Where our energy comes from
Posted by Heading Out on August 4, 2005 - 9:00am

I had planned to post this with the last one. It shows how the different sources of energy used in the United States have grown. It is given in quadrillion btu's (a unit of energy). To give some relative numbers: one million barrels of oil a day is equivalent to 2 trillion cubic feet of natural gas a year, 94 million tons of coal a year or 2.12 quadrillion BTU's (Quads).
Technorati Tags: peak oil, oil
The bottom line of this graph
indicates that...
we all need to get "Wasted" on "Alcohol"
oh, come on SB...you can work "wood" in there, certainly!
Wood that I could !!!
But I can't
So I shan't :-)
Good graph. Thanks.
The quad is a unit of energy, not power. It should be directly related to barrels off oil, cubic feet of natural gas, or tons of coal, not "per day" or "per year" rates. So your final sentence doesn't make sense. Maybe you meant quads per year.
To retire, or not to retire
There lies the question
Whether it is nobler to go out at this Peak of our Travales,
Or to suffer the outrageous slings and arrows
Of our foes false data points ... me thinks
Alas then, to retire
And think no more of this hopeless situation
[Exxon Mobil chief retires at end of 2005}:
An interesting curve NG is taking on that chart. Looks like it's been in decline since 2000 having peaked for the second (and final) time.
The scientist in me would love to see one of these graphs plotted on a log scale. If we're on a bell-curve, then everything should start to look like a parabola -
- you know, the path a stone takes when you throw it up in the air...
Interesting how in the 70s oil shocks there's no discernable impact on the coal line. Makes one wonder about the CTL option (maybe investors didn't perceive the price rises as likely to last long enough to justify the capital investment).