Vijay Vaitheeswaran in the Economist

In the interest of exposing ourselves to other, I'd like to bring your attention one of the more readable writers on the subject of potential energy sources, Vijay Vaitheeswaran, a contributor to NPR and the Economist. He has a whole series of pieces over at the Economist, here's a link to an archived conversation with Vaitheeswaran, but here's a link to a good and recent article. He wrote a book, Power to the People, that was an interesting read. VV's too optimistic and way too much of a believer in fuel cells and the market as a solution for my tastes, but the information is interesting and it's a breeze to read.

The article I link to is a good summary, not much new here, lots of pretty pictures, etc., etc. Lots of "the market rocks and will solve the problem." It is pretty long, but a nice integration and worth the read if you're looking for a nice summary of the situation, though there are some points that are understated. (This *is* the Economist, after all).

Vijay's optimism is sometimes quite irritating, but at least refreshing in that irritating Polyanna-ish sort of way...

A quote:

"The recent volatility in prices is only one of several challenges facing the oil industry. Although at first sight Big Oil seems to be in rude health, posting record profits, this survey will argue that the western oil majors will have their work cut out to cope with the rise of resource nationalism, which threatens to choke off access to new oil reserves. This is essential to replace their existing reserves, which are rapidly declining. They will also have to respond to efforts by governments to deal with oil's serious environmental and geopolitical side-effects. Together, these challenges could yet wipe out the oil majors."

Worth the read if you want to understand the market perspective. (hat tip: Ianqui, thanks for reminding me!)

edited to add:

Here's another good piece over at the Economist as well entitled "Rethinking the Axis of Oil." Good parts include discussion of the ideological diversity of the geo-green coalition (like Roscoe) who have started talking about this issue.

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