Andris Piebalgs on European Energy Security
Posted by Euan Mearns on March 9, 2008 - 11:30pm in The Oil Drum: Europe
In his second blog entry, Andris Piebalgs moves the focus to European energy security. A few choice excerpts for those who want to have a more spontaneous debate:
Europe is currently importing half of their energy needs, and according to most of the studies, our dependency may grow to 70%. We are running out of fossil fuels and our energy needs grow. This makes Europe terribly vulnerable. As Commissioner responsible for security of supply I often wondered, where are we going to get all that energy from? (my emphasis)
The EU is already a leader in renewable energy sources and we have taken a commitment to go further with a mandatory target of 20% of our final consumption by 2020......
Ambitious indeed, but I would like Europe to go far beyond this target and there are many reasons for that: climate change, competitiveness, development of new technologies, new companies, new jobs you name it. And if this was not enough, we simply have to think that every wind mill, every solar panel, every litre of biofuel makes the EU simply more independent.
And on the recent spat between Russia and Ukraine on gas supplies (discussed by Jerome here):
A first agreement was reached on the phone by Gazprom and Naftogaz Ukrainy chairmen, and normal deliveries of gas have been resumed. I must say that the fact that supplies to Europe remained unaltered during the bilateral conflict between Russia and Ukraine plays in favour of their reputation as reliable supply and transit country. But I am still concerned. What would it happen if the bilateral crisis had become worse? Will this happen again? What about if a key supply infrastructure is destroyed by an accident or a terrorist attack? What would be the consequences for Europe of geopolitical instability in key energy regions like the Gulf?
I have to say I am warming to Mr Piebalgs appreciation of the precarious state of European energy security and the proposed expansion of renewables targets will receive my full support - with one glaring exception.
One omission from the whole strategy is energy efficiency. This I believe must lie at the heart of everything we do.
My new year's resolution for 2009 is to quit the oil drum!
This mindset is the root of all our problems. We may want it to keep growing, whether it can or not is another matter.
I'm not sure in legal terms how to interpret the words "mandatory target". Do they mean the target is mandatory? or do they mean achieving the target is mandatory? If the latter, we may see some politicians going to jail. My optimism knows no bounds!
The UK needs about 10GW of renewables to get 20%. This is one hell of construction undertaking, given wind's capacity factor and that wave is not yet proven. The Severn barage could supply most of this in a single project, but that's some project as well. Do people appreciate the scale of the problem facing us?
Not even the people who read TOD ... I find it amazing that people can see that oil production will peak but propose alternatives completely blind to the fact that they could also peak.
Peaking is a phenomenon of consumption of any resource faster than it can be profitably created - if the peaking resource in question happens to be a Liebig minimum for 'something else' then the 'something else' will also peak.
Example resources might be credit, steel, copper, gold, fish, agriculture, tropical jungle, etc. etc. etc.
Example 'something else' - humans.
I've found some one who agrees with me at last!
Lithium and Nickel as well, when we try to build 100's of millions cars with batteries using these metals.
The Severn Tidal Power Group proposal, which appears the most developed and costed, suggests 17 TWh per year from 8.64 GW installed capacity.
UK electricity consumption is 350 TWh per year, so the barrage scheme would supply less than 5%
And electricity is less than 20% of total delivered energy in the UK
I just made some rough approximations to illustrate the difficulty. A project of this scale to deliver 10% is bad enough. I did not take into account that tide is cyclic and therefore the installation would have an RMS of somewhat less than installed capacity. Forgive me for that if you will. The figure of 5% you quote makes things that much worse.
The second point you make is another thing that worries me. To generate 20% of our electricty from renewables by 2020 is to generate 5% of our total energy requirements by 2020. Oh dear!
If this were to displace coal fired plant, then you need to consider the 63% of primary energy wasted as heat. In other words 17 TWh may displace a significantly larger amount of primary energy. The tidal power is free and available every day - for so long as Earth, Moon and Sun continues to spin in space.
The cost lies in loss of amenity and inconvenienced ducks - no solution will suit everyone.
I won't dispute what you say here, the same applies to wind. Cost is a man made concept, but unfortunately money is the only universal "binder" of society.
I mentioned the Diana saga below, but this time I will use it in a more serious note. I wouldn't even hazard a guess as to how much money, both public and private has gone into this. At the end of all we will have no more than we did at the start. If the same amount of effort was put into doing something constructive there would be no problem. The fact is society is by and large none productive. The bed rock of our electrical infrastructure was built 50 years ago. To get a motivated labour force to repeat what was achieved then, especially with the "you can't make me do that its not safe" culture, is going to be a toughie.
Yes, I wasn't meaning that as a comment on the desirability of doing it or not - although I doubt it will ever be constructed (cost 8.3 billion pounds at 1988 prices). If we were serious about a transition to renewables in the UK then more consideration would be given to it than a few ministerial comments and reports left gathering dust.
According to this book total UK potential is about 53 TWh, nearly all from the 8 largest potential sites in the UK.
Tidal power may be reliable and predictable but it is also variable between spring and neap tides, and peak generation times advance 50 minutes a day, so integration might still be a problem
Also, 350 TWh is consumption, actual generation is more like 380 TWh per year
for starters we can allow shell oil to start using the technology they have developed to mine crude from oil shale in the american west. we can gassify coal and drill off both coasts and in anwar. we can use one type of gasoline in the us. , as opposed to the multi region blends foisted upon the american public by the greenies.
Germany has efficiency initiatives like Passivhaus. How can any EU official whose focus is energy fail to mention such things?
EP - to be fair to Andris, most EU energy policy statements do mention / focus upon efficiency. It is just omitted from this blog article - which has focussed on salvation via renewables.
I think that you and I are pretty much in agreement that the way to go is a combination of energy efficiency and use of energy efficient alternatives - which does not include bio fuel. Correct me if I'm wrong here.
Hello all.
No need to be fair.
Piebalgs is well aware of passive houses (Passivhaus) and has been for many years. This is the reason that Passive houses are in specifically mentioned as a goal in the important EU documents regarding EPBD- (energy performance og buildings directive).Here you can read a short summary of the process- mentioning the integration og Passive houses ( Passivhaus):
If You google Piebalgs and Passivhaus the first hit is this nice picture, where Piebalgs is updating himself in a conversation with Dr Feist the "father of the Passivhaus" in early 2007 (text in German, I'm sorry)
So don't worry. Piebalgs knows, It is built into the EU strategy already. What is needed is member country compliance to the EU planning...
kind regards/And1
In our last saga, about the ICE vs battery, I quoted VW as an example of a major automobile manufacturer who had just invested in common rail diesel technology, although it already had a leading "unit injector" design under the "PD" designation. I don't know who/what Passivhaus is, but I get the gist of your comment. Germany has very predominant car manufacturing industry and is obviously reluctant to implement any policy that may damage that. It is also a major EU economy and is against speed limits on its Auto Bahns. Speed restriction is a very cost effective way of fuel conservation as I'm sure you agree. In contrast, the UK will implement any amount of legislation as long as it does not affect finance.
