The high potential of plug-in hybrids
Posted by Chris Vernon on December 5, 2007 - 10:59am in The Oil Drum: Europe
This article was originally written for The Hybrid Debate.
The hybrid car may be a milestone in the history of personal transportation, but it still burns petrol and releases CO2. In this sense, it’s no different from the Model-T Ford of 1908. True, the technology provides significant efficiency benefits. But it won’t be revolutionary until its next incarnation, the "plug-in hybrid electric vehicle" (PHEV), goes mainstream.
In a PHEV, the internal combustion engine (ICE) is further reduced in size; the electric motor and battery pack are scaled up; and a cable is provided, to connect the car to the national grid via wall sockets. With heavy-duty electrical components taking more of the strain, the ICE runs for shorter periods of time, thus improving the car’s efficiency.
The most significant aspect of this development is, arguably, the plug itself, since it has the potential to shift the car’s primary energy source from petrol to electricity. Suddenly, propulsion could be powered by anything from coal, gas and nuclear fission to wind, waves and sunlight. In a world of dwindling fossil fuels, this decoupling of the car from oil could be extremely beneficial, especially to countries such as the UK that are (or are about to become) net oil-importers.
Furthermore, a fleet of PHEVs could lower a country’s carbon emissions by acting as a "back-up battery" for the national grid.
How would this be possible? Well, PHEVs can operate in a mode called "vehicle to grid", under which surplus energy is discharged back into the wall. A national grid system could use this energy to mitigate a variety of problems, including the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources.
The precise nature of this arrangement would be controlled by signals sent along the power lines and interpreted by the car based on your personal preferences. For example, you might insist that your car had to be fully charged by 7am, so that you could drive to work. However, you might also allow it to be used by the grid for load-balancing while you were asleep, or while you left the car plugged into an alternative wall socket at work. It’s conceivable that utility companies would pay you for this service, either as a fixed annual payment or through a significant price differential between electricity taken from the grid and that sold back.
As Professor Andrew Frank (wikipedia) of the University of California, Davis has argued, a nation with significant numbers of hybrid vehicles could increase its "base load" (i.e. its total energy generating capacity) without having to build new power stations. Cars could be charged at night while demand for electricity was low, and discharged during the day while demand for electricity was high. This would reduce the number of peaks and troughs in the energy generation system and thereby lower the cost of electricity for everyone.
At first glance, this idea appears simply to shift the burden of emissions from one source of energy to another. However, power stations and hybrid drive trains are significantly more efficient than small internal combustion engines, and "well to wheels" research suggest Frank’s plan would increase efficiency and reduce pollution.
Ultimately, PHEVs provide a tantalising way to transition away from oil, and ultimately other fossil fuels, towards renewable energy, whilst maintaining all of the benefits that cars provide today.
Previously on The Oil Drum
The Post Peak Car
Can hybrids make a difference in the near future?
Saving 20 million barrels a day. The 100mpg hybrid car should be here, now!
The electric wheel - a breakthrough in car efficiency
The Hybrid Debate encourages people to consider how their choice of car affects the world we live in and imagine how mass acceptance of hybrid technology could influence other aspects of our lives.
The aim is to encourage informed analysis and public debate amongst advocates and sceptics of the new technology.
Writers and experts in areas ranging from urban planning to the economy have been asked to kick start the debate by imagining a hybrid future and the implications in their area of expertise.
As a hybrid owner (Honda Insight) I appreciate the efficiency and the technology involved in this transition to electric powered transportation. However, I remain to be convinced that the vehicle-to-grid idea can work. I would require my vehicle be charged in the morning for the trip to work, and at the end of the work day for the trip home. I just can't see that there would be significant 'surplus' electrical power to pump back into the grid, nor hybrid owners willing to have their vehicles discharged for what would probably amount to pennies in credits.
Might sound good, but I don't think it will work.
What might work along the same line, is home-based battery systems tied to home-based generation systems. Homeowners could size their PV or wind or methane-digester generating systems and battery backup with grid-buffering capabilities. Coupling the storage/buffering system with a generating capacity, to me, makes more sense than using an auto which is only a consumer of energy and not a producer.
There is another piece to the home system--heat. You can use the excess generator heat for water and space heating. With the auto, that heat dissipates into the atmosphere.
That's why I suggested domestic cogenerators to charge batteries for (PH)EVs. You can multiply the benefits that way.
The ultimate V2G grid will have noncontact charge/discharge ports at every stop sign and every red light.
As you brake, excess energy is moved to an on-board flywheel.
When you reach the stop sign and under-road, noncontact charge/discharge port, your flywheel energy is discharged into the grid. When you are ready to accelerate, the grid pumps energy back into your on-board flywheel. That energy could be coming from the cars and trucks braking at the very same intersection or at other intersections.
Maybe we need to stop counting pennies and start accounting for how we will save the (habitable) planet.
The planet will sustain itself fine, just not as a habitable habitat for those pesky human critters perhaps.
A better (and simpler) method is the 'Regen' facility provided by all AC EV equipment (and some DC equipment). Regen captures the energy in braking and stores it in the on-board batteries. Regen extends the range of an EV by as much as 40% (in slow-moving traffic. Typically, it's less than 10%).
I agree I don't think it will work due to battery life time reduction costs. That is, the charge discharge cycles are increased through the grid connection. So the consumer(car owner) will have to replace the battery more often than a separate dedicated example. Now, if we could plug that car into a PV or wind gen apparatus, that would be even better.
But only time will tell.
One good point by you,
One (I believe) misunderstood point.
First your good point. Yes indeed we can couple PV-generated and Wind-generated electrical power to the vehicle from an under-the-street contactless connection point. Excellent point.
Accordingly, after the car/truck stops at a red light and over a contactless connection point, we can download the PV-generated and Wind-generated electrical power into the car/truck just as the light turns from red to green. The downloaded energy is used for acceleration of the car/truck out of its stopped mode.
I suspect that the plug-in hybrid won't add that mcuh to the equation. In the end it will mean more coal burning as we are not going to solar ourselves out of this. In fact an energy audit on solar is overdue. Solar's cost suggest that it has the same problem as ethanol. I have a friend who is buying a 3kw solar PV system. The true cost is $30 a watt.
$30/Watt is the purchase cost, not the lifetime operating cost.
At current electricity prices, a PV panel with a 'lifetime' rating of 30 years (where lifetime = 80% of original rating) might just pay itself off, financially, but I'm willing to bet that electricity prices won't be staying anywhere near current levels.
It depends on a number of factors. I'm deploying hundreds of peak KW of PV in West Africa with an economic payback of 3-5 years. The payback is calculated against using diesel generators - the only viable alternative for rural, off grid electricity.
$30/watt isn't even the purchase cost.
"The true cost is $30 a watt."
Wow! Your friend is really over paying. Most people are paying well under $10/watt. And, of course, that cost will go down quickly in time, as supply catches up with demand. New PV cells are costing $.50 - $2.50, and still falling. Much of the $7-8 that people are paying is a scarcity premium and inefficient installation.
We could solar ourselves out of this with third generation photovoltaics -- extremely thin film solar cells printed using printing press technology. Nanosolar and others are building the production infrastructure right now. A single new plant will produce 430 MW of generating capacity per year at 33 cents per watt production cost.
I think plug in hybrids and a grid based transportation infrastructure is a fantastic idea. Certainly, owners won't get rich selling credits back to power companies. But it may pay for lunch a couple of times a week. Furthermore, the overall reduced costs and availability of energy would have amazing benefits to overall society.
The post says "Ultimately, PHEVs provide a tantalising way to transition away from oil, and ultimately other fossil fuels, towards renewable energy, whilst maintaining all of the benefits that cars provide today." The transition would take at least a decade as cars have an average life of 10 years. When Peak Oil hits, the price tag on PHEVs will go sky high (it takes oil energy to make them), and the folks with the SUVs won't be able to trade them in, as their trade-in value will be very low. PHEVs use electric energy, from mainly coal, not renewables. There is doubt that PV solar has an EROEI above 1.0 when ALL energy inputs are counted: mining, personnel transport for ALL operations for solar, processing of ores, silicon, glass, bauxite transport and smelting, materials transport, buildings where the PV panels are made, lighting/heating/AC for those buildings, and maintenance of everything over the lifetime of solar panels and infrastructure. And if there is a net energy gain, it is spread out over a very long period of time. Why waste fossil fuel energy to make solar panels and infrastructure, as well as electric cars that use oil/natural gas energy to build and waste the liquid fuels that we need for food planting, harvesting and transportation. The proponents of solar must study the real EROEI and how much oil, natural gas, and coal energy will be consumed in the process, and report on this before more good energy is wasted to get bad energy (ie electric power). The solar dream is one of trillions of dollars in investment and that much in oil, natural gas, and coal, all 3 of which are peaking.
As Chris Shaw notes,
oil gives alternatives the illusion of providing net energy. Let's deal with this before wasting a lot of valuable fossil fuels. As Shaw notes, let's keep our eyes on the donut, and not on the hole.
cjwirth said,
"The proponents of solar must study the real EROEI and how much oil, natural gas, and coal energy will be consumed in the process, and report on this before more good energy is wasted to get bad energy (ie electric power)."
Fair enough, if the proponents of oil will live by exactly the same counting method, and not discount the free ride that a century of investment and "sunk cost" has provided them. The research and development hours in how to utilize oil has been in the lifetimes!
What good would oil be without internal combustion engines, gas turbine engines, Diesel engines? Even small developments have revolutionized the consumption oil. The internal combustion engine was not practical until De Dion invented the spark advance, to allow the ignition to advance as engine speed advanced. The electric starter motor was THE device that gave the gasoline engine the jump on steam and electric cars in the early 20th century.
Who has ever billed the hours, the metals, the research involved in even the small advances against oil? And this is just on the ability to consume the stuff. How many lifetimes in man hours have been invested on the oil production side?
In many areas, solar PV and well designed solar concentrating mirror systems are already near grid parity with gas and coal based systems. But how can that be? There should be so many Btu's of oil in a solar panel that it could not dream of getting anywhere near grid parity, ever. Does this mean that the oil and gas companies are somehow secretly subsidising the solar panels by giving them energy?
The EROEI argument is an important one with any energy development, old or new.
But it must be said that the EROEI arguments are complex, and easily tortured to give up the results desired. Just look at the EROEI debate surrounding ethanol, in which well educated people can come to wildly different conclusions.
I have seen no educated persons come to the conclusion you toss out that the EROEI of solar is barely over 1 to 1!
We would need to see some very, very well vetted numbers to back that one up.
Somehow, what we see everyday is denied by such "black hole" math. The fact is that there are millions of kilowatts pouring down on our head, all over the world, everyday. If it is cloudy here, it is not there, and when it is night here, it is not there. The sun in the long view is the single most predictable source of energy we can dream of. Millions of species have had to rely on it for millions of years to get where we are.
It makes me think of the fellow who said of wind, "Show me an empire built on wind power, just show me!" To which he was pointed out a British sailing ship of the colonial/empirialist period...What would the empire have been without the wind powered ships that colonised the world? The wind simply had to be used in the right way, at the right speed, on the right scale, to extract the power to create an empire.
So it is with the sun. Hopefully we do not desire an "empire". Only a cleaner, more efficient world. Would anyone argue that we can stay with the status quo forever?
The British Empire was powered by wood, then coal, then oil. The means used to power the ships was only a small part of it. At one point they barely had enough wood left to build the ships.
They were "billed against", paid by, the people who bought the cars. Such subsidy as government gave automakers to do that research was a small deduction from its enormous motor fuel tax revenues.
--- G.R.L. Cowan, former hydrogen-energy fan
"There is doubt that PV solar has an EROEI above 1.0 when ALL energy inputs are counted:.."
CJ, this point of yours is becoming increasingly fatuous. Make your ACTUAL claim in this regard. Either use 'There IS doubt..' and Show us who is saying this and how they got there, or if it's YOUR doubt, then take responsibility for it and say "I doubt..." and make your case.
"The topic of this paper is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of modern CdTe PV modules."
"The performance of the analysed CdTe system is also compared to other examples of advanced PV systems based on
different technologies (CIS and mc-Si), which were also part of the PVACCEPT project."
"The analysis is consistent with ISO norms 14040 and
updates on Life Cycle Assessment, and makes use of an
in-house developed multi-criteria impact assessment
approach named SUMMA [5].
In this approach, the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) is
followed by the parallel application of the following
environmental impact and thermodynamic performance
evaluation methods:
• Material Flow Accounting [6, 7, 8]. This method
looks at material resource depletion. The chosen
indicator is the Material Input Per Service
(abiotic), which is a proxy for the total amount
of abiotic matter (minerals, fuels, etc.) that was
directly or indirectly required to provide the
necessary inputs to the manufacturing process,
expressed per unit of delivered service [kWh].
• Embodied Energy Analysis [9, 10]. This method
accounts for the total amount of fossil fuel
energy that is exploited by the process. The
chosen indicator in this case is the Energy Pay-
Back Time, calculated as:
Bob Fiske
If one uses a 'black box' type of approach to energy production, it may well be true that PV is < 1. Envision a 'black box'(BB) system that delivers electrical energy on demand in the way it is now required by our society. If the energy producing portion of the BB is only PV, then an adequate storage (batteries, pumped storage, etc) and transmission system would be required to even out the load (provide base load). IMO this would almost certainly cause PV alone to be < 1 EROEI because of the energy required for the capital expenditure of building the infrastructure and the ongoing energy required for maintaining it. It might even be true with wind that in such a scenario the EROEI would be < 1.
The more practical approach, obviously, is to include in the hypothetical BB a mix of energy producing strategies which would complement each other. It seems like the current dilemma is that we don't have a quickly scalable method of energy production that is suitable for base load. In fact I would guess that a large percentage of the debate on this board involves this very fact.
A question along these lines for someone more knowledgable about base-load issues: I've read that nuclear is not ideally suited for quickly switchable base load purposes (combining it with variable PV/wind sources). I've also read that hydro is ideally suited. Why is this so? Why isn't it possible to switch power output regardless of the generation method?
Thermal inertia.
Thermal power plants take a lot of time until the boiler is heated up, and then there is a huge thermal loss if it needs to be cooled down. For nuclear there is the additional problem of "Xenon poisoning" - if output is decreased rapidly, the build up of Xenon isotopes prevents the reaction to be quickly resumed at later time. However this is not unsolvable problem and in France some of the nukes are operated in demand following mode.
