BlogAds Survey Results!
Posted by Super G on June 7, 2007 - 10:21am
Thanks to the 574 TOD readers who participated in the survey. We now know that your typical TOD reader is a highly-educated, 40 year-old white male who never goes to church. See more here!
(To prevent data overload, I hid results for some of the more inane survey questions. If you're really curious about the drinking habits of TOD readers, I can make those data available too.)
Looks like I'm a "normal" TOD reader!!
Who would have thunk it?
I'm not.
But the "never goes to church" part is right. ;-)
Who needs Church when you can goto TOD on a (Late) Sunday morning, Without shaving and in your dressing gown.
Homer Simpson summed it up for all mankind:
'Aw, I only get two measly days off a week and I have to spend half of one in church!'
Can't get it to load on dial up. Could someone post a summary?
Sure, you're in the 9.6% who use dial-up.
Yeah...that is really freaky.
Pretty much nailed me too!
(I didn't do the survey - sorry, but know you know)
Me too, except for the religion part.
(didn't do the survey).
But think about it - there's a lot of talk about ELP.
Simplify, go local, help each other out, stay out of too much debt.
Who does that describe? The Amish!!
They live like they live because they believe. I am part of a prayer community (Catholic base), and guess what is preached? Well, not the whole ELP spiel, put enough. We help each other out in very practical things too: renovating, moving, family care, FINANCIALLY ...
How the hell are a bunch of atheists going to get together and try changing the world? Don't see it happening, just because everyone only believes what everyone else believes as long as it's convienient.. (Did that make sense?)
AND I only own half a car. (was there a checkbox for that??)
Sharing it with a (atheistic) near neighbor..
Q: "How the hell are a bunch of atheists going to get together and try changing the world?"
A: What do you call this website?!
And that's different from religion how?
I'm here on this site because Peak Oil interests me AS A SUBJECT. Once the subject has changed (might take a few decades), I doubt I'll have much in common with the others in this "community".
I think ("believe" - not "credo") that this (PO) is a real issue. Once the issue is passè (ie no longer convienent), either as an issue or as an interest for my personal situation, then I won't be here any more, just like you won't be here any more.
Again, compare that to a real alternative lifestyle like that of the Amish, who are here to stay..
The Amish lifestyle is not the sustainable dream many believe.
There's a lot of variation, of course, since each community is free to set their own rules. But they are not anti-technology. They just want to remain separate from the "English." So they may have phones, but not in the house. They use propane powered farm equipment and appliances, so they are not connected to the grid (but they are not immune to peak oil, either). Generally, they do not own cars, but they do hire vans to go shopping. Those black garments are often made of polyester. If they get sick, they go to modern doctors and hospitals. They are economically connected with the rest of the world, buying from and selling to the rest of us.
Perhaps most strikingly...they have a lot of kids, and thus are constantly expanding. That is not sustainable.
What the Amish are doing right: they think of the effects technology will have on the community before adopting it. For example, a man may be allowed to own a tractor, if he attaches a horse to it. Why? They fear that a tractor will make a man greedy, encouraging him to buy up his neighbors' lands and forcing them to get tractors, too, to compete. But if a horse has to be hooked to it, the farmer can still only plow so much land in a day.
I think that kind of community orientation is possible without religion. Certainly, religion on its own does not create sustainability. (See mega-churches. So big many have their own public transportation systems.) Why it works for the Amish is that their communities are small. It would work for non-religious small communities, too. (And has. I've posted some stories about hippie communities that have survived and thrived over the past couple of weeks.)
Thank you Leanan for the reply.
I know this thread is probably dead, BUT:
Just wanted to say that I do not think that the Amish have a valid sustainable lifestyle. They only have a consistent ALTERNATIVE lifestyle (my point). It will NOT be the answer to any sort of overshoot.. Their socio-economic fabric, on the other hand, will be strong enough to withstand many peak oils.
I'm not sure I get your punchline.
(the question to a question..)
My question is:
In order to change the world, are atheists going to move together in a "localized" sort of way, which is often proposed on this website, and live closer together in all of its non-anonymous consequenses?
Many of the (atheist) hippies tried doing that in the '70s right? Ok, there were also a number of cult/communies in there too..
The only group that I see consequently living the ELP "doctrine" (smiley) is the Amish..
there are alot of Amish in my area and I eventually will write a story with pictures etc - really a fascinating culture and if the doomers are right then people will be learning some long lost techniques from the Amish. The guy I met was putting in a summer cooler in the side of a hill with some blocks of ice.