Changing the subject, Jevons's paradox is alive and well. My first diesel was a Montego estate. It was direct injection and offered very good fuel economy at the time. A work collegue had also bought a similar vehicle, he was an ex coal miner. He said to me in his North Notts/yorkshire accent " Trouble is youth, thou buys a car that does twice miles per gallon, but thee ends up doing trice the miles and you gain nowt.
On Passivhaus.
My €100 million invention is to introduce smaller engine sizes and speed limits. We will know when the EU and EU states are getting serious about energy security when this happens.
Thanks for that link, I found an error which needed to be corrected.
I very much disagree - I'd say that that energy reduction must lie at the heart of everything we do. We have better energy efficiency than we have ever had in the EC, yet energy consumption continues to rise: LCD adverts on the back of cycle rickshaws, every self-respecting estate agent now has a massive flat panel display in their window, London underground is ditching paper posters on the escalators for moving LCD displays, several billboards are changing to large video displays, families are no longer content with one TV, increasing use of electrical appliances and generally pointless gadgets and so on. I recently read that due to legislation on safety, plus audio systems, air-con, etc., the most efficient car available in the US (The Prius I think it was) still used more fuel than a Honda Civic from the 70s.
A focus on efficiency assumes that we can manufacture our way out of the problem that manufacturing has got us into! Industry and the government love efficiency because it means that a) You will buy more stuff with better efficiency than your 1 year old "inefficient" thing, keeping the big wheels of consumerism turning and b) It means that no change whatsoever is required in our well-trained and much loved consumer behaviour of shopping.
Now energy reduction - that's to be avoided as far as society in general is concerned because it invokes the ultimate four letter word - LESS! It means using less and buying less. In a global economy that revolves around the other big four letter word - MORE - that really is thinking the unthinkable...
KiltedGreen - I won't argue with what you say here. Consume less will come with high energy prices which IMO are only just getting up a head of steam. Part of what you say here is explained by Jevon's paradox - this is lifted from a post we should publish this week. If any Jevon's experts want to comment?
Where I am really coming from with my efficiency argument is in, for example, coal fired power stations that are only 37% efficient where they could be over 90% efficient. Do you not agree that it would be much better to use all primary energy much more efficiently than 37%?
Euan, I am totally with you on getting power stations from 37% to 90% efficiency along with raising the efficiency of any and all new products where appropriate.
But I would disagree with "At best, what we can hope for is that efficiency improvements will allow industrial civilisation to continue to function in much the same way as before whilst using considerably less energy whilst becoming increasingly reliant upon alternative energy sources." In my opinion we cannot let industrial civilisation carry on as now as it will continue to trash our planetary home for the sake of increased profit. Industrial civilisation has got us to where we are; radically new thinking is required to get us of it. It's time is over and a new paradigm must replace otherwise we're in deep doo-doo.
Our actual experience of increased efficiency, as I said previously, is that energy demand rises. In your scenario, if we had 90% efficient power generation what would be the implication? - presumably cheaper electricity. The result of that could be people then deciding to buy electric patio heaters (as gas prices would be rising of course) 'cos the electricity then wouldn't cost so much, but demand then rises again. If prices remain roughly static then things carry on as now. This I assume is what "Jevon's Paradox" is saying. It seems though that the Wikipedia article contradicts itself "In an energy declining world energy efficiency will be King" - logically that is absurd. Surely, in an energy declining world, energy reduction will be King as efficiency can only take you so far. Everything made from now on should be as efficient as it's possible to make it, but as had been said on this board and elsewhere, the easiest Watts to generate are the ones you don't use - we don't need TVs that use less energy when on standby, we need TVs (if at all!) that don't even have a standby option.
[OT] By The Way, I'd just like to thank you Euan, Jerome and other that I can't sadly remember right now (but you know who you are) for all the amazing work you do here and the amount of research time you put into producing such detailed and intelligent resources for us. Thank you.
As I understand it, Jevons (An English economist) realised that by increasing the effective use of energy (efficacy, not efficiency) you could invest the money saved on energy to create more economic activity. The end result was more energy ended up getting used, though the growth of energy used was less than that of economic growth.
The delusion is we keep fooling our selves (and goverments keep telling us) that energy use per GDP has fallen. Thats not relevant. Its absolute consumption that matters as we all know (here at least).
How many perfectly good CRT television sets have been dumped because of the fashion to purchase flat screen TV sets? All we do is turn energy into rubbish, the cheaper the energy, the more rubbish. We're in deep doo-doo as you put it!
Sorry I have a bee in my bonnet about the word efficiency. It has a specific meaning. I prefer the word efficacy because if your turning energy into paper, Its how much paper you make/kWhr that counts. And i don't think the word efficiency can be used to define this.
I'm not an expert in TVs, but clearly LCD computer panels waste considerably less power than CRTs. It may be like "wasting" an incandescent bulb before it has burned out, in order to use high efficiency lighting. With TV's the LCD form factor allows for a much larger screen. Of course in my house the LCD doesn't replace the CRT until the later dies.
In a fixed or declining energy world, greater efficiency/efficacy means means we can have more stuff than otherwise. If efficiency/efficacy can be increased faster than the energy decline, we can actually be seeing actual gains. If you believe as I do, that after some lean times, greater energy production via renewables and nuclear can stem the tide of reduced energy availability, increasing efficiency/efficacy just might be sufficient to keep the masses from revolting.
KiltedGreen -
I think I can rephrase that. I've learned a lot from Greens who Blog here - MD Solar and Greenish in particular. I don't disagree with the message, but what I write is often along the lines of what I think may happen as opposed to what I would want to happen.
The first step for me is to argue for a way forward that avoids a Mad Max type of outcome - and if we continue to squander energy on bio fuel, inefficient coal burdened with carbon capture, hydrogen fuel cells, GTL and syncrude then I fear we may very soon end up in an energy impoverished and distintegrating society. So I see high eroei renewables, nuclear and energy efficiency as the way forward to avoid the former scenario - the details of that were laid out by myself and Luis in Olduvai revisited 2008 - here:
I'm persuaded of the need for a plan to manage reduction of population significantly through the 21st century. Combining that with the feasible energy scenario laid out in Olduvai 2008 may leave Mankind with an abundance of sustainable energy per capita. How that opportunity is used is up for grabs and it is really at that point that the ideas of ecologists need to kick in - to build a new efficient and "wealthy" world order. And the word wealthy can mean a variety of things - lets say enriched.
Back to the real world of today I see escalating energy prices resulting in a consume less reality unfolding as we speak within the OECD - balanced by consume more in Asia
Pitt recently made a comment saying exponential population growth has ended. Even if the population growth ends today (what function it is following today, I don't know), there is huge a popualation out there (Saudi Arabia, China, India etc) that if they intend to reach European (or worse US) energy per capita living standards, will result in more than doubling the world energy demand. Saudi (and some other nations) may well have to resort to water desalination on a huge scale. I seem to recall Matt R Simmons making this point to imply Saudi's internal gas consumption (hence reduction in exportation) will increase dramatically for this purpose. (I have lent the book out so can't check my facts here).
Population reduction is an issue our current leaders will not address. China was/is under fire for such a policy. Political correctness and various forms of "the human rights" acts stand well in the way rational thinking. Human rights is a man made concept, and unfortunately nature couldn't give a s**t about humanity.
