Annual Conference on Biophysical Economics
Posted by David Murphy on October 1, 2009 - 10:12am

Following the ASPO conference in Denver, the State University of New York - College of Environmental Science and Forestry will host the 2nd annual conference on Biophysical Economics. Joseph Tainter is this year's plenary speaker, and will discuss biophysical economics and the collapse of complex societies. Other speakers include Gail the Actuary and David Murphy from The Oil Drum, as well as the host, Dr. Charles Hall. The link to the Biophysical Economics website can be accessed here, where additional information, including the itinerary, can be found.
I might mention that registration is by e-mail to biophysicalecon at gmail dot com
According to an e-mail I received:
The e-mail goes on to give details about places to stay. The link Dave gives in the post mentions the
e-mail address above for registration.
Let me add that there may be a few other items (tutorials and workshops) in the program to be announced later this week, so you might want to check back at the web site from time to time. If anyone who is planning to attend the regular meeting is interested in a basic energy and the economy tutorial you can e-mail me: gmobus at u dot washington dot edu and let me know. It would probably be organized for the preceding Thursday if there is enough interest.
Looks good, David. I hope the audio and visual from the presentations will be made available on the website.
Bummer. I'm going to be in NYC for the Buttonwood gathering the 15th and 16th. Maybe I'll try to get up there for day 2. It will be interesting to compare notes from the two conferences. Not that we can't already foresee the differences...