Wind above Washington

Wind above Washington
Originally uploaded by Heading Out.
There is some progress in adding wind turbines to take advantage of those blustery winds that shiver your timbers over the Northern Moors, of England. You can make your own judgement as to how they affect the landscape, though even close they are remarkably silent.

The title is technically correct, since as you can see they lie above the place I am shooting from, although the town you see is part of Chester-le Street.

The shot was taken from the Washington Holiday Inn. And, gentle cough readers, this is the original Washington, with the Old Hall just behind me. It was one of the decendants of that family, as the plaque at Durham Cathedral points out, who went on to "Fame elsewhere." Jimmy Carter planted a tree there back when he was President, and although it has been replaced a fair number of times his visit is remembered.
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I can't imagine too many folks would prefer living near an oil refinery over living by these...

Soon, we will all be Dutch.


I dunno what happened to the pictures or the technorati tags (both are still in the html, just not showing up).

I didn't do anything, I swear! F-ing blogger, probably.

ah, it's fixed. I was right. F-ing blogger.