Many people believe our population will stabilise at 9 billion and all will be fine. I'm not one of them.
Cheaper than the alternative, but consider the likely conditions relative to today:
On the other hand, the price of electricity would likely be (and remain) cheaper than the price of energy from oil is today. Wind and solar PV will probably keep getting cheaper. If people react to inexpensive clean energy by consuming more, is that bad?
Pretty much, and it's not a paradox; it's just a recognition that lower inputs per unit allow the price of that input to increase, and decreasing cost of the product may increase total demand for the input. In a world of fossil fuel and carbon constraints, increased efficiency will drive up the market clearing price of energy until the renewables are competitive, at which point they begin driving the fossil sources out of the market. This is already in progress in the USA, as wind is being used to reduce use of natural gas.
I read carefully what Euan says and I think he is well aware of the problems you adress. But you are right in what you say here. There is an interesting "rant" on the Australian blog about health and safety. It touches my heart. Here's the article.
I added this comment (awaiting moderation - probably until Monday...):
If security of supply is such an issue, why is so little done to (i) focus policies and politicians on demand reduction and (ii) stop investing in scarce-resource-consuming energy use?
(i) the EU Commission should stop spending all its political capital on unbundling which, however one might think it will be useful, is not understood by the population and thus distracts attention from policies that all could comprehend and participate in;
(ii) competitive markets lead to additional investment in gas-fired plants, as they are the easiest and least risky to finance by the private sector. Thus the main tool of current EU energy policies brings results which are in direct contradiction with the goal of improving security of supplies (not to mention climate change efforts, as burning gas also emits carbon dioxide, even if less than coal). If we are so worried about Russian gas (something I think is unhelpful, as I explain here:, then weshould certainly have policies that encourage more gas burning.
we should certainly NOT have policies that encourage gas burning.
E.on is building a gas-fired electricity/heat plan right now in Malmö, Sweden. Of course big projects like this are decided several years ago but the completion will come very untimely, in the middle of the global warming debate, and add to that the unsecurity of gas supplies.
Europe has to invest more in natural gas storage.
I think the US has 7.5 Tcf of storage and uses 23 Tcf a year.
I would guess that Europe probably uses 20 Tcf per year(.6 Tcm).
World LNG market seems stetched thin at 8 Tcf per year and can't help much.
majorian, as my conceptual forecast for UK gas shows, growth in storage capacity is essential in the short term but only provides a short term solution (which will happen). Medium term (10+ years from now) we may struggle in the UK to source sufficient gas in summer to fill storage for use in winter.
On LNG - global supply is about half global import capacity.
It's a bad situation.
There has been a huge increase in new natural gas electrical generation, but supplies are not rising. It would be in the interests of the powers that be( who caused the problem) to 'solve' it by increasing the world trade in LNG, but as I mentioned the whole LNG trade is rather small and so they are painting themselves into a corner IMO.
Besides it is hard to imagine an international LNG trade continuing should any kind of major war break out anywhere in the world.
Gas supplies seem tenuous; the 300 Tcf Stockmann field would be nice, but that's just a gleam in the corner of Putin's eye.
Somebody probably already posted this recent report on European energy.
Current storage capacity (as of 2006):
(1 bcm = 35 tcf)
France, Italy and Germany are close to 25% of yearly imports.
Jerome - I think the storage issue is easily resolved within the UK where storage will more than double in the coming years. The real problem Europe will face is actually filling the storage during the summer months as N Sea production declines (UK, Norway and Holland). Increasing competition for summer gas will lead to convergence of summer and winter prices. Against a back drop of old long term contracts at low price expiring and global gas scarcity I think a perfect storm is brewing for gas supplies and energy prices in Europe.
Smart then that the UK is planning to build a further 12 CCGT power plants. Energy efficient yes - but overlooking the security of fuel supply. The National grid in the UK sees future gas prices falling - the logic being that free markets deliver low prices.
We need to move quickly to the Danish (Finnish and Dutch) models of co-generation combined heat and power generating plant that is over 90% efficient. Using the waste heat from such plant in district heating schemes conserves gas currently used in domestic boilers - we are going to have to use less gas and this is one solution - that avoids building tonnes and tonnes of neuks - which probably can't be built in time.
Its more important use resources (fly people to Paris etc) to resolve the Princess Diana Inquest! (sorry for this none constructive comment, but couldn't resist it). I'm trying to design a pcb for a hobby project, but I find the oil drum more intersting, hence pcb progress is not good!
Natural gas generated electricity and wind/solar are complimentary (in a bad sense)i.e. building a large wind farm will require
a large amount of natural gas backup generation. If natural gas supplies come under pressure, wind resources will become at least temporarily unavailable.
The key is storing wind energy. One way is to
electrolyse water into hydrogen gas which would take the place of hydrogen made from natural gas. It's even possible to store excess hydrogen gas mixed in with natural gas at a 1:5 ratio called hythane in existing gas lines(burns just like natural gas).
Another way is to use excess wind electricity to compress air to raise the efficiency of gas turbine generators as they have at Huntoff in Germany. You might save 25% of the energy/natural gas with CAES (compressed air energy system).
District heating would only end up burning more gas. Wind is more dependable in winter.
Home heating by electric heat pumps (ground source heat pumps would be best) makes more sense than district heating.
Natural gas should be used for peaking electricity only and as natural gas declines there will be rationing.
That's a non-sequitur.
Storing electicity from any source is a big headache; hydrogen in particular is a boondoggle. It is preferable to distribute the generators so that variability is reduced, and use demand-side management to follow production.
Hythane is only about 7% hydrogen by energy content, and it has a much higher flame speed than methane (which is why it is preferred for a vehicle fuel).
It's perfectly simple. Wind can only provide the grid a small percentage(25%) of the overall electricity without stability problems. In the real world this is solved by running gas generators when wind drops. This is a hybrid system.
You say this can be solved with sudden brownouts and 'distributing generators'(probably meaning build a gigantic grid around the globe). This would not be a satisfactory solution for the people paying for it(the Europeans).
(And don't bore me with fantasy magic batteries or pumped hydro all over the place.)
The solution is to stop natural gas usage for heating and substitute heat pumps(especially in Europe which has a mild climate). Non-coal electricity should replace gas use whenever possible. Natural gas should provide peaking electricity in conjuction with wind massive farms. Excess wind energy can go to compressed air storage to boost back up gas turbines efficiency(from 30 to 60%) with any further excess going to off-grid hydrogen production. In such a system 150 GW of North Sea wind would be paired with 300 GW of CAES natural gas generation to provide a continuous 375 GW using .39 Tcm per year of natural gas. Add this to 180 GW hydro and 150 GW nuke you get 705 GW which is about 10% less than the current 780 GW.
Europe is deficient in fossil fuel but is also close to Russia which allegedly has the world's largest gas reserves of 65 Tcm while Europe uses .6 Tcm.
Of course Russia is not a reliable supplier, but with efficiency and natural gas storage, Europe can gain leverage.
Assertion without proof (and 25% isn't small, it's bigger than the nuclear fraction of US electric consumption). Grid demand varies over a range of more than 2:1 daily without affecting stability; the only issue is balance between supply and demand, which DSM can do a great deal to control.