Hydro is ideally suited to complement renewables, as there is not thermal inertia and it can vary quickly between zero to max output. Unfortunately hydro resources are limited and in US only 5% of electricity is from hydro power.
"If we use Black Box .."
Which we would only use if we want to extend the debate for a period as long as this hypothetical computation.
Clearly that would be unproductive. The Devil's Advocate can always claim the high ground AND remain irresponsible for the results at the same time.
In other words, that's a big IF..
Snarky comment deleted..
Yes, this is my claim, but others have the same concern, such as the primer: "It's worth noting briefly that any EROEI study is complex and different methods of accounting can come up with vastly different results, so any net energy study might be viewed with some suspicion. We may not know with total certainty the usefulness of any renewable energy technologies until the hidden fossil fuel energy subsidies are finally removed."
And Chris Shaw who knows some stuff has some doubts:
The question is the EROEI when ALL energy inputs are counted: mining, personnel transport for ALL operations for solar, processing of ores, silicon, glass, bauxite transport and smelting, materials transport, buildings where the PV panels are made, lighting/heating/AC for those buildings, and maintenance of everything over the lifetime of solar panels and infrastructure. And if there is a net energy gain, it is spread out over a very long period of time. Also, who needs this energy when it uses up the energy we need to produce and transport food?
When global oil production peaks (now it appears), the cost of solar will skyrocket and no one will be able to buy solar (that is happening now), and the capital costs will also skyrocket. So we have what we have now, regardless of what some people hope for.
When the recession hits, we will have plenty of spare electric power for awhile, and it won't do much good. It doesn't move cars, trucks, and tractors, and fertilize crops.
"When the recession hits, we will have plenty of spare electric power for awhile, and it won't do much good. It doesn't move cars, trucks, and tractors, and fertilize crops."
It could be refining Silicon and Making Glass, which of course would be employing people caught in a recession.
Electric Tractors are being proven regularly now, and they LIKE the weight of Lead Batteries, have fabulous torque at low speeds and don't need to go anywhere at HIGH speeds or cover mileage far from (Grid, Wind and Solar) recharging sources. Minimal Maintenance, low-complexity.
video of electric Farmall Cub in Maine..
I do agree, by the way, that Solar Prices will likely rise soon. The question is not dollars, but EROEI and the advantages of the technology, in deciding whether it is worth producing.
There is quite a difference in the size of the tractors posted and real combines of 250 to 450 hp. What happens in the early AM and late afternoon, and on cloudy days, and there are heating and AC. How many minutes before the batteries run down and have to be recharged, and how long does that take, and how long on a cloudy day? And where do the petrochemicals come from, the fertilizer, and the pumping for irritation?
I don't see how one couldn't scale up this kind of equipment to a considerable degree.. there are bigger electric motors, bigger batteries. The well known dual use for farmlands to site Wind Turbines seems to be applicable here. It's also not inconceivable to have fields set up with power rails perhaps, so your equipment is juiced directly from the grid or your own stationary supplies, tractors running along long and narrower stretches like a dog on a run. How about circular distribution, mirroring the irrigation 'carousels' or whatever they call them? Build those with Electricity and Water disto..
It would also be well to remember that we are looking towards having more and smaller farmers back in the mix, as organically grown foods reaches farther into the mainstream, and the 'Bigger they are, harder they fall' aphorism starts to be a memorable phrase in our culture again.
When the Sun is not out and the Wind hasn't blown for days, but you have to get the crops in, you'll be charging your batteries at a premium from the grid, or you'll be using up that precious BioDiesel that also has to heat your farmhouse all winter, so like every farmer everywhere, you are praying for the Weather to smile on you and let you get your work done. You make hay while the Sun shines.. and you just spend extra when it doesn't. But at least you have a source or two that are delivered free to your farm when they're delivered at all. It's just another crop to harvest.
As for all the other problems of farming.. fertilizer, irrigation, etc? What is your point really? Clearly, there isn't enough, and our available energy as well as our populations will be 'adjusting' to this new reality. But while we're here, we will be hungry, and we will be looking for useful, working tools to handle each of these problems. The electric motor is a fantastic workhorse, and it beats the ICE in simplicity and low-maintenance hands down. By advocating for it, I am not in any way suggesting that it will 'Save us all' or support the WHOLE system as it now stands.. it is a good and durable tool, and it will be in the mix in a million ways, powered by a whole range of sustainable and non-sustainable sources. It will already work for small farmers, and can probably work for large farms, too. I don't have room in my shop to build you a Battery-powered 450hp combine and answer your questions. I'm sorry if the options ahead are expensive or scarce. Welcome to the Serengeti, don't give up.
"fertilizer, irrigation, etc? What is your point really? Clearly, there isn't enough, "
Fertilizer is easy to produce with electricity and water (electrolysis) - about 4% of worldwide hydrogen production is produced that way even now. That will be a practical use for surplus night time electricity (as opposed to hydrogen production for direct use in vehicles).
Could well be. There are also forms of permaculture and more labor-intensive, but less oil input-intensive ways to farm that will become more and more appealing as we get crunched.
I suspect one of CJ's big objections is that there's just not enough TIME to put these things in place.. but with all this 'surplus population', we at least have a massive potential labor pool, if we point ourselves in the right directions. We don't have a word like Miracle without there having been a few of them before. You can't bank on it, of course, but these things have happened before, when the chips were down, when it got bad enough that MOST of the people had to look reality in the face and say SH!T, this is really happening, we gotta get our butts in gear!
I guess we'll see..
Damn! I'm having to beat my own solar drum here!
Nanosolar -- third generation thin film.
Production cost -- 33 cents per watt.
Single plant can manufacture 430 MW capacity today.
Winner of the 2007 Popular science innovation award.
Very well financed.
It's true that cars have long 'half-lives', but you don't need to build a whole new car if you want an EV (or PHEV). Any existing vehicle with a body in good order is a suitable candidate for a convertion. Pull the engine, petrol tank, exhaust, ancililaries (including much of the wiring loom, as much of the wiring in a modern vehicle is purely for the Engine Management Systems), and replace them with a 50-kilo electric motor, 30 kilo Inverter (for AC, Controller for DC), and a 100 kilo Lithium (preferably LiFePO4) battery pack.
A number of us are getting very impatient with your repetitions of tendentious and downright false claims like this:
No, there is no such doubt. The error bar on the projected time to recover invested energy is nowhere near the projected lifespan of today's panels (or the established lifespan of existing ones). The time to recover invested energy is calculated at ~1 year for thin-film Si, ~2 years for crystalline Si; warranties for crystalline Si are running 25 years and useful life is probably closer to 50.
Let me restate this in 3 words: YOU ARE WRONG.
It's not a waste, and there is a very obvious reason to do it: to prevent the collapse you claim is coming.
Or should I say, the collapse which you cannot admit may be prevented without destroying your business model? I quote from your site:
All for a fee, of course. And all totally wasted expense if it turns out not to be necessary... as it would be if PV and solar thermal and wind and nukes and biomass let people chug along just fine more or less where they are.
You're still morally superior to the penny-stock pump-and-dump spam scammers, but you're heading their way.
Cheers Engineer Poet!
Is thin film Si equivalent to the new thin film solar cells being produced by in Europe and the US using printing technology rather than the standard 'glass box' production scheme?
Also, I'm a bit leering when people start quoting 'set in stone' EROI figures. These things wouldn't be produced if they didn't make a buck. In my opinion, if you can make a profit it's a pretty clear sign there's excess energy involved. It's a pretty crude 'finger in the wind' way of estimation. But in my experience it tends to be pretty accurate.
To my knowledge the least efficient solar technology produced EROI at three years. With solar able to produce energy for decades and decades it would seem that long run EROI on even the least efficient solar systems was still very strong even when compared to fossil fuels. It's a bit different way of looking at things than the instant gratification analysis that tends to happen these days.
Best wishes in any case!
I don't think you can draw a simple equivalence (or lack thereof) there. So far as silicon requirements go, thin-film and the 100-micron String Ribbon process (not yet commercialized AFAIK) both take huge chunks out of the PV material requirements and costs. Does this get down to the same level as CdTe or CIGS? I don't know, but I'll bet that it depends strongly on the volume of production; silicon scales a lot better.
Unless, of course, there are also subsidies involved (coughethanolcough).
Anything to soften a decline or plateau in oil production is welcome in my opinion and I think PHEVs have a lot of potential in this regard. The only thing that really concerns me is whether there is enough lithium out there and if not whether an alternative battery chemistry can become viable. If GM (volt) and others produce high numbers of EVs/PHEVs before a real oil crunch hits then things will be somewhat better than they would be otherwise. Also, solar PV is not the only renewable energy source out there.
Using oil to manufacture new vehicles will not soften the decline, rather it will accelerate it.
There's very little oil used to manufacture new vehicles. Manufacturing is primarily powered by electricity.
Increasing gas mileage alone will not solve global warming or our dependance on oil. It merely increases commute lengths and slightly delays human life support system destruction.
The real solution is 100% electric vehicles. Since we only have less than 20 years to transition, we need to go with today's technology. (I'm not a gambling man).
The choices for a average person are limited:
1) Light Rail at $100m per mile
2) Electric buses
3) Electric cars with 40 mile range
4) PRT personal rapid transit $15m per mile
5) Electric bikes with 10 mile range
I think the choice is pretty clear, we don't have time for a 15 year transition to PHEV followed by another 15 year transition to something else. By 2037 we would have assured the melting of the icecaps.
Use your imagination! In the 1940s, Detroit moved from cars to tanks in 3 years. PHEVs are an excuse to sell more car parts and service contracts.
Moving to PHEV's is investing in another energy black hole. We have to give up on the idea of personal transport larger than a bicycle (perhaps modifications to electric could be possible to sustain). there are just too many of us to be running around in cars no matter what they run on, the resources that would be dedicated to that senario are not sustainable.
There will always be a need for vehicles of some sort, even if just for transport of goods and cargo, and these can be powered by various means - electric and PHEV and HEV are all viable. What is not viable is to have every person traveling long distances every day in a car, regardless of WHAT it is powered by. This is how we used up the vast majority of the fossil fuels we have used so far.
Unless you are over 60 years old or under 10 you don't need electric bikes to travel 10 miles.
Pedal powered ones will do just fine. It amazes me that people are blinkered over how simple pedal powered bikes can be used to travel useful distances.
A decent 15 or 18 speed bicycle ridden by a person of average fitness should be able to be ridden at 15-20 mph.
My commute to the train (and back) is about 4 miles. It takes less time to cycle than it does to drive (admittedly the car park is 10 minutes walk to the station and the bike parking is right beside it)
If you are planning for the coming oil crunch, might I suggest a good bike and a few spares are probably more useful than fancy electric systems that you won't get spare parts for in 10 years time.
What about the 50% of us who are not of average fitness? It's one thing to pedal 10 miles which even I can do. It's another thing to pedal 10 miles, put in a full day of work, pedal home and do it all over again the next day. My commute was 12 miles uphill into a wind strong enough to interest the windmill people. The only spares I need is to replace the battery every couple of years. An electric motor lasts forever and it has standard mountain bike tires.
Trust me, if you do that for a few weeks you will find that almost miraculously you will end up quite fit.
What if you need to wear business clothes and don't have access to a shower at the other end. I really tried to find a workable biking plan to get to my new job. I can't do it in houston in the summer and still arrive looking (and more importantly smelling) "professional" without a shower afterwards. I would happily keep my clothes at the office and change there, but the shower thing remains the main obstacle.
The showering thing is a big issue in warmer climates. My workplace has a shower cubicle in each toilet/locker-room (one for the men, one for the women). The Men's showerhead has been removed and blocked up with a bolt. The womens cubicle is locked.
Go figure.
I'm not sure it actually increases commute distance. Commute distances in the US seem to be limited by time, which is affected mainly by traffic congestion, not by fuel costs.
The early adoption of hybrids in California seems to have slightly lowered the state's fuel consumption.
PHEVs transition well to all electric over a 5-15 year time frame.
First goal -- survive peak oil with civilization intact while transitioning away from fossil fuels.
Second goal -- continue to reduce carbon emissions to zero.
Also, since PHEVs are powered in large part by the grid, you can reduce total emissions by moving the grid to renewable energy sources (solar, wind, nuclear, geo, hydro etc) and through gains in efficiency in the PHEV system.
Many PHEVs are able to run in all electric mode for anywhere from 20 to 80 miles. This means zero internal combustion for many daily commutes especially if you plug in at home and at work.
Regulation of grid demand could easily be improved hugely anyway, but like other massive technological improvements that are possible [plug any phone into any charger - ???] it requires government[s] to choose standards. Something which the UK gov have proved incompetent at.
Washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, water heating, car charging could all be out of peak hours. The technology is trivial -it is standardising that appears difficult.
In the UK there is little demand for time/tarrif electric [ie economy 7] since most users end up worse off. There are few timeshifting appliances available and users pay a premium for normal time use!
Only Govts can sort this out - and they don't.
We are only having this thread because standards that were followed, replaced the 30 years of serial comms balls-up that held computing back.
I'll just leave more or less the same question I left to Ugo's post, can we have batteries for hundreds of millions of cars?
I don't know. Can we have oil for hundreds of millions of cars though? Which is the tighter limit?
Chris Vernon asks,
"I don't know. Can we have oil for hundreds of millions of cars though? Which is the tighter limit?"
Exactly correct Chris! And let's continue it forward...can we have batteries for millions (hundreds of millions actually) cell phones? Laptop computers? Ipods and Iphones? Rechargable power tools?
One would think that the battery was a brand new invention to be used only for electric or hybrid cars!
On the Chevy Volt blog, an engineer was asked if there was enough lithium for the batteries, to which he claimed there was enough for "billions" of batteries. I take that with a grain of salt, but at this time, no one in the lithium battery business seems worried about supply of materials. They may not know what they are doing, but that is the situation at this moment.
One must, however, not be as wasteful with the raw materials to make batteries as we have been to this date with oil, and here we have one great difference. Batteries can be recycled. They MUST be recycled if this industry is to survive. Once oil has gone out the exhaust pipe, it is gone forever.
