The Fukushima Disaster and Other Irreproducible Experiments
Posted by JoulesBurn on April 20, 2011 - 3:30pm
The situation at the Fukushima nuclear reactors has evolved to one of chronic catastrophe or, more optimistically, feed and bleed followed by dialysis. For the viewer at home, the long-awaited debut of picture-taking robots inside the reactor buildings nicely complements the airborne fleet of drones that have been providing grist for armchair forensics experts everywhere. While we keep getting reassured that the Fukushima crisis is not as severe as Chernobyl, I will instead look a few years further back in an effort to learn something about the present dilemma. Fukushima should be more comparable to the Three Mile Island meltdown in 1979 than Chernobyl, but it has apparently left the former eating its radioactive dust. Why? Can anything be learned from this?
The full extent of the damage at Fukushima and the sequence of events will not be fully known for a long time. However, it is currently believed that there has been considerable damage to nuclear fuel rods, both in the reactors and in the spent fuel pools, caused by the loss of coolant (water) after the earthquake/tsunami. Subsequent to this, high levels of radioactive iodine and cesium were measured in air, ground, and water samples near the plant, and trace levels were measured across the Pacific ocean. In particular, high levels of Iodine-131 were measured, causing a run on iodine tablets everywhere. This seemed to me to be a rather expected development, given what happened in Chernobyl - though there were many irrational optimists who claimed that the fuss would all blow over soon (no pun intended). For a look on the dark side there was the MIT Worst Case Scenario:
If multiple failures prevent these actions from being taken, as was the case at Three Mile Island, the fuel rods heat up until the uranium oxide reaches its melting point, 2400-2860 C (this figure depends on the makeup and operating history of the fuel). At this point, the fuel rods begin to slump within their assemblies. When the fuel becomes sufficiently liquid, slumping turns to oozing, and the “corium” (a mixture of molten cladding, fuel, and structural steel) begins a migration to the bottom of the reactor vessel. If at any point the hot fuel or cladding is exposed to cooling water, it may solidify and fracture, falling to the bottom of the reactor vessel.
While doing some background reading on previous nuclear accidents, I came across a curious aspect of the Three Mile Island mishap that I haven't seen discussed in relation to Fukushima. In that case, essentially all of the fuel rods in the reactor were damaged when the water was inadvertently forced out of the reactor vessel, and half of the uranium oxide fuel pellets melted due to heating from radioactive decay. It was expected that this would be accompanied by a release of volatile fission fragments (krypton, xenon, iodine, cesium), first from the fuel into the reactor vessel and then into the containment vessel, with a fraction escaping into the environment. The noble gases apparently made it out, but the iodine didn't. This surprised everybody.
Radioiodine Chemistry: The Unfinished Story:
The impetus for developing predictive tools for modeling of radioiodine behavior arose from the events that occurred during the accident at Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2). During that accident, that resulted in severe damage to the fuel in the core, an extremely small fraction of the core radioiodine was found airborne (and less released). This was in sharp contrast to the licensing assumptions regarding the behavior of radioiodine.
From the first European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research (ERMSAR-2005), Aix-en-Provence, France, 14-16 November 2005 (somewhat alarming that the first meeting wasn't held until 2005)
The aforementioned licensing assumptions were:
- 50% of the core inventory of iodine is instantaneously released to containment,
- 50% of the iodine in containment is deposited onto surfaces rapidly, and
- The distribution of iodine entering containment was considered to be: 91% I2, 5% aerosol particulates, and 4% volatile organic iodides.
These assumptions were based on models of what was believed to be the likely scenario for an accident such as this. But the actual physics and chemistry is extremely complex, and it is almost certain that the experimental data (if any) upon which this was based was incomplete at best. So, now with TMI, we had an experimental dataset with one entry.
More from a 1992 report titled Models of Iodine Behavior in Reactor Containments:
The first attempt to predict iodine behavior' involved many assumptions and few models based on experimental data The large releases that were predicted were not verified by experience, namely the accident at Three Mile Island (TMI). In fact, the predictions were so overly conservative that they were of questionable value. This situation prompted a flurry of research into mechanisms of iodine behavior and motivated the quest for more mechanistic models for predicting accident consequences.
Besides research, though, there was also the second-guessing of assumptions. Back to the 2005 Aix-en-Provence report:
The actual situation at TMI-2 showed that these early assumptions were incorrect and that reliance on them could lead to inappropriate safety design decisions and inappropriate emergency management plans and provisions. The TMI-2 event triggered a large effort to understand the progression of beyond design basis accidents, a significant component of which was an effort to improve the understanding of iodine behavior. One result of that effort was the establishment in the United States of a new methodology for predicting source terms. The new treatment was documented in US NUREG-1465 which updated the assumption for iodine speciation in containment as: 95% CsI, 5% I2, and 0.15% volatile organic iodides [5].
The italicized (mine) phrase in the above to me reads "we were wasting money worrying about nothing". Enter Fukushima.
Why was I-131 seemingly a bigger problem at Fukushima? Of course, there are several difference between it and TMI, including pressurized water vs. boiling water reactors and the present involvement of the spent fuel pools (which were empty at TMI).
Unit 2 is slightly larger than Unit 1 and operated at just under 3000 MW thermal power and produced just under 1000 MW of electricity
One of the storage facts about Unit 2 is that it first achieved criticality exactly one year before the accident. It went into operation just 3 months before the accident. In a few ways, this was fortunate because the spent fuel pools were empty and were available after the accident for storage of contaminated water.
In the TMI-2 accident, the safety systems scrammed the reactor at about 4 AM on March 28, 1979, and it was the decay heat that was not adequately removed, leading to rupture of the fuel rods about 2-3 hours later.
About 60% of the gases Kr and Xe were released from the fuel and into the containment bldg.—about 10% was released through the Aux Bldg. to the atmosphere. The Xe in the containment building decayed within ~2 months, but the Kr was eventually vented under controlled conditions. Fortunately the uranium fuel and most of the fission products are not dissolved in the primary water which is maintained at a pH of >7. About 50% of the iodine and cesium were released and dissolved in the water.
Iodine is a relatively volatile material and for the purpose of reactor licensing, the NRC assumes that 25% of the I-131 will be released from the water. A recent study, made because of the TMI accident findings, has shown that iodine is present mostly in the iodide state and as such is essentially non-volatile.
Which, as before, is summarized nicely in the article as:
Radioiodine control may not be as much of a problem as originally thought.
Iodine chemistry is rather complex in its own right. Adding radiation-induced chemical reactions, acres of oxide surfaces for catalyzing reactions, multiple phases, heat, dissolved salts, etc. to the mix certainly adds to the bewildering array of possibilities. I'm not going to try to unravel this here, though. I'll wait for the report from the second meeting at Aix-en-Provence.
Looking beyond iodine, there are also the medium-lived cesium isotopes which are released. There is presumably information in the relative yields of these and in comparison with those of iodine, but after reading this:
Specific Features of Cesium Chemistry and Physics Affecting Reactor Accident Short Term Predictions
I believe there is so much variability depending on fuel burn extent and other factors that knowing what actually came out of the Fukushima fuel rods won't be possible until they are cool enough to stab it with their steely knives. What should be learned? Probably that you never know for sure until you do the experiment.
The problem is, we really don't want to do the experiment. Might have to cover the lab in concrete for a long time. As for other irreproducible experiments? Macondo, Quantitative Easing, CO2 emissions,...
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TMI-2 fuel rods (or perhaps seafloor tubeworms) |
Yesterday, The Japan times reported small fish caught on Monday off Fukushima had 14,400 becquerels / kg of Caesium-137
This was reported as 29 times the safe dose.
Caesium works itself up the food chain. There are no boundaries in the ocean. Larger fish will consume the small ones & move throughout the northern Pacific.
This accident is now going global.
And with a half life of 30 years calculating 10 half lives to a safe level the accident is also going to go multigenerational (4 human generations per century eating fish with radioactive caesium over a 300 year timespan covers 12 generations).
Perhaps my maths is wrong & there really is nothing to worry about.
Not to defend radioactive fish, but it should be remembered that cesium does get excreted:
I don't know what the biological half-life would be in fish, though.
Seawater has quite a lot of non-radioactive cesium in solution already -- it's one of the more common elements in seawater at about 350kg per cubic kilometre although it's well behind uranium at 3300kg per cu km. Would this tend to reduce the uptake of radioactive cesium into fish and other marine life in much the same way potassium iodide tablets reduce the concentration of I-131 in thyroid tissue after a release like that at Fukushima?
I would have to say it doesn't seem to work, unless that fish would be even more loaded without. Cs goes to the muscles in humans (a la potassium), so not concentrated in the same way as iodine. Need to redo the experiment without Cs in the ocean.
350kg per cubic kilometre is 0.35 parts per billion. This is hardly common According to one list I found there are 33 elements more common.
It is however higher than the concentration of Cs-137 mentioned in the fish of 14400 Bq/kg. At a specific activity of 3.2515 TBq/g this works out at 0.0044 parts per billion or 80 times lower than seawater concentration.
If I've done the math correctly, .0003 ppm Cs equals 2.26 nanomolar (2.26x 10^-9 moles/liter), which makes it rare on an atom-by-atom basis compared to sodium (469 millimolar, potassium (10 millimolar) and the other major ions in sea water.
Oh, that bugs me when articles leave out important details. I've found many articles stating the 14,400 Bq/kg of Caesium but I didn't find the -137 on end. Are you sure you saw the isotope in article?
Japan bans catching konago fish
The reason I ask is because I've seen water samples showing three isotopes and I wonder if reported Bq is for all three isotopes. These are with half-life Cs-134 (3.25 yr), Cs-136 (13 day) and Cs-137 (30 yr). The activity density of sample was Cs-134 (5.6), Cs-136 (0.56) and Cs-137 (5.7) so this would give an estimate of proportions between isotopes.
I had read another concern is Nori seaweed used to wrap Sushi. Nori absorbs 10,000 times the Iodine concentration in water, 4,000 times the Plutonium concentration and 50 times the Caesium concentration. I hadn't seen any articles discussing the testing of Nori.
EDIT: Changed density ratio to density
Today's story just says cesium
Japan bans catching konago fish off Fukushima
A konago sample taken off Fukushima Monday found 3,900 becquerels of iodine-131 per kilogram and 14,400 becquerels of caesium per kilogram, the ministry said.
Back on April 6th:
Tiny Fish Spur Widening Worry
The other konago sample, caught Monday, had just over the permissible limit for cesium, an element with an uncertain impact on human health. Three different types of cesium were discovered, one of which has a half-life of 30 years.
So, that might be the explanation for the generality "cesium".
April 14th:
Fisheries hit by safety fears
"Tepco is also calling the radiation of contaminated water dumped into the sea 'lower level' - but it's still contaminated," he said. "They should disclose data on all detected radioactive substances, not just iodine and cesium."
The strontium-90 in the seawater must be watched, he said.
Strontium 90 takes more sample preparation and specialized equipment, in a lab, to assess, it is my understanding. But, it has been admitted that information is being withheld by TEPCO, the Japanese government, and the IAEA.
That explains the Cesium reading, not that it matters much since the Bq/kg are so high. The last link in your comment states seawood is being tested. I was glad to see that.
I find it peculiar Sr-90 hasn't been reported in any of the sample information I've read. It's definitely a fission product. The melting point for Sr-90 is 1431 degrees F while melting point of Cs-137 is 82 degrees F. The solid state of Sr-90 may have kept it inside containment. I'm not a chemist so I would need 2nd opinion with this statement.
Co-60 and Mo-99 were found in water that those workers walked in without protection. I'm surprised those isotopes haven't been mentioned elsewhere.
Brit. I can't find the article I read in the Japan Times. Would they have pulled it?
This is the almost identical article with the same 14,400 becquerels quoted.
so the isotope I quoted (Cs-137) was incorrect. Thanks to Kaliman for the clarification.
But why aren't we getting more info on this? The 14,400 Bq/kg surely needs explanation.
A short while back someone posted a great link to a Japanese site with an English translation function that listed foods, where they were from, and radiation levels. I did not bookmark it? Thought I had... Can't find it searching the site. Can't find my reply in my account.
Can you post that again, out there? it was something like
Mmmmm, yummy shiitakes.
Thank you, Iaato!
and the fishermen catch the largest fish.
Quite a while ago I read an article about scale experiments of core meltdowns in a French research reactor. The idea were to have a tube with a real fuel element in a live reactor core and then remove the cooling water in the experiment tube forcing a fuel damage.
I have not read any results form these experiments, my time is limited and I have not looked for it.
Why was I-131 seemingly a bigger problem at Fukushima?
Hydrogen explosions.
Thanks, JB, for an excellent article.
What struck home for me was the general fact that each new reactor disaster is another uncontrolled experiment--but in the absence of controlled experiments, that's all we have to go on.
Near the crumbling stadium where our local bush league baseball team plays, there is an old abandoned multistory concrete building that is regularly lit afire so that fire fighters can practice their craft. This has been done over and over again for decades with no permanent harm to the surrounding area.
It is impossible to have any such trial runs for a nuclear meltdown. We are essentially flying blind each time one of these things goes, because it is always a different kind of reactor under different sets of circumstances suffering from a different set of inflictions.
Just another reason why this technology is inherently less safe than any other.
They are not flying blind. just because you cannot see what they are doing. This accident was chosen when they picked the location and failed to design for a tsunami.
"This accident was chosen when they picked the location and failed to design for a tsunami."
failed to design for a big enough tsunami. They weren't completely negligent (they did design for the largest tsunami they had recorded there) but they did lack imagination (they did not design for the biggest tsunami that could result from those plate tectonics, which to be even more fair was a theory that was not completely accepted when the first plant was designed.)
But then they failed to upgrade the defenses once the theory was understood, so we are back to negligence.
The acceptance (or for that matter the rejection) of plate tectonics was not, in itself, grounds to "upgrade the defenses." The facts of the matter (e.g. earthquakes, Benioff zones - though these latter involve deeper earthquakes than the shallow one of March 11) were already known, though of course it was unwise to take the historical worst case as the potential worst case.
Michihei Hoshino, Emeritus Professor of Marine Geology at Tokai University, who remains critical of the theory, has some interesting reflections on the manner by which it came to prevail in Japan, in the December 2010 issue of the New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter (
Believe it or not Steve, there is a plate tectonics skeptic community not unlike the global warming deniers; also largely peopled with "gone emeritus" geologists. They even have their own journal.
Two problems with their design history.
First, not being sure about plate tectonics, makes it worse. If you have a model for earthquakes, you might be able to limit the maximum local quake to something smaller than the largest one ever observed anywhere. Therefore, you must plan for a 25 meter tsunami: (Mocha Island). (Why shouldn't you plan for this? Do you have a theory that says otherwise? Thus, the value of a solid theory for how earthquakes work.)
Second, records seem to get broken -- which suggests that known history does not completely describe the limits. For instance, in terms of hurricane strength, when I was a kid, the strongest Atlantic storm (by barometric pressure) was the Labor Day Hurricane of 1936 (892 hPa). Then along came Gilbert in 1988 (888). Then Wilma in 2005 (882). (NB, note that we do a better job of monitoring hurricanes now -- but that is part of "incomplete history"). BTW, 882 hPa is a reduction in atmospheric pressure sufficient to raise the water level 4 feet, ignoring wind and motion effects.
If You design for a 25 foot wave "defense in depth" concept means you design for a 30-40 foot wave. They got it right on the earthquake.
That, of course, assumes that the reactors, cooling systems, SFP's, etc. actually survived the quake without significant damage. In fact, we have no idea whether that is true or not.
Anyway, whether they did or not, in some scenarios, one out of two ain't... good.
In fact, we do know this. The pump ran after the earthquake and the temperature readings were as they should be until the batteries gave out. This accident could have been worse,otherwise.
Incomplete comparison. Unjustifiable conclusion.
"The pumps ran for a period of time after the quake and readings were reported to be normal, therefore nothing was broken by the earthquake and the only causes of the catastrophe were the losses of backup generators and battery power."
Maybe, someday, there will be evidence for that assertion, but we're not even close to that day.
"Incomplete comparison. Unjustifiable conclusion."
Dare one add: "Fount of misinformation"?
Yes, sadly, one may dare.
Read dohboi's linked post, folks. Another item for the endless FUBAR list.
Its does not matter what got broken the reactor was being cooled and water was not leaking out for the first 24 hours or so until the batteries went out. they know this because of the temperatures were protecting the fuel elements. The first few days are the hottest and most critical.
What they did not plan for was the damage to the surrounding cities and roads that limited their ability to respond to changes and to bring in supplies.
Video of guys driving to Fukushima, here.
Saying the pumps were running and temps ok is like saying a person has a pulse. They may have sustained a fatal hit, but the effects aren't instantaneous.
We're STILL not at all sure what parts of the containment and the SFP's have been critically weakened, and are simply hanging on by a thread.
Tick, tick, tick...
There was, what, 10 minutes between the quake and the arrival of the tsunami wave. Not much time to do a damage assessment of the plant, and I suspect the crew was too busy in any case.
The much-photographed concrete crack that was leaking highly radioactive water water in the sump was clear evidence of quake damage.
The myth that the Dai-ichi plants survived the quake shock undamaged is just part of the artificial reality output of TEPCo's public relations department.
Wkikpedia timeline of accident says tsunami hit one hour later. Not hard to find.
No, it isn't hard to find.
Among other things, it includes this:
That doesn't suggest, to me, that anyone has any idea whether there was or wasn't quake damage at one or more of the other reactors, SFP's, turbine halls, cooling systems, etc. It does indicate that there was known quake damage in at least one location.
Doesn't sound like the description of a smooth, orderly shutdown.
That was my thought also.
The 5 floor building I work in has backup diesel generator power so I've had a few real experiences of power loss. All goes dark for about 10 seconds and then the lights come back on. And I see my computer booting back up. And I go look out the window and see the traffic lights are dead. And I go back to work...
Sometimes, I go outside just to hear the generators. There's two generators next to each other. One for the building I work in and one for the adjacent building. It's kind of neat for me to hear the rumble of the generators.
I can't relate to what is said above.
Well, here's the MSM's one year anniversary update on Macondo...and a reminder about Valdez, remember that one?
How's that clean up working out fer ya?
As for Quantitative Easing, aren't the quants supposed to understand chaos theory and non linear dynamics?!
CO2 emissions,...?!
Oh, and before I forget, HAPPY EARTH DAY EVERY ONE!
"There are several reasons scientists are hesitant to make big claims about the health of the Gulf after the oil disaster."
FrankFred: Money, money, and,,, oh yeah; there's the money:Keeping Data Secret
At what point will a blackout of data and findings be realized at Fukushima? (not implying that they've been forthcoming so far.)
A US citizen can try to use FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) .
Not saying it would work on any specific time frame, but at least is something to try.
It was kind of ironic reading this in an old Time magazine in light of what happened at Fukushima.
Money speaketh
NRG halts Bay City nuke plant expansion
Happy earth day, Frank.
Joules, I do not understand what you mean by the word irreproducible? AFAIK, we are 100 minutes away from the same problem in every other nuke plant in the US? Except the nuke plants have many more reactors and dense-packed overstuffed fuel pools and many times the amount of fuel, including MOX, than what was at TMI?
The problem is that it is never the same starting conditions, and due to non-linear effects, similar accidents might have very different consequences. I think a lot of people were expecting Three Mile Island Redoux, and that caused an inadequate response (IMO).
LOL! see my comment above to Jokuhl.
Sorry I missed it.. did I start a flame-war or something? Apologies to the OP.
I'm trying to remember what Japanese plants were offline until recently for earlier quake damage? I haven't noticed any of this discussion bringing up that recent and relevant situation.. tho' I'm sure someone has.
Bob (I'm still going to have to call you Frank, though. Don't think you've gotten out of it..)
TEPCO was part of that project. seems like they have money obligations elsewhere.
IIRC TEPCO was one of the investors in the plant expansion plan LOL.
Thanks for the report on the sorry state of comparison of models to observation. I sincerely hope that this sorry state is preserved into the distant future due to a lack of new nuclear accidents.
You allude to the impending use of robots to get pictures inside the power plant buildings. What is going on with this expectation of seeing pictures? I have read that robots were a general failure at both Chernobyl and TMI because the radiation killed the electronic control system of the robot. I am somewhat familiar with the radiation hardened chips that are used in space satelites. For instance, I know that they are very expensive and have very long lead times for delivery. How is it possible that radiation hardened robots are available off-the-shelf ? Certainly the pre-Fukushima nuclear industry was not buying specialized expensive hardware like hardened robots. And certainly there has not been enough time to design and build some from scratch. Any ideas what the actual truth is? My statements are nothing more than mildly smart surmise.
I don't know that much about the technology used, but it didn't appear overnight:
And see this:
No, the robot technology didn't appear overnight, but it certainly doesn't appear to be thoughtfully designed for this application.
Yesterday, a NY Times story reported that they had sent two bots into Unit 2 (exactly where wasn't clear). One was carrying radiation monitoring equipment, while the other was attempting to transmit images of the dials/displays from that equipment to the remote operators. It wasn't, evidently, working very well, because the clouds of steam were fogging up camera and display.
I could say I'm shocked that, more than a month into this catastrophe, they don't have a way to transmit readings that isn't defeated by foggy lenses, but I'd be lying and none of you would believe me.
A shot of the two robots...
Yes, those are zip ties holding a hand held detector on one of the robots.
Well they nuclear accidents do not happen every day. So no one is making money building and selling them.
Nothing wrong with zip ties. They have to be able to accept any detector brand that might be out there.
A good read, right about now:
"Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"
iRobot sent two PackBot 510 and two Warrior 710 robots. These robots were mainly designed for bomb disposal applications in warfare areas. One thing I noticed is these robots don't have a tether for power or communications like earlier robots I had read about. They use battery power and communicate with 2.4/4.8 GHz radio.
Videos of PackBot Robots Inside Fukushima
Not the most effective way I can think of to communicate through dense water vapor, reinforced concrete, big chunks of steel... not even considering what the EMF/RF environment might be (maybe pretty quiet away from the emergency pumps).
The companies that make robots are not going to design a custom radio when designing them. They use standard radios that do the job. Even if you wanted to go custom, you are still stuck meeting regulations. The good bands are all taken. Most of the generic equipment out there operates in the ISM bands, which are generic communications bands (900 MHz, 2.4 GHz). The higher frequency ones have the throughput for good video and small antennas, so thats what people use. As mentioned before, they were mainly designed for outdoor use, not for prowling around in reactors. You can't expect it to transition perfectly when it is so far outside the realm of its design.
I'm just surprised it took this long to get something in there. Even if it wasn't rad hardened and died quickly, they are plentiful, cheap and disposable with respect to the scale of the disaster.
No, sorry, that argument doesn't stand.
In the lead time we've had at Fukushima, especially given what's at stake, it would have been trivial to modify the devices to operate on the most effective frequencies for the environment. Antenna size wouldn't be a problem at most (sensible) frequencies and there aren't any serious bandwidth considerations because (assuming that wide channels were desirable), at the power levels required, the likelihood of interference with other services would be minimal--and they could just be told to shut down for as long as necessary, anyway. Hell, the hams have a wide selection available and they certainly wouldn't complain (they'd build the systems in their garages, given half a chance).
Regulatory issues can hardly be a problem; as bad as the Japanese government has been in this mess, even they couldn't be dumb enough to fail to clear the way for whatever frequency use was deemed important.
Even more to the point, in the time available, a bunch of undergraduate EE students could have tied the output of the radiation monitoring devices to a transmitter and designed and built a suitable receiver, so that we wouldn't be reading stories about trying to photograph local displays in a steam bath.
Alternatively, of course, a tether carrying power and fiberoptics...
Nope. No excuses. This is just lame. Perfectly in keeping with the history of the Fukushima Daiichi saga to date.
A team of young enthused technologists could have whipped-up and tested almost anything overnight to address an instrumentation telemetry problem... if that was the problem... assuming a big pile of stuff to work out of so component and sub-system purchase and delivery lead-times become of no concern. But these are plant operations people and a bureaucracy working with a foreign team of machine operators and trainers and having no big pile of... rad-hard?... stuff nor local connections... working in ranching and farming country.
The time to build this stuff is in the quiet lead-up to the statistically assured event. But there is no profit in it. And to even own the equipment is to admit that it might be necessary.
The customer purchasing the robots was military and not nuclear industry so design specs would have tight requirements. I read the Warrior 710 model is certified for MIL-STD-461 and MIL-STD-464. The 464 spec specifically says ionizing radiation is outside scope of spec. And the 461 spec covering emissions may limit bandwidth considerations. I didn't find certifications listed for Packbot but I'd suspect electronics are similar.
Down below a little, ida mentions the INL Talon robot. That robot does have a fiber optic link if a tether is feasible. It also uses radio and I'd guess it's 2.4GHz based on specs for an attachment to Talon I read about.
I agree with the lameness of the emergency response, however, I could write a book about the lameness of all 21st century corporations. I'm in a situation right now where a manager doesn't want to replace a server before published end of life for server. He wants to kick the can down the road even though support agreement for server will end and he refuses to see the risk.
Last comment on this.
I know that the robots provided were built to milspecs, not designed for the tasks at hand. Etc., etc.
I merely suggest that the result of the exercise has been rather less than glorious and that it doesn't have to be this way.
I understand, that the hidebound bureaucrats and plant managers couldn't be expected to come up with outside-the-box solutions. But I'll bet you dollars to donuts (I get the donuts) that academics, independent engineers, students, etc. have been deluging TEPCO with "better ideas. Have they been listening?
If TEPCO/Japan, at the start of the crisis, had come to TOD and asked if we could put together 10-20 people who were confident of building/modifying/jerry-rigging bots that could enter the reactor buildings, climb over, hover above or slither through the debris take environmental readings and send them back to the carbon units in real time (and if they guaranteed the necessary resources), it would be done. I have not the slightest doubt.
"I'll bet you dollars to donuts"
Donuts cost a dollar.
I don't get it.
It's a matter of expressions out-lasting historical connotation.
How long will it be before young people have no idea what it means to "sound like a broken record?"
Wanna take a stab at "the whole nine yards?"
Ah, so you think building a robot that can traverse debris, climb over rubble, go through water, and endure radiation while communicating through reinforced concrete and radiation shielded buildings is easy, and that there are people with solutions that are just being ignored? I don't think you have a grasp of how hard that problem really is, and you aren't trying to understand it. Screw TEPCO. DARPA, the military, police, NASA and virtually every other government agency is and has been actively seeking proposals for years. There are a variety of open solicitations for equipment that can do this, that anyone can propose to. The pocketbooks are open, but nobody is responding with anything that works.
You are acting as if you wished hard enough, technology will swoop in to save the day, and that the big evil corporations are preventing good ideas from rising to the top. If it was so easy, it would have already been solved.
You completely misread me.
Leaving aside the rest of your misunderstanding:
Not at all. The technology required to solve the problem we were addressing (permitting the robots to get and transmit environmental readings at Fukushima Daiichi) is available off-the-shelf. It merely needs to be properly organized/modified/applied for the task at hand. In the case of the problematic Unit 2 steam bath, the rad readings they were able to get weren't even all that high (perhaps because the corium has left the building via the basement and is now on a spelunking expedition?), although the environment seems to be hot and humid as hell.
It is not, in this case, a matter of the evil corporation preventing good ideas for one of the usual reasons (not invented here, etc.). No, what we have here is an evil corporation merely going through the motions -- exercising the minimum effort to appear to be taking strong corrective action, when it knows, in fact, that the battle is lost and that nothing can be done except feed, bleed and wait, hoping (and perhaps praying) that fate is kinder in the coming months and years than it has been recently.
I'd be surprised if TEPCO actually wants any more accurate readings than it is forced by regulators and public opinion to obtain.
"I'd be surprised if TEPCO actually wants any more accurate readings than it is forced by regulators and public opinion to obtain..."
Particularly seeing how many people had their noses glued to the Macondo ROV-cams last year..
The glaring thing is that they don't have anything at all. All the drones, RPVs, MAVs, PackBots, and Warriors were made for where the money is. They don't need to be radiation-proof for their intended purpose. They do address many of the other requirements. They were not stocked for emergency use. The plant operations staff were not trained on them. Why? Why were no rad-hard versions made, stocked, and integrated into emergency procedures?
MAVs laughing all the way to the bank:
Ave Maria:
I remember an engineer who thought he could use a cheap back and white digital camera to look at a fuel assembly. This was in a hot cell that was looking at damaged fuel from a reactor experiment. The camera lasted about 15 seconds.
The INL robot was a modified talon robot the same as used in Afghanistan. military specs maybe hardened already.
The company also makes adapters to change(in 15 minutes) a bob cat all-steer into a remote controlled unit.
The Idaho National laboratory had some and sent them.
If you shield the chips perhaps regular chips could be used.
Some stuff is just remote controlled. some even wired by tether. In some units have the smarts back with the operator.
Here are some robot pictures from Tepco:
These robots have not been exposed to anywhere near the degree that the Chernobyl robots were, normal hardening isn't enough when you drive up to a hot piece of graphite from inside the core. People work so much better... and they can climb ladders, that's going to be tricky for any robot I have ever seen.
It's not just RAD hardening of the electronics that is an issue. Another problem that was discovered at Chernobyl was that conventional vehicle designs cannot cope with rubble: mounds of concrete with protruding and tangled pipes, wires, and rebars. Decades have passed since then and there have been any number of disasters which might have benefited from rubble-hardened robotics, but in the photos shown below, there are belt drives and protruding arms - exactly what became tangled up in the past. The limited capabilities of the current robots seem apparent in the photos they have taken: shots of relatively intact control rooms with clean flat floors. I'm not really expecting that TEPCO will be able to regain control over the reactors from their control rooms. I'm much more interested in what is happening down on the rubble strewn floor of the main containment.
Legs are coming.
DARPA's Bigdog:
Snakes are coming.
Here's one climbing a tree:
Let us assume that the reactors have not gone critical since the accident, at what rate will the nuclear fuel cool after the scram?
See this:
That table stops after one month ,
but it will continue around half that level for a year ,
with near linear accumulation of heat
here's a table that extrapolates to a year :
This chart is excellent, but it might help to extend the projection out a few years and to think a bit about the levels of energy output that could be accepted without active cooling efforts.
The key question is how long does it take for the reactor to cool off enough that it doesn't require further active cooling? I suppose it might also be interesting to know how long it would be until the reactor could be buried in sand gravel and concrete and just left there?
I can't say how the chart will extend ,
but I'm guessing there will not be a sudden inversion into a downrate , so the 5 MW after 1 year will probably be around 2-3-4-5 Mw after 2 years still.
