ASPO-USA Peak Oil Conference in Denver October 10-13; Get discounted rates this week
Posted by Gail the Actuary on August 3, 2009 - 9:14am
This year's ASPO-USA Conference looks interesting. It is set in Denver and has the theme System Reset: Global Energy and the New Economy.
The regular plenary sessions are on Monday and Tuesday. Speakers include Matt Simmons, Kjell Aleklett, Jason Bradford, Steve Andrews, Chris Skrebowski, Debbie Cook, and many other familiar names. I notice the first session is "The Future of Oil Supply in an Unpredictable-Price Environment" and the second one is "Natural Gas Game Changers?"
The price of the conference depends on which "package" you choose and when you register. In general, you can save $100 by registering by August 7. Registration information can be found here. More information is available below the fold.

System Reset: Global Energy and the New Economy
Sheraton Hotel, Denver, Colorado
October 10-13, 2009
Early registration ends Aug 6, 2009!
Register now and save $100!
ASPO-USA, in concert with ASPO-International, invites you to join energy experts, investors, utilities, representatives from federal, state, and local governments, and others in Denver, Colorado for ASPO-USA's 5th annual Peak Oil Conference.
- The Great Recession and Energy Markets
Natural Gas Game Changers
Charting a Sustainable Future
Analysis from "The Oil Drum" Writers
Climate Change, Carbon Capture and Sequestration
The Media: On the Watch or Asleep at the Wheel?
Navigating Competing Priorities In Energy, Food, and Water Policy
Well, Don't Just Sit There! Examples from the Forefronts of the Transition
Stalking the Wild Taboo: Population, Carbon Taxes, and Nuclear Energy
Survive & Thrive After Peak Oil: Creating Personal Plans for the Coming Decades
Learn More
Confirmed speakers include:
- Matthew Simmons, leading peak oil analyst and author, "Twilight in the Desert"
- Chris Martenson, creator, "The Crash Course"
- Kevin Phillips, author, "American Theocracy: The Peril & Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, & Borrowed Money"
- Tom Petrie, Founder, Petrie, Parkman, Inc. / Merrill Lynch
- Susan Capalbo, Chair, Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Oregon State University
- Marcio Rocha Mello, President, HRT Petroleum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- David Shields, journalist, author "Pemex: The Oil Reform, Mexico City, Mexico
- Ray Leonard, Vice President of Exploration, Kuwait Energy
- Robert Hirsch, energy consultant, US DOE, author of the Hirsch Report
- Lisa Margonelli, author, "Oil on the Brain"
- Peter Maass, writer, The New York Times, author "Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil"
The world is at a major crossroads - the convergence of peak oil and climate change. Despite challenging economic times, our nation is moving forward with sweeping initiatives to deal with climate change but ignoring the need to mitigate and plan for the peaking of world oil production. Our conference speakers, which include leading financial analysts, international oil industry executives, and peak oil observers, will offer new data and forecasts of our changing resources.
ASPO's four days of information-packed events appeals to a broad spectrum of people in business, public policy, and members of the public concerned with resource supply challenges. Register now to ensure your space and save $100.
For more information and details please visit

A shame the conference does not include speakers presenting both sides of the argument. Without the presence of those believing peak oil is either still some way off, or will not be an issue, the discussions will be in danger of devolving into group think. Which means most of the information presented will already be known to TOD regulars. It is only in the face of serious challenge that we tend to sharpen our arguments and move them forwards.
In spite of this reservation I still wish I could attend! Sadly finances and family prevent what would have been a nice trip across the pond.
ASPO-USA' past track record includes serious efforts to do as you suggest here--hear presentations from peak oil skeptics within the industry. In the past (Boston in 2006 and Houston in 2007), we've invited Cambridge Energy Research Associates, the International Energy Agency and the US Energy Information Administration to present and/or debate at our conference. Each time, they declined. We invited some industry skeptics to a panel at the Houston conference, and several attended; one speaker (data expert Richard Nehring) turned out to be more of a supporter than a skeptic.
At present, the U.S. natural gas story is actually growing more hotly debated than the peak oil story. We will hear from both shale gas optimists and shale-gas cost/EROEI skeptics at the Denver conference.