On that note however, the child mortality rate is extremely high (almost 50% I am told) Primary reason? Food poisoning, due to poor storage methods...
How the hell are a bunch of religionists who violently disagree going to get together and try changing the world? Sheesh. Your argument is completely backwards.
Your suggestion is misguided, bordering on offensive. Just because someone does not believe a particular story about a supernatural entity or entities does not mean they have no beliefs or morals. There is such a thing, I believe, as common sense - things such as reciprocity (considering how your actions affect others just as they should consider how their actions affect you) are quite natural and need not flow from a desire to fit in or receive reward from a higher authority. I do many things because it's the right thing to do, period, no appeal to higher authority required.
"How the hell are a bunch of religionists.."
Well, you're probably right, just because the basic answer from otherworldly religion is, "we're all fried anyway - why bother on tinkering on the details?".
"There is such a thing, I believe, as common sense.."
The only problem is, is that common sense is not very common. Decisions are usually made because of loyalties - and not because it makes sense for the whole of mankind.
"I do many things because it's the right thing to do.."
To whose standards, your own? Refering to "The right thing" is in and of itself calling on a higher authority..
"...does not mean they (atheists) have no beliefs or morals"
No, you're perfectly right. But it does mean that these beliefs and morals are not necessarily those of your fellow man - or of ohter atheist for that matter. Or of the other visiters of TOD. The chances of members of an organized religion to have the same morals and beliefs are, on the other hand, a lot higher.
Your link, your "I believe" list, can hardly be serious. Part of the problem is, I admit, the use of "believe" in the English language. What you really mean is: I feel, I think, I find, My opinion is.. These have nothing to do with belief in anything (credo).
Cheers, Dom
I somehow missed seeing the survey in the first place....
but the funny part is, the only way my participation would have affected the results in the sample size.
I have never seen ANY survey of ANY group I was this "typical" of. I could be the dang poster child.
It's vaguely unsettling to find myself among so many similar people... near as I can recall, it's never happened before. Good thing it doesn't include pictures, if you all looked like me I'd have to assume I was into some kind of quantum parallel-universe situation. I hate when that happens.
What about the UFO question, or was that only on my survey?
I was curious what the Aliens were going to be marketing to us.
Did they really ask about UFOs?
Oh come on!!!!!!!
Please tell me I wasn't the only one that had that Q on the survey?
I'm getting freaked out here!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think I took the survey. I usually don't take surveys, and when I do, I always lie. :)
Hi Leanan,
Well, yes. Specifically, they asked "Do you believe in UFOs?"
Which seemed (IMHO) to be the wrong question.
If one has seen a "UFO", and reported it (for example) - is this a matter of belief?
If one knows someone who has seen a "UFO" and reported it (for example), is this a matter of belief?
If one has looked at the data on website of the "National UFO reporting center" and found it interesting, is this a matter of belief?
If one entertains the notion that UFOs perhaps cover a wide range of phenomena, some of which may one day be explained and/or substantiated and/or validated in some way - is this a matter of belief?
Anyhow, I didn't like the question, but answered it anyway.
Kind of like "peak oil". Only different.
They didn't have my brand of sarcanol either.
Sure, there are UNIDENTIFIED flying objects.
Stuff in the air you have no idea what it is.
Unidentified does not mean extraterrestrial.
Good point.
I believe there is life on other planets.
I believe there are unidentified flying objects.
I don't believe the unidentified flying objects are visits by extraterrestrials.
Super G fascinating stuff.
Most important fact for the eds to get is that no one is listed as working in the energy sector. I find that hard to believe - but if true then there is a message in there somewhere.
Had Satanist been a slot on the religion question, we could all fit in there Ewan.
It is obviously NOT true, which, to my mind, makes this survey rather suspect.
I noticed that when I filled out the survey. My hunch is that somewher around 1/5th-1/4th of us work in energy, fairly evenly divided between upstream/downstream. Badly designed question, IMHO
We now know that your typical TOD reader is a highly-educated, 40 year-old white male who never goes to church.
LOL! I didn't even take the survey, but I am 40 years-old, white, have a master's degree, and I never go to church. I don't want to be typical! But I don't want to go to church either.
Same here!
