaller number of units of electricity generated, so the price of traditional grid electricity must rise. In addition the costs of operating the grid itself are spread over fewer units of electricity, and the grid is more difficult to manage because of surges. The cost of grid-supplied electricity must rise further.
If traditional grid suppliers cannot make money at any price, the end result is that poor people are completely deprived of electricity. At a stroke you have transformed Germany or Portugal into a third-world country like Pakistan or Nigeria.
Regardless of whether things get that extreme, we have a situation where the rich* are being subsidised by the poor. In this case the poor are the young: anyone who does not own real estate or whose income is committed to raising a family.
PV should have a pigovian tax applied, to counteract this cost-shifting.
* You may not think of yourself as rich, but if you own your own home, you are rich, for the purposes of this discussion.
Our area electric co-op has been experiencing lower revenue, largely due to a real estate crash, growth lower than projected, and people conserving. I doubt increased renewables has had nearly the effect of these other factors. That said, it's survival of the fittest. Decades of maximising profits and lack of foresight are as much to blame as the necessary adoption of renewables. High energy prices aren't the only downside to overshoot, especially for those who don't fall under your definition of rich.
Think these things are problematic now, just wait until the triage really begins. In the meantime, I'm sure we'll continue to burn everything we can.
It is not an all-or-nothing thing. When there are a few people doing PV, it is beneficial for the utility since the PV folks are generating valuable peak power and delivering it without needing new transmission lines. However, when you get past a certain point, it starts becoming difficult. So basically, the utility should start charging grid-tied PV people like $15 or $20 per month for a 'connection fee'. If you don't want to pay . . . fine, disconnect and set up your own battery system for night-time usage. But most people will pay the fee since it is cheaper & easier than doing their own batteries. The utility then uses that money for maintaining the transmission network.
Our grid-tied friends produce about 70% of their use with their PV. They still pay the same flat rate as everyone else who use 500 KwH/month or less. I think it's $17.?? plus fees and taxes.
If a utility that owns or manages the power line charges a flat fee for its use, then the utility should treat the residential PV owner like a producer and pay him a higher rate for his electricity. Rewrite the PV feed-in tariffs to treat them like producers so they can install more PV capacity than they consume and earn profit. Also the utilities who consume fossil fuels and thus their customers without PV should pay a carbon tax to compensate for dumping their pollution upon the rest of us. Let's be fair now.
Well if you re-write the rules then the PV producers will make LESS money at this point. And the PV owners will also have to pay carbon taxes because they consume a lot of non PV power when the sun is not shining. PV is not magic.
The PV owners' consumption during cloudy and dark times is offset by their extra production when Sun shines. The monthly reading on the solar meter is subtracted from the monthly reading on the consumption meter. If the result is negative, then they pay a carbon tax on the grid power they consumed. If it is positive, then they get some profit and receive some of the carbon tax that someone else paid.
Ignores a simple fact that when PV is producing the most(and overall demand is highest), it is off setting a utilities highest carbon footprint/MW generating facilities.
Offloading the grid during peak demand(using distributed generation) saves 15 to 20% in overall generation, via reduced I^2R loses. I.E. 1KW of distributed PV generation == 1.2KW of distant generation during Peak Demand periods.
Then add in the carbon footprint of utility peaking facilities, which usually have efficiencies much lower than main line facilities.
Overall both the utility and consumers get a good deal with a smaller overall carbon footprint.
For folks in Pakistan and Nigeria, the situation is just the reverse of what you portray as Germany's plight. In such places with no grid in sight, the prohibitive costs of fossil fuels and/or installing copper wire from the next town are the issues that lock people into energy poverty. Solar on the other hand is distributed equitably to everyone. A small solar appliance (e.g., a solar lantern) is feasible while a kerosene lamp over time is very unhealthy and prohibitively expensive to operate.
If I were in poverty, I would opt for a little solar gadget long before I would get myself stuck with fossil fuels.
That is what everyone on grid had to do before alternative energy feed-in tariffs. With PV the number of electrical power producers is increasing degrading the monopoly of the centralized producers. Take advantage of your opportunities before they pass you by. Consumers pay for the product they purchase. Producers usually get paid for selling their product, but some feed-in tariffs limit the price and using a market system for electricity is making the price go negative sometimes. Spain decided to revoke the feed-in tariff. Those are risks born by the producers. Consumers should pay the producers a fair rate for their product, not the other way around.
I ride a bike to work. Please give me some of the money you save because of the reduced cost of gas due to the lower demand. On the other hand I must pay extra to keep public transport viable because I don't contribute as much directly as others do.
I am rich so I bought a lot of energy efficient household machines/lamps to keep my electricity usage low, getting even richer doing so. Now I must pay extra because the reduced income of the utility is spread unevenly over the less fortunate. On the other hand I want some money from people who buy efficient household machines now because as an early adopter I payed more in the past to allow the price to drop.
Don't shop in a supermarktet without compensating the grocery, bakery, butcher for their reduced sales.
Those poor bastards that cannot afford their own home or PV system should pay me dearly for their stimulus of dirty energy and accompanying air pollution from centralized fossil fuel plants that I try very hard to shutdown with my PV plant.
See, cost shifting is everywhere, this ain't going to work.
To join the pigpile.. nothing personal Greg..
One of the things about PV and the old argument that 'but, but it Doesn't Scale!' .. is that it does, and particularly it scales DOWN, and you get to start discovering just how useful very small quantities of Electric Supply and storage can be.
As others said, a little Solar LED lantern can now be had for $5, and as combinations of LED's develop, very cheap reading and household lighting options, as well as simple battery charging can be aggregated bit by bit in this way, making it available not just to the very poor, who have often and still are frequently obligated to buy Kerosene for lighting, or carry a Car Battery to the next town for charging just to keep the family Cell phone and radio going.. etc, but it makes power available even to migrants, since Small PV is entirely portable and requires nothing but sunlight to operate. (Batteries sold separately..)
Finally.. I also believe Culture matters, and Germany is one of the least-likely societies out there to be so short-sighted as to abandon the poorer segments of the society the way you've painted it.
EDIT, ... AND, those Pigovian Taxes could be targeting competing energy products that we are trying to disincentivise, to the benefit of clean and durable energy tools, eh?
Storage and Peak/OffPeak pricing options are becoming available for residential accountholders.. the storage could be in Heat or Refrigeration in a number of forms.. Some ceramic Storage Electric Heaters are already commercially available.
Although the price is about right for a deep cycle lead-acid battery with a 3 kWh capacity, the technical specifications of your battery are mythical.
The efficiency of a new lead-acid battery is 80% and decreases as it ages. Assuming an average efficiency of 60% to 70% over its lifetime is more reasonable.
Batteries with a capacity of 3 kWh are usually rated at a discharge rate of 20 A. If you draw less current, then the total energy extracted is greater than rated, and if you draw more current, then the total energy extracted is less than rated. At night the battery is the sole source of power and must be able to support all loads. At a discharge rate of 20 A your battery can only provide 12 V * 20 A = 240 W. This is sufficient for florescent or LED residential lighting, a laptop computer and a modest television. If a refrigerator or central heating fan turns on, then more than the rated power will be drawn from the battery. Forget cooking dinner using electric appliances with this battery because a compact microwave oven usually gobbles up at least 1050 W and an electric range even more. The battery would have to source about 88 A for several minutes to power the microwave oven which would drop its voltage below the low voltage cutoff of the inverter (typically 10.8 V). If too much power is withdrawn from a battery, it will be damaged, overheat and possibly explode.
In your scenario you deep cycle the battery every night and do not charge it completely during winter which would kill a deep cycle lead-acid battery within 2 years. Battery Life (and Death).
Some techniques to kill a battery prematurely:
The size of a modest battery array for a residential PV system would include a house having lower powered appliances and running these appliances one at a time. Because the objective is to keep the cost down, I will calculate assuming a discharge rate of 25 A (300 W at 12 V) per battery and a maximum power for the load of 1200 W. Basically you need at least 4 of those 12 V, 245 Ah batteries to power your residential loads. This provides a storage capacity of about 11 kWh. If you use 2.5 kWh each night, then your depth of discharge each night will be 23%. According to the chart above, you will get about 3000 cycles from your battery array or a lifetime of 8.2 years. On cloudy days the depth of discharge will be worse thus degrading the life expectancy. During a sunny day with about 1 kW from the PV array, you could run higher powered loads up to 2200 W. Of course the inverter needs to be rated for this power level.
You also need to overbuild your PV array so that it outputs at least 2 times more energy on a sunny day than you use on an average day. This overbuild compensates for the inefficiency of the batteries, 25% cloudy days and recharges the batteries at a reasonable rate after several days of clouds. For those in a cloudy place like Germany the PV array needs to be overbuilt a bit more.
Personally I would not advise installing a residential off-grid PV system with a battery array smaller than mine which consists of 8, L-16 wet lead-acid batteries with a capacity of 8(6 V * 395 Ah) = 19 kWh. My battery array can power a load of 1200 W, but it needs help from the PV array during a sunny day to do more. If your nighttime loads are nothing more than LED lights, a laptop computer and a modest TV, then the battery array could be smaller. However, things like clocks, smoke detectors, DVD players and refrigerators that consume power continuously can add up to a big discharge of your batteries reducing their lifetime if you do not eliminate them or transfer their loads into the daytime.
That cycle graph is slightly deceptive.
Going from 500cycles at 100%DOD to 2,050 @ 30%DOD looks like a whopper...but the delivered energy isn't as amazingly different.
If that's a 100 amp-hour battery..
500 * (100 * 1.0) = 50,000 amp-hours
2,050 * (100 * 0.3) = 61,500 amp-hours
50,000/61,500 = .81
Edit: As you mention there also - it seems Peukert's Law/effect is most important in sizing a PbA system.
Hold it right there. It's not what you think!
Solar Won't Work in America Because It's Not Sunny Like Germany. You can hear these facts on Fox News!
And, guess what. When its high noon in Germany, the sun hasn't even risen on the west coast yet!
@BlueTwilight - thanks for posting that. I was about to chime in and write an identical post to yours, but you've saved me the trouble.
I really enjoyed the article until I got to the battery bit. Instantly warning bells started to chime - mythical, there's no better word.
There's no way the maths works for the battery in the article. As you say, if we want 3000 charge cycles from a battery as described, we need to only discharge it about 10% of its capacity, and gently at that. I think we'd find the real-world round-trip efficiency is about 70% if you're lucky. So a WAY bigger battery is indeed needed. (Don't even think about the supply of lead relative to the demand if everyone did this.)
And so how much of the rest of the article can we trust? Any number of other basic assumptions that are equally bogus (but we haven't spotted) would throw all the analysis way off.
Ben (20 yrs off-grid and grid-tie PV both in UK and Spain)
It would be good for Alan of Jamaica (islandboy) to chime in here.
Jamaica has what appears to be a nationalized power grid and primarily gets its electricity from oil, though there are a few wind turbines and a tiny nuke. Electricity rates are somewhere around 36 US cents/kWhr and insolation is somewhere on the order of 5.5 hours/day without a whole lot of seasonal shenanigans.
A system allowed to net-meter, at $1.50/installed watt, would take ~182 days to produce 1kWhr per installed watt, it would take ~4.2 182 day cycles to generate the equivalent grid value (@36 cents/kWhr) of $1.50...or 2.1 years for break-even. Assuming a system life of 25 years, that's like getting 23 years of free electricity. Even if the cost for transport and installation is significantly higher, the crossover point is bound to be under 10 years - which is awesome.
Jamaica could streamline the permitting process, ensure PV owners that if they invest in equipment they will be able to sell to the grid, and institute a scheme that would allow net-metering until the system cost was paid back, at which point excess power would be purchased from the PV at wholesale - giving the grid operator a profit margin to continue to invest into maintenance (and the owner incentive to "make hay whilst the sun shines"). The PV owner would have their investment pay back rapidly, and then the grid would benefit from locally produced power. The nation, rather than having all of their money fly off overseas to pay for oil, would keep most of it locally.
Yes, Jamaica will get there first, wherever 'there' turns out to be. The island will either have some useful electricity in its economy in the medium term or not, as the 'oil export noose' tightens. Local investment (available or cost-effective?) will either make renewables work, or not. Ideas about cost-effectiveness look as though they are under test now in a real-time laboratory!
The islands of Hawaii are also a good example, especially since they're within the U.S. economy and regulatory system. The island I grew up on (Kauai) runs on an oil power plant plus a bit of hydro. Electricity costs are typically above $0.40/kwh. State and local governments pull in lots of tax revenue, and are reliably liberal. The island has lots of windy hillsides to put turbines on, and the south side is arid, sunny, tropical, and has miles and miles of unused former sugar plantation land to build on.
Kauai is a renewable energy paradise. The fact that renewables have not yet taken off there should make us a little nervous.
Hawaii also has unique problems in government, and also related to size. I hate to say it, but most tropical places don't have governments as efficient as say, Germany's government. The hardest part is, once again, tying it into the grid, which is run by those companies that own the oil plants. Also, any real push to change over is likely to be IT - in Germany, solar and wind could be put in agressively with few problems, but the islands are small and frankly, a large solar plant on Kauai would cause all sorts of issues with energy storage/off hours use. Here on Oahu we had that go very badly when a wind plant had its batteries catch fire. But I think politics is the big answer, just look at how hard it has been to get rail going. There is a lot of factionalism, and people are inherently conservative.
It has a lot to do with entrenched interests, property zoning, and politics. The unused ag land in particular is still ag zoned, and there is a strong political faction that does not want to see ag land be rezoned (for some good reasons and some bad - it must be remembered that Hawaii used to be and may be in the future an agricultural state). The grid, and HECO, is also a big roadblock to distributed generation. The power companies still think in terms of plants, for instance, HECO wants a cable from Hawaii and Lanai to Oahu because Hawaii has "better potential for renewables" - and they want to dump the cost of it on taxpayers. So, they own the power and charge what they want, just like now...
Interestingly, a friend of mine recently just got a job at a solar company here (Honolulu), and he stated that they have been nearly doubling in size every year. His parents are also about to put up a grid tied system that provides more than what they use as well. So the perception of lack of growth is not entirely reflecting reality.
Distributed power is a seriously disruptive and different technology from the traditional grid and plant model. It is just starting to really take off. The storage and grid issues are a major part of the problem here. A few big plants, or better yet a very large-scale adoption of distributed solar, could replace ALL of the oil power, really, and then what?
I don't think that's true. In my experience Hawaii's government is similar to other "blue states" in the US. Hawaii's main unique feature is that its native population has some real political power. Which is a good thing, but it does often make large-scale development harder.
Ah, then you haven't heard my clever plan to use the old sugar irrigation reservoirs for pumped-hydro storage. Kauai's are big enough and high enough to store most of the island's nighttime energy needs.
Re interisland cables in Hawaii, and "build us a smart grid" demands everywhere: I think building renewables where the resource is cheap and abundant is a great plan anywhere. But utilities asking the state to pay for transmission lines is a blatant attempt to milk public sentiment for cash handouts. If it's cost-effective, build your own damn cable. I'm also worried they'll play up the renewables angle to get it built, then use the cable to carry fossil fuel power.
That's my point. Hawaii provides a good example of the societal roadblocks that stand in the way of massive renewable deployment, even when the technology is good and the profit potential is huge. Those roadblocks are being overcome, but it's a lot more challenging than one might have expected.
My complaint about Hawaii governance is mostly in comparison to Florida (though I left before Rick Scott came in). In Pinellas, at least, the roads were well paved (something they are finally getting to in Honolulu, though Kauai has nice roads) and there were a decent set of laws protecting the coastline from development as well as reasonable fishing regulations. These specific issues stick out to me as failures here.
To some extent they are a result of old policy (that has hopefully changed), so I can almost see how Waikiki ended up with only half a beach and several hotels literally on the water. The same in parts of Kailua - the houses go right up to the water at Lanikai. That was rare in Florida. The roads issue seems to be being fixed, though the lack of sidewalks and bike lanes and the poor quality of existing sidewalks is another issue (unfixed). The fishing thing, I realize, comes with native rights issues and other baggage, but the ancient Hawaiians had strict laws regulating fishing that were very successful. Both Florida and Hawaii have suffered severe damage to their fisheries but Florida at least has laid down a strong set of regulations since then, while Hawaii has done very little. You can look them up; Florida has much stricter and more comprehensive laws. I complain because I snorkel and I see it - the protected areas are doing much better, even the Waikiki MLCD has a lot of fish despite having a sick reef. Other places, not so much.
I think your idea of using the sugar reservoirs is great. Actually, what I think is that the renewable guys will have to buy out the oil guys in order to change it over. It really comes down to the fact that fossil fuel power has to disappear, and some people are going to lose out. The only way to do it is to buy out the power companies and grid operators, simple as that.
"...and the profit potential is huge."
The profit potential of a large scale build up of distributed solar is profitable for the PV owning homeowner and probably the local community, state (most states no doubt import their energy - especially true of Hawaii), and if a major importer at the country level - the country (especially true of Jamaica)...but disastrous for the for-profit privately owned utilities. The deregulation and privatization of the utilities is the major roadblock at this point. Utilities need to exist and operate in the interests of the public good.