If all US ground transport was electrified, demand from that sector would average perhaps 180 GW out of ~460 GW average today. If that demand could be slotted into an arbitrary 8-hour window during the day, it would come to ~540 GW, or more than half the total nameplate generating capacity of the US grid. Electric vehicles can create more than enough DSM capacity to stabilize a grid with lots of wind generation.
I never said anything about brownouts, either express or implied. Your claim is false.
I'm astounded that you use scare quotes around this. It takes a cold front between a day and two days to get from N. Dakota to Michigan. Wind farms sprinkled between N. Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois and lakes Michigan and Huron would each catch such a front in turn, and on a fairly predictable schedule. HDVC lines would be more than sufficient to move their output from one end to the other. Distribution of wind farms is the perfect solution to short-term variability.
Now who's talking fantasy magic batteries? CAES is a neat idea but it doesn't appear to work well as a stand-alone technology; it's best as an air supply for a gas turbine, which means you're burning fossil fuel.
... Russia has to wait until storage is empty, which it can either sit for or engineer at will by cutting back supplies due to "emergencies".
majorian, I'm afraid that you and I are poles part in our views on how to handle energy decline. With significantly less energy around my view is that every Joule must be used as effectively and efficiently as possible. The schemes you propose above involve multiple energy transformations and non-existent infrastructure and last time I checked were highly inefficient.
The electrolyisis of water has a range of reported efficiencies - 50 to 94% - 70% seems a fair value. But then, where will you store the Hydrogen - mix it with natgas could be one solution - to burn it in a CCGT or domestic boiler - both around 60% efficient. So you end up with 42% efficiency - 58% of your scarce energy gets wasted.
WRT to grid stability I would argue for a separate grid to carry renewable electricity that is unstable - and utilised by applications that can tolerate this instability.
Your comments on Russia are also wide of the mark IMO. Russia has been exceedingly reliable energy provider to W Europe, even throughout the cold war - for so long as she had sufficient energy to export. Faced with rising domestic consumption and flat to falling supply, then Russia may struggle to meet export supplies - that does not make Ruassia any less reliable than the UK, USA, Indonesia etc who quite simply can no longer meet demand.
Actually, what is happening in the real world in countries already experiencing peak-energy induced power problems is that they can't afford another grid.
So, they come up with a simpler solution - they learn to live with intermittent power or provide their own off grid backup.
There is rule of thumb for electrolysis that the faster you want it, the less efficient it is. That is, to get a certain production you can invest more money (resources) into a biger system or use a smaler one in a more wastefull configuration.
The same is valid for hydrogen fuel cell eletricity generation.
We may possibly be poles apart.
My idea is that we must maximize the amount of renewable electricity we use, thereby accelerating its development. Efficiency is not so important, I mean, we are wasting electricity now, should we waste it more efficiently ? (Jevon's Paradox)
The immediate problem is the stability of the grid which cannot tolerate more than 25%
renewables without brownouts. The way to increase this is by increasing the share of peak generation, usually hydro and natural gas to cover varying wind.
Europe already has the natural gas infrastructure, but I make the case that we should use compressed air energy storage(CAES) to drive high pressure gas turbines.
Gas turbines run under the Brayton cycle where the higher the pressure ratio, the higher the efficiency. A low pressure 5:1 gas turbine may get 30% efficient whereas a high pressure 25:1 gas turbine gets 60%, as high as any CCGT setup. In a normal gas turbine, the heat from the exhaust compresses the intake gas. In a CAES gas turbine, store compressed air from wind farms would do the work of compression which would save 30 or 40% on natural gas input(paradoxically to get off coal-oil(50% of EU energy) you may need to burn more natural gas overall). Thus you have wind energy being stored, to be released when the gas turbine needs to pick up up for periods of low wind,etc.
There are no multiple transitions or vast new infrastructure other than underground storage and 'hybrid' gas turbines. I don't know why a new separate HVDC power grid should be inherently more stable than a normal one, after all you are connecting them together at some point. In the distant future, natural gas will be depleted but by that time renewables will produce enough hydrogen by electrolysis to take its place, not to burn in boilers but to balance the electrical grid. The idea is to bridge European energy to 100% renewables.
On Russia, I agree with you. Russia has vast reserves that could last a century at current use rates( giving time to conversion to renewable wind and solar) but I doubt their 'generosity' and capability to develop them on their own.
You're misremembering. The GE LMS100 turbine has a 42:1 pressure ratio, but only hits 46% efficiency in simple-cycle operation. The only way to hit 60% efficiency is with a combined cycle.
This makes about as much sense as building a separate grid to power electric vehicles; it would be an enormous waste of capital and real estate. The value of the grid is that it is shared, and different uses peak at different times. This allows the same capital investment to serve many uses.
Large amounts of e.g. wind power may call for more investment in particular areas, such as long-distance HVDC links. So be it. The lines which carry wind power between states and across inland seas will also be good for sharing spinning reserve and managing peaks between time zones, and HVDC gets rid of many of the stability issues which affect AC lines. Multiple birds, one stone.
Hi Euan,
I think that you are correct that combined heat and power makes sense but I wonder about building the steam lines quickly. I have started to work out numbers for preheating domestic water and it looks to me as though you can deliver about half the input energy using existing pipes. Raising the temperature of water delivered to the home by 10o C saves about 25% on hot water heating and and additional 16% on use for hot water that is mixed down in temperature for bathing and dishwashing. This might be a lot easier to hook together than converting people to central heating and it can be used year round rather than just during the heating season so the waste heat end usage might be about the same dispite losses from using existing water pipes rather than insulated steam pipes. And, you can slowly replace your water pipes with insulated water pipes if you want to extend the system to more houses. Your best bet on home heating is more insulation in the houses which are above ground and so easier to get at. I've tried to put some numbers together here:
You'll see towards the end of the post that the idea came originally from a CCGT application I was thinking of.
Europe is very worried, right now, about getting so much of their natural gas from Russia. Germany's leading the charge, big time, on biomass gassification (primarily corn, I think.) They think they can be independent of Russia in 2020, or so.
There may be opportunities to use process heat from biomass gasification in a similar way in Germany if biomass can be gathered close enough to population centers. I have been thinking of direct production of hydrocarbon fuels from atmospheric CO2 and water for situations where they are really needed using either the Fischer-Tropsch (liquid fuels) or the Sabatier process (methane). So long as you can make use of the process heat, the cost of the fuel is no more expensive than the electricity used to make it. When that electricity is renewably sourced, the land use requirements are a great deal lower than for biomass. My picture for using the process heat is to warm homes with small scale production plants that can resuse the existing hydrocarbon fuel delivery infrastructure (oil trucks or gas pipes) to collect the produced fuel. Christopher Graves at slashdot, a graduate student in this area, is thinking on a larger scale. Perhaps converting district CHP plants to fuel production would make sense but I am now thinking that the year round demand for water heating might make good use of the process heat and one could build a fuel production facility wherever there is a town well and avoid seasonal demand issues for home heating. Germany's use of feed-in tariffs for solar power may help in providing the electricity needed to produce fuels in this manner since the scale restrictions set by net metering policies are avoided. Here is where I discuss renewably sourced fuels that avoid the biomass land use bottleneck:
Chris - I'm about to try and make a strong case for replacing old inefficient coal plant with new co-generation plant, like the Danes, Dutch and Finns have done, based around a solution for both energy decline and climate change.