Some on this string of posts seem to feel that an car, ANY kind of car, cannot be sustained, and must be destroyed as a transportation option. They are setting a hard task for themselves, however. Revolutions and wars have been fought over less. I will leave it up to the anti-automobile puritans to try to take automobiles away from the millions who use them daily, or from the newly motorized peoples all over the world who are just now beginning to use autos, and with seemingly great pleasure.
My bet: The automobile in some form will outlive the anti automobile puritans by a fair margin. If that is so, then what we need to look for is the best possible of all automotive alternatives.
It's not really unhealthy to be addicted to your automobile. I love driving too. There are different kinds of addictions though. Some people are 'addicted' to chocolate. But man can live without chocolate. If one's addiction to one's automobile has reached a dependence similar to that of our dependence on water or air, then I would just suggest that such a position is tenuous.
Unfortunately fo all of us who love to drive, the free ride is over. Not only because of the rise in price and ultimate scarcity of energy for transport. The infrastructure (roads, bridges) which heretofore has mostly been free to the user will increasingly be subject to tolls and user fees due to the government's inability to maintain it at acceptable levels of taxation. This may have a side positive benefit of reducing congestion, although it remains to be seen if the full system can be maintained regardless.
If you live in an area where you can walk to most things and only drive for disretionary trips, then all this may be somewhat positive. If you must drive to survive daily then this will suck your standard of living right out of you.
I think the best evidence of that is Cuba. They keep 50-year-old American cars running despite the occurrence of every calamity that we discuss at this site: an anti-American dictatorship, a brutal embargo including parts, a lack of an industrial base, and finally the loss of affordable oil. Now this may not be rational behavior, but the American car culture infected Cubans so thoroughly that even Castro had to live with it. I'm sure the owners of those cars will insist to interviewers that they "need" them. They won't go back to bicycles no matter what. It should be interesting to see what will happen when they can suddenly trade oil for cheap, boring Chinese cars.
It must be a hundred times worse in America.
Cubans are actually using a good deal of oil now. Abelardlindsay posted about that here:Permalink and at too; can't find the link at the moment but we also had this topic: Cuba is not a model for peak oil survival. I'm impressed by what the Cubans have done in the way of resourcefulness though.
I think Cuba's economy does a fair amount of tourism business. I believe it is their #1 source of foreign exchange. That might account for higher than expected (although still pretty moderate) fossil fuel useage.
I don't know if batteries are the answer if the question is, "can we continue the current level of use of the automobile, much less the level of use that will occur when India, China, etc. get ramped up to a level of use that requires tens of millions of additional vehicles."
On the other hand, oil will not cut it and coal will not cut it if we are going to anything whatsoever about global warming. Batteries will mitigate these issues somewhat but any mitigation will be overwhelmed by the level of energy required to fuel projected increases in autos worldwide.
No. Batteries are not the answer if the question is posed as in paragraph one. The question needs to be reframed as "how to we maintain/construct a transporation system that will not overwhelm our energy supplies while, at the same time, not overwhelming the ability of the planet to handle carbon dioxide. Oil is not sustainable; neither is coal. Nothing is sustainable if we insist on asking the same old business as usual questions.
Are you sure? Don't be. Anything (and I mean anything) which can be made from air and seawater - most especially those things made that way today - can be renewed until the chemical elements of the Earth succumb to proton decay. Examples:
It is energy-efficient to recycle many things, especially energy-intensive materials like magnesium... but there are some things that we just cannot run out of without assuming a world as unrecognizable to us as ours is to a neolithic hunter.
True, we're not going to make oil to replace what we've burned. But that doesn't mean we should plan to lay down and die when it's gone either.
Lithium is available from seawater (though today's recovery technology isn't quite as cheap as land deposits). The primary source of magnesium today is seawater, via precipitation of salts.
There is a slight difference between recovering lithium from seawater and magnesium; Three and half order of magnitude in atomic percentage (160ppb vs 337,000ppb). This difference might have some effect on the economics of recovery. It’s one thing to say that recovery of lithium from seawater is technically feasible and another to say that it’s economically feasible for 8 billion people to drive PHEVs powered by lithium batteries. I assume that you are planning on having the entire population of the earth match our standard of living by the end of the century, and that your confidence that we can remain wealthy is not based on Africa, South America, and large swathes of Asia remaining poor.
Recovery energy (entropy) is proportional to the log of the concentration, so the difference is not as large as it might seem to you.
Assume for the moment that we can deploy ion-exchange nets in ocean currents which take in water with 160 ppb lithium and absorb half of it. If we deploy a net which is 1 km long, 100 m high and filters a current flowing at 1/2 meter per second, it would process 50,000 m³ of water per second. At 80 mg of lithium extracted per ton of water, that's about 4 kg/sec or about 350 metric tons per day.
There are a great many places on earth where currents and tides carry large amounts of water past fixed points for free. This scheme scales extremely well.
What in the world is an ion exchange net? How much would it cost to manufacture one of the size you mention? And what reason is there to believe that it would operate at approximately 50% efficiency as your analysis assumes? The volume of ocean water is huge so that even at 160ppb the total amount of lithium available is large. The question is how much will it cost to produce 1kg of lithium from this source? I have no idea whether the process you describe is physically possible let alone what the cost would be.
It would be like the resin bed of a water softener, but made so that seawater would flow through it.
Unknown. The cost to recover the net, extract the lithium from it, make any required repairs and put it out again is another unknown. Nobody's made one yet, though there is active research using relatively cheap materials like manganese oxide.
The efficiency depends on how much of the water passes through the absorbent, plus the binding energy of the lithium ions and how "full" the absorbent is. 50% was a figure for the sake of illustration; if it was 10%, you'd still get 70 tons/day all else being equal.
Do we have any actual cost figures? That might help the debate...
We already have batteries for hundreds of millions of cars.
Exactly. We got to calculate what lies ahead by assuming a certain level of oil production e.g. in 2020. According to the Energy Watch Group
EWG Outlook 2007
and also the late Dr. Bakhtiari, that may be 70% of today. Looks manageable but not all sectors of the transport industry can save quickly.
In the Australian context we have fuel consumption as follows
(1) Passenger vehicles in Capital cities.............. 37%
(2) Passenger vehicles outside Capital cities..... 25%
(3) Trucks, commercial vehicles, buses etc.......38%
Let us assume we want our economy going at current levels so vehicles under (3) cannot save and consume the same. Vehicles outside Capital cities (2, agricultural and regional areas) will also have a hard time to reduce their consumption. We also assume that refineries can adjust to any changes in the diesel-petrol mix. So we have, in percent of today's total consumption
Available ______________________________70
(2) Passenger vehicles outside Capital cities ______25
(3) Other commercial vehicles________________38
Remaining for Capital cities__________________7
So that is 7/37 = around 20% of current consumption levels!! Spread over 12 years that will require a 7% reduction in fuel consumption every year. Let us assume we can replace 6% of fuel inefficient cars every year with cars consuming 40% less. That would yield savings of 2.4 % pa, just a third of what is required. We would need to introduce mandatory car pooling for all trips (not just commuting) to achieve the required savings. The current occupancy rate of 1.2 passengers per car would have to jump to 3.6.
So maybe that is doable with behavioral change and a BIG effort. But the decline doesn't stop in 2020. It continues. So if by 2020 we haven't build up a transport system which is an order of magnitude more efficient than cars and compensates for more than just a couple of years decline, our mobility will go down.
At the same time as oil production declines, we have to phase out coal and/or put geo-sequestration of CO2 in place. That excludes plug-in hybrid cars because where will the green primary energy come from? So what is ahead is a real double challenge. All renewable energies produce electricity, not fuels. So we have to electrify our land transport system wherever possible. The high efficiency factor required after 2020 can only be achieved by rail. So we have a decade time to revive rail. Every month counts now. Car dreams only distract us from our real task.
Slightly off topic, but I think this deserves highlighting.
The Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid has been named 2008 Green Car of the Year
21 mpg.
Americans really have a strange look upon the world.
That would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Maybe the US should try to export these "Stupid Useless Vehicles" to the rest of the world and see how many people want them and can afford to drive them. I can't think of enough derogatory terms to describe this travesty.
Oh brother.
The reason people buy SUV's is that they find them emminently useful.
A fellow I know spends all Winter in his shop and studio building fine furniture and making pottery.
In the Summer he crams all of it AND his family into their trailer and Tahoe and they hit various art and craft shows where he sells it at considerable profit.
He is totally unfazed by the $55,000+ price tag and his wife(a soccer mom BTW) can't wait to shuttle the team, at least some of it, to their matches without all the emissions of a regular gasoline or diesel powered auto.
In the same vein, many posters here fail to acknowledge that the auto serves other purposes besides personal transportation.
The GM dual-mode hybrid and its large SUV application is quite unique in the industry and I suspect it will do well.
This is still a very wealthy country.
Remember that GM, like ALL companies, is in business to make a PROFIT and increase shareholder value.
If someone would have told me 10 yrs ago that GM's large, hulking trucks could get a 30% increase in mileage AND cut emissions, I would have demanded some of the stuff they were smoking.
Not so much. I don't know where you live, but I live in Houston. The number of F150s is amazing. I can name at least five people in my office alone who drive SUVs/Trucks just to and from their office job. I know some people who have legitimate uses for their massive vehicles, but they are frankly outnumbered.
Do you know how they use their vehicles at other times?
Which is why GM brass targeted the most conspicuous consumers first.
They drive to work and wherever under hybrid power, then comes the weekend and voila! Full V-8 power for hauling all their crap around.
Rather than heap scorn on GM, note that they're improving mileage significantly on some of their most popular vehicles.
This may not be happenning as fast as some may like it but its a significant sign that its no longer BAU at the General.
That's pretty sad.
A car for the utterly delusional society we live in.
Aside from the nonsense of considering 21 mpg to be 'good' mileage, a diesel engine would deliver roughly the same 30% improvement, at probably a lower level of technical complexity.
Better. But too little too late.
PHEVs are possibly a stepping stone to whatever will follow. They give us the option of directly using PV solar to provide the energy we need for moderate trips backed up with scarce, expensive gas for emergencies.
The crunch will be, as described above, when there simply isn't enough FF for private transportation and possibly not enough to build the cars themselves and maintain the roads and that clashes head on with our strong need and desire for mobility.
After reading the string of posts to this point, I am once more convinced that we as a people simply no longer have the technical knowledge or the ability to visualize that will be needed to cope with the revolution we will see.
There is almost no thinking in the press, in the political realm, or in the "peak oil" movement that grasps even the edge of what is happening.
I laughed the other day when there was the huge political power fight in the U.S. concerning the 35 mile per gallon standard for fuel economy in the U.S.
35 miles per gallon, in 2020!! It was like someone in the 1970's mandating that we would have computers with color monitors by 2005!!
They don't even grasp the wave that is about to hit, they don't even feel the breeze of the coming technological storm on their poor stupid faces!
They can't even imagine how out of date their arguments, predictions and futile chest beating has become as they attempt to solve problems with 50 year old calculations that leave out 90% of the equation!
This is going to be fun! :-)
PHEVs can make a significant contribution but this Tahoe Hybrid is a nonsense -like putting headlights on a horse.
as to the coming decade I think our experience is going to depend very much on the shape of the supply/demand "gap" that begins to open up (it will be a virtual gap -the supply/demand lines have to co-incide of course).
Also, at first, we will see the "gap" shaped mostly on the demand side so this is going to be different from the 70s experiance in some subtle ways. High energy prices are going to wipe out countries from the bottom of the pile upwards. We are already seeing this in some parts of the World where the basics of life are being stripped away before our 50" HD Plasma TV eyes -from Mexican tortilla riots to 95% of the Nigerian population without electricity.
The grinding cost of energy price rises will hit low margin energy intensive industries first: air lines, trucking. Costs will initially be passed on to consumers hitting food and just about anything that goes from A to B. Price Inflation has to work its way into the system despite our governments desperate attempts to mask the rise from us.
Some lucky individuals will get a PHEV while the going is good, if credit hasn't dried up completly in this new financial paradigm (Stagflationary Economy?) people should be able to purchase a PHEV on credit to continue their communate if they are still employed.
I saw a lcture by Craig Venture last night -Biology will save us, he cried! I do hope it can help, the sooner we get started on those million bio-reactors the better...
Wellsaid, RC. I'm waiting for someone to come up with a workable solar iron mine or steel mill or a plastics plant working from biological feedstock. Solar aluminum smelter. Somehow we don't get that the production side has to change too. Solar glass plants and sawmills and PHLT's - that's plug hybrid logging trucks! And a Li ion chainsaw. I don't see much out there that has a viable future with the oil and coal turned off. Do we have to start with cars?
And the vast majority don't even know there's a problem - yet.
Most of the machinery in both is already electric, and (electric) arc furnaces for smelting already exist. The main use of oil in those is for transportation, which is exactly what is under discussion here (although at a smaller scale).
All of this has been discussed before; there is basically nothing ground-based that internal combustion engines can do that electric machinery cannot. Motive force and heating are the two main uses of industrial energy, and we're quite familiar with how to obtain either one from electricity (motors and heat pumps).
Dude, There's a great geothermal-electric aluminum smelting factory right outside reykjavik, you pass it on the way to the airport.
Obviously we're not going to be smelting things in our own back yard with mirrors and windmills, but we don't smelt things in our own back yards anyway.
- Birth control: the biggest silver BB.
Well, there is a battery powered chainsaw. Granted it's a little dinky one.
Something you might consider:
Todays Honda Fit is by all standards a pretty small car.
4 passenger, 4 cylinder and it STILL fails to get 35mpg.
Large jumps in auto efficiency won't come easy or cheaply.
As for solar panelled/powered cars :)
I spent a Summer in the late 80's helping to develop University of Michigan's entry into some Sunrayce.
The pv cells they used were the best available at the time.
Every square cm on the exterior was plastered with 'em.
Every aspect of efficiency was covered, hard, low rolling resistance tires, titanium and carbon fiber construction, hours of wind tunnel testing, etc...
Travelling in the beastie was no picnic.
Prone driver position(aero), no suspension or air conditioning hit several of the drivers with heat exhaustion under the hot Australian sun, as I recall hearing.
Again, as I recall, the vehicle could never do more that 85mph.
85 might seem a pretty decent speed to some but its a poor return of the cost and resources that vehicle demanded.