Under a certain level it would be beneficial to the for-profit private utilities since they don't have to finance the PV and the electricity generated probably comes from an unoccupied home to be sold to a business would be sending power to the grid at a time when it costs the utility more to make, and later the owner of the PV would get power back from the utility at a time when it costs them the least to make. Beyond a certain point, where everyone is making more than enough for their daytime needs, it will start cutting into their profits big time.
Sorry to be late guys but, I've been quite busy these past couple of weeks with my existing business.
First off, the nuke is a research reactor located at the Mona campus of the University of The west Indies that, is used by the faculty of natural sciences for research and the teaching of nuclear physics. It is an academic facility of no commercial value.
The government sold 80% of it's shares in the national electricity company (JPS) in 2001. Since then those shares have changed hands resulting in Korea East West Power (EWP) and Marubeni Corporation having joint ownership of the 80% privately held shares. During the same period of privatization referred to in the lead post, some amount of private (non JPS) generating capacity was added mostly through slow and medium speed diesel plants but, 68% of the generating capacity and all the of the transmission and distribution network is owned by the JPS. The most concise and complete and current description of the electricity sector in Jamaica is probably Section 2.2 of the RFP for Supply of up to 115 MW of Electricity Generation Capacity from Renewable Energy Based Power Generation Facilities on a Build, Own and Operate (BOO) Basis, available as a PDF file. Sections 2.3 through 2.10 also include some interesting information including this from Section 2.6, "RENEWABLE PARTICIPATION"
It is remarkable that according to an article at the Worldwatch Institute blog site titled Wigton Wind Farm: Jamaica’s Commitment to Renewable Energy Starts Paying Off
So, two wind farm projects, built in a relatively short time frame have increased the contribution made by wind from essentially zero to 3.5% or more than the entire fleet of hydroelectric plants that have been around for longer than I can remember!
There is certainly room for expansion of wind power and according to this newspaper article: Power in the water - Government looks to hydroelectricity as search intensifies for cheaper light bills, there is also some potential for additional hydro. The article is somewhat sloppily written as it makes the assertion that two separate plants were the "first hydroelectricity plant in Jamaica" while completely overlooking this from the JPS history page
The dam built for this plant still stands but only the ruins of the turbine house remain and some of the supports for the eight foot diameter pipe that ran from the dam to the turbine house, can still be seen along the side of the road that follows the route of the pipe. I thought that the plant had been closed because of an accident that killed 33 men who were cleaning the inside of the pipe but, this page from a newspaper web site, reveals that the accident took place on June 24, 1904 and the plant remained in operation for decades. I could not find the date of closure online but, it is interesting to note that, back at the beginning of the 20th century, Kingston Jamaica had an urban transit system consisting of electric trams, powered entirely by a hydro-electric plant!
Getting back to the subject at hand, the situation here is
almost exactly the same as described in Europethat, the interests of the owners of fossil fuel burning generators are protected to the point where, the only incentives for renewable electricity providers are absence of import duties and sometimes an absence of sales tax. Even then, these are often criticised as tax breaks for the rich since, low income earners are not seen as having a chance to participate. Following initiatives to privatise the electricity sector, the government now finds itself obliged to protect the interests of the investors in the fossil fuel powered generating business, to the detriment of the nation. The government appears loathe to do anything that could possibly adversely affect the profitability of the businesses they quite recently invited to rescue the ailing electricity sector, by investing in fossil fuel burning power plants.A cursory look at the RFP for electricity from renewable sources shows that there is not a great deal (if anything) that is being done to provide incentives for renewable electricity generating plants of any kind, as this will conflict with the interests of the existing players. There is no inkling of any concern for or thought of, the prospects for any increases in the price of fossil fuels going forward, the assumption appearing to be that, there will be no significant fuel cost increases for fossil fuels! I wonder where they got that idea?
In the mean time, I am anticipating delivery of a shipment of solar PV modules, purchased at of 69 cents per watt, from the same source as Ghung's recent purchases. I am also looking forward to testing one brand of grid tied micro-inverter, with improving prospects for the availability of string inverters that can be connected, without using additional transformers, to Jamaica's bastardised grid (US class voltages with European frequency). Once I can figure out my own costs per installed watt of grid tied PV I can get a better idea of the economics. Just as an indication of the challenges faced in working out the economics, the best commercial interest rates available for financing such projects I have seen, are in the region of 9%!
Despite the challenges, recent price movements in the PV sector will probably make it attractive to quite a few commercial consumers. The complicated economics that arise as a result of the lack of net meetering and the net billing arrangements being used instead, mean that PV is not the slam dunk you would expect it to be in this high priced electricity environment.
Edit: Clarify situation in local market described in paragraph starting "Getting back to the subject at hand".
Alan from the islands
It is not possible to calculate true costs without reference to when the demand happens and the consequences and costs to the grid, as is done in this article.
I will use UK figures as I have them readily available but the remarks apply to other northerly locations mitigated slightly in the case of Germany by its latitude further south than most of the UK.
Here are the solar insolation figures for London:
So insolation varies from a high of 4.86Kwh/m2/dy to a low of 0.49Kwh/m2/dy, or around ten fold.
Meanwhile here are the summer and winter demand pattern in the UK by time of day (figures 8.5 & 8.6):
So demand varies almost precisely in the opposite way to solar availability.
Daily variation can be coped with, although the storage needed to smooth it out still costs money.
We don't remotely have the technology needed to economically provide the enormous amounts of storage to cope with annular variation at northern latitudes.
To do that something like hydrogen/ammonia production would be needed.
That would mean a massive overbuild of solar and wind, which are not in the figures above, and also involve a big hit to efficiency due to conversion losses - changing energy from one form to another and back is lossy.
That is before we look at other issues to the grid caused by a heavy input of renewables.
For a start the huge variability of solar and wind means that the grid has to be specified for their maximum input, which is many times the minimum input, and a completely different ball game to the variability of use in fossil fuel/nuclear plants.
The second issue is that the cost of the grid has to be borne even if many of the people using it cut down their use by generating a lot of their own power in the summer as large amounts of power have to be supplied in cols northern climates in the winter.
So if, for example, a house has solar power, providing half its electricity, then it is still going to need effectively all of its power sent to it in the depths of winter.
So the costs of running the grid to do that, and grid costs are a substantial part of total power costs, would in the illustration double.
Nothing in the figures given above takes any account of this whatsoever.
In addition if you are providing most of what had previously been economic baseload using solar, you drive a coach and horses through the economics of the conventional power plants.
So if, for instance, Germans who have solar arrays on their roofs were paying the true marginal costs they impose on the grid by reducing their overall power needs, but needing power when it is toughest to the grid to supply it, then they might be paying instead of the usual ~$0.30kwh something like $1.00kwh.
A detailed look at the unaccounted for costs of renewables in the case of the UK here:
Note that my remarks should not be taken as anti-renewables, which in areas where sunshine happens roughly when it is needed are on the cusp of viability.
My critique is two fold:
The above article does not provide proper costings where renewables constitute a high proportion of the grid, particularly where winter demand it high.
Solar tends to work where it is sunny, regardless of how the figures are obscured by direct and indirect subsidies, and quite false presentations of true costs - who could have guessed that one?;-)
Thanks Dave W for that - I live in Britain at latitude 55.6N.
A few points though:
when we it comes to matching UK demand, wind power supply is pretty much opposite of solar in UK especially further north and at sea.
The National Grid can (does ) modify intermittency problems, except in the case of wind-power when there is a widespread stationary anti-cyclone.
HVDC's acceptable transmission losses potentially allow for connection with remote bulk sources, and importantly for bulk transfer between separate large AC grids, further mitigating intermittency problems on the national grid.
Existing gas-fired power has very rapid response to demand fluctuation, and can equally ramp up from non-spinning reserve to cope with a supply fluctuation. (Existing reserve must be already large enough to cope with sudden loss of power from GWs nuclear - does happen! - or from loss of AC at a nodal point.)
EDIT Weather forecasts for wind are usful at the moment, as are the existing forecast methods used for managing steep changes in demand.
Does not mean that there are not severe problems and challenges. A lot of wind really could make nuclear economics unviable, for instance! (I do not reject 'nuclear' out of hand, but it does present serious challenges in its own way.)
Either way, it looks as though we are stuck with large scale grids in the UK. Who knows what happens further down the line; local mini-grids with local power for light and controls and communication might be what we end up with if we go downhill fast enough. And roof-top solar hot-water is a useful economy even now and even where I live and something of a standby. I am more concerned however with the UK NG (gas) grid and the cost of heating our 20M homes. Insulation and negawatts has a critical future in UK and extending the life of houses and their need for maintenance will be one issue for the grandchildren living in our legacy.
Thanks to Luis for a very interesting and detailed article.
My perspective on the economics of installing PV is slightly different.
I live in Jeju island, South Korea.
The last few years I have been pondering whether or not to install grid-tied PV on my own house.
The economic cost for me is the important decider.
The cost of installation is high. (government gives a 50% subsidy). More than $5000 to install.
The cost of electricity is low. My electricity bill is less than $1000 / year.
So if the PV saved me $500 per year I could break even in 10 years.
Jeju island just happens to be the testbed for the South Korean smart grid.
At the moment 1000 homes with PV are in the test area.
I chatted to one of the engineers about the economics of PV.
He doubted the reliability of the panels to last efficiently much more than ten years.
Seems surprisingly low to me.
Hence my continuing indecision to install PV.
Does anyone here have a better guess on how long the panels last.
Also as a contrast to the situation in Germany.
Jeju island is also to see a huge build-out of offshore wind turbines. Only two as yet.
The grid connection, an undersea HVDC to export that renewable power to the mainland has already been built.
An earlier undersea HVDC imports power from the mainland.
"Does anyone here have a better guess on how long the panels last."
I have three panels that used to charge our batteries, and now have been pumping our water for several years. They've been in continuous operation for 19 years in a wet environment with a fairly high seasonal temperature range. Tests last summer indicated that all three are still producing full power.
Look closely at the bottom of the label you'll see the manufactured date: 10/94. There are other examples of panels still producing at or near full power after 30+ years. We, personally, have never had a panel fail. We've had 33 panels in several groups from different manufacturers in continuous operation for at least 7 years (7 years, 8 years, 12 years, 19 years). We just received 17 more and don't worry much about their longevity. They all have 25 year warranties. As to how long they'll be producing useful energy, I have no idea.
My intuition tells me that if I stay in the installer business, in 20 years a majority of my work will consist of overhauling systems while keeping the original panels (and racking). That is, replacing/repairing most everything else, mainly the wiring and inverters. Maybe some owners will 'trade in' their panels for a discount on new ones, like one does at the car dealership. The used ones will be refurbished (that is, wiped down with a damp cloth, and probably get the wire leads replaced) and aggregated to go back out on the market and produce more energy.
Time will tell.
Jeju Islander
Germany has wind and an increasing off-shore presence - giving them problems, but they are walking away from nuclear. Solar capacity is greater from August 2012, but wind still produces a greater total annual electricity.
Because I live in a rural area in UK - the power supply was interrupted much more often here 20 years ago - I am tempted to install some PV for essential lighting, controls and communication. (Ghung's info is encouraging even at 55 North). It would be an interesting experiment to see if we could live with that small amount of PV generated electricity supply some of the year. A community wind turbine and a local mini grid would be needed in the winter, I guess. Our main priority just now, however, is to reduce the energy we currently use for heating and transport.
Good wishes
Well, my family has a holiday house that is off the grid and in the late 1970s or possibly early 80s my eldest brother installed a 'solar system' that charges abttery to run a water pump for the water solar system and a few 12v lights. It is still functioning, charging a marine battery, replaced a number of times. We have even had to replace the wires serving this panel because of UV degradation of the plastic casing. This tiny PV panel is still there working away. And the west coast of New Zealand is no tame environment, it suffers daily lashings of salt spray from the surf beach below the cliff. There is nothing between here and Australia but open ocean; the same distance as London to Moscow.
Like the solar hot water system that was installed at the same time, this has, as my brother said recently, no right at all to still be functioning, but it is.
Ten years seems crazy short based on this experience. And remember this was early technology, probably should be in a museum.
As this article about retesting a 30 year old ARCO solar panel sums it up,
"It's a rock that makes electricity!"
(a 2 amp factory rated panel from 1980 was pushing a blower motor and giving a reading of 2.48 amps.. ABOVE factory spec!)
Here's a 40 year old ARCO panel:
I have 8 Solarex polycrystalline SXP-44's that were manufactured in 1991 and had a manufacturer's warranty of 10 years for power output. After 22 years of continuous operation, they still output the same power as when they were new.
A home power plant that could fill in when low wind/solar. This reduces the need for a grid tie.
Also provides space heat and hot water.
This MEC engine is just a sample of a wide range of home/commercial power possibilities that have not yet been exploited. These things could make a great combination with PV/wind. They start-stop immediately, make very little noise, have good efficiency, last a long time.
This MEC engine is just a sample of a wide range of home/commercial power possibilities that have not yet been exploited.
Yet to be exploited as in still not able to be bought as a commercial machine.
I think I'm going to write a detailed look at the unicorn harvesting in the case of the UK, just to see how far it will be uncritically echoed on the internetsss. Prior art shows I have a good chance for wide circulation. Mind you, not that I know anything about unicorns but that shouldn't stop me from writing it, or orthers from uncritically echoeing it, right?
Your insolation data is for a horizontal surface located in London according to Gaisma's Help Page which is not the optimal direction to point a PV panel.
With London located at 51.5 degrees north latitude and assuming clear skies, the optimal direction to point a PV panel is 38.5 degrees from the vertical for altitude and due south for azimuth. The EU Solar Calculator shows the following power output for a 1 kWp PV system with latitude: 51.509 degrees, longitude: -0.264 degrees (London), estimated system loss = 0%, a slope of 38 degrees from vertical and azimuth of 0 degrees (due south). The variation from the minimum power in December to the maximum in June is 3.8 times, not around 10 fold.
If the PV is pointed with a slope of 45 degrees and the other parameters the same, it does not make much difference (1.3%):
When the slope is 0 degrees (pointing strait up), then the minimum in December is 15.6 kWh/month and the maximum in June is 146 kWh/month which gives a variation of 9.4 times.
With a slope of 45 degrees and azimuth -90 degrees (east) and another azimuth 90 degrees (west):
Ed: Average daily electricity production from the given system (kWh)
Em: Average monthly electricity production from the given system (kWh)
Hd: Average daily sum of global irradiation per square meter received by the modules of the given system (kWh/m2)
Hm: Average sum of global irradiation per square meter received by the modules of the given system (kWh/m2)
The annual power output for pointing them this way is 75% of the optimum, but one gets to use all of the roof area allowing for the installation of double the number of PV panels and a more uniform power output through out the day instead of a sharp peak around noon. Power out put in Fall and Winter is bad.
Solar works when the panels are pointed in an optimal direction and arrays are overbuilt to deal with the clouds.
"So if, for instance, Germans who have solar arrays on their roofs were paying the true marginal costs they impose on the grid by reducing their overall power needs, but needing power when it is toughest to the grid to supply it, then they might be paying instead of the usual ~$0.30kwh something like $1.00kwh."
We had this a few weeks ago, the solution is simple: Bill power and energy seperately as it is done in case of cummunity heating, problem solved.
However your main problem is, you do not propose an alternative, only to claim that nuclear is possible and ignoring the problems in France like very high price for a kW nuclear, huge demand of pump storage, high export quota is not enough.
I bet one could create a cheaper renewable system with the money, storage and export quota found in France. :-)
"However your main problem is, you do not propose an alternative, only to claim that nuclear is possible and ignoring the problems in France like very high price for a kW nuclear, huge demand of pump storage, high export quota is not enough."
I beg your pardon??? How did you call the price of a kW nuclear? Hope you meant NEW nuclear, not the one running right now...
Anyway, even at 5000 Euro/kW new nuclear it is still cheaper than PV and wind, for the simple reason that even when and if PV will have a LCOE kWh lower than the LCOE of new nuclear, there's still the little problem that PV and wind need huge extra-costs to completely change the structure of the grid, add massive storage (we're talking about tens of TWh just for one country), and all the rest.
Include the costs of all this into your favorite "renewable" source, and then we can discuss, OK?
"...there's still the little problem that..."
There's your problem. "Unfunded/Uncounted Liabilities" one might call it.
That's not a problem, actually, it is a plus. The (second) worst nuclear accident in history, 3 reactors' containment blown up, a couple of cooling pools drying up and catching fire in an almost uncontrollable way for several days... and two years later the "body count" is still on the zero mark... sorry to say, but considering that the ONLY real alternatives to nuclear, fossil fuels, imply TENS of deaths for each TWh of electricity they generate, during normal operation!... I would hardly call it a "liability".
Not to mention the "renewable" and "green" hydro, which in the past 100 years or so has killed more than 170 thousand humnas, and has irreversibly changed areas of the planet worth millions of square km.
You may want to try reading something like %Electricity generation and health", The Lancet, 2007, or the "ExternE" series of studies, on the external costs of generating electricity.
I'll be happy to discuss all this anytime you want.
I guess you haven't heard anything about the tens of billions in compensation claims, 50-100 year clean-up and decommissioning challenge, rising costs in food inspections and replacement energy, and more recent summary of health risks from WHO.
To say nothing about public pressure and loss of confidence in industry and more generally in government itself to be able to respond to these concerns and take on long term challenges. The industry itself seems unable to contain runaway costs.