Heh. I am a Unitarian, which in some people's eyes isn't really a church...
If you add the Unitarians, the Quakers and the Buddhists to the 'spiritual but not religious' you get about a quarter of the sample who are spiritual but don't dig organised religion. I think this would be highly atypical of any sample group except possibly environmentalists.
You left out native americans.
though many did convert to Christianity, and if you notice they did so pretty quickly, they accepted it (at first) without to much qualm.
there is a reason for that, which I will not go into, but its "sorta" available on the net. Google "he walked the Americas" for an interesting bit of the past. Though I say that with some hesitation, like all things on the net, take all web sites with a grain of salt and try and verify what is said. Lots of "fake" indians.
Will at ProphecyKeepers for one. There is an alert out about him from tribes.
Robert Ghostwolf has past (but people demanded to see the death certificate lol) slippery ol coot.
Many native Americans did go back to the "old" ways, but still keep with aspects of organized religion for many different reasons.
Quid Clarius Astris
Ubi Bene ibi patria
me too. freaky! (and actually RR i would have put you at 33).
The diversity of the survey with political affiliation, religious denomination (atheist being top % among dozens), etc. made this look like a societal wish list (with the male and female % flipped obviously)
re: "(with the male and female % flipped obviously)"
Why, thank you, Nate.
I suggested that for selfish reasons, in that the ratio would be better-less competition..;)
But seriously, male reactions to stress are much more testoserone based and lead to aggressive conflict - so I for one am all for having the majority of national leaders being female.
The diplomatic corps is a different story, as its been shown that women react with distrust at first meeting strangers where men give the benefit of the doubt in a tit-for-tat type of relationship (no pun intended). A tribal bonding thing.
Men only think they want a ratio like that. They couldn't handle the reality. ;-)
Actually, the reverse ain't that great for women, either. I've lived it, being a woman who went to engineering school and still works in a field that's 93% male. It was great for about two weeks. This must be what it's like to be a supermodel. Then it was like, arrrghhhh. Go away and let me study.
"The diversity of the survey with political affiliation, religious denomination (atheist being top % among dozens), etc. made this look like a societal wish list (with the male and female % flipped obviously)"
Wow... I couldn't have said it better, myself!
I bet the group who does these surveys is shaking its head. Who would have thought that a group this big could be so different from the US total?
We are much more educated (40% with a postgraduate degree), less religious (16% attend church at least once a month), and less in standard political parties than the US population. Also 91% male. By profession, the biggest groups are computer professional, researcher, engineer, and educator. The age distribution is pretty well spread - it looks like the 56-65 age group is somewhat over-represented relative to the general population.
'Your attitude has been noticed you know, Noticed'
- Block Warden, Zhivago's Moscow House. David Leans Film...
Why do you think KBR is building all those nice holiday camps?
Hi Mudlogger,
re: "...nice holiday camps?"
Personally, I'm hoping Chimp is going to incorporate group rescue operations in his planning.
Equal numbers of Episcopalians and Baptists. I never thought I'd see the day. But then, with the education (and implied income) numbers as skewed as they are, maybe it's not too surprising.
Drinking habits? I just assumed that everyone here drinks corn ethanol :-).
It stands to reason that we're all aetheists/agnostics, since this is a secular doomsday cult.
And it's scary how completely I fit the profile. I didn't find "The Oil Drum;" It found me.
No truer word were ever uttered on the site, though you appear to mean them in jest.
The human race most likely is doomed, of course. The question is when and via what causes. (It's not a very important question, either. Extinction happens.)
Myself, I now doubt Peak Oil is it. I advise people seeking a secular doomsday cult to look elsewhere, lest they be sorely disappointed when they turn 99 and the world is still full of the cantankerous bastards and bullshit social systems they've hated since adolescence.
Peak Oil is a fact, but what it may occasion is a matter of faith ... Doomer Faith, for many people who pay attention to it.
It is highly ironic to see people who are so critical of traditional religious beliefs (as I am myself) still hold fast to analogous patterns of thought. The world is ending. The wicked will suffer. The righteous will be saved.
Yeah. Sure.
I don't think that's what people here believe, even the doomers amongst us. And that's what makes us not a cult.
We don't believe the wicked will suffer and the righteous will be saved. Rather, the belief is that everyone will suffer, wicked or righteous. That is never the message of a cult, because then there's no incentive to join.
Very nicely put, Leanan.