With a growing number of industry players saying that world oil is at or near peak production (Total's Christophe de Margerie, statement back in Feb this year; Raymond James' Marshall Adkins, May of this year; etc.), it's time to broaden our focus well beyond the "when and how much" questions (even though most public- and private-sector decision-makers still appear unware of the looming peak-oil issue). This year there will be fewer presentations focused on timing and more exploration of links to the broader economic issues, media coverage, plus both barriers to and actions being taken in response to peak oil. And the daylong pre-conference workshop--"Survive and Thrive after Peak Oil: Creating Personal Plans for the Coming Decades"--is yet another effort to provide value to the people who understand the basic peak oil predicament.
Since the Denver conference doubles as the International conference this year, we'll also hear more from countries and regions outside the US than we've entertained before.
Steve Andrews, for ASPO-USA
thewatcher, Taking your reasoning to its logical continuation, the conference should also invite geologists who still deride Wegener's theory of tectonic plates, and those who still support the flat earth theory. The thing is that progress comes partly from not closing our minds to the possibility we have taken a wrong turning, but also partly from judging that certain propositions are reasonably-well established such that we can move on to the next round of questions and implications.
I think that most people on this site can understand that some conceivable hypothetical attenders such as the "leaders" of certain nations, Cambridge Energy Etceteras, etc, would be unlikely to contribute anything useful given their past form.
I shall be getting my registration in as soon as I have my tidal-powered heliplane finally up and running....donations towards the project will not be refused.
could you please use web broadcast technologies like webex to make the conference more widely accessible, and allow for real time Q&A
encouraging people to travel to a conference seems counter to the TOD ethos
I know in the past, the plenary sessions of the conference were video recorded, and sold on DVDs to individuals and libraries. The ASPO-USA website seems to indicate that videos of the sessions (Monday and Tuesday only (?)) will be available online. It is not very clear on the price -- those who receive a password as part of a package have this benefit described as "a $95 value".
Setting up a conference once a year is one of the main things ASPO-USA does. It is quite expensive for ASPO-USA to do this. The hotel charges quite a bit for its services, and ASPO-USA pays quite a bit in expenses to make this all happen. With their current model, they need a fairly big audience, to get the program to pay for itself.
I expect that this year will be a difficult year for ASPO-USA to make its prior funding model work. If funding doesn't work well this year, my guess is that they will need to figure out a different model next year--but that is just my opinion, and my view of what next years' economy is likely to look like.
The Oil Drum's role in this is just one of helping ASPO-USA publicize its program. Some Oil Drum staff will also be speaking on Sunday, during the sessions that are likely not recorded.
Gail, thanks for your brief analysis on ASPO's conference-yes, it is expensive and a complicated effort.
Folks, please see my comments below regarding video viewing options.
ASPO-USA is grateful for the support of The Oil Drum staff, writers, and many contributors!
Dave Bowden
Executive Director, ASPO-USA
Denver, Colorado
At horrendous prices!
Folks, I'm ASPO-USA's Executive Director; Here are some thoughts and minor corrections to items in this comment section:
• Our ASPO 2009 International Peak OIl Conference is, and for the past four years has been, the only personal networking opportunity for the hundreds, if not thousands, of people in our peak oil community. We've gone to considerable effort to assemble an impressive roster of speakers that will all be gathered in one place. The consistent feedback from most conference attendees over the last 4 years is that they learned a great deal from the event and were glad they attended.
• We're mindful of the carbon footprint issue, and are employing numerous green strategies to walk the talk as much as possible; one of the most important choices we made was to hold the meeting in downtown Denver at the nexus of light rail lines, a pedestrian mall, and bus routes.
We've got information on other public transportation options at our conference website.
• ASPO will be posting videos of *every* session, including the Sunday breakouts that feature TOD speakers, on our video website within 24 hours. (excluding the Saturday workshop) Please stay tuned for information on that. Those video clips, which will include speaker slide shows, are available for a $95 subscription fee to cover our production costs. Since this is an international conference, we decided to post the videos on-line to allow viewing on demand, rather than choosing live feeds, since people will be watching from multiple time zones.
• ASPO-USA is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-partisan group, entirely dependent on contributions from concerned citizens and organizations.
Our mission is education and promoting sustainable, positive change. We are mindful of economic constraints and price the conference as modestly as possible.
