10th ASPO Conference Vienna 30 May - June 1st

The 10th International ASPO Conference will take place in Vienna, Austria over the course of three days from May 30 to June 1st 2012. The conference will cover a wide range of energy topics including the future availability of fossil energy, geopolitical perspectives on energy and infastructure, economic and societal consequences of the 2nd half of the oil age, peak oil & urban design. The conference includes over 45 speakers. Conference details will be announced soon and can be found via the conference website www.aspo2012.at

10th International ASPO Conference

Palais Niederösterreich, Vienna, Austria

May 30 to June 1st, 2011

Early bird registration at a discount of 100 euro ends 16 April 2012.

ASPO 2012 will take place at Palais Niederösterreich, a historic building in the first district of Vienna, close to many sights of Vienna´s inner city

The Palais has had a very eventful history. It was originally the home of the so-called estates, the political representatives of upper classes, knights, prelates and towns. The estates acquired the property in 1513 in order to be near the reigning prince and to hold assemblies in Vienna. Precious interiours such as the “Landhauskapelle” and the “Gotisches Zimmer” have been preserved from this late Gothic building.

Here´s an outlook on some of the topics planned for the ASPO 2012 conference:

- The Future of Energy Supply and Demand
- The Decline of Conventional Oil & Gas
- Europe´s Shale-Gas Perspective
- The Availability of Fossil Energy
- The geopolitical Perspective of Energy supply and infrastructure
- Economical and Societal Consequences of the Second Half of the Oil Age
- Strategy Options: Resilience & Transformation
- Peak Oil & Urban Design

Anyone planning to attend??

My son left today to study abroad in Copenhagen for a semester. Of course, he plans to do some travel while in Europe, including Vienna. So when I showed him that the ASPO conference is in Vienna, he got excited. So expect one aspiring peak oil student to attend.


What languages will it be conducted in?