I'm not sure what you mean by "only real alternatives." Did you read the lead article?
Yes, I have heard about the hundreds, not tens of billions in compensation claims... but I have also heard about the tens of billions of extra liquid gas imports necessary to replace the missing electricity generation of the un-necessarily stopped reactors.... 48 of them in total... just for the part of 2011 and almost all of 2012 (only 2 have been restarted partially) the extra costs have surpassed the 60 billion dollar value. So what? What is your point? That recovering a highly industrialized country with one of the highest population densities of the planet from a major industrial accident caused by a major earthquake/tsunami is expensive?
The runaway costs of industry are such only because western industrial oragnization is reaching its limits... in fact everybody mentions the runaway costs and delays of the two european EPR projects, in Finland and France, but forgot to mention the two "other" EPR project, at Taishan, China, which are slightly AHEAD in time and within budget.
Nuclear over here is expensive? Good!... let's build "cheap" PV which needs less cheap (much less, in Europe!) gas and "healthy" coal as back-up... how about this genial solution? Am I doing OK so far?
Talking about the WHO report on the health impact of Fukushima's accident, I have only partially read it, since it is a 170+ pages study, I have a full time hjob, not enough time to read all of it in 24 hours... but I plan to complete it by weekend's end... did you read all of it already? So far (what I've rad) so good... it's good news, considering the gravity of the accident... but I see that the "greens" are not happy, they want millions of dead, millions of japanese suffering forever... to hell with 70 years of radioprotection science and technology, they have decided what a safe level of radiation is, non else. It's the GreenPeace headquarters that says what's good and what's wrong, don't you know that? The famous "nucleqar experts" of GP!... the last one I googled the name of had a 3 year master in physics on his CV, making him a "nuclear expert", nonetheless. Don' you feel the pressure mounting already?
The "public pressure" is a self-fulfilling profecy... "Fukushima's apocalypse!" titled most newspapers over here in Europe on March 13th 2011, even Mr. Rottgen, European environmental boss used the word "apocalypse" during a press conference... now, two years later, the apocalypse's body count is still at zero... but the "public pressure" mounts whenever a "green" blog/journalist claims that 2 Bq/kg of Cs-137 in tuna fish are going to exterminate mankind... see how "public pressure" mounts? Fortunately, for me (but also unfortunately at the same time, 'cause it causes me a lot of problems with the remainder of the "public") I deal with radiation since a couple of decades, at a professional level, so I can tell when bull is written... and I can tell you for sure that most of the "public pressure" is based on thin air to say the least.
Voila', any other considerations on nuclear accidents? I'll be happy, more than happy, to comment... although it is an OT here, which would quickly call the attention of the moderator... been there done that already.
GreenPeace has no standing in these debates (and very little to offer in terms of lobbying power and effectiveness). Why bring fringe organizations into an otherwise substantive debate. "Fukushima apocalypse" … are you perhaps engaging in the construction of a straw man?
Yes, compensation claims have been in the tens of billions of dollars. The bailout of Tepco rivals that of the banks in the 1990s (and Japan already carries a public debt load in excess of 200% GDP). It is unfortunate they have to buy so much fossil fuels for replacement energy, which speaks to poor planning (and high risks of having such a large share of your energy infrastructure in the nuclear basket).
Sounds like you think the Japanese are just wimps and are over-reacting, and should get over it already and turn a blind eye to the collusion and complicity between a poor safety culture and collusion between industry and regulators. Have you read any of the accident commission reports or news stories detailing the scope and depth of the problem (and what this has done to public confidence in the country). But sure, go ahead and restart some reactors … who cares anything about securing greater public confidence in an industry after an accident of this size and scale in a small island country.
When you've stopped reading wingnut blogs, constructing nonsense arguments, and toppling straw men please let us know. Some of us take these issues rather seriously (and would find it a refreshing departure to discuss these issues directly, rather than evade them and dismiss them, here on the site … or elsewhere).
" Why bring fringe organizations into an otherwise substantive debate. "Fukushima apocalypse" … are you perhaps engaging in the construction of a straw man?"
I cite often GreenPeace because they are (among) the ones using apocalyptic tones in the discourse about energy production (role of nuclear or anthropogenic global warming), thus shaping the debate in the first place... for instance, to stay with this blog, they are the ones who talk about "100% electricity generation in Europe using renewables", not me... how much PV they foresee to install in Europe to do that?... go look and you'll see if I'm exaggerating the numbers or not.
And, talking about straw men, it was not me who said...
"The divergence took another step when the EU Energy commissioner (from Germany) Günther Oettinger described the Japanese nuclear crisis as “an apocalypse”, comments which caused financial markets to plunge and hit Japan’s economy as it struggled to cope with a devastating earthquake."
See? I am not making anything up. I have followed this issues, long before Fukushima I may add, to know exactly who said what and (most of the time) when... don't ask me to remove stuff from history, that I can't do, sorry.
GreenPeace is not shaping the debate. They write some reports, agreed, and collect donations (totaling a global budget of some $10 million for the organization). A pittance.
If technology developers and policy makers can't rebut their charges and lobbying efforts with credible science on their side, then they don't have much of an argument to stand on in the first place. It's really that simple. Making them into a scary goliath who controls the public space on energy is giving them a great deal more credit than they merit. And yes, when you topple their hyperbolic and over-zealous straw claims, job well done.
"If technology developers and policy makers can't rebut their charges and lobbying efforts with credible science on their side, then they don't have much of an argument to stand on in the first place. It's really that simple."
Yes, it is really that simple, and in fact it is EXACTLY what not the policy makers, but the international organizations in charge of nuclear security and health have done since March 2011. There are hundreds of scientific studies, articles, published in peer-reviewed journal dealing with radiation exposure and human health, and ALL of them come to the conclusion that Fukushima's accident and the response by Japanese authorities will by far be less dramatic than those due to Chernobyl.
Even if I don't deal with these issues on a professional level, I have access to practically all scientific publications and have a keen personal interest into these issues, and I am in the position to provide you or whoever may ask with a very large sample of articles, so that you or everybody else can read them and come to your own conclusions.
" It is unfortunate they have to buy so much fossil fuels for replacement energy, which speaks to poor planning (and high risks of having such a large share of your energy infrastructure in the nuclear basket)."
It is not "unfortunate" at all!... it is simply LOGIC!... because its either gas or coal!... no way, I repeat, NO WAY for Japan to generate a good fraction (30%) of the 1000 TWh/year their economy NEEDS using renewables... the question is... and please try to give me an answer based on logic... "had Japan NOT installed 54 nuclear reactors generating for an average of 20 years 300 TWh/year, what means/technology would they had used?" ... I know the answer alrady, but would like to hear it from someone who has different views on the subject. Remember, before answering: "Electricity generation and health", The Lancet, 2007... coal stands at between 15 and 30 deaths/TWhe, gas at ~5... and back in the 70s when nuclear started being built these figures were HIGHER!
"Sounds like you think the Japanese are just wimps and are over-reacting, and should get over it already and turn a blind eye to the collusion and complicity between a poor safety culture and collusion between industry and regulators."
Not at all!... I PERFECTLY understand the Japanese people!... my objections raise when the Fukushima accident is transposed into the European reality and 8 perfectly running (7) reactors in the middle of Germany are stopped because they are at risk of tsunamis... do you see the subtle difference?
"Have you read any of the accident commission reports or news stories detailing the scope and depth of the problem (and what this has done to public confidence in the country)."
I read and I've read EVERYTHING on the subject... I have worked for several years at the Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires" in Cadarache, France, site of 19 nuclear installations (reactors of different type, fuel cycle laboratories) and the biggest plutonium repository of Europe... of course I am well informed, I have lived in the area with my family... I'm not a crazy guy, I assure you... would be the first one to raise a hand if I saw something wrong). How about you?... what are your competencies?
"But sure, go ahead and restart some reactors … who cares anything about securing greater public confidence in an industry after an accident of this size and scale in a small island country."
Some reactors have been restarted, in fact... so far so good... the risk of further tsunami doe not affect the reactor on the opposite side of Japan's coast, so those could be restarted immediately. Anyway, as I said, I understand the fear most Japanese people have now, after tha accident... but I just claim, and in doing this I am 100% right, that the alternatives will kill many, lots, more japanese than Fukushima will ever do. Even at only 1 death per TWhe, 300 TWhe/y means 300 people killed, and ~10x as many chronic illnesses... don't take my word for it, read this... it is a copy of the study you don't need to pay to look at it
I'll be happy to discuss further, if you like.
"When you've stopped reading wingnut blogs, constructing nonsense arguments, and toppling straw men please let us know."
The Lancet!... data from the greenier of the greens research institutes, the Fraunhofer,... this is what I have been citing and commenting for days now here on this blog... and you keep on pulling out this "straw man" nonsense?... c'mon, gimme a break, OK? What have you cited so far, apart from your opinion on me?
"Some of us take these issues rather seriously (and would find it a refreshing departure to discuss these issues directly, rather than evade them and dismiss them, here on the site … or elsewhere)."
Anytime, anywhere, with anyone... I'm more than ready.
It doesn't sound to me like you have read any of the commission reports or accident summaries.
You seem to think it Fukushima was an unavoidable act of god (beyond design basis), and not a "preventable" accident that was "man made."
Where do you get such a marginal and unsubstantiated notion?
I have a PhD in social sciences, and write climate policy for my city (which has a former WH Chief of Staff as Mayor).
I don't know why you've pulled out this issue of your PhD... but let's play your game.
Well... I do not have a PhD in social sciences, on the other hand I think that my library has a lot more books about physics, radiation and health issues than yours... and I am not talking about my personal library, it's the laboratory for which I work as senior physicist, 3 million books and counting.
In the past I've worked for 6 other labs, among which one on thermonuclear fusion (the international project ITER) where I have dealt with the problem of radioactive tritium permeation in metals (among other things), for three DoE labs, for one sponsored by the NSF, and the remainder national labs in Europe. I have worked as external reviewer for 7 large physics projects, 3 in the USA, 1 in South Korea, 1 in Spain, 1 in Sweden, and 1 in the UK. In two weeks time I'm flying to Brazil, where I've been invited to give my opinion on the design for another new big facility over there.
Most importantly for the discussion here, for the past 20+ years I have worked in radiation areas where calculation of doses and their measurement are mandatory, and strictly enforced.
My "unsubstantiated notions", as you cluelessly call them, come from reading hundreds of peer-reviewed articles in Health Physics, Journal of Radiation Protection, Cancer, Environmental Research Letters, Energy, Energy Policy, and the like... a long, very long list.
You have started this personal showdown with me with your comment on the publication of the WHO study, implying that it would prove something really wrong with the accident in Fukushima and its present and future impact on Japanese population... which is exactly the point of view of GreenPeace and other organization, that's why I have pulled their name out. The reality is completely the OPPOSITE. The WHO study is excellent news for everybody, Japanese first... and this doesn't equate to "nothing happened, go play somewhere else", OK?
Problem is, you PhD in social sciences has NOT clearly allowed you to understand the real meaning of the WHO report (by the way, did you read it at least?)... and I am not saying that this is wrong in any way!... it is NORMAL that a social scientist doesn't know the difference between ERR and EAR, risk models or other epidemiology codes, or the committed dose of iodine-131 on children's thyroids... on the other hand my non-PhD in social sciences BUT degree in physics and 20+ year experience in the field DOES allow me to understand the study, its meaning and, most of all, compare it with the many other studies which deal with the same accident... because I have read practically all of them (other than those written in languages I don't understand or which have not been published in regular journals). By the way, I speak and write fluently 3 languages and read and understand 2 more, french, italian, english, portuguese and spanish, and I have german next in the line of sight.
Cheers, and have a nice day.
The human death toll from radiation sickness reported by TEPCO and the Japanese government is zero. Based on their dishonest reports about that disaster to date, I doubt either of them would accurately report casualties from radiation. The earthquake and tsunami are convenient scapegoats. Of course radiation sickness is not the only way in which people could and did die from that disaster. Due to the nature of radiation, the final tally will not be available for centuries and will always be uncertain.
Don't be silly, please!... in Japan EVERYBODY's looking at what is going on!... there are TENS AND TENS of scientific studies about the extent, quality and impact of the radiation emissions... practically ALL international organizations have published or sponsored studies about the present and future impact of the emissions. NOT A SINGLE person has died of acute radiation syndrome, 2 workers have died on site after the earthquake, hit by the tsunami... that's it, the remainder is either work accidents on the site or facts of life (cardiac problems, strokes, etc...). The last article I've read talks about the radioactive content of fish captured along the coast of Fukushima... Cs-137 concentrations which are absolutely not dangerous... few tens or hundreds Bq/kg dry meat... when a normal concentration of natural potassium-'à can reach 800-1000 Bq/kg... just to give an example.
Fukushima has not release Sr-90, Fukushima has not released plutonium, Fukushima's children, living on an island countoured by the biggest ocean there is, did NOT have a thyroid deficiency like the children around Chernobyl... and they Japanese children have not been fed cow milk for weeks, from cows fed with radioactively polluted food.
You are free, of course, to believe all the ... can't write the word here, that is spewed out by hundreds of bloggers with NO CLUE AT ALL, or self-proclaimed "nuclear experts" with university degree in communication of social sciences.
Have I been clear enough? If not I can elaborate further, much further... could send to you a couple of hundred zipped peer-reviewed scientific articles to start with, if you like, OK? Just ask, I'll be happy to do it.
Anyway, this is OT here, I won't reply further on this.
People, mostly older people, died during the evacuation which extended out to 20 km. from the nuclear plant. They probably would have lived longer had they stayed in place. There were suicides by people whose lives were ruined by the fallout (like a farmer). There were a few people exposed to more than 250 mSv who may have some consequent health problems eventually.
This is a biased source but it is probably at least this bad. Fukushima Accident 2011, World Nuclear Association, updated February 2013
Some good points for discussion in your reply, thanks!...
1) There has been people, knowledgeable people, who, in fact, HAD OPPOSED the initial decision to move the elderly people you mention, some of whom died prematurely due to this... as a matter of fact at the time he had suggested NOT to move 80-90 years old in bad health to avoid them to be exposed, eventually, to radiations which would kill them 70 years later...)
2) The number of suicides in Japan, which is astoundingly high by western standards (more than 100 per day on average) has gone DOWN recently, in spite of the accident. The news was in the press a couple of weeks ago.
3) The report... I know it perfectly, since I follow, among other things WNA... what is wrong with it in your opinion? It means that the second-worst nuclear accident (civil nuclear, of course) has exposed to potentially damaging levels of radiation only few hundred people, all of them professionals. That's excellent news... in fact 2 years after the accident ZERO people have died due to this exposure. ARS, Acute Radiation Sickness, necessitates much higher doses. Even for these workers exposed to a fraction of a Sv, the probability of dying because of it is very low... in fact decades of studies based on observation of tens of millions of man-years of exposed populations worldwide, sound science done by sound scientists, say that for each Sv of additional exposure one can attribute an increase of 5% of cancers (cases, not deaths) related to such exposure.
But don't believe my words on this, read the word of the experts here:
"The Issue of Risk: ... There is no solid evidence that radiation exposures below 100 mSv (or so) carry an increased risk of cancer. However, the risks observed at high doses can be used to estimate what the risks might be at lower doses.
Using this approach, we can derive an estimated risk of 5 in 100,000 per mSv."
- -
For the figures reported above in your excerpt, this means that one could expect in the next 50 years of the order of ten additional cancers (167 people at 1 full Sv of dose each times 5% = 8.35 cases). As a reference, I recall that modern epidemiology tells us that about 1/3 of ALL people living in countries comparable to Japan ultimately die of some form of cancer, i.e. tens of millions in the next 50 years.
Before you misunderstand my words, I want to stress that each life is important to me, but accidents happen (and this in turn doesn't mean that accident must not be prevented), and judging from the TWENTY THOUSAND people who have disappeared from the face of the hearth INSTANTLY (not after decades) due to the earthquake and tsunami (which, BTW, have initiated the nuclear accident), I would call the figure of "about 10, or few casualties in 50 years" a mild one.
Just ask yourself this question: would you rather had preferred to be in the control room of Fukushima Daiichi power station and gotten the 200 mSv dose (which implies a 1% increased probability of you developing a cancer in the next 50 years) or be in one of the coastal areas hit by the tsunami?
I conclude by saying that contrary to popular galore (that is what it is, in reality) radiations are a very WEAK carcinogen... were it otherwise life on earth would simply not exist!
And that's a FACT, not an opinion, OK? :-)
You are simply unaffected by facts:
1) New nuclaer power plants have costs in the range of 9-10 cent per kWh electricity, wind is already at <5 cent at good sites. Grid changes are due anyeway, no additional cost in many cases.
2) Nuclaer power is inflexible, you need large storage or high export quotas. See France for hard data, you will not like them.
3) Nuclear power is a real PITA for investors, wind and PV not, go figure.
You do not provide any scenarios with 80% nuclear that are competitive, France is a nice counterexample, you understand this?
"You are simply unaffected by facts:
1) New nuclaer power plants have costs in the range of 9-10 cent per kWh electricity, wind is already at <5 cent at good sites. Grid changes are due anyeway, no additional cost in many cases."