Typical coal plant in the UK is 37% efficient. Bolt on C sequestration that may use 20% of the energy produced and the efficiency drops to 30% - and significant CO2 is still liberated, especially when compared with the 30% useful power produced.
The co-generation route allows you to capture 90% of primary energy - compared with the 37% this represents significant saving in energy and CO2.
I get your point about installing this. It takes political will. But 3 EU countries have already done it. The idea of heating existing cold water supply may work as a half way house stop gap measure. In Aberdeen our tap water is drawn from the River Dee. The temp can get up to 18 C in summer and down to 2 C in winter. The mains pipes are not insulated, but clearly raising this by 10 C would save some gas. Problem with drinking water - though a low volume I guess - so you'd fill some bottles and stick em in the fridge?
Its worth adding that I'd prefer to see our remaining capital spent on this than Olympic and Commonwealth games.
Hi Euan,
I think that putting water in the fridge is pretty common already. Many fridges here come with a tap and ice maker.
For surface sources of water, you may end up warming water in the Winter but not wanting to do so much in the Summer so that you end up with the main inefficiency of CHP, no year round use of the heat, plus the inefficiency of using uninsulated pipes. I would note that the CHP plant at University of Maryland does use heat to run coolers in the summer time so that it is only Spring and Fall when the heat goes unused. I doubt you have as much demand for cooling though.
For district heating, you need to make you generators small scale and distributed. I think this works for gas and biomass but you'd need to look at your rail distribution, which might be adequate, for coal. I think that you have such a developed gas infrastructure that you might want to look more closely at using wind to produce gas via the Sabatier process and use the process heat for district heating or tap water heating. That way, your main investment goes into the future energy source and you don't have to worry about building power plants that will run out of fuel or face stiff carbon penalties. Current CHP plants can be converted to part time fuel production and new plants can be be built to work either way. When the produced fuel is later reused at a plant, one may be able to get better carbon capture (for reuse) by excluding nitrogen from the working gas. Oxygen, which is a byproduct of producing methane, could be retained and used to produce a good stochiometric mix of oxygen, methane and carbon dioxide. After condensing the water out, you only need to pump away the same molar quanitity of pure carbon dioxide as the input methane during fuel use. The rest can be reused as a Brayton cycle regeneration working fluid.
It looks like Denmark has spent 20 years on its installation of CHP. Do you see that as a timescale that works for the problem you are dealing with?
This makes a lot of sense.
Biomass Co-op in Austria:
As the song says 'this could be the start of something big'. I wouldn't bother too much cleaning up the biosyngas, just store it in a low pressure gasometer for use in low speed diesel or turbine generators. There is a nice symmetry about forest areas helping backup renewables located in desert, offshore or mountain areas. Urban sewage plants could also store biomethane for backup purposes.
Lets see!
Andris Piebalgs ; We are running out of fossil fuels and our energy needs to grow.
Paal Myrtvedt ; I am running out of Russian caviar & truffles and my amounts of Russian caviar & truffles needs to grow.
Andris Piebalgs ; This makes Europe terribly vulnerable.
Paal Myrtvedt; This makes Me terribly vulnerable.
Andris Piebalgs ; As Commissioner responsible for security of supply I often wondered, where are we going to get all that energy from?
Paal Myrtvedt; As the sole responsible for security of supply I often wondered, where am I going to get all that Russian caviar & truffles from?
Everyone agrees that my private demands in this regard have to go and will never happen …. But I can still talk and dream of it, no?
All the time while this energy squeeze is under buildup, there is little or nothing done on big scale conservation – I mean BIG SCALE –
There is still free speed on the autobahn/-strada and the average private car is guzzling 1 liter/10 km. Petroleum is still as cheap as humanly possible … the list goes on and on and on.
Bio fuels will never become competitive with the “free and ready to use”-liquid energies from crude-oil (add coal and nat. gas to this)
They do not understand the implications – period -
Mr Piebalgs is setting out on a mission completely free for EROEI-second-thoughts, there is no way the energy used to produce them WTs , bio fuel or PVs , et al will be allowed to come in their way …
Hint for Mr Piebalgs follows -
Complete EROEI analysis has to be undertaken as of Yesterday, everything else is prone to become a hazardous game of waste. Have the renewable manufacturers USE own-produced energy in their processes ()
Kilted Green says: "A focus on efficiency assumes that we can manufacture our way out of the problem that manufacturing has got us into! Industry and the government love efficiency because it means that a) You will buy more stuff with better efficiency than your 1 year old "inefficient" thing, keeping the big wheels of consumerism turning and b) It means that no change whatsoever is required in our well-trained and much loved consumer behaviour of shopping.
"Now energy reduction - that's to be avoided as far as society in general is concerned because it invokes the ultimate four letter word - LESS! It means using less and buying less. In a global economy that revolves around the other big four letter word - MORE - that really is thinking the unthinkable..."
This thinking is quite correct. The biggest fallacy of Energy Independence is that such is impossible. Not even death is independent of enegry, as the dead body becomes an energy source. IMO, the only plan for energy security is to assume ZERO fossil fuels for private use as whatever remains will be used to maintain infrastructure and build renewables. "MORE" can be no more. The transition must be "LESS" to the new paradigm of zero fossil fuels, which WILL happen eventually. Better some form of guided transition than barreling off a cliff like the USA is likely to do.
A policy of aggressively building renewables, while shunning ALL additional fossil fuel energy generation is my suggestion. Let Russia, Iran, Algeria, Libya, Qatar, etc., keep their gas; eventually they will have none to sell and all the resources spent to generate energy from their fossil fuels will be an enormous waste, as bad as building US-style sprawl. Yes, this will cause sociopolitical upheaval, but so will becoming dependant on a rapidly dwindling finite supply.
1914 wasn't so long ago, and 2100 isn't so far in the future. Europe's (and the world's) plan ought to be fossil fuel free energy generation by 2050 AND using LESS energy to adapt to whatever generating capacity is available by 2050.
I believe we have to move towards a society where we simply use less energy, cut consumption, don't use more.
Now this is far easier said than done and it isn't a simple matter at all. Consuming less energy both directly and indirectly is a direct challenge and critique of our current economic paradigm, free market capitalism. Now I do very, very, well out of the globalized market economy. However, that doesn't mean I think it's a just or sustainable model, now or in the future.
I think we cannot ignore that cutting consumption and using less energy will bring us into direct conflict with the most fundamental tennets of the 'free market' system we all live under. This is a direct challenge to the way power and wealth are distributed in society. I think this was always the Achilles heel of the Green movement. The lack of understanding and appreciation of basic political realities and power relationships. That somehow environmentalism was politically neutral. This concept is so far from accurate as to be absurd.
If one is really serious about the environment and reversing the disasterous road we are on as a society, one has to be politically serious as well, otherwise nothing will really change very much.