That experience left me with the notion that automotive pv applications might be better suited for onboard systems rather than vehicle propulsion.
the ICE runs for shorter periods of time, thus improving the car’s efficiency.
Them's fightin' words!
Read my lips - many of us get WINTER!
If you want heat in the cabin you need the IC engine running virtually ALL THE TIME!
Also - from an efficiency standpoint of lowering emissions cycling the IC engine on and off in cold weather isn't a good idea.
Size the IC engine for the average power load - and have it run only at full throttle - say about 4hp and you're there. You'll immediately be at half the emissions of a Chevy Sprint - at least and it's all achievable with 1970's technology.
Large battery packs and exotic battery technologies are not needed.
I don't swallow the "baseload" idea of having people charge their cars at night. Basically nighttime baseload is lower than daytime by something like 30% and that doesn't leave much room for people charging cars at night - quickly the nightime load exceeds daytime.
We must do less with less - less personal transportation of all types. Ban air conditioners and vampire appliances. A one child policy - because energy use is directly correlated with the number of people.
Due to climate change we need to cut our energy use by 1/10.
Cut our population by 1/2 and then the energy use cut is about 1/5 - assuming we don't want to deal with the ethics of us, over here, using way more energy than those in the global south. Cut our energy use by more simply because we don't have the energy unless we're going to burn coal or are lucky enough to get a massive installed base of wind, PV and nukes before making more isn't much of an option.
- Eric
Greetings -
Let's talk about the 'heat issue' for one minute. I live in Fairbanks Alaska where yesterday it was -20F. I drive a Prius, and I happen to know something about fuel / heat conversion, being a partner in a very large company who designs and produces large scale portable heaters for construction and oil service companies. (We are also the Alaska distributor for Kub**a small engine America).
You are correct, I have experimented with fuel mileage by driving to work 'cold' vs. using the heater and the 'cost' in miles per gallon is vast. And this is perfectly logical if you understand that the ICE is a relatively inefficient creator of usable 'heat'. Likewise, it's a relatively inefficient converter of chemical energy (fuel) into mechanical force. In that regard think of it as an SUV, not efficient at anything but versatile enough to cover several needs. But I digress.
Clearly, for heat, vehicles should use a 'Webasto' type direct fuel to heat heater and I think you will see that in automobiles of the future. The Prius tries to compensate by having a 'thermos' to store some heated fluid but it really only preheats engine & emissions equipment and is no where near large enough to store usable cabin heat. And indeed, it would be a huge 'waste' of fuel, not to mention space & weight penalty, to heat enough water with an ICE, store it, then extract it for cabin heat.
Rant alert - Once you do the math and understand how much 'ENERGY' is in fuel (et al.) and figure out how much energy is required to transport weight. You start to understand how wildly inefficient modern automobiles are. Not only by their mechanics of operation, but also the way we utilize them. Just as an example. If the national speed limit were 25mph you would be driving a lightweight 'plastic' GEM electric car that would be perfectly safe, fun do everything you want and emit very little CO2 per mile equivalent. Roads would be built differently, and on down the line. (You also wouldn't have 80,000 pound tractor trailers delivering plastic swimming pools on the same roads.) But, as a Nation we feel that we NEED to have the ability to drive a 7,000 pound Suburban at 75mph. Well, you ain't gonna power that with solar....
No, not at all. We should be adding systems to recover exhaust heat to bring engines up to temperature faster and eliminate efficiency losses due to engines running cold while providing cabin heat.
At least, that's what vehicles optimized for Fairbanks should have. The rest of the world, and the world on average, is probably best served with different tradeoffs.
Praetzel is right, most people in Europe, the U.S., Canada, China need heat and defrosting from an ICE, and that is not even mentioning AC needs. Can anyone dispute this?
You are aware that both heat and AC can be efficiently generated from electricity via an air-sourced heat pump, right?
If not, you might want to look into it. There's basically nothing that an internal combustion engine is necessary for in terms of medium-range ground transport.
And the battery would be as big as a house.
You can keep saying it, but that won't make it true.
Nor will it make anyone believe you; for that, you need evidence. Got any?
You have to appeal to peoples' inner Patriot.
Paul Revere didn't need a heated cabin. (Ok, his LOG Cabin was LOG heated..) Neither did Shakespeare, or Galileo. Or Jesus!
For the cold climate people, you can improve your batteries' range AND stay warm by just adding Pedals to each seat in the car. Other suggestions were offered for keeping the windows frost-free.
Anyway, as is becoming my habit, YES I do dispute it. There are many things that can be done towards this compound problem, and electric and hybrid vehicles can help solve it for a lot of people. Certainly not ALL, and that's not the goal for any one technology.
No, but cabin heat can be provided by a ceramic element in place of the in-cabin radiator that most vehicles use to produce in-cabin heat. Every whitegoods store has small 'bathroom' heaters whos elements can be appropriated for vehicle use (and ceramic elements are self-limiting, iirc).
I'd have to agree with the many posters who have basically questioned the need for personal transport. Too many people are travelling around for little reason other than to maintain the stupid economic paradigm we've been forced into (ie. producing junk to fill landfills).
The answer therefore is to change what we do, not change the fuel we use to do it. All this effort directed towards personal transportation is nonsense and would be better spent working out how we can live without it.
Go Burgundy go, I like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the ASPO-USA conference in Houston, there was a discussion of plug-in hybrids. Jim Kunstler stood up and registered a protest over the whole concept of being able to maintain personal transport vehicles to any meaningful degree, and he was met by a round of applause.
I think that the US is going to have to basically going to have to write off vast amounts of investment in suburban infrastructure.
Yeah, but did they give him their keys?
Who isn't going to applaud the 'King Rebel' at an ASPO Con?
I really don't disagree that the 'Personal Auto Market Share' is going to change, because it HAS to,.. and some will be trying to find ways to do it ahead of time, while others (many others) will fight tooth and nail to keep living like June Cleaver and her new Olds.. But this resistance to change is considerable from both sides. Any new variation that comes out is 'Too trendy or PC' for the Suburban set, and 'Just more Joy-ridin' ' for the Doomers. Not all personal transportation is evil and destroying the planet. It's not all Hedonism, either.
As Joe Hummer, Jr. always says,
"You ain't the Bus of me!!"
Since our middle case shows the top five net oil exporters hitting zero net exports in 2031, IMO regardless of our resistance to change, vast swaths of American Suburbia are toast.
Excellent. I love toast!
Sorry WT, visceral response, there. It was dinnertime.
As I've said before, I don't find Kunstler's communication choices to be very helpful. They are crowd-pleasing, if it's the right crowd.. he tosses in great expletives about Nascar People and such, playing to a string of cultural biases in a format that is no more intricate or subtle than anything that Lou Dobbs or Rush Limbaugh blasts out for their bread and butter. He's great with the 'toughguy' ultimatums, just aimed at different targets.
Maybe I don't feel I need to 'solve' suburbia because I have studiously avoided ever living there. Like our swollen Population, and in the words of the Serenity Prayer.. Change what you CAN change, Accept that there are some things you CANNOT change, and know the difference. He comes blasting right at the side of the Mountain, knowing that it's immovable, but there he blasts, again and again. For MY part, I can design, build, teach, and share ideas, as can lots of other people. Why would someone bother to share ideas that perpetually show the challenge as simply 'Joe vs Volcano', 'Don Q vs Windmill' ..
It takes all sorts, and maybe he's been and is a really effective bell-ringer, but I think he's also using a lot of the divisiveness that personifies the very kind of peevish and narrow-minded culture I expect he actually wants to dismantle.
Ok.. rant over..
Blessed are the Kunstlers, for they know damn well what they're doing and won't let some New England Latte' sippin' liberal tell them what for!
F___ Yeah!
I hope I have a dream about that tonight, except in my dream I walk up to Kunstler and drop kick him in his fat old face. Kunstler is completely blinded by his own hate. Trust me Kunstler himself knows its possible for PHEVs, Electric Vehicles to make a difference, he just doesen't WANT them too.
Actually, I've always thought that Jim is more motivated by a strong sense of mourning--for what the country was, what it has become and what it could have been.
It's curious that you express such vitriol and violent comments about someone who is simply, and so far accurately, warning the American people that the suburban way of life is unsustainable.
You're right I still haven't recovered from the Y2K bug or DOW 4000. I don't know why I don't believe his fear mongering lies!
Maybe we should ask Brad Pitt what he thinks the future holds? ;)
As we discussed before, because of warnings from people like Jim, the Y2K issue was addressed, and Jim has acknowledged that he was (so far)wrong about the Dow. So what?
His real strength has always been an early and so far accurate realization that the American Suburban Dream was destined to become the American Suburban Nightmare. With even housing cheerleaders like Fannie Mae now warning about a severe nationwide housing "correction," it increasingly looks like Jim was an actually an optimist.
BTW, the reason I would be so pissed at him at the meeting was If I was giving a presentation of my ideas and he got up and started talking crap about my ideas during my presentation, at the very least i'd tell him to sit down and go back to acting school.
I was at the Houston conference and saw the exchange Jeffrey was referring to. Kunstler wasn't "talking crap". Indeed if anybody was, it was the guy from Toyota he was responding to. His manner is indelicate to say the least, but JHK didn't say anything that didn't need saying at that moment about the corporate kool-aid that the other guy was soft-soaping us with. He (Kunstler) did get a good bit of applause & laugher- I thought Steve Andrews and Randy Udall wer gonna choke for a few moments - so I'd say his theatrical skills are pretty sharp.
And his sense of timing was spot on.
I don't know where this belief that JHK is some kind of hate monger comes from. Have you actually read any of his books? The only way I can see him coming across as hateful is if you're so offended by the mere suggestion that we'd be better off doing things differently that you feel threatened by it. Of course he doesn't WANT PHEVs and EVs to make a difference, becuase he's one of the very few people who recognizes that the energy spent on them would be much better off used on passenger rail and walkable communities than trying to maintain our suicidal car infrastructure.
My understanding is that JHK was an activist on urban planning long before he started writing about energy - it appears his dislike of PHEV/EV's is a result of a fear that it might save the suburbs that he dislikes so much.
If you review his writings, you'll see that he condemns renewables and other alternatives to oil without actually saying anything detailed that might support his arguments.
"My understanding is that JHK was an activist on urban planning long before he started writing about energy - it appears his dislike of PHEV/EV's is a result of a fear that it might save the suburbs that he dislikes so much.
If you review his writings, you'll see that he condemns renewables and other alternatives to oil without actually saying anything detailed that might support his arguments."
After reading The Geography of Nowhere, Home from Nowhere, and The Long Emergency, and all off his Clusterfuck Nation articles, I disagree. He doesn't like the hoopla over PHEV/EVs because it represents energy wasted that would be better spent on, as he says, making other arrangements that make more sense if you think long term. For one thing, America doesn't even seem to be anywhere near financially solvent enough, conisdering the subprime fiasco and credit cruch, to replace a large portion of its personal vehicle fleet with PHEV/EVs, or even just HVs (hybrid). And even if it were able to, how much would it actually help? Perhaps delay the inevitable for 5 years? Does it not make much more sense to start rebuilding light rail infrastructure and walkable communities, which would have much better prospects?
I wouldn't say his analysis of renewables or alternatives is condemming. They way I read it, he doesn't believe they'll be able to replace a significant portion of what we've been getting from fossil fuels, so once again, it makes more sense to invest in lower-energy systems, which means starting to replace cars with light rail, and walking.
Personally, I would love to see an infrastructure designed around walkable communities and efficient trains, but I'm also going to add my support for bicycles. They would be good for distances longer than what may be desirable on foot but for shorter distances than between the train stops. I think it's the perfect tool for a transition between using cars and walking. I am looking forward to possibly getting a smaller folding bicycle that I can ride to and take on our local Streetcar system, the South Shore Line, which has a station 3.3 miles away (I'm in Northwest Indiana). I wish I was closer to it (hopefully I will be in a few years), but 3.3 miles isn't bad - I regularly commute twice that distance to work each way on my bike. All things considering, I feel very fortunate, especially considering I chose my place to live before becoming peak (and environmentally) aware, and before I became a bicycle commuter. I did, at least, choose a place close enough that the ride is feasible, even if it is a little longer than I would like. If I live next to the train station, it will be down to about 5 miles each way.
"America doesn't even seem to be anywhere near financially solvent enough, conisdering the subprime fiasco and credit cruch, to replace a large portion of its personal vehicle fleet with PHEV/EVs,"
All we have to do is replace them by attrition. Serial PHEV's like the Volt (aka ErEV's), or even Prii, don't cost any more than the average vehicle (Prius average cost perhaps $24K, average new light vehicle $28k).
" even if it were able to, how much would it actually help?"
An ErEV with 40 mile range would reduce oil consumption by 50-100%, depending on how you use it. It would be very easy to hit the 75% reduction point - 90% wouldn't be too hard, though more would be less and less convenient.
See? There's no analysis backing up JHK's ideas. If there's something more substantive, detailed and quantitative in his books, I'd be curious to hear about it.
you forget the indirect energy required to support Suburbia. Postal delivery, much more infrastructure (streets, sewers, streetlighting), plumbers have to drive further between jobs. Pizza delivery is practical via bicycle where I live, but not in Suburbia. Food delivery is more efficient in my neighborhood (7 blocks from dairy, 3+ miles from wholesalers).
Quite frankly PHEVs & even EVs cannot keep up with the likely rate of depletion. Per the Millennium Institute runs sith ASPO-Ireland (Colin Campbell) oil #s, they result in a GDP 1.17 times larger than today in 2038, with per capita income shrinking and oil consumption significantly higher than the best alternative, A maximum push for electrified rail plus a maximum push for renewable energy results in a GDP of 1.50 (slightly increased per capita), Greenhouse Gases of 0.50 and oil consumption of 0.38. (2007 =1 in all cases). By all three metrics the best alternative.
Best Hopes for PHEVs as a small part of the solution to Peak Oil,
"you forget the indirect energy required to support Suburbia. Postal delivery, much more infrastructure (streets, sewers, streetlighting), plumbers have to drive further between jobs. Pizza delivery is practical via bicycle where I live, but not in Suburbia. Food delivery is more efficient in my neighborhood (7 blocks from dairy, 3+ miles from wholesalers)."