And so what? Even if this were true, 10 cEUro/kWh of... concentrate yourself my friend!...CO2-free, arsenic-free, heavy metal-free, SO2-free, NOx-free, etc... 24h/24, "on demand" electric power is THE BEST you could have in Germany... it's plain and simple... because the (not, never!) equivalent amount of energy generated by PV and/or wind will ALWAYS need back-up power generating emissions... that's the current understanding of science... not my opinion, OK? Get real!
"2) Nuclaer power is inflexible, you need large storage or high export quotas. See France for hard data, you will not like them."
Not true! Just look at the daily power curves on the detailed Fraunhofer Inst. report for 2012! Nuclear modulates, certainly not on the scale needed by the highly intermittent wind... that would be impossible to do for reactors designed decades before the said wind had been installed... how about behaving like grown up men and taking care by yourself for the DEFICIENCIES of the technologies you like?... why should nuclear, or coal, or gas, take the full blunt of the sudden fluctuations caused by PV and (especially) wind? Add the control and balance of the grid to the wonderfully low values of the cost of the Wh-PV or Wh-wind, and then we'll see if the 9-10 cEuro/kWh of nuclear is so expensive?... will you? No, you won't, it is so much easier to rant day in and day out about "the lobby" who doesn't want to cover your a.. and take the expense to cover the fluctuating production, isn't it?
"3) Nuclear power is a real PITA for investors, wind and PV not, go figure."
Ahahaha... that's a good one! Try to offer ONE REACTOR for which each of the kWh it generates is GUARANTEED BY LAW to be paid 30 cents (or more!) for the next 20 years and then you'll see reactor buildings going up the very next day! How much PV would have been installed without the scandalously large feed-in "incentives"? A tenth of what you have now, maybe? Nahhh... a lot less. Try again.
"You do not provide any scenarios with 80% nuclear that are competitive, France is a nice counterexample, you understand this?"
I understand that Finland, in spite of an EPR which will cost 3x as much as it should have cost is preparing to start a new construction. I understand that China has just connected to the network TWO reactors in the last 2 months, I understand that the alternative for Japan with the 52 reactors not running out of 54 is to pay more than 50 billion dollars/year in extra liquid gas imports, I understand that YOUR COUNTRY has increased the emissions in the electricity sector after having replaced the output of 6 working reactors with, mainly, "healthy" lignite/coal... by the way, for those who think that the no-entry zone of Fukushima is not a place to live (which is true, of course) I can propose a beautiful view of a free-entry zone in Germany, almost 50 square km of open-pit lignite mine? in the middle of one of the most populated areas of Germany?... and I could go on for hours about what I understand.
Especially, talking about costs!!!... I understand that the installation of much less than the amount you would need in terms of PV and wind, has already made the German kWh for the households the MOST EXPENSIVE ON THE PLANET!... and YOU dare talking about 9-10 cEuro/kWh?... when the increase just for 2013 based on PV/wind/etc... "renewables" has been 5 cEuro?... to be paid for the next 20 years or so?... (or whatever it has been, correct me, please)... C'mon!... have a minimum of decency!
The problem is not what I understand or fail to, the problem is that ideology, and a good deal of ignorance and bad communication by the media, is leading the entire continent into a cul-de-sac with NO exit, energetically speaking. And that's a hard fact.
"However your main problem is, you do not propose an alternative, only to claim that nuclear is possible and ignoring the problems in France like very high price for a kW nuclear, huge demand of pump storage,..."
And, yes!... before I forget to reply to this silly statement of yours and it goes down in history as a "proven fact"... I would just like to point to your attention that the "huge demand of pump storage" for France's nuclear is NONEXISTENT!... just look at this document (sorry, in French) the annual report from the RTE, the French electricity network responsible agency,
... page 36, table "Bilan de l’énergie électrique en France en 2011" (balance of electric energy in france in 2011) shows the total "Énergie soutirée pour le pompage", i.e. energy used by pumped-hydro to be 6,8 TWh... which I wouldn't call "huge" even in my wildest nightmare, would you ulenspiegel?
By comparison, I can just tell you that in 2008 (or 2009) Italy, a non-nuclear country, consuming less than 2/3 of the electricity consumed by France, has employed about 10 TWh for pumped-hydro.
Another legend down the drain... next! :-)
Solar panels last forever. Mine have been up 15 years. I think they'll run for 50 or 100.
The original design spec, from the Coast Guard, was to build a panel that could sit
on an ocean buoy, 15 feet off the water surface and survive.
One of the comments made a point that many of us already knew or missed: the germans, spanish, and italians
were paying friggin *crazy* prices to incentivize PV. It's how they got so much done so quickly.
Some cities paid up to 50 cents, even $1 per kwh, for *20* years.
But this is one of those crazy-like-fox deals. Because if you want to get solar PV cheap, you need to scale it rapidly.
Lower subsidies would have had to go on for much longer, ending up in equal or greater societal costs.
Over the rainbow subsidy levels on the other hand are easy to criticize, but they have essentially elimintated the need for future ones.
So any silver used in the panel is essentially sequestered indefinitely (50 - 100 years) and not available for recycling?
Do you think we may be seeing a shortage of the metal shortly ~:) due to irresponsible trading, increasing industrial demand (?) and declining quality of ore?
I just did a search on the word "silver" in this node (, and got an interesting result ~;)
Which was that the word appears 28 times, mostly in your posts?
Thats right. Someone has forgotten about the manufacturing stream involved with the panels, and it's not me.
You should do some research into how flat plate glass is manufactured.
No. They've changed panels to use maybe 20% as much Silver as a few years back. And there are options that don't use silver, which will be put into use if Silver gets too expensive. Its not a show stopper, unless you freeze the technology.
Similar substitutions effects affect wind. If rare earth magnets get too expensive, then larger and less efficient generators that don't use them will be used.
Silver consumption in solar PV: ~ 0.1gm/watt, currently. Currently. Go long silver.
Bankrupt Abound Solar to Bury Unused Solar Panels in Cement
Some one needs to recalculate the embodied energy re solar PV. Every one conveniently forgets about mining and manufacturing ~;)
And don't forget the molten tin....
EDIT: Hey RUdall - where U from????
"..Every one conveniently forgets about mining and manufacturing .."
You're just on a tear here, aren't you?
What makes you think that existing evaluations of PV's LCA doesn't bother to cover the energy implications of the most basic operations involved in its manufacture and materials sourcing?
You need to show examples of these LCA's or EMERGY evals and back up that claim.
Yes. Glassmaking is an understood part of the process, as you conveniently linked twice. Also, this line about silver, in a product that has been described reliably to have great longevity as WELL AS the ability to be recycled for its highly purified components, and you paint all this as a strike against it ?!
What's your point?
Just linking the "price of solar POWER" to something real.
Speaking of POWER, what is the definition of "power" with respect to electromotive force?
You do realize that "solar power" is essentially a "boutique energy" available to a very few by subsidizing their costs onto the "ordinary folk". Liquid hydrocarbons are the absolute base of your energy supply and if you dont like it, youre either gonna have to reduce population, or change your lifestyles to match incoming energy or both. Pretty simple concept I think, implementation will be just about impossible because very few people have a handle on this.
I asked you to back up your claim about LCA or Embedded Energy, Mining or Glassmaking.. and you toss around claims of 'Boutique Energy' ..
You're just spinning our wheels now, and rattling your cage. Please make a substantial argument if you can.
(I have a pocket computer that charges from a pair of 75 cent PV panels from a discounted Halloween yard product at a drug store. This stuff is flowing through the SCRAP and GOODWILL markets now.. it's available on all scales for anybody who wants to find it.)
I have. Your, like, two days late.
well, because it got scrammed, here:
quote: me
Solar power is available to anyone who owns land which is a far greater fraction of the population than the elite, a tiny fraction of the population, who are able to own a centralized power plant. The base of the energy supply includes natural gas and coal which are not liquids. Some time during the twenty-first century the supply of those hydrocarbons will be insufficient to power the system, but those solar powered systems will hum right along.
What continent are you on? ...and I for the most part agree with ya' there here in NA.
" the germans, spanish, and italians were paying friggin *crazy* prices to incentivize PV. It's how they got so much done so quickly."
Well, being a citizen of one of the three countries you have mentioned I would not take it as a positive thing... paying 6,7 billion Euros (~10 billion $) per year for the next 20 years just to have China develop the industrial base for PV manufacturing could hardly be called a success in any economics college class, don't you think?
Maybe you should check the hard economic data:
1) In Germany, the BOS is more than 50%, so the modules are not longer the real cost factor.
2) Who produces the PV production lines, silicium etc.....
As a German manager (Wacker Chemie) put it, even with 100% module production in China, 70% of the value creation of a German PV system takes place in Germany.
Wind with almost 100% domestic value creation is better, but this was not your problem.
"2) Who produces the PV production lines, silicium etc..... "
Yes, you would have said the same "who produces PV modules" a couple of years ago... it was you, Germany... and guess what?... now it's not the case anymore.
China will get the know how of all the remainder of your manufacturing technology in a very short time, like they have done for any other technology:
1) Space travel? Check!
2) Nuclear reactors? Check! (the first "china made" reactor connected to the grid a couple of weeks ago);
3) Nuclear fuel cycle? Check! (first factory for uranium enrichment ready to go);
4) First market and soon car producer of the planet? Almost check!
... and I could go on and on.
Enjoy while it lasts, because it won't last long.
But that's just it. The gold-plated subsidy strategy only works if you cut it off at some point -- otherwise, you lose money forever. And that cutoff is exactly what Spain and Luxembourg have done, and what the original article is complaining about.
Is now the right time to end the subsidy? Should it be a ramp-down instead? I don't know. But you gotta stop sometime.
I had my free PV system installed last week. I felt like I should have asked Ghung first. Here in Vermont, Sun Common leases the system for 20 years, with a guarantee that it will produce a little more than it costs for the lease payments. Added bonus, the house is a duplex, so the tenants, (Nate Hagens was a prospective tenant) pay the power company for their electric, and I get paid for the electric that the panels produce for them.
IIRC, Sun Common grew out of a sort of environmental buying club, gathering groups of likeminded folks to build out these systems. Beats going it alone, as I can atest to. Seems like a good model, especially for grid tie projects within communities; spreads the risk a bit.
It sounds like some leasing companies are actually leasing roof space. I expect at some point they'll make folks an offer to let them buy out the system. Anyway, welcome to the club!
BTW: I noticed today that Vermont has the second lowest mortgage debt in the US; reported to only have only 29 mortgages seriously under water. Here's to community pragmatism.
Silver (Ag) use per watt PV = ~ 0.1gm/W
2008 acrticle:
2013 article:
"Between 10:35 and 10:50am EST, an astonishing 62.5 million ounces of paper silver were indiscriminately dumped on the market to induce the sell-off- nearly twice US annual silver production of 36 million ounces!!"
A 23MW PV array consumes over 460 pounds of silver, and the cabling consists of copper.
Over here a discussion about how much Silver is in a tomahawk missile. The US Navy has a 3,500 stockpile and 124 were used in Lybia.
I'll leave it to you oil-reaseachers to crunch the numbers to see of the Silver "invested" covers the energy from the oil extracted.
And added Silver link:
Go long silver.... ~:)
Aluminum can substitute for silver where it is used as a reflector behind a PV cell. It is harder to replace silver as the conductors etched onto the face of a PV cell because its high electrical conductivity is desirable. The production of silver can be increased because it is not at its peak. The efficiency of PV panels will probably increase decreasing the amount of silver used per watt produced.
Silver production is unlikely to increase significantly due to decreasing ore quality and increasing volumes of rock required for milling and processing. Also, declining capital in the form of transportable liquid energy will lead to large declines in precious and industrial metals production. In addition, Demand for silver is likely to increase if large scale solar distributed PV is implemented. Currently, there is nowhere near enough of the metal (Ag) to meet industrial and financial obligations. Finally, Aluminum is an overall poor substitute because it takes far more energy (electricity) to produce it. Any increase in panel efficiency is offset by production of more panels (see "Jevon's Principle")
Aluminum costs less than silver and is also an excellent reflector. If silver gets too scarce or too expensive, aluminum will substitute for the reflector behind PV cells. For example, aluminum replaced silver in mirrors. A high price for silver will allow for increased mining and manufacturing costs. Silver is already triple the price it was a few years ago. Do not fool yourself. The manufacturers of PV panels can reduce their consumption of silver per watt.
Correct, with a commensurate loss in efficiency. Also loss in lifespan: Ag < reactive to oxidation than Al etc etc ect
Aluminum is a replacement of necessity due to resource constraints in silver... Soon as you go to a thermodynamically (electromotively, reflectively) less efficient material you loose efficiency. thats the nature of substitution you do it because you have to not because its fun.
The difference in reflectivity between silver and aluminum is trivial. Because aluminum is a better reflector of short wavelengths, it might be more efficient when used with multijunction PV cells.
Silver tarnishes while aluminum remains bright and shinny in air (compare aluminum foil to silverware). The reflective material behind PV cells (and even mirrors) is not exposed to air anyhow.
Despite the borderline dissembling going on here, You do have a point there. Go Long Aluminum! HAhahahaha
There are two important properties that you appear to be conflating: reflectivity and conductivity.
Aluminum costs much more to manufacture and fabricate than silver. Silver is a far better conductor than aluminum. If you HAVE to substitute Al for Silver because of resource constraints, your PV scheme is dead. Yes, aluminum makes a good mirror: take a look at one.
Umm, PDV - you are mis-informed.
Typically, the efficiency is the same or higher.
The fired-on silver paste replacement is typically a nickel (or cobalt) plated barrier with thick copper plating. Some people use a fired-on silver paste that is only 5% of the usual thickness, then do nickel then copper via electrochemistry.
One can buy automatic platers from RENA GmbH
They started off just plating silver, which saves 50% because bulk electroplated silver is more conductive than fired-on silver pastes. But now some of their customers are doing copper.
Meco (Besi) has two plating equipment lines:
The DPL process is interesting in that a laser ablates the SiNx ARC/passivation layer,
resulting in finer lines -> higher efficiency, then thicker/more conductive bulk metal is plated.
Schmidt and one or two others I can't think of offer similar equipment.
I think it's Schmidt that offers both an ink-jet seed layer or an ink-jet SiNx etchant process before doing the plating (electro- or light-induced-).
Another way these advanced nickel barrier layers can help raise efficiency is a firing process that turns part of the nickel into nickel-silicide, which has lower contact resistance to the silicon.
A lot of technical papers here:
This is a good one (from the 3rd workshop):
Large Area Copper Plated Silicon Solar Cell Exceeding 19.5% Efficiency
19.5% is pretty respectable.
I see some energetically expensive and very dirty industrial process in there...
That amounts to alot of work (energy) in an attempt pull an end run around using a more electrically and thermally conductive, more maleable, longer lasting metal. All I can conclude is that you are facing supply problems and must engage in substitution, and are now facing the inevitable diminishing returns.
You can't beat thermodynamics Aka you cant fool Mother Nature.
~;) Go Long...
Remember to do a correct design for the weather or have a plan to adapt to the weather.
(go to the link to see the pictures of the underdesign)
It looks like the problem there was the support structure. I could not tell from the pictures, but standard panels can support that load level (5400Pascals ( 112 lb/ft2 )).
This is a common misunderstanding of solar power that comes from trying to apply small scale home or off-grid solar power principles to large scale power grids.
The maximum usable generation capability of a set of solar panels is determined by the energy received from the sun at that moment in time. In a normal US power grid, all of the solar panels in the grid will be injecting at their maximum capability which is completely determined by the energy they are receiving from the sun at that moment.
What is the marginal cost for a solar panel that is already injecting the maximum power that it can produce? In the case of the power grid the marginal cost of electricity will still be determined by the marginal cost of power from fossil fuel units.
True but not true. A megawatt generated from a solar plant does not have the same value as a megawatt generated from a gas turbine in the operation of a power grid.
A gas turbine can be dispatched to ramp generation up or down to match load. Solar plants can not be controlled as such. Megawatts generated from traditional fossil fuel sources are controlled and are usually more useful and valuable. An electron from a solar panel may be physically the same as one from a gas turbine but economically they are completely different.
"A gas turbine can be dispatched to ramp generation up or down to match load. Solar plants can not be controlled as such."
But your qualification is for a "normal" power grid where all solar panels are injecting at their maximum capacity. A gas turbine operating at maximum capacity can also not be ramped up.
Drop the output to 80% of maximum and you can do load following in either case. Tracking PV panels can use tilt adjustment, tracking converters can shift toward or away from the maximum power point. A diversionary load might even be able to use the excess power in some cost-effective manner. Much faster than ramping a turbine or boiler, without the damage of mechanical stress.
You are correct but the question is why you would operate solar panels at anything lower than max capacity?
Your fuel costs for a solar panel are zero (or so far below fossil fuels that it might as well be zero.) Is there any specific reason why you would drop the output of a panel in order to save it for ramping?
Economically if you are being paid for power and it costs you nothing to produce why would you not be generating at the max capacity it can produce based on the sunlight you are receiving. If you have a mechanism for tilting the panel then you will make even more money since you can extend the period of time that your panels can operate at max capacity.
PV grid tie inverter costs scale with peak capacity but operate below that much of the time. One might find that spending less on the inverter and more to oversize the PV array would give greater financial return averaged over a day. Less variation would then be an indirect result of optimizing income.