5 MW is 5 MJoule per second .
Comparing this with*mj.*Megajoules-- ,
I get for instance an equivalent combustion of 2 barrels of gasoline per hour.
That would need cooling I think
So would 2.5 MegaWatt ...
I'd say you need cooling for several years
The real key to Fukishima is that the slide rule crowd failed miserably in a two areas with the key one being
they were not conservative in their estimate of how high a tsunami could possibly be. And secondarily, they designed nuclear reactors that cannot last very long without a functional cooling system. Now they supposedly have that in new designs, but for decades the assumptions apparently have been that a cooling system will never fail for any significant period of time.
60s, yes, almost certainly by slide rule, perhaps with a little deck of fortran punch cards for one or two difficult bits. A slide rule is an excellent engineering calculation tool in the right hands.
I could be wrong about engineers miscalculating how high a tsunami could be. They may have been more conservative but overruled by business people who insisted on only preparing for what had happened in the last 100 years.
I think that the problem was the electric circuits were underwater. But, in any case,
pumps are not rocket science.
As I understand it, the problem came down to the tsunami floating away the diesel fuel tanks for the emergency generators.
That's bad enough, but I think it's worse than that. See farther down, the Bloomberg story. It says that sea water in the electrical switches disabled the circuits within the plant. It is a new confirmation of what I think was the essential problem. I think we should know shortly, as Bloomberg pursues the story. The March 14th NISA analysis places part of the blame on the grid, but you can see that the electrical components were below water level. Today Bloomberg reported that it was the transmission substation that was knocked out; no mention of wires. But we know the substation was back in service before midnight.
There seem to be some reports that the backup generators at some stations are capable of providing as little as 1/3 the power required to supply emergency cooling. If that is so then there is going to be some big do-do. If Tepco realised that they were underpowered anyway then losing the fuel would have just been one more nail.
Any links?
Unfortunately not. I kicked myself later for not taking note but, if serious, I expect it to resurface. I think the regulators were involved so maybe poking around on the Japanese regulatory site will stir it up.
Say a pump breaks at a nuclear plant making the cooling system inoperable for at least one reactor. How long do they have to fix it before the heat starts destroying things?
It is unacceptable to let the heat destroy things, thus were the first generation of nuclear powerplants built with double systems to get redundancy.
This left too small a margin for errors and the standard went to tripple systems and having more then one kind of system for each essential function. It is no good to have three pumps if they all break down from the same fault or three diesel generators with one diesel tank that accidentally get filled with gasolene.
The latest generations of nuclear powerplants in Sweden were built with quadrouple systems to be able to have tripple systems online while having one system offline for maintainance during operations. I do not know if that capability is used in the core nuclear part if the systems, it is used in the steam turbine parts having the plant running on partial power when having some faulty equipment.
Of course the latest systems in Sweden didn't have the heart of their designs finished during Eisenhower's presidency with a few added refinements done during early Nixon at the latest. How many other old systems are out there that are every bit as vulnerable as Fukushima Daiichi is what enquiring minds really want to know.
100 minutes, Finite.
Hard to accept that number.
Would a dosimeter type sensor in your sewer pipe help in detecting consumed radioactive particles. If so, would it even help or is it to late by then? From what I understand, using hand held equipment to scan foodstuffs and water is not an accurate test. I have read it takes a full blown lab with scientists, technicians, and more advanced equipment to achieve reasonably accurate tests for those situations. I know testing for such things post consumption is less than ideal but if one follows governmental and industry guidelines and heeds the recommendations, is such a thing a reasonable extra measure to take? Could you reduce your risk profile at all by doing so?
Except for something for which the decay product also has a short half-life, you would be detecting the ones that got away (left your body before doing any damage). But periodic urinalyses etc. are performed on individuals who have somehow gotten radioactive particles into their bodies to see how fast it is getting out.
When you work in a nuclear facility and they want to know if you have had an uptake or get a baseline. They have you take a special lunch bucket home and collect all the fecal matter and urine in 24 hours. They then dry this in a microwave( now that's a good job)and measure the isotopes if any. so no a sensor in the sewer would be useless. The water would shield any readings.
But unless you live in Japan why worry? The atomic tests in the 50's and 60's put more in the air then this accident.
"The atomic tests in the 50's and 60's put more in the air then this accident."
How sure are you of such a statement?
There were some 2,000 tests, let's say each one had 20kg of fissile material. That's 40 tonnes. The seven reactor-loads of fissile material at Fukushima is about 1,800 tonnes.
Yea, this is really "back of the envelope." Not all the bomb test material was distributed, and certainly not much of the seven cores have been distributed, but it does reveal the difference in magnitude between a bomb test and a full-blown nuclear power-plant melt-down.
The statement from TEPCO and the IAEA was that 1.4 x 10^17 Bq of I131 were released ( The specific activity of I-131 is 4.6 x 10^18 Bq/kg (, which means that we're talking about a release of about 30 grams of material. Compare that to more than 20 kg of fission products for each bomb, and several tens of tons of material released from Chernobyl thanks to that graphite fire.
The HUGE difference between Fukushima and Chernobyl, and between Fukushima and an atmospheric nuclear explosion is that at Fukushima there were containment vessels and water-filled suppression chambers. Most of the core is still in the reactor pressure vessel, and whatever got dissolved in the coolant (and the volatile elements) have mostly ended up in the containment vessel and suppression torus. These acted to trap and scrub the vast majority of the radionuclides (with the exception of the noble gases and some Caesium and Iodine). As far as I know there never was any sustained zirconium fire in the spent fuel pool.
The way to think about the Fukushima Mark 1 containment is this; the pressure vessel vents steam into the pressure suppression pool, condensing the steam and dissolving a lot of the fission products. Eventually the pressure inside the suppression chamber builds up and it has to be vented, but you still get the scrubbing action.
So, yes, in fact, the pressure suppression pool acts like a gigantic bong. Not that I would know anything about such devices, mind you.
The problem with unit 2 is that they didn't vent it (after seeing what happened with the spectacular but not terribly serious hygrogen explosions after they vented the previous two), so eventually the suppression torus burst somewhere and now the basement is filled with radioactive bongwater. It kinda sucks, but is nowhere near the events at Chernobyl or Castle Bravo.
Are you kidding me? The bombs reached the temperature of the sun or higher. The fissile materiel was all vaporized. 100% was distribulted.
You haven't got 1800 tons from Fukashima in the air either. Most is still in the reactor or surrounding buildings.
Usually people mean the solar surface when they talk about the temp of the sun. But the bombs reach several hundred million C, versus roughly 15M for the center of the sun. That material isn't just vaporized, but ionized (most of the electrons are stripped off the atoms) etc.
"But the bombs reach several hundred million C"
Just a quibble, really...
The binding energies just aren't there for such a temperature.
A neutron-exchange reaction reaches about 10 million degrees C.
If you want higher temps, go to a finer structural level.
Decouple quarks, and the temperature hits 27 trillion degrees C.
There are enough nuclear bombs to "make the rubble dance".
The sub-nuclear bombs will be even better.
Nowhere near E=MC2, though, for the total throw mass:
Most of the mass still remains.
Background music?
"Decouple quarks, and the temperature hits 27 trillion degrees C."
I hate it when that happens.
Remember that current fission reactors are very wasteful of Uranium, something like 1% if fissioned, then we pull it out as N waste. Thats why some propose reprocessing as a way the strect U supplies many fold. N-weapons strive for as complete a fission fraction as possible, weapom designs aren't concerned with the mechanical and chemical stability of their fuel going to heck becuase of radiation damage and chemical changes in the material. So the weapon "burns" almost all its Pu, and deposits almost all the fission products in the atmosphere.
1) Only about 1/20th of the reactor fuel is fission fuel, the rest is plain U238
2) The reactor fuel is only partially burnt
3) The bombs burnt a high proportion of their fuel
I don't know about subsequent bombs, but in the one dropped on Hiroshima, only 1/64 of the uranium actually fissioned.
Yep, very inefficient. Later ones became far more efficient and part of the development and testing program was to get the most bang from the least material. Have a look for the Atomic Weapons Archive, there is a lot of information in there. Also remember that only a small part of the fission fuel in reactors gets burnt too.
1800 tons is too high.
1300 in units 1-6, of which 0730 was units in 1-4 and 0540 was in units 5&6
0100 was in the unit 3 pool, slightly less.
The capacity of most cores was 548 bundles or 100 tons.

By the way, most of us who were children during the nuclear bomb testing have a risk of thyroid cancer that is nearly doubled. And that doesn't account for other impacts of fallout, either.
The US National Cancer Institute will calculate your increased risk of thyroid cancer, based on where you lived and what sort of milk you drank.
The good news is that this accident will provide ample modeling opportunity during its decades long evolution, so there will be real learning.
Meanwhile, it is in the "Happy Valley" where nothing much is going offsite, perhaps because most of the more volatile radio nucleotides have already been boiled off and the facility is still able to hold the cooling water.
At the current rate of water injection and assuming AREVA can deliver on its promise of 1200 tons/day water purification by the end of June, the site will be reasonably emptied by December.
Presumably the 100,000 tons of residual water, hopefully cleaned from 10**7 bequerels /cubic centimeter currently to only 10**4 or 10**3 bequerels/cc, merely 1000 or so times the usual limit, will eventually be discharged to the ocean.
The actual cleanup could begin then, if anyone had any idea as to how this would be done. Thus far, for instance, about three small container loads of debris have been collected by unmanned equipment. The site covers more than 1000x400 feet, 50 feet high, so there is decades worth of work to do. The reactors might be approachable by the time that is finished.
It is clear that the Japanese authorities have no real objective other than to stall for time, because no one has any plausible action plan. Problems such as the contaminated water run off are only addressed as they become acute. The hope is nothing additional breaks or fails for the next decade or so.
Meanwhile, the 20 km evacuation zone is getting closer to the Chernobyl prohibited area all the time. It is now legally off limits and presumably after the next time teenagers or journalists intrude, there will be barbed wire fences.
"legally off limits"
That means no one will be going in to feed the animals anymore. I wonder if teams will be sent in to shoot everything, like at Chernobyl?
Livestock left to perish in zone
More than 600,000 domesticated animals have been left behind
Beef brand hailing from area near Fukushima plant could face extinction
Called "Iitate gyu" (Iitate beef), the brand is marbled beef produced mainly by an Iitate public company.
Japanese farmers ventured Crashing High Levels of Radiation in Zone Ekslus to Save Their Livestock
cattle milk and meat became the pride of Fukushima Prefecture.
Interesting way to look at the current situation, in terms of the capacity to process radioactive water.
For these plans to succeed, it is important that the rate of water leakage out of the Reactor Pressure Vessels remain about what it is now.
The NRC Reactor Safety Team report (leaked to the NY Times) said that in order to fill the drywells of Nos. 1-3, there was no need to pump water directly into them, since there was sufficient water leaking from the RPV. An anonymous industry source claimed, in the NY Times, that No. 2 has a large vertical crack in the RPV, leaking gas and water.
(I can no longer find a reference to this quote in the Times' own archive. Perhaps they have withdrawn their report?)
Richard Lahey, who worked on these systems at GE and who was chair of the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, also believes there has been a breech of molten material in the No. 2 RPV
The Nos. 2 and 3 RPVs and drywells are at atmospheric pressure, again indicating what we might call a significant flow path of water from the RPV to the outside world, at least in Nos. 2 and 3.
A key question is whether the RPVs or their associated plumbing, seals, and fittings are deteriorating from the inside out. We have limited data from inside the vessels. Fuel remains partly uncovered, and even the underwater fuel may be encased in salt, inhibiting cooling. Temperatures remain high at the sensor locations, and could be significantly higher in local areas.
If the leakage rate stays about where it is, there is reason to hope for a slow and frustrating cleanup process that manages to protect most members of the public. However, if the leak rate increases, it could become difficult to maintain water pressure in the RPV and significantly more fuel could escape containment.
It is unlikely to happen, but I would like to see an estimate of the total energy used for the emergency response and cleanup effort, i.e. the amount of fossil and other fuel consumed to "deal with" (if we can really say that) the crisis. Water purification is not a cheap process in energy terms. Running heavy equipment around the clock, ditto. Flying experts in and out. Helicopters. Detachments of Navy ships sent from Stateside. And so on...
Subtract all that energy (and all the energy used up in mining and transporting uranium to feed it) and I wonder how much net energy the plant really produced. If the cleanup takes 30 years, which some people are predicting, then that would be a cleanup period equal to the op life of the plant, and if we take the construction time plus the cleanup time then it would have been operational for a shorter period than was used in building and then dealing with the aftermath.
Wikipedia article on decommissioning, expressed in various currencies
Those presumably are planned decommissionings, orderly and calm, methodical, under control [mild scarcasm]. A mad scramble like Chernobyl or Fukushima is presumably more expensive (speaking in Scroogeian money terms, not counting loss of life and quality of life, mass evictions, homelessness etc). I'd prefer to see the costs expressed in energy units, which are more relevant to reality than currency units.
Bottom line question (as with many of our energy technologies) is "does this technology ever break even?" what is the true EROEI in real life (not in PowerPoint presentations)?
Maybe one of the reasons the utilities in the US want to extend their nuclear plant operating lives another 20 years is to avoid these decommissioning costs, and pass these on to another generation. Better for the immediate bottom line. "And the economy will be better in 20 years" perhaps. A belief similar to "too cheap to meter".
You hit the nail on the head here!
Do some research on the decomissioning of nuclear power plants; you'll find out it usually never happens.
Most of the plants that are shut down, are in safestore. That means: postponing deconstruction.
Besides that; Power Companies tend to put the shut down plants in a company that will bankrupt over time. So the costs will be for the taxpayers ;-)
And another dirty little secret: everywhere in the world Spend Fuel Pools are allowed to be filled up to the brim. Like in Fukushima. Very dangerous as we have seen.
The real reason is this hides and postpones the real costs of storage of Spend Fuel Rods...
Some background on the "Spend" Nuclear Fuel Pools:
Paper on spent fuel pools (very interesting paper!)
Spent Fuel Pools at Fukushima:
And decay heat..
Spent fuel pools at fuku:
Here in the UK they've moved on from the proof-of-concept decommissioning work at the Windscale reactor and are doing it for real on the first generation of Magnox reactors (mostly dating from the 60s). I live ten miles from two of these sites, Berkeley and Oldbury in Gloucestershire. << see the Documentation PDFs at the bottom/right of the page.
They recently finished the first stage at Berkeley - clearing all the buildings from the site except the reactor hall. Now they've locked the doors shut and wait for stage 2, which starts in 60 or 70 years' time, IIRC.
60 to 70 years is a long time. A nation-state can collapse in far less time than that, or be taken over by various kinds of mafia (call 'em what you will -- any one of many more-than-usually nasty bunches of crooks, liars, and thugs waving some kind of rhetorical banner to justify their looting). Institutions can decay in far less time than that. These cleanup efforts are a highly complex project involving high technology, large-project management skills, competence, and some kind of integrity in the people assigned to the task. So far -- even under fairly stable last-century conditions -- we've seen evidence of fudging, corner-cutting, over-optimism, carelessness, lying, coverups, links to organised crime (provision of "glow boys" in Japan by way of the yakuza for example) in all hazmat industrial sectors including nuclear. How much better will this get as stakes rise and conditions -- economic, meteorological, political -- become less stable? (The trends we are seeing today are to the privatisation of almost all state functions, leading to less transparency and more motivation to lie and cheat for private profit. Not encouraging when you really need to *trust* the people doing the job.)
These nuke plants -- imho all nuke plants, though I suppose someone may come up with a truly damnfoolproof design one of these days -- are Optimistic Technology. They have long-tail high-cost decommissioning and waste management issues. They presuppose that strong centralised government with at least reasonable (if not entirely good) intentions, plus technological literacy, plus energy-intensive high-tech methods and tools, will continue to be steadily available for multiple human lifetimes. (This is not a supposition supported by the history of human institutions in stressful times.) Long-tail toxicity requiring active (and high-tech) management is a poor bet in unstable times (we haven't even done a very good job of it in stable, prosperous times), and ohboy these seem like unstable times a-comin'. Constructing more optimistic, fragile, high-tech energy "sources" (not really sources, but converters) is like doubling down on a risky bet...
Surely it is relatively much easier to get used to consuming (far) fewer KWH per diem than it is to get used to a generation or several of genetically distorted children (as in Belarus and Ukraine) or losing thousands of hectares of farmland and becoming that much more dependent on long (and fossil-fragile) supply lines for food (as in Fukushima)...
Just so that the pronukers don't think I am singling their baby out for undue criticism, I guess I should let it be known that I also think the construction of new airports and multilane freeway systems is insane (air travel and private auto transport are so yesterday); that heavy investment in e.g. cruise ship tourism and air travel is insane (tourism is not likely to be a growth sector in the coming decades); that the continuing production of 15mpg muscle cars is insane; that the Alberta Tar Sands project is criminally insane; that continuing development of trophy-home carburbs is insane; that (N America) letting its rail and canal infrastructure go to hell is insane; that burning 10 calories of fossil fuel to produce 1 calorie of inedible industrial feedstock corn is insane; outsourcing most industrial production to a radius of several hundred to several thousand miles is insane; and I could go on, but I'll stop here :-) In precis: we are still investing heavily in fragile, wasteful methods and technologies for a stable, lavish (frivolous even) 1950's style future which is unlikely to manifest, and failing to invest in parsimonious, resilient and robust methods and technologies for an unstable, resource-poor, very serious 21st century which is already manifesting. Like generals fighting yesterday's wars, we are still designing solutions for yesterday even as today's problems start biting our collective arse. I see nuclear power as just another Edsel in the line-up, frankly -- very yesterday. Run-of-river small hydro, regional wind, solar stirling, biogas, local geo: very tomorrow. Modest tools for a modest budget.
Hmmm. I guess I could paraphrase Gramsci: Optimism of the bricolage, pessimism of the technomanagerial?
BTW, we were talking about transmission line costs somewhere upthread and it occurred to me that there have already been service interruptions in N Am and Europe due to theft of copper transmission lines (and in a couple of cases, aluminium poles and towers) for the metal value. Hundreds of thousands of miles of unguardable, valuable resources strung across huge areas of land... very fragile. The "cost of transmission" is not just the lossiness in the line, but the energy and materiel cost of fabricating, installing, maintaining and replacing all that tenuous physical plant. Those of us over 20 yrs old have grown up with the comfy assumption that these costs are "way low compared to the value of the service" but the world has changed since we were kids. China, I note, leapfrogged directly to cell phone technology without bothering to build out land lines; I submit that this was because they could not afford to build out land lines at current resource levels. The resource cost (energy and materials) to do that buildout today would render it infeasible. I suspect that the US, despite its clout and wealth, could not today afford the rail buildout it used to have when the previous century began -- which renders even more criminal the policy decisions allowing that national treasure to deteriorate in some cases past repair.
Thats about $10/watt. Several times the cost of solar. Hopefully there is something seriously remiss with your numbers, cause if they are right, we will go broke decommisioning the current fleet.
Hopefully there is something seriously remiss with your numbers, cause if they are right, we will go broke decommisioning the current fleet.
Not my numbers -- Wikipedia's numbers. Wikipedia is not infallible but it's fairly closely checked, especially on controversial topics like nuke power. The article was not flagged as "in dispute" so I would bet the numbers are well substantiated.
And yes, that is exactly what I fear (and expect): that the costs of decommissioning will only get higher over time. See, it used to be a tenet of faith that future dollars were always cheaper than present dollars (future discounting) -- in the minds of economists anyway. This of course is based on the exponential-growth model which we know to be fantastical, but nevertheless over a short period of time it appears to be correct (and it suits our wishful thinking which makes it very convincing indeed). Innovation plus an incredibly steep upward slope of fossil energy exploitation meant that it was "always" cheaper/faster/better in the future (Moore's Law generalised, you might say, for a rather limited value of "always"). So from inside this model it seems quite practical to fob problems off onto the future -- in the future it will be cheaper and people will have better tools for dealing with them. That's why many (imho silly) people want to be frozen (cryogenic suspension) in the hope that in a techno-miraculous future their incurable medical conditions will be curable (or mortality itself will have been rendered obsolete).
But the future ain't what it used to be. Energy is going to be more expensive and difficult to obtain in future, and that means that future dollars (really just markers for future energy) are more expensive than today's dollars: the cost of flying a huge crane around the world on a giant cargo plane and then operating it (and then burying it forever 'cos it glows in the dark) is probably already past its historical all-time low and heading upward already. The cost of manufacturing and operating heavy equipment is going up. Transport is going up. (And for all those cryo fans, the annual cost of maintaining supercooled refrigerators for preserving affluent people's bodies will go up too.)
So my bet is that the costs of cleaning up these few hundred "superfund sites" (what a lovely euphemism for "carcinogenic distaster zones") will be far higher tomorrow than today, in relative terms. Look at the kerfuffle around Chernobyl right now, with loans being requested to rebuild the sarcophagus 'cos Ukraine can't afford it. How many more times will it need to be rebuilt? How much will it cost next time? Who's going to pay? Who's going to decide that whatever remains of our fossil resources should be devoted to this project rather than, say, to futile armed squabbles over the dregs? (A clue might be obtained by comparing the money currently devoted to the Americans' various wars in oil-producing regions, vs the amount devoted by the US economy to decommissioning reactors and cleaning up superfund sites.)
I suspect there will come a moment when -- like many a civilisation before us -- overshoot catches up with us and we can no longer maintain our monumental architecture. The sad part is that when the ancient temples, palaces and castles fell into ruin they poisoned no one. Vegetation grew over them; critters recolonised them; the stones and bricks were stolen to make peasant houses and stables. They were not zones of mysterious, invisible malignity for decades, centuries, or millennia to come.
Nuke Plants Viable Only if Uninsured:
There's more, but my brain stopped right there. "Tepco had no disaster insurance." Sound of jaw hitting floor.
In much of the coastal US you can't even tie up your boat at a marina unless you carry $300K or more of liability insurance -- "disaster" insurance so to speak. You can't put on a community event without posting an insurance bond. But a major utility company in Japan can operate several nuclear reactors for years with no disaster insurance? And in the US, the infamous Price Anderson Act...
We can't, apparently, have single-payer no-fault health insurance, but the nuke industry can rely on the taxpayer footing the bill for their enormous liabilities? Cosy deal.
I posted these before regarding TMI. Are we really sure we know the results of the first experiment?
Study Suggests Three Mile Island Radiation May Have Injured People Living Near Reactor
A reevaluation of cancer incidence near the Three Mile Island nuclear plant: the collision of evidence and assumptions.(PDF)
Deception, hubris and incompetence are not recent inventions.
Steven Wing has another article looking at political and ethical context surrounding TMI health and epidemiological research, and the court case for damages involving 2,000 local residents: "Objectivity and Ethics in Environmental Health Sciences" (Environmental Health Perspectives, 2003).
When matching projections/assumptions for a larger release of gases and fission products at TMI with cancer incidence observations and records one does find support for "the hypothesis that radiation doses are related to increased cancer incidence around TMI" (as Wing describes in 1997 paper). Without projections for larger releases of radiation from TMI, however, elevated cancer incidence observations and records go largely unexplained (particularly for leukemia and lung cancers). Steven Wing was also recently "on-air" with Arne Gunderson on his blog discussing global radiation exposures.
Nuclear apologists largely rebut the research of Wing by suggesting local reports of larger radiation exposure symptoms (dead pets, hair loss, vomiting, erythema, metal taste) are overblown, and are discounted as false reports from a stressed and psychologically burdened population. It's worth noting that most epidemiological research on cancer incidence after TMI from 10 mile exposure area do show elevated numbers of lymphatic and blood cancers, lung cancers, premature births for downwind groups, they just don't report on a causal linkage with radiation exposure or dose levels (since it is "assumed" by all of these reports that radiation dose levels were not high enough at TMI to generate higher cancer incidence or other health impacts).
UCS adds to these uncertainties and unanswered questions: "David Lochbaum, a nuclear engineer-turned-whistleblower who monitors the U.S. nuclear reactor fleet for the Union of Concerned Scientists, says radiation monitors on the vent stacks at Three Mile Island went off scale during the accident. The exact amount of radiation released will never be known, he says, because crucial records from the first two days following the accident somehow never surfaced, and not enough radiation dosimeters were deployed in surrounding communities to give a true reading. What is known is that the partial meltdown damaged at least 70 percent of the reactor core and caused more than one-third of its highly radioactive fuel to melt."
With the recent Chernobyl anniversary reporters from all over the world went there to make video’s of their squealing radiation monitors in the contaminated grass downwind of the plant.
Where are those same video's from TMI? How did GPU hide all that radioactive cesium, strontium etc.?
I don't think anyone is trying to say that TMI was on the same scale as Chernobyl. TMI was bad but Chernobyl was horrific. The point is that there were releases of dangerous levels of radioactive material from TMI, those releases were not adequately monitored or reported, and then the amount and impact of the releases were consistently downplayed and minimized, as stated by official sources and reported by the MSM.
And this had the insidious effect of limiting follow-up medical observation and analysis, and mis-directing conclusions from what observation and analysis there was. The logic was that first, since the releases from TMI were officially negligible, why bother to study the effects; and secondly, any higher incidences of cancer must therefore have had other causes.
Walt, how do you know? What isotopes were released? How many MBq of each was released? Where did it all go?
How do you know? If there was a large release the evidence would be there, it would be unavoidable.
Some people were very frightened, perhaps the small releases were overplayed.
Shouting “FIRE” without evidence of fire is unethical and illegal.
A small experimental reactor was built many decades ago in Piqua Ohio. When they began startup testing, the reactor protection system occasionally tripped the plant offline in the middle of a test, annoying the operators considerably.
They traced the problem down to an air radiation monitor on top of the building. Repeated testing and calibration found no problem. Finally they set up an air monitor next to the detector with a fan that draws air through a filter paper.
When they tested the filter paper, it was highly contaminated with radium. It was too hot to dispose of in normal trash, even by the standards of those days. Checking the records, they found that the trips corresponded to days they were downwind of the local coal fired power plant. The local coal had a high concentration of radium.
Ra 226 has a half life of 1,600 years. Has there been any coal burned in Pa in the last few hundred years?
Wing's research compares downwind from upwind populations, and "correlates" elevated cancer incidence with the downwind groups. Are you suggesting radium from coal mining impacted the Harrisburg and Middletown communities "selectively" as with radiation doses in the area? I suppose there is another possibility, rather than exposure to a variable plume from 1979 accident, perhaps there is an elevated cancer incidence among downwind groups simply from everyday emissions and background levels associated with close proximity to the power plants. That would seem to be an even more troubling result to me, since it would seem to imply that there is no safe level of exposure to radiation, and that even well maintained power plants can pose a health risk to surrounding populations?
Wing claims that TMI’s tiny release produced measurable increases in lung cancer two years after the accident. If he was right, most of the U.S. would be a sterile lunar landscape because the Hanford weapons reactors and the nuclear weapons test site released many orders of magnitude more fission products downwind of those facilities.
Where are the government reports that we would expect to be able to refer to, to find this information? What instruments were being used by whom (if portable or handheld) in what locations at what points in time, and what did they read? What stationary monitoring instruments were operating and where were they installed and where are the data logs? What samples were collected and from what places and how were they analyzed and with what instrumentation, and where are they now?
It seems that there is a whole lot of data that would be nice to go back and review that just doesn't exist. What we do have is some accounts from people who lived through it, cited in various studies and interviews which have been linked in TOD during the Fukushima discussions and earlier. I have saved these links but, apologies, not in an organized enough way to find re-link them right now. There are a good number of first person accounts of short term health effects people experienced during the accident, as well as visible fallout in the form of grayish flaky dust that settled over some areas. One has to keep in mind that this was mainly a rural farming community of people used to working hard, not making a fuss, and trusting their government and neighboring industries.
Hard data is of course good. To that end I have purchased a professional radiation monitor that I hope never to have to use in conjunction with a nuclear plant accident. But if the need arises I can and will use it to collect and record data (and probably end up posting it here). I'm even thinking about a spectrum analyzer which would be useful to identify specific radionuclides, but that would start to make this a pretty expensive hobby. More to the point, I now plan to have some serious communication with my county health department, learn what type of equipment they have, what procedures they have in place, and what other agencies they would call for support in the case of a nuclear emergency.
BTW our nearest nuke is the Ginna PWR in upstate NY, about 25 miles from where I live. Began operation in 1969, had a steam generator transplant some years ago, and is a well run plant as far as I know.
All the pieces to make one
Los Alamos, New Mexico
The story behind the soup:
The Idaho National laboratory had the same problem with phosphate plants that are up wind when the weather is right.
The mantra of "correlation is not causation" is a very useful defense, because of course it's true as far as it goes. However, in many cases there is insufficient data to prove causation, or often there are no resources to prove it. It's also usually pretty easy to find some way to sow doubt on attempts to show causation. So people are left with making a judgement on whether they believe there is a linkage or not, which does not bother me much because I believe much of what passes for scientific proof and evidence is really justification for pre-existing beliefs anyway. In this case I suspect that the operators had little idea what they were releasing, and I don't think the monitoring capabilities were very advanced so probably no one else does either. And of course I wouldn't really trust the reports of financially interested parties much anyway. Overall I find Wing's data and the stories of those affected to be convincing.
A bit about ethics in the US in the Manhattan Project, page 214. What we do in the name of science and advancement, and why body burdens of plutonium and strontium are so high, why we fear them, and how we arrived at "permissible levels." Plus the story of the radium dial painting tragedy.
Has the issue of re-criticality been put to rest?
One big reason that Fukushima is worse than TMI is that is a Boiling Water Reactor design(BWR). A completely stupid design pushed on the world by GE since Westinghouse had the patents to Pressurized Water (PWR) systems. BWR plants are inherently less contained that PWR plants since they pipe radioactive steam and water all over the plant to the Turbines. PWR plants keep that water inside the containment and instead create nonradioactive steam by using another loop heated by a Steam Generator inside the containment.
Now I have to confess to being biased since my experience was on PWR plants via the USN. But I don't think anyone can look at the two designs and come away thinking BWR makes more sense.
The big failing on the part of the commercial power reactors is the lack of standard designs. Tho Fukushima actually did have a semi standard design of the units albeit a very bad one. Rickover forced the Navy into standardized designs. This meant that problem fixes were transmitted to every other plant of the same type. Each new unit is not a wild experiment in engineering design.
Was this plant an example of GE's only nuclear reactor design at the time? I had read that they were pushing this design as a "bargain priced" nuclear reactor - smaller and cheaper than others. That was in a story where they talked to one of several engineers who resigned in the 70's because they were unhappy with the safety of the design.