We thank The Oil Drum staff, writers and contributors for their support and good work,
and will enjoy hosting everyone here in Denver October 10-13, 2009!
- Dave
I think it's a good idea to have the videos on web. But I'm not sure a flat fee of $95 would lead to the best takeup or the best income. There is so much brain-input that people can find elsewhere without paying anyway. I suggest a better model would be something like $1-$5 per workshop/session-division downloaded. I guess there are existing download purchase websites that would relieve you of a lot of admin bother, thus making it easily practical. Academic journal sites work like this too (for the non-institutionalised (of which I'll say no more)).
Thanks Dave. With regard to the carbon footprint issue, perhaps it is time for the transition to the 'Post Peak oil/Peak climate virtual conference'.
ASPO members, board members and conference speakers are cognizant of the conflict between hosting or presenting at a conference where the topic is how we obtain and use energy, and the energy costs of physically moving people to such an event.
ASPO conferences are consistently rated by many attendees (as informal comments, as well as on feedback forms) as "the best conference I've ever attended". We try to assemble a program that inspires people to take action, and to translate the usual firehose of information into personal commitment to make changes in their personal and professional lives. Of course not every attendee does this, but many do.
One example: A friend who lives nearby recently reminded me that it was ASPO-2006 (Boston) that convinced him to turn from a long career in software and chip design simulation to becoming a certified and credentialed expert in the field of deep-energy retrofits and (now) Passivhaus design and construction. It's a long way from a lucrative career so far, but he's convinced he is learning skills that will be desperately needed in an energy-scarce future as we descend the downslope of Hubbert's global oil curve.
Often attendees learn about forums like TOD and Energy Bulletin because of links presented during or at the end of presentations.
Others are now making presentations themselves around their home states, trying to raise awareness about our energy future and campaigning for long-term energy planning, as well as doing interviews with local radio & TV programs, and with newspapers.
Media coverage is also a goal. It's darn hard to stir up interest this year with oil & gas prices down and the economy in the dumpster, but - if you're a regular TOD reader - you know the Peak Oil message is getting out there and coming from the mouths of more of the higher-up people in the energy-production and analysis businesses.
Getting back to the topic up top, I started lobbying last year (Sacramento) for making online access to the conference available for those who can't travel to Denver or who prefer not to burn the BTUs getting there. This will happen, but I will leave the disclosure of details to the organizers closer to that operation. As you can imagine, there are some real obstacles in light of the international status of this conference (world time zones)as well as finding a financial model that doesn't leave the organization bankrupt.
More soon.
Dick Lawrence
I can testify to the networking opportunity. Since Oil Drum staff work over the Internet, there are quite a few I have never met. But the ones I have met in person have been primarily through ASPO-USA conferences (and the recent Italy conference).
I have also met quite a few Oil Drum readers, ASPO-USA folks (including Tom Whipple), and Bart Anderson from Energy Bulletin. Quite often we have tips to share with each other. Readers often have suggestions as to topics that they would like covered in future posts.
I have also gotten to see who the various speakers are, and have even had a change to meet a few of them. Cards are usually available to write questions on during talks, and after the talks, speakers answer as many as they have time for.
The program is set us with time for receptions. These allow more time for meeting all kinds of people--speakers, other attendees, Oil Drum readers, etc.
The hypocricy of a peak oil conference which requires people to burn millions of gallons of oil shows that Peak Oil Inc. is really a business.
This conference can be broadcast on the internet, saving millions of gallons of oil and reach a much greater audience? As a small business owner, I can't afford to travel to Denver....unless maybe I set up my own Peak Oil business...I would host my conference on a jet (Corporate Jet name: Peak Oil I) circling Denver.
In fairness, I don't see the Oildrum as being a peak oil site. Peak oil sites are almost cultish with blind faith and a lack of questioning. The Oildrum is a site with a peak oil discussion as part of a much larger discussion. The Oildrum has a lot other useful discussions and information. There is also some peak oil dissent on the Oildrum.
The Oildrum has been a great education to me on a wide range of energy matters.
I would donate to the Oildrum any day rather than waste oil and spend money traveling to a Peak Oil Inc. conference.
I wouldn't be so quick to jump to that conclusion...
