Invitation to Website Associated with Energy Conference in Barcelona, Spain
Posted by Gail the Actuary on September 6, 2010 - 10:20am
Charlie Hall and I will be speaking at an energy conference in Spain on October 19-21. Some European readers may choose to come, but we expect it will be not be feasible for most US readers.
Instead, the organizers are asking that readers of The Oil Drum participate in an interactive web site associated with the conference. There is also a plan for television broadcast of the proceedings. Below the fold is the invitation the organizers put together.

On the occasion of the 7th Biennial Workshop Advances in Energy Studies 2010:
Can we break the addiction to fossil energy? Barcelona, 19-21 October 2010We want to perform an innovative experiment in Extended Peer Review. In this experiment, the scientific information given by a group of experts is evaluated by an extended community of peers (including the readers of The Oil Drum).
Our experts do not claim to provide "facts" but rather they play the role of "story-tellers" providing their story about specific points. The expert stories cover three main issues: (1) do we have a plan B to run our economy without fossil energy? (2) even if we had a plan B, how long would it take getting out of the existing addiction to oil?; (3) we should be aware that a society without oil would look quite different and would require serious changes in our daily routines.
So you are invited to go to the interactive website:
Link to Main page of interactive site
Register and have your say. You need to register in order to be able to vote the stories, leave comments, upload videos. On October 22 the scientists attending the BIWAES conference in Barcelona will address the best comments received in a public discussion day. (Hopefully the event will broadcast as it takes place by the Catalan TV.)
Just as a note, I'll be in Barcelona, too. My talk is titled "Resource depletion dynamics: a mind sized model of the Hubbert curve" and should be on Tuesday afternoon. UB
This is a link to the draft agenda.
The central theme on the first day (Tuesday) is Understanding the situation: Analysis of the metabolic patterns of societies". Charlie Hall gives the opening lecture titled, "Adjusting to the new energy realities in the second half of the age of oil". Your talk, Ugo, is, as you say, that afternoon. (There are other talks too, which I am not listing.)
The central theme of the second day (Wednesday) is Exploring the option space: Analysis of the viability of alternative energy sources. The introductory talk is by Marcel Coderch Collel, ComisiĆ³n del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones, Spain, called "The second nuclear era: Renaissance or agony?" Michael Dittmar, who has written guest posts for The Oil Drum, will be a speaker that day. A second major talk on Wednesday will be on Smart Grids, by Seth Blumsack of Pennsylvania State University.
The central theme of the third day (Thursday) is Policy implications: scenarios of energy transition away from fossil energy. I will be giving the introductory talk, called "Peak Oil and the Financial Crisis". That afternoon (after several other talks), the concluding talks will be The Energy-Complexity Spiral by Joe Tainter of Utah State University, and "US Perspective on Energy Future" by Bill Easterling, Pennsylvania State University.
The Follow-Up Event Open to the Public will be on Friday, October 22. It is called, Fossil Energy Dependence and Our Energy Future - A Public Conversation.
A whole week of discussions. The whole thing looks extremely interesting. Looking forward to it!