One of the chief Japanese engineers did resign over these units. But that because the containment vessel had a crack and they used a highly suspect method to do the repair. This was during contruction. The guy worked for the prime reactor contractor not the electric company.
Those were 2 different designers ,
the one from the 70's was an American working for GE
GE's marketing department had to step in with a new name for their new reactor. It was originally the Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR), which sounds quite economical, sorta like a Yugo.
Well.. as frustrating as this must be for those of you who feel nuclear deserved a brighter path, I hope it's clearly noted that the conclusions you've described of these business dealings that left us with a few dozen of these inferior plants scattered over the globe were a result of the industry itself, and NOT the environmental movement and their so-called irrational fears of radiation.
The folks trying to dissuade the public of Peak Oil will talk about 'Above Ground Factors' to explain away why output numbers are faltering, as if that serves to defeat the ultimate question of overall Petroleum production declines.
'In a perfect world', fission might have been containable.. but once again, we see how many surprising imperfections show up in life while we're busy making other plans.
Digging back some decades in my old brain it may be that the BWRs have a slight efficiency benefit compared to PWRs because of the lack of the intermediate heat exchanger (steam generator). Anyone have actual numbers on that?
Both BWRs and PWRs have net efficiency in the range of 31-35% according to the specs published by the IAEA. Newer models of both types are at the higher end of the range. (For comparison, Russian PWRs (VVERs) have efficiencies of 29-32% net.) There's an upper limit to the efficiency of water-cooled reactors due to the nature of the coolant (unless super-critical pressures are used, which hasn't been done in a NPP yet). New plants are probably getting close to the maximum that can be achieved with current designs.
The main attraction of BWRs was their supposedly cheaper construction due to the use of a wetwell in the containment structure. Any savings there appears to have been offset by extra shielding and other complications in the turbine hall. Nailing down actual construction costs is hard, but neither type seems to have a clear advantage as both types are still being built.
BWR:s has fewer high preassure steel vessels and the reactor vessel dont need to be as thick due to lower preassures, but the BWR reactor vessel is a lot bigger to have room for the steam separator and dryer plus control rods below the core.
BWR:s do not have problems with the steam generators wearing out since the fuel does the work and is swapped out after a few years and the other steam handling parts are easy to change.
I am impressed by ESBWR, since it does not need recirculation pumps and has passive safety systems. Doing away with those heavy components must save costs, on the oter hand it needs more steel for a larger reactor vessel.
Overall it is a very good idea to use more passive concrete and steel instead of active systems.
Here are three video clips taken by a Micro Air Vehicle of 1, 3, and 4.
From IEEE Spectrum:
Nuke plant meltdown warning went unheeded
"a simulation in which a nuclear reactor would have a core meltdown and other consequences only 100 minutes after losing its cooling capabilities.
It studied how a boiling water reactor (with an output capacity of 800,000 kilowatts) identical to the No. 2, 3, 4 and 5 reactors at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant would react once it lost its power source and the function to cool the reactor core halted."
"The study shows that a meltdown began about one hour and 40 minutes after the water- pumping function stopped. About 3 hours and 40 minutes later, the pressure container broke down and about 6 hours and 50 minutes later the containment vessel also ruptured."
"At the Fukushima nuclear plant, the pressure within the containment vessel of the No. 1 reactor abnormally surged at 1:20 a.m. on March 12, about 8 hours and 40 minutes after the reactor's water-filling function failed. Radioactive steam was vented from the containment vessel and a hydrogen explosion occurred at 3:36 p.m. the same day."
"In the No. 3 reactor, the water injection function malfunctioned, prompting the release of radioactive steam and triggering a hydrogen explosion shortly after 11 a.m. on March 14."
Well, this latest nuclear “experiment” at Fukushima certainly demonstrates what has already been fairly well established: That nuclear power is a world-class game of Russian Roulette. The designs now in operation are inherently unsafe, in that emergency conditions and breakdowns which tend to distract operators, hamper their efforts, threaten their safety, and limit their access to resources (notably electrical power) ironically require greatly heightened capability on their part to run a water cooling system effective enough to prevent thermal runaway and complete loss of control, with partial meltdown, hydrogen and/or steam explosions, and radioactive releases taking place. The gap between what must be done and what can be done thus quickly becomes impossible to close, and steadily grows ever wider.
When these systems work normally, the owners can reap sizable profits, and when they fail the costs and consequences can quickly become overwhelming. The loss of a permanently trashed billion dollar plant is only the beginning. Next is the inevitable highly hazardous, expensive, and prolonged effort to try to subdue the situation until the radioactive mess somehow gets stabilized and contained. Then there are the health effects on an indeterminate number of people from ingested radioactive particles, which show up first as genetic damage (deformed babies) and then possibly only years later as cancers whose origins are impossible to positively identify. And finally large areas of permanently unsafe land now condemned as too contaminated to live on, hunt on, or farm on.
Quantifying the damage in any meaningful way becomes impossible due to the sheer complexity of the event and the lack of adequate data collecting capability. What is known of the radionuclides which were emitted from these plants over the course of the accident? What quantities of each one, and how were the releases distributed over time, and how did these releases interact with wind and weather patterns, and how did the resultant exposures affect individual people who were moving in and out of swirls and eddies of contaminated air, and eating and drinking contaminated substances? How much of an external dose of radiation has each affected person absorbed, how many radionuclides have passed through each person's body, how many have lodged in their bone and tissue, and what are the half-lives of each? How much beta and how much alpha? Yes, this is a grand experiment indeed.
There seems to be a fundamental moral issue in play here: isn't there a specific, emphatic immorality about taking risks whose outcomes are (a) incalculable, too complex or diffuse to measure and (b) beyond our capacity to remediate or manage? When we have neither the telemetry nor the data reduction capacity to understand where the toxins are going (and yada yada that Walt just said), imho it is profoundly wrong to take the risk in the first place. It is by definition an unaccountable risk, one whose perpetrators cannot be held fully responsible nor the victims fully identified.
Rather like playing Russian Roulette with an AK 47 in a crowded theatre... but even that metaphor fails because the shooter can be identified, and forensic analysis done on identifiable dead bodies and bullets.
This is more like "poisoning the well," considered a most serious and despicable crime in the Middle Ages iirc: when you poison a well you kill an unknown number of persons over an unknown amount of time without having to be physically present and risk retribution or arrest. Hence it is a cowardly crime, and one with uncontrollable, random results. Of all the crimes in the antique calendar it was one of the most heinous. Of course these nuclear events are only one face of the steady practise of "poisoning the well" which has been industrial BAU for over a century now. The release of toxic compounds into the shared environment, the release of unmanageable and unpredictable GMOs, mass destruction of biodiversity, climate destabilisation, all these incalculable and uncontainable risks have been imposed on the world at large without any plebiscite.
Hubris is a catch-all word for overoptimist arrogance, but it seems to me there is an important distinction between hubris that leads me to take risks with my own fortune, health, life, etc., and hubris that leads me to take risks with the lives of strangers without their consent. I find the first foolish and often tragic, but the second deeply criminal.
As I write this -- this very week -- the 28-y-o daughter of an acquaintance has been diagnosed with a virulent, fast-moving, inoperable cervical cancer. We will never -- none of us -- know whether this cancer developed due to exposure to some chemical or synergistic combination of chemicals in our industrialised environment; whether it might never have developed in a N America free of fallout from 50 years of nuclear hubris; or maybe she was unlucky in her genetic heritage. Or a synergistic combination of all three. No one will ever know whether it was "caused" or "just happened." We do have data in hand that strongly implicate industrial toxicity in "cancer clusters" and actuarial trends. But -- as the clever villain traditionally sneers at the dogged cop in the B-movies -- "You can't prove anything."
Some say that the present generation in the affluent West (20 years old or so) are the first in our history who can expect to live shorter lives than their parents. Their parents and grandparents are living remarkably long lives (though the final years are sometimes rather unhappy) thanks in part to industrialised medical technology. But it will be one of history's great ironies if the toxic by-products of the technology that extends Grampa's dotage to a ripe old 96 or so, condemn Granddaughter to die before she is 30; if the nuclear plant that once kept the lights on at the hospital, in its failure mode generates a rolling epidemic of immune disorders, cancers and teratogeny that overwhelms the failing resources of the industrial state.
I've been dipping into Post Peak Medicine, an online book intended for health care providers. When I consider the possible impacts of peak oil and energy shortages on our ability to maintain the high-tech medical industry that provides, among other things, anti-cancer drugs (to those who can somehow find a way to afford them), I wonder if we are not being left with the worst of both worlds: a pathogenic environment contaminated with just about everything we can imagine (and some things we can't), and an ever-diminishing capacity to cure or even maintain the people who are suffering from various metabolic insults from ambient and ubiquitous toxicity. The prospect of diminished medical care capacity seems to me to make this kind of gambling -- risk imposition by reckless release of more toxicity -- even more immoral, since we know (or at least are reasonably certain) that the resources required for mitigation are dwindling.
Sheesh, sorry to be so grim. I've been reading about the ongoing public health disaster (though the PTB are not officially calling it that) in the Gulf, post Deepwater spill, and wondering how "society" is going to absorb the ever-mounting butcher's bill from one mega-scale industrial "accident" after another. The IMF answer appears to be to abolish socialised medical care altogether and just let poor people die young. I suppose that's one approach to demand reduction.
"...insults from ambient and ubiquitous toxicity..."
Excellent. Thank you.
When I hear discussions based on the increases in life expectancy, such as extending retirement ages, etc., it occurs to me to wonder whether any of the actuarial folks are bothering to take those ever-expanding insults into consideration in their extrapolations.
Don't y'all get too excited about all the lessons to be learned from the Fukashima disaster. The corporate person is not at all good at "lessons learned" OR "root cause analysis." Neither adapt well to "making more money." Disasters have been redirected to other purposes.
There was a report this week that a quarter of all babies born today in the UK will live to over 100 years old.
'nuff said.
When I was young there were reports that by the year 1980 we would all be driving atomic-powered cars.
As the financial johnnies say, "Past performance is no indicator of future returns."
I thought we wouldn't drive them, but fly them instead. And Jetson like, weren't they suposed to fly themselves on autopilot, all the "driver" had to do was say "to grandma's".
I remember reading an article in Playboy autumn 1966, that if you lived to the year 2000, you would live forever via medical science.
Yea, that's a real laugh. Care to reference this unnamed "report" so we can properly poke holes in it?
I think we've already hit "peak longevity," and that the baby boomers will be the first generation in modern history to not live as long as their parents.
Look at the WORLD3 graphs. Read Dmitry Orlov. Any coming population crash won't happen from healthy people in their prime dying; it will come from those most at risk: increased infant mortality and reduced longevity.
Thank you for this, Rootless, and I look forward to reviewing Post Peak Medicine. I feel it's important to engage with the ongoing public health experiment that is in progress which, if not irreproducible, seems at least unprecedented.
In the spirit of acting locally, I continue to work on drafts of Guidelines for Mental Health Service Providers for the Community Mental Health Center where I work in Los Angeles, but I am still having difficulty anticipating if, and how, the disaster in Japan is likely to impact clients we serve. This is not, specifically, my job in this organization, but I come to mental health services from management and strategic long range planning, and my feeling is this is... er, a significant event with long-term consequences?
It's basically an impossible document to write. I am trying to fulfill our responsibilities of directing people to “legitimate” government resources while at the same time encouraging them to consult independent sources and take steps to keep themselves safe. On the one hand, we don't want paranoid or depressed clients trolling apocalyptic websites all day long. On the other, it seems grossly irresponsible to minimize client's concerns and tell them they are worrying about nothing. I would also like to implement realistic strategies for people to manage their anxiety, perhaps by becoming involved with relief or humanitarian efforts.
In the first weeks after 3/11, as I noted here, there were some apocalyptic rumors flying around, but the public reaction to the crisis seems more unpredictable than I had anticipated, partly because of the news blackout. Perhaps there will be little psychological impact, or the impact will be difficult to assess from the "noise" from the general malaise from California's crashing economy.
Somehow, I'm not so sure about that.
"Quantifying the damage"
There will be no damage. Damage implies liability.
Information is failing to escape into public view.
Test and monitoring data will not be fully recorded.
Fatalities other than immediate will be disputed.
No one has died. No one plainly, so far, ever will.
The battle of Chernobyl:
Thanks for the great video link. That is an awesome documentary.
But one thing we do know with absolute certainty, renewables are 'TOO' expensive and we can't possibly live without 24/7, 365 day a year centralized electrical power generation for every Tom, Dick and Harry on for the Janes they can already make do with less.
The costs that Walt BT describes don't count as a subsidy? How about Grand Larceny from humanity and the commons?
Can we try those who are responsible for manslaughter?
The gift that goes on giving...
The exclusion zone may expand yet again:
We've had the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Steam/Steel Age. I wonder (if anyone's around to write them) whether the histories of the future will call us the Poison Age?
They have been astonishingly lax in sampling, monitoring, establishing exclusion zones and enforcing them.
Perhaps they have a sufficiently docile population that they expect to be able to maintain the "no health risk" story indefinitely.
Why not? The process is stochastic. Who can "prove" that Chernobyl killed more than 48 people... ?
How many of the liquidators are still alive?
Or don't they count, somehow?
They "don't count" because, ostensibly, the researchers who want to count them (and many, many others) have failed to account for all of the confounding factors that might impact the counting.
By raising the bar for attributing morbidity or mortality to Chernobyl as high as possible, the interests of powerful forces that rely upon the nuclear industry for power, wealth and weapons technology are protected. Likewise, he minimization of the events at Fukushima Daiichi and the absence of detailed, ongoing coverage in world media.
This is dieoff, with Japan going first in the OECD. After Tepco goes through the motions for some months, when things get too hot or a typhoon comes, Tepco will throw a sheet over the thing, jinglemail the keys back to the Bank of Japan, and walk away.
There's the rub, no? Upon autopsy, there are no little red flags in a tumour that say, "I came from Chernobyl!"
"Correlation is not causation," and yet, statistical studies are all we have. The problem is they are so easy to poke holes into.
In the new meta-analysis of the health impacts of Chernobyl, statistical studies show nearly ONE MILLION DEATHS due to Chernobyl. But of course, the nuclear industry and their lap-dog regulators jumped on the study, saying it didn't adequately take into account the fall of the Soviet Union and resultant health impacts.
There can be no proof. And with statistical studies, there is a lot of uncertainty to be exploited.
When do we decide to invoke the "Precautionary Principle?"
Not until we dethrone the "Profit Imperative" from its position of primacy.
*.. saying it didn't adequately take into account the fall of the Soviet Union and resultant health impacts.*
Soviet health demography and epidemiology were always very specialized subjects, complicated exceedingly by the secretiveness and evasiveness of the Soviet authorities. The Soviet environment was fouled and polluted in so many ways, the conditions and way of life were so unhealthy, the health system was so rudimentary (and on its way to breakdown towards the end of the Union, as was much else), that one would be astonished if a valid survey of the effects of Chernobyl could be carried out.
There were perhaps secret studies carried out by the Academy of Sciences, maybe in coordination with KGB and Gosplan, at least I knew of one such study involving the public health effects of chlor-organic (dioxins, furans) compounds. Is there documentation still in existence regarding the public health effects of Chernobyl? If it exists, who would have access to it?
I sincerely doubt that any objective outside researcher would be getting anywhere near it, then or now.
Certainly, the stress of the collapse must be factored in. There is much else to be taken into account.
But the linked report does make use of comparative data from neighboring USSR regions and towns which were shown to have greater and lesser amounts of fallout.. so it certainly seems that the authors were conducting appropriate diligence in finding control examples to help exclude other sociopolitical factors of the day.
Maybe not completely exhaustive, which as you point out might be impossible at this point.. but they presented data that addresses much of this question.
Yes, they did. And, still, the numbers projected are dismissed angrily, scornfully, as beyond the very limits of possibility.
They are, quite simply, too large to be permitted serious consideration.
*Yes, they did. And, still, the numbers projected are dismissed angrily, scornfully, as beyond the very limits of possibility.*
I'm not an expert and it would be absurd of me to deny that the public health consequences of Chernobyl might have been extremely serious. It's the difficulty in obtaining valid baselines that would cause problems. Either these baselines did not exist or were accessible only to a select group of officials. Disseminating unfavorable data could be charged as a criminal violation of state secrets. I'm not kidding.
Pavel, are you familiar with the Yablokov-Nesterenko analysis?
*Pavel, are you familiar with the Yablokov-Nesterenko analysis?*
No sir,I am not.
It casts a rather wide net, and there's a lot of bycatch in their analysis.
Bulgaria’s Chernobyl cover-up
Chernobyl: Coming home to a desolation zone
"The explosion contaminated tens of thousands of square miles in northern Ukraine, southern Belarus and Russia’s Bryansk region. No one can be sure of the ultimate impact, but the damage done 25 years ago continues to take its toll.
Redkovka clearly suffered from high radiation levels, but villagers say it took dozens of complains to the local government and five years before an official measurement of the radiation dose was recorded.
"This only happened after the collapse of the Soviet Union," says Anatoli Kovalenko. He grew up in Redkovka and now maintains what is left of the village. "Of course, the government knew the village was contaminated, but they wanted to underplay the entire event. So they just ignored it."
In all, more than 2.32 million people, including 452,000 children, have been hospitalized in Ukraine for illnesses blamed on the Chernobyl, according to the Health Ministry in Kyiv, which adds that those figures are only accurate through 2004."
Yablokov- Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment
*We've had the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Steam/Steel Age. I wonder (if anyone's around to write them) whether the histories of the future will call us the Poison Age?*
The wreck of a twenty-first century freighter
Was found in the silted-up harbor of Boston,
And also an office intact, a computer
Looking as new as when used, in the ruin
Furniture found there — exotic design,
One thinks of the ancients who carried on business
In centuries past, in time out of mind —
Did they have their own names? It’s anyone’s guess
The streets and the alleyways covered with rubble,
Grass and the forest to bury them all,
We see but a section, the slice of a bubble
Blown up by the eons to rise and to fall
Who were these creatures? They called themselves human,
Two legs and two arms, a head with a hat,
We know but the name of the city, it’s Boston
Or Beirut, or Beijing, or something like that
And we in our hives and our nests and our swarms
Our burrows and mounds will wish them good rest —
Though life must go on in its numerous forms
We honor the spirit no matter how dressed
Archaeological science is never
Precise as astronomy, physics, or math,
And yet we assert it’s a worthy endeavor
To honor the old of the ages of wrath
-- Pavel
Expanding the exclusion zone will have critical longterm repercussions, as Stoneleigh noted yesterday:
By extending the exclusion zone they will be faced with closing the main north/south transportation corridor for a long time. What's a 'little' radiation when you need to move people and goods?
Keep moving folks. Nothing (much) to worry about here :-/
The girl who rides her motorcycle around Chernobyl ( points out that radiation levels are "safe" if you stay on the road but would be deadly if you stepped off it. So perhaps the transportation corridor could be excluded from exclusion?
Instead of picking an arbitrary radius for an exclusion zone, perhaps they should actually do a survey for contamination and set up the exclusion only of the places where the contamination is too high.
After all, it isn't like the contamination spreads out in a perfect circle, and especially in Japan the cost to do the survey has got to be less than the value of the land.
Evidence-based activity? Hmm, interesting idea--not much money in it these days, though. (At least @ to what one reads here. :^( )
One question I have about all this concerns the idea of taking partially used fuel rods out of the reactor vessel, out of primary containment, and put them temporarily into the Spent Fuel Pool in secondary containment while the reactor is being inspected. There seems to be a fundamental need during reactor operations to be able to move fuel back and forth between the reactor vessel and the SFP. How can this be OK? Is this a fundamental problem with reactor operations in general?
I realize that the rod assemblies are not critical when they are moved to temporary storage in the SFP. Therefore, the implicit assumption is that rod assemblies NEVER need the redundant cooling systems and primary containment when they are not in a critical geometry. Yet, as we have seen, a loss of coolant to the SFP can cause a very serious accident. The levels of iodine in the unit #4 SFP suggests that criticality is going on which violates a fundamental assumption above that was made about reactor operations. Is this true of all reactors?
Let's look at it another way. If primary containment is only necessary for reactor operations when the reactor is critical then the assumption is that primary containment is designed to contain an accident that occurs when the reactor fails to shutdown. It's pretty obvious that the primary containment of the Fukushima reactors is not able to fulfill this requirement nor is it able to contain an accident after shutdown when the reactor is still hot. Therefore, primary containment is only applicable to minor accidents. Even that is questionable since similar accidents can happen in the SFP. Is primary containment supposed to be psychological protection?
Yep, it is a fatal flaw. You cannot have it both ways. Either high class multi-level containment is required, or it is not. Which?
It doesn't seem like engineers would go along with this arrangement. There is a lack of integrity in the process. This is evidence of expediency on the part of an industry and regulatory regime that is responsible for safeguarding these plants. The only reason they would take a chance like this is if they do not see a viable alternative. If this is true then nuclear fission technology is fatally flawed.
Nuclear power must be the Mother of all UNFUNDED LIABILITIES. We are leaving the problems to all future generations since the half life of plutonium is some 20,000 years. To be "safe" it would have to be keep and maintained for some 100,000 years.
Just like some other minor unfunded liabilities, we are leaving this major issue of nuclear waste to future generations.
Future generations have a much better chance of dealing with a ton of spent fuel (containing about 95% uranium and maybe 2% various isotopes of plutonium) stored in a stainless steel drum that you could drive a tank over, than they have of coping with its fossil fuel equivalent- about two and a half MILLION tons of carbon dioxide spread throughout the biosphere, and a plume of toxic combustion products and metal-contaminated fly ash. For a start, they could use the plutonium and uranium in a fast reactor, leaving about a ton of fission products that will be at background radiation levels in about three hundred years
*For a start, they could use the plutonium and uranium in a fast reactor, leaving about a ton of fission products that will be at background radiation levels in about three hundred years*
CO2, to put it mildly, is surely not benign. But who can guarantee social and political stability for 300 years?
Well put! Since neither stainless steel nor tanks have existed for as much as 300 years, the original post is non-sensical.
And in an era of declining fossil sunlight, how are future generations to build these breeder reactors that will clean up the mess we leave our grandchildren?
You have NO way to know that they'll have the tech sector or the financial ability to do much more than just deal with 'that day's' problems, much less make something useful out of our broken promises and decaying casks.
Criminally irresponsible.
Why don't we do that now?
Oh, that's right.
We made people mad at us.
They want to blow us up.
Fast breeders involve
a plutonium economy.
Plutonium makes bombs.
Hate is long remembered...
it is written down
for the young.
Harold F. McFarlane
Argonne National Laboratory
"Assessing the proliferation resistance of Argonne National Laboratory’s Integral Fast Reactor (IFR)
concept has been a relatively popular pastime activity for the past 16 years."
"Now the Japanese government has moved to crack down on independent reportage and criticism of the government’s policies in the wake of the disaster by deciding what citizens may or may not talk about in public. A new project team has been created by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, the National Police Agency, and METI to combat “rumors” deemed harmful to Japanese security in the wake of the Fukushima disaster."
Instant grook material. How bureaucrats think:
When you can't control the situation,
try to control the information.
This is buried away in articles about armed enforcement of the exclusion zone:
"In addition, Hidehiko Nishiyama, the deputy director general of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, said that the authorities were looking for ways to shore up the bottom of the spent uranium fuel-rod storage pool at Reactor No. 4 to prevent it from collapsing."
Berkeley Radiological Air and Water Monitoring Forum:
"I write for a national newswire...
Stations all over the country use our service.
One story was about Tepco's plans to build two nuclear plants in Texas.
My boss told me "our stations don't want to carry stuff like that."
So the stories I write have been censored from within the organization, and there isn't a thing I can do about it.
Part of the problem is that, though many people here (on this forum) know that the cable channels and networks are owned by weapons-makers and nuclear interests, there isn't a general awareness of this in the public mind.
What's really bothering me is that I find I don't have the words to explain to people how censored their news really is.
Just follow the money, that's always where the answer seems to be..
"Why is it that Fukushima and fallout risk/data is not on any nationatal news on TV?"
Oh... I know... I know...
"Berzerkley"... smirk
"Students"... smirk giggle
"Pro-fessors!"... giggle smirk snort
"What a hoot!, lets pull THEIR funding RIGHT away!"
Little Suzy Newsykins:
Fukushima should be more comparable to the Three Mile Island meltdown in 1979 than Chernobyl, but it has apparently left the former eating its radioactive dust.
pretty loaded wording Joules. A fully human caused accident in a brand new reactor situated in fully intact external environment should be comparable to six old reactors getting slammed by a 40-50 foot tall high energy 9.0 earthquake generated ocean wave that left the entire external environment in shambles should be comparable why? Oh because in both cases the reactors were scrammed and didn't blow when the reaction was going full tilt. Just about everyone expected Fukushima Daiichi to be far worse than TMI as soon as it was known that the emergency cooling was trashed. The kind of phrasing you used wreaks of 'agenda.'
In particular, high levels of Iodine-131 were measured, causing a run on iodine tablets everywhere. This seemed to me to be a rather expected development, given what happened in Chernobyl - though there were many irrational optimists who claimed that the fuss would all blow over soon (no pun intended).
Well the run on the tablets may have been expected but anyone who started taking the things in the US or in Europe was much misinformed and far less rational than the 'optimists' you mention.
The problem is, we really don't want to do the experiment. Might have to cover the lab in concrete for a long time. As for other irreproducible experiments? Macondo, Quantitative Easing, CO2 emissions,...
Reactors are beasts no doubt, but as to 'irreproducible experiments' well Darwin described the experiment's big picture aspect pretty early on--don't expect humans to voluntarily change behavior while the species is thriving--but if we do it will be an entirely 'brave new world' for the empirical process that's been unfolding for the last few billion years on this warm, moist rock circling a medium star.
I meant comparable in terms of how the situation developed. There were certainly very different initiators (human mistakes vs. earthquake/tsunami), but I'm referring to the dropping of the water level, exposing the fuel rods, corrosion of Zr, significant melting (confirmed at TMI). I'm just honestly curious about why iodine (apparently) stayed more in solution at TMI. Although the reactor was very new, it should not take long for I-131 to build up to its steady state level. All retrospective reports seem to indicate surprise at the lack of I-131 released externally. I don't think that will be the case at Fukushima.
More generally, as the stakes increase for construction and operation of increasingly complicated energy infrastructure (nuclear plants, ultra-deepwater wells), there are things that become difficult to test. Listening to interviews with those involved in the TMI accident and aftermath (see it is clear that mistakes happened and flaws exposed that weren't even on their radar screens. If the response today is only to point fingers at the past and say "tsk tsk" for stupid mistakes, or for operating old reactors, and not stepping back and considering the possibility that a little less confidence in our cleverness might be warranted, then Fukushima becomes even more of a waste.
Don't rush to judge what my agenda is, if anything. The fact that so much energy can be released from a material from just tossing in a few neutrons, I think, is an amazing thing. And I would truly like to believe that there is a possible pathway by which it could be harnessed with much less risk and certainly without leaving a radioactive present for future civilizations to deal with. The problem is trying to find that pathway amidst all of the human failings that have caused the decisions made up until now to be less than ideal. Thomas Edison was able to invent the light bulb by failing a lot. But we can't do that with nuclear reactors, and that was my point.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply, mine was a bit on the jaded side. The lack of iodine release from TMI and the likely amount released from Fukushima is certainly a subject worthy of study, with all the blockquotes I lost the flow or your post, sorry bout that.
'Thomas Edison was able to invent the light bulb by failing a lot. But we can't do that with nuclear reactors, and that was my point.'
I'd be a fool to argue with that.
Back in the 70s I used to say something to the effect almost all our technological advancement has come through trial and error and the errors are accumulating in the oceans, I fear the day the errors will overwhelm us.
I also hope the new efforts on LFTR or other similar tech will show a better way forward...but our error residue could rise exponentially as our tech achievements become more complex...that is more than a slightly unnerving prospect.
Eventually my DSnail connection might load the Adam Curtis film you linked--I'm looking forward to watching it.
I'm not a chemist, so I'm not sure of what to make of this discussion at the Physics Forum below (start with post #4244) regarding the toxic salt-water mediated soup that now passes for the environment at the plant and dissolved versus gas I. Then there are the SFP, an even more open system with different characteristics? With a steady waterfall of coolant pouring over the plant and into the groundwater/ocean, and meltdowns at 3 reactors and maybe some SFP, too, how many years will it take to reach a steady state?
The easier answer could be that things are still cooking down there, as the corium burns its way into the bedrock and groundwater, drip by drip. And since there are at least 8?9?12? different potential sources of corium, who knows, including Tepco?
Tokyo Electric is also closely monitoring rising water levels in the turbine
We have been reporting a status of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station by
summarizing news aired by NHK, which is Japanese national broadcasting company.
We regard it as most credible news among many news sources and we are happy to say
that NHK’s English website has gotten enriched and now you can see movies and
English scripts at
Given this situation, we decide to simply place these scripts as it is for the record in case
that it will be deleted from the website later, rather than summarizing news as we did. 2
buildings of the Number 5 and 6 reactors. It says ground water could be seeping
Thursday, April 21, 2011 12:55 +0900 (JST) WTF? That is what a copy and paste from showed.
I meant to copy and paste this, "Tokyo Electric is also closely monitoring rising water levels in the turbine buildings of the Number 5 and 6 reactors. It says ground water could be seeping in. Thursday, April 21, 2011 12:55 +0900 (JST)"
Gundersen Discusses Current Condition of Reactors, TEPCO Claim of “No Fission” in Fuel Pool, and Lack of Radiation Monitoring in fish. From Fairewinds Associates:
He states that the cooling water is washing through unit 2 and into the environment. He offers a counter argument to the TEPCO claim that the iodine still found in #4 fuel pool is from previous explosions: math is done showing the explosive releases would have to be of Chernobyl scale, that iodine is a gas, and then the fact that #4 still had its roof on is pointed out. The FDA has decided not to monitor radioactive contamination in fish on the west coast... a coast that shares a gyre with japan.
April 21st
"Levels of radioactive water rising despite efforts"
The company says water levels are also rising in the Number 5 and 6 turbine buildings.
TEPCO says an estimated 67,500 tons of contaminated water are now in the Number 1, 2 and 3 reactors alone, hampering efforts to restore the reactors' cooling systems.
The facility is slowly flooding.
TOKYO, April 21, Kyodo
Tokyo Electric admits fuel could be melting at Fukushima nuke plant
"An official at Tokyo Electric Power Co., the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, admitted Wednesday that fuel of the plant's No. 1 reactor could be melting."
That's all it says without a subscription.