All of that delivery/transportation could be electrified. I don't see any reason for infrastructure maintenance costs to rise significantly (except for concrete resurfacing - I'm not quite sure what would replace asphalt, but it seems to me an enormous failure of imagination to assume that there is no feasible replacement. It's possible, but have we looked? For that matter, city streets will face the same problem, at a somewhat smaller scale).
"Quite frankly PHEVs & even EVs cannot keep up with the likely rate of depletion. Per the Millennium Institute runs"
What assumptions did they use? For instance, did they use PHEV or EV's? What were the costs, and electric range? What was the implementation speed?
I really can't see how the massive construction required for rail (both of rail and of housing) would be faster than manufacturing: rail projects can take a decade, and vehicles can be designed and volume production started in 4 years (the Volt is about 3 years away, and other plugins will arrive in 2). It would only take 6 years of manufacturing to replace 50% of miles driven by light vehicles.
Actually, where we started this thread was on the "death of suburbia", which is my main objection - how did the model decide where the rail, and housing, would be? As you've noted many times, 100 years ago we extended rail to every small town. Isn't it more likely we'd expand rail in the suburbs, rather than relocate 150M people??
rail projects can take a decade
Americans just need to learn to be as fast and effiicenct as French bureaucrats. The new Mayor of Lyon wanted two new tram lines, from here to there & there to the other there.
Hand wave to Ribbon cutting, 3 years, 5 months (Americans once built even faster, with just mules, coal & sweat).
All of that delivery/transportation could be electrified
I think that you are wrong about electrified (battery) large vehicles with high % payload and/or heavy duty cycles are very poor candidates for EV.
In theory (my practical exposure is nil) snowplows would be terrible candidates for battery operation. Continuous high energy required to shove (and sometimes break) frozen water around.
And even if they are electrified (battery), they will still use significantly more energy, and even larger expansion of the grid & generation & fuel for same.
Isn't it more likely we'd expand rail in the suburbs, rather than relocate 150M people??
In my TOD article "USA 2034" I had 20% of Americans in "Transit Suburbia", walkable communities clustered around rail (mostly commuter rail) stops. Perhaps I have the % wrong.
America has built a white elephant in Suburbia, and like the original white elephant (the King of Siam would "honor" too powerful regional royalty by giving them a sacred white elephant), the care and feeding of it can bankrupt you. The median single family home size has increased by 250%, retail/capita by about 1,000%. Vast spaces for parking and WIDE streets (analysis has shown that some cities devote over half of their area to the automobile). And almost all of it is poorly built & energy inefficient, requiring either extensive repairs within a decade or two or three or replacement.
Replacement with smaller more energy efficient urban form is the better long term policy, and the lowest long term cost. Much of what you advocate is based on immediate costs and not "life cycle" costs.
Best Hopes for TOD,
"Americans just need to learn to be as fast and effiicenct as French bureaucrats."
That pesky democratic planning process, those bothersome environmental impact assessments, that annoying community participation. How much better if we just had an imperial "decider"! Or, perhaps, Robert Moses' vision for NYC, or Eisenhower's for interstate transportation....
Please excuse my use of irony, but you seemed to slip the rails(!) for a moment, and humor seemed to fit.
Seriously, if we had the ability to streamline things like that, it could be applied to other things as well: wind farm siting, ErEV conversion. Heck, we could just mandate that the car industry use their next 5 year cycle to convert all vehicle to ErEV's, and in 10 years the light vehicle fleet VMT could be 50% electric.
"large vehicles with high % payload and/or heavy duty cycles are very poor candidates for EV. "
Not really - electric drive is actually better for such things. The US armed services is converting all of their large vehicles (tanks, armed personnel carriers, etc) to electric drive. What about diesel subs and trains? Actually, large vehicles are better suited, because the battery weight is much easier to handle than in a small vehicle where space & weight is at a premium.
"snowplows would be terrible candidates for battery operation. Continuous high energy required to shove (and sometimes break) frozen water around."
You're greatly overestimating the difficulty of the problem. Most snow moving is fairly light: picture a plow moving down a street moving 4 inches of snow 8 feet to one side: it's not that hard. Also, remember, we're talking about large vehicles, at low speeds and short ranges in relatively small suburban towns. Occasionally you'd have an unusually heavy snowfall, and a range extending on-board generator would be handy, though charging and batteryswapping would be feasible in a fleet application like this.
"even if they are electrified (battery), they will still use significantly more energy, and even larger expansion of the grid & generation & fuel for same."
I'm not sure what you mean. Keep in mind that electrifying all light vehicles would only require 20% more kwh's from the grid, and the numbers of this kind of heavier vehicle are much, much smaller. Perhaps we're talking about 3% more KWH's, over 15 years? No big deal.
"America has built a white elephant in Suburbia,"
No question there's a substantial investment & maintenance bill there. OTOH, people seem to want it, and seem willing to pay it. The question at hand is how PO will change the balance between suburbs and city. I just don't see a big change in relative costs because of energy. Suburban costs are much lower per sq foot, and PO won't change that significantly. People may choose to downsize, but why would they move to the city to do it?
Keep in mind that battery powered travel is cheaper than oil-fueled travel when fuel is more than about $2/gallon. That means that there's a ceiling on transportation costs. The same thing applies to heating with heat pumps (which, btw, is easier for single family housing) except that the breakeven point/cost ceiling is even lower.
"almost all of it is poorly built ...requiring either extensive repairs within a decade or two or three or replacement."
What, specifically, are you talking about? Foundation? Supporting structure? Roof? Siding? HVAC? Electric?
The US system for Light Rail planning and funding is designed (deliberately) to "Ration by Queue". S-L-O-W things down so what little funding is available to those few that reach the front of the line (most drop out).
people seem to want it
About 1/3rd want to live in TOD, and 2% or so do. Meet that demand and the % will likely grow. Meet the expanded demand in an oil constrained world, and the % grows even larger.
As I have noted before, Suburbia is a mass movement, and not driven by logical preferences (who would want avocado colored appliances and burnt orange shag carpeting ?). Subtract 1/3rd and the rest will follow.
Every part of a new tract house, unless demanded by code, is built to last 20 years (formerly 30 years) and no money is wasted on longer life components than that.
Due to benign circumstances, and code requirements, components often do last longer than that, but that is not the builders fault. Code has limits for electrical wiring, plumbing, framing and concrete, but other items do not. (My brother's granite countertop over OSB that melted when wet as an example). And the code is "marginal" in many cases.
Best Hopes,
"The US system for Light Rail planning and funding is designed (deliberately) to "Ration by Queue""
I certainly have seen that US Federal policy doesn't encourage rail - not good.
"About 1/3rd want to live in TOD, and 2% or so do."
Well, there's a contradiction there. Perhaps that's because TOD housing is more expensive. Certainly urban housing is much more expensive than suburban housing, by a factor of 2, 3, even 5:1. BTW, what was the poll that found that?
"Suburbia is a mass movement, and not driven by logical preferences"
And, as I have said before, suburbia is much cheaper. That's not an arbitrary factor, like fashion.
"Every part of a new tract house, unless demanded by code, is built to last 20 years (formerly 30 years) and no money is wasted on longer life components than that. Due to benign circumstances, and code requirements, components often do last longer than that, but that is not the builders fault. Code has limits for electrical wiring, plumbing, framing and concrete, but other items do not. (My brother's granite countertop over OSB that melted when wet as an example). And the code is "marginal" in many cases."
Well, the things limited by code are the most important: foundation, structure, wiring/plumbing. I haven't seen any evidence that siding is falling off in 20 years (wood might need painting), and a new roof in 20-30 years isn't that big a deal. And, what evidence is there that new urban construction is better quality than suburban?
We must be neighbors! When I was transferred into Chicago we ended up buying in Chesterton, mainly because of the South Shore line and small town atmosphere (at the time). Sitting right between I94 and the Toll Road is a plus, for now anyway.
I have been debating what the future might hold for this town and have come to a tentative conclusion that it might just have good prospects.
I think this comment hits the nail on the head.
The irony is that it is likely to be transport for pleasure that will be the first to go rather than "maintaining the stupid economic paradigm" as maintenance is the only option for a lot of people.
Simple wins (and gain):
Sharing transport (x2-x4)
PHEVs (x2-x4)
Work from home 2 days a week via increased Teleconferencing (x5/3)
More localised food production (x2?)
Cycle to work (5 days fuel, or 3 if you work from home 2 days!)
Internet food shopping (1 mall trip per shop)
However I suspect that most people will just act like frogs in water that is slowly raised to the boil. I can state right now that one day soon people in the US will be paying $8+ a gallon and it will be interesting to see the effects on your society under a regime that we in the UK have become accustmed too. And yes, we do moan a lot about it but it is hardly crippling...
Nice PHEV:
Okay. forget personal transport. How 'bout trucks?
"Launched in early 2007 in Europe, the Smith Newton is already in fleets for household names such as Starbucks, DHL and TK Maxx, along with British institutions like the Royal Mail and retailer Marks & Spencer."
Not truck enough? how about

Zero Emission with a range of 130 miles, 50 mph, and payload capacity up to 3,400kg (3.5 tons).
Now this is exactly what I'm talking about! Delivery fleets can be phased in PDQ -much quicker than 10+ years for private transport, especially if governments give initiates
I think what we will see is a transition to all electric vehicles (via PHEVs) and grid recharged. Renewables will feed into the Grid in increasing amounts but initially increasing use of LNG, Coal and nuclear will be used as its the only option to provide the massive base load we need in the shorter term.
Short distance delivery (town and local suburb) will migrate to this type of vehicle for food (shopped online). Longer distance delivery poses a problem, perhaps a PHEV truck or move distribution centres nearer to rail access points.
Bio fuels can help with the PHEV trucks, genetically modified Algae -localised bio refineries, etc, etc.
OK, that's a lot of changes and we don't have much time. We are all getting fat, lazy and complacent -its about time we had a challenge to live up to. Bring on the hardship wake-up call.
I don't think that's a problem. Looking at e.g. Michigan's rail lines, there does not appear to be much of the state that is not within 40 miles of a rail line (the worst-case points would appear to be Presque Isle and Cheboygan counties). Existing right-of-way could be double-tracked with triple-track sections to allow for passing and maintenance. Electrifying the rail makes it essentially fossil-free to that point. Short-range electric trucks can cover 20-40 miles away from rail spurs (more with charging at the point of loading/unloading).
The parts of the state near rail are also the parts of the state with the most population and commerce. Serving them with all-electric freight transport would eliminate a disproportionate fraction of fuel consumption. We could handle the last 10% with biofuels.
Movement of goods is of course necessary and no doubt that electric vehicles have a part to play in it. Although, I'd still question whether diesel fuelled trucks weren't a better proposition.
For arguments sake, lets say our economy was changed from a dysfunctional one, to something more intelligent. Extended families lived in the same locality, a small portion of which work in the money economy and used public transport to get to work. All amenities need for a wholesome life are within walking distance, local deliveries are available for bulky purchases and most consumables are produced locally much of it outside of the money economy.
There is no personal transport (FF, electric, hydrogen, etc ), roads are safe for local human or animal powered transport and there is a minimum of heavy goods transport, public transport is restricted to rail. Industry has been reduced considerably to a point were junk, useless and poor quality produce has been eliminated. Energy usage has reduced considerably leaving oil for essential tasks.
In such a scenario, would we need electric vehicles? Or would existing technology be sufficient?
Yes, and let's look at the CO2 from coal/electric power, and the 33% efficiency in coal/electric power, and the loss in the transmission lines and the big loss of energy the battery for electric vehicles. And really, the BTUs needed to get a car warm in cold temperatures is going to drain the battery in minutes, unless the battery is as big as a house.
Neither one of those is as big as you suggest.
Don't be absurd - have you not heard of heat pumps?
Do you have any evidence to back up these wild claims of yours?
A 16KWH battery, as planned for the Chevy Volt, could power a 2KWH space heater, full blast with no rest, for 4 hours and have 50% capacity left over. That's without the 3:1 benefit of a heat-pump.
"Need" is a funny word, Burgundy. I think the question is,
'Would businesses, or individuals/families find an Electric Vehicle valuable enough for their Daily Needs to have one?' (or would a Diesel still be more advantageous/economical for some set of reasons?)
You do NEED to get food, to get to a job, to get parts for your House/Tractor, to deliver your product or get your supplies.. 'single person transportation' in this discussion often jumps over to 'Toys and Joyriding, Laziness, Greed' etc. It sounds like Reagan and his conveniently detested Welfare Queens. I think it's only fair to really think about what we use transportation for. Surely a MASSIVE amount of it is redundant or otherwise unnecessary.. but there is also a great amount that is both needed and beneficial for us to live together and make a working society.
jokuhl, you seem to be building a strawman there :)
As I said, there is a need for goods transport (both heavy & light), public transport (mostly rail based) and human/animal powered personal transport. The key is in how society and economy (money and non money economies) are organised.
Electric vehicles? A diesel vehicle could be run on locally produced fuel, but then again so could an electric vehicle. The choice would be down to locality. Either way, the use of such vehicles would be restricted to essential local (communal) tasks due to the premium placed on them. For non local transport then diesel vehicles would likely be the main choice and electric for rail.
The point is we can do without electric vehicles, they're not essential. But changing the way we live is absolutely essential.
Here is a small electric tractor which costs less than $10,000. Minimal maintenance, performance equivalent to a 18-20 hp tractor. It is made nearby here in Ontario, Canada.
Clap Clap Clap, Kick A$$ article Chris, keep up the good work!
Or something even simple like a solar/electric golf cart:
It would not take many panels to charge it. He even has an inverter on board to power a chain saw...
And he's powered his house from it, too.
John Howe, in Waterford Maine
video 1 >>
SOLAR Electric Golf Cart, Farmall CUB Tractor and Sports Car
video 2 >>
Farmall Cub - also posted this link upthread.
(.. the reporter flubs a number saying the panels are $3k each, when I think they are more like $750, and $3k is the whole array price.)
The problem with all single passenger electric vehicles is that they will need to drag around the dead weight of the batteries at all times. No battery technology will ever have the energy density of liquid fuel so the "efficiency" of the automobile is always going to be poor.
Going to an all electric personal vehicle will cut down on local pollution and may increase efficiency in terms of total energy per mile traveled (but one needs to factor in the power system and the system needed to fuel the power plants).