I guess I had better shutdown my computer now and go ride my bike in the park. Of course maybe if we spent a billion here and there on converting our server farms to solar and wind instead of spending on idiotic cash for clunkers programs I might not have to feel so bad.
The internet is powered by coal, nukes and nat gas. Not many server farms run on diesel generators.
Of course everything uses energy but a web broadcast would be thousands of times more efficient.
I agree.
It would be difficult getting all of the different talks recorded by the various speakers around the world, although it could be done with current technology. There would be a lot less interaction--probably not much question and answer.
I know Dan Bednarz used a long distance approach for the Converging Environmental Crises Teach-In, There were a few people at a central location, but most speakers recorded their presentation in advance, using local equipment. This approach is very low budget.
The ASPO-USA conference attendees have stated consistantly that a great value of the conference is the networking, informal and formal learning that happens outside of sessions and the contacts that are made and grow as a result of an in person event.
In short - there is tremendous value to attending in person just like any other conference of this type.
We hear every year about life changing connections or awareness that would seem hard to create in a virtual event.
For thise who can not attend or choose to not travel there also is a video option that is available.
The cost of production of a live webcast against the expected offset to those costs from paid online attendees given the realities of time zones and the ability of people to sit at their computer for 12+ hours for 3 days in a row are also being taken into account.
Please comment
It is obviously appreciated that hosting a physical conference costs money. No need to throw rank or title (President, CEO, Peak Oil General) around. There is no gun pointing at heads on the web. The issue is that you are perpetuating a situation you are simultaneously discouraging. Let those who wish to attend get their ego fix, but put the full conference on the web each evening and we may pay $5 for each day's conference. We (the million-plus oil drum readers around the world) would like to attend but don't have the gall to deny our children some oil or simply don't have the cash to pay for the air fare and hotel. My business has been crushed in the recession. I could drive to Denver and tape the conference? But it would just feel wrong and I would not do it.
I would also suggest that you are deliberately not inviting contra-peak oil people. Daniel Yergin is no fool or wanton anti-American profiteer. He appears to be a fair guy. I have read his books. You are pitching the conference such that any non-peak oil presenter has to automatically assume a defensive posture. Who in their right mind would accept such a proposition?
Why not tell Daniel Yergin that he will be given 45 minutes, respectful treatment and 5 tough pre-written questions - no more. You have to respect the guy.
The first rule of war is underestimating or disrespecting your enemy. If you don't consider the possibility that maybe they are on the right side you will always lose.
If Dan Yergin wished to debunk the premises, well-known here, on which this conference is based, he could have done so many times right here. He hasn't. That's his choice. Given that he has failed to do so, he has cooked his own goose and can't reasonably be argued to have a right to gatecrash as a guest of honour a party he declined to contribute towards.
I know Dan Yergin has been invited at least once in the past, and didn't accept. One of the speakers last year was a non-peak oil person, with a more optimistic view of remaining reserves.
It is my impression that ASPO-USA tends to take a more optimistic view of where we are relative to peak oil than the Oil Drum. It generally stays away from giving a date, just saying that it may come in the next few years.
Mr. Vodra, you have set yourself up for failure. Survive and Thrive after Peak Oil is a book jacket without pages. Where's the meat?
The answer, which most of us at TOD know, is there isn't any. All chaff, no wheat. I've spent the last six years prepping for PO, and my preps make perfect sense to me but most of the rest of you would question my judgment, just like I question yours.
If I were new to the idea of PO, I would cancel all plans and leap on the chance to attend the workshop. The subject matter is spot on. But I've been paying attention to TOD meat grinder. The time for group think is past.
Good luck, Mr. Vodra, but you need a different format. You need a slamdown. Get people like Angry Chimp and Oily Cassandra on the stage, and give them two minutes to state their perspectives in the first round. Let the viewers decide who they want to hear more from. Then have a second round, where those who received the most votes get to embellish. Again, let the people decide who they want to hear more from. Forget the whole, "What do you think?" format and go for action ... speak, or shut up and vote with your feet. Frankly, most of us can't speak and think at the same time.
Put the intellectual luminaries in a panel that gets to filter audience questions and add their own. Intellectual luminaries are not what we need, we respect them, but we need leaders and rock stars who can think on their feet. You want respect? Stay off the floor. You want groupies... come on up. The breakdown sessions should revolve around magnetic personalities, people with vision. Angry Chimp would have groupies at last.