Mousetrap reactor
side view:
It seems likely that Tepco is about to take a loss on whole forty year project. If they were clearing a profit of three cents per kilowatt hour, the plant was probably making about one billion dollars a year, depending on what the uptime was.
4e6 kW * 8760 h/year = 35e9 kWh/year
35e9 kWh/year * $0.03/kWh = $1e9/year
One of the news articles in a recent drumbeat was to the effect that Tepco got an emergency loan for $24 billion and said that wasn't going to be enough. Between the initial construction cost and the cleanup I wonder if this project has made dollar one. And that's under standard accounting rules, to say nothing of externalities or full-cost accounting.
I follow the comments about other reactor designs with interest. I think they are getting there with these robots. In my opinion future nuclear reactors should be built underground, sealed in their final resting places, and operated remotely for their entire lives. Just bury it with a stock of fuel and spare parts and a robot crew. All that ever comes out of the ground are power wires and control wires. Is there any fundamental problem with this? Maybe you use a waterless design - I seem to remember years ago I heard about a concept for space nuclear power in which the reactor just sat there and glowed inside a vessel lined with photovoltaic cells. If you designed it from the outset for remote operation for 100 years, what would you come up with?
At best, I think you might come up with a design that we should require you to run in 2-3 prototypes, far from population centers and aquifers, for 100 years, at your own expense, with full liability exposure, before applying for type acceptance.
I have visions of the buried robot crew rising zombie-like and seeking revenge!
I remember the tritium battery. Tritium is a beta-emitter: it throws off electrons. Just add a plate to collect them and a current source is made. The luminescent idea might be the one linked below. An array of nano-scale engines set to nodding like Japanese Shishi odoshi (鹿威し)could be fabricated with millions to a sheet.
Silly... but point out other ways of thinking.
It has been immensely profitable for the executives of TEPCO who are allowed to keep their salaries and avoid a lengthy prison term.
It is clear that the situation at Fukushima is bad, but nowhere near as bad as it could be. There has been a large amount of light short half-life radioactive elements released into the environment. The amounts of heavier, longer half-life elements reported released has been far less. It is possible that the reports of longer half life elements released are smaller because TEPCO hasn't been sampling or reporting on them.
The nuclear fuel is, for the most part contained. The reactors are cooling down slowly. Most people have been evacuated from the area which seems to have limited at least the direct health effects.
There are some interesting things that have been learned from this 'experiment'. Much of the interesting discussion in this post has talked about chemical reaction that take place when a reactor fails in a fairly spectacular way. I was really pleased to read these careful explanations.
There are, however, a few things that have been learned that are far simpler to understand and that I never would have predicted. The first of these lessons is that pouring large amounts of cool water on the outside of the containment vessel is a fairly effective method of cooling a reactor. I never would have guessed this, but, basically, as far as I understand it soaking the outside of the pressure vessels, first with high powered fire hoses, and later with concrete pumper trucks was what prevented massive fires and brought the site to a reasonably stable situation. It is speculation, but if they had started pumping water on the containment vessels before they got really hot, this incident might well have been far less serious.
The second lesson is that it is better to vent H2 than blow the Reactor Pressure Vessel. For obvious reasons this experiment had never been done before. TEPCO did it and it should be obvious that venting was the correct way to proceed. Some radioactivity was emitted, but most of the material is still under containment.
The third lesson is that they needed a method to vent hydrogen outside of the reactor buildings in a safe manner. It is not clear how much of the leakage from the reactors comes from the hydrogen explosions and how much from earthquake damage.
Finally, TEPCO has demonstrated that when disaster hits, complex systems can be very vulnerable. The actions that had some success are fairly robust and dependent on fairly simple technologies. Simple is probably good in these situations.
Yes! This is a site where all kinds of stuff is dragged in and pondered through. Much more alive than the news.
My own thoughts as I read yours? Not mean, just what is stirred?
Parts of the storage-pond fuel-rods were blown up to a mile from the site. Plutonium and uranium and all their decay products are scattered about by this. Other radionuclides are found with strontium-90 reported today. It has been admitted that TEPCO and the IAEA withhold information they share among themselves from daily radionuclide assessment.
The nuclear fuel may well be melting and pooling. Several claims have been made that there is flow. Reactor #2 is not fully being cooled by water since its containment pressure is open to the atmosphere and its temperature is 300 degrees F. The radio-actives are being swept out by the cooling water. The evacuation area should probably be extended either as a radius, or as fingers inclusive of hot-spots.
There are nuclear reactions as well. One is the mystery of chlorine-38. Chlorine-37 is in the sea-water used for initial cooling. It would have to absorb a neutron to become chlorine-38. Neutrons can only come from a neutron-exchange or chain-reaction or criticality among the fuel elements in this case. So its existence implies parts of a core are still intermittently firing-up. Other nuclides support this. Iodine 131 continues to keep pace with cesium
in the #4 spent fuel pool. Its half-life is 8 days. It is made the reactor is running. This implies that parts of the fuel-pool load is firing-up, too.
The water is not being poured on the outside of the containment vessels. It is being run into them. It evaporates and is replaced, "feed-and-bleed", or it runs out. Ocean water was use in the beginning. A huge quantity of salt accumulated on the reactor fuel and control elements. "Pure" water was flowed in to try and dissolve the tons and tons of salt. The pressurized containment vessel of reactor #2 has a hole in the bottom of it. The water pours through, inadequately cools the #2 core, and carries away elements of its damaged fuel load. This is the intensely radioactive water that is stopping work. The water is fed in by fire-hoses attached to what remains of the plumbing plant. The pumper is trying to fill the spent fuel storage pools. The pools are cracked. The floor of #4 needs to be shored-up. Water was running through the containment vessels for a moment on emergency power. The earthquake cut the power to the plant. The tsunami wiped-away the generators, effectively. The tsunami destroyed the access roads leading to the facility. Action was delayed. All of the waters that flow through broken pools and vessels are collecting in the basements and service tunnels. The facility is slowly drowning. Radio-actives are streaming into the ground water.
There was a means to vent hydrogen gas to the outside of the
buildings. It was even, perhaps, hardened*. Some cascade of failures allowed the units to explode one-by-one. One heck of a demo that each of the four unique embodiments of the this particular nuclear fission power generating means was prone to unattractive failure modes.
There are simple, gravity-fed emergency cooling systems that were developed later for other designs. Quite different reactor proposals carry the fuel in the cooling media: it can be shunted into quenching storage.
The lessons will be lost in folly is my sad experience... In the Savanna-river plutonium processing facility there was a HEPA filter installation for plutonium dust that developed too much back-pressure and set off an annoying alarm. Now the official procedure is to replace the element. The unofficial remedy is to punch a broom-handle through it a bunch of times and get back to work.
Google's cache:
CDC's copy (down?)
*Each unit is unique. I do not know what level of engineering update was in place in each one:
Bill Hannahan repaired a link, below, to another NEI document. This one implies that there was no hydrogen venting means in the Japanese facilities.
I was going to say the same thing.
pouring large amounts of cool water on the outside of the containment vessel is a fairly effective method of cooling a reactor. I never would have guessed this, but, basically, as far as I understand it soaking the outside of the pressure vessels, first with high powered fire hoses, and later with concrete pumper trucks was what prevented massive fires and brought the site to a reasonably stable situation
Water is being injected into reactor pressure vessels with hoses attached to external fire extinguisher connection. None of the primary cooling systems are functional. No repairs have been attempted. Water leaks out as fast as it's being pumped in, because the pressure vessels are cracked. Fair to assume that melted corium spilled into the reactor basements. Spent fuel pools in #2 and #3 are inacessible. Fuel cladding at Fukushima is burning less intensely than Chernobyl but continually for over a month.
What part of this mess is under control?
Thanks for the clarifications on the cooling method. To summarize: put non-radioactive water in through the emergency fire control system and boil some of it off as radioactive steam while collecting the rest as radioactive water. The corollary is that the collected water will eventually be dumped into the ocean at some later date when storage is full (of course on an emergency basis). It would probably be better to either recycle the cooling water through the fire control system or to set up a system of reservoirs on site to let the radioactivity cool down before dumping the water into the ocean. Either method should be feasible. I don't see any evidence of either being implemented. It is possible that if they had implemented water storage capability near the reactor, that they could have gotten some cooling water into the reactor more quickly than they did.
It is more robust to run fire hoses from a pond to a pump brought in on an emergency basis and then into the reactor than to wait for electric power to be restored.
I got the impression that spraying water on the reactors was used when it looked like temperatures in the reactors were increasing rapidly. I realize now that the soaking was used in conjunction with water injection. The combination seemed to bring the reaction under control -- after a fashion. Under control, in the sense that there wasn't a fire that vaporized and spread long half-life, radioactive ash far and wide (as happened at Chernobyl).
I tend to view the classification of the site being control as a relative matter. They seem to have dealt with the most acute problem described above, but the default case is now that they have to keep doing what they are doing until the radiation produced by the damaged reactors dies down. There are a number of things that I am not seeing:
- wide spectrum testing for the longer life isotopes: strontium, plutonium, etc. I am not sure if this lack is due to incompetence or deliberate avoidance of responsibility
- clearing of rubble from around the reactors. It seems to me that they could be using remote controlled equipment to clear paths into the reactors. This is a necessary step in identifying where the leaks are and assessing how serious they are. It is also a necessary step in gaining access to the spent fuel to move it to intact water tanks. Perhaps this is more difficult than it seems. Perhaps they don't really want to know how bad it is in order to avoid responsibility.
- steps to handle cooling water more safely. I don't really think that storing the water until storage is full and then dumping it is acceptable. They either need a plan to handle the water so that radioactivity has dropped before they dump it or to recycle the water.
This list could easily go on. It likely that someone is making a complete list. Likely, isn't good enough. They should make it public.
There is a profound lack of news on the radio and television.
Filters are being brought in so the cooling water can be reused -or- treated and released/removed. It will be a month before they are in service.
Sea water was used in the first emergency cooling efforts. The "steam condenser" vessels in the buildings also hold lots of water. They have been used for storage of the highly radionuclide-loaded water ("highly" as opposed to the merely "contaminated", which was dumped into the ocean). Other tanks have been brought in including a re-purposed floating entertainment island.
The lack of public information turns any understanding of the spread of radioisotopes into a guessing game. The fact enforced at gunpoint is that the "Exclusion Zone" is the same size as in Chernobyl.
Remote-controlled construction equipment has been brought in to address clearing the grounds. Radioactive pieces of ejected fuel-rod were bulldozed earlier to clear a path between the buildings. Other, smaller remote-controlled sensor-manipulator platforms have had a look inside. Small flying cameras have done surveys. None of this equipment was purpose-built. At Chernobyl, the local, intense radiations from ejected core components killed the "robots". People were sent in. Their nerves would dream a taste of metal. Some would sit down and sneeze blood.
It is projected to take many months to reach a stable state, a "cold shutdown", with nothing reacting anymore, just heating through radionuclide decay. The removal is hoped to take only tens of years.
Three Mile Island, TMI, 30 years ago, never was decommissioned.
It took over 20 years just to get the fuel out of it.
The fuel and debris are in "temporary storage" with no means of permanent storage available.
25 years later, Chernobyl needs a new on-site casket built over the old, crumbling one. Only $670,000,000 has been raised.
Pumps are pretty well understood.
As I commented before we should be watching for how the Japanese handle power shortages:
Tepco Expects Summer Power Shortage After March Earthquake
Tokyo Electric Power Co. expects electricity demand to exceed output by as much as 4.3 million kilowatts this summer after the March 11 earthquake shut some of its plants.
We could learn valuable lessons.
Escalators turned off
Consumers reading instructions
At famous cherry-blossom viewing (hanami) spots across the country, signs have sprouted asking for people to keep hanami blossom viewing parties to the daylight hours, following electricity shortages in the wake of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11.
Saving Electricity In A Hurry-Tokyo Has Done It Before And Can Do It Again
Not long ago, Japan faced a major power crisis. In September 2002, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) was forced to shut down 17 nuclear power plants for emergency safety inspections.
How Tokyo successfully found ways to conserve electricity and avoid blackouts for months even without 17 nuclear plants is related in the book Saving Electricity in a Hurry, published by the International Energy Agency (IEA).
The book was researched and written by Alan Meier, a scientist in the Environmental Energy Technologies Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, while he was on leave as a senior advisor at the IEA. One of the other ten "vignettes" examines how California coped with its electricity crisis of 2000-2001.
Japanese meltdown highlights energy dilemma as peak oil enters hot phase
45 minutes ago in Drumbeat there was a thread with comments about the reactor shutdown in Georgia. Now it has vanished. What is that about?
You might want to inquire in the Drumbeat thread. Leanan, who posts Drumbeats, moderates there.
Could the thread you refer to be in the April 20 thread rather than the April 22 thread? If you click on the April 22 thread, a link to the most previous thread will appear at the top.
You can also use the search field at upper left.
I too was following a 'Drumbeat' a while back and wondered where it all went--only the most current post is on the TOD home page. As soon as a new 'Drumbeat' is posted the previous one goes to join its other older kin. When following open thread I find it easiest just to click the 'Drumbeat' button at the top of the TOD home page. All the recent 'Drumbeat' posts, which includes every currently active one, come right up on a single page. Leanan runs a pretty shipshape operation.
Over the years, U.S plants have been upgraded with modifications that would have minimized or eliminated the release of fission products from the plants in Japan.
The claims that these kinds of events were beyond our understanding are false. Clearly they were considered and addressed over the years.
If we predict the performance of other technologies, automobiles, airliners, fossil, wind and solar energy systems, by their state of the art in 1965, we will get nonsensical, useless, inaccurate results.
What is the risk (probability times consequences) of Gen III reactor designs proposed for the future; designs with core catchers and passive safety systems that can contain a full meltdown? How do these risks compare to the continued use of fossil fuel or dependence on intermittent unreliable undispatchable sources of energy?
Well, OTOH, if we were still operating 1965 automobiles, with random patches and fixes applied over the years...
Don't know. And neither do you.
Have the designers/sponsors/wannabe operators run a few full-size prototypes for complete life-cycles, unsubsidized and with full liability exposure, and get back to us with the results.
*How do these risks compare to the continued use of fossil fuel or dependence on intermittent unreliable undispatchable sources of energy?*
End the no legal liability status of nuclear power and I'd be willing to listen.
IMHO - and it really is humble - we have so far as a species not put in place a reliable over time and environmentally secure method of large scale power production.
Amen. For starters.
Pavel, if a jumbo jet with a full load of fuel crashes into a crowded sports stadium it could kill over 30,000 people. Are the airlines insured for that accident?
If you fall asleep at the wheel and run a school bus off a mountain road you could kill a hundred children. Are you insured for that?
If a wind/solar powered grid ices up in a sever winter cold wave thousands could die in their homes; who will pay off that loss?
What industry has as much coverage as nuclear power?
Thank you.
This liability conversation is a huge red herring.
Car insurance policies have a maximum they will pay out. For example, let's say the limit is $300,000 and the accident results in death of an orthopedic surgeon with income of $1 million/year. Liability includes lost wages so lost wages for that surgeon would be far higher than is covered by policy.
I don't have flood insurance on my home and I'm 1/2 mile from a river that goes to Atlantic Ocean 30 miles upstream. If a hurricane raises water level and puts my house in ocean I am not covered by my current insurance policy.
Many. And anyway you are comparing apple and oranges here. Your question should be:
What kind of industry has such HAZARD and LIABILITY as nuclear power?
Your attempt at comparing a airline crash scenario with maximal fatalities fails completely when we look at just what has been the estimated cost of the Fukushima incident so far: hundreds of Billions USD. And this is just compensation claims that Merill Lynch expects them to be liable for!
Every airline accident in history has been paid for in full by the airline itself, to the limit of the airline going out of business. Because the limits for liability you refer to are what the insurance companies limit their liability to - not for industry itself. The industry's liability is determined in the courts and can be found to be unlimited. Except for the nuclear industry. No other industry shareholder has the backing of the government in protecting them against unlimited claims from such a huge liability.
Can you provide us with estimate what is the value of 20km permanent exclusion zone around Fukushima and the loss of lively-hood and property for its residents - for half a century or more? And how about further areas that might have received high fallout - rendering them unlivable for years, decades?
The Price Anderson Act you refer to is a total farce when it comes to premiums paid and coverage provided (10 billion). The average annual premium for a single-unit reactor site is mere 400,000 USD and a mere 200 million has been paid so far (1997-2005) to the US insurance pool (source: your link).
A major airline pays over 10,000,000 USD in premiums per annum! And many have fleet values in excess of 5 billion - ie. they are able to pay any scenario you can imagine by themselves. And the industry wide coverage provided runs in billions more.
In reality airlines are one of most strictly regulated industries and regulations are enforced frequently with huge penalties: those who fail to comply often loose their license and go out of business. How many nuclear utilities have lost their license for negligence? The nuclear industry is the model example for regulatory capture.
An accident with fatalities for a passenger airline is a disaster that will most likely put it out of business. The more spectacular, the larger the consequences. Concorde ceased to fly even when it was not their fault. It was just bad image. And the whole industry lost an enormous amount of business in the years after 911 - bankrupting many airlines and forcing others to merge.
An airline industry is not a good comparison if you want to find an example of rampant disregard to safety with no consequences to their shareholders - like the nuclear industry has.
And anyway, you can make all the attempts at comparison to car crashes or people choking on their food, whatever - there is no industry on this earth that can render land we live on unusable for decades to come in that scale - and even if they handed over all their assets lock stock and barrel to the public as compensation, they would not be able to make up the damage caused.
That it the point people make when they refer to the insurance issue.
- Ransu
Big power utilities like TEPCO have deep pockets, so they are self-insured against catastrophic loss just like airlines. Howover, monopoly power utilities are licensed and implicitly backed by the government. Nuclear power is public policy and Too Big To Fail. Shareholders and bondholders might be wiped out, but no one is going to decommission anything. Bury it like Chernobyl, sure. Investigate, review, revise, extend and pretend, lessons learned.
Not only has no nuke plant operator ever gone out of business (that I know of anyway) due to a liability issue, but the NRC (the so-called "Regulatory" commission which should be called the "Enabling" Commission imho) has afaik never denied a permit to any plant -- not for first operation, not for lifetime extension, not for anything. If you google for "NRC permit denied" nothing much comes up. (I welcome counter-examples... please. I would feel much better if I knew the NRC had firmly denied a permit to someone, somewhere, at some time.)
What I mean is... If you had a cop on the beat who had never issued a ticket or citation to anyone, ever, not in a professional lifetime -- would you think that the population was remarkably law-abiding and morally upright, or that the cop was (a) lazy or (b) bent?
I suspect that the startling "diplomatic immunity" of the nuke industry (the "favourite son" status it seems to enjoy even compared to other TBTF pseudo-nationalised industries like the airlines as Ransu pointed out) derives from its intimate relationship with the nuclear weapons sector. Its research arm is deeply intertwined with the national nuke weapons labs (Los Alamos, Sandia, LLNL etc) and there is much crossover (as with airlines actually) with personnel trained on military equipment. The sheer lethality of the technology breeds a workplace culture of secrecy and quasi-militarism, rigid procedures, strict authority, and strong caste distinctions between elite credentialled experts and lowly workers (and even more lowly laypeople/civilians). The two threads -- the war industry connection and the technomanagerial rigidity and elitism -- together perpetuate an authoritarian organisational model with poor accountability and high opacity (both willful, as in secrecy and lying, and inevitable, as in the technology being too complicated for most people to understand).
The sense of superiority experienced by the "insiders" (sometimes reflected in a condescending or berating tone from nuke advocates in public discussion) is imho just human nature -- all trades have their own inner culture, and people apprenticed to those trades acquire mastery over time and become proud of, invested in, and loyal to that culture. The insider-buzz, that tribal warm-fuzzy feeling of belonging to a guild or elite club, is undeniable and highly satisfying. But it is dangerous in the case where that guild wields disaster-scale power... as in a military junta capable of taking over a country by force, a GMO lab playing with self-replicating novelty DNA, or a nuclear establishment capable of killing millions by incompetence, corner-cutting, or just plain recklessness (and then covering up for each other like bent cops, out of guild loyalty plus self-interest plus arrogance). Where disaster-scale power is involved, glasnost and public process (and rigorous accountability) are essential. Otherwise membership in the guild amounts to a literal "license to kill".
Corporations generally are striving for diplomatic immunity (of course they are, it represents a huge business advantage) -- very few have ever actually faced a death penalty or life imprisonment, as an individual might, for murder (even mass murder). The nuke industry, thanks to its cosy relationship with the military, seems to have attained dip status already. It doesn't have to turn a profit (ever) and it doesn't have to clean up its mess and it doesn't have to cover the full liability of the risks it imposes. The taxpayer will pick up the tab.
IMHO -- just as the Japanese have outlawed profit-taking in medical care because of the huge conflict of interest and corruption implied -- profit-taking in lethal technologies should be illegal. Any sufficiently lethal technology should and must be managed democratically and openly, not secretly and with high motivation (large profits) to cut corners, lie, cheat, etc. If a whole society wants to take the risk of nuclear power generation (and demonstrates this will by plebiscite) then the management, construction, safety standards, etc. of those plants should be wholly open to view, basic literacy in the technology should be required curriculum in all schools, and the public should pay the true cost per KW of the power generated (including a disaster-mitigation fund) without either subsidies or gouging.
This article by G McCormack outlines (sketchily) the history of the nuclear industry in Japan, the undemocratic ways in which it was promoted and established, and the staggering costs involved.
Stepping back to more general principles:
A commenter up-thread said that as a culture we had failed so far to find any safe method of large-scale centralised energy generation. I would suggest that this failure is axiomatic :-) A review of flourishing biotic systems suggests that distributed "smart" small-scale energy generation is far more robust and longer-lived than highly concentrated, centralised systems. I am beginning to suspect that distribution/diversity/peer-networking beats centralisation every time over the long haul. If this is true then highly lethal technologies (I include here mined fossil energy and nuclear in the same category, though nuclear seems even more lethal) are unlikely to succeed in the long haul because their lethality requires expert, elite management... which encourages centralisation (for efficiency and risk control)... which in turn encourages massive concentration of the toxicity or risk (as with CAFO manure lagoons)... which again encourages authoritarianism and secrecy... which creates a workplace culture of immunity, ripe for malfeasance... which leads to operational decay and increased risk, etc. Or, differently phrased: highly dangerous/toxic energy generation cannot be safely ubiquitised and democratised because it constitutes a WMD in its own right. Less toxic/risky energy generation would immediately be ubiquitised because of the savings in transmission costs and the absence of strong motive to centralise (other than the Enclosure motive of profit-takers wanting to capture the technology and extort tribute from the populace). So I predict that if we do find a safe (nontoxic) method of energy generation it will not be centralised, and that if we continue to use highly toxic technologies the dysfunctions of extreme centralisation will continue to exacerbate their risks.
The NRC is not a promoter of nuclear power. Ever hear of WPPS. They never deny because any reactor that will not make the cut is run out of business before the reactor is completed.
As far as price Andersen gos there are costs to the industry that come while they are operating. as seen in the BP gulf accident liability can take many forms many of which would not be covered by price Andersen. if negligence were established.
3. More batteries in event of station blackout – 1988
Do you have a full listing of the battery backup capability for all US reactors in event of an SBO?
The section below comes from a piece titled Nuclear "Station Blackout" by David Lochbaum.
In light of Fukushima and because so much decay heat is produced in the first 24 hours I feel reguiring robust battery backup that would last a full 24 hours would be a prudent and relatively cheap safety measure to quickly implement.
Much beyond that time frame the heat sink capacity of the emergency cooling system on the older reactors has become saturated so other cooling systems would have to be brought on line. A full day does give a far better window for bringing emergency equipment to a trashed reactor site than the 4 hours emergency cooling battery run time some US reactors currently have.
My impression is that the batteries do not even operate the regular cooling pumps, or any pumps at all. The batteries are used to operate values in the RCIC
Luke, I do not have a listing of battery capacity. Huge batteries have their own maintenance and reliability issues.
My preference would be more diverse sources of energy including steam turbines and jet turbines, similar to APU’s on jumbo jets. They would be installed at different locations and elevations around the plant, to eliminate common mode failure.
A high mounted APU in a shielded room powering a compressed air driven cooling water injection pump would not be dependent on the plant electrical power and could be made very resistant to flooding, fire, emp etc.
Much more importantly, when the Concord crashed after a tire failure, Continental got the blame for an improper repair resulting in debris on the runway. My thought is that designing a plane that cannot survive a tire failure is poor engineering.
Containment of a full meltdown without active safety systems should be a design basis accident. Then the reliability of core protection systems becomes an economic analysis, not a public safety analysis. In the long run that could make plants safer, cheaper and easier to build.
Containment of a full meltdown without active safety systems should be a design basis accident
Agreed but we have a great many old designs in operation now that do need active safety systems. Those are the beasts I'm refering to. Yes big batteries have issues, but I don't think we are talking really big batteries, at least for BWRs, as the batteries only power valves and the critical electrical control components. The low pressure injection pumps are run by small steam turbines (the steam is generated by the decay heat in the RPV) that take a syphon on the suppression pool to provide emergency core cooling. The heat sink capacity of that system is pretty well saturated in a day--it would seem very prudent to have battery power on hand that could allow it to run that full day. I believe the decay heat drops from something like 7% of what is produced at full power one hour after SCRAM to around 0.5% twenty-four hours after SCRAM.
The other emergency power systems you suggest should be connected as well. I'm just trying to buy one full day time to get a bigger cooling circulation system operating in an extended SBO scenario. After all we are talking belt and suspenders and then some...
Right Luke. An obvious mod would be to add an alternator to the backup steam turbine shaft to keep the batteries fully charged while the turbine runs.
Another mod would be to have a last resort backup source of feedwater directly from the ocean. The first choice would be to refill the condensate storage tank with fresh water. If that is not possible and the water in the torus heats up to the maximum allowed for sufficient turbine pump suction head, seawater would be mixed with torus water to maintain adequate temperature limits.
The feedwater flow rate would be set to exceed the steaming rate, perkaps a factor of two higher. That excess flow would be bled off back to the sea carrying all the salt content, preventing salt buildup.
With these two mods the system could run continuously with no other source of power or water.
The steam turbine works well as long as the primary system is intact and maintains pressure. Diverse power sources like the APU are required to run pumps when the primary system is ruptured.
For reactors of this size, the minimum pumping power for a depressurized system with an intact vessel could be as low as 20 hp. But plant operators like to keep a lot of systems running, lights, instruments, HVAC etc. With a ruptured vessel you would want to spray the core with a much higher flow rate. So the realistic power requirements are a lot higher. That makes for a large battery room. It probably can be done, but fuel oil has a much higher energy density.
The steam turbine works well as long as the primary system is intact and maintains pressure. Diverse power sources like the APU are required to run pumps when the primary system is ruptured.
In the case of Fukushima Daiichi I'm guessing you are calling the crack in the spent fuel pools a primary system rupture--to the best of my knowlegde no RPVs or torus ruptured before battery power was lost and the the emergency cooling failed. Or are you talking of other possible failure modes that Japan wasn't dealing with but must be prepared for?
But plant operators like to keep a lot of systems running, lights, instruments, HVAC etc.
I'm sure they do but the system should be designed much like a human body with key core components being able to hijack all available power in a 'critical' situation. The alternator powered by the steam turbine is so simple a backup it was very likely overlooked, or if ever suggested maybe considered superfluous with those big diesels standing by. One thing certain--new eyes need to be looking at the emergency cooling and containment designs of the entire reactor fleet--what are the odds of that happening?
No, I am referring to the reactor vessel and associated piping out to the safety isolation valves. The spent fuel pool is open, not pressurized.
Yes. If the primary system cannot hold pressure you need another source of power. If the leak is below the top of the fuel you need a high flow spray to keep the fuel rods wet. That would take a lot of battery power in 24 hrs.
Designing the containment to contain and resolidify a full meltdown with passive systems makes the core protection design an economic decision, not a human safety decision.
1:1 particularly in regard to spent fuel pool security. I mentioned in another comment that spent fuel can be air cooled by natural convection less than 10 days after shutdown. This highlights the possibility of building dry storage facilities cooled by passive convection that would be much cheaper per assembly than dry cask storage, and safer than densely packed wet pools.
good odds!
I can not find the article you've linked to:
-->"" is how the address reads.
Looked on Google and on the nei site. Closest I find is:
Do you have the link?
KD, sorry about the bad link, try;
Thank you!
The wording implies there was no hydrogen venting means in the Japan facilities. I will update my reply to poobserv to reflect this possibility.
Which of these six are you saying would have made any difference at Fukushima?
Fukushima had 13 diesel generators. Go for 14?
US batteries are expected to last four hours.
But the real question is - Which of those upgrades would help a plant with wiring that runs through utility tunnels filled with ocean water?
The obvious ones are the first three.
Portable generator and water pump, if stored on high ground, would allow supplying of water to the reactors and spent fuel pools prior to fuel damage.
The containment vent would have allowed operators to maintain containment pressure at a reasonable level, preventing H2 leakage into the buildings.
The post just down the page a ways says
That's close to your suggestion on the generator.
Did you have specific thoughts about how the extra batteries would have worked at Fukushima? What units and what devices the batteries would have powered? I don't think the batteries power any pumps. Actually, I don't think that we know that the grid was down. Daini, down the road, was getting power from the Fukushima substation that evening. But I have said that before.
And then, what would happen if the portable generator and pumps were stored in the basement - next to the electrical panels?
What do those tall stacks vent? I am a little behind on some details.
Here is a training manual for a GE BWR reactor:
Here is a guide to the Fukushima reactors:
The stacks:
Includes a video
"They’re called “stacks.” Like a smokestack, except it’s not smoke that goes up them, but radioactive gasses. They’re there for a purpose. They were there because engineers believed that you could vent the nuclear radiation after an accident up a stack and get better dispersion."
They are not part of the hydrogen venting means for the Pressurized
Containment Vessel surrounding the core proper. The are for ventilating the containment structure that surrounds the PCV. They need power to function.
So, "negative function":
Yair...can anyone explain how the turbines on these reactors are serviced if the steam that drives them passes throught the core...that is to say...I had always assumed the turbine steam was heated by a heat exchanger system and would not be radio active.
Is there something I am missing?
They use very pure water, ISTR isotopicaly pure as well. Doesn't pick up any bad radiation in normal use and any residual clears very quickly, sorry can't remember just how fast but fast enough not to be an issue.
A Boiling Water Reactor has no heat exchanger. The water flows around the rods and steam is drawn off to the turbines.