As others have already pointed out such improvements in efficiency will only foster increased driving. This is what has happened in the past. Even with the improvements after the 1970's oil embargo we are now using more fuel than then. We have more vehicles on the road, traveling further. There is no reason to think human nature will change in the future and so this pattern can be expected to continue.
There are only two solutions, neither cheap nor popular. We can restructure our communities so that there is less need for personal transit - this means the end to single family homes in the exurbs. And we can improve mass transit for those regions which already exist and "force" people to use it. The "force" can be economic, that is a combination of transit subsidies and disincentives to driving such as fuel or vehicle ownership taxes.
Given the American love of their cars, this is a remote possibility right now.
Improvements in fuel efficiency lead to more miles driven if the price of gas remains the same. I thought this was TOD!
Nothing is going to enable increased driving post peak. Concepts like this just allow the inevitable reduction to be less, marginally easing the transition. Oil will rapidly become supply-side limited, at that point the rebound-effect loses its bite.
With the notion that wealth always has the upper hand in our society. And that commuting from great distances will become a great inconvenience and burden. I wonder if there will be a shift in affluent areas and gettos. In other words the rich will migrate from the suburbs into the inner cities to be closer to work and less inconvenienced by the lack of transportation. Thus forcing the poor out into the suburbs.
Time to start buying up property in the inner city and gettos!
This has already happened. Prices in Manhattan (except Harlem) are now around $1,000,000 for an apartment. The working class is now being forced to live much further away. This can be seen in the increase of blacks and Hispanics in formerly all-white suburbs.
Also look at the Aspen "effect" where workers can't afford to live where they work. It has gotten so bad that the city fathers have had to think about affordable housing.
For those of you who think PHEVs are a waste of time and that we can suddenly rid ourselves of personal transport, I would say you are utopian and unrealistic. The only way our economy can transition smoothly is if there are substitutes for oil that become increasingly available over time as the oil price rises. Without having substitutes for personal transportation you are asking for an oil shock that is going to hurt a lot more than it would otherwise. Its all about trying to make this as gentle as possible.
Nonsense. PHEV's are not transition, they're an attempt to continue a trend far beyond its natural lifespan. We have everything we need for transition and the scientists, technicians, technologists and their corporate mentors can go retire to the sun as they're not needed.
We downsize, we use what we have, we get smart (or at least less dumb) and we rebuild society to conform to the new reality. That's not utopian, it's common sense.
I've used the "Sixth Sense" movie analogy before (some ghosts don't know they are dead, and they only see what they want to see).
For most of us, our old way of life is dead, but many of us don't know it and we only see what we want to see.
"We downsize, we use what we have, we get smart (or at least less dumb) and we rebuild society to conform to the new reality. That's not utopian, it's common sense."
That sounds pretty Utopian, Burgundy.
You're happy to put the scientists and technicians out to pasture? First off, good luck with it, but more to the point, ..wait.. you mean even the Bike designers? The architects? The Microsurgeons? EVERY I.T. department everywhere??
That's a lot of faith in your 'everything we need for transition'
A problem that was created with intelligence will not necessarily be solved with stupidity.
jokhul, I'm sure you fully understand what I was saying, but just decided to be obtuse. We don't need more technology, we not need new industries, we don't need more products, we don't need more people screwing up what little of value we have left. We do however, need to use less, we do need to utilise what we have efficiently and junk the rest, we do need to rely on wisdom rather than intelligence.
The utopian paradigm of progress and growth that has brought us to the brink of destruction needs to be trashed. The phalanx of meddlers and alchemists who are destroying so much of value and replacing natures workings with their own inferior artificial systems, need to be stopped (put out to pasture, as you say).
"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them" - Albert Einstein.
Of course, no change can be instantaneous, but increased production of PHEVs on a massive scale isn't necessarily the first step that should be taken to get us moving in the right direction.
As someone mentioned previously, doubling the occupancy level of exisiting vehicles in an urban setting would do far more to reduce fuel consumption than the 25 or so percent reduction you would expect for a hybrid vs a non-hybrid. By encouraging car-pooling and by converting some existing SUV's to "vans" (by adding a small trailer, perhaps), the occupancy rate could be boosted significantly. Not much investment or time required for this.
Second, the only situation in which a hybrid has a significant advantage over a non-hybrid in "stop-and-go" driving. If you can reduce the number of "stops" per journey, by both reducing the number of vehicles on the road and adjusting the traffic patterns (my favorite is 15 min N/S driving, followed by 15 min E/W driving for a "grid" situation), you virtually eliminate the incentive for "private" hybrids.
Definition: Plug-in Electric Hybrid Vehicle. An electric vehicle which carries an ICE vehicle on its back for the first part of a trip, while the ICE carries the "electric vehicle" on its back for the return trip.
Whether we have hybrids or not, we need greater legal disincentives (taxes) for consuming liquid fuels, which most of us agree will be the first to die.
Finally, for you PHEV or all-electric (private or collective) vehicle fans, I don't understand why you're not all over a push to develop the AVE, which produces the lowest cost electricity possible, (discussed earlier on other threads) while eliminating the emission of GHGs.
What if we had a system of tolls based on how many empty seats are in the vehicle? Carpooling would really take off. Owners of large cars/SUVs might even pay people to ride with them. The demand for small one seat vehicles would explode.
How about a system of tolls based on average CO2 emitted per occupant?
Breathe into this CO2 breathylyzer. That will be fifty cents please.
Sorry, no substitutes for oil anytime, starts at page 16:
Riiiiight, if the PeakOilAssociates say so, it must be true!
Peak Oil Associates reviews scientific and government/scientific reports, like the GAO, CBO, NAS, Union of Concerned Scientists, etc. Do you have any studies that contradict these? I'd be interested to know.
There are pletheras of possible alternatives in the works. To blanketly state that nothing can replace oil is ridiculous. Google Bussard Fusion, Ammmonia fuel from renewables, advances in energy storage capcitors, nano-phosphate batteries for PEHvs, etc etc. To simply state there is NO possible replacement for oil in the works is silly. can we go back to the real world and talk about PHEVs in this forum please? Plenty of wacko doomer talk in the drumbeat.
Yin and Yang, together at last! Spinning in infinitives!
I think I am precisely halfway between you two in my conclusions. So I have to say Hi!
We do have a lot of proven tools and potential tools with which to face off against an Oil (and probably simultaneous Natural Gas) decline, and we are smart, despite all the proof that we are also fools. We are able to live along a great continuum from one extreme to the other, but usually somewhere in between. (From Genius to Fool, From Doomer to Cornucopian)
However, most of our potential alternatives that DO work make up a pitiable fraction of our current power supply, and the effort needed to build out a cohesive infrastructure to take advantage of it, much less these sources themselves would be prodigious , plus requiring an enormous financial investment by people who are still unconvinced that we even need to TALK about the problem. And then there are Antidoomer's alternatives, which are usually somewhere between blueprint and prototype as AD goes 'Eureka!'.. as if that settles it.. and CJ claims 'Nothing will work, Ever!' (at least that's how it comes across..) 'I tried fitting all these BB's into my Silver Bullet gun, and the darn thing won't fire!'
Is it getting warm in here?
(panting heavily)
I can't. It's too big.
Size matters not. Look at me.
Judge me by my size, do you?
Hm? Mmmm.
Luke stares in astonishment as the fighter settles down onto the shore.
He walks toward Yoda.
I don't... I don't believe it.
That is why you fail.
from the Outer Rim, looking back towards the 'Reality Based Republic'
You've pimped your writings here before, and they're just as fatally flawed as they were last time. "Areas with ample sun or wind are limited"? That's your "justification" for wind and solar being insufficient?
That's nothing more than your unsupported opinion. Fact of the matter is that the magnitude of the accessible wind resource has been evaluated, and it was found to be huge - far larger than we need to totally replace current energy uses.
You can keep pushing your essay, but it hasn't convinced people because in too many places it's little more than your ill-informed opinion. Posting it here again and again won't change that.
No substitutes for oil? Let's see, we've got:
So what are the applications which absolutely, positively must have oil again?
(I think the point is best made by this line from his link:
Nothing like panic to get people to hand over their money to you, eh?)
let's hope this line of argument won't lead someone to conclude that we know everything and, worse, we can use up all the oil we can find and there is no need of this stuff by the future inhabitants of the planet.
if the house has smoke billowing out everywhere, some members of the household are near starving, food supply is running out and some other members' personal transportations are in trouble - now there is only limited time and resource available, what should one do? make sure the house won't catch fire and burn down first? secure the food supply first? or fix somebody's personal transportation problem first?
I want to try to put a nail into the coffin for the utilities wet dream of using PHEVs (or EVs) for load balancing. Why would I as vehicle owner want to do this? My battery degrades after a limited number of charge/discharge cycles. This is a significant cost. Add to that the energy efficiency in charging/discharging a battery, and the cost of the peak power delivered if properly accounted for is too high. Maybe if they offer a significant price break, and will only draw power during very rare emergencies would a rational vehicle owner agree to this.
Now a price break for using a smart charger, which the utility can turn off during high demand times, is a completely different kettle of fish. Most PHEV owners would go for that.
The people advocating V2G aren't stupid. All your concerns are addressed in the calculations for V2G economics. Check this out, especially the paper entitled "Vehicle to grid power fundamentals...."
Because they'll pay you, and maybe pay more than the cost of the lease on your battery pack?
That depends on the battery technology, but your battery may also degrade with age even if you don't cycle it; if you fail to use it before it "dies of old age", you've thrown away services it could have provided (and paid you for).
The primary services a PHEV can provide in the short term are reactive power generation (doesn't involve the batteries at all) and regulation. Regulation involves very short charge/discharge cycles, on the order of 1-2%. AC Propulsion found that the capacity of their Panasonic lead-acid pack had increased slightly after their V2G regulation test. You may refuse to let the utility pay you while improving your battery pack, but I think you'll not have much company.
Cars could be charged at night while demand for electricity was low, and discharged during the day while demand for electricity was high. This would reduce the number of peaks and troughs in the energy generation system and thereby lower the cost of electricity for everyone.
This idea is fine for increasing the efficiency of coal or natural gas fired power plants, since operating such plants constantly at or near their optimum operating point gives maximum efficiency. But in a long term post fossil fuel future (We need to start consistently thinking about the long term instead just trying to figure out how to prop up the growth economy for another decade or so.) the availability profile renewable energy sources might not fit this convenient pattern. Furthermore I do not suppose that you are proposing that Bangladesh and Botswana are going to fulfill their energy needs over the next couple of decades by purchasing huge fleets of PHEVs. Of course, I realize that a number of TOD regulars have consigned the underdeveloped world to economic hell in a post peak oil future and have no interest in discussing what technologies might or might not work for them. However, given the fact that a Bangladeshi babies differ from American, European, Australian, and Japanese babies only by accident of birth I an unable to resign myself to an economic system which plans on leaving them in relative misery to the middle of the century and beyond as long I can remain wealthy. We should be pursing economic solutions that have some hope of eventually being applicable to the whole population of the world. My view is that such a goal should mean minimizing automobile use. It may well be desirable that the automobiles that do exist should be PHEVs or EVs, but counting on having such massive quantities of these vehicles that their batteries can act as a major energy storage system in an energy intensive, industrial, growth oriented economy is not a good plan of action.
Of course one of the primary demands during the day when demand is high, are the millions of PHEVs plugged in to charge their batteries. The more I think about V2G the wackier it seems.
RogerK, I appreciate the reference to how the 'rest of the world' (i.e. third world) is going to get along in an age of declining energy. I cringe at the thought of Nigeria, for example, trying to run nuclear power plants, or large arrays of PVs with all those valuable aluminum components that could easily be scavenged by hordes of miserably poor people. Do we really think Haiti will have nukes?
Of course, one of the biggest controllable loads would be the millions of PHEVs plugged in, which can absorb the extra generation as the utilities ramp up the big, slow-changing plants for the afternoon peak and ramp down to zero as the A/C and other loads head for their maximum. This would make the load curve higher in the morning but not peak any higher, improving the utilization of the generators and grid capacity.
I remain extremely skeptical that widespread consumer behavior can be modified to suit the needs of the electrical grid.
I think the % compliance will drop as market penetration increases (early adopters seem likely, to me, to be compliant and willing to adapt behaviors).
It's only consumer behavior up to the point where they plug the PHEV in to charge. It's real-time utility control of the charging system (for DSM, regulation and reactive power control) after that. After all, if you want to get paid for V2G services, you have to hold up your end of the deal.
Alan, that's just silly. I know you don't own a cell phone, but people who do will testify that they pay careful attention to peak minute times, rates and limits.
When AT&T charged much higher rates for daytime residential long-distance, before the Ma Bell breakup, everyone was very careful about when they called. Anyone who was a teenager before 1980 will remember, and can testify to the parental scoldings this system generated.
I'm sure there are more examples of this. Anyone?
Actually I do own a cell phone (necessary post-K with land line problems). Flat rate /minute regardless. I have no interest in being bothered with "what time is it" when I get or make a call..
The "cost" of using a cell phone at peak times is less than $1 in most cases. The cost of charging only when rates ar elow can be shorter battery life (deep discharge) and even being stranded. A significant delta !
Tapping into EVs for peak power is even more problematic (DAMM, I charged the dammed thing up for that trip to .... and it is a third low when I put my key in. Can't make it now !) and battery life implications.
"Actually I do own a cell phone (necessary post-K with land line problems). Flat rate /minute regardless. I have no interest in being bothered with "what time is it" when I get or make a call.."
Fascinating. How much do you use it, and what's your cost per minute?
"The "cost" of using a cell phone at peak times is less than $1 in most cases."
Listen to what you're saying: you, or whoever you're talking about are/is very aware of price, and responding to price signals: keeping conversations short, and using it infrequently.
" The cost of charging only when rates ar elow can be shorter battery life (deep discharge) and even being stranded. A significant delta !"
Not with a PHEV/ErEV. That's why I think ErEV's (extended range EV's) will be much more popular than EV's for a very long time: you can reduce your fuel usage by 99%, and still have that backup to prevent being stranded.
"Tapping into EVs for peak power is even more problematic (DAMM, I charged the dammed thing up for that trip to .... and it is a third low when I put my key in. Can't make it now !) and battery life implications."
