Come to the ASPO-USA Conference in Sacramento, September 21-23, 2008
Posted by Prof. Goose on July 21, 2008 - 9:45am

Early Registration Savings End July 21st--and this time they're not going to extend the breaks after the deadline from what I hear. For Conference Agenda and Registration, go to
Don't miss the chance to join us in Sacramento in September and be a part of defining our energy future. Early Registration ends July 21st, Sunday sessions are likely to sell out and our two core days of plenary sessions always have limited seating capacity. Register today!
Under the fold, find the agenda and other highlights from the program. Come to Sacramento!
Agenda Spotlight: Sunday afternoon, Sept. 21
On Sunday you will be able to choose from the following concurrent sessions:
- Reporting the Peak Oil Story
National journalists Neil King (Wall Street Journal) and Bart Anderson (Energy Bulletin), Rob Collier, Stuart Leavenworth, Lisa Margonelli, and Tom Whipple
- Investing in the new Energy Economy
Investment specialists Rick Schechter, Jim Puplava, Jim Hansen and Atticus Lowe
- Tracking the Public Data and the Latest Developments
Nate Hagens, Kyle Saunders, Jeff Vail, Euan Mearns, Robert Rapier, and Gail Tverberg of The Oil Drum
- Scenarios Planning for State and Local Government
Connecticut State Representative Terry Backer, Bryn Davidson, Dan Bednarz, John Kaufmann, and Dick Lawrence
The day will conclude with a social reception and an evening presentation on "The Oil Story in Iran and Iraq" by Peter Wells.
Two Full Days of Plenary Sessions, on Monday, Sept. 22 and Tuesday, Sept. 23 will each be followed by social receptions and evening presentations.
Monday, Sept. 22 Demand, Meet Supply
Presentations will include "Petroleum 101", and "Alaskan Oil: Prudoe Bay Discovery and Outlook for North Slope Oil"; a "Peak Oil Global Overview - An American Wakeup Call"; extent and aging of Global Energy Infrastructure;and the economic impacts of $100 and €70 Crude Oil. Our luncheon presentation will feature Jim Buckee on "Big Oil & Resource Nationalism", and a surprise evening presentation (Hint: The words "Exponential" and "growth" will be mentioned.)
Tuesday, Sept. 23 Where Now? Choices for the Long Haul
Presentations will address Natural Gas and Coal as Liquid Fuels Substitutes; Fossil Fuel Limits on IPCC Scenarios; and the costs of renewable energy vs. coal. Our luncheon and afternoon sessions will focus on the Future of Aviation and Ground Transportation, Sustainable Mobility, and the Transition of Fuels to Flows as the future becomes electric.
Act Now! For details and early discounts, see our Conference website at
2008 Sacramento Peak Oil Conference
September 21-23, 2008
Hyatt Regency Sacramento, California
ASPO-USA is A Non-profit, Non-partisan Research & Public Education Initiative