"Because the water around the core of a reactor is always contaminated with traces of radionuclides, the turbine must be shielded during normal operation, and radiological protection must be provided during maintenance. The increased cost related to operation and maintenance of a BWR tends to balance the savings due to the simpler design and greater thermal efficiency of a BWR when compared with a PWR. Most of the radioactivity in the water is very short-lived (mostly N-16, with a 7-second half-life), so the turbine hall can be entered soon after the reactor is shut down."
The reactor at Fukushima are BWRs. Here is a training manual for a similar piece:
A Pressurized Water Reactor does have a heat-exchanger:
(Much fun has been poked at the little animated drawing showing the power traveling THROUGH the insulators and OUT the ground lines on top of the transmission-line tower and to the house. It is from a government site.)
Yair...thanks for the replys fellers that's had me baffled for a while.
Commentary: The Finnish Nuclear Authority is very much pro-nuclear as most regulatorily captured institutions are of their own industries. However they have always viewed Chernobyl as "bad press" for their nuclear cause and have recently taken a very critical view of the Fukushima incident, wanting to distance themselves from what they see as unprofessional and shoddy work that has been done with the emergency recovery operation there.
I was with a bunch of guys who were waching a couple of friends adjust the backlash on a limited slip differential for a racing car a couple nights ago (I know, I know but, they don't want to hear it). So, one of the guys is a mechinical engineer who has worked with a lot of really heavy equipment (electricity utility, mining/quarying) and said that part of his training involved working at a nuclear power plant in th UK. When the topic of Fukushima came up, he claimed that the Japanese did not handle the situation well. He also disputed my claim that the biggest problem was the swamping of the diesel powered backup generators.
His point was that, if the motors ingested water while they were running, the worst that would happen is damaged connecting rods and or valves in one or two cylinders. That is, the first cylinder to ingest water is going to break somthing but, it would probably stop the motor dead. If they are four cylinder units which is highly unlikely, that would mean 25 to 50 percent of the cylinders would need parts to carry out repairs but, as cylinder counts go up, the fraction of cylinders rendered inoperable goes down eg. 1 or 2 of 8 leaves you with 6 or 7 servicable cylinders. His solution, take off the cylinder heads drain out the water, remove the damaged parts (connecting rods, pistons, valves),re-assemble the motor and re-start them with one or two cylinders inoperable albeit at reduced power output.
Apparently he has done it many times when a critical piece of equipment has lost the functionality in one cylinder of it's diesel motor, for whatever reason, at installations where he has worked. I guess in third world, tropical islands, if your depending on just in time delivery to keep your operation going, you're just out of luck. Here standards are lower and if you can keep a half busted unit running for days, weeks or months untill the parts or a new/replacement unit arrives, that's better than nothing at all.
Was the possibility of returning the swamped backup generators into service by any means neccesary even considered at Fukishima? Of course this woulds mean having a team of competent heavy duty diesel mechanics available as well some portable cranes to lift the cylinder heads etc. It just seems to me that in this case the typical first world, developed country idea that machinery has to work perfectly or not at all (all or nothing) may have eliminated attempting a solution that may have made the situation less bad. A case of the perfect being the enemy of the good.
I don't have any idea of whether anything like this would havebe possible but, the guy who suggested it seems to have assumed that there were no circumstances that would made such a repair impossible. He said the bigger problem was the flooding of critical control infrastructure (panels, switches, relays etc.). Was he way off base?
Alan from the islands
Time and again this has come up with the situation in Fukushima: people, experts, engineers, hackers and hams are all wondering why didn't they do this or that thing: have plans, procedures, people, equipment, systems - in place or acquired immediately to meet this and that need. As they said in some film "Don't second guess an operation from a f*king armchair"...
Well, I admit being guilty of this as well, having commented here about robots and stuff - being a 'solution-oriented' engineer as well as a ham myself - but I also work for a government bureaucracy and an institution that is very specific about procedure (military aviation). Nothing gets done if you haven't got a procedure for it. Or, wouldn't get done if we didn't have experienced veteran people in place who are able and willing to use their initiative when the need arises (and fortunately we still have a few around).
However with Fukushima there is also two further obstacles in place: the Japanese culture, and corporate culture. Neither of which helps in this situation. The Japanese are amazingly strict about procedure, custom and status in the organization. And corporate culture there just compounds this: in the end its not a question of technology or resources but about how humans function and their attitudes in the organization.
Reminds me of "human factors"-training or modern concepts in leadership which have been the key tools in our organization to enable people to work with complex systems (from operating or maintaining an aircraft to leading a squad or a military command). From what I understand, having visited Japan only a few times: all of these ideas pretty much fly in the face of what Japanese cultural thinking and especially corporate culture are. The Japanese proverb "The nail that sticks up will be hammered down" is a very dangerous attitude if you have to work together in complex, new situation, where you have to be creative about possible solutions, assertive in voicing them and criticize current policy and procedure which might not be appropriate at all.
So I wouldn't be all that surprised if 1. they didn't even have a plan, other than periodic outsourced maintenance for the generators, for such an emergency repair. They had multiple redundancy in the units they operated. They did not believe they would loose all of them and the grid at the same time. 2. even if they did have the tools and cranes in place for the maintenance procedure, someone relatively high-up would have to be knowledgeable enough to check the damage, evaluate it, and give the right orders - to people who might not have any procedure to follow, or training to follow any if they did. 3. Most likely though, my belief is, even if they were able to repair any flooding and mechanical damage for the engine itself to turn - the sea water flooding the generator, racks of electronics, switching gear, everything - everything would need to be replaced - most of which wasn't designed or constructed for any kind of emergency repair - they would have to be completely rebuilt. The reactor buildings exploded soon after and I don't think they'll be able to do any major repairs or rebuilding around the site if the contamination gets too high...
- Ransu
*So I wouldn't be all that surprised if 1. they didn't even have a plan*,
From what I'm hearing they had a plan which wasn't entirely relevant to the situation they were facing, but they were so inflexible as to attempt to follow it anyway.
I'm also hearing that the first two weeks were critical, and they blew it.
I found a little information that points to pump and electronics damage along with generator damage.
The M. Ragheb, 4/17/2011, (PDF) report Blackout Accident includes Figure 20 showing blueprint of reactor and turbine building with elevation markings. Caption mentions components below grade level, including pumps and electrical components, were damaged by tsunami. Also, the report states:
Figure 20 shows a "typical BWR" reactor. I doubt the elevations shown are applicable to the Fukushima plant with any specificity.
I also see that Figure 29 purports to show steam leaking from the containment structure before one of the H2 explosions. It should be obvious to even a casual observer that that photo does NOT show any of the containment buildings at Fukushima Dai-ichi.
When I see glaring mistakes, such as Figure 29, it tends to make me discount anything else the report has to say (even if it otherwise contains accurate information).
This is an interesting observation, and goes to the heart of why things happened the way they did. Since the end of WWII, the U.S. has had a huge influence over Japan, extending into Japan's adoption of nuclear power in the first place, and the U.S./GE BWR technology in particular. While other nations have used different reactor designs, the Canadian heavy water CANDU being one alternative, it seems that Japan was destined to adopt a U.S. design. But the U.S. designs grew out of a U.S. culture which tends to have a high risk, high stakes, go-for-it mentality. The flip side is that during a crisis or emergency, everyone who can help just automatically scrambles to do whatever needs to be done and forget the protocols.
So while not to in any way minimize the magnitude of the disaster that Japan had to cope with, or to necessarily suggest that the U.S. would have handled things better, I wonder if on some level there has been an underlying incompatibility between the Japanese culture and approach to doing things, and the nature of the technology that has been more or less dropped into their laps by the U.S.
I agree with many things you say. But I don't agree with associations you are making.
The reason I agree is because Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville wrote a great book in 1831 called "Democracy in America" that mentions the "go-for-it" paradigm of Americans.
The reason I disagree is the difference between national health care in the US versus national health care in Japan. The US is remarkably more socialist regarding health care than Japan.
The point I would make is that health care is an example where Japan did great research to find the best possible solution and chose a much better solution not used in America.
That's not true. Unlike the US, Japan actually has a national healthcare system, although it allocates a larger share of costs directly to the patient than the typical western European system.
The subject is off-topic so I don't want to go into it too much. On the other hand, I initiated the topic. LOL...
The two aspects to review are provider of medical service and payer of medical service. The provider is usually a doctor and the payer is usually an insurance company. The socialism question is who pays the provider and who pays the payer. If it is the government, it is socialism.
In Japan, government doesn't pay either so it is non-socialist.
In US, there are multiple systems. Some are socialist and some are not and some are in between. VA is 100% socialist! I'll leave it to others to figure out whether Medicare, Medicaid or indigent care is 0, 50, or 100%. Care for working folks are mostly private-private and are 0% socialist and resemble Japan.
I didn't mention Europe and I don't understand why you added that to conversation. Uk, Germany, Sweden and many others are in Europe but have different health care sytems. UK is very socialist and Germany is in between. I think Sweden has a mixin like the US.
You're right, it's off-topic. So, let''s leave it here:
Thanks, I agree and no more comments from I...
I think this is it, too!
And that means that the talk about losing the grid is unnecessary, and I think not even true. Daini, the other nuke plant seven miles down the road, was connected to the grid by midnight. They couldn't get Daiichi powered up for a week. Why? Not because they could not get power to the site. They trucked in generators. They could not get the power to the pumps.
Yair...Allen, I know where you are coming from and feel I am qualified to comment on this. I ran a diesel powerhouse for many years and have modified a V8 two stroke Jimmy to run on six cylinders to get a fishing trawler home.
While in theory it is possible to "bodgy up" a repair such as you describe I imagine it would be difficult on a modern electronic diesel.
Also, when they "put a leg out of bed" engines can bust the side out of the block and wreck the sump...difficult to maintain lubrication under those circumstances.
TEPCO has announced plans to build a 50 foot seawall to protect Kashiwazaki Kariwa plant NW of Tokyo. Four units at site are currently operating and TEPCO seeks approval to restart 3 currently idle units to make up for lost power.
Tepco to Build Wall
Amazing, 4 hours with no reply.
C'mon, anti-nuclear folks, if you think a 50 foot wall is ridiculous, explain why it's impossible to know how high to build a seawall.
C'mon, pro-nuclear folks, if you think a a 50 foot wall is ridulouus, explain why it's a waste of money.
Personally, I'm pro-industry and pro-safety so it sounds like a great idea to me.
Seawall is needed firstly and urgently at Fukushima Daiichi to seal off the discharge and halt radioactive contamination of the ocean.
C'mon Avon,
The question is about Kashiwazaki Kariwa!
I hope what has been learned from Fukushima will change answer to question regarding Kashiwazaki versus how question would have been answered 2 months ago.
Do you feel Kashiwazaki Kariwa is irrelevant?
Alright, I'll bite, why 50 feet? Why not 40 feet or 60 feet? Is it because that's what would have blocked the wave that flooded Daichi? What makes anyone think that a wave hitting from a different direction from a different Earthquake is going to be less than 50'?
From Wikipedia on tsunamis:
"On April 1, 1946, a magnitude-7.8 (Richter Scale) earthquake occurred near the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. It generated a tsunami which inundated Hilo on the island of Hawai'i with a 14 metres (46 ft) high surge. The area where the earthquake occurred is where the Pacific Ocean floor is subducting (or being pushed downwards) under Alaska."
So it only takes a 7.8 Earthquake to make a wave 46' tall. Still think 50' is enough?
I don't feel bitten...
Exactly, why 50 feet! I could only wish everyone asked that simple question. But I don't see it answered in the article we read.
The research you've done shows a 46' wave is reasonable and that is with a much less powerful earthquake than Japan has experienced.
I understand it'll be more expensive, but I would prefer to take the worst-case world-wide and design for it. And I'd think about doubling the design just to be safe. I'm not sure if doubling makes sense with earthquakes due to the logarithmic scale. What is double an 8.0 earthquake? I think it's just an 8.2 earthquake.
This is another example, as mentioned in my earlier post above that the industry just makes stuff real strong while fully aware that there is a likelihood of it failing and even though the industry publicly exclaims that everything is failsafe, they know it isn't. In this example, it is not economically possible to build a sea wall that will make the plant safe but they will build one that is pretty strong and call it safe; In my earlier post above we understand that primary containment isn't really a protection and the industry must know it. It is all a sham and this is every nuclear power plant not just these GE Mark I BWR jobs.
“The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences…”
—Winston Churchill, November 1936
By the way, I'm really surprised that no one has challenged me on any of the things I am saying, which is basically that there is no integrity in the process of engineering nuclear power plants.
Why 50'?
Because they had to pick a number, and 50' covers the worst tsunamis on record for Japan.
Could they build it bigger?
Maybe, but it would cost more and take more time to do so to cover the risk of an event that might never happen.
Would you insure an '86 Yugo hatchback for two million dollars in liability? You might hit a Ferrari Enzo with it, after all.
Probably cheaper and more effective to make sure everything that needs to be is watertight or moved above 50' or even higher. Maybe build a steel tower to carry a plant deck and built like a North Sea oil rig.
Also add dry risers to the pools with overspill collection. Nitrogen flood of any area that could collect hydrogen too.
Oke ...
Wouldn't that be just a lot of debris to hit the plant when the wall crumbles from an unforeseen 9 quake and an ensuiing 50 feet tidal ?
Perhaps it was a good thing that Daiichi was not situated behind those villages that got sweaped inland , grinding all and everything with cars , houses , poles , walls etc etc.
Maybe it was fortunate that Daiichi only had to withstand the water and not much else ...
Not to be rude, but you know they built Daiichi at the base of a cliff - at the bottom of a cliff? Actually dug out a little shelf for it to sit on.
Yeah , right at the waterfront , that's the point
Nuke insurance said too costly
Yup, when you can dump all your disaster costs on someone else, it sure is cheaper... for you.
And the argument is not about whether they should have insurance as I explained in above post.
No other industry has the potential to cause so much damage as to bankrupt a whole country. Nor is any other industry capable of excluding precious land area at the heart of our western civilization, making it unavailable for any use, for decades to come.
The hazard is too great for any responsible government to take. And Fukushima has yet again shown that the risk is not insignificant. And, most importantly, there are good off-the-shelf alternatives to nuclear power and the problem of energy is only a problem if we keep on insisting on status-quo on life-style.
This is not a case of devils bargain between nuclear and coal as many would like to frame the issue. And we can save a lot energy especially in the house-hold level (AC etc.) - and micro-generate and micro-store the rest. We can built smart super-grids to deal with the problems of intermittent energy sources. There are no technical reasons why we wouldn't - just strong political lobbies for the business interest - who play on the card of human intellectual laziness, crave for convenience and not having to change anything. A formidable card indeed.
- Ransu
Also Ransu, smart grids and distributed generation vastly change the model -- from one where a very powerful business interest can control an entire country's access to electricity (because they own and operate the central facilities) to one where communities or even households could generate their own power, individually or in co-operatives.
Enclosure and monopoly are sure pathways to big profits (extortion being so much more profitable than fair trading). So there will always be a strong lobby for gargantuan centralised energy, no matter how risky or inefficient it may be.
Some of us are old enough to remember when computing technology was gargantuan, cumbersome and centralised. The collapse of that centralised-computing model was astonishingly swift. The proponents of the centralised model, on the cusp of the change, utterly disbelieved that the "personal computer" had any future; they are now quoted with hoots of laughter. I hope I may live to see the collapse of the gargantuan, cumbersome centralised energy-generation model and hear hoots of laughter from the young folks when they read about the monumental energy projects of the last couple of generations. I suspect that any "efficiencies of scale" in high centralisation are offset by transmission line losses and the physical concentration of toxicity and risk (see my recent post on scale, concentration, glasnost etc) -- and I feel quite sure that efficiencies of scale are not worth the culture of secrecy, corruption, and arrogance that centralised control inevitably seems to breed.
No one other than sci-fi writers from the 50's seriously imagines household nuclear power. The technology is simply too damn lethal to hand out to the untrained and unregimented. However, it's quite easy to imagine passive solar on every rooftop, wind generators on every hilltop, super-insulated (and smaller) homes, and all the other commonsense ways of using less energy and generating more of it nontoxically. Even silly, unreliable, irrational, ordinary human beings -- meaning all of us -- can manage technology on this scale, and it's much safer that way (we've seen what happens when human unreliability, hubris, optimism, cliquishness, ego, greed, etc. are put in charge of high lethality).
And yes, I do know that we need an industrial base -- including "heat beat and treat" processes -- to make the bearings and armatures and so forth for the wind generators. But that industrial base seems to me a far more modest one than the huge support structure for building a nuke plant... just as the physical industrial plant to build bicycles for everyone is a far more modest target than the (impossible) goal of building SUVs for everyone. It's a matter not of "technology" vs "no technology" but of what scale and toxicity of technology is acceptable/appropriate/robust/maintainable.
Very Succinct and well-reasoned! Thanks, RA.
As you point out WRT appropriate levels of industry, it's great to remember that moderate approaches are out there and possible.
So many discussions about Renewable energy get dissed by the Big Energy crowd as one extreme.. 'So you want to go back to the Dark Ages' , and by the riled mega-doomers as 'You just want BAU-lite, which just kills us more slowly!'
In a time of Polarization, the compromisers and the moderates are the enemy of BOTH extremes. It's no mean feat to have Camels nosing in from both ends of your tent.. but as you show with smaller more homely approaches, you won't have to worry if your tent isn't big enough for even ONE camel!
What? A smart grid powered by unreliable undispatchable sources would need more transmission capacity and be more invasive than the existing system. The government will know when your fridge and air conditioner are running.
What laws prevent people from going off the grid now?
I do too, but what are you proposing as the energy equivalent to the microprocessor or LSI chip?
Dreaming of a future with non existing technology is OK, but plan and build for a future without it, just in case it does not get invented.
Then why isn’t somebody making a fortune producing briefcase sized cold fusion power plants or equivalent?
How much steel, concrete glass cadmium arsenic copper and aluminum will it take to make that vision real? Denmark has been pushing wind hard for 40 years and they make 10% of the electricity they consume with wind and export an equal amount because they cannot use it all when the wind is good.
The key to getting off fossil fuel is to invent better sources of energy and that requires a massive investment in R&D. it is the only spending program that would justify borrowing the money from China.
"Some of us are old enough to remember when computing technology was gargantuan, cumbersome and centralised. The collapse of that centralised-computing model was astonishingly swift."
And TPTB have been trying to get computing back into the glass house ever since, with cloud computing being the latest incarnation. Very bad trend IMHO.
RE: I suspect that any "efficiencies of scale" in high centralisation are offset by transmission line losses
The issue of transmission line losses has been covered already. 4%.
Until you're talking about being an end user who has to pay the connection charges for utility service, at which point the economic transmission costs to us might be a good bit more than 4%.
Huh? What was the question?
(and its 4%/1000km)
Yes, sorry, I changed terms fairly obliquely, but was simply going back into the fact that there are costs to centralized energy sources and dependence on transmission systems altogether. My bill has a very reasonable KWH price to it, until you mult. in the Service Charge/Connection Charge, however one wants to parse it.
To the little guy, it's not a question of %/1000km, but overall cost of service and reliability. This has been remarkably good for the Indus. West in our Salad Years.. but ask someone in Kathmandu or Baghdad if they'd feel better having even a few watts of their own electricity for getting through the interminable blackouts there. And Here, I suspect the Privileges of Membership will grow increasingly dear as we fall even a little bit down the slope. I think Grid-tied PV systems will be asked to bear the brunt for their connectivity, and like these proposed EV-taxes may end up being punished for having done the right thing. (In stabilizing 'citizen access to power', I mean.. as that assumption should be made pretty clear.)
So you were not concerned with transmission line losses; it was just a handy place to jump in. That's ok.
Siemens says 3%/1000km for HVDC, and 4%/1000km HVAC, above.
Well said ransu. Make sure not to missing watching this video on Chernobyl. Listen very carefully to what especially Gorbachov says. And a few others, about how there was and still is consistent lying about the dangers, the health damage, etc. Some of the words you hear in there are somewhat chilling when you realize much of the same deception and methods were used in the Fukushima aftermath. Ongoing, of course. Note the time frames. Note the vast numbers of dead that were hidden from public view, and the dying that are still sick today. Here's a recent UCS review on Chernobyl death toll (death, not injured, sick, lives ruined, cancers, etc), still I believe vastly underestimating the long term sick and dead. You'll note that the numbers in the latter are fairly close to the numbers you hear in the film, at least they are not orders of magnitude off, like the ones spread by shills, liars, and apologists.
Also worth noting is when Gorbachov talks about the unreported accidents (both in the then USSR AND in the USA, if I heard him right), another thing that the shills and apologists pretend never happened. Or the near meltdowns, the inadvertent spills, or things like the fact that both Chernobyl and Fukushima were easily at risk for massive catastrophic meltdowns, events basically avoided only by throwing huge amounts of guesswork and seat of pants hacks and guesses at the problem, nothing neat or under control. Not to mention the some half million 'liquidators' (I think that was the final count of military reserves thrown at the problem), or other things that prove that when this stuff goes bad, it goes really bad, way way way out of our capabilities to deal with in any reasonable manner.
Note also that the term 'nuclear out control' is used correctly and repeatedly in the video. Also the term 'hell' is used by one military commander to describe the desperate war against the out of control reaction.
Now add in all the unreported or undereported events, all the waste products built up and not dealt with, an issue that cannot be shoved into the nearest waste ponds and ignored. There is basically nothing to talk about until all existing waste is properly buried, for the up to 1 million year life times involved. Remember, 245,000 year half life for plutonium is what one person in that film reports.
And even uranium, say, 1000 tons, half life 10k years.. Do the math. It's easy, just keep dividing by two until you reach an amount that is statistically irrelevant in terms of toxicity if it enters the ecosystem.
Now review: nuclear energy supplies something like 6% global total energy production. An amount, that is, that we could cut today, instantly, with barely any sacrifice.
Further, note that the same old tired fallacy that nuclear energy is somehow replacing coal rather than increasing the underlying baseline consumption levels is offered up as the theme of a poster's website. This claim is so absurd it's not even worth talking about since global coal prices alone show that such a claim is nonsense. Here's just one recent story about Mongolia being opened up for coal mining. The lie of nuclear is so transparent that it takes virtually no effort to detect it once you realize it's all basically a total lie. Disposal, a lie, safety, a lie, hidden over decades by not really reporting on all the near or ignored or hidden accidents. Uranium mining, toxic tailings, you name it, you'll find it.
But the very worst of the lies are visible when the apologists either knowingly or unknowingly try to minimize the true horror and long term health damages of a massive failure event, why any decent human being would do such a thing is beyond me, it's very similar in my opinion to holocost denial in terms of just how vile it is as an action.
So we have this: expanding energy consumption baseline is the real problem. Failure to cut energy consumption is the real problem. Adding in long term toxic waste generators of nearly unthinkable toxicity, like nuclear, is simply a failure to admit the true nature of the real problem, which is the requirement to begin to reduce non-renewable energy consumption of all types.
I find, however, the premise that is put forth repeatedly, that nuclear is doing anything other than expanding or maintaining non-sustainable grid baseload levels, so absurd as to be almost comical, were the results not so lethal to our descendants. The time to start cutting was 1970, assuming or arguing for current baseloads is ridiculous, all nuclear is is a supremely selfish, hubris filled action done with no thought to the future, and carried on under a non stop burden of lies and deception. The coal thing though is most ridiculous, since it's easily observable that we are burning all the coal, all the oil, and all the uranium we can produce, at full speed.
The new shills who have just rebuilt their websites and who are promoting their nonsense, while I cannot stop them from posting here, please do me the intellectual favor of not trying to engage me in your attempts to deceive or mislead, ok? Sell it to someone else, someone without a functioning brain, ideally.
Let's also remember that the Japanese themselves now consider Fukushima to be a level 7 event. This is irksome I realize to apologists, since they can't even say, but it's not worse than... or whatever nonsense they are saying now, it's too tiresome to actually follow this stuff day to day.
I admit that I was actually shocked at the vast gap between the reality on the ground in Chernobyl and the way our media presented this information to us. I was not, for example, aware that there was a very real and non-trivial risk that half of Europe could have been wiped out in that event. I increasingly believe that ALL positive opinions in any way shape or form held by people who fail to see the real dangers are to be sourced in decades of pro-nuke propaganda and PR.
I wasn't for example even aware that Gorbachov starting eliminating some of the USSR's nuclear arsenal as a direct result of seeing what an out of control nuclear event could do to a country. Nor had I connected the dots, falling oil prices, war in Afghanistan, AND the cost of the Chernobyl event, ongoing, as primary causes of the collapse of the USSR. It's quite possible that the same may happen to Japan, we'll see as time goes on. Gorbachov cited a direct cost of 18 billion rubles, about the same in dollars back then. If you add the ongoing costs, I'd say it's quite safe to say that the entire nuclear project in that region has been a massive money loser.
The time frames are also stunning, remember, neither Fukushima nor Chernobyl will be stabilized or under control any time in the near future, neither will be cleaned up, both will be sitting there for further decades as the world tries to deal with their aftermaths, hoping that we will again forget so that we can consume a bit more non renewable energy for no good reason other than we want to do that... we are about the most greedy self-centered versions of humanity the world has ever had the vast misfortune to see crawling around on its surface.
A substance like Plutonium should never even be allowed to exist when the half-life and toxicity is taken into account, nor should processed uranium, we do not have the means to handle this waste, there is nowhere to put it, the entire project is a house of cards built on lies. The hubris I see from shills and apologists when it comes to handling wastes with half lives that run into geological time frames is stunning in its arrogance and irresponsibility.
Given that no real replacement of coal burning happens, just expansion of baseloads, done unsustainably, by definition, the entire premise of the nuclear as 'green' project is absurd. We will burn the carbon fuels. I know this is so because we are burning them, full speed, no reductions have occurred. We are now also creating wastes that will last up to the millions of years. More, if you actually do the very complicated division by two arithmetic, which I guess is a bit too hard for some to manage.
As I was told decades ago: it's the waste, stupid. But not just the waste, any time the essentially non-controllable reaction goes fully out of control, those waste problems spread across the country side, into the seas, the waters. Another thing I did not know was that Chernobyl was situated directly above the main USSR aquifer, and there was a very real threat that the entire water supply of much of Russia would be contaminated.
All just barely avoided, all just a chance or two, a bit of luck one way or the other, from being our current reality.
Again, listen to Gorbachov very carefully, you will hear eerily familiar things, if you followed Fukishima, you'll hear him say that the experts had assured him there was no chance of failure of the method they used, NONE. That you could take the graphite structure and place it in Red Square. Just like we hear about every other new and 'safe' technology that attempts to control the uncontrollable.
And , 'replacing' coal with nuclear , will drive the price of coal down to the point that it will be used again , even more intensive ...because demand is low and price is low ...
No, I disagree, that assumes that we are not already producing all them full-out.
There has been, I would guess, zero replacement of any coal with nuclear, all that has happened is that some areas used up their coal already, and have started using another non-renewable instead, ignoring the consequences long term, just as they did already when they burned all their coal.
The reason I posted the link to Mongolian build out of rail to ship out previously unexploited coal reserves was precisely to demonstrate that there is no truth at all to the notion that nuclear is somehow preventing some CO2 from being released. The operative mix here is: Coal AND Oil AND nuclear. That's how we are achieving today's baseline energy production. India can barely even buy the coal it needs today, or oil.
China is building a new coal power plant almost every week, at least. AND they are building out nuclear. There is no saving of coal, that is a sick myth that should never have been allowed to enter the so called 'green energy' discussion. What's sick about it is how trivially easy it is to discover these facts for yourself. Which makes the deception or self-deception of advocating nuclear as an alternative to coal so perverse intellectually.
We can't get our minds around the time frames, that's the problem. We started maxing our systems out in the '70s, not the 2010s. The bubble creating credit system globally is just one manifestation of this material fact in my opinion.
A lot of especially US people believe that the USA is all there is in the world, when we are talking about global energy use and generation, we have to talk about the globe, not one region. So if global coal extraction is working at maximums, and if nuclear and oil is also working at rough maximums, it's really not difficult to understand that we are maxed out. Or it shouldn't be. Then the trick is to look back, and find when we reached that point, and why we started thinking we needed to find a 'new source'. Remember, the 'new source' is nuclear, and it's neither new or viable, it's just a way to produce some more before we have to stop, stop because we have no more to waste and burn, not because we are somehow smart or rational. Man is not rational, there is intelligence only in what surrounds him. That's Heraclitus. He saw that clearly, we don't, and that's a serious problem for our ecosystem, and for all life that is struggling to survive our unprecedented assaults on it.
The outcome will be logical
Non renewables will stop being renewed
Man and earth will continue to strive
This is nothing new
It's not true that there will be nothing new, the toxic wastes that can last over a million years are most certainly a new thing, plutonium doesn't even exist in nature, so that's a new thing. This type nihilism was dealt with fairly well in recent postings by the Arch Druid, by the way.
While there is no question about non renewables not being renewed, the actual question is the amount of damage we leave as a legacy for our brief 100 year flirtation with always on power, available at a flick of a finger. That is also new.
It is precisely the newness of this level of toxicity, and the geological time frames that are involved, that makes me wonder about what exactly is driving mankind to pursue such suicidal policies. Certainly not reason. But it is something.
We have options as humans, one of those options is to respect our ecosystem, and to treat it in a way that enables it to sustain itself and us. Or we can act like an expanding slime mold. I had to resist the urge to call ourselves ignorant monkeys, since that's not at all fair to monkeys. And yeast is clearly far smarter than we are. I do apologize to the slime molds, but you have to compare to some form of life at some point...
I think it is evolution.
The gene's generative algorithmic foundation is survival and reproduction. A few things happened to humans: A neurological distinctiveness, a profound level of interaction with matter other than nest building and consumption, the ability to exploit non-food resources to make food, and an ability to defray ordinary mechanisms of mortality... each one leading to the next, all in a very short time-frame relative to the feedback mechanisms that regulate the animal's expression from genes in the first place. You get a mammal that blows things up, lives on vile goo coming out of the ground, and doesn't die easy. There is nothing in this basic contract about making nice with the other animals, conserving the basic air, water, and soil, or considering the further future. Those feedback loops are closed through a evolutionary mechanism that has not had the time to catch up with the suddenly accelerated process.
It takes real leadership to contravene the foundational impulse for the greater good. Real leadership is one thing we do not have. Quite the opposite.
You have a fear of disintegration
But this fear is fundamentally within yourself
You talk about 'we humans'
I think that you are then reducing each agent of change to a single defining concept
But here the sum of things is produced by each part
Each being has its life to lead
The forces of nature will continue their flow
Some will be more 'succesfull' , many will return early
Would you damn those oxygen producing bateria that killed of most of the protozoan ancestors ?
Who knows what good may come of it ?
Who knows what else is possible ?
