ASPO-USA 2007 Houston World Oil Conference, October 17-20, 2007, Hilton Americas-Houston
Posted by Prof. Goose on September 1, 2007 - 1:40pm

“Houston ... we have an Opportunity: Smart Steps for Another Giant Leap.”
ASPO Week in Houston will consist of four days of high-level energy discussions, day and evening presentations, and mix & greet receptions with speakers and sponsors. In addition, we've planned field trips to an oil well drilling site and Refinery Row on the Houston Ship Channel, our nation's largest refining and petrochemical center. It is a $15 billion complex that stretches 50 miles from the Port of Houston, past the NASA Space Flight Center, and ends at Galveston and the Gulf of Mexico. We adapt our Conference theme from the historic words transmitted by U.S. astronauts from space to Mission Control in Houston. (A list of speakers and much more under the fold...)
Confirmed speakers include T. Boone Pickens (pioneer oilman & acquisition expert), Houston Mayor Bill White (former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy), Bob Hirsch (co-author of the groundbreaking Hirsch-Bezdek Report to DOE), Peter Tertzakian (author of "A Thousand Barrels a Second"), Matthew Simmons, (author of "Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock"), Henry Groppe of Groppe, Long & Littell, Art Smith of John S. Herold, Inc., U.S. Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (R-Del.), Chairman Elizabeth Ames Jones of the Texas Railroad Commission, Chris Skrebowski of the London Energy Institute, Charles Maxwell of Weeden & Co., David Hughes of the Canadian Geological Survey, Jeremy Gilbert of Barrelmore Ltd. (and recently retired head of production for BP), Professor Peter Bishop of the University of Houston, and many others. We are awaiting RSVPs from other high-profile speakers including Former President Bill Clinton.
Other distinguished participants include Stuart Staniford of The Oil Drum, Richard Nehring of Nehring Associates, Roger Duncan, Director of Austin Utilities' "Plug-in Partners Program" (who will be bringing a Toyota Plug-in Hybrid to the Conference), and Tom Whipple, Editor of Falls Creek News and ASPO-USA's Peak Oil Review and Peak Oil Daily News.
Building on past success: The 2007 Houston World Oil Conference is co-sponsored by the City of Houston and the University of Houston. Our 2006 World Oil Conference was co-sponsored by Boston University's Center for Energy & Environmental Studies, and our 2005 conference was co-sponsored by the City of Denver and the University Of Colorado Graduate School Of Public Affairs. The meetings have been widely acclaimed by Peak Oil experts, attendees, and media from across the country and around the world.
A short video summary of the 2006 Boston Conference can be seen at:
Peak Oil experts don't claim that we will "run out" of oil, but that we will run out of cheap oil, as production decreases and demand increases. They note that below-ground factors and above-ground factors could create a perfect storm, as rapid depletion of major oil fields drives resource nationalism, geopolitical turmoil, and rising oil & gas prices.
The deniers of Peak Oil say that technology, new discoveries, and unconventional oil will come to the rescue. If their Pollyanna predictions are wrong, we are in deep trouble; if the Peak Oil experts are wrong, we will have conserved and mitigated ahead of schedule. ASPO-USA says the latter prudent and conservative approach is the path we must take as a nation.
Professor Peter Bishop of the University of Houston's Future Studies Program will conduct a conference session to explore scenarios of Peak Oil impacts on the City of Houston, the intelligent responses to mitigate these impacts, and the needed steps going forward to preserve the city's position as "Energy Capital of the World."
The Houston Conference agenda will feature technical sessions on Reserves and Production; Substitute Fuels; Peak Oil & Climate Change; Peak Oil Reports from the GAO, National Petroleum Council, and AAPG; a Natural Gas/LNG Update; a Net Energy Update; Mitigation Scenarios; Smart Policy Initiatives (local, state & national); and Smart Money & Investment in the Age of Peak Oil.
We look forward to seeing you in Houston,
Steve Andrews, Jim Baldauf, Randy Udall, and Dick Lawrence
Co-founders, ASPO-USA
For further information, please contact: Rick Block, Phone: 856-845-0579, or email
2007 Houston World Oil Conference
October 17-20, 2007
Hilton Americas, Houston, Texas
ASPO-USA is a Non-profit, Non-partisan Research and Public Education Initiative to Address America's Peak Oil & Energy Challenges