There is no win or lose, but the visionaries with the most votes should walk away with honors. We want the visionaries to spend the rest of the year polishing and adding to their presentation so that they can win again next year. Send the top three winners on an all expense paid trip to Capitol Hill. They don't have to agree. Ask the groupies to pay for the trip.
A slamdown, Mr. Vodra, not an intellectual discussion. I've spent 1000's of hours compiling my perspective and I'm still not entirely lucid. How can you possibly circumvent this process? To be crowded in a room with a couple hundred like-minded sycophants would be less productive than folding paper airplanes. You need showtime.
I don't watch TV, but I think you should watch American Idol. Do what they do.
Or ... you can sit around and talk about what needs to be done. Make lists and discuss the options. Make sure everyone has a chance to share. We'll all feel good and resolve to try harder. You’ll have job security.
Go for the brass ball, Mr. Vodra. Humans are emotional creatures. We need a rock star.
Cold Camel
It seems like it is possible to least discuss the situation. You have probably read the very tame "Peak Oil Planning" post I did a while ago. There are a lot of things one can talk about--the wisdom of buying gold and silver; storing food; buying shares of companies that hope to expand as oil is in shorter supply; whether one should be more concerned about inflation or deflation; whether to plan on moving in with children; public transportation; how worthwhile insurance policies are/aren't.
Richard Vodra has been at the last few ASPO-USA conferences. I have met him there. I haven't heard his talks, because I have been speaking at concurrent sessions in the same time-slot as he has.
What little I have read about him online sounds like he takes a fairly pragmatic, non-alarmist approach. Some of his clients may choose to buy a farm, and try to become self supporting, but most will look at more conventional approaches--They will consider things like accessibility to public transportation in their home purchases, and diversify their portfolios seeking to avoid what seem to be some of the major risks.
Gail, you are a superstar in my eyes.
What is the difference between TOD and a group face-to-face meeting? As you well know, there is no way to bring novices up to speed on everything in 12 hours. Any discussion group will progress at the speed of the slowest members. Understanding PO requires neural growth, so I cannot imagine actual progress in an open meeting with open attendance.
Yes you can talk about buying gold and silver or any of your other subjects, but that discussion has gone on for years on TOD and a consensus has not been reached. How will one day of face-to-face discussion create anything more than incremental progress? That subject has stalled on TOD, which says to me the best you can reach is a split vote.
When consensus is near, I have seen a tendency to pound dissenters. It's like a religion. Entire threads get off track discussing something we all know, but may not agree upon. It's not useful but we do it because mob mentality works even amongst intellectuals.
If Mr. Vodra succeeds, the best he can hope for is that the entire group sees the world through the eyes of someone who has followed TOD for a year. What does that give them? The road ahead is foggy.
We are also a bunch of cats. Cats can't be herded. They neither lead nor follow. If a rock star were to rise from our midst, he/she would be an unusual duck.
Well I tried. Seems no one agrees with me. That's fine. I really, really hope I'm wrong and the session is a booming success.
Cold Camel
ColdCamel, you refer to your 6 years of preparations but give no details here or apparently anywhere. You rightly express opposition to groupthink (which you apparently consider to be a feature of TOD). And yet you then go on to advocate it, with the notion that "We need a rock star".
But rock-star-ocracy is exactly what is wrong with the present globalised regime. It appeals exactly to mindless groupthink. It's the exact converse of what we really need, which is the example of the deviant Noah of Noah's Ark, rational (rather than emotional) people who don't wait for the "they" to agree on something but instead have the initiative to put together their "energyarks" in advance of the catastrophe that comes to engulf those who thrall to emotional messages of the rock stars.
Most TOD threads have 200 posts, what's the point of one more opinion? Brevity is clarity. And when physical resources get tight, internet relations won't count for much. I am careful not to place too much emotional energy into virtual relationships.
"Rock-star-ocracy" is the way of the world. It IS wrong, but we can't change that. Wouldn't it be nice to sidetrack TPTB with a PO star that was on our side? Someone who could grok TOD and then go to capitol hill and get the star treatment?