...plutonium doesn't even exist in nature....
I would say that si 100 % true.
I can't agree with this statement.
Power stations are planned years in advance, given the long lead times for construction, for opening new coal or uranium mines, for public hearings and for transmission line right-of-way acquisitions etc.
So authorities predict power demand in years to come, then build power stations to fill that demand. And since you need more electricity to support a higher GDP, and every government wants a higher GDP, more power stations are a political necessity, and will be built.
Assuming your choices are either coal or nuclear, if you need electricity at a place remote from coal fields, you have the option of building a local thermal power plant and transporting or importing coal; or building a thermal plant near the coal fields and transporting electricity via power lines; or building a local nuclear power plant.
In many cases a nuclear plant is the preferred option, and certainly replaces the coal that would have to be burned otherwise.
If that's the calculation for siting Nuclear in China, then the same decision happens in reverse for coal, choosing NOT to put a reactor but instead a coal plant where they CAN put one.
The point is that both are being sought, and neither industry is an apparent obstacle or disincentive to the other.
You're talking 'weather, not climate'.
I know the video and many others. Was showing them to friend years back. h2 and RootlessAgrarian and others, I thank you for your answers. I don't feel I have the energy any more to keep up the fight on the Fukushima threads. I'll be visiting my friends in Hiroshima at the end of summer to see how they are doing with a plot of land they plan to turn into a permaculture forest garden. Told them not to mess around with any PV or stuff like that till I come - we'll make plans together. I've been hanging around forums since bbs and usenet times and really, you don't get much in return. I mean I've made a few good contacts over the years, made one or two real friends in other countries. And useful connections. But the effort is just not worth it. And I'd rather work with like minded people - with real things in the real world. I know its the good fight which must be fought here - the internet is the new arbiter and distributor of truth - with more influence and power then even the network media houses. But as I said I just don't have the energy anymore. And I miss real people and the real world. I'm thinking of putting off the computer for a while and concentrate on just running and saving up for the rainy day. There are no answers for now so might as well get prepared for every eventuality. Keep up the good work, those of you who have the strength. I'm off. - Ransu
ransu, again, well said. I agree re the drain of trying to engage in reasoning with people who have spent their lives deceiving either/both themselves and others. That is not dialogue, it's a sick branch of human interaction that would simply not be tolerated in any healthy society. Those who engage in such actions should be ostracized from any functioning social body, because they are direct pathogens on the social well-being. Cancers, essentially. My experience agrees with yours, although I would not put it as nicely as you did. To me, interacting with those who have internalized the type of contamination and long term toxins they advocate can only lead to a contamination of ones self. There is no positive outcome possible, in my opinion, since it is NOT an honest discussion, and it most certainly is not a dialogue.
I've avoided even reading these threads for a while now, I have to get real stuff done, but I had a bit of free time today so I couldn't help noticing the re-infection that spread into the discussion. I find the analogy between how nuclear radiation spreads and contaminates and how others try to contaminate honest discussions quite striking, and quite sad.
You should certainly find the forward path among real people living in the real world, nobody I know would listen to this type of garbage seen here from apologists, it's not acceptable at all in real conversation. I did however feel it might have been worth it the first few weeks, because the attempts to plant the required PR points were so utterly transparent that it was really not to TOD's credit to allow such absurdities into their generally critical and well considered threads.
I don't have the energy either, but more because I don't think it's a good use of it, there's lots of better ways to stop this kind of thinking than just typing in some words into a gone in a day or two online discussion thread.
Here's my takeaway view: there will be people scrabbling to keep the pit excavation project humanity is obsessed with going, probably most people. Those people will keep digging until the walls cave in on them. In any larger sense, it doesn't matter, they are working for a losing future, and as such, they are useless in terms of creating the solution. To me, I would think that the realization of such a totally useless use of ones life might just nag at the little egos we carry around with us, but that's probably a bit optimistic. The fewer of them who contaminate the real solutions with their poisonous ideas the better, but the sad thing is, the huge amount of damage they are going to do before those walls finally fall over them and stop their vain and fruitless efforts once and for all. Things will take time.
The point that the Chernobyl movie makes so well, is that the problem is not 'solved', it is just sitting there, toxic, deathly, waiting. And there is really no solution to it. This is the problem with nuclear energy, and it's the problem that all shills and apologists refuse to directly deal with, since to do so would be to engage in honest dialogue, which I do not believe they are capable of. There is however hope for others who read the threads, and those are the ones you are writing for. Don't ever consider that anything you address towards an online shill type has any meaning, always address those who are reading and not saying anything, they are often really looking to understand, and will usually never say anything.
I guess the thing that gives me pause is to look at a map of where these plants are located and realize that a large radius around each and every one of them will become uninhabitable if everything remains as it is. It is a simply a matter of a few hours after the pumps stop. In a sense it is not a unique predicament, as we already have such a situation with species destruction and climate change, and I do not expect that humans can stop themselves in those cases. Still, to render some of the highest quality land uninhabitable seems especially awful, and threatens to destroy any efforts made to learn to live sustainably. There is a nuclear power plant some 13 miles from here, and if the waste is left there then eventually there will be no human life here. There is so far no reason to believe that it won't be left there. How then can one look away and focus on other things, when all those things will be undone by this waste?
It always happens to somebody else..
I'm not too amazed to hear the engineers whose defense of Fission flies in the face of these events, with the plaintive defense that 'Fukushima isn't Chernobyl, Chernobyl wasn't TMI..' (add all the unannounced close-calls as you please) .. It might actually be reassuring if they were such similar accidents, but the variety of situations that could knock an otherwise 'dependable, safe' reactor off it's pedestal are numerous, and we've gotten to look at just a few iterations of it so far.
And as we toddle along, all these other reactors are getting older, and various parts are getting embrittled, thinned, worn.
As the book said, 'It can happen here."
We are upset about these events becasue the radioactive material got out now while we're still here. But eventually, whether it happens with smoke and flames and explosions or through simple weathering and the wind and water take it away, the result will be the same. The stuff gets out and destroys that regaion. The only way to avoid that is if the radioactive waste is removed to "away", which simply means to some other area which will be destroyed. There are no other outcomes.
Poor granite bedrock 500 m down, it will have a horrible time. ;-)
If I understand this excerpt correctly, bedrock is not impermeable to water flow and mountain mass (including granite) participates in the long water cycle of the bioregion.
The granite bedrock may not have a bad time -- rock being pretty much as dead as anything can be -- but anything that drinks the water in that watershed might, eventually -- and several thousand years of isotope decay is a pretty generous period for "eventually" to happen in.
One of the primary illusions of our species/culture -- because of the limitation of scale and time imposed by our senses and our mortality -- is impermeability. We think things have hard boundaries when in fact they are fractal and interpenetrating. We construct taxonomies with hard boundaries and then freak out when we discover life forms that straddle what we imagined were distinct categories (cf the now-ancient but then-red-hot debate over the nature of lichen and the "impossibility" of symbiosis between fungus and alga). We think things are individuals when they actually function as complex entangled networks (cf the "brute competition" model of a copse of trees, now discredited by soil biologists but still alive in popular perception). We think we can destroy one or two species in a complex system (ones we don't like, for example) and expect the rest of it to go on functioning as before. We think we can "contain" and control things which cannot actually be contained. We think that there is such a place as "away" where we can throw dangerous things and never have to worry about them again. Our economists believe in fairy-tale concepts such as "externalities."
We think that we can cordon off one corner of the swimming pool for pissing in.
It's a serious, fundamental, and possibly fatal error. The nuclear industry is only one of its most spectacular examples, but there are plenty more, all of them contributing to the fragility of our industry, civilisation, etc. Technology based on this fundamental error -- technology requiring the generation of extreme toxicity requiring either "safe" disposal (in some imaginary place called "away") or constant vigilant management (requiring multi-civilisational stewardship) to enforce containment/control, is inherently impractical.
The results of the illusion appear almost inevitable: "away" is realised as a dumping ground occupied by poor, foreign, rural or otherwise despised persons (members of an impermeable taxonomic class of "Not Us") who are callously sacrificed for the convenience of those benefitting from the technology; "surprises" exceed the projected parameters within which the risk was defined as manageable; social/civilisational entropy (resource depletion, corruption, disorder, violence and social upheaval, decline in standards) erodes the capacity to contain/control (even to the limited extent that this is possible in the real, physical world). Has anyone paid any attention to the decay of USian infrastructure over the last three or four decades? Roads, bridges, sewage and water systems, it's all under-maintained. If we can't keep on top of very basic structures like bridges, how long will we keep the fuel pools intact, leak-free, steadily pumping adequate supplies of water?
If a bridge is unmaintained and falls apart over a few decades, people will use another bridge or re-discover a ford or someone will build a cable ferry. Plenty of workarounds. Sad to lose the enormous investment, but the world is littered with the monumental achievements of past civilisations which they were unable to maintain. But a dead bridge (though its pilings may present a hazard to river traffic of the future) doesn't do much harm. A nuke plant and its fuel pool by contrast are a grenade with the pin already pulled. Hang onto that sucker or face dire consequences. Only an optimist walks around with a pinless grenade sewn into his/her pocket, blithely confident of never tripping, never being pushed, and never needing two hands to do anything else with.
Technology based on the sane, real-world assumption that we are not and cannot reasonably expect to be in control of everything all the time -- that shit happens, human factors confound us, extreme events surprise us, and no box is ever truly sealed -- would imho be appropriate technology. Technology based on the illusion of perfect control, impermeable containment, hermetic taxonomy, and civilisational immortality, is fantasy technology and hence bound -- imho -- to come to a bad end. [When people jump off buildings in the sincere conviction that they can fly, it's usually a short spectacular trip (I actually saw this happen once so it's a vivid image for me); and that's what our energy-intensive industrial civilisation is looking like from where I sit. Very spectacular, but (in terms of evolutionary time) very short.]
Impermeable igneous and metamorphic rock under Daiichi I, no possibility of aquifer contamination. Airborne, surface, seaborne contamination only.
Actually the natural decay of one uranium atom to toxic lead releases 7 times as much radiation as the decay of fission products from one split uranium atom. The granite will be happy, and the world will be less radioactive for the vast majority of its remaining years than it would be if humans never evolved.
For those who like to take the long view, remember, nuclear power plants incinerate natures long lived nuclear waste.
Of course, thanks to our ingenious intervention, the distribution will be a little different.
a different distribution nearer both in time , space and domain
the world will be unphased of course
You must mean 'In a perfect world.. it would be unfazed..'
We're clearly not in that world.
One way that could be true is if both scenarios were actually equivalent but the first fission, of the uranium, emitted 6 times the radiation as all the subsequent decay emissions.
Then (UraniumFission+DaughterFission)=7xDaughterFission.
Yes it is a very warped version of the old "dead man's switch" -- a switch that a dangerous-machine operator had to hold closed. If the operator dropped dead, the machine (a locomotive for example) would stop.
What we have in our increasing collection of nuke plants and their storage pools is a switch that has to be held down to prevent disaster. If we drop dead or are otherwise unable to keep the life-support going, keep the pumps running, keep the containment intact, etc. -- an ongoing, never-ending energy sink and maintenance chore -- then the hot ponds become lethal and usurp enormous acreage of inhabitable land, dispossessing humans in favour of useless technowreckage.
We are, in other words, in a hostage situation of our own making. We keep feeding the nuclear dragon, or it gets angry and lays waste to our farms and villages. Finger-trap technology. Tiger by the tail.
Never heard of dry-cask storage, have you?
It's not that we haven't heard of it. We sure haven't seen much of it, though.
And we definitely have not heard about the casks you can drop spent cores into as they come out of the reactor vessels.
Fukushima has dry cask. 408 fuel assemblies.
Sure. We could list a number of sites with some dry cask storage. There will undoubtedly be more as nuclear vaporware projects like Yucca Mountain fail to materialize.
That doesn't change the facts that (1) the vast majority of the spent fuel in the world is crammed into vulnerable SFP's and (2) cask storage isn't an option for hot cores coming out of reactors.
Actually yes, most people who care about these issues have heard (and thought) about dry cask storage.
Wikipedia excerpts:
So... All of this relies on the continuation of a high-energy-input, organised, orderly economic/political regime. Inert gases are not found lying about, exactly: they are concentrated into tanks under pressure and transported in trucks to people who pay money for them. If any of that complex process fails -- due to unavailability of transportation, tank gas, or money itself -- then there may be no inert gas for packaging. High quality steel also is not made, formed into custom tanks, and transported without large energy expenditures. Welding itself is hardly a low-energy proposition, and I doubt we're talking stick welding here :-) so once again exotic tanked gasses are required, specialised equipment, and so on. So the entire industrial infrastructure as we now know it has to be pretty much ticking along, BAU, in order to construct high-tech steel boxes to put nuclear waste into. [This is not a collapse-proof scenario. Again I say that if the civilisation surrounding a wind turbine experiences an historical hiccup like the collapse of the FSU, a visit from Genghis Khan, carpet-bombing by the US, or the fall of Rome, the wind turbine just sits there. It doesn't require the entire resources and expertise of the pinnacle of an advanced culture to keep it from killing lots of people.]
An observer from Mars might conclude that these curious humans feel compelled to build more nukes to provide the energy to keep their industrial economy cranking out the high-tech tools necessary to build containers for the waste from their previous generation of nukes... ad infinitum?
Moving from the conceptual to the particular: Steel cylinders, hate to break the news, don't last forever. I work with welded steel a fair amount and spend a lot of time trying to persuade it not to fail, by means of coatings, inspections, etc. Good for a thousand years? Probably not. Good for even 500 years? questionable. Isn't there some literature out there on the embrittlement of steel by hard radiation? (Fans of Murphy's Law may enjoy this time capsule of a previous "oops, who knew?" moment in nuclear engineering.)
Must confess I always experience mild anxiety (or mild skepticism or both) when I see the word "ideally" in any engineering prospectus or CDR :-)
And still the fuel stays in the hot pools for five years before it can be casketed. A lot can happen in five years.
And then, what to do with all those casks?
One proposal is to transport fuel to a central dry cask storage area. As the author notes without the least irony, it is difficult to situate such a facility as there is usually local resistance to the establishment of a large nuclear waste storage dump. (Gee, I can't think why -- the track record has been so encouraging thus far.)
I note that this storage method is referred to unapologetically as interim storage, i.e. not good enough to be called a real, permanent disposal method. "Because spent nuclear fuel remains radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years, it must be properly stored and disposed of in order to prevent harm to the public or the environment." No one, I think, solemnly believes that welded steel containers (even clad in concrete and more steel) are good for hundreds of thousands of years, so once again I emphasise this is "interim" -- otherwise known as shoving the problem off a bit further into the future for someone else (presumably more powerful, able, and well-equipped due to Progress?) to deal with.
Dry cask storage is certainly less imminently alarming than the hot pools. But it is hardly a satisfactory solution to a multigenerational pathogen/toxin like hot waste. I suppose gathering all the hot waste into a centralised graveyard, removing it from its distributed locations at decommissioned or failed plants, might be preferable: only one large wasteland created in one place rather than "hot spots" all over the map. But it is still -- like the Fukushima disaster response itself -- a desperate improvisation around a problem with no real long-term solution. We -- the species I mean, but particularly homo industrialis -- seem to be incapable of thinking in a longer time frame than "my lifetime" (or in some extreme cases, "our next quarterly report").
So in summary I don't think that dry cask storage really addresses either of my primary objections. One objection is that nuclear enthusiasm relies on an unstated assumption that technological resources and prowess are only ever going to increase, that we can afford to dump our hardest problems on our grandchildren because they will be so much richer, smarter, more capable, etc. than we are. This does not jibe with the historical record of resource-limited empires. Even if we think that collapse (in the imperial/cultural sense) is only an outside possibility, still it seems a possibility at least as much worth planning for as the economists' fairy tale of infinite growth and infinite provision for infinite demand...? The other objection is that the short term storage (hot pools) represent an "inverse deadman switch" or hostage situation, and they would still do so on a rolling, perpetual 5-year replacement schedule (although admittedly with less crowding and a lower total "at immediate risk" material tonnage).
You can go to a tire shop and buy inert gas to fill your Goodyears. It can be taken straight out of the air. There are "inerting" systems for aircraft fuel tanks designed to do exactly that; a little bit of oxygen is not an issue as long as it's not enough to cause failure through corrosion.
You can provide the tanks in advance, to please the worrywarts. If you're really worried, design them to be welded with Thermite and have that pre-packaged as well.
Concrete structures from ancient Rome still stand, some 2000 years later.
Radiation embrittlement isn't an issue for spent-fuel storage. Without a chain reaction there's no source of high-energy neutrons, so no neutron spallation and consequent embrittlement. Gamma rays don't knock atoms out of place the way neutrons do.
But what disturbs me about your perpetual "what happens in a collapse" ideation is that it sounds awfully like "what happens when the collapse comes". It's not like you're just planning for it, you're almost planning it. The collapse of the world's energy infrastructure means the fairly rapid death of billions of people through starvation and disease, if conflict over remaining resources doesn't get them first. Isn't it immoral to fail to do everything you can to prevent this?
I see big potential in liquid-fluoride reactors and fast-spectrum reactors. For one thing, pyroprocessing our current stocks of SNF to get starting fuel for fast-spectrum reactors locks up isotopes like 137Cs in stable salts, and the reactors themselves destroy the Np, Pu, Am and Cm which form most of the long-term radiotoxicity hazard. Your "ongoing, never-ending" task, ends.
The major obstacle to this today isn't people who think that it cannot be done, but those who think that it must not be done even if it's possible. I find that totally immoral.
I concur.
"the reactors themselves destroy the Np, Pu..."
Sort of... The cores have to be pure and enriched fissile material. They can then "breed" more fuel from the fertile materials found in nuclear waste. The fuel made has to be recovered through reprocessing. This delivers the plutonium to a "chain of custody" system. The disgruntled can then acquire it. If only we had played well with others, yes?
"Concrete structures from ancient Rome still stand, some 2000 years later."
I don't know if you've checked in with your answering service.. but Rome fell. Led to what is called "The Wandering".
Is there a civilization that lasted even one half-life of these materials?
Adolescents think they will never die.
Our global economy is, well, global! Size does not matter.
"The collapse of the world's energy infrastructure means the fairly rapid death of billions of people through starvation and disease, if conflict over remaining resources doesn't get them first."
Nuclear is a means attempting to project the current paradigm of exponential growth past the carbon age by addressing the energy flow. It does this at the cost of that very future in terms of waste or weapons. There are many other systems that are failing. Perhaps investing the last gasp of carbon into a survivable down-sized lifeboat for humanity is the rational way to go. Which takes us back to the human condition. Which requires leadership.
Wind turbines gusted up to 2,000,000,000 watts of power yesterday in California making a total of 34GWh for the day.
Well, if you ask them, they'll usually admit that they know they'll die... eventually.
But they haven't internalized that knowledge, don't really believe it. Besides, "eventually" is so very far in the future.
So, they act as if they were immortal.
Here are some examples of the sort of mis- and dis-information which passes for "knowledge" among anti-nuclear activists.
Not even close. Figures I've seen are around 20% (less for "epithermal" neutron spectra), and no enrichment is required at all. The elimination of the enrichment process gets rid of one technology which can be used to make weapons.
You mean, fuel is made from U-238, which is the bulkiest part of spent LWR fuel; removing it for re-use means slashing the waste volume immensely. U-238 is also 99.3% of natural uranium and about 99.8% of "depleted uranium", or DU. The USA has around half a million tons of DU just sitting around.
Yup, but the technology has improved greatly since the 1940's. "Pyroprocessing" does this by electrolysis in a bath of molten salts, and yields recovered uranium metal plated on a cathode, highly-contaminated plutonium as an amalgam in a molten cadmium electrode, and fission products as either dissolved salts in solution or a "sludge" of noble metals around the anode basket.
This was the idea behind the Integral Fast Reactor; the reprocessing system was small and simple enough to include with each reactor, so spent fuel was to be recycled on the spot. Nothing was to leave the reactor containment until it was time for decommissioning. The IFR was apparently too good, so the project was killed in '94 under pressure from anti-nukes via the Clinton administration's hatchet woman, Hazel O'Leary.
Let them try, for all the good it will do them. There are massive difficulties with such an effort:
None of the nuclear proliferation states have ever built a bomb using recovered PWR plutonium (Pu from fast-spectrum reactors would be worse). They have historically used reactors which can be refuelled on-line (research reactors or CANDUs), and are now moving away from plutonium to weapons-grade enriched uranium (N. Korea, Pakistan and Iran). The fast-spectrum reactor eliminates both possibilities; it is anti-proliferation.
So sure, let the "disgruntled" do their worst. I'd rather they waste their time on plutonium than diptheria toxin or anthrax or even Sarin.
Now you're changing the topic from "can artifacts from a civilization stand and do their jobs long enough" to "will the civilization be there". If you don't stop moving those goalposts every time someone scores, you'll strain your back.
The pyramids in Egypt are 4-5000 years old. They didn't keep the graves inside from being robbed, but who's going to try to steal fission product salts adsorbed in zeolites and encapsulated in glass?
And total renewables (including hydro) were 83.8 GWh out of 521 GWh total. That's less than 1/6 of the total, of which wind made about 6.5%. Do you propose to run the state on that?
Wrong, wrong and wrong, respectively. But thanks for playing, it's good to get disinformation out there where it can be addressed with facts instead of festering inside ideological echo chambers where there's no will or ability to challenge it.
You are most welcome.
"Regardless of these characteristics, the host country still has a responsibility to provide physical security as well as materials control and accountancy."
"The pyramids in Egypt are 4-5000 years old. They didn't keep the graves inside from being robbed"
-The cores have to be pure and enriched fissile material.-
"Not even close. Figures I've seen are around 20%"
Fast reactor fuel must be at least 20% fissile, greater than the low enriched uranium used in LWRs. The fissile material could initially include highly enriched uranium or plutonium, from LWR spent fuel, decommissioned nuclear weapons, or other sources. During operation the reactor breeds more fissile material from fertile material.
"Even if an amateur bomb-maker could make an implosion system fast enough to create a prompt-supercritical geometry..."
Nothing so fancy is required. All it has to do is make a mess, like "nuclear Boy".
1/6th is not bad
for a system that isn't even trying.
That is 1/6th with gas and nuclear in the mix.
Wind alone made 1/15th of the TOTAL demand.
15 times nothing replaces nuclear?
Wind made 1/15 of the total California demand, on a day you appear to be touting because it's a good one. The problem is that California's total annual generation potential at 80 meters is just 105,000 GWH, or about 200 days out of 365 if you capture every bit of it. Texas could supply the electric energy for the whole country, but syncing supply with demand is an issue.
California was a leader in wind power for a good many years; I've driven through and photographed wind farms in Tehachapi and SE of Silicon Valley. For it to be so far behind even Denmark in this day and age says that there are a lot of issues to be solved, and not all of them technical.
-Nuclear is a means attempting to project the current paradigm of exponential growth past the carbon age by addressing the energy flow. It does this at the cost of that very future in terms of waste or weapons.-
"Wrong, wrong and wrong, respectively"
That's not an argument...
Monty Python
What happened to the intrinsically safe reactor?
The wind was just an aside.
The day was yesterday... just a day.
The day before... about the same
The day before... better
"The problem is that California's total annual generation potential at 80 meters is just 105,000 GWH"
Divided by 365 is 288 GWh a day... 1/2 the required 500GWh per day?
You meant 105,000 MWh a year? It seems to quite out-do that.
What information was meant to be conveyed?
Nuclear is a means attempting to project the current paradigm of exponential growth past the carbon age by addressing the energy flow. It does this at the cost of that very future in terms of waste or weapons.-
Last I saw the nuke weapons level is down from its peak--much of the material having been burned in commercial power plants, so part two of your conclusion is at the very least misleading, we already have the weapons, reactors are already helping us reduce their numbers.
Reactors with a shorter lived waste streams make it far less onerous so the second part of your conclusion really depends on just what nuke tech gets pursued. We have a huge chunk of relatively insecurely stored very long lived waste sitting around right now that could be cycled into much more manageable piles with the tech EP is talking up. In other words the waste is already here, if we don't burn it is a worse problem for the future.
So I have to agree with EPs wrong, wrong. The third wrong is appears to addressing sentence one...I rebel against the 'it is so written' tone of that sort of bombast myself...even if the underlying logic may be sound.
The nuke genie is long out of the bottle--ignoring it (banning it) won't make what is already here go away.
Nuclear weapon count is down because the weapons were taken apart. Burning the components has only made more dangerous waste. Burning the dangerous waste into less dangerous waste is a great idea. The technology is very pretty. There are huge reserves of material already dug from the ground and stockpiled, ready to go. It would be great if operational human reality matched the animal's aspirations.
I, even recently, thought nuclear was the only means of powering the mass and speed of modern human culture. I must admit, seeing the numbers for wind power alone shakes that belief.
The first sentence you refer to is "Nuclear is a means attempting to project the current paradigm of exponential growth past the carbon age by addressing the energy flow."? There is a lot packed into that sentence. It replaced a paragraph that became unwieldy and very sad. It spoke of overshoot, water, air, soil depletion, population, peak carbon... the whole hole that has been dug so deep. Nuclear is a means of continuing... Can it replace everything else that has been degraded?
I think it would be wiser to pull back from the edge. To take the hit in population and consumption. Leave the kids something safer to play with. Bury our mistakes.
Yesterday wind made 36GWh in California.
Renewables as a group made 87GWh.
The demand was 595Gwh.
Renewables are within the same order of magnitude.
I, even recently, thought nuclear was the only means of powering the mass and speed of modern human culture. I must admit, seeing the numbers for wind power alone shakes that belief.
well that does explain some of your fervor--nothing like a recent convert's energy!
Yeah the overshoot is an issue alright, I'm quite handy at over distilling some of my comments as well ?- )
but we are share much common ground it seems--see my comments to Joules early on in this discussion...heck I'll repost part of it here.
Reactors are beasts no doubt, but as to 'irreproducible experiments' well Darwin described the experiment's big picture aspect pretty early on--don't expect humans to voluntarily change behavior while the species is thriving--but if we do it will be an entirely 'brave new world' for the empirical process that's been unfolding for the last few billion years on this warm, moist rock circling a medium star.
I just don't quite have Mark Twain's gift for words..darn?- )
Speaking of Twain, started rereading 'The Innocents Abroad' last night. Some stuff like Melville's 'Moby Dick' just doesn't hold up as well for me decades after it made its first strong impression. But old 'two fathom' does, especially when the work is by and large non-fiction, with some beautiful strecthers in it to keep me on my toes. The Twain years were a real turning point for civilization...its more than good we still have his irreverant American eyes to look through.
It's not this bad:
You are stating the objection incorrectly. The objection is that people think that it cannot be done safely. The problem at Fukushima was not some high-tech problem. It was a simple problem badly solved. You have sump pumps in your basement that run when needed. Fukushima could not manage to do this simple thing, despite the best brains, and millions of dollars, and redundant systems.
It is not that something cannot be done, but in some cases it won't be done correctly, and the human portion of the system will manage to suppress the proper action, even if a problem is foreseen and understood. And this will potentially lead to major unprepared-for badness.
Usually because the concept thus far has been to passively cool the core inside the reactor itself.
The Fukushima Daiichi incident shows that this is an oversight; this is amenable to engineering solutions. For instance, a "wet cask" containing water or another coolant under pressure could limit SNF to less than its normal operating temperature while providing shielding and passive cooling. By the time it failed (probably hundreds of years, if made of stainless steel), the fuel would have been cool enough for air cooling for decades. That would serve for the current generations of light-water reactors, and eliminate Rootless's spectre of an "on-going, never ending energy sink and maintenance chore"; even if neglected, the consequences would be very local and very limited.
I question Rootless's objectivity, though. He hasn't mentioned dams even once. A neglected dam will fail eventually if not emptied, and casualties could easily be tens of thousands in a matter of hours. Why is nuclear a perpetual sword of Damocles, and a dam is not?
"In 1989, a small capsule containing highly radioactive caesium-137 was found inside the concrete wall in an apartment building in Kramatorsk, Ukraine. It is believed that the capsule, originally a part of a measurement device, was lost sometime during late 1970s and ended up mixed with gravel used to construct that building in 1980. By the time the capsule was discovered, 6 residents of the building died from leukemia and 17 more received varying doses of radiation."
My favorite is the story of two sheepherders who snuggled up to a warm clump they found on a mountaintop and fell asleep. Turned out it was part of a Russian radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) used for powering some long-forgotten communications equipment.
It is a rock that kills.
It kills at a distance.
It silently kills in a slow and gruesome manner.
It deforms babies in the womb.
It can be scattered into the air, food, water, and soil.
It concentrates in plants, in herbivores, carnivores, omnivores.
It lasts for generation.
It is the stuff of nightmares.
The water in the dam is the stuff of life.
It announces its presence plainly.
The condition of the dam can be seen.
Leaks can be seen and heard.
Once the dam fails, the land is immediately habitable again.
Is this really a question?
I find it amusing that you make so much about a few radiological problems (many of which were related to the Soviet Union's cavalier attitude toward safety, and most of the rest of which were third-world screwups) when most of them have nothing to do with nuclear power and the total number of deaths in the whole list is in the noise level of the people killed by coal emissions in one year.
And like nightmares, the real dangers are the quotidian hazards we ignore because they're familiar.
The point illustrated is that a little rock stuck in a wall killed six people living in the rooms near it. Would someone be wise to move into those apartments in a coal-burning town? Thank you for reproducing the list a second time and, further, highlighting it.
How many people in that same town died from coal-related causes over the same period?
How many died from second-hand smoke?
How many in Ukraine would have died from e.g. faulty concrete structures if 60Co sources weren't used to examine them for integrity?
How long would it have taken to find and reclaim that 60Co source if the Ukraine had a real system of tracking radioisotope sources, like the USA has? Remember, it's very easy to find such things with gamma cameras and even geiger counters; all you have to do is look, and that's likely to happen if people know they ought to be looking. Chemical hazards are just as silent as radiological ones but harder to detect, yet you don't seem to be concerned about them. I prefer to put these things in perspective.
Edit: others have a similar perspective. Fear of Radiation is Killing People and Endangering the Planet Too, at Atomic Insights Cafe.
"How many people in that same town died from coal-related causes over the same period? How many died from second-hand smoke?"
It was an apartment.
"How long would it have taken to find and reclaim that 60Co source"
It was cesium 137, just like Fukushima.
"I prefer to put these things in perspective."
Scientific discourse demands rigor and references.
Emoting requires feeling.
Each, alone, is monstrous.
Your link, Engineer-Poet:
"In fact, there is considerable evidence that therapeutic doses of low-level ionizing radiation would be beneficial for most people."