Please see my other comment on this post about V2G (just a couple of comments down): dynamic charging is much more important than V2G - I think V2G may be valuable, especially when battery life is clarified for new li-ion chemistries, but for the moment it's a red herring. And, note the advantage of having an ErEV, to prevent "range anxiety".
The big problem in Bangladesh will be diesel supplies for their rice irrigation pumps in the dry season. I expect they will ask their muslim brothers in the Middle East for preferential shipments when the crunch time comes.
Chris, I would change the emphasis in the discussion of V2G. Dynamic charging that schedules charging based on electricity rates will happen very quickly, and dramatically facilitate renewables (by accomodating their intermittency and night-time production).
OTOH, V2G will be much smaller, be more complex, and take longer. Unless you're careful with your emphasis, skeptics will get hung up on the long-term difficulties of V2G, and miss the enormous short-term benefits of dynamic charging.
Edit: For examples of skeptics getting hungup on this red herring, see the next post.
... provided the owners of the batteries didn't demand payment for the fraction of their batteries' lifetimes used by that charge and discharge. Why wouldn't they? Or has this cost been conservatively computed and found to be well under 20 cents per kWh returned? I would have thought it was somewhat over that mark, but maybe someone can update me.
--- G.R.L. Cowan
How shall the car gain nuclear cachet?
I think promoters of this idea are assuming batteries will get much better than what we have now.
There are some developments that look promising (like A123Systems batteries) but I think we have to wait and see whether these will make load leveling through V2G economic. Until then it is quite misleading that V2G proponents are advertising it for that.
However V2G could provide other, though less important grid services like spinning reserve and frequency regulation. I am sceptical though that this will be economic either - building V2G infrastructure won't be cheap and the value of these services is not so huge.
The cost of those services is essentially the control systems (communications network), which is getting cheaper every day. The systems require smarts on the order of a cell phone, which you can buy for under $50 in bubble packets.
Taking the vehicle battery and using it to provide several extra services at negligible cost is a huge advantage.
You say that:
So, I have some difficulty with this statement. Unfortunately I'm not knowledgeable about the "wells to wheels" research you mention, but you don't provide any citations. I am, however, a PhD physicist, and I'm having some difficulty in seeing how a plug-in hybrid is more efficient from the point of view of the amount of fossil fuel burned.
My assumptions are 1) the PHEV uses energy from the grid, provided by a coal or gas-fired power station. 2) The amount of energy it takes to get oil from the well to the gas tank is roughly the same as the energy it takes to dig the coal out of the ground and get it to the power station. (Unfortunately, due to my lack of knowledge, this may be a grossly faulty assumption.)
However, given these two assumptions, a steam turbine (that you might find at the power station) is roughly 50% efficient. Then, charging your PHEV is another 50% efficient since the most power you can draw from the grid is 50% of the available power if you're perfectly impedance matched with the internal impedance of the power station and external grid. My point is, you're already down to 25% efficiency (an ICE is about 20% efficient), having ignored a) Losses in the transmission lines, b) losses in the combustion process - not all the BTU's in your coal/gas gets to the water, c) Losses in your car battery, d) Losses in the electric motor itself. My guess is that when you factor in all these other losses, you're probably down to 10% efficiency at best, much worse than simply burning the petrol in your tank.
If the coal mining/transportation process is less energy intensive than the oil drilling/refining process, I'll take all my objections back. A link to a more careful and educated analysis would be appreciated.
"charging your PHEV is another 50% efficient since the most power you can draw from the grid is 50% of the available power if you're perfectly impedance matched with the internal impedance of the power station and external grid. "
Where did that assumption come from?? That's not the case.
Keep in mind that about 30% of the US grid's kwh's come from nuclear/hydro/wind/biomass, and that wind was 20% of new generating capacity for 2006 (adjusted for capacity factor) and is doubling roughly every 2 years.
Also, charging at night will strongly facilitate nuclear/wind by accomodating their night-time production. Dynamic charging that schedules charging based on electricity rates will facilitate renewables by accomodating their intermittency.
Oops, I stand corrected. This article on the maximum power theorem points out that max efficiency and max. power in an electrical circuit are two different things. My bad.
Please consider this
1/ Hybrids are a "distruptive technology" they are making a dent (albeit small) in one of the most entrenched industries on earth
2/ You have to factor in regenerative braking and hybrids like the Prius have an Atkinson cycle engine. The regen braking issue is interesting because I've read Toyota could have made the brake pads on the Prius "for life" of the vehicle (because of the low demand on them), but didn't because of consumer resistance
3/ You all assume fossil fuel based electricity (here in NZ 70% of ours is renewable), moving demand to the electrical grid is good because large scale renewable sources are closer to hand (solar, tidal, solar thermal) than any petroleum replacement.
4/ The VTG application is an ideal use for Zebra Batteries.
5/ There are multiple battery techs, I'd pump the Zebra as being a major player in electric vehicles.
The challenge is to change the mindset of governments that the electric grid is a "two way network" not a "distribution network"
well-to-wheels energy efficiency
gasoline vehicle 14%;
hybrid vehicle is 33%.
(Data from Toyota, in ref:
gasoline vehicle 12-17%;
Electric vehicle 21-29%.
(Table I of ref:
Some of your calculations are way out. The socket-to-wheels efficiency for a BEV is actually closer to 70% (95% for the charger, 85% for the motor, 85% for the batteries (more modern battery chemistries have a better efficiency)).
In all, you'd be looking at 50% (power Plant) - 10% (line loss) - 30% (car) = 31.5%. That's not fantastic in and of itself, but if the Grid gets cleaner, so does your car.
Add to this that a BEV consumes approximately a fifth of the amount of Joules that an ICE does to cover the same distance (assuming that a vehicle uses 130W/KM, a BEV consumes 13KW/100KM, compared to a ICE which uses 85KW (8.8L/100KM).
can you name the maker of the 95% efficient charger and the rating specs?
The BRUSA NLG5x charger range take from 90VAC to 240VAC, output 130VDC to 720VDC input and a max of 75A (for a max of 10KW), and are 90-93% efficient. You pay a premium for the high efficiency though.
The Manzanita Micro PFC chargers aren't as efficient (90%), but they're a lot cheaper.
For a charging station (at the Mall, or wherever), maybe the Xantrex XW Hybrid Charger/Inverter is more the go (although it's marketed at rooftop PV systems). It's up to 95% efficient.
watch out for the "up to" number which is usually associated with the "low load" condition. any efficiency number is possible - if one can afford to wait.
For electronics, the efficiency peak is typically mid-load. Resistance losses are maximum at peak power, and there is an unavoidable bit of housekeeping power which slashes the efficiency at very low output.
what kind of electronics is that? we are talking about chargers with kVA ratings here. what is your definition of mid-load? any EE with decent enough knowledge of mixed signal design would know the shame if the housekeeping power is not controlled within milliwatt or even microwatt range when power consumption is of concern.
check the Xantrex specs and ask yourself if they would LOVE to change that "low load" to "mid-load".
Try Xantrex, which has peak efficiency at about 50% of full output and substantially lower efficiency at 10% output (page 75).
And when controlling power to the microwatt conflicts with reliability or operating temperature range, then what? What would YOU know about inverter design that Xantrex wouldn't know?
Today's inverters appear to use power MOSFETs. These chips require substantial voltage applied to the gates to drive them to the full-on and full-off states. It's hard to recover that energy even if it is mostly used to charge the gate capacitance, and it goes up with the size of the switching device. If you want an inverter that is highly efficient at low power, there's really just one good solution: use a low-power inverter.
are you sure this is the one we were talking about?
i am sure there are some just as i am sure there are things they know that i don't know.
if you don't see an obvious solution there and "use a low-power inverter" is the only conclusion you can reach, then it may be worthwhile for you to attend a good graduate program on mixed signal circuit design.
I guess it's like when a car is advertised as "300Kw". Sure, it's there, but will you ever use it?
At the very least, electric motors are usually rated for continuous power, rahter than peak (like ICEs are).
The new BRUSA DMC524 was shown at EVS-23 recently, and has a peak efeciency of 97%. That's not shabby at all.
His statement is true. This works through an example numerically, and shows precisely how much more efficient the electric vehicle is.
(If you want to assume old coal plants instead of new natural gas ones, reduce the electricity generation efficiency to 33% from 60%. The US grid is roughly split between coal and gas, though, with about 20% coming from non-fossil sources, meaning assuming 50% fossil generation efficiency overall is probably reasonable.)
I'm a BS electrical engineer, and I'll explain it to you.
The average efficiency of US thermal powerplants, calculated from their collective heat rate, is roughly 33%. Combined-cycle plants have broken 60% (based on the lower heating value of the fuel, which is a bit of accounting sleight-of-hand).
If you're really a PhD physicist, you should know two things intimately (because they are part of the EE undergrad coursework):
You may consider yourself pwned.
To get back to your first question, why the PHEV is more efficient than burning the same fuel in an ICEV:
"the most power you can draw from the grid is 50% of the available power if you're perfectly impedance matched"
I think you are confusing maximum power transfer with efficiency.
For a given source impedance maximum power is transmitted when the load impedance equals the source impedance. In this case the efficiency is 50% as you point out.
However the higher the ratio of load impedance to source impedance the greater the fraction of power that is deposited in the load.
Just another "how do we keep the cars running" story.
The Aptera (you can order one now for 2008 delivery) comes in a charge-only model that goes about 150 miles per charge.
That might work for a while, but the real future is in trains and maybe electric bikes.
Ultimately, no greenie points awarded for pushing 2800 lbs of metal/batteries around to transport 160 lbs of human.
The obvious solution is to just live closer to where you work, where you don't need a car. I knew one guy who worked on the 11th floor of a high rise (investment bank) and lived on the 28th floor.
The electric-powered elevator trumps all your Hot Wheels fantasies.
People get all frothy around the mouth when the idea of actually changing residence comes up, but the fact is roughly 1/7th of the entire population of the US changes residence each year.
So he used alot more energy going home than getting to work ?
People I know who now commute long time/distances want to live closer to work but around here (US, DC Metro area) it is alot more expensive for housing to live in the walkable areas. Everytime I get visitors to my humble bungalow, I get comments when we walk out to the theatre or restaurants about how they would like to be able to do that.
There are tradeoffs - small or no yard (we use parks for recreation), small house (benefit is lower heat and cooling), "commercial activity" which includes smells from restaurants, parking issues etc.
Every once in a while a new person will move in with "exurban sensibilities" and we have to go through a short training process. It usually starts with them complaining that they had a hard time finding a parking spot when they drove up to the main street to go shopping. You tell them- did you consider that it is a 3 block walk and you used to walk that far in the mall parking lot ? It's just habit for most of them. The funniest is when they initially drive 5 blocks to the gym - and complain about parking there (until you point out how stupid that is). They just never think about it.
Back on topic - Plug in/Electric vehicles could be useful in a compact urban environment. Besides being cleaner, they will be smaller. the hardest problem we have here is how to store the vehicles that people own. If the vehicles were smaller it would make urban design much cheaper/easier.
Plug in EV etc. are not useful in a compact urban environment.
They may be useful for occasional trips outside a compact urban environment.
In a compact urban environment, cars are a hassle and unnecessary.
The Upper West Side in Manhattan is a compact urban environment.
Washington DC is not a compact urban environment.
No, they're not. But neither are conventional ICEVs.
I can't see why they wouldn't be useful in both situations, for perhaps different users. Even a compact urban env. will have someone getting a grocery delivery, moving into a new apartment, taking a couple kids and a lot of baggage to the train station, bringing his tools to the jobsite, elderly folks, disabled people.
This insistence that a technology is either 'Right or Wrong' and gets Kissed or Nixed accordingly is too easy an answer. There are all sorts of people, all sorts of needs. What vehicles will be putt-putting around our walkable communities? Wouldn't you hope that they'd be electric if anything?
It seems your department doesn't
believe out new unit is to the
public benefit.
A replicant is like any other
machine, it can be a benefit or a
hazard. If it's a benefit, it's
not our problem.
If I think about the likely timescale for PHEV fleet penetration to reach significant levels, and about the timescale for which solar electricity (thermal and/or PV) is likely to reach significant levels, they are roughly the same same 15-20years. If the later (extensive solar) happens, the whole supply/demand situation, where nighttime power today is heavily discounted and daytime power at a premium could very well flip. Then the benefits of timing of the charging are likely to decrease fairly dramatically.
That would be a marvelous problem to have.
Ah Yes.
We can heat a house with electricity, therefore no problem in replacing the natural gas heating, or the east coast dependence upon heating oil, which is so much more valuable as fuel for motive power. We can build wind generators, therefore no problem in replacing the soon enough to be obsolete nuclear reactors, while keeping an eye on net coal BTUs plausibly already past peak. We can put batteries in a car and haul ourselves around as well, so there is nothing fundamentally flawed with a private transportation system, that even now consumes from 25% to 40% of our social endeavor, depending upon how warmongering is attributed.
Under conditions of declining net energy, the necessary efficiency gain will be achieved by doing away with the most inefficient, not by trying to replicate it even more inefficiently.
Since I heard the statement that hybrids only help in stop & go traffic. That is not really true. Gasoline engines achieve their best performance only at relatively high torque/RPMs. Because few car buyers would want a vehicle with exceptionally slow acceleration that could only go 10mph uphill, all cars are significantly overpowered. The vast bulk of the time the engine is producing little power, but still consuming considerable energy just to keep it (the motor) rotating. This is called engine breaking. Ever go down a hill in neutral. You will find your speed grows dangerously high. A hybrid naturally, and safely does this, and more the electric motor can maintain speed on the level with the gasoline motor off. The result is roughly a 50% efficiency gain over ICI only powered vehicles.
Now if we go to PHEVs. The electrical mode (low internal resistance) is operating most of the time, so total energy dissipated per mile is considerably lower than for ICE vehicles. I think electrical grid efficiency is over 90%, and that tracks with the statement that a PHEV powered by coal-generated electricity produces substantially less CO2/mile than an ICE vehicle. Pulverized coal plants efficiency is only in the low 30's,
What are the targets for CO2 emissions comparisons? If a 2000 lb. compact car can typically get 36 mpg on the highway and 24 in the city, it will release 5.5 lbs of carbon in the gasoline it burns in the city, or will get 4.4 miles/lb C.