But one could also imagine using the occasional excess power to do something useful, index the WWW, calculate drug/receptor affinities, etc.
Undersizing grid inverters is quite common, at least in Noth-West Europe. Undersizing also allows the MPPT to produce optimal power earlier.
If the grid is to be powered completely by renewable energy systems, then PV capacity will need to be overbuilt to compensate for cloudy days. On sunny days there will be more power than needed and some of it can be discarded. The system is overbuilt because there is value to having continuous power. This is readily apparent in my off-grid PV system when my batteries are charged up and my load is small, my regulator simply disconnects some of the PV panels from the batteries allowing the output to float. If you want load following, PV systems can react nearly instantaneously.
However, in the current market with a low percentage of power coming from PV systems, the rule is simply to use all the PV power and force other systems to regulate. If PV penetration increases to a large percentage, then this will not be feasible.
So where's the cheapest place to buy panels in Europe? Anyone know some good suppliers? Forget about installation, just equipment suppliers for off-grid.
While we're on the subject of metal consumption and solar PV.....
In addition to Silver, copper and aluminum: cadmium. For educational purposes only:
Colorado orders Abound Solar to clean up hazardous waste at four sites
More here:
Bankrupt Abound Solar to Bury Unused Solar Panels in Cement
(so much for that "carbon footprint" HAHAHahaha)
Abound Solar manufactured cadmium telluride thin-film photovoltaic panels which are too expensive to compete with silicon PV panels. As far as I know, cadmium is not used in silicon PV panels. It is a problem with a dead end PV technology.
Apparently Cd was used here at a great loss. So much for power for the people, huh?
No. It'll just be power to the people from some other supplier.
You keep trying to build this conclusion by making less than logical leaps.
There are efficiency tradeoffs, there are materials limitations.. but I don't see any of them really 'going to show that PV is failing'.. there are a number of PV formulas that are out there now, and others coming along. Some get more power per sq meter, others cost more or less per watt.. but the limitations don't seem to be anything like the limits and unaccounted destructiveness of burning FF or Nuclear accidents.
AND, as materials like Silver get more precious, there will be more of it getting dropped back into the recaptured streams because of its value, so old dinner-sets and old photo and movie prints (Sorry, Mr. Scorcese!) will be getting leached back into sellable metals again.. to start to live a productive life, instead of a decorative one.
Did you read the article. We had to bury 2000 Pallets of solar panels in cement. How many times are you gonna do that before people who cant afford to eat get pissed off at the waste?
..and you point at this like it's the destination of most or all of the PV that's coming out.. it's Handwaving, PDV. It's a DATAPOINT, and you're playing it like a TREND.
and SURE, people who can't afford to eat are going to get PO'd at all sorts of the waste, which will create pressure which may or may not allow some of the errors to get fixed, while elsewhere, disasters will continue and people will starve.
How does this make PV some kind of failure at it's root? THAT's been my question to you, and you haven't really found a way to tell me/us this.
There is a lot of R&D going on, and various companies will run into the wall for good reasons or lousy ones, so what?
The "so what" is that we cant afford the energy chicanery anymore. Lots of R&D goes right back to the "shit or get off the pot" adage. Does it work, or not? I say it doesnt work, there are too many people and not enough resources to waste on unicorns and skittles.
You've got me curious. If I understand correctly, you are saying PV won't work. In that case, please remind me, what you suggest will work or, are you suggesting that a return to the Olduvai Gorge is the only outcome?
Alan from the islands
Solar, solar photovoltaics, hydro, wind and geothermal sources of energy (power) will not run an industrial society.
Those "sources" of power are extremely diffuse (excepting maybe hydro in some cases) and amount to not much more than unicorn farts, that take a lot of energy to create ~:)
I'm not "pro-petroleum" - or any other nonsense (though I am a geologist and like hydrocarbon geochemistry) and, I'm not going to go into the gorge.
Take from that what you will ~;)
You've got me even more curious now! An industrial society without solar, solar photovoltaics, hydro, wind and geothermal sources of energy and eventually without FF either? Hmmmm? You must mean nuclear? If so, give me a shout when 60MW reactors that are "walk away" safe, hurricane proof, earthquake proof and affordable become available. I'm pretty sure my government would be interested.
Alan from the islands
No Nukes. try condoms
I think it's a bit late for that! In my neck of the woods, that problem is already "baked into the cake" and there's still quite a bit of baking going on! How do you propose to reduce the numbers that are already with us, assuming you thin that the time frames are that short?
Alan from the islands
the solution is also already "baked into the cake", especially if people will not learn. If condoms wont work try education.
Not necessary. Haven't you heard? The USA is going to become the worlds leading oil producer by whenever and climate change is a croc of $#!t
Alan from the islands
Understand your frustration with the US. US population probably going into long-term decline, punctuated.
Wind already ran an industrial society in Holland during the 1700s. Perhaps there are different kinds of grey. Likely not the blinding grey we have now, but maybe not pitch black either.
That was a much lower energy intensive lifestyle and one could argue, higher quality too.
A pallet contains maybe 20 panels. Estimating they are 200 W each, 8 MW (rated) of unsellable PV were encased in concrete presumably because they are defective. Comparing that to the 32.4 GW of total PV that Germany had at the end of 2012, it is only .02% of Germany's total PV. This is too small of an amount to have a significant effect on the ERoEI of PV.
The argument that PV is too diffuse for a power source is meaningless. Agriculture is a more diffuse power source than PV, which does not prevent food from powering 7 billion people. Are you aware that your allegedly diffuse power source of sunlight provided the energy, with a horrendously low efficiency, that is present in those energy dense fossil fuels?
Sun radiates about 175 PW (175 x 1015 W) onto Earth (including its atmosphere), about 10,000 times more energy than humans consume. That's the amount of power available to keep the entire biosphere operating. That is certainly enough to do it, but the amount is not proof that it can be harnessed. Whether modern society can continue using only electricity in the absence of fossil fuels, is not a foregone conclusion but rather a debatable topic. I am fairly certain Nick thinks it possible and has used many arguments backed by research and careful consideration to arrive at his opinion. I will probably never be convinced one way or the other except in hindsight, but I do know that when one does not try, one dooms oneself to failure.
No. If you read the article you will find that 2000 pallets of solar panels are being encased in cement (nice carbon footprint there) to prevent further contamination from Cadmium, a very toxic heavy metal. They are "unsellable" because they are a contamination hazard .
Right, just like tainted meat, kids toys with lead paint, or asbestos siding.. they were a messed up product, and at a heavy price, had to get 'abated' in a way that the public would be reasonably protected from them.
Again, there's no THERE, there in your example. This is common across our built- systems, when we have regulators that work to keep our unsafe products away from the public..
CdTe PV panels are not a contamination hazard when manufactured and used properly, and encasing in concrete is a long-term method of disposal. The contamination hazard only arises from their long-term disposal.
Here is another article, First Solar may recycle 100,000 Abound Solar CdTe panels, PV Tech, March 1, 2013, that appears to describe them as 100,000 CdTe PV panels that were returned to Abound Solar by customers because they are defective:
I underestimated the number of PV panels by 2.5 times. Oops.
Can we have your assurance on that ~;)
Tellurium, Eh? Go Long Tellurium!
Did you read the article yourself?
"...had to bury..." - nothing has gotten buried yet, still in discussions with recyclers.
How many times...?
No more than N-1 Cd-Te manufacturers.
First Solar has been around long enough/is rich enough to implement recyling programs.
Everybody else is too late to the party to profit.
And this just in:
Contrast the tone of the article in PV-Tech with the Denver Post hysteria.
Or the out-and-out lie from the Heritage Foundation that the Abound trustees were "ordered to ... bury"
N.B. there is no Cd in silicon panels.
PDV do not lose any sleep about the cadmium in PV panels. You should however be mad as hell about heavy metals released from coal combustion, either to the atmosphere which you breath, or in ash heaps that pollute surface and ground waters.
from Wikipedia:
"The TVA Kingston Fossil Plant coal fly ash slurry spill occurred just before 1 a.m. on Monday December 22, 2008, when an ash dike ruptured at an 84-acre (0.34 km2) solid waste containment area at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston Fossil Plant in Roane County, Tennessee, USA. 1.1 billion US gallons (4,200,000 m3) of coal fly ash slurry was released. The coal-fired power plant, located across the Clinch River from the city of Kingston, uses ponds to dewater the fly ash, a byproduct of coal combustion, which is then stored in wet form in dredge cells. The slurry (a mixture of fly ash and water) traveled across the Emory River and its Swan Pond embayment, on to the opposite shore, covering up to 300 acres (1.2 km2) of the surrounding land, damaging homes and flowing up and down stream in nearby waterways such as the Emory River and Clinch River (tributaries of the Tennessee River). It was the largest fly ash release in United States history."
also from Wikipedia:
"Fly ash, also known as flue-ash, is one of the residues generated in combustion, and comprises the fine particles that rise with the flue gases. Ash which does not rise is termed bottom ash. In an industrial context, fly ash usually refers to ash produced during combustion of coal. Fly ash is generally captured by electrostatic precipitators or other particle filtration equipment before the flue gases reach the chimneys of coal-fired power plants, and together with bottom ash removed from the bottom of the furnace is in this case jointly known as coal ash...
Toxic constituents depend upon the specific coal bed makeup, but may include one or more of the following elements or substances in quantities from trace amounts to several percent: arsenic, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, hexavalent chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, selenium, strontium, thallium, and vanadium, along with dioxins and PAH compounds."
Nah, neither do I. In this case, the CDPHE intercepted the barrels presumably the will be taken care of ;) and the thousands (?) of panels burried in yards of cement. ~:) most people dont amortize contamination and (hopefully hahahaha) cleanup with regard to any industrial process related to a source of energy.
Luis de Sousa has written:
"once it is injected into the grid an electron is equal to any other"
This is simply NOT true.
An electron injected into the grid by an intermittent source (PV or wind) in no way is equivalent to an electron injected into the grid by a thermal power plant.
Yep. That gets back to the concept of "energy quality" and "embodied energy". In a way Luis is right, the electron is just a carrier of charge, however, the electromotive force (voltage - and current) is whats important , ie the capacity for work:
We can discuss this at length and it should be.
Of course all electrons are equal and equally charged, that was not my point... my objection, if we can call it like that, was that the electrons are injected into the grid at times and in quantities when they are not necessarily needed (especially for the quantities).
The storage of large quantities, huge quantities in effect, is what will be necessary if PV wants to play a role in the future of power generation. Luis has only very marginally touched this subject with his analysis of the off-grid, battery back-up solution.
Germany,France,Italy and the UK all consume more than 1 TWh/day on average,and on cold and sun-less winter days (which can happen from november to february, 1/3 of the year) the first two can reach of the order of twice that much.
For the past 4 full months (Oct to Jan, as the data for February are not out yet), 32.5 GWp of German PV have generated a total of (1.8+0.8+0.4+0.35)=3.35 TWh, i.e. the equivalent of less than 3 days of consumption for that country, out of 123... or less than 2% of demand. Based only on PV one would have to have months worth of storage, which is not going to happen... too much energy.
That was totally circular.
"Reliability" and "controllability" are just as much components of energy quality as volts and amps.
You have two butlers, both highly skilled and both do an excellent job. One of them comes when you summon him and goes when you dismiss him. The other one comes and goes whenever he feels like it. He doesn't care if he is absent when you need him or he hangs around when you want some privacy.
Would you pay each one the same?
Two butlers????
I have to assume youve had circuits, electronics and some thermodynamics in school? You can do better than that....
People seem to be having a very hard time with this article.
The value of an electron generated from something that does not consume fuel resources is very high. Flexibility (or controllability) in newer and evolving energy markets (as de Sousa seems to be describing) is less a product of what happens in individual power plants, and more a product of adequate resource planning, market design, and operability of the grid (system management).
The value of an electron from a thermal plant is very low in such a market because it is taken last. As de Sousa describes: "With proper feed-in tariffs in place governments can then focus on the monolithic base load electricity suppliers; they won't disappear, but their role will fundamentally change. They must shift their focus from production to storage and load-balancing."
There may need to be additional price supports for lower value sources of electrons (moved to the sidelines by bulk energy services from intermittent resources), and I can see something like a "capacity market" being of assistance to keep these resources in the mix and viable on a commercial and competitive basis.
Saying each electron is equal is just another way of saying the performance of the whole is what we are looking at (and how reliability and price are tied together in the operation of the entire system). We can take individual sources and look at them alone if we wish, but that would be looking the wrong way through the binoculars. Instead of the forest, we'd be looking at a lot of individual trees.
Hows that work?
You don't "generate" an electron, you generate a current
Aren't you clever. Do you have something substantive to add?
My comment is a direct reference to the following:
I appreciate the correction. Be sure to let "molflow" know what you think of his comment as well. There's too much to be gained by passing up yet another opportunity to waste everyone else's time.
Its not a waste. You should be more precise, its really not hard.
What market? Your "market" is broken. You are seeing first hand a currency war develop where the major players are in a race to debase their respective currencies in an ill-fated attempt to stave off deflation, and the resulting hyperinflation (currency collapse). Trust is quickly receding due to misunderstandings and misrepresentations of value in the resources markets, including the electrical "markets". How will you sell electricity into such a market where people are dependent on it for their very survival???
Also, Id like to see a PV manufacturing process stream that isn't natural gas & diesel intensive (added: or nuclear).
You know, one of the results of currency debasement and devaluation will be soaring fuel "prices". That alone will kill many solar PV projects.
Yes, so buy PV panels now while they are inexpensive.
Are you kidding? They are not inexpensive. Neither are the batteries and neither are the inverters or the cabling. This stuff is all way out of reach for the average citizen around here. And all this stuff about to get a whole lot MORE expensive and a whole lot more scarce...
PV modules cost less than a $1/W:
At 1500 kWh/kWp my household needs 0.2 kWp per person to cover our yearly electricity demand (thanks to efficient appliances/lights we only need about 300 kWh per person and year).
That's less than $200 for the PV modules.
Lease out your rooftop if you don't wish to put your own capital at risk.
Wow … that's a pretty long detour to change the conversation.
Care to give us some economic indicators that currency devaluation has any merit?
- Euro area CPI has been relatively stable at around 2% (change inputs for longer time frame).
- German unemployment is on decline.
- German has high debt but positive economic growth (I suppose you think this is a bad thing).
- Lower electricity and gas prices are contributing to lower inflation rate (and short term boosts to consumer spending … food, clothing and footwear, recreation, restaurants and hotels).
For the largest economy in Europe (fourth largest by nominal GDP in the world), a house of cards I am sure.
I'm not saying it has any merit, but that is whats going on around you is a a race to debase. Look at the various currency in circulation charts, all major currencies are being printed up like there is no tomorrow, which skews your cost analysis horribly. Your cost analysis for solar PV and understanding of the "price" of solar PV is based on currencies, not monies, that are backed by nothing more than thin air, known as fiat. Theres no there there. Without something real to pin your money supply on you will never understand the cost or "price" of anything.
Has Germany been able to relocate its missing gold?
Ugh. We're talking energy here. Care to join us?
Hi Luis,
Thank you for the interesting collection of information on solar pricing.
I can add a bit of context to the article on New Mexico pricing of 6 cents per kWh, in the context of price comparisons with natural gas plants that are currently being installed, because I own a solar array in New Mexico. However, it should be said that I am not a tax accountant, so I would appreciate it if anyone can correct me.
First, there is a 30% federal tax credit and a 10% state tax credit. These large subsidies greatly reduce the installation cost. Next, New Mexico state law does not allow counties to increase the property assessment to take solar panels into account. In this area, a PV array would constitute almost the entire value of the land. This is an enormous ongoing tax advantage, similar to that enjoyed by schools. In contrast, New Mexico coal miners pay severance taxes of about 20 million dollars a year.
Probably the largest implicit subsidy is the fact that the utility must take the solar production when it is provided, pay the transmission-line fees, and pay for the backup, which in this area would likely be natural gas. A proper comparison of costs would be to add back all of the subsidies and compare that with the backup fuel cost of natural gas, currently about 3 cents per kWh.
The installation costs are not "greatly reduced" they are merely defrayed in this scheme. Despite the fancy graphics, if anything, "costs" are going up over time due to increases in labor, fuel and raw materials costs and availability (aluminum railing, nuts, bolts, copper cabling etc); a kind of "Red Queen" effect in a "cost-efficiency" race hidden to most people because of lack of consideration to raw-material, manufacturing and transportation "costs" (ie, Easily Stored, Extremely Dense, High Quality soure of Energy). I think maybe a very small percentage of the population is able to capitalise on these "subsidies" just based upon the number of solar PV arrays I see in the neighborhoods around this very sunny city ~;) The rest of the non-PV, petroleum-based population bear the burden of the subsidies for the few in the form of taxation/rent-seeking/ghost-inflation of some flavour. Just an observation....
Think of it as a carbon tax for those who insist on using fossil fueled power.
To be distributed to the wealthy so they can assuage their carbon guilt? Howabout distributing solar PV to the people, people?
Go Silver!
Yet the German and Spanish subsidies have helped push PV to production levels that allow for under a dollar a watt for panels.. I think you'll find that this has opened the door for a great many ordinary people to go in on a bit of Solar at a time, as well as the US subsidies that have also helped normal folk take the plunge at last.