Facing such an admission, I am afraid I must retire from the field.
Oh my my.
Not since patent medicine days have we heard the general health benefits of ionising radiation touted. I fear that the Atomic Insights site may now be somewhat tarnished by association.
I would refer you to the oncology department of your nearest major hospital for examples of the theraputic benefits of radiation.
As far as low level radiation goes, if it is a killer then we are all already dead.
Yeah. Right.
The therapeutic benefits of radiation arise from the fact that it can kill (or prevent division of) cells that we want to destroy. That's pretty much the easy part of the practice of radiation oncology, because high-level radiation is really good at killing living cells.
The hard part, the part that has long been the focus of improvements in the art, is targeting the cells we want to kill without also destroying or damaging nearby normal cells, or others that may be in the path of the "therapeutic" radiation.
Nobody at your local hospital is irradiating tissue to improve its healthy functioning, on accounta becuz it don't work like that. But you really knew that already, right?
Take a bottle of aspirin.
Take it all at once and you will die.
Take one tablet a day and you will probably live longer.
"No safe dose for radiation" is an unproven hypothesis that keeps getting trotted out as gospel fact.
Unresponsive, not on-point, fundamentally intellectually dishonest.
No, it is "trotted out" as the overwhelming consensus of the world medical and health physics community, which it most certainly is.
It's time for the Sagan reference, yet again. If you think the generally-accepted working hypothesis is incorrect, it is you who are making an extraordinary claim and, thus you who bear the burden of providing extraordinary proof.
I don't hold either the LNT or the "hormesis" as both being basically irrelevant at lower levels of radiation. The facts are that background radiation dose is just that, background, low level, and LNT doesn't address this in a form that is particularly useful. The same is true for low, but obviously higher levels of radiation either, such as for those that regularly receive higher dosages at higher altitudes, for example. It is, statistically, irrelevant as any ill effects are washed out by general environmental contexts. The SAME is true for hormesis theories as well. There is not "there there".
The idea that it's good or bad is simply irrelevant at any level well into being above "normal" which, in the US, is "300 mrem". That people exposed to much higher levels and whom show no ill effect *at all* shows how useless the LNT is looking *downward*. Upward, along the chart, that's another matter.
Regardless, none of this matters with regards to nuclear energy. We know nuclear energy kills *far less* people than coal and does so exponentially less. Coal is the enemy and we know, already, that their would be way more coal plants if it wasn't for the nuclear ones built already. It's why countries are going to nuclear and not going to coal OR renewables.
I have to wonder how many protesters' bodies will be in the cement of the coming plants in India.
Will they still call that concrete-fill the 'Aggregate', or rename it to 'Aggravate'?
David, what makes you think countries aren't building out renewables? This sounds like wishful grumbling on your part, and will come as a surprise to owners of a great number of new Solar and Wind sites out there.
Jokul, I did overstate this, didn't I? In fact, I'm on record in terms of *detailing* exactly what countries ARE doing.
Most countries are in fact just moping along not doing much...
Some are expanding tremendously their electrical grid. China is one. If you were to read only Harvey Wasserman, for example, you'd think China was the next 'solartopia'. As it happens countries like China, and there are few of them, building out everything, bar none. This means literally massive amounts of hydro-electric, nuclear, wind, and so on. Nuclear clearly is the greatest of long term investment, maybe out to 1400 GWs of new nuclear over the next 80 years.
But some countries are to a less degree doing this as well: Brazil with new hyrdo projects and some nuclear. Venezuela continuing to exploit it's massive hydro potential (already 70% f it's electrical generation), the UAE with a massive build out of nuclear AND some interesting developments in solar. This list can go on but it's not a long one.
The MS rate in Colorado is not a case of being healthier:
Yup, this may well be a case where discretion is the better part of valor.
But I have to see my friends in radiation oncology and health physics pretty soon and they're gonna love that link.
lays waste to our farms and villages
Our collective farmland. Our soviet global ecosystem.
I'm afraid you've lost me there AvonA. If this is red-baiting, it's a bit off-target since I am not a communist and have major and vehement criticisms of the (late) Soviet system. I am not sure how else to interpret it so perhaps you could elucidate?
Very well said, H2. I can't tell you how glad I am that I found this site, and these threads. I know the past couple of weeks have been terribly discouraging for many of you, partly because of bizarre ad-hominem or other attacks, mostly just because the tragedy itself continues to grow in scope, and it's frustrating to have so little data. Sometimes, Ransu and others must wonder why they are even posting here or if it accomplishes anything.
I think it does, and I hope the discussion here continues. To me, this looks like the beginning of a new way of thinking; a multi-disciplinary perspective that transcends traditional definitions in the sciences and humanities.
You can't build a new future if you don't even have a language for it. It is very hard work building that language, and the conceptual framework which supports it, and I am very grateful for your work here.
Thank you, ransu, for your observations.
Gee, all those selfish people who want electricity to keep warm or have jobs, or browse the internet.
Should we cut electricity consumption, or the number of people who consume electricity?
In fact, if you could go back in time, what would do the most good:
Eliminating nuclear pioneers, like Planck, Einstein, Rutherford, Thompson, Fermi, Teller etc?
Eliminating electricity pioneers like Faraday, Tesla, Edison, Westinghouse etc?
Forcible sterilization to maintain populations at (say) year 1900 levels? Or pre-Watt and Newcomen, to cut coal use. Oh, but we were already running out of forests for ship timber. Perhaps pre-1400 levels, before Magellan, Diaz and Columbus?
It is pointless moaning about decisions made in the past. Undoubtedly they were made in the face of much opposition at the time, like nuclear power and GM foods today. The balance of forces in society will determine the outcome, and that will depend partly on self-interest, and partly on the skills and resources of the various advocacy groups.
Personally, I am pro-nuclear, even after Fukushima. We just have to do better, and hopefully we will. But I am open to persuasion, so I read your comments.
However, the frequency with which you throw around words like "shills, liars, and apologists," "seat of pants hacks," "it's all basically a total lie," and "stunning in its arrogance and irresponsibility" tell me that you are more interested in whipping up emotion than presenting a reasoned, thoughtful rebuttal of the pro-nuclear attitude.
Electrical Energy is like candy, even fruit. It can be real food.
Nuclear Energy is Stealing that Candy from our babies, and theirs, and theirs.
It's completely irresponsible.
"I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait till oil and coal run out before we tackle that." - Thomas Edison --
It looks like Grid Parity as compared with new plant construction may be here for Solar in many markets! The latest 60 cell 240/250 watt PV panels harvest lots of kWh, however I don't see a good solution to energy storage except pumped storage. Buy the most efficient appliances you can and hope your schedule allows running them during daylight. Distributed Generation is coming of age, I'm beta testing 3rd Generation grid Interactive products.
I think the small, end-use storage options need to be considered seriously.
Fridges/Freezers that Store Compressed Refrigerant or extra coolth in a transfer fluid, so they can run during offpeak and from price signals during excess windproduction perionds, for example.. and Water Heaters/Space Heaters, doing the same. Many small systems in addition to the few large ones, but these putting the energy right with the end user, instead of people being stuck with a purely 'Non Inventory, JIT' System for these essentials.
That would add up.. and would offer much-needed resilience to the population.
should we cut you first?
Oh come on..
We do overconsume and there are too many of us. It doesn't mean he's handing out Sterility Drugs or Shower Caps. These are issues we have to deal with.
And they are issues that will be dealt with, by ourselves, with some care and planning, and/or by the consequences of running full-tilt into the brick wall of limits.
It's getting pretty late to work toward a soft landing, and few (still) seem to recognize that doing so is imperative.
I don't think there's much reason for optimism, but I'm pretty sure that, if human civilization is to survive this century in meaningful form, the path to survival will feature large reductions in energy and resource consumption, reinventing economics and politics so that our cultural beliefs are consistent with sustainability (e.g., redistribution rather than resource wars), and population reduction mechanisms more palatable than disease, famine and class warfare.
I guess it could happen. I've always been willing to try. Most who recognize the problem seem to prefer pursuing nuclear, or photovoltaic, or carbon-capture... continuing abundance. Thus, since I just don't think those paths lead anywhere we want to go, I am pessimistic.
BTW, Ida, if you can't be polite, could you try to be more original?
Not trying to be impolite just people that want to limit people should be the first to volunteer. But they are always talking about limiting someone else. if we limit our economy will will be restricted in how we can respond to any energy issue.
"they" and "always". The sentence is off to a bad start.
?- )
There is a world of difference between these two statements:
"There are too many of us."
"There are too many of them."
The belief that there are too many of *them* (those other people over there somewhere, particularly if they are poor and brown) is often held by the "us" who constitute 4% of the planetary population yet consume about 25% of the resources. I can't respect that belief.
But I can respect the belief (it seems self-evident, no?) that there are physical limits on how many bacteria can inhabit a petri dish and how many humans can inhabit a planet. Those limits approach faster when some humans consume tens of times more than their share. There really are too many of "us" (people consuming at Western-industrial standards and those aspiring to join the club).
One solution is a large-ish die-off; another solution is to resign from the extravaganza club. I prefer option B, personally. Living within a less extravagant energy budget is not real hardship. (Acknowledging and working within limits is one of the skills of adulthood, actually: only children think they can eat the whole candy store at once and not face consequences.)
So I think it is quite possible to say "there are too many of us consuming too much" without consciously or unconsciously planning some kind of cull -- just a reduction of extravagance.
When it comes to resigning from the extravaganza club -- reducing the number of "us" who are consuming so much so recklessly -- I think a poll might disclose that several people in this conversation are already trying to resign, trying to stop being the "us" of whom there are too many. So in that sense, though not stepping up to volunteer for euthanasia, some of us are volunteering to stop keeping up with the Joneses and get by with less, reduce our carbon/energy footprint, etc.
Elegant distillation, Rootless.
"We" really are the enemy (although we don't have to be--at least "not so much").
Twice a day, here, the roads are jammed with soccer moms and nannies, in luxury cars and SUV's that have never seen rough roads or snow, ferrying kids to and from school--kids who could mostly walk, bike, or ride a school bus.
Overheard conversation referring to the 4th pregnancy in a young banker/lawyer family: "Well, they can afford it..."
It's ridiculous and obscene, really. "Mom" may be able to afford those kids, but "Mother's" accounts are all overdrawn. And our local kids' trips to ballet class and sailing lessons, and their summers in Europe, etc., are driving up the cost of bare essentials for those who can least afford them.
There are too many of all of us, no question. But a few of us are just insanely high-maintenance.
It really doesn't hurt that much to reduce our operating expense, a lot.
Actually, the half-life is 24,100 years. 245,000 years will reduce Plutonium 239 to one thousandth of its original mass. Depending on how much you had to start off with, that may be enough - or it may not be. Considering that Stonehenge was only erected 4,500 years ago, even 24,100 years would be an ambitious timeframe for storage.
While I'm anti-nuclear, I'm also in favour being accurate. Maybe I'm just arrogant enough to think:
(a) My argument will still stand once I've checked out the facts; or
(b) I can win a debate without having to tell fibs.
Further, I'm also interested in hearing more about Thorium reactors. They don't have some of the obvious pitfalls of Uranium ones, so I'll be checking them out - while sticking to the attitude of "better safe than sorry".
Thorium reactors...
I assume you are talking about molten salt reactors otherwise known as liquid fluoride thorium(LFTR pronounced lifter). Thorium can also be used in uranium reactors. Mixed with the solid fuel uranium the solid thorium breeds into u233 overtime and extends the uranium fuel.
If this reactor had been a LFTR the fuel/coolant salt would have been drained through a frozen salt plug through a drain in the bottom into a large flat cooling tank with passive heat fins. The iodine naturally is chemically attracted to the fuel-coolant salt. There would never be a discussion about meltdown because it is already melted.
Research cross-over technologies would be good for all kinds of power plants including thermal solar plants.
You're not going to note that
We've been watching live coverage of the Daiichi situation for weeks now. This is nothing like the Soviet Union.
You're not doing so well with your facts. Pu-239 has a half-life of 24,700 years. Even that's only an issue if you bury it instead of fissioning it. If you fission it (and the other Pu isotopes), you convert most of it into things with half-lives of 30 years down to minutes.
U-238's half-life is 4.5 billion years. The half-lives of arsenic and mercury are infinite so long as protons don't decay. You base your argument on a half-truth: yes, radioactive heavy metals are toxic, but so are many other naturally-occurring things.
False. Nuclear energy provides roughly 20% of world electric generation, and that generation is crucial. Expanding it is also essential to efforts to reduce GHG emissions.
Why not? Nuclear essentially replaced oil-fired electricity in the USA when oil got expensive, and it could do the same for coal. Here's a graph I made (from EIA data) of fossil-fired and nuclear electric generation from 1949 to 2009 (with "other gases" omitted):

Note that petroleum shrank and nuclear eventually got bigger than it ever was. We'd see the same thing happen with coal if coal became expensive and nuclear was not over-regulated. (Nuclear technology in the USA has essentially been static for decades because of the expensive regulation created by the NRC; new technologies require hundreds of millions in up-front costs for regulatory review, with no guarantee of approval. No business can put so much money on that kind of roulette wheel.)
Solution mining has no tailings.
I'd like to pose one question to you: is there any evidence which could convince you that this position is incorrect? If not, it isn't the pro-nuclear side which is closed-minded: it's you.
I noticed that while you provided graphs and references for some points of your argument, you began your post with three statements which seemed kind of astonishing:
1. There has been news coverage of the Fukushima site since the quake
Not sure where you are going with this. There was news coverage of Chernobyl, too, eventually. Are you implying that the coverage of Fukushima was more accurate and timely than the coverage for Chernobyl? Sure, we found out sooner that the event had happened, and that it was bad. But it's five weeks later, and reports from Fukushima are fragmentary, conflicting, and not always credible-- just as I remember the coverage from Chernobyl, at least here in the States.
2. The inaccuracies have been corrected over time, and
The inaccuracies have certainly changed numerous times; whether they have been corrected remains to be seen. Much information cannot be confirmed at present because the instrumentation and telemetry on site has been degraded and the much of the site is inaccessible to humans.
3. the total radioactive release has so far been around 1/10 of Chernobyl's and most of that went out to sea?
Again, I don't think this can be confirmed at present-- and in fact, some data seems to suggest that the total radioactive release is likely much greater than 10% of Chernobyl. In late March, monitoring at Takasaki and Sacramento were seeing values for iodine 131 that suggested emissions closer to 50% per day of Chernobyl.
Some of your later points may have been well made, but alas, I could not get past your first three, and so I only skimmed the rest.
Your complaint isn't that you're being deceived, but that nobody really knows yet? How does this differ from the situation in a gas-line explosion while the fire is burning, or the immediate aftermath of a major tornado? Isn't that part of the human condition... and what could possibly be done about it anyway?
Methinks you doth protest too much.
I think the biggest irony of this is that the Mark I BWRs at Daiichi could have been replaced by technologies simply not susceptible to the zirconium-water reaction which created and escalated the problems we're seeing... and probably would have if it weren't for the anti-nuclear lobby. Japan was a major contributor to the Integral Fast Reactor project in the 1990's, but it was killed by Hazel O'Leary's initiative in 1994. The IFR had no water in contact with fuel, either active or spent. Had the Daiichi site been re-powered with IFRs, the spent-fuel pools wouldn't be there, the hydrogen explosions would have been impossible, and the reactors themselves would have been passively cooled after the quake-prompted shutdown. But it was all trapped in a time warp because of people who claimed that nuclear power was too dangerous to allow further development... and now all they have for an example is reactor designs roughly 40 years old and revised almost immediately afterward for the reasons we're seeing. Monbiot is right.
Speculation. Also delusional, but speculation.
Yeah, well, EP, methinks thou doth too, but beneath all that rhetoric, you ask a few fair questions, or at least one in particular:
<< Your complaint isn't that you're being deceived, but that nobody really knows yet? >>
No, but that was not clear from my post. In fact, I suspect multiple and complex reasons for the inaccurate information, as I tend to think most really serious problems have multiple etiologies, though we often like to think in terms of singular causes.
Specifically, I feel that it is very likely that I am being deceived on some issues, such as the estimates of the total amount of radioactivity that has been released, and the effect of ingested radioactive material on the human body. And, yeah, sure, I'm sick of hearing about plane flights and bananas.
On April 7, the Korean Institute for Nuclear Safety reported that Iodine 131 concentrations reached 2.02 Bq/l and Cesium-137 reached 0.538 Bq/l... and this was reported, they gave schools the discretion of closing, and gave citizens basic information, like, "yeah, maybe wear rubber boots and drive your kids to school that day." No panic, no anti-nuclear hysteria, just some nervous concern.
But when EPA testing for Richmond CA shows Iodine 131 concentrations at 138 pCi on 4/4 (or 5.106 Bq/l) or Cesium 137 tests at 7.9 PCi (or .292 Bq) on 4/25, the US mainstream media says absolutely nothing. Nothing either about any immediate steps folks might take to keep themselves safe, or about why we are seeing quite so much more Iodine 131 (with a shorter half-life) quite so far from the scene of the accident quite such a long time from the initial events, and what this might imply about the releases from Daiichi.
Okay, this was rainwater, we're not usually drinking it, the Koreans were probably being overly cautious. But some of the numbers in California are not so great right now, and in tap water, too. And there's... no discussion of this? None? Except places like here? I don't get it.
On other issues, I believe there are failures of instrumentation that are unique to nuclear accidents. For example, the pressure and temperature of RPV #3 is not known b/c of likely instrument failure, if memory serves.
<< How does this differ from the situation in a gas-line explosion while the fire is burning, or the immediate aftermath of a major tornado? >>
I'm not understanding why this isn't clear to you. A tornado ripped through the St. Louis airport last night; we have a pretty good idea what happened already, and the site can be inspected. The accident at Fukushima was over six weeks ago, and it's impossible to inspect the RPVs due to the high levels of radioactivity onsite.
Look, I'm not a scientist, I can only comment on your reasoning, and the way you are constructing your argument. And it seems a little odd at times, and it makes it hard to follow through to the end of your posts when they are so wide-ranging and shrill in their general tone. Please don't take this as a personal attack; I'm just telling you that to me, your posts don't track as well as Ransu's or Agrarian's or any number of other folks on the site. There seem to be these leaps, occasionally, where I can't see where you're going or how you got there.
Anyway, hope that clarifies at least some of the ambiguity in my post...
Oh, I'm not so sure about that, Catalyzt. More than anything else (more important than anything else), science is an attitude, an approach to knowledge and learning, validation by observation. Observing your interactions here, recently, I would say that a scientist is exactly what you are.
And because why correct misunderstandings, unless it redounds to TEPCO's favor?
The story of the transmission system's failing is a story that was never unambiguously claimed, although reported from a conference call after the fact, and has been allowed to linger in the public mind as a factor. This despite the plant seven miles down the road was being powered that evening from the grid. No story of transmission line repairs (not a small task), or towers being rebuilt (pfft - did not happen), nothing to substantiate the story line.
If the story is true - where was the line that was down? And who fixed it and when. Hardly mysteries, but not yet revealed.
Q: And if the grid was up, why was it not used?
A: Oops.
So, no. Inaccuracies are not being corrected over time. That is not the mode we are in.
So what could this have been ? Certainly not volatile gasses ?
The kids are playing in the backyard.
They've got vinegar and baking soda.
They've got a big glass mason jar with a sealing lid...
Suddenly, this is not so good.
Kids are kids.
It's not that they are just playing.
It is what they are playing with.
It would seem that the Fukushima coverage has become uncomfortable for the Japanese government, possibly because the accident is continuing unabated, forcing a significant additional area to be evacuated.
So in future there will be unified press conferences, limited to representatives of select news organizations, who are additionally admonished to 'adhere closely to a news ethical standard'.
Independent internet news reporters will not be allowed to participate.
Further details here:
This does not sound very encouraging. If the situation were stable or improving, there would be no incentive to set up effectively an official press pool.
Indeed, it smacks of preparation for crisis management, perhaps because it is becoming clearer that a Chernobyl dead zone scenario may be gradually materializing.
Could be.
all together now: throw up your hands
A Guide to Nuclear Radiation Units that is fairly easy to understand, written for the layperson.
Rad-Pro exposure calculator and (elsewhere on this site) explanations of why you can't do simple conversions from Bq to Sv and the fairly-easy-to-understand units are actually kind of useless for understanding exposure.
I am still not sure how much radiation a teraBq is. It sounds way scary, but tiny units always sound scary because they invite huge multipliers.
One Bq is 27 picocuries. A tera is a trillion or 10**12. Pico, as far as I know, is 10**-12. So a teraBq is 27 curies?
But I am left no wiser as to the lethality of 27*154 curies per day being emitted from the smouldering ruins. Is this a big scary "stand in this zone for ten minutes and your life is over" amount? Or a "merely" long-term scary "stand in this zone for ten minutes and you will probably live a shortened life and die a nasty death from cancer 20 years from now"? Or the famous "Stand here for ten minutes and it's no worse than taking a jet flight from SF to DC"?
The estimated total release from Chernobyl was 5.2 million terabecquerels.
Since we have a near-order of magnitude upward revision of the later release rates from Fukushima Daiichi (when, as the post says, releases had allegedly slowed markedly) Do we also have a revision of the earlier official estimate of up to 10,000 terabecquerels per hour in mid-March?
Gosh. A few thousand terabecquerels per hour here, a few more there, a few hundred a day for months--you could get to a big number.
I'm sure the very professional, carefully-screened and -accredited reporters who are now permitted to attend the consolidated, carefully-scripted press conferences will keep us right up to date on all the details.
Or start with a big number. From a 4/25 news story from Japan:
The total amount of radioactive material discharged from the plant from March 11 to early April was estimated between 370,000 and 630,000 terabecquerels, according to government sources.
The commission, however, said the figures were estimates only, "with a considerable margin of error." Radiation levels around the six-reactor complex have been slowly falling, it said.
Great website and comments, by the way.
Wlecome, MET, and thanks for the link and info.
So by now we can likely extrapolate and round up the high end estimate to about one million teraBqs--nice round number.
So even official numbers are now approaching Chernobyl levels.
Yes, thanks, MET.
The "Fukushima is no Chernobyl" pitch is getting harder to sell every day. Not that I expect the pitchmen to back off even an inch, of course.
It doesn't really matter to them, since they're convinced that Chernobyl, itself, was "no Chernobyl."
"So a teraBq is 27 curies?"
Correct. A curie is the radioactivity of 1 gram of radium. Radium has a half-life of 5300 years. You can use those facts to ratio things quickly.
For instance, Co-60 has a 5.3 year half life, so it only takes 1 mg of that to make a curie, and that amount would be trivial to inhale. Tc-99 has a half life of 211,000 years so 1 curie of that would be 50 grams, and inhaling that would take a really determined effort, and you would probably die of something else in the attempt.
Another useful rule is the curie-meter-rem rule. One curie generates 1 rem (or rad, more accurately, but for gamma radiation they are the same thing) at 1 meter. A very handy rule to keep in mind while on the job, when the job involves wearing a "canary suit."
The SI fanatics discarded the handy thumb-rules in the search for mathematical purity.
TEPCO discloses radiation map
"Hot debris hampers reactor repairs"
"Radiation map shows hazards lurking around every corner"
"Chernobyl’s guide to tyranny"
A story from a fellow who lost a pair of pants to Chernobyl:
Images and narration of Chernobyl's legacy.
Hard to watch.
I had to turn away before the end...
A resource:
A tale of self-regulation:,Authorised=...
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System bred Tepco’s cosy links to watchdogs
By Jonathan Soble and Michiyo Nakamoto in Tokyo
Published: April 19 2011 17:58 | Last updated: April 19 2011 18:08
When an American whistleblower told Japanese nuclear regulators in 2000 that Tokyo Electric Power had been hiding safety violations at its atomic plants, the regulator assigned the task of investigating to the entity that knew the plants best: Tepco itself.
Two years later, the utility duly reported that its nuclear facilities were safe – only to backtrack within weeks as evidence emerged that it had falsified inspection data. Senior executives resigned over the scandal, and Tepco was forced to shut down all 17 of its nuclear reactors for a comprehensive safety review.
Fun fact:
Renewables made 80GWh of electricity in California yesterday. About 1/7th the total 550GWh used. Wind made 28GWh of that.
and not a single coal plant shut down.
We need to push against coal harder. There's a lot of externalized costs for coal that need to be added to the bottom line or those coal plants will keep on killing people.
I invite comments/proposals on the following. Here's Nassim Taleb's rather wonderful article on antifragility.
Now... what kind of energy generation scheme or strategy would meet Taleb's criteria for antifragility?
If we can find one, that would be the one to invest in -- now, quickly, and with real commitment :-)
Ah, thanks, Rootless. I've had a grumpy day, but that was a nice nightcap.
It will be interesting to see what others think. WRT to your question, I would say that Taleb's (truly rather wonderful) piece suggests the rallying cry: "Stochastic tinkerers of the world, unite (locally)!"
Further, the reasoning he elucidates ought to make it easier for us to locate all of the uber-complex, centralized, error-intolerant approaches to the energy problem in the area of the map labeled, "Here be dragons."
Taleb in his last paragraph claims the calculation of variance as something significant.
variance ~ sum (xi - <xi>)2
which leads to:
<xi2> - <xi>2 > 0
which says essentially that higher excursions from the average squared are bigger than the lower excursions from the average squared, or variance is always positive. Which is exactly what his dice results also say.
Taleb is interesting to read not because he is right (which he usually is) but he always builds up the drama out of something that may be trivial.
Yes, or obvious, or prosaic. And he does it so elegantly that it almost constitutes stealth.
Here is a list of good neutron absorbing elements, along with their standard atomic weights:
Hafnium 178.49
Dysprosium 162.50
Cadmium 112.41
Silver 107.87
Boron 10.81
These elements soak up neutrons and stop nuclear reactions (criticalities). (So they can be used in control rods.)
Well here's a plan:
"Depleted" uranium is fairly non-radioactive, and has a standard atomic weight of 238.03 (it's heavy). If we can dissolve one of these good neutron absorbing elements with some "depleted" uranium (hafnium looks like the best candidate), we can melt it and inject it into the bottoms of the reactors that have melted down, where it will mix with the hot molten nuclear fuel. There, it should soak up the neutrons, and thus prevent any further nuclear criticality events.
At the same time, we can cover the areas beneath the reactors with silicon carbide, and thereafter we can cover the whole thing with cement.
At least it's a plan.
I would prefer a plan of continous water cooling while sorting the debrie on the site and in the reactor buildings while continue to approach and survey the damaged reactor cores. And then as soon as possible implement resurculating cooling that do not mobilise radioactive elements and after that start moving used fuel off site.
Massive efforts could be made with surveying the spread of radioactivity and cleaning up the less active parts of the site and building work and accomondation areas for the next steps in the securing and clean up effort. Such efforts are unlikely to go wrong and makes the hard jobs easier.
Then continue with this untill he last scraps of corium is in a container about a decade later and the effort turns into an ordinary dismantling plus research into corium wastehandling.
No whiz bang violent efforts or odd ideas for cocooning while it slowly is stabilizing, such could make the situation worse.
Heavily contaminated surfaces should be hosed down and the water should be recirculated through particulate and deionizing filters to collect and concentrate contamination into disposable packages.
It is the same approach they should use at Charnobyl.
By the way, it is interesting to note that decay heat drops so fast that well spaced spent fuel assemblies can air cool without damage less than 10 days after reactor shutdown (page 55).
no research on core-ium needed. they already did that with three mile island. just transport it to the nearest purex plant and reprocess it.
I would add to house whats left of the secondary containment building in a stressed fabric structure with its own filtered ( at the exhaust)ventilation system.
What about lead as was used at Chernobyl?
Silver would be a good choice as its fumes would not be toxic. Would silver work as well as lead in shielding radiation and quenching the heat?
Silver reached over $49/oz in the Asian/European markets overnight. CNN said $49.79 and now that article has mysteriously disappeared.
This price rivals the 1980 Hunt Bros. silver spike. Silver is headed to record territory, as the dollar collapses (along with the uncertainty in North Africa, the disaster in Japan, Debt ceilings, etc.).
I seriously doubt silver would be used for this purpose! Not at that price.
I don't think price is even an issue if silver is the solution.
If price wasn't an issue, this industry would be able to function on private capital.
As far as I know, all nuclear is revenue stable. Little of the industry is subsidized as a whole. There are few energy industries that can survive on it's own outside fossil. If we really took the libertarian tact, something I'm totally opposed too, there would be *no wind or solar* energy AT ALL. Period.
Using "private industry" as a bellwether for what's "good" or "efficient" is a-historical.
Good for you, Walters. I congratulate you and thank you very sincerely, for being candid and forthright. Freedom is a-historical. You are totally opposed to it. In a free society there would be no wind or solar AT ALL.
Quite right. Quite right indeed.
So when freedom happens it will turn still and dark?
Actually, the statement was:
The only way to summarise the latter as the former is if one is a doctrinaire Right Libertarian (e.g. Ayn Rand). Other people have a very different idea about what a free society looks like. I happen to believe that a free society wouldn't have energy sources that require a police state approach to the security of energy generating facilities. It also wouldn't inflict the necessity of watching its waste on future generations for the next quarter of a million years or so.
There's a lot more to a free society than "free markets". I've yet to meet a Right Libertarian who can explain why their economic policies, which were implemented by General Pinochet's government in Chile, were compatible with a bloody military dictatorship. In fact, those policies couldn't have been implemented without that dictatorship.
The entire intellectual edifice of Right Libertarianism depends on the assumption that the collective is always authoritarian. Human beings, however, are social animals and co-operation is a more common feature of natural societies than competition. It is only since the rise of class society that competition and authoritarianism (which are really two sides of the same coin) have become dominant. In the world of Ayn Rand, the only free person would be a dictator, or perhaps Robinson Crusoe. In the real world, the road to freedom is to be found through recognising our common humanity and building society on the basis of voluntary co-operation.
Devotion upon Emergent Occasions
Meditation XVII
John Donne 1624
Individualism was epitomized by the Pinochet regime? Nice smear.
Typical of collectivists to romanticize pre-industrial savages ("natural society") and to pine for humble benefactors who ask nothing for themselves except to be of service.
No need for private property, equity or common law, comrade.
Natural societies doesn't only mean humans. The role of co-operation and symbiosis is at least as important as the role of competition and predation in the complex lives of ecosystems. Neither one can be eliminated (cooperation or predation) without disruption, but top predators can be removed with less lasting impact than, say, soil organisms and insects.