The EIA has released their 2007 crude oil production estimates, which gives us a pretty decent idea of net exports by the top five net exporters. The actual 2005 and 2006 top five net export data and estimated 2007 data are as follows (EIA, Total Liquids):
2005: 23.5 mbpd
2006: 22.7
2007: 21.7
This is an average decline of 900,000 bpd per year, which would put them in the vicinity of zero net exports around 2031, which is also the middle case in our (Khebab/Brown) net export study. Of course, some smaller exporters, like Angola, are showing export increases, but smaller exporters tend to peak and decline faster, e.g., Mexico, which is on track to approach zero net exports around 2014 (the key determinant is consumption as a percentage of production at peak).
In any case, I think that we are headed to a future where the primary international trade is bilateral trade between net food exporters and net energy exporters, i.e., food for energy and energy for food. It's not a good time to be both a net food and net energy importer.
The UK is heading for the buffers then?
Shhh! ... you're not allowed to say that ... apparently it's UK Government policy ... for them to even plan for such eventualities might panic the natives, so they won't do it!
I'll go back to the House of Commons tomorrow to hear more of their tosh, they know about peak oil but sadly I suspect they have no idea what to do - so they do what they have been voted in to do - try and grow the economy! We will grow until we can't - that might be 2005!
The Chancellor
"The UK economy is fundamentally sound", (we've just bought a bank to demonstrate that!).
Sorry I've missed your point here, I'm a bit slow! What is the UK's govenment's policy?
It changes from day to day - but basically they have to keep repeating 'the fundamentals are sound' - do they mean 'whistles in the dark' or are they 'hearing voices' - who knows?
It seems you didn't really grasp the definition of 'energy independency'. It doesn't mean "not depending on energy" as you imply, it means "not depending on another sovereign body to get energy".
Notice that it is a concept that is orthogonal to fossil or renewable energy usage. It is just a coincidence that for Europe it requires renewable or nuclear.
Marcosdumay, Yes, I do understand your definition--it's autarky. My point was to show just how fundamental energy is, as it includes food within the whole trophic cycle and all inputs to same.
At some point, the ability to build prosthetic carrying capacity will cease. What is clear is the amount of energy generated by such prosthetics will be much less than what is being generated at present. I would also include foodstuffs, as it's clear such is being used foolishly as a prosthetic.
As for the politics of LESS, I certainly realize its direct challenge to the "System" and those it benefits. Philosophers have contended for some time that we are moving from the Modern Paradigm to the Post-Modern Paradigm, with some saying we've arrived there already while others including myself saying we've yet to experience the upheaval associated with true Paradigm Change. Those able to surf the wave of change will survive, the rest will drown, as some have already. Staying atop the wave implies it's recognized as approaching; it also implies the recognition that one just can't let it pass by and await a lesser wave.
The issue that doesn't get discussed has to do with the concept of a capitalist/consumerist society. Such a society depends upon "unlimited" raw materials and continual growth.
The first condition means that raw materials are priced by their cost of extraction and there is no notice given to their irreplaceability. In fact models of how to price non-renewable resources are all over the lot, with no general consensus.
The second condition means that output must continue to grow so that invested capital can be paid back with interest. No growth, no interest.
There are no mainstream economists that I'm aware of who are looking at anything other than a capitalist system, even nominally "communist" countries have adopted capitalist mechanisms such as state owned "corporations".
There are an increasing number of critics of the current system, especially among the ecological economists like Herman Daly, but they all grow vague when it is time to suggest alternatives.
I've been pondering this for a number of years and the best I've come up with so far is this:
Planning For a Steady State (No Growth) Society
One cannot expect a professional politician working in the current EU setup to come up with large-scale solutions. The best one can hope for is that the day to day issues will be handled effectively. That's why it is so important that other centers take the lead. Academia is currently hopelessly timid and unimaginative.
I'd tend to agree. I would actually quite like to spend the last 10 years of my productive life (or that may be 30) working in academia but thus far the type of research I have to offer is viewed with fear and loathing. Universities, permeated by the cancer that is PC are unwilling to take risks with corporate funding or student numbers upon which government funding is based.
I cannot offer a complete picture to the problems you raise but can offer a few jigsaw pieces that one day will fit together in someone's mind - maybe after the fact. Forecasting the past is seen as a worthy exercise by many. And so a few disjointed ideas:
1. Population will need to fall during the 21st century and this will result in a focussing of existing assets and resources (stuff) down through the generations.
2. We need to abandon the idea of pensions which I see as one of the main drivers for growth. Once we dispense with the need to save for the future we dispense with much of the need for growth. Most people will finance their day to day needs through work. We will all need to work till we die (this gets rid of some of your 50% tax burden)
3. Energy efficiency savings combined with expansion of renewables (your view on coal is much too optimistic) will enable us to power this declining population, shrinking economy.
4. Stock valuations will need to re-base in the 4 to 7 range - your S&P 500 looks like it is heading for a major spreading - simply because high PEs anticipate growth. There will still be growth companies - I don't know how many times I looked at Apple and thought naw - too expensive. Energy companies are still the play of the day.
Bank valuations in the UK are already headed for the 4 to 7 PE range.
5. Human attitudes will have to change and wealth may become measured in new and different ways. Things will happen that we have not yet imagined.
Euan, I think this is entirely wrong, besides being inhuman and a good reason for me to go off and kill myself right now, if I thought you were correct.
First of all, pensions are not a main driver of growth: the requirement for growth is based on the need for _profit_.
Second, there are other models of pension provision besides this BS about everyone handing over some fraction of their pay packet to the markets so that fund managers get to skim fees off ordinary people. Consider (historically) Australia. Old age pensions in Australia were funded from general revenue (from taxation). They were needs-based and means tested. Nobody _paid_ throughout their working lives to get a pension. In other words, it is simply not true that the payment of pensions depends on the need to 'save for tomorrow'. What it does depend on is the willingness of a contemporaneous younger generation to support their elders.
Which brings us to the final point: we'll be supporting the old whether we like it or not. There does come a time when it is not (for others) worth old people working. This point is usually far earlier than their deaths. In economic terms, it is actually better to have them sitting about doing nothing than being 'productively engaged' i.e. buggering everything up with their physical incompetence, slowness, stuck-in-the-past ways and general good-old-days bulldust.
In other words, in practical terms, there will be a requirement for care for the old: and in a monetary economy, basically that means a 'pension' of some form. 'Working till death' won't ... well, work.
Or you could just build some nuclear reactors, and run society very comfortably with the energy from them.
Baldrick would be proud of all these 'cunning plans' on this site, which have in common that they are fantastically complex and often rely on changing human nature.
The alternative is just to do what we know how to do a little better.
I was going off of the Brayton Cycle(Figure 1).
If you figure in using stored compressed air
from wind will also eliminate using exhaust rotor energy for compression 60% overall efficiency seems quite do-able.
This is what I actually said. An HVDC grid just brings power from far off, it doesn't balance the grid or provide storage for when the wind doesn't blow or when demand is high. The whole notion of an electron economy doesn't make sense if power isn't
instantaneously available.
Imagine if it took 20 minutes to turn on a light bulb!