Then you get to Noah. Noah is a perfect example of who we need. Imagine Noah showed up at the ASPO smackdown, and he got a dozen groupies. He finished last. Guess what? That's better than the original. But if you put him in a discussion group with someone writing notes on a easel, what are the chances of him converting anybody? Noah needs a stage. Give it to him.
I glanced at your "energyarks". Good start. Isn't it funny how lots of people start such sites and never get anywhere? Robin, you and I are very alike. So far it's not working. This is your key comment:
As a kid, we had a plan, "First comes love, then comes marriage..." You didn't have to follow it, but at least you know where you deviated. That's what's lacking with this peak oil stuff. No leadership.
My solution is physical. I have land, shelter, family, neighbors, community and stuff. It took me six years and I move fast. Every good year and I'll be in better shape. Dang there is so much to do. But open-ended discussions isn't one of them.
But it's all fine. It is useful to toss up a post and see if it gets shot down. Enough people will read this and attend the session that if my idea has merit, somebody else will know. If they leave with a feeling of knowing what to do, the session was a success. If it was full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, then maybe I was right.
Cold Camel
Robin, some time ago I read your post You're someone who shaped my preparations. I had thought that an intentional community might be the way to go but it appears that intentional communities may lead to unintended results. Thanks to you, I don't need to urinate on that wire.
My community has dirt under their fingernails and are savvy with useful knowledge and preparations but no clue about PO. No need to wake them up.
It's also kinda interesting because so many people who have or are trying to build a safe location tend to hide it online. They are afraid of being run over by outsiders and refugees. That's not my fear at all. I just don't want to waste time defending my decision making process.
I hope you find your Shangri La.
Cold Camel
Thanks for your comments on the workshop. I thought about doing one called "Curl Up and Die," but doubted many people would attend. I think planning for survival is a start, but thriving is even better - perhaps not so much materially, but spiritually, socially, within our families, creatively, certainly. And with good planning, even the material part can work better.
Most of us agree that we're going into a world where resource limitations will be more and more serious - not just oil, but water, soil, climate, and more. Yet the confident predictions we used to hear about how all this would work out have been blown up by the events of the last year or two. I don't remember hearing forecasts of demand collapsing enough to destroy pricing, or financial problems sufficient to freeze all the banks, or a crisis in the real economy hitting before the expected oil supply crunch.
Some folks have decided to go off-grid, or create a lifeboat community, or take other steps that may be effective. Is that the only path that makes sense? John Michael Greer thinks we could be in for a "Long Descent." Dmitri Orlov and Jim Kunstler expect a faster collapse. I suspect the actual experience will be, again, a surprise. What can people who live in Denver, or Virginia, or elsewhere do now? Let' talk about it. If you don't think that's a productive use of your time, then fine, we'll do it without you, and wish you the best in your approach.
Most ASPO sessions have been top-down, both in terms of the scope of the discussion (pretty global) and in format (listen to the expert). I believe there's a lot of expertise in the group, if we ask. We're not looking to create one "official" planning approach to peak oil, but I think there will be a lot of good ideas. There have been some good threads on this and other sites, but not too much at meetings I've attended. I'd like to talk with, and list to, people face-to-face. It's amazing what might happen.
Dwight Eisenhower once said that plans are worthless, but planning is indispensible. There's a lot of opportunity to make the future something to look forward to, not just to fear. I think it's worth a day to see what we can come up with.
As for the rock star thing, I think that job has already been given to Matt Simmons.
Dick Vodra
What you describe sounds spot on. Particularly the focus upon how we can thrive. To me, the "downer" of PO needs to be replaced with enthusiastic embracing of the change and creation of new ways of seeing, thinking and acting.
Since I live in Boulder, it seems a shame not to join in since the conference is so close. I just wish there was a price category for "unemployed" that let me attend at the student price.
Despite the pleas for a web based version of the conference, I do think face-to-face real human interaction is invaluable, and well worth the CO2 and energy costs. New ideas and spiritual optimism are priceless, even weighed against the cost of flying, the CO2, and the political correctness or whining over any travel not deemed "green".
We're at the 2 minute warning folks, use the remaining time wisely!
Please contact me offline at the address in the workshop brochure.
Anybody interested in sharing a loft downtown for the conference? Email me and we can discuss.