Don't let them eat Yellowcake!
"Normal folk" whatsthat a joke?
Ya, 'cause right now just the abby normal folk can "afford" them.... with subsidies!
Good answer.
As ever, what are you trying to say?
Yes, subsidies are allowing people to try out solar. As we all know, the 99% is more than stretched, now, and we can barely manage to get to our 6month dental cleanings, much less take on reworking our power supplies.. but when you said 'how about distrib. Solar to the People..', what do you think these subsidies are there for?
It's hardly enough, and then there are the 'principled anti-govt' voices who think this is evil socialism.. but I know people who are sqeezing and straining, and yet get their paperwork in, and get that discount, and take a loan.. and now have some power that will be with them through retirement and can be part of their kids' inheritance.
Some part of that not adding up for you... Or do you just prefer to keep pulling a 'Nelson' and laughing because you don't really have an argument to offer?
We need to get beyond "trying out solar". I think the way grampy put it was: "shit or get off the pot". It either works, or its a waste of resources, and right now, the way most of you do your "engineering", its a waste..
PVD! YO!!!
Cumulative global installations of PV exceeded 100 GWp recently, and will likely reach 50 GWp of new installations yearly by 2015. PV is not sitting on the pot anymore. It is however making your arguments look like shit, and after all the humble pie you will be eating very soon, you will be stuck on the crapper for a very long time.
Price of solar power.....
~ 0.1gmAg/W for photovoltaics. +/-
Thats exactly why Im going long silver ~;)
Short Condoms Long Silver HAhahaha!
So what, just use copper instead:
I don't believe that copper is a suitable substitute for silver in solar PV applications, I think the introduced efficiencies outweigh the use of copper.
If you need to resort to copper to replace silver in your photovoltaics, your solar PV operation is dead.
Solar PV instalation use alot of copper in the cabling already, along with a whole bunch of aluminum, which doesnt really last that long and has to be replaced periodically. Do a google on Aluminum manufacturing process. How many solar panels would it take to produce the aluminum used in a given installation for example.... etc.
Just in case, go Long Copper, too! ~:) Its always good stuff to have around on the farm... aw heck it never hurts to have a bunch of Al railing either out in the racks either. Recycled, whatever.
The aluminum frame present on all PV panels except laminates far out weights the amount of aluminum that would be needed for traces and reflectors on the PV panels. The ERoEI of PV is already over 10 including the aluminum frame.
I have no idea how this relates to the points above but it does support my contention that there is quite a bit of aluminum employed in Solar PV arrays, and due to the electricity requirements for aluminum manufacturing and fabrication, that is energetically extremely expensive.
In sunny places the ERoEI of PV panels is on the order of 10 or higher (What is the energy payback for PV? NREL, Jan. 2004) including the energy used to make the aluminum frame. Because the amount of aluminum used in the reflector would be a small amount compared to the amount in the frame, switching from silver to aluminum would barely change the input energy used to make a PV panel. Consequently PV panels could easily provide power to manufacture their aluminum components. The fabrication of aluminum is not "energetically extremely expensive."
Yes it is. That fact is very well known. It takes enormous amounts of electricity to manufacture and fabricate aluminum scantillon. Take a look at Alcoa's manufacturing process and get back to us on your last proclamation there.
You are not doing your ERoEI calculation correctly. You cant cherry pick, not allowed.
To add to what BlueTwilight said, I noticed something at the Solar trade shows that I attended last year that I don't remember seeing at the one I attended in 2011. Frame-less panels, panels that dispense with the traditional aluminium frame. I would imagine that for large projects this could reduce the amount of aluminium used by tons.
Alan from the islands
Ya, you can glue them to plywood ~;)
Go Long Glue and Plywood!
PDV, since you are going long on silver, perhaps you should purchase those silver laced PV panels. Instead of having silver coins sitting around occupying space as they appreciate and you pay your electric bill, the PV panels could be generating free electricity as they appreciate. That's a twofer. Make the silver work for you. Those Germans are taking your advise and accumulating silver while it is cheap with every PV purchase. They have already grabbed more than 3 million kg of silver. With .1 g of Ag/W and $.65 / W for Chinese PV you would only pay $6.50 / (gram of Ag) or $184 / (ounce of Ag) which has got to be a bargain. /sarcasm
Dont do coin, except for awards ~:) not gonna buy panels just for the silver. Suggest just the opposite. Silver doesnt just sit around here....
A Solar Panel on every home in Greece!
As far as eating "yellowcake", too late. Unfortunately, most of us here already tasted the hot sauce.
"Yet the German and Spanish subsidies have helped push PV to production levels that allow for under a dollar a watt for panels."
No. It has been only after more than 50% of the world production of PV modules has gone to China/Taiwan and an overproduction glut has come out of it that you can find panels for under a dollar/Wp. Until Germany was the major producer of them the price was much higher. Its' slavery in China which allows such low costs, to the point that even in China PV companies are defaulting by the day, it's a massacre.
Thats a good point. "subsidies" can take many forms including cheap ("free" hahaha) human labor which reduces the petroleum inputs, a bit.
Some of these nations, and some corporations now, are hoarding raw material because they understand that when you need that 460 pounds of silver for your contracted 23 MW array and its not there, your not gonna be able to retool your manufacturing process to adjust to substitutions on a (1962) dime.
No it is not. Unless you want to call robots slaves. I have had the benefit of attending Intersolar North America two years in a row and talking to module vendors as well as seeing some of the equipment used in the manufacturing process. To manufacture modules at the scale that is currently happening in China with a decent level of quality control requires extensive automation. I suggest to you that PV module manufacturing is highly automated and the reason China has been able to take over the market is through heavy government subsidies on setting up manufacturing operations coupled with the sheer size of the Chinese operations. Getting human labour involved would just introduce human error in the manufacturing process and slow things down A LOT!
Alan from the islands
Who builds the robots? ad infinitum....
It is a Rube Goldberg attempt at a perpetual motion machine (AKA "renewable energy").
I just checked out a leading manufacturer of robots based in Bavaria. 150 full-time employees at Kuka Robotics Inc. produce ten THOUSAND robots a year. PDV, the facts do not support your claims and snarky replies. You really should work harder at building a case before defecating on this website. Your stench is starting to annoy the crowd.
"Kuka Robotics", eh? Germans are fine engineers and extremely industrious, but this reminds me of a Canadian drilling outfit I ran into in SA called themselves "Tonto"....
I suppose the alleged "Kuka Robotics Inc" robot manufacturing facility is powered by solar panels? If so, then that is a Rube Goldberg attempt at a Perpetual Motion Machine, otherwise, the toxicity, the need for robotics and dense high quality energy turn this operation into merely a Rube Goldberg contraption.
Regardless, The whole scheme is actually a harmful exercise in ever-diminishing returns on an ever-increasing investment.
Robots use vastly less energy than human workers, and therefore are a quantum improvement in resource productivity. Even Foxconn, the world's largest manufacturer of consumer electronics, is announcing a program to automate parts of its chinese assembly lines. The problem with robots is that can take over a large part of our work force, allowing wealth to be further concentrated at the top, and leaving millions of people outside the normal economy where they will likely suffer enough to consider using their AR-15 to get what they need.
The fact remains that PV panels pay back ALL the energy used to make them in a few years at a sunny location. After that it is all NET energy production. And there is plenty of evidence that the panels last a very long time. Let that sink in PDV, and try to understand BLueTwighlight, that you can hoard physical silver in the form of PV panels, and the silver willthen actuall work for you.
Robots do dirty, repetitive work in toxic environments with relative speed and precision. Until they break and need fixed by someone.
There is definitely no robot in existence that can do the work I do. ~;) AND I am solar powered.
Oh, really?
I thought computer manufacturing was "highly automated too"!
(just one out of a 1000 examples possible)
And how about this one?... related?...
Nothing you have linked to contradicts what I wrote. One of the reasons the protesters in the article at the second link are probably upset is that the plant is polluting their community while not employing many people. If the plant was a major employer, the protest would probably not be as strident. It is easy to understand how people would be upset if somebody else is benefiting at their expense.
Try again.
Alan from the islands
I must admit you are right, no problem.
Rather than investing in storage and losing efficiency, I would invest in equipment to make various products that are "solid energy", and can run at rates appropriate to the excess electricity being produced. Perhaps making nitric acid, ammonia and then nitrate fertilizers right on your farm. In my case, making perchlorates by electrolysis of chlorides that I would then use in my own pyrotechnics business. For others, a neighborhoods Aluminum refinery. Pick a process that meets your needs and the raw materials available in your neighborhood... Form a local co-op to use the neighborhood power excess if the big utilities drag their feet on building out a proper infrastructure for you to export your over production.
I'm going long condoms and silver
ahhhh, come to think of it long condoms probably wont work ~;)
Unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation here.
The fossil German power plants are still producing more power during day time than at night.

This is a picture from a PV production record day in Germany last year:
Even on that record PV day the fossil power plants in Germany produced MORE power at noon than at midnight!
And here's the record PV week:
Come on guys, if electricity prices at noon were at zero, do you seriously believe the fossil fuel power plants would have increased power production at noon compared to midnight?
Also, PV inverters automatically reduce their power when voltage and grid frequency reaches a certain threshold: PV systems can simply NOT overfeed the grid by design.
Besides, Germany has still lower consumer electricity prices at night than during day time. If Germany were to introduce flexible electricity prices, the demand would be significantly higher during daytime than at night. (E.g. all electric water heaters currently run at night).
The reason why utilities hate PV is simply because they only own 0.2% of the PV-power plants in Germany and PV reduces wholesale electricity prices when the utilities were used to make most money with ALL their power sold (not just the most expensive power from their peaker plants): (page 11, 12 and 23).
And if Germany were to invest in storage, the German fossil fuel power plants would simply have to increase power at noon even more: Essentially storing fossil fuel energy in batteries with a loss...Woohoo!
Here's another thought:
And distributed PV reduces transmission losses (less transportation and tranformation), reduces fuel imports and generates distributed (local) jobs.
... but unfortunately it produces ZERO watts 12 hours a day by definition, and between 1/3 and 1/2 in winter wrt summer. Almost useless.
Not to me. I could use it. Yall can subsidise me if ya want ~;) It wouldn't be my only source, though.
Luckily the power demand is lower at night, despite the fact that currently all flexible loads are running at night. And despite the fact, that the pump storage plants are running at night.
Well, molflow, I have been using it for 22 years completely off-grid and get all the electricity I can use all year round. Very useful.
Oh... no question that a suitably dimensioned off-grid PV system could, even in Finland or some very un-sunny country, satisfy 100% or close to it of the electricity demand of sufficiently affluent households... especially if said households impose on themselves draconianly low electricity consumptions (I've read blogs of people who claim they take showers, for energy conservation reasons, only 2-3 times/week, for instance)... fact is, at least in this part of the world, Europe, households are responsible for of the order of 1/4 of the total electricity demand max... so solving 1/4 of the problem is hardly saying that the whole problem has been solved.
For countries like Germany, since it is the first in terms of PV installations, I can't see, not even in my wildest dreams, the big car factories running 24h/24 their production on PV, just to make an exemple.
It won't happen,it's physically impossible, as well documented in a number of recent scientific papers, both for PV and wind. There are physical, ecological, social, economical, etc... reasons which forbids this from happening, so better think about alternatives, before the whole "green" dream crashes on our heads. That will be painful.
I find it ironic that, one of the most vocal advocates of renewable energy I have ever heard, the late Hermann Scheer was a member of the German Parliament. As a matter of fact, his last book was titled "The Energy Imperative: 100 Percent Renewable Now". I bought the book last year but, haven't read it yet. I must read it to find out what that nutter was
smokin'thinking. Obviously somebody forgot to tell him that:Alan from the islands
Has the German parliament found their missing gold yet???
Well Alan from the islands, I can spare some efforts to you.
You DO NOT need to read the book of Scheer, or of any other "green" guru for that matters, as long as energy matters are concerned you won't learn much... because, time and again, when one goes and looks at the "pedigree", the CV, of any of these self-proclaimed saviors of the planet, 99% of the time you'll find that they have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE AT ALL about what "energy" means. He was an economist, so what has that to do with energy generation technologies? Nothing, or close to it.
Another example? The current energy and climate czar within the EU, the person who has in her power the decisions that count for the energy future of the whole continent, has a degree in?... history and literature!
Example no.3? Ready? OK, this is tough... we're talking about France, the world capital of the "n" electricity production... the current minister of climate, energy and the environment doesn't even have a university degree... she's a high-school diploma from a "lycee artistique"... of course she's TOTALLY in favor of green technologies...
As a matter of fact, and it's easy to demonstrate, there are very few environmentalists who have a background such that they could easily answer the question "how do one converts from kWh to joules?"... as if deciding the energy future of the world would be a matter of taste or common sense... "what colour would you paint the wind turbines?"...
If you want a nice reading on related issues buy the autobiography of the only founder of GreenPeace who had a proper green CV, no less than a PhD in ecology... and of course he was strongly ostracized and forced to leave the organization:
It's an eye opener as long as "green" organizations and "green thinking" are concerned.
No more supper for these two. They've clearly had enough.
Do you have links to the scientific papers?
It would be expensive to power a factory 24 hours per day by PV alone because there would have to be global power lines or some sort of space based system. So what? Germany is not trying to do that because they are building out PV, wind, hydro and biomass while using fossil fuels as backup.
"Do you have links to the scientific papers?"
Yes, I do:
... which reads:
"Estimates of the global wind power resource over land range from 56 to 400 TW.
Most estimates have implicitly assumed that extraction of wind energy does not alter large-scale winds enough to significantly limit wind power production. Estimates that ignore the effect of wind turbine drag on local winds have assumed that wind power production of 2–4 W m−2 can be sustained over large areas. New results from a mesoscale model suggest that wind power production is limited to about 1 W m−2 at wind farm scales larger than about 100 km2. We find that the mesoscale model results are quantitatively consistent with results from global models that simulated the climate response to much larger wind power capacities. Wind resource estimates that ignore the effect of wind turbines in slowing large-scale winds may therefore substantially overestimate the wind power resource."
Thanks for the links.
We here at TOD are familiar with Carlos de Castro's calculation of Global Wind Power Potential (The Oil Drum, September 5, 2011). In my opinion he made several errors in his calculation that produced his low power conclusion.
From your link, Draft: Global solar electric power potential: technical and ecological limits, I see that he has also done a similar analysis for PV. I see numerous bad assumptions.
1. PV installations are not limited to land. Shallow water and floating installations, which allow easy tracking, are possible. Ships can use PV panels to provide some of their power.
2. PV installations are not limited to ice free land although Antarctica would be a bad site and is reasonable to exclude.
3. He considers only centralized PV systems and ignores urban areas which excludes all rooftop installations. His performance ratio, f2, of 60% is far too low for a local rooftop system.
4. He cherry picks sites with bad insolation, 3 in Germany (> 50 degrees N) and 1 in Canada (Sarina 43 degrees N). One is in Spain (Olmedilla at 39.6 degrees N) and another is in Portugal (Moura at 38.2 degrees N) presumably with better insolation, but their data in Table 2 suggests something is amiss. Insolation is a function of weather and latitude which he does not include.
5. Land occupation, f3, is a function of latitude which he ignores because he considers sites biased at higher latitudes where rows must be spaced farther apart. He includes the unused land area around the parameter of the PV station as though that inefficiency in land use is unavoidable. For example, Moura's layout is inefficient. In a build out to maximum potential, land would be used more efficiently. These are ridiculous assumptions for calculating maximum global PV potential.
6. Performance ratio includes PV cell degradation which does not seem to apply to polycrystalline cells.
7. In table 3, his estimated average value for electrical power density of 3.4 We/m2 is a bit low for an average. For example, although my shed roof is 17.84 m2, not completely utilized, laid out inefficiently, batteries reduce my efficiency and I am not using MPPT charge controllers, its current actual average electrical power density is 5.6 We/m2. I could add at least 3 more KD-140's without altering the inefficient layout increasing the average electrical power density to 8.6 We/m2. These power densities assume the power is produced for 24 hours/day. These values would be even higher if I was located at the equator.
8. Geographical Surface Potential.
He asserts "(<2%) of human settlements and infrastructures could be covered with solar panels, such as building roof-top surfaces...." That seems low for roofs, parking lots, yards, parks and streets. If a maximum build-out is done, then people will be desperate for power, and dual axis tracks do not occupy much ground area. Since "2% is the present total land occupation for all human infrastructures," that is 306 MHa. Just 1/3 of that satisfies his maximum estimated area and his assumptions for the spacing of PV panels do not apply to roofs. He asserts that only 2% of deserts and degraded lands could be covered by PV with his only justification being it seems reasonable. About 1/3 of Earth's land surface is desert or 5 GHa. His assumed value of 50-100 MHa available for PV is .1% to .2% of the surface area of Earth, 51 GHa, which is much too small.
In summary, his analysis of global PV potential is filled with errors and personal biases just like his analysis of global wind potential.
For countries like Germany, since it is the first in terms of PV installations, I can't see, not even in my wildest dreams, the big car factories running 24h/24 their production on PV, just to make an exemple.