I too have been trying to think positively, about solutions to the challanges we face, and directing society's resources towards mitigating climate change and the multitude of challenges we face.
Unfortunately the 'solution' that first sprang to mind only underlined the true magitude of the fundamental changes that are required in Western society if we're to have any chance or hope of getting through the next few very difficult decades.
Western countries have currently squandered well over three trillion dollars in fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Even if we stopped the fighting now and withrew our forces the cost is going to rise substantially, mainly due to the horrendous longterm costs of looking after the sick and wounded soldiers, that we allegedly care so much about and think of as heroes. The total figure for the wars now leaps up to somewhere in the region of six trillion dollars! That is a vast amount of money by anyones standards. A tremendous weight around our necks, which could have been spent far more wisely and productively. For example invested in alternative energy and the 'reforms' we so badly and urgently need to implement.
So we really do have the resources available to pay for change, yet we 'choose' to waste them on these ghastly and vile wars instead. The challenge is to stop and reverse these insane policies and divert the resources towards 'sanity' instead.
We have clearly vast sums available to waste on wars and we obviously have a whole list of challanges where the resources and money could be better spent. But what about the will? Do we really have the will to change? Change the way we live? Let's say we do have the will, what about the power? Do we really have the power to take on the tiny and currupt elite that decide to waste trillions of dollars on wars that benefit no one and are only dragging us closer to the edge?
I think the ruling elite have decieded that the answer to the challanges we face as a society, both environmental and in relation to energy supplies, are best addressed resort to even more war. That there is a military solution to the coming energy/resource crisis. This will have profound implications for the way we organize Western society. Is the 'military solution' a real 'solution' at all? Is the military solution compatible with democracy? Does it require the 'militerization' of society? Will the militerization of society mean the evolution of a kind of fascism? Will large sections of the community actively oppose the lurch towards a disciplined, controlled and agressively militeristic society?
Now this is clearly highly speculative. But one can already see that important figures in Nato and in the US are already preparing the ground for a radical re-think of Nato's role in the world. Two things are mentioned more and more frequently; the security implications of rapid climate change and the ability of Nato to access the energy resources we require and demand, and at prices we can afford. Nato forces are going to become the 'pipeline police' and the citizens of Europe need to be 're-educated' about the importance of the military in securing our way of life, and especially the way of life of the fabulously wealthy elite that rules over us.
Soon we are going to have to choose. Are we really going to allow the elite to lead us towards innumerable resource wars, or are we going to oppose this strategy and demand a radical alternative and effectively challange the elite for control of society, with all that that inevitably implies.
CAES is more efficient than CCGT because the compression energy is supplied externally from wind farm excess electricity.
You mean, the Ideal Brayton cycle, with frictionless, leakless, isentropic compressors and turbines. These don't exist in real life, any more than true Carnot cycles do. Last, I suspect that the graph is actually of the ideal efficiency as a fraction of the Carnot efficiency.
If you don't burn gas at all the "efficiency", measured by electric output over gas energy input, would be infinite. This should tell you that the numbers are meaningless.
Meaningful numbers would be something like the fraction of stored off-peak electricity recovered as air, the fraction of turbine running time using stored air and the heat rate of the combustion turbine section when running on stored air. I see you posted a heat-rate number, finally. 4000 BTU/kWh is a thermal efficiency of 85% if you are only including the contribution of natural gas, but the contribution of off-peak electricity should be listed also. FYI, the efficiency of the system described could be improved by firing the high-pressure turbine as well; if you are going to burn gas it should be burned at the highest pressure point so it does the maximum amount of expansion work.
Wrong on both counts.
It takes minutes to start up gas turbines, hours to start up steam plants. When you flick on a lightbulb you take a little bit of power from everything else connected to the grid, mostly motor-driven devices which slow just a fraction as the line frequency decreases.
The CAES system appears to be mostly aimed at providing peaking power. It may indeed do this well (allowing all turbine work to go to the generator will maximize output), but its weaknesses have to be kept in mind also. The compressor power has to come from somewhere and must be counted.
Your 'suspicions' show you need some more education.
You should learn about the Brayton Cycle. It's not the Carnot Cycle.
(And don't be such a pompous ass.)
The ideal efficiency n=1-(Pr)^(y-1)/y
for Pr=25, y=1.4 for air.
The isentropic efficiency of gas turbines
is about 80-90%, but you fail to understand how the CAES system really works, which is
that compression energy portion of the cycle is normally provided by the gas passing thru the turbine is provided by air compressed by excess wind farm electricity.
The 4000 BTU/ kwh comes from the CAES designer I linked to.
Can you offer ANY study that substantiates this gobbletygook?
1.Do you believe that the average wind across Europe is constant(low wind in Ireland and high winds in Norway)? From wind studies I've seen there are many times when the wind drops tremendously..for weeks. Not to mention variable customer demand. Maybe there is some kind of study that supports your claim but I haven't seen it.
2. What's this silliness about reactive power? That's what capacitors are for. There's no energy storage in capacitors (beyond a few seconds).
You also didn't follow my point about instantaneous demand( the light bulb comment) which is that
wind doesn't follow electrical demand and peaking generators must be used anyways.
As I stated compressor power comes from excess wind energy.
Perhaps Jerome a Paris(wind guy) would care to comment.
Indeed it's not, and I didn't imply it is either (your faulty reading notwithstanding).
You, on the other hand, don't understand the very authorities you cite (see equation 3.9). The figure of merit for the ideal Brayton cycle is (Tcomp-Tambient)/Tcomp, which is inherently lower than the Carnot cycle efficiency of (Tsource-Tsink)/Tsource.
If we look at the Wikipedia page (which does not have the pressure ratio axis labeled properly in Figure 1) we see that it goes just under 60% at what appears to be a pressure ratio of 20 (hard to tell because of bad labeling). The isentropic adiabatic temperature ratio for γ=1.4 would be 2.35 and the ideal Brayton efficiency would be (2.35-1)/2.35 = .574, which is a near-perfect fit.
The Carnot efficiency for a heat engine with Tsource = 1500 K and Tsink = 298 K is 80%. The Brayton cycle is clearly less efficient, and elementary thermodynamics shows why: it adds heat well below the peak source temperature and discards heat at well above the ambient temperature.
Your own references call you a liar.
Is that irony, the tu quoque fallacy, or both?
That was never in dispute, and I explicitly acknowledged it. What you refuse to admit is that the input of electricity must be quantified and included in the figure of merit. If you don't know how much you need, you don't know how much excess energy you need to budget for from the wind farm or the size of the compression system.
I thought I was talking elementary power engineering, but it appears you don't have any grasp of elementary power engineering.
Winds across Europe rarely concern me; I'm a citizen and resident of the USA. You do realize that you're citing studies of a proposal for Kansas, don't you?
Okay. How many days of storage would the typical CAES system have?
Fixed capacitors are sufficiently problematic that utilities prefer to overexcite their alternators, or even use unloaded motors as synchronous condensers (control is much more precise and smooth). If you can get tens or hundreds of MVAr by over-sizing an HVDC inverter a bit and running it at a leading phase angle, the HVDC system can offset reactive power requirements generated elsewhere in the system. The phase-independence of the HVDC system itself allows power flows to be optimized in ways an AC system, which is constrained by reactances, cannot equal.