Hi Green,
Thank you.
re: "Rather, the belief is that everyone will suffer..."
And having some inkling of what that means.
Don't forget renewable mojitos, made from sugar cane ethanol!
(Mrs. Pianoguy1: "You're going to feel terrible tomorrow if you sequester any more carbon.")
mojitos, made from sugar cane ethanol!
But airdale says that no self respecting distiller would use sugar based wash.
eric, that's his predjudice. What about rum?
That was one of my last questions to Airdale.
Not that reality stops him, or effects what he thinks.
Potato ethanol.
Data on the Biological Consumption of Ethanol is of Vital Importance !
As is any data on sarconol production, net exports and consumption.
"Being driven to drink" will be a larger effect post-Peak Oil.
It would be interesting to see how many TODers are ahead of the curve (several report year long depression, etc when first Peak Aware).
As an example New Orleans alcohol sales are up significantly with half the native population and fewer tourists. Self medication according to my psychiatrist friend.
Best Hopes for adequate and affordable supplies of ethanol,
In a more serious note, in Russia alcoholism is rampant. They have had the problem for years, but the collapse of the Soviet Union seemed to make it worse, and alcoholism is partly blamed for the decreasing birthrates....
Who said anything about ethanol? Given the fact that it's an internet survey, it's probably about whether you prefer Coke or Pepsi.
Hi Alan,
I'd be interested in a having a conversation with your psychiatrist friend, as I've been giving some thought to this aspect of things.
I've wondered about things like some of the "soft" skills I've mentioned before (,, etc.) and also about the efficacy of ...something like distributing thousands (millions?) of acoustic guitars, banjos, etc., along with Bob's wheelbarrows.
We ought to have a discussion about what these results mean. With 574 participants, the sample size is significant, and the results also seem consistent with the comments posted here. Here are some ways TOD readers deviate from the population at large:
1. Male - 91 percent. Is this characteristic of blog participants in general, or is it a feature of TOD?
2. White - looks like about 90 percent non-Latino white. Again, is this characteristic of blog participants in general, or is it a feature of TOD?
3. Secular - very low percentage of church/synagogue attendance, and the atheists/agnostics together are 50 percent of the readership.
4. Politically left. Democrats outnumber Republicans more than 3-1, and even Greens outnumber Republicans. I think it makes sense that a site like this would have a higher than normal proportion of Greens.
5. Education level well above normal - 40 percent here have postgraduate degrees.
6. Number of cars owned is nearly the same as family size. We're not too green in terms of car ownership, at least in numbers.
Some of these things go together outside of TOD as well as here. For example, secular correlates with politically left. Does this mean that TOD readers are secular because they are left, or are they left because they are secular, or some mix of the two, or does some outside imperative inspire us to be both secular and left? (I am neither)
One of the things we struggle with on TOD is the "why don't they believe us?" syndrome. Maybe if we understood ourselves a little better, it might help us answer this question.
I wouldn't read too much into it. The sample size may be large enough, but it's not sufficiently random. Those who choose to answer an Internet poll may be quite different from the general traffic.
Yes, that's the problem with all Internet polls - not sufficiently random. Still might be worth giving it some thought.
Hi Leanan,
Actually, the only reason I responded was 'cause Super G said it would be of help to TOD. (So, maybe you got the "helpful" ones?)
Yes. Also, that kind of appeal tends to work on those who are most committed to the site, who may not be typical of visitors as a whole.
FWIW, the survey was blocked by the filter at my office. The filter we use is a large national one, so there were probably a lot of people so blocked.
.." so there were probably a lot of people so blocked." who are also people that are well educated, male, about 40 and never go to church, I would expect.
You do your posting from work???
when shes not being mistaken for a supermodel by 93% of her co-workers....;)
I post from work and from home. I think for a lot of people these days, the line between home and work is blurred, thanks to modern technology.
My workplace is pretty laid back, which is one of the things I like about it. As long as you get your work done, they're content. One of my coworkers actually has his office number listed as the county's "skinny-dipping hotline." o_O
Some of the questions were specific to US residents. I started it but bailed when that became apparent.
Yes and after all we've learned from TOD, greater than 50% of us have more than 2 cars!!
Any takers on who the animist is?
Well, my wife and I have 3 cars, but drive a total of maybe 1000 miles per year between us.