It won't happen,it's physically impossible, as well documented in a number of recent scientific papers, both for PV and wind. There are physical, ecological, social, economical, etc... reasons which forbids this from happening, so better think about alternatives, before the whole "green" dream crashes on our heads. , That will be painful.,
The world needs a lot less, not more cars and working 24h/7 is probaly not going to happen for much longer anyway!
Absolutely nothing in nature, forbids, changing the current idiotic paradigm!
Except the clouded minds of the self deluded dimwits who insist on clinging to it.
The current 'DREAM' is already crashing!
What will be a lot more painful, is attempting to maintain BAU!
Fred, it won't happen? It's already happened. In 2012, Germany produced 4.6% of it's electricity from PV. Source:
German car production uses more than 4.6% of German electricity production? I don't think so...
edit: according to NationMaster, German car production is 2.5% of GDP -
edit 2 for islandboy: "Total power consumption of Volkswagen’s combined German manufacturing facilities surpasses that of the entire island nation of Jamaica. VW already produces 63 percent of its own power" - not all by PV though :) Link.
What kind of argument is this?
"In 2012, Germany produced 4.6% of it's electricity from PV. "
... coupled with
"German car production uses more than 4.6% of German electricity production? I don't think so..."??
Each car's fabrication embodies, roughly speaking, the energy of its weight in oil (I've probably read this here, on TOD), let's assume 1 ton's weight average?... i.e. 11.6 MWh.
PV in 2012 has generated, in Germany, 27.9 TWh, i.e. 27.9 million MWh,divided by 11.6 MWh/toe gives the equivalent of 2.4 million 'one-ton-of-oil' cars.
Total production of the big car makers in Germany in 2012 is, my guess, much bigger than that (in 2011 Germany has covered more than 9% of world car production, some 5.8 million cars)...but that is not the point. The point is that Germany's industrial output is not only cars, it is also inverters for PV, wind turbines, metals, chemicals... all stuff that needs 24h/24 production lines running... and if you look at the Fraunhofer paper I've linked many times here you'll see that during the whole last 4 months (42% of a solar year) the 32.5 GWp of useless PV have generated... how much?... 1.8 TWh(Oct/12) + 0.8 TWh (Nov/12) + 0.4 TWh (Dec/12) + 0.35 TWh (Jan/13) (the data for Feb/13 will be available probably this week on the same site, and they will be comparable to January's abysmal 0.4-0.5 max TWh)...the sum is 3.9 TWh...concentrated during few hours of each day... days which, as PV goes, last much less than 10 hours in December-January...
Present technology of PV is useful only for supplying, partially, the needs of households, that I agree, but there is no way to run a good fraction of the electricity needed by an industrialized country. IN order to match the required energy demand averaged along the year, PV generates too little in winter, too much in summer with necessity to store the which is feasible in those quantities only via pumped-hydro, which means 20-30% losses... which drives costs up by more than that, just to mention one important factor.
Germany's PV base is in the south of the country, storage is in Norway/Sweden... off-shorewind is in the North Sea, more than 1000 km from BMW factories in Bavaria...just to stay on the subject.
People saying "BAU cannot continue" are simply stating a so called "self fulfilling profecy", BAU cannot continue FOR SURE if you think about employing PV IN "SUNNY" GERMANY!... geeezzz... what's next?... hydro in the Sahara?...
Please note, also, that the big industrial users of electricity in Germany are exempted from paying the EEG surcharge, it is the German households and small businesses which bear the whole financial load... as far as I know (but Ulenspiegel can correct me, I'm sure) each of the 27.9 billion kWh generated by PV in Germany has cost on average 30 cEuro...i.e. 8.4 billion Euros in 2012.
"Absolutely nothing in nature, forbids, changing the current idiotic paradigm!"
Yes it does!... it is called "low power density of wind and PV". Remember... 9-10 billion humans by mid century... that's what we need to feed (in energy and food).
I've already given the links about recent studies in this thread, more than once.
The last part of that statement betrays your belief that BAU can and will continue till the world population reaches 9-10 billion. IMNSHO that's very unlikely. In my neck of the woods while accurate statistics on abortions are almost impossible, since simple abortion by choice is illegal, infanticide is still a fairly rare occurrence but, there was one in the news just this past weekend.
Police search for mother of dead foetus
The headline says "foetus" so this is probably an abortion, rather than an infanticide but, both are likely to increase as times get increasingly difficult.
I am having some difficulty understanding why you are constantly repeating the meme of low power density of renewables. According to this Wikipedia page, the largest currently operating pv installation in the world is the "Agua Caliente Solar Project, (Arizona, over 247 MW connected - to increase to 397 MW)". The page also list several other projects with a capacity of 500MW or larger that, have begun or are about to begin construction. One of the large plants under construction is in Antelope Valley, California where construction has commenced on a 266MW plant the first part of a three part project expected to generate 800MW when complete.See
California: 266 MW PV farm to be finished in early 2014
One of the nice things about PV plants is that you don't have to wait until the whole plant is finished before you start generating a return on investment, as is evidenced by the following headline about the same plant referred to above.
AVSR 1 solar PV plant reaches 100 MW
I have seen nothing to suggest that scaling this diffuse power source all the way from a single panel with a micro-inverter all the way up to a 500+MW plant incurs penalty's that are not worth the benefit of "free" solar power. It is also useful to note that all these mammoth projects are in California and Arizona where the average solar resource exceeds 6.5 kWh/m2/day so, yes, location matters.
What this implies is that, at current prices, there is a good business case to be made for going after 6.5 kWh/m2/day in the US, in competition with the fairly low electricity prices there! If PV prices continue to fall, that good business case will apply to places with lower levels of solar resource.
In locations with good solar resources, I would suggest that there are few activities that would outstrip the ability of local PV to supply the electricity during most productive hours for PV. For example if I were to cover the 56.76 m2 (611 ft2.) roof of my on bedroom apartment with 285W modules measuring 1.96m (77") X .99m (39"), I could fit 24 panels. De-rating for temperature effects, they could produce about 4.8kW or roughly 750 kWh per month more than six times my current average!
I suspect that your location (France? Europe?)is clouding your perceptions.
Alan from the islands
From this American's perspective, that is a really unusual power demand curve for May. In the U.S., power demand is much more flat from 6am to 8pm in cold seasons, and has a large late-afternoon air conditioning spike in warm weather.
Anyone care to comment on how Germany has managed to put peak demand at the same time of day that the solar panels are most active? I'm guessing there's some heavy demand-side load leveling going on.
Where are you on the North American continent?
There is little demand side-load leveling. As I said German electricity prices are still lower at night than during day time for most electricity consumers.
But most people in Europe turn on their electric stoves around noon.
Also, since all European countries have a higher demand at noon and Germany has lower peak electricity prices at noon it can export power at that time.
Besides, this was the week with the highest PV-production in that year. It doesn't affect PV-production costs, if PV had to be curtailed on occasional days. Brakes in cars are used on a minute basis and not only waste much more expensive and imported gasoline- and diesel-energy, they also waste millions of brakepads every year.
But somehow plumber Joe's are mostly worried about much less expensive PV-energy which may or may not need to be curtailed on a much rarer basis...
I always get a kick out of "electric stoves" HAhahaha That is a crime against thermodynamics: burn a fuel over there to create heat to turn a generator to generate electricity, send it a distance with transmission losses, only to turn it BACK into heat to cook food! WoW!
You are partially right... it is a crime if you burn gas/oil/coal for generating the electricity... on the other hand if the electricity is generated by "the other" mean it makes perfect sense.
You cant be serious. Heres another thought: burn the oil/gas/coal/wood under your pot of soup. It is absolutely ridiculous to use electricity generated from solar wind - or hydro for that matter - to create large amounts of heat. Just stupid - see energy "quality", power, heat, and thermodynamics.
Take a lump of coal to heat your pot of water then see how clean that is. Now take that coal, put it in an IGCC plant with process heat cogeneration at 70% efficiency, then use the electricity for heating the water at over 90% efficiency.
Then see what the health effects are when burning coal to heat the water times 100 million people 365 days per year for decades. There are more considerations that economics and thermodynamics, health care and the cost of it loom large in the U.S. economy.
I do it with WOOD, man.
Yall are running the risk of turning the entire thing into a huge boondogle. No, wait, it IS a huge boondagle, and wait till the people find out theyve been had again.
We just burried two-thousand PALLETS of solar panels here in Colorady - in CEMENT!
I look around and I see two distinct classes of people here in the US, the haves and the have-nots. the haves, have a prius and a humvee in front of the two-car garage and a rack of solar panels on the roof of their US$450,000 house (for example). The have nots are "living" in craftsman bungaloes with poor insulation, and there are three beaters broken down in the front yard.
There are alot more have-nots than there are "haves" and to see colossal waste like the solar boondogle visited upon the residents of Denver, and the rest of the unsuspecting population is, well, a bummer.
Let's say you'd install a complete 10 kW PV system on your roof:
That's €8680 before taxes (without installation)
You would need purchase 165'000 pounds of wood in 20 years to get the same amount of energy as you get with the PV-system (PV-modules have a 25 year warranty).
If you wanted to produce the same amount of electricity with wood, you would need to purchase about 500'000 pounds of wood and an expensive wood gas generator.
Also, the two best selling cars in the US are:

As opposed to Europeans, Americans can somehow afford gaz-guzzlers and expensive gasoline.
Let's say an American drives 15,000 miles per year with the best selling US-car.
At $4 /Gallon, that's $70,588 just for the gasoline in 20 years.
Yep. You just discovered the difference between low quality, diffuse sources of energy and high quality, concentrated, storable and transportable sources of energy. Well done! Better take care of it while you have it and not waste it ~;)
Luckily sun shines on a daily basis and the day demand is higher than the night demand and hot water tanks are relatively cheap and can be recharged indefinitely.
If there was one only day of sunshine and 364 days of darkness then I might be worried about storage. But in that case there wouldn't be any wood either.
Day demand for what? What are you trying to power? An industrial society?
I hope you people realise we are not in an "industrial society" any more. This is a "post industrial" service society, more of a kleptocracy, that will have to adjust to decreasing energy and raw material imputs.
Ha! Now that's a good one. This PV /renewable experiment happens to be going on in the leading exporter of industrial goods in the world!
Alan from the islands
Ya right. You can export that stuff right to my door step if you like. HAHAHAHAhahaha!
You wanna define "renewable energy" for us? Try to stick to thermodynamics.
Day demand for what? What are you trying to power?
Whatever people do with wood for energy purposes is usually more sustainable, healthier, easier and even cheaper with PV - unless you steal your wood as you are suggesting here:
This is a "post industrial" service society, more of a kleptocracy
Also, it's doubtful that even the US will move from this:

to this:
without trying anything in-between first.
Thatsa great point right there. Have you been to
"Luckily sun shines on a daily basis "
Not always... not everywhere... sadly...
"Overly Overcast: Germany Weathers Darkest Winter in 43 Years"
(this one is for ulenspiegel!... eh... eh... eh...) :-)
Luckily, Wind and PV complement each other very well: (page 27)
"Luckily, Wind and PV complement each other very well:"
No, they don't. They do it from time to time, on a yearly basis there is, for sure, an increase production of wind energy in winter as opposed to an increased production of solar in summer... but the two cannot, it's impossible, fill in the gaps of the other technology.
If you browse the excellent document about wind and solar production in Germany in 2012 of the Frauhnofer Institute, not the one you have linked, you'll easily find periods of 3-5 or even more days when wind production is extremely low, in February for instance, when PV is virtually absent.
Averaging out days and nights, days in weeks, weeks in months, and months in the year makes the whole thing appear much more benign, the problem is that the electric grid needs perfect balance 24h/24, 365d/y, can't tolerate fluctuation in power, tension and phase at the millisecond level.
Sad maybe, but a fact of nature. Electricity can't be stored easily. It is like this and it will always be like this.
"No, they don't. They do it from time to time, on a yearly basis there is, for sure, an increase production of wind energy in winter as opposed to an increased production of solar in summer... but the two cannot, it's impossible, fill in the gaps of the other technology."
Don't be silly, ofcourse it's possible. Grab some solar and windfarms, combine them with some biomass, hydro and geothermal via a central control, monitor and adjust power output and you have a VPP (virtual power plant). Pefectly able to use renewable sources to match demand precisely like any other power plant.
WOW!... I'm impressed!... I thought that in order to get an idea of what science and technology do one had to spend lots of time reading serious, peer-rewieved journals and books... while it seems that YouTube is the place to go... any Pixar movie showing the wonderful world of photovoltaics and cartoons?
If it's so easy, why don't they do it already? Why do they keep on burning hundreds of millions of tons of lignite and coal instead of doing like in the short video?
Ah!.. I forgot!... it's "the lobby"!... damn!
You've written:
"Don't be silly, ofcourse it's possible. "
Not at all! It is possible only when penetrations are low, but it is not possible on a global scale. For Germany alone, i.e. 1/90 of the world population, there is not enough land, sun, and wind to generate 560 TWh of their electricity consumption, that's a fact, so please stop giving YouTube videos as proof of anything.
You are such a sad debater. Perhaps, if you paid attention, you'd noticed that the second video talks about research from Kassel University. Published literature about Virtual Power Plants is available online if you take a moment to go look for it.
I know by now that any knowledge opposing your narrative will simply be ignored or misrepresented by you, but here are a few links for the benefit of the other readers:
- A 2007 PhD thesis
- Peer reviewed paper:
- A Dutch Technical University of Eindhoven VPP study:
- A Brazilian study
There's lots more. I'll leave your ramblings to others from now on.
"You are such a sad debater. Perhaps, if you paid attention, you'd noticed that the second video..."
Sorry... I didn't get far enough;, the first video killed me already.
Please quote some serious literature and I'll be happy to comments, videos get to my nerves.... oh, I see you are just doing it few lines below... good, thanks.
I'll take a guess you manufactured this statement without checking it.
land surface area of Germany: 357,021 km2
incident solar power: 1000 W/m2
capacity factor of PV in Germany: 11% = 2.64 hours/day
357 Gm * 1000 W/m2 * 2.64 h/d * 365 d/yr = 344 PWh/year.
PV alone could provide 614 times more electrical power than Germany consumes if they devoted all of their land. Less than 1% of their land area would be sufficient.
I did that. calc For the netherlands once, and rooftops alone would be enough, so claiming that PV or wind will never be enough just shows the ignorance.
The ignorance is taking the surface area of all houses in a country and thinking that all of them can be equipped with PV panels. It doesn't work like this, there are plenty of studies, based on satellite/LIDAR measurements of the orientation of roofs and the mutual shadowing in densely inhabited areas (by the way, The Netherlands is one of the most densely populated countries, isn't it?)... see the references in De Castro's paper I've already linked previously.
There are similar studies for wind in Germany, which take into account the availability of areas for installation of wind farms...once you remove towns, public parcs, mountains, areas which have not enough wind, etc... your are left with little... in fact they plan to go to the north sea for off-shore wind... and there the problems are different in nature but not less challenging.
As analysed by several authors (McKay, De Castro, others...) the power density of off-shore wind has an upper limit of 1 W/m2... by the way.
ANd that's Science, with "S"! :-)
Correction in the calculation: I did not include the efficiency of the PV panels. They should be 15% efficient, not 100%.
357 Gm * 1000 W/m2 * .15 * 2.64 h/d * 365 d/yr = 51.6 PWh/year.
So PV alone could provide 92 times more electrical power than Germany consumes. A little more than 1% of their land area would be sufficient.
"So PV alone could provide 92 times more electrical power than Germany consumes. A little more than 1% of their land area would be sufficient."
... yes!, and the wind farms could be installed along the autobahns using the air displaced by fast Porsches/BMWs/Mercedes/VWs as I have read on a "green" blog!
Sure! :-)
No. That's NOT the way the calculation has to be carried out!!
It's the effective power density that has to be taken into account, not the incident power and even less the nominal peak power of the panels!... we've been discussing for days and we are back to this????
Read this and come back:
Vaclav Smil, "Power Density Primer: Understanding the Spatial Dimension of the Unfolding Transition to Renewable Electricity Generation"... and the following papers
... or this, an especially good one)...
There's A LOT less AVAILABLE energy hitting the ground and suitable for capture by panels that you seem to understand.
Should a lack of basics be the problem, try looking at this:
More than this I can't do for you, I am overwhelmed at this point.
No, molflow, the authors you are citing underestimate the solar potential. Think about their assumptions. Would humans really be so inefficient and NIMBY-like if they are desperate for electrical power? To calculate a maximum potential one must assume the deployment will be efficient and people are desperate. Based on the actual measurements of my PV system, their numbers are BS.
molflow wrote: "Not at all! It is possible only when penetrations are low, but it is not possible on a global scale. For Germany alone, i.e. 1/90 of the world population, there is not enough land, sun, and wind to generate 560 TWh of their electricity consumption, that's a fact, so please stop giving YouTube videos as proof of anything. - See more at:"
Check the wind(energie)report 2011:
2% of the land would allow >180 GW onshore wind in Germany, current wind turbines have >2500 FLH, this gives at least 450 TWH from onshore wind. Add 40 GW offshore with >3500 FLH and we are at >590 TWh, 100 GW PV would add 100 TWh. So Germany can produce 700 TWh with domestic potential, a amount that is sufficient to electrify transportation and heating. (= 100% renewables)
Please stop replying with personal attacks in comments or I'll have to start deleting entire comments rather than editing them.