You don't realize that I followed it and showed that you're wrong. The grid as a whole has a certain amount of elasticity of demand, because load changes the frequency and changes in frequency increase or decrease load (induction and synchronous motors have power demand which is a function of frequency). If it becomes worthwhile for other systems to be designed for inherent (frequency-sensitive) or explicit (utility controlled) DSM, the state of the art is capable of meeting the challenge. If a substantial amount of grid load becomes demand which can be satisifed immediately or deferred for hours (e.g. electric vehicles), absorbing wind power when it is available looks almost trivial.
So you're making faulty claims (contrary to your own cited authorities) in a most bombastic style, and you accuse me of pomposity? Definitely irony.
I'm puncturing your errors for sport. It's good practice, and you've made me grin several times.
But you 'suspected' I had them confused (but I hadn't).
Tcomp is not the burner temperature but the temperature at the outlet of the compressor (860 degrees F). I don't claim that the efficiency of the Brayton cycle is higher than the Carnot Cycle, but CAES is not the Brayton cycle but a cycle where wind energy takes the place of compressor energy normally generated by the exhaust turbine. Such comparisons are silly because there are no Carnot engines ANYWHERE--so why do you keep bringing them up?
So that means that the Tcomp would be 701 K,
803 degrees F.
Let me continue your silly Carnot example. 1-298/701=.574% efficient. So you have proven that a Brayton cycle is as efficient as a Carnot cycle based on the compressor outlet temperature rather than the burner being the high temperature.
I'm glad I didn't make such an argument.
I'm sorry. It's clear that you don't know what isentropic efficency is. It is the reduction in the compressor efficency from the ideal.
The size of the wind farm and size of the compressors are not important, the goal is to store wind energy. Since the grid can only hold 25% of electricity, and we need to encourage wind development larger than 25% there will be excess electricity and CAES is the way to store it.
At last. A real question. I'm not a CAES designer but I'll take a jab at it.
A cubic foot of air compressed to 1500 psi contains 1.1 kwh of energy. Assuming 90% isentropic efficency you'd get million cubic feet of air, 100' x 100' x 100' could hold
about a million kilowatt hours (1 GWh).
The world's largest wind farm(in Texas) is about 800MW. Let's assume that 200MW goes directly to the grid(25%) and 600MW goes to CAES storage of back up gas turbines(800MW, sized for capability to cover all wind turbines being idled). In a normal gas turbine the work goes into the exhaust turbine, 28% goes into compression, 32% goes out as electricity and 40% is lost.
If we hybridize this, then we end up with 60%(28%+32%) going out as electricity.
A day's worth of idling would be 24 x 80% x 400 MW= 7.68 GWh, so you'd need ~8 of these 100'x100'x100' concrete boxes(or think grain elevators but underground caverns would be better).
Now when the gas turbine is burning in the normal way it takes about 10scf of gas per kwh; so in 24 hours the standby gas turbine would burn 96 million scf.
With CAES (4000scf per kwh), you'd reduce the amount of gas burnt for the same 24 hours to 38.4 million scf. So 8 million cubic feet of compressed air storage would compensate for 57.6 million scf of natural gas used in a day's gas generator operation.
Beyond one day wind CAES storage, you get into the particular site characteristics--and there may be low frequency sites where CAES makes no sense at all--the Doldrums for example.
Typically, a wind turbines turn 80% of the time and make electricity with wind speeds at between 8 and 55 mph, but half the energy is harvested(over 28 mph) in less 20% of yearly hours.
Again, why? Who cares about MVAR? There is no energy storage in this.
Are you willing to wait for the 15% of the time when wind is really producing electricity before driving your golf cart?
Me too. :-D
You're quite the entertainer!
Explicitly stated by me above, so why are you belaboring the point?
Then why are you going on about the isentropic efficiency of gas turbines?
Explicitly noted above, where I said this (emphasis added for the clue-impaired):
This, from the bozo who just said "wind energy takes the place of compressor energy normally generated by the exhaust turbine".
You contradict yourself every time you post, and somehow you keep missing the point that energy retrieved from compressed air has to be stored beforehand. Air has to be put in on average just as fast as it's taken out, and the energy storage has some below-unity efficiency. How much air? How any megawatts of compressors? "Not important!" is your response, if you don't just change the subject.
My goal in this thread was to try to clarify some of the issues, but if it takes this long to get you down to brass tacks I wonder if I should bother in the future. Discussion here should be to illuminate the public, not make them dumber for reading it.
That's not the storage pressure, that's the high-pressure turbine inlet pressure (regulated by a control valve, remember?) The actual storage pressure is going to have to be higher than that, and there will be pressure drop in the plumbing.
If we allow 100 psi drop in the piping between storage and turbine, the system hits "empty" when storage gets down to 1600 psi. "Full" can be whatever storage can hold, but if excess pressure is dropped across a valve it is wasted; let's call it 2100 psi. Assuming the storage temp remains roughly constant, the difference per cubic foot of storage would be roughly 34 cubic feet of air at the same temp and standard pressure.
I'm giving up on the calculation of compression work, because I'm tired and getting prone to mistakes. However, even multi-stage compression means increasing the temperature of the air by a factor of 1.5-1.6, with the consequent energy loss in intercooling. The compression process is going to be on the order of 50% efficient. This is far less efficient than pumped hydro storage, but it's going to be much cheaper than batteries.
The one thing I still don't have a number for is the fraction of energy supplied as compressed air, either into the compressor motor or into the output turbine system. Annoying.
If you're only going to feed 200 MW to the grid, it would make no sense to size the gas turbine any bigger than that.
A second ago you said 800 MW for the system. Now it's 400 MW. Which is it?
You dropped your 80% factor there, and you never explained what it was for.
That better be 4.000 scf/kWh!
You forget, there are two things you can do with wind power:
If you build the system to transmit it, you avoid the losses of storage (and don't need any gas to help supply the output) and HVDC transmission systems have benefits beyond just sharing power across large distances.
I've got nothing against energy storage. I just think that using yesterday's excess wind and a bunch of natural gas isn't as good as using today's excess wind from somewhere far off and burning nothing.
Nice straw man. Of course, that doesn't address the real point: if I need 5 kWh to do my driving today, it doesn't matter if it hit my battery at 7 PM last night, 6 AM this morning, or half before I unplugged at home and the other half while I was plugged in at work. If my battery holds 10 kWh, it could even have hit my battery two evenings ago. If we are talking greenhouse benefits and avoiding imported fuels, shifting RE power across regions in real time is better than a hybrid storage/combustion system. CAES could be used as a backup in a bigger grid, but it would be needed less frequently (and the gas usage would be smaller).
Something I will note: 4000 BTU/kWh would be an amazingly good heat rate for a biomass-burning system. If you are willing to forego roughly half the energy value for the sake of sequestering carbon as bio-char, the hybrid storage/combustion scheme could be part of a carbon-negative energy system. At 8.7 GJ/tonne heat and off-gas from charcoal production, a dry tonne of biomass could yield about 2050 kWh of output (given a still-unknown amount of excess wind energy put into compressing air for storage in the first place).