We need an efficient hatchback the dogs are free to barf in, an efficient hatchback with an automatic that doesn't smell like dog barf, and the efficient Hyundai accent 5-speed I bought off craigslist for $1000 since it had been vandalized, so I can do my screwy semi-hypermiling driving techniques and get 60mpg.
If we could afford it, perhaps we should buy a few SUVs and not drive them at all; we could use more storage space and home additions are costly.
I somehow missed the survey and don't normally respond to them anywho. But I would bet dollars to doughnuts most TODers drive foreign auto brands as well. C'mon, fess up! ANY domestic SUV drivers out there?
(I drive a domestic minivan mainly to my in progress retreat @ 27mpg hauls people and supplies relatively economically)
The only US made vehicle in the whole family is my motorcycle, other then that it's a fleet of Honda's, a Nissan and a VW, all of them little cars that get better then 40 mpg except the VW the oldest daughter drives.
Drive a Fordasaurus ( Expedition) and a Dodge Ram diesel truck. On the other hand we really do pull horse trailers and haul tractors and logs.
I drive a small 96 Blazer 4WD (before they blew them up to the Trailblazer). Combined MPG is about 22, highway has been running at 26.3 MPG. Normally, I drive it once per week in our carpool and ride the bus 2 days a week.
Very impressive for a 4WD. What engine do you have? 2dr or 4dr?
Firstly, I think I can now gladly rest assured that I'm not just hanging out with a bunch of loonies, although of course, there are opinions expressed here that borderline on "loony".
As far as the "secular"-"left" connection goes, curious...I guess I would roughly fit that, although I'm not sure how "left" it is to believe that, in general, capitalism is a superior system for promoting human development than socialism, and that the free market generally operates better with fewer controls on it (but more specifically, more *intelligent* controls on it). OTOH, I'm fervently atheist...that's one debate I can never find myself 'sitting on the fence' on.
Neither of these have the slightest impact on the credibility of "peak oil", but obviously has some impact on what I think we should be doing about it.
Other than that, I basically fit the profile...slightly younger than the average.
It would be good to get raw data from surveys like this so we actually do genuine statistical analysis on it. Maybe the half of us that are secular are actually the half that are not so "left wing"?
when taking a look in the rearview mirror, I must tend to agree. When looking ahead to where it is takeing us, however, I'd have to encourage you to cast a more critical eye. There is no particular reason to beleive captialism will treat us especialy kindly if constraints kick in, for example. Consider the growing role of special intrests, corporations and globalism as informing a changing dynamic that will lead to increasingly diffrent controls moving forward. I don't see any reason to take capitalism on faith as advancing human potential does not live at its core. I like to think that there could be a paradigm better suited to serving us out there.
Capitalism is a great way to quickly exploit plentiful resources.
I think we are going to find that it doesn't work in a world where resources are not plentiful.
I wouldn't bet on that. I'm secular and according to the ex & daughters politically to the right of Genghis Khan.
But very compassionate. :-)
Still amazing how I fit in on paper.
Well I'm not typical. I am 54. have a masters degree, and I go to church. But, I enjoy the dialogue and information at TOD very much. Thanks to everyone who make this site what it is. John
That first pie chart should probably be labeled "Age" instead of "Year born" unless, of course, we really have a fifth of our readers born between the years 1921 and 1934.
I would agree somewhat. The only problem i can see would be the width of the chart. You realize there is a 90+ year span in there. What really got me was the number of "Silent Generationers" and "Baby Boomers" were so closely matched.
I did not respond to the survey, but I'm 42, AA degree in Information Systems, and swore off Christianity in favor of Paganism. Thank JMG.
They were totally wrong about ME,
I'm 42
Actually, looking at the chart, age is pretty evenly distributed from 20 to 65. TOD appeals to all ages, at least among adults.
I'm completely atypical as well... NOT.
38, male, urban, 3 in household, M.Sc., green/independent, white, never attend church (except other people's weddings...), atheist, ... 1 car.
I like to think that we, the non-mainstream "believers" in the finiteness of resources, are right; we have come to inescapable conclusions through rational argument based on observed reality. But maybe we're just all deluded in the same way. I find water to be wet, sunshine is warm, and clear skies are generally blue, but what do I know?
I did not take (or notice) the survey, but I am also well within the group norm. If I just had a cell phone I would fit right in (bad reception, here).
Looks like our primary issue has to be outreach to females. Followed by a dating service...