In fact, if humans vanished overnight, few species would suffer and most would breathe a sigh of relief (metaphorically speaking). [Except of course for those organisms w/in the 30, or 40, or 100k radius of one of our toxic timebombs. ] Whereas if all the insects in the world vanished overnight, we would not long outlive them -- "If all the insects on earth disappeared, within 50 years all life on earth would disappear. If all humans disappeared, within 50 years all species would flourish as never before." as Jonas Salk put it. They do a great deal of unsung work, one of whose byproducts is our own food chain and existence.
Underground mycelial networks transport nutrients through the soil, distributing them more "fairly" (evenly) than they would be if each individual tree jealously guarded its own rhizo-microbial processes. Examples of resource distribution and sharing are everywhere in the life sciences. Even wolves, those charismatic predators, co-operate with one another to hunt, as do orca and many others. Geese often share out babysitting, with a few designated adults minding the whole flock's goslings while the other parents take a break. Co-operation is immensely powerful, leveraging a group's resources to something more than the sum of the parts. If humans didn't co-operate with one another beyond even the remarkable cooperative strategies of other primates (for example, by agreeing on cultural conventions and language and passing down artisanal skills and local knowledge) we wouldn't have made it this far :-)
It's imho as silly to deny the importance of co-operation in humans and other animals as it is to deny the forces of territoriality, xenophobia, competition, and so on. Insisting on only one or t'other being "real" is drawing a cartoon of both humanity and life itself.
Natural societies doesn't only mean humans. The role of co-operation and symbiosis is at least as important as the role of competition and predation in the complex lives of ecosystems
Heck humans are ecosystems. We are made up of maybe 10 trillion cells but we shelter about 100 trillion microbes. Plenty of co-operation, symbiosis and a good deal of competition and predation goes on both atop and beneath our skins?- )
Rugged individualism is such a silly delusion.
What on earth does your 'Revenue Stable' mean?
Nuclear was developed on the Military Cold-war budget, and lives on the unthreatened largesse of Price-Anderson. If it had any stability to it, this Shadow Insurance would never have been necessary. Clearly, the fossil fuels have gotten a similar 'National Security' subsidy for the obvious military advantages they convey, and this has joined with that sweltering energy density to give us the illusion that we are being well-fed instead of largely bled.
There are ALL SORTS of Solar and wind power projects going on with private money, and in individual homes. While my little wind and solar projects aren't Grid-scale to any degree, they do work, and are able to give me heat and electricity, just as countless thousands of people have chosen to do all over the world. Similar and better projects can likewise be done by bigger, private groups to serve their needs.. so how that would even preclude Libertarians escapes me, as I suspect the very opposite is true..
Yes,and don't forget the virtually guaranteed operating profits provided by the rate structures supervised by captive public utility commissions (utilities can screw this up, but they have to go really wild to do so).
Let's see,
1. Nearly all the research and development is done in government labs - Check
2. Investment tax credits, accelerated depreciation, and other capital subsidies - Check
3. Subsidies for plant security - Check
4. Subsidies for decommissioning - Check
5. Subsidy for Spent fuel storage for several millennium - Check
6. Fuel transportation insurance and security - Check
7. depletion allowance for uranium mining equal to 22 percent of the ore’s market value, and its deductions are allowed to exceed the gross investment in a given mine - Check
8. Government subsidized environmental remediation for mining probably exceeds value of all ore ever mined - Check
9. Operational plant indemnification by government (The Price-Anderson Act) - Check
10. Fuel enrichment loan guarantees - Check
11. Subsidized borrowing via tax free bonds - Check
12. CWIP for utilities - Check
13. Property tax abatements - Check
14. Under-priced water for cooling - Check
16. Production tax credits (PTCs). A PTC will be granted for each kilowatt-hour generated during a new reactor’s first eight years of operation; - Check
17. Mining on public lands - Check
proposed future subsidies of 200% value of total power produced - Check
Yeah I can see how the industry thinks it's not subsidized.
But now the industry is asking for the following new subsidies:
• A clean-energy bank that could promote nuclear power through much larger loans, letters of credit, loan guarantees, and other credit instruments than is currently possible
• Tripling federal loan guarantees available to nuclear reactors through the Department of Energy, from $18.5 billion to $54 billion
• Reducing the depreciation period for new reactors from 15 years to five
• A 10 percent investment tax credit for private investors or federal grants in lieu of tax payments to publicly owned and cooperative utilities
• Expanding the existing production tax credit from 6,000 to 8,000 megawatts, and permitting tax-exempt entities to allocate their available credits to private partners
• Permitting tax-exempt bonds to be used for public-private partnerships, which
would allow POUs to issue tax-free, lowcost bonds for nuclear plants developed jointly with private interests
• Expanding federal regulatory risk insurance
coverage from $2 billion to $6 billion (up
to $500 million per reactor), which would
further shield plant developers from costs
associated with regulatory or legal delays
1. Nearly all the research and development is done in government labs - Check
What is "nearly". True, a LOT. So what? All non-carbon energy is subsidized. ORNL and other national labs also do extensive solar investements on the tax payers dime. This is what society does.
2. Investment tax credits, accelerated depreciation, and other capital subsidies - Check
You mean like ALL industries? If you can show it's "special" for nuclear, by all means. Vague generalities like "other capital subsidies" are weezel words.
3. Subsidies for plant security - Check
4. Subsidies for decommissioning - Check
Not. Paid for completely as part of the rate base. Operators pick up the tab.
5. Subsidy for Spent fuel storage for several millennium - Check
What "spent fuel storage". You guys killed that, remember?
6. Fuel transportation insurance and security - Check
7. depletion allowance for uranium mining equal to 22 percent of the ore’s market value, and its deductions are allowed to exceed the gross investment in a given mine - Check
What?!!? The value of the ore is so low that it wouldn't turn much of a dime. Ah..yes...I see...general mining subsidies (Uranium is concisered hard rock mining, unlike coal, which is different.) So you are concerned that uranium mining...which there is almost *none of* in the U.S. is "subsidized".
8. Government subsidized environmental remediation for mining probably exceeds value of all ore ever mined - Check
Really? Can you show this?
9. Operational plant indemnification by government (The Price-Anderson Act) - Check
Cost to the tax payer: ZERO
10. Fuel enrichment loan guarantees - Check
They don't get loan guarantees, Federal LAW mandates it's *owned* by the US DofE. Anti-nuclear Prez Carter wrote the law.
11. Subsidized borrowing via tax free bonds - Check
???? What bonds?
12. CWIP for utilities - Check
13. Property tax abatements - Check
YOu mean like wind and solar installations that get ZERO property tax allotments?
14. Under-priced water for cooling - Check
A lie.
16. Production tax credits (PTCs). A PTC will be granted for each kilowatt-hour generated during a new reactor’s first eight years of operation; - Check
Only for the first 8GW of installed capacity. Amounts to 1.5 cents per kwWA. I'm against it as I am the much higher amounts that go on forever for wind and solar. Or, the 44 CENTS per KWhr they pay German and French producers, our about 4000% more than they do in the US. Like I noted, I'm against all these 'subsidies' and I'm for a public power system, period.
17. Mining on public lands - Check
YOu mean like copper, tungten, gold, silver, platinum, lead, etc ad infinitum. Nothing you listed has one specifically for nuclear. Nice try, though.
Nuclear has returned way more than it's ever been subsidized, even using the outlandish that it's a 'military thing' nonsense. The *revenue* generated is what makes it revenue stable. Charged at wholesale and retail rates like all power with NO money paid to it as an "extra" (unlike wind and solar which can't exist out side legal mandates to include it) nuclear has produced far more revenue, carbon free energy, than *any* form of energy, bar none.
So dw, even if we accept your numerous accusations of lying, about half of these you admit to be partially or totally true, so your claim than nukes get essentially no subsidies is an obvious and knowing falsehood. Do you care to retract it?
Data anyone?
"Nuclear programs received the largest share of electricity-related R&D funding, with appropriations totaling $6.2 billion from fiscal year 2002 through fiscal year 2007. Appropriations for nuclear programs grew by 59 percent, increasing from $775 million in fiscal year 2002 to $1.2 billion in fiscal year 2007."
By comparison, funding for alternatives is so vanishingly small as to not even be mentioned in this summary report.
Are you aware of these obvious and well known facts and purposely trying to hoodwink us, or are you ignorant of them but completely sure that you are right?
ya but a lot of those research projects are government boondoggles. Some are mixed with department of defense clean up projects.
So much of this is military. DofE for example runs both military WMD plutonium breeders and the US enrichment program for civilian nuclear energy. This is why anti-nukes regularly include, for example, R&D under the Manhatten Project in the "nuclear energy subsidy". The total revenue brought in by nuclear is 10 times the amount the GAO quoted. And this is the consideration...what amounts to *investments* is much lower than the fake number used about "200% of revenue". That's a lie and this is what need to be confronted.
As a subsidy, even in the most outlandish "$160 billions" (combined military and civilian subsidy in R&D and direct aid, minus costs to build nuclear weapons) the subsidy *per unit of energy delivered* is the *lowest* of any form of energy. The highest? Wind and solar.
"2400 tons (some authors estimate 6720 tons) of lead dumped from helicopters onto the reactor to quench the fire"
Some say a lot of the lead boiled. Others say a lot of the lead missed.
The idea was to provide cooling of an exposed "fire" driven by decay heat. I hear the graphite was not actually burning, or at least not in quantity.
I've heard tin suggested for the same application.
Fukushima is a different problem, I think. Water is being used to remove the waste heat of radionuclide decay from materials contained in pools and vessels. It is removing some of the radionuclides, too! #2 PRV leaks. This water is pooling. The facility is drowning. The water is so radioactively "hot" that people can not get in to do work. Filtering systems are being gathered and assembled to allow disposing of the water.
Would anyone like to summarize the comments, in some way?
Hmmm. Well, there are two flavours of post it seems (to me): info-squirrel stuff (adding new facts and urls to the cache to be considered) and op-ed stuff (drawing conclusions and policy recommendations from the fact-cache).
The op-ed part is what I suppose we would call the "debate" in the thread, and I'm assuming that was what MG wished summarised. Obviously there's controversy and some polarisation :-)
If I had to summarise -- and of course I'm doing so from my particular "camp" in the debate so my summary is as biased as anyone else's would be -- there is strong agreement that we (industrial humanity) face a predicament, that our predicament is of historic proportions (not just a passing annoyance), that our predicament has to do with the exhaustion of fossil fuel resources *plus* their environmental impacts, and that the solutions we seek and decisions we make are extremely important. Most people here share, I think, a common belief that large numbers of human lives (and quality of life) are at stake.
After establishing this common ground, opinion starts to diverge widely. I would say that we have disagreements based on
belief vs nonbelief in perpetual economic (and/or population) growth (Cornucopians vs Limitarians);
belief vs nonbelief in GDP as a meaningful measuring tool for life quality;
trust vs mistrust of the nuclear industry as a social actor;
optimism vs pessimism re human capacity to manage increasingly complex systems;
enthusiasm vs skepticism for large centralised energy generation;
optimism vs pessimism wrt the capacity of societies to conserve, reduce waste, and otherwise reduce energy demand while maintaining adequate life quality;
conflicting models of what "adequate" life quality really means, i.e. b/nb that increased energy consumption inevitably equals greater happiness;
satisfaction vs dissatisfaction with the current state of "globalisation";
personal experience vs non-experience of living with lower energy consumption/expectations;
confidence vs lack of confidence in the capacity and competence of ordinary people to manage the provision of energy and other amenities in their own communities (i.e. enthusiasm for credentialled experts and centralised control vs enthusiasm for generalists, devolution, and small-scale autarky);
optimism vs pessimism wrt the longevity of present day industrial civilisation (is it just Peak Oil, or Peak Everything that we are facing?) and continuance of govermental/business/financial norms;
urban vs rural perspectives;
loyalty vs disloyalty to technomanagerial standards, belief-systems, culture;
insider vs outsider perspectives on nuclear technology;
industrial vs biotic priorities, metaphors and models...
... this last perhaps touching on quite a fundamental disagreement over what are the most important amenities or resources on which human life, happiness, and cultural continuity really depend. For some the answer to this question is Energy, mostly in the form of Electricity. Others would say that we can't eat electricity, and all the ways in which we try to generate it in industrial quantity are chipping away at the bases of our biotic existence (things like water, viable topsoil, food, fish, trees).
We are all arguing for the survival of humanity and some kind of cultural continuity (i.e. avoiding a crash, or softening the crash if it is inevitable). We disagree about the proximate and ultimate threats, and the most effective/robust survival tactics. The stakes are high, and resources are limited, which makes debate passionate and urgent.
Nice. Thanks for taking the time.
First narrative of the reactor accident I have seen:
"What Yokota didn’t know was that the quake knocked out a transformer station about 10 kilometers away, severing the utility’s connection to the electricity grid and the power needed to keep reactor cooling systems operating."
"Yoshida could get replacement electricity from 13 back-up diesel generators to run emergency water pumps for cooling reactors. Each generator is the size of a train locomotive and capable of delivering 6,000 kilowatt hours of power, enough to run 14,400 Japanese homes for that period. Again, the engineering was working. “Most are located in generator rooms in basement 1 of the turbine buildings,” Arai said..."
"Seawater flooded the basements of turbine buildings and other sites, disabling 12 of the 13 back-up generators and destroying electrical switching units. Salt water shorted electric circuitry..."
"The No. 1 reactor, water levels began dropping in the early morning of March 12. At 8:36 a.m., the reading showed zero centimeters as the fuel rods began to emerge and come into contact with the air."
"By this time, Tepco had begun to vent radioactive steam into the atmosphere to reduce pressure in the reactor."
"On two occasions radiation levels at Dai-Ichi reached 1 sievert an hour. Thirty minutes of exposure to that dose would trigger nausea. Contamination for four hours might lead to death within four months, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency."
Here's a link that works (Bloomberg has a terrible habit of creating a new URL every time they update the story, and drop the previous link). This one works for now:
It's a compelling account, spliced together from multiple first person reports, and some commentary thrown in from by various armchair observers. I really wish they would have made the FULL first-person transcripts available from these important accounts. I'm guessing Bloomberg got a press release with multiple edited accounts provided by TEPCO.
I was hoping for some detailed information on the status of the cooling systems in the moment after the reactor SCRAM and before the tsunami hit, but didn't find anything. Especially since one Japanese engineering expert, looking at reactor data, has suggested there may have been earthquake damage to cooling systems before the tsunami hit. Workers were sent out to look for earthquake damage, instrument panels were broken down for 1 and 2 (no explanation given), and it doesn't seem they have any reports from anyone in the control room (perhaps considered too sensitive)? I'm glad someone has decided to collect these stories. We had months of it following the Deepwater Horizon accident. I hope there is much more in the future, and in particular from individuals providing a record of events under oath before their memory becomes fuzzy and mixed with secondary accounts and post-accident reflections and synthesis.
Thank you, idyl.
Thank you very much for fixing this link.
The damage happened at a COPY operation from another version of the text.
From the Bloomberg News story:
According to this, the problem was at the "transformer station"; ie, the transmission substation. No report of problems with wires or towers.
However I am starting to get an "attitude": why is it called a "transformer station" rather than a transmission substation. Who picked those words and why? TEPCO? Is the phrase "knocked out a transformer station" intended to not keep you from thinking that a transformer failed? Actually at least two transformers would need to have been "knocked out", since there is a 500kV line and two 375kV lines and they need different transformers. May I say obviously what happened was the protective relays tripped, if the grid was tripped off at the substation.
And, as we remember, the substation was up by midnight.
But, Bloomberg goes on:
Power no longer matters. Except for the batteries.
Yes, a "transformer station" is not a thing in English - it sounds like a translation issue. But I'm starting to agree with you that it didn't matter if there was power to the plant or if the generators worked, as the in-plant distribution system got trashed.
I think the "no power" story sounds better than admitting the design was so vulnerable, just like the mythical vent to the loading floor story sounds better than "it got hot and blew up" and maintains the illusion that there was some measure of control and decision making going on.
I have an interesting comparison regarding energy alternatives ,
my question is , does it make sense ??
According to wikipedia , 80% of the Earth's internal heat is being generated by radioactive decay.
--The mean heat loss from the Earth is 87 mW m−2, for a global heat loss of 4.42 × 10E13 W
--In 2008, total worldwide energy consumption was 474 exajoules (474×1018
J=132,000 TWh). This is equivalent to an average annual power consumption rate of 1.504×10E13
In other words , do we really think it possible to mine enough uranium to produce the energy equal to a third of all geothermal energy thats being released at the earth's surface ?
I just wanted to share that intriguing (at least to myself) thought experiment with you ...
That heat flux is due to natural decay, which is small given the long half life for U-235. That is very different (i.e. much smaller) than the flux possible by concentrating it and slowing down the neutrons such that it fissions at a rather high rate.
Yes , true , mainly long half-life elements active , in very large amounts.
So the next step of my reasoning would be :
With an nuclear conversion efficiency of 35% from heat to electricity ,
this would mean that for that amount of electricity ,
the total heat generated inside all nuclear plants would equal the total geothermal energy escaping the earth.
So that man would have to contain that same amount ( ie equal to controling the earths volcano's) in
a safe manner in order to prevent any accidents.
Isn't that fascinating ? To expect man to safely rule over that amount of energy ?
Not much really, the sun delivers about 20,000,000 watts of energy per person. We only need 10 to 15 thousand watts to be very comfortable.
Indeed , as
the total energy flux from the sun is 3.8 YJ/yr, dwarfing all non-renewable resources. (1 Y/YottaJ = 10E24 J ) , the total energy rate is 174 petawatts (1.740×10E17 W) ,
around 3000 times the amount of all exterior geothermal energy released.
* Type I — a civilization that is able to harness all of the power available on a single planet — has approximately 10^16 or 10^17 W available.[3] Earth specifically has an available power of 1.74 ×10^17 W (174 peta watts, see Earth's energy budget). Kardashev's original definition was 4 ×10^12 W — a "technological level close to the level presently attained on earth" ("presently" meaning 1964).
* Type II — a civilization that is able to harness all of the power available from a single star, approximately 4 ×10^26 W. Again, this figure is variable; the Sun outputs approximately 3.86 ×10^26 W. Kardashev's original definition was also 4 ×10^26 W.
* Type III — a civilization that is able to harness all of the power available from a single galaxy, approximately 4 ×10^37 W. This figure is extremely variable, since galaxies vary widely in size; the stated figure is the approximate power output of the Milky Way. Kardashev's original definition was also 4 ×10^37 W.
Plus the 30% (or so) of net primary production we appropriate?
Solar energy is coming in at the rate of 20 mega watts per person? And we like energy at the rate of 10 kilo watts? So in an hour we would be happy with 10 kwhr? That seems like plenty. 240 kwhr/day.... Am I using those number properly?
Why do we have to mine (in the way you think) new uranium? We can reprocess existing stocks of spent fuel; the chinese have a pilot plant that mines coal ash for uranium; in sitru liquid mining; Gen IV reactors can use thorium (3.5 times more plentiful than uranium) which can breed it's own fuel and/or can, in the chloride version, us U238/DU; IFRs can use U238; and so one. Hard rock mining may become a lot less necessary.
So with all that potential, why IS all that spent fuel piling up?
I suspect it's cheaper to keep ripping up the earth, as long as we are willing to look the other way and let it happen.
I think this is an excellent question. Let's examine it a bit...
In the US, due to "proliferation concerns", Pres. Jimmy Carter squashed the attempts to reprocess spent fuel and reduce it's volume and toxicity. It was, of course, a false concern as the US produces bomb-grade plutonium *anyway* an none of it was ever stolen.
Secondly, it was always cheaper ("private capital" again, which is why I'm for public power) and still is to mine new stuff and enrich it than reprocess it, which takes a big capital outlay.
Thirdly, France, China, Russia and Japan all have major plans to vastly expand their reprocessing facilities.
Fourthly, the US for the past 10 years has been using the effective "Magatons-into-Megawatts" swords to plowshares program to down blend Russian WMD into peaceful commercial fuel...thus *HALF* our nuclear fuel comes from the 'almost free' program set up by Clinton. Thus, 10% of all electricity used in the United States is from ex-Russian bombs. This was way cheaper than reprocessing.
Fifthly, there is a big "urainium-industrial" complex that doesn't look kindly on other sources of fuel, like Thorium which doesn't actually need any uranium to fuel it.
Funny story about the Russian nuclear bombs, and fair-trade uranium, and "hush money".
Was anyone other than myself unaware of Hyman Rickover's late-in-life recantation?
[Funny how these old guys in suits repent only *after* they retire from their lucrative apparatchik positions/appointments. Pity more of them don't get a clue while they are still on the inside and able to wield some influence. I do have to take annoyed exception to Rickover's anthropomorphisation of nature as "trying to destroy" early ambient radiation in order for life to exist -- kind of creationist w/o the explicit bible refs :-)]
A very doomy article from Japan on the number of nuclear facilities sited in high earthquake risk areas... perhaps not the best late-night reading:
Again the question occurs: is it ethical, and should it be legal, to undertake such tremendous risks without the informed consent of all the people living w/in, say, the 100k radius? (Actually a much larger radius -- an unthinkably large radius -- could be severely affected if what this author suggests is true.)
I have more than once used this thought experiment to understand imposed risk: a stranger walks into your home and points a automatic weapon at your family. "Don't worry," says the stranger. "I have no intention of hurting your family, I am a properly trained gun operator, and since I am in good health there is hardly any chance at all that I will sneeze, hiccup, have a fit, twitch, fall asleep or otherwise accidentally pull this trigger. You are all quite safe. The odds on any bad outcome are very, very small."
Perhaps they are. But does the stranger have any right to point the gun in the first place?
Extending the thought experiment: if the people who allegedly benefit from this metaphorical gun-pointing, i.e. electricity consumers, were fully literate and aware of the degree of risk, magnitude of possible outcomes, etc (let's say they have all seen the Fusco slideshow, or have taken a tour of Pripyat, whatever)... would they, if consulted, make an informed decision to accept these possible outcomes as an acceptable risk in exchange for 24x7 electricity? If they were offered a choice (which they never have been afaik) to accept, say, limited hours of electric service per diem or otherwise limited KWH per household provided by a less toxic and risky source (wind, say, or wave gen or tidal or solar-thermal or geo), would they say "the hell with my children's safety, I want more electricity"? Or would they say "I'll sleep better knowing no one is pointing a gun at our heads, no matter how well-intentioned and competent they believe themselves to be -- sign me up for limited service"?
These questions apply equally well to large fossil energy projects, mega dams, nat gas fracking, many large chemical processing operations, etc. If the customers really understood the risks involved, would they make the consumer "choices" they are presently encouraged to make in relative ignorance?
If I were those people I know which choice I would make.
I honestly don't know what choice "most people" would make (the number of SUVs on the road and other hyper-consumptive behaviour indicators seem to suggest that the health and safety of our descendants is not a high priority for everyone).
Rickover after that statement clarified his statement.
"I do not have regrets. I believe I helped preserve the peace for this country. Why should I regret that? What I accomplished was approved by Congress — which represents our people. All of you live in safety from domestic enemies because of security from the police. Likewise, you live in safety from foreign enemies because our military keeps them from attacking us. Nuclear technology was already under development in other countries. My assigned responsibility was to develop our nuclear navy. I managed to accomplish this."[32]
Apparently … the rebuttal from the pro-nuclear crowd is that Rickover was a disgruntled employee after getting fired "by a vengeful SecNav," and his critical comments only make up a "few sentences" in a 205 page congressional report. The bulk of his testimony is about the "economic necessity" of nuclear ("we will need nuclear power because we are exhausting our non-renewable energy sources"), and his specific critical comments about nuclear are "philosophical" and not policy recommendations. They also suggest Rickover may have been deluded about the inherent risks of radiation ("that radioactivity is more dangerous than 'ordinary' kinds of hazardous materials"). Aren't the contortions of the pro-nuclear evangelical crowd a bit awkward to watch: Rickover "achieved more than almost anyone else who has ever walked on the planet" (a secular Jesus in a peacoat unlocking the mysteries of the universe, and preaching the gospel of how to bring the atom under human control … and later crucified on the cross by Congress). The lessons I take from this testimony: let's look at the economics and find another way to produce our energy (one not so heavily reliant on a non-renewable resource or so focused on uninhibited and carnavalesque growth, boundless productivity, and unattenuated environmental consequences).
Here is an interview from RT Moscow with a Professor Busby, an advisor to the European Commission. He argues there is growing evidence that the explosion in Unit 3 was a nuclear explosion in the spent fuel pool and not a hydrogen explosion.
"RT" Seriously? These are the folks that take seriously every conspiracy nut under the sun.
I'm not familiar with RT, but I found this video on the Automatic Earth website co-run by Nicole Foss (Stoneleigh). Foss used to run the Canadian node of The Oil Drum and I've generally been very impressed with her new site and her perspectives on energy and finance.
Checking a little further, I see that Busby has quite strong credentials and a long list of publications, mostly peer reviewed. His statements are clearly some of the more alarmist, but the whole history of Fukushima to date is for more and more of the statements that were originally considered extreme or alarmist to be verified over time. So to me he seems to be a man with good credentials who appears on reputable sites (the Automatic Earth & BBC) along with disreputable sites like His claims are probably worthy of consideration.
If you don't like the message kill the messenger. I would like to hear some sound reasons why Professor Busby is wrong because he sure scares the hell out of me.
If they notice the post, I'm sure there will be at least as many nuclear proponents ready to condemn any message Chris Busby carries as there are posters here who think RT is a little less than respectable.
Busby is a very controversial guy among people with an interest in the health effects of low-level radiation. I think you should probably consider that before getting too scared.
That said, many of the people on the other side of the great divide are, frankly, simply shills, of one kind or another, for the nuclear establishment. The truth is hard to find here, not least because some of the world's most powerful forces would rather we didn't look too closely.
RT is fine.
Wow. You sure this isn't a comedy show?
You don't "hide" a nuclear explosion. That's like hiding Tokyo. The smart geologists that track earthquakes also track and report nuclear explosions all over the world as they happen.
You also don't get nuclear explosions out of nuclear power plants. Just can't happen.
I know, I'm a shill and in on the plot so of course I'm going to say that.
Wow. and Chernobyl was a nuclear explosion, too?
And Chernobyl killed more people than both the nuclear bombs actually used in war put together.
If you believe this stuff I have an infinite source of energy in my briefcase for you, I just need a few million dollars to develop it into a commercially viable form.
I had to stop at the plutonium stuff, this guy is just making stuff up.
I would like to hear a reasoned response from a nuclear shill to the following video:
Apparently from my understanding of what he is saying. The hydrogen explosion set off a nuclear detonation.
He uses some very misleading language, and makes a couple of outright erroneous statements (especially towards the end: a visible flash is as likely a property of a deflagration as it is a detonation).
The sort of explosion that would have resulted from the scenario he paints would not be a nuclear detonation, however. What would happen in the case of a "prompt criticality" is that any remaining water around the fuel rods would be instantly converted to steam. That would be the explosion (which would not include any actual flames, just rapidly expanding water vapor). An actual nuclear detonation would have been much larger, big enough that we would not be concerned with the state of any of the reactors on site. Fortunately, nuclear detonations require a very precise configuration of high purity materials which is exactly the opposite of the situation at Fukushima.
To my eye, the reactor 3 explosion looks exactly like what you would get if the building filled up with diesel fuel vapors which exploded. This also explains the visible flash, which looks like a gas flare, and would generate an explosion of the correct magnitude for the effects seen (including the large cloud of black smoke).
[edit] [/edit]
What I do not know is if there was diesel fuel storage in a location appropriate to have filled the reactor 3 building in that way, so my hypothesis has holes in it also. I think the diesel fuel storage location should be comparitively easy to discover, but I burned all the time I have for this already.
Physorg remembers Pripyat.
Per Bloomberg, Reactor One still very radio-hot...
on the other hand, brighter news for Tokyo:
I guess this suggests that the water capture and decontamination procedure is starting to work?
Post hoc, ergo propter hoc?
I think we'd have to have much more widespread and continuing evidence of reduced contamination to conclude that is the case. After all, all sorts of things might reduce deposition of contaminants into the Tokyo water supply without reducing total releases from the plant.
It could be true, of course.
Hey, it's not often I say anything hopeful about this situation... just grasping at a straw for a moment. Let's rephrase and say, "Optimistically, might we wonder whether the water capture, etc..." -- and speaking of water treatment and pumping and barges coming and going and so on, I still wonder how many MW/day are being burned up (irreplaceable fossil fuels, energy diverted from servicing Japan's suffering public) to keep Daiichi from getting "out of control" (as if it were currently under control, which I kinda doubt).
Scathing review of professional misconduct, collusion, and lax oversight in a long and detailed front page story appearing in the Times today: "Culture of Complicity Tied to Stricken Nuclear Plant" (April 26, 2011).
Among the very long list of troubling failures and warning signs are attached the following adjectives and descriptors: insularity; cover-up; collusive ties; blackballing opponents, investigators, critics and regulators; inconsistent, nonexistent, not rigorous, or unenforced regulations; single-mindedly focused on promoting industry; improper inspections; mild punishment; lack of transparency; safety problems; inability to speak freely; blurring the lines between oversight and promotion; "amakudari" (or "descent from heaven") as a revolving door between regulators and company officials; "amaagari" (or "ascent to heaven") as the vice versa; shunning and languishing of academics; lack of technical capability among regulators; watered down safety standards; political parties that are captive to power companies; and more. All terms you never want to have associated with nuclear power or any other industry that poses a great risk to public health and economic and social burdens when management practices and oversight go awry.
Makes Obama's 2008 campaign statement that the Japanese know how to do this ring particularly hollow. Perhaps it's time to remind Obama, Chu, and others that there are no shortcuts to effective and transparent regulation of the industry, and Japan is not the model for how to look the other way and ignore significant challenges posed by regulation and oversight of the industry (funding and staffing), emergency preparedness, waste and spent fuel pool standards, plant extensions for obsolete designs, outlasting an extended station blackout, inadequate site characteristics, and a great deal more.
Thanks for the link to the NY Times article--that headline must have slipped by my sidebar when I wasn't looking. The Japanese 'nuclear village' certainly looks familiar but in the US the behavior is most blatantly displayed in the revolving door personnel movement between the Pentagon, military contractors large and small and the Congressional lobbying industry. I just can't imagine China's govt/nuke power industry interrelationships being more forthright and transparent than Japan's. Comforting thought. And I'm not anti-nuclear.
Last night I attended our electric co-op annual general membership meeting and was quite impressed by how rehearsed the board and president's slick little production was and how light on content. Our co-op only has assets of a little under half a billion with annual revenue near half that (we own our own generation and transmission systems). I can only begin to imagine the dog and pony show the likes of TEPCO and the Japanese govt. put on.