Best regards,
"So PV alone could provide 92 times more electrical power than Germany consumes. A little more than 1% of their land area would be sufficient."
No way!... as I said already, AMPLE literature exists on the subject:
As you can read in the rather detailed analysis, Germany's ground-mounted PV power stations (which are, inherently, MORE efficient than randomly oriented households' roofs) have an average power density of ~3.5 W/m2, that is 1% of the country's surface would produce 3.5*30.8 TWh/year, i.e. 110 TWh/year, i.e. LESS than 20% of the 560 TWh counsumed in 2012.
As long as wind is concerned, it produces electricity with a power density of 0.5~2 W/m2, depending on location... 1% of Germany's surface is 3.517E+9 m2, times 8760 hours = 30.8 TWh (at 1 W/m2)... which is 5,5% of Germany's electricity consumption.
Another recent study (Univ. of Delaware scientists), analysing not Germany by part of the US grid (north-east) have estimated at 3 the over-production factor necessary to assure 99.99% of the coverage without black-outs... mainly covered by the abundant (and higher CF than Germany's) wind of that sparsely populated region of the US (as compared to Germany's density)... transposing to Germany and to the lower CF of Germany's wind, one would have to generate 3-4x 560 TWh out of a mix of (predominantly wind) renewables... i.e. 1680-2240 TWh... if you think that Germany's landscapes can be transformed like that please say it here now!... but I am not sure how many Germans are ready to follow you.... on paper it sounds nice and easy!... just install 110 THOUSAND 3 MW, 100 m tall, wind turbines and you'll have it done (this corresponds to 560 TWh/year at 20% CF, BTW)!
Remember: there are ecological, social, economical, technological, physical, environmental, material resources-wise, and more... limits... one has to fulfill ALL OF THEM at the same time!
An average global electrical power density of 3.5 W/m2 for centralized PV systems is 1) incorrect and 2) does not apply to rooftop installations. Centralized systems are inefficient in their use of land due to the spacing needed between rows. Roofs are already angled upward. Carlos de Castro assumptions about spacing in urban areas essentially double count the spacing required causing him to grossly underestimate the urban space available for PV.
We can be like Easter Island, cut down all the trees until there are no more. I got mine man, the heck with you.
I suggest condoms
Don't they already sell condoms in the US?
And how is this going to change the fact that even if you reduce energy consumption by 90%, there wouldn't be enough would to be chopped?
Well, if condoms won't work, and education won't work the only way to learn is direct experience. I tend to agree with you, we will learn about energy, capital, money, trust and the commons the hard way, it will hurt alot - enough so that we dont/wont do it again. If not, were essentially done-for in a stage 5 style cultural collapse.
I suggest condoms twice
Now THAT'S what I'd call a boondoggle!
Alan from the islands
Now your gettin' the idea.
And those $70,588 don't include maintenance (tires, brakes, oil changes etc.), don't include insurance, don't include credit repayment and don't include motor vehicle taxes.
I do it with WOOD, man.
By the way, thanks to wood stoves, the air quality in Fairbanks, Alaska is worse than in Beijing:
Bullshit. If it were true, fewer people is the solution not more burning.
Ironically, Alaska already has a very low population density...
Fairbanks and Anchorage are "cities". Small, but densely populated. They are considered "Urban Areas".
And Juneau too...
But I'm pretty sure Beijings gottem beat.
"see energy "quality", power, heat, and thermodynamics"
Being there done that... we have an excellent PHYSICS library at CERN!; but thanks for giving advice.
Well, I'm sure CERN is well informed. I see some solar panels have been developed utilizing "CERN technology". Out of curiosity in a slightly more personal polling, can you tell us much electricity CERN produces ~;), and how many solar panels that takes?
In other words, a price comparison. Lets say, Watts per boson detected.
Please note b4 embarking on personal attck: I am all 4 looking for bosons. Solar panels just wont give ya enough umph to do it it though.
Watts per boson?.... mmmh... Wh per boson, you mean? Mind the units! :-)
Anyway, the solar panels developed on CERN technology, they have equipped the roof of the Geneva airport, are thermal solar, not PV, just to be precise.
No I think its more on the order of thousands of Giga Watts hours per boson detected, but I could be wrong.
At any rate that would take a hellevalotta solar panels, some very sunny days and a mighty big battery ~;)
Per Boson
Well, that's what it is. Somehow nobody complained about electric stoves when they were mainly powered by coal power plants for decades.
Also, nobody cares much about gasoline prices, considering the fact that many German's drive faster than 120 mph on highways. And at current gasoline prices, a kWh at the wheel of a car at 20% average efficiency (including transmission-losses, warm-up-losses and braking) costs over €0.75/kWh and a significant portion of that money goes to oil-sheiks which don't pay taxes in Europe.
The FIT for PV in Germany is between €0.115/kWh and €0.165/kWh and a significant portion of that money goes to local jobs which do pay taxes in Europe.
Thats because of relative abundance of fossil fuels, the amount of energy embodied and ease of process... now that things are running short were learning the hard way about "substitution", arent we?
Actually we are learning that it is piece of cake from a pure financial standpoint.
1. Local jobs thanks to renewable energies have no value
2. More tax income thanks to renewable energies has no value
3. Reducing fuel imports thanks to renewable energies has no value
4. Reducing cooling water needs thanks to renewable energies has no value
5. Reducing emissions thanks to renewable energies has no value
6. Giving pensions an alternative investment to housing and stock bubbles has no value.
Then the net costs for PV installations for PV in Germany are still less than 0.1% of the US military budget at an annual installation rate of 8 GW.
Your making a strawman (or six).
Were in a world of hurt financially; people are loosing trust in the currencies of the world and that is a problem. Most people do not understand the relationship between money, resources and energy; they do not understand capital and because of that they are loosing the commons.
As I said ignore those 6 points:
The costs for PV power in Germany are still less than 0.1% of the US military budget at an annual installation rate of 8 GW! (8 GW has never been reached).
In other words:
The US pays more than a THOUSAND times more for its military than Germans pay for PV power.
Oh, absolutely! See the kindly reference to tomahawk missiles up thread somewhere.... also, I just read somewhere that a torpedo uses 1200 oz silver in the wiring. Just a rumour though - do your own research! Throw in solar PV and... Go Long Silver!
oh. I think I found it somewhere in this thread, maybe in the comments, "Silver Demand Surges To Record For February":
"The FIT for PV in Germany is between €0.115/kWh and €0.165/kWh and a significant portion of that money goes to local jobs which do pay taxes in Europe."
You are way off the mark here... what you quote here is the tariff for NEW PV installations, the average FIT paid in Germany is, I believe, ABOVE 30 cEuro/kWh.
Ulenspiegel could certainly tell us the exact web site where the exact data could be found.
I think your gonna need to recalculate that in some other currency than euros soon. Currencies are quite a moving target these days. ~:)
...and your gonna need a reliable reference point. US dollar maybe? Sterling? Yen? Yuan? They all appear to be in a race to debase
Yes, it's quite impressive that PV was able to reduce its cost so drastically within only a few years (and this even with the apparent debasing of the €).

Meanwhile some PV-system in Germany are even offered below €1300/kWp or even €1100/kWp:
By now the PV-feed-in-tariffs are not only significantly below consumer electricity prices they are so low that they have no noticeable effect on the price of the kWh.
Debasing? Euro? Theres no there there. Whats the 'value' of the "Euro" based on? Other currencies, right? Generally, the US Dollar, often refered to as a "PetroDollar". The cost of petroleum is based on the US Dollar. For now. Gold, silver and the dollar were all linked at one time much like the Deutschmark at one time, and gold. We seem to have forgotten about the gold.
And This is exactly where you terrrribly confuse energy and money....
You are essentially getting it completely backwards.
All this also makes me wonder whoo on Earth would finance a solar PV project in Euros in light of the ongoing currency crisis and "austerity measures" in Greece, Italy and Ireland which is about to visit Spain? Who will invest in a large PV array in very sunny Greece right now, for instance??? If there was easily-gotten oil there, though, I bet you'd see some "investment"....
Besides that energy costs are miniscule compared to rent and healthcare costs.
(People always think someone gotta invent some sort of a 'free energy machine', but what someone really ought to invent IS cheap rent and cheap healthcare.)
Unfortunately utilites control politics in the EU.
But here's one option:
1. The EU raises the price of CO2.
2. Industries and utilities buy PV and Wind power in Southern Europe to offset their CO2 emissions.
3. Pension funds invest in renewable power plants instead of housing and stock bubbles.
4. Unemployed people build PV plants.
The unemployed young people in Europe alone cost more than 10 times as much as Germany currently spends on renewable energies per year:
Out of curiosity, of what relation are the unemployed young people in Europe to the taxpayers in Germany?
You know where this leads? Hampster wheels. Employ the unemployed youth of Europe: tap their youthful energy by putting them in a hampster wheels attached to a generator, in shifts. The Greek youth appear particularly energetic. Electricity problem solved, the Tax Payers of Germany can then live fulfilling lives.
By the way, thanks to FIT the German government has a higher tax income:
1. FIT are paid by electricity consumers.
2. The people working in the renewable industry do not collect unemployment benefits and thus don't collect any tax money.
3. The people working in the renewable industry pay taxes.
4. The renewable industry pays taxes.
5. The profit made from FIT are taxed.
6. And renewable energies are soon getting an extra tax just like in Spain:
In principle, a single person can install several 1000 kW of PV-modules per year.
Even a doped Lance Armstrong in a Hamster wheel hardly gets over 0.4 kW for more than a few hours per day. In addition, as opposed to a PV power plant he needs to be fed on a daily basis and requires cooling water.
PV power plants neither require expensive food nor cooling water...
And of course the US taxpayers still spend over a thousand times more on their military than the German electricity consumers pay for PV power... arguing that. Has Germany located their missing gold yet?
I don't know.
But I do know that many wealthy Southern Europeans have transferred their savings to Switzerland (CHF account) which has lead to the fact, that Swiss-mortgages have fallen below 2%, and apartment prices in some regions have doubled in less than 10 years. (Also, the Swiss National bank has bought € and re-invested € in Northern European countries, such that wealthy Southern Europeans ended up indirectly subsidizing Northern Europe).
On the other hand, I just read an article in a conservative Swiss newspaper about the FIT for PV in Switzerland, where it said that FIT is no good, since it gives money to the haves. But in fact an average Swiss four people household pays less than a Dime per month for PV power.
(This is odd coming from a conservative newspaper, since the haves usually get all the praise, but apparently not so, when they invest some of their savings on their roofs).
Having to pay $800'000 for a 2 bedroom apartment is a non-issue and having to pay higher payroll taxes such that the haves can have larger tax-breaks is a non-issue, but $0.08 for PV power per month is somehow anti-social...
I hear ya on that....
Some even reckon that Germany has reached peak feed-in tariff surcharge and that from here it's going down hill. That is, if the government stops giving more and more industry a free pass year after year.
Well, Germany is going to have to buy its natural gas from somewhere..... and it will cost some real money. My guess is eventually, either gold or gold-backed currencies will have "priority".
"Meanwhile some PV-system in Germany are even offered below €1300/kWp or even €1100/kWp:"
It could even cost zero, or negative... who cares? Fact is, and it won't change anytime soon... that PV doesn't produce electricity during 365 nights of each year, and in particular in Germany it doesn't produce electricity in any important quantities even during much of the 365 days of the year.
Modern, industrialized countries like Germany need a 24h/24, 365 d/y DEPENDABLE source of electricity generation, and neither PV nor wind nor their combination will ever be able to do that alone... there is simply not enough sun and wind in the country... just look at the 2012 data.... 1.1 GW of additional wind, with respect to 2011, have produced a negative increase of energy... a loss of more than 3 TWh!... which has partially offset the additional production of the new 8 GWp of PV installed in 2012. Overall, wind production has recorded an average capacity factor of LESS than 18%.
Installing PV and wind like in 2012, it would take more than 17 years just to offset the production of the remaining nuclear reactors, which have generated 94 TWh during 2012.
Now everybody in the "green" part is hoping that the off-shore wind installations will reverse this trend, but that far from being something to take for granted... as it is already years behind schedule.
Day demand is higher than night demand despite the fact that the electricity prices are lower at night than during day time.
Luckily PV covers some of that extra demand and lowers the burden on the grid:
Also, PV power plants in the GW scale never fail unexpectedly as opposed to some conventional power plants:
And PV power plants don't need to be refueled and depend on fuel imports or cooling water as opposed to some conventional power plants:
Also, capacity factor is an irrelevant figure for PV power plants, because PV power plants never produce power at their peak nameplate capacity, but they do produce power every single day - as opposed to conventional power plants, which fail unexpectedly or require maintenance or require refueling.
Hey, isnt that a nuke plant detonation? I'd say lots of critters got to taste the hot sauce in that one. Is it over yet?
Well, those conventional power plants stopped smoking, but they still don't produce any power.

But some machines like this tractor don't depend on baseload power, so it's no problem:
Ya! Good thing he's got that dust mask on, Eh? And looks like.... gloves. Is that a Tyvek suit?
Could be some cosmogenically young silver close by there. A little hot, but fresh. 110Ag Decay chain Go long silver...
Wonder whether the farmers near any one of these plausible alternatives to nuclear wear any of those masks... they better do!
Take a deep breath, that's good 'ol Germany, A.D. 2013... full blast towards a "green"...cough!... cough!... future!
Isn't that beautiful? Think about this: Tagebau, or other OPEN PIT mines, may contain upwards of 1 BILLION tons of lignite, which contain an average of "few" part per million of uranium, thorium, and all their daughter decay elements/isotopes... a typical mine may produce 50 million tons/year or so, meaning that of the order 50-100 or more TONS of uranium are ultimately extracted (in the mine, foreground), burned (by the huge thermal power stations in the background and then discarded above ground on "hills" of dust and ashes, were the heavier than carbon U and Th atoms will stick and accumulate. There are companies who can extract (by acid leaching) the U from such an ash pile and recover it to make useful fuel for nuclear reactors.
An ancillary gift of this credible alternative to nuclear is the thick white smoke, which contain "traces" of arsenic, heavy metals, nitrous oxides, sulfur oxide, lots of good and warm CO2 (good for plants)... etc... etc...
That's all folks for the moment... we've just aired the latest episode of "A good reality check from 'green' Germany", and now a word from our sponsors...
Luckily, 100% renewable energy is easily feasible and doesn't require any coal power:
By the way, those dirty coal power plants are operated by the same utilities which operate all the German nuclear power plants and which hardly own and invest in any renewable power plants.
Unfortunately, if you give the nuclear lobby in Germany more power, you simply end up with more dirty coal...
OK!... good!... in the meantime, for the next... forever... 85 million germans, and several more tens of millions of citizens of neighboring countries will have to breathe what's shown on the photo I've linked above... and please note that:
1) the emissions, solid, liquid, gas, particulate etc... amount to hundreds of million tonnes/year... billions actually!
2) They DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, stop at night!... it's not PV man!... they go on and on and on... 24h/24, like the battery rabbit in the TV commercials... isn't that great?
3) notwithstanding that the sentence "100% renewable energy is easily feasible and doesn't require any coal power" is another form of commercial, which will NEVER happen neither in your lifetimes nor beyond, I would just like to point to your attention that each TWh of electricity generated by coal/lignite is responsible for 15-30 DEATHS... that's like NO LIFE ANYMORE for... data from Fraunhofer Institute at about 250 TWh/y combined... 3750-7500 deaths/year, about 10x as many chronic illnesses ("chronic" like in "NEVER HEALING", or "LEADING TO DEATH"), and about 30-40x as many temporary illnesses...
All this said... IF you are fine with this carnage I must dissociate myself from your point of view, can't add anything else to help you out.
Good luck, wish your dream comes true... for the time being it is so "easy" that even by pulling out of the economy HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF EUROS for the next decades the net production of 4 full winter months of 30+ GWp of the fan-ta-stic futuristic technology know as "photovoltaics" amounts to an outstanding 2.74 TWh out of 560 TWh, that is a 1.5% of the electricity used by the country during the same months. "Easy", no? :-)
molflow, coal, nuke and natural gas plants need to be shut down and renewable energy sources form the path to that goal.
"PV power plants in the GW scale never fail unexpectedly as opposed to some conventional power plants:"
You are right on that one... in fact PV power plants fail EXPECTEDLY every single day of the year, during what is normally called "the night".
This statement of mine does NOT apply to Germany, thoug, were they also fail EXPECTEDLY during the days of 4 long winter months.
The actual numbers tell a different story. Boiling water on a gas stove is surprisingly inefficient. Using an electric stove may be the better option, even allowing for FF generation and transmission losses.
See TOD guest post Burning Desire for Efficiency by Prof Tom Murphy.
Makes sense to me. Having used gas stoves, mostly ancient ones in Boston apartments but a few elsewhere as well, they are HOT. It's a challenge to simmer anything, or saute onions and garlic without burning them. Water boils VERY quickly, which is nice, but it sucks if you are trying to do anything that requires less heat. Basically, they are always putting out massive amounts of waste heat.
Electric stoves tend to have the opposite problem, they are comparatively weak and take a while to get to temp, but I am pretty sure they are much more energy efficient.