For comparison, I found this Myers Motors Car on the Web, which is a 3-wheel EV that looks like it might weight about 1000 pounds, or half what a compact weighs. It goes up to 30 miles on a charge and claims the driving cost is only $.02/mi when electricity costs $0.10/KWh. That is equivalent to 5 mi/KWh. About 1.2 lb of coal (which contains 0.9 lb. of C) must be burned to deliver 1 KWh of electricity to a house. Thus, based on the numbers given, the Myers EV gets about 5.5 mi per lb of C released to the atmosphere, or a CO2 reduction of 20% vs an ICE car.
Yet, when I do the calculation for recharging the vehicle, which requires 20 A service at 110 V for 7 hours, I get 15.4 KWh. Let's say only l2 KWh are needed for the 30 miles. That is only 2.5 miles per KWh, or half the 5 mi/KWh value given. With this number, the EV emissions would be eighty percent higher. Not very good in comparison to the gasoline powered compact when considering the fact that it weighs approximately half as much.
A lot depends on which of the two calculations is correct, unless of course, you can generate electicity cheaply without emitting carbon in the form of CO2. There is a way, you know. (
Andy Frank is a professor at UC Davis, not UC Berkeley.
Everett - UC Davis 1985 to mumble mumble
As a long-time piston head (stock cars, ice racing etc etc) living out here on the great plains of western Canada, I notice few ever mention the motorcycle option.
Recently transitioned to a 1/4 litre motorcycle at 2.8 l/100k, and a geo metro 1.0 litre for winter. Anyways the bike can double up and you can hang a fair bit of stuff on the thing as well and still be comfortable at 100k. Going to go down to a 125cc when traffic speed drops and fuel becomes scarce.
Sure these are no solutions, but the production of a 130kg motorcycle doesn't use a lot of resources and could be a part of a mitigation strategy. With recent winters I have run the thing into November, close to december. Riding season is getting longer it seems (sigh)
Waiting for a diesel motorcyle in the 1/4 litre range for REAL fuel mileage though, current motorcycle engine design is aimed at packing the maximum fuel and air into the motor in the shortest time possible, they are NOT designed for mileage, at all. "Hayes motorcycles" into google will get you to the current available bike, still not quite the thing.....
Just a follow up for people in Europe who maybe don't have a feel for attitudes and actions here in the land of oil and gas (Alberta Canada).
There is very low realization of any impending E shortage. Very little.... when I head into Edmonton (yes I commute...) I see a lot of crewcab pickups, many with dual wheel rear axles (literally 3000+ kg, massive...), blasting down the highway at 120k, with exhaust pipes the size of coffee cans... one guy on a cell phone.... wow
On the other hand there is a solid core of Albertans who love their diesel volkswagons, and the Smart for Two is actually seen often and is quite popular (a .8 litre 3 cyl turbo diesel, two seater, if you don't know).
Generally though the oilsands and conventional oil extraction are more than the foundation of Alberta's economy, they ARE the economy, and because of this, if you point out looming shortages in worldwide production you get a blank look, and are (politely and behind your back, the Canadian way) labelled a whacko moonbat... it is just impossible for people to comprehend any possibility of a shortage. Spend 10 20 30 years in the oil extraction business and you are absolutely too close to the trees to make out the forest, I think.
Personally I think diesels are part of the answer, the fuel according to Simmons is easier to make from heavier grades of crude and the efficiency is somewhat better inherently, than gasoline. I note Volkswagon is pursuing the diesel option full-out as a company strategy, no hybrids. My Aunt bought a Toyota Prius hybrid, I can match the highway mileage with a 1990 diesel jetta and my 98 geo metro (aka suzuki swift 3 cyl). Not so impressed with hybrids outside of major centres, the distances are vast on the plains here and there are hours of steady state cruising to get from one place to another. For example all of the British isles fit inside Alberta several times over. Scale counts.
I am preparing myself to back up to bicycles, horses and fuel for 'tractors only' in the coming decade or two, live close to a rail line and a small community. One step at a time, I never thought I would swing my leg over a bike smaller than a 750 ever again and here I am on a 250, no more 5 6 and 7 litre musclecars either, all gone, gone.... still since gas is only a dollar a litre I look funny on my little bike and my little cars in a sea of pickups and SUVs. Gonna be some shocked people by 2010 I predict...
PHEV's are much better than diesels, because you can transition to a plug-in, then to an extended range EV (ErEV) like the Chevy Volt, then to an EV.
Diesels will never achieve 100 mpg, let alone zero grams CO2 per kilometer which, of course, an ErEV/EV can do.
Secondly, your Aunt's Prius puts out a LOT less non-CO2 pollution than the vehicles you mentioned.
Nick said:
"PHEV's are much better than diesels, because you can transition to a plug-in, then to an extended range EV (ErEV) like the Chevy Volt, then to an EV.
Diesels will never achieve 100 mpg, let alone zero grams CO2 per kilometer which, of course, an ErEV/EV can do.
Secondly, your Aunt's Prius puts out a LOT less non-CO2 pollution than the vehicles you mentioned."
Hmmm you seem to be misreading my post some way... put it this way then
I like diesels because right here and now, when I take a $2600 jetta up against a prius, in the real world with my driving (long distances) the jetta actually has a proven marginal advantage in fuel use per km.
My aunt's prius runs down the highway with the IC engine running all the time. So its a battle of weight, aero, gearing, tire width/resistance etc etc... prius loses that particular 'contest'. No doubt putting about the city prius wins absolutely hands down. It depends on the circumstance, see?
Transition? Why not transition to a full electric when they work? Why the hybrid? I think I can add a plug-in to the side of the house when and if that day comes. No need for an expensive hybrid that burns more fuel.
Anyways I follow all the technical too and fro on these boards, and get most of it too, don't get me wrong... just I was trying to give a flavor of a RL circumstance and how that circumstance makes for a unique solution. its the immensity of the western plains.... sure I overdraw it a touch... but really stuff people need to live is scattered all over out here... so is the family. Trying to deal with the real, the here and now. First step? Not a hybrid, too thirsty with the current driving pattern
PS that smart for two actually does make roughly 100 mpg, driven right they can achieve 3 l/100k, sure its a two seater, but the powertrain is hardly sophisticated, motor looks like its out of my dad's little kubota tractor. They shoulda stretched it to mini size and optimised the engine.... maybe they will.
I like diesels because right here and now, when I take a $2600 jetta up against a prius, in the real world with my driving (long distances) the jetta actually has a proven marginal advantage in fuel use per km...Transition? Why not transition to a full electric when they work? Why the hybrid?"
You were thinking about an individual choice, I was thinking about public policy. It's good public policy to start a transition toward electrification, and hybrids like the Prius are about 1/3 electric. Demand is created for drivetrain components, power electronics, batteries, etc.
"PS that smart for two actually does make roughly 100 mpg, driven right they can achieve 3 l/100k"
3 L/100km is about .825 gallons/62 miles, or 75 MPG. That's a pretty tiny vehicle, and what do you mean by "driven right"?
You must be an american, smaller gallon, eh? Imperial gallon is 4.55litre.
I have no idea why you are asking what 'driven right' means.... driving style can bounce fuel mileage around by 20% or more, easy. Whats your question again? Diesels are inherently different than gas engines, takes a different driving style to extract max mileage. Diesels generally do best when you minimize exhaust temp, gas engines generally are best at highest vacumn.
Don't agree that hybrids are a necessary step on the way to full electrics, much of the controller hardware etc is unique because of the dual powertrain. If they can be made to use less fuel than other options, well and good. If not, well there you go. Electric motors have been around a long time, you think we need to start buying hybrids to get the kinks worked out? LOL
If you live in a city a hybrid is a good option. If you don't it may not be. Don't preach at me about 'public policy', most of the time politicians have little idea what is real and what is not, witness the (IMO) ethanol boondoggle developing.
Not so. Both diesels and gas engines are best at or near the minimum speed at which they can supply the power demand, meaning maximum torque (wide-open throttle for the gas engine) and minimum friction and pumping losses.
Engineer-Poet: With a sig like yours Id have thought youd realize the subtlety
Normally aspirated 90 jetta diesel uses less fuel at 90k in 4th gear than 5th. Test was over 100k with back to back runs, difference was IMO beyond sampling error, about 10% better. Following that I drove the identical route over 1000k at 100k average speed, once in 4th and once in 5th. Couldn't tell the difference. I tried all this after I noticed that my throttle position was considerably less in 4th (although no more so than a typical gas engine), and started pondering the nature of a fuel throttled engine (ie jetta is my first diesel). Now with the little geo 3 cyl the opposite is true, I never found a speed where the highest gear (short of absurd lugging) wasn't easily superior in fuel use. My direct experience with gas engines is that getting them closer to full efficiency at WOT and the decrease in friction and pumping losses always beats lower throttle opening and higher rpm. However this is an air throttled IC engine, my older diesel with mechanical injection and no turbo is simply not like this. I would like to try a newer computer controlled intercooled and turbod jetta, 2006. With a computer in the mix 'air throttled' and 'fuel throttled' are no longer such useful descriptors.
Guy I know with a heavy truck selects the gear with the lowest exhaust temp, this is not always the lowest rpm.
Nick,I have no cash except for geothermal, gardening stuff, topsoil that sort of thing, so if your EPEA figures are for a new jetta be aware I have no cash for 2006 jettas mine is a 90. Anyways who cares what the EPEA numbers are, I note that they are changing drastically as we speak, normal drivers never got the numbers for too many years. Me I can always get the numbers and better, Im no 'hypermiler' but I do work at it, each machine is different. The comparsion with the Prius was a direct head to head, we both went on a highway run together and fueled and refueled at the same time.... the relative comparison was ideal. I cheated of course, 45 ibs in the tires and every driving trick in the book, however my uncle has long made good mileage in everything he ever drove, and he took advantage of hills and minimizing his heater use for sure... it was fun. I won by a nose. And I did take advantage of his draft more so than the reverse when I was behind.
Looking at the other posts I see everybody but me seems to believe you need hybrids as an interim step to full electrics... well that could be true. However I would mechanically repeat my refrain that there are a lot of differences in the controller hardware and probably even battery requirement full electric to hybrid. So maybe not as much gain as people think. And why build a whole round of hardware on a 10 yr cycle if the goal is full electric? Lotta resources, maybe better spent on other things?
Of course hybrids have a role to play, thats whereever they use less fuel and they can be exchanged with the current machine (ie who has the cash? Not I for eg, not as priority anyways). I guess I tend to side somewhat with Kunstler on this one, the effort is better spent mitigating the present but basically changing the personal vehicle mindset and focusing energy and brainpower on longer term strategy. Maybe we get lucky and carry on popping bon bons in our mouths while little windmills pop up everywhere.... and I submit you need this kind of rosy scenario before significant effort and resources into personal transport of any type 'like a car' makes sense. If you plan for a grimmer scenario, a more difficult 'transition', you wouldn't dump effort into keeping the cars running.... my 2c
"You must be an american, smaller gallon, eh? Imperial gallon is 4.55litre."
Yes, I assumed US gallons. I thought miles & gallons were pretty much just used in the US.
"I have no idea why you are asking what 'driven right' means.... driving style can bounce fuel mileage around by 20% or more"
That's what I mean - you have to use a standard test. The EPA highway mileage is higher for the Prius than the Jetta Diesel.
"Don't agree that hybrids are a necessary step on the way to full electrics, much of the controller hardware etc is unique because of the dual powertrain."
I suspect that engineers need practice developing such hardware, that suppliers need more volume, and people need to get used to new drivetrains. More importantly batteries need to get cheaper - volume will certainly do that.
"Don't preach at me about 'public policy', most of the time politicians have little idea what is real and what is not, witness the (IMO) ethanol boondoggle developing."
Ethanol is more an ag subsidy than an energy solution. It's a good example of bad public policy, but developing better public policy what TOD is all about.
I expect the "full electric" car will be the product of the hybrid car. Today's hybrids are providing the R&D environment that will deliver the electric drive train. It takes time for large auto companies to change their core product, an evolution through hybrid, plug in and then finally too full electric seems likely to me.
In my opinion, this is a viable solution to the peak energy/oil crisis.
1. It maximizes on gains in efficiency.
2. It feeds off an established energy infrastructure (grid).
3. We can start rapidly scaling this technology NOW.
4. Plug in hybrid conversion kits are available now and both Chevy and Toyota look ready to produce plug in hybrids in the next two years for mass market consumption.
5. Plug in hybrids can be fueled by biofuels in the future and due to their fuel sipping nature would have much less impact on global food supplies.
6. Plug in hybrids create economies of scale in batteries that create an option for all electric automobiles in the 5-15 year timescale.
In my opinion, the noise being made for the hydrogen economy should, instead, be made for plug-in hybrids and a grid based energy economy. With such a system, in the US, it is possible to again envision energy independence.
I suspect that the hydrogen hype is being purposefully used to cut the mindshare of PHEV technology and keep it off the market as long as possible by making demand appear too small for manufacturers to make money. This fits with all the rhetoric out of the Bush administration and the interests of the oil companies.
At one recent Bilderberg summit, the Bush rep said that hydrogen was not ready to help with the immediate fuel crisis; at about the same time, Bush himself was cutting the ribbon on a hydrogen station in Washington DC but never let out a peep about PHEV's. The administration cannot claim ignorance; members of Congress and former CIA director R. James Woolsey are on the bandwagon. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but this is just too blatant to ignore.
It is important that these products be sucessful.
Take out some seats and put in refrigirator sized electrical utility capacitors. Get the power company involved in making electric vehicals
Is there a problem with Maxwell capacitors ? I Hope I am wrong. what I was told was this part was failing on these busses. The person was responsible for other repairs to non hybrid non fuel cell busses.
He said engineer from california came out and could not fix the problem. I guess I could go to the bus yard and ask how are your hybrid busses doing today. Could you send me a form ?
The bus is electrically propelled by Siemens motors and the on board energy storage is two ultracapacitor packs made by ISE from Maxwell Technology ultracapacitor cells. Both the Siemens electrical components and the energy storage may last the life of the vehicle without replacement and practically zero maintenance.
A key difference is that the "ThunderVolt" drive
from ISE uses ultracapacitors to store power gleaned
from regenerative braking while Allison uses nickel
metal hydride batteries. All of the buses are dieselfueled
with Cummins engines.