Release the income figures, and together with the age, education and articulation, we'd have few problems attracting females. I don't anyway, its my bad habits that drives 'em off after a while...
Who wants to date a guy doing primary research in lighting farts?
Ah, yes... BioGas.
Simmons said in Twilight that in the early oil days most of the natural gas was just flared off. Still happens today apparently :-P
Senior citizen, 70 june 11, 2007 with luck, is in Green River, UT with wife of 45 years as of June 9, 2007, on way to Montana on essential non-gas-wasting travel to fish and fun.
R&R reguired after filing genocide
criminal complaint against Zibgniew Brezezinski.
Then notifying
Number conversions

of project progress is stressful.
We may have written the reply from hell. But the opposition deserves this.
But we continue to believe that peaceful settlement is in sight. ... willing, of course.
So, any chance of re-opening the survey in the future? I'm sorry to have missed it.
Greenish, it wouldn't do me any good if they did, I got as far as the question: sex, male or female, said 'Yes' and knew it was time to stop.
Wizofus say's
You got that right, I can't believe the number of intelligent people here that think the small amount of CO2 from vehicles in the grand scheme of things drives the climate.
That they don't believe statements from their own leaders about what is going on in the dark secret rooms of their tax payer labs
That if they looked up and studied the sky they would know something is not right with the sky's
That they understand the universe and have a complete understanding of all physics and their is nothing knew left to learn.
yes there sure are some loony people on this board. (jus havin a lil ol fun boys,)
and so many here have a zero sense of humor, and think that there Sh**t don't stink. That would be you Dez
Quid Clarius Astris
Ubi Bene ibi patria
"their is nothing knew left to learn."
Well, that about says it all...
Well looky looky the speeeling/grammar police showed up and uses it to debunk statements. Oh how quaint. Did your teacher tell you to do that. And I knew it after I typed it and reread it smarty pants., but I left it, wtf I said, but thanks for identifying yourself, I will be on the watch for you too.
Being an ass works both ways, and believe me, I can rip on keyboard like you have never seen, been "trained" so to speak.
good luck skippy.
let me ask you a question skippy.
If someone murdered a friend or relative of yours, and couldn't speak grammar very well or had some sort of defect, and they had witnessed this murder and could identify the suspect.
I guess you would tell the police not to put them on the stand, that their dialect, grammar, skin color, or whatever you choose as your bias, well this would make you think that their info was worthless, sorta like your brain.
I;m betting you saw a statement on another tread to another skippy asking him about his religion, and this is your worthless effort at trying to save face. What a wimpy little effort, come on, try and think, or are you still just a little to "cloudy" and not "clear" enough to make that kind of effort.
Quid Clarius Astris
Ubi Bene ibi patria
Darn, sorry my son just came and told me that that joke has been around since the ark or the ARPANET...I am so embarrassed, colour me pink, male and undereducated.
Sounds like the same profile as the members of the Green Party of Canada.
Maybe religous people don't have the time to take surveys, or they think the results would not matter. Also a lot of religous people I know are quite private in their views. And some people just don't do surveys.
I responded and remember several questions about my drinking habits such as to type of alcohol consumed. It seems that many questions in the survey are not being reported. Why?
Apparently the results from several voluntary surveys that asked the question "Have you ever participated in a voluntary survey?" showed conclusively that 100% of all people participate in surveys.
"Maybe religous people don't have the time to take surveys, or they think the results would not matter."
If that's the case, then why wasn't Kerry overwhelmingly slated to win the 2004 election?
"Also a lot of religous people I know are quite private in their views."
Tell that to most members of congress, the president, televangelists, and the general American populace. (Sorry, I don't know enough to speak for most other countries.)
OK, so my answers aren't quite scientific, either, but to me, there's no reason to believe that these views don't represent the people on The Oil Drum. By the way, I didn't take the survey (because I didn't know about it), but if I had, there would be yet another atheist added to the results.
(By the way, where is the "teacher" selection for the "job title" category?)
May be all those distinctions are irrelevant as 15% wearing wing tips, 20% wearing flip flops and 35% wearing tennis shoes.
What matters is they all are interested in a bigger picture issue that the 'market' economy that is supposed to always right is ignoring.
That and because cornucopians also think that He will take care of everything and things always go according to his plan.
Interesting. At age 64 I must just be way ahead of my peer group. And I go to church all the time ;-